Ehlke Herefords' Montana Made Production Sale - 2022

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Sale cattle will be on display Friday afternoon, September 16, and all-day Saturday, September 17 Please join us for supper and to watch the online sale closeout at 5 pm MST on Saturday


ACCURACY We believe the only good kind of data is accurate data! When it comes to utilizing EPDs and performance data in our herd we recognize these resources as tools that work side by side with phenotype selection. We realize the importance of accurate records and how that information plays a role in building a successful, predictable cow herd. 1ST GENERATION




Our family


Starting from humble beginnings has challenged us to work hard and expect more from our cow herd – every cow has to earn her keep! When searching for new genetics to add to our herd know the importance of powerful, outcross genetics that will perform with predictability. If you’re looking for an outcross or something different to add to your herd, look forward to the opportunity to get to know operation and help create success! current/past from program make a difference in confidence support. reach out questions have. is truly blessed to be involved in agriculture with this great breed of


you may

with any


cattle. Warmest Regards, the Ehlke Family 3925 MT Highway 284 / P.O. Box 1487 / Townsend, MT 59644 / Connect with us online! 1

Be sure to


Our family is proud to be first generation ranchers and have enjoyed watching our kids grow up in the cattle business. We are excited to have the second generation involved on the ranch as we continue to grow.

customers for purchasing cattle

yours. We appreciate your



RANCH OPEN HOUSE SCHEDULE Sale Closeout starts at 5pm on Saturday, September 17th Sale Animals will be on display the afternoon of Friday, September 16th and all-day Saturday, September 17th Supper and Social at 5pm Watch Online Sale Closeout SALE INFORMATION & FORMAT Visit to sign up as a bidder. Ehlke Montana Made Sale will be live on Tuesday, September 13th, with closeout on Saturday September 17th at 5pm MST. Text EHLKE to 76278 to receive mobile alerts. Sale closes Horse Race Style at 5:00 PM MST on Saturday, September, 17, 2022. Dustin Layton, Layton Auction Services/SmartAuctions .405-464-2455 Smart Auctions Customer Service ............... 937-733-6000 SALE DAY PHONES & INFORMATION Mark Ehlke .................................. 406-439-4311 Lacey Ehlke Jepson 406-439-1544 Jane’a Ehlke Merkel ........................... 406-202-2766 Della Ehlke .................................. 406-439-4300 SALE REPRESENTATIVES Dustin Layton, Smart Auctions 405-464-2455 Kevin Murnin, AHA ........................... 406-853-4638 John Goggins, Western Livestock Reporter 406-698-4159 Marc & Jill Hotchkiss, Hereford America 605-490-1513 Devin Murnin, Western Livestock Journal ......... 406-696-1502 DELIVERY Bob Woolsey Trucking ........................ 406-670-1877 We will work with you to provide the most cost-effective delivery possible. Usually, that will be to central points at a shared cost. For Canadian buyers, we will deliver up to the nearest point of entry. LIVESTOCK INSURANCE Devin Murnin ............................... 406-696-1502 SALE UPDATES Corrections or additions of any information contained in the sale catalog will be provided via supplemental information and will take precedence over any printed material. DIRECTIONS Ranch Location Address: 3925 Highway 284, Townsend, MT Entering Townsend from either direction you will be on Front St (Highway 287), turn East at the flashing light onto Broadway St (Highway 12) for 2 miles and turn left at the next flashing light, head North on Highway 284 for another 2.5 miles, Ranch turnoff is on your RIGHT with a white archway with two grain silos. Signs will be up. AIR TRAVEL Helena Regional Airport is approx. 40 miles from the ranch, and Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport in Belgrade is approx. 60 miles from the ranch. 2

All sale cattle have DNA tested to be free of any known genetic diseases or defects recognized, parentage has been verified and EPDs genomically enhanced. EPDs are current as of catalog print

Certificates of registration are all in order and will be transferred to the new owner when payment is made.

Thedate.animal becomes the property of the purchaser as soon as sold but it shall be the responsibility of the seller to see that ani mals are properly cared for until delivered to the purchaser. Any death or injury after the animal is sold is at the buyer’s risk. Buyers are encouraged to insure their purchases. Livestock mor tality insurance contacts will be available.

LODGING Mustang Motel (cabins are bigger than regular rooms) 406-266-3491 412 N Front Street Townsend, MT (4 miles from ranch) Sacajawea Hotel 406-285-6515 5 N Main Street Three Forks, MT (appx. 35 miles from ranch) Most hotel chains are available in both Helena (40 miles) and Belgrade/Bozeman (60 miles). LIABILITY Anyone attending the Open House/Sale Close out does so at their own risk and without liability on the part of the owners or their employees. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Chuteside Vet, Three Forks, MT / Herd Vet Big Sky Large Animal Clinic, Willow Creek, MT/ Herd Vet Aaron Friedt, Livestock Link / Videos Jane’a Merkel / Sale Cattle and Ranch Photos Will Malcolm, Sleeping Giant Genetics / Embryologist Generation 6 Marketing / Sale Catalog LivestockDirect / Sale Catalog Printing GENOMIC EPDS All sale cattle were genetically tested to provide genomic enhanced EPDs. EPDs are current as of catalog printing but do change slightly periodically. You are able to view an animal’s most current EPDS on the AHA website. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Bidder/User Registration and Responsibility: Buyers (a.k.a. users) must register to participate. Establishing a user account or bid ding or buying at this auction/sale acknowledges bidders consent to the terms and conditions as outlined below. Bidders will be solely responsible for any and all actions taken with their bidding account including all purchase amounts, freight, and any costs associated with collecting same Cattle will sell under the standard terms and conditions recom mended by the American Hereford Association. Invoices will be sent via Smart Auctions immediately following the close of the sale, payment is due per their terms, or can be made at the ranch for those in attendance.

Anyone attending the Open House/Sale Close out does so at their own risk and without liability on the part of the owners or their employees.

Terms of all sales will be cash unless arrangements are made between purchaser and seller prior to sale. Individual health papers will be furnished with each animal permitting shipment to any state.


1024 29 Dam of 29 and 1024 Lady BethFull-Sibs by 29 E 98G Woodrow 29 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | HOMO POLLED | BD: 8/17/21 | AHA#: 44310042 | BW: 87 LBS. NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G ET [CHB] NJW 160B 028X HISTORIC 81E ET NJW 160Z 8Y HOME MAKER 202C CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 1.1 4.6 56 91 0.9 38 66 -0.6 0.047 0.83 0.13 $407 $481 $141 29 bull and his full sib sister, 1024. Their dam is our 835 cow who is a Pyramid 16W x Beth IL daughter, who cannot be duplicated. Their sire, NJW 202C 81E Steward 98G ET is now a CHB sire and brings extremely maternal background to bear in these individuals’ pedi grees. Two very unique individuals here. Owned with Iron Lake Ranch. ILR 16W LADY BETH 835 ET PYRAMID 16W 110T 9116 [SOD] DJB 46B BETH 1L 1024 E 98G Clara 1024 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | HOMO POLLED | BD: 8/28/21 | AHA#: 44310045 | BW: 85 LBS. NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G ET [CHB] NJW 160B 028X HISTORIC 81E ET NJW 160Z 8Y HOME MAKER 202C CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 3.8 2.7 52 84 1.1 35 61 -5.0 0.027 0.81 0.23 $460 $537 $133 ILR 16W LADY BETH 835 ET PYRAMID 16W 110T 9116 [SOD] DJB 46B BETH 1L Annual Private Treaty Bull Sale Offering Yearling and 18-Month-Old Bulls by Private Treaty starting in January 4 YEARLING BULL & HEIFER

1027 J101 Dam of J101 and 1027 1027 E 507C Lady Dew 1027 ET | POLLED | BD: 8/30/21 | AHA#: 44315491 | BW: 83 LBS. CHURCHILL TORO 507C ET NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET SR CCC LADYSPORT 2205Z ET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 3.0 2.9 57 88 0.7 36 64 5.1 -0.013 0.59 0.04 $376 $444 $104 1027 is sired by Toro 507C who has left us with some awesome daughters. 1027 is feminine through her front end but is also deep set with a powerful hip. 1027 is a bit more moderate framed than J101. HARVIE E MS FIRELFLY ET 19Z PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 [SOD] HARVIE MS FIREFLY 51F J101 E 252F Whitney J101 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 9/8/21 | AHA#: 44310036 | BW: 79 LBS. NJW 79Z 33B FORWARD 252F NJW 160Z 10W WHIT 33B BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 1.0 3.3 65 101 0.6 34 67 2.6 -0.003 0.64 0.00 $394 $468 $111 J101 is sired by Forward 252F from Ned and Jan Ward. J101 is well made and shows real overall balance in her make up. One of the best on offer here. HARVIE E MS FIRELFLY ET 19Z PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 [SOD] HARVIE MS FIREFLY 51F Offering choice on these two fall-born open daughters of our 19Z donor cow. The maternal aspect and udder quality are totally bred in here. It will be hard to choose as both are stellar individuals. 5 YEARLING HEIFERS

J86 J59 Sire of J86 J59 E 20C Ursula J59 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/14/21 | AHA#: 44310020 | BW: 84 LBS. RSK E 2046 DIGBY ET 20C OTAPAWA SKYMATE 2046 (ET) HARVIE MIS FIREFLY 51F CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -4.4 4.8 53 79 0.9 25 51 -3.9 -0.063 0.49 -0.11 $335 $387 $91 Digby 20C out of a 719 Braxton x 19Z daughter which puts a ton of maternal behind this one. With this pedigree we are quite certain J59 will out produce herself. E T719 LADY BRAXTON 8013ET E BRAXTON 719 [SOD] HARVIE MS FIREFLY ET 19Z J86 E D83 Shiney J86 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/30/21 | AHA#: 44310037 | BW: 77 LBS. E Z712 SCHATZEE D83 E 4L SCHATZEE ET Z712 E[HR LINNETTE 530T CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 5.5 2.5 60 96 0.9 22 52 3.4 -0.013 0.44 0.06 $394 $469 $116 Nicely numbered, dark red with nice pigment. 1/2 sibs have been really well appreci ated here in previous sales. J86 deserves a second look. E 54Z GUNNER F53 HARVIE GUNNER 54Z E Z833 MARVEL BO25 6 YEARLING HEIFERS

K5 K3 Dam of K5 and Dow Jones Embryos Maternal Granddam of K3 Maternal Granddam of K5 K3 E A250 Kate K3 | POLLED | BD: 1/29/22 | AHA#: 44357312 | BW: 80 LBS. EFBEEF X651 TESTED A250 [CHB] EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET EFBEEF 6378 KATE W484 CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 8.9 1.3 57 88 1.2 26 55 2.0 0.047 0.40 0.35 $396 $487 $137 We are only offering two spring-born heifer calves, but they are the very best of our small spring calving group this year. Both of their dams are Digby 20C daughters. The Digby’s are all exceptional, front pasture type females. K3 is a real eye-catcher out of A250 and has a stellar number profile as well. E 20C URSULA G62 RSK E 2046 DIGBY 20C E 337U DIVA A014 K5 E 0001 Ms Mccabe K5 | POLLED | BD: 2/12/22 | AHA#: 44357322 | BW: 88 LBS. E 174E YELLOWSTONE 0001 ET TH FRONTIER 174E E 332A EDNA D160 CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 1.4 3.4 62 101 1.4 32 63 -1.9 0.007 0.44 -0.01 $357 $427 $106 E 20C URSULA G46 RSK E 2046 DIGBY 20C E A012 LADY BRAXTON D104 7 HEIFER CALVES

G46 Donor Sire of 486B Embryos G46 E 20C Ursula G46 Embryos ONE PACKAGE OF FOUR EMBRYOS MOHICAN DOW JONES 65J INNISFAIL WHR X651/723 4013 ET [CHB] MOHICAN MATTIE 403E ET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -2.3 4.4 67 108 1.3 30 63 -3.5 0.012 0.53 0.19 $342 $428 $137 A real exciting mating here of two up and coming stars of the Hereford breed! Proge ny of this mating will certainly check all the boxes: growth, maternal, carcass quality, udder quality to name a few. 65J is among the breed elite for growth, carcass and the CHB index. G46 combines 20C, a past Agribition champion and some of the most functional females with which we have had the privilege of working. 1 package of 4 embryos. E 20C URSULA G46 RSK E 2046 DIGBY 20C E A012 LADY BRAXTON D104 486B ILR 156T Iron Lady 486B ET Embryos TWO PACKAGES OF FOUR EMBRYOS C GKB GUARDIAN 1015ET LOEWEN GENESIS G16 ET [CHB] CCJC BELLE AIRE LASS 8037 ET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -2.0 3.8 62 97 1.6 37 68 3.8 0.007 0.75 0.34 $406 $498 $151 WOW! What else can be said about this mating; a never miss daughter of the legend ary Beth IL cow mated to the Guardian bull, the high seller at the last OKC sale. This mating is full of breed all stars. Offering 2 packages of 4 embryos. Owned with IRON Lake Ranch. ILR 156T IRON LADY 486B ET CMR GVP MR MATERNAL 156 ET [SOD] DJB 46B BETH 1L Expected EPDs Expected EPDs 8 EMBRYOS

H077 H039 Sire of H039 and H077 H077 E 332A Edna H077 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/18/20 | AHA#: 44192431 | BW: 74 LBS. ILR HOMETOWN 332A ET [CHB] NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET NJW 43T 4037 FOREVER EDNA 28X ET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 4.0 0.6 46 79 0.7 24 43 2.0 -0.013 0.38 -0.07 $335 $386 $89 One of the better 332A daughters we have offered. Calving ease with adequate growth, H077 is very deep set with a solid hip, while maintaining her feminine side up front. H077 has good pigment as well. AI’d to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G ON 4/19 and pasture exposed the same way from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf (heifer) to AI exposure. E 150 PERFECT LADY B003 H H PERFECT TIMING 0150 ET E MC 7W LADY TAILOR Z737 [DOD] H039 E 332A Edna H039 [CHB] {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/6/20 | AHA#: 44192391 | BW: 92 LBS. ILR HOMETOWN 332A ET [CHB] NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET NJW 43T 4037 FOREVER EDNA 28X ET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -11.2 5.5 63 114 1.2 28 59 -7.3 -0.073 0.21 -0.19 $346 $405 $94 Very soggy made 332A daughter out of a Playmaker 14Z daughter, whose dam is a Colateral 337U daughter. The maternal aspect is bred in here. AI’d to TH MASTERPLAN 183F on 4/18. Pasture exposed to to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf (heifer) to AI exposure, TH MASTERPLAN 183F. E 14Z PLAYGIRL C023 TH 512X 719T PLAYMAKER 14Z E 337U DIVA Y840 9 BRED HEIFERS

H050 H052 Dam of H052 H050 E 174E Paradise H050 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/10/20 | AHA#: 44203780 | BW: 85 LBS. TH FRONTIER 174E TH 403A 475Z PIONEER358C ET FTF TRUSTING LADY 312A CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 4.6 1.7 56 86 1.4 34 63 3.4 0.077 0.45 0.02 $335 $403 $93 First of two Frontier 174E daughters on offer. A tough call to say which one is better. Performance is bred in here. AI’d to TH MASTERPLAN 183F on 4/18. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf (bull) to AI exposure, TH MASTERPLAN 183F. E Z833 MARVEL D103 E MC 7W SOLID ET Z833 B LADY RAMBO 201 H052 E 174E Paradise H052 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/11/20 | AHA#: 44203783 | BW: 62 LBS. TH FRONTIER 174E TH 403A 475Z PIONEER358C ET FTF TRUSTING LADY 312A CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 13.1 -1.4 55 89 0.8 35 63 3.9 0.077 0.72 0.04 $422 $492 $113 Really have to admire the depth of rib and overall dimension that H052 displays. H052 posts an acceptable number profile with exceptional calving ease and is well pigmented also. AI’d to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G ON 4/18 and pasture exposed the same way from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf to pasture exposure. E D98 BIG SKY MISS F69 E ILR ATHENS D98 E T719 LADY BRAXTON Z855 Sire of H050 and H052 10 BRED HEIFERS

H054 E 252F Whitney H054 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/11/20 | AHA#: 44199398 | BW: 88 LBS. NJW 79Z 33B FORWARD 252F NJW 160Z 10W WHIT 33B BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -0.6 3.0 54 84 0.3 22 49 0.4 -0.013 0.51 0.15 $315 $385 $115 One of several Forward 252F bred heifers in this year’s offering. Forward certainly adds performance and style to his progeny. Real solid maternal aspect out of the bottom side here as well. H054 scanned at the upper end of her contemporary group for IMF. AI’d to TH MASTERPLAN 183F on 4/10. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf (heifer) to AI expo sure, TH MASTERPLAN 183F. E Z833 MARVEL E98 E MC 7W SOLID ET Z833 E 08X MARVEL A062 H057 E 7015 Beth H057 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/11/20 | AHA#: 44210126 | BW: 87 LBS. E 4140B MILES 7015 ET ILR H MILES 4140BET ILE 156T IRON LADY 486BET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -3.0 4.5 50 95 0.9 32 65 3.4 -0.053 0.71 0.20 $341 $417 $171 Another daughter of the 7015 bull with acceptable carcass indications. 7015 did a fine job here; adding both Beth IL and Miles McKee to a pedigree sure doesn’t hurt. AI’d to TH MASTERPLAN 183F on 4/19. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf (heifer) to AI exposure, TH MASTERPLAN 183F. E X84 VICTORIA C131 [DOD] E U806 VICTOR X84 E P606 BOOMER GAL S605 H070 E 7015 Beth H070 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/14/20 | AHA#: 44199387 | BW: 80 LBS. E 4140B MILES 7015 ET ILR H MILES 4140BET ILE 156T IRON LADY 486BET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 4.4 0.8 41 65 1.0 36 56 5.3 0.047 0.55 0.36 $438 $514 $154 A 7015 out of a 332A sired dam, which brings even more really good cattle into the pedigree. The A250 heifer calf that H070 is carrying could really be a genetic gem! Pay attention here. AI’d to EF BEEF X651 TESTED A250 on 4/19. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf (heif er) to AI exposure, EF BEEF X651 TESTED A250. E 332A EDNA E85 ILR HOMETOWN 332A ET WCC293W 413X BRANDY 10B H070H057H054 11 BRED HEIFERS

H072 H071 Dam of H072 H071 E 14Z Playgirl H071 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/16/20 | AHA#: 44192435 | BW: 80 LBS. TH 512X 719T PLAYMAKER 14Z TH 122 71|VICTOR 719T TH 122 71|DOMINETTE 512X ET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -3.6 4.0 61 91 0.9 23 53 -4.1 -0.023 0.27 -0.14 $356 $418 $70 Sale Feature! This Playmaker 14Z daughter is special. Pedigree is stacked with tidy uddered, maternal standouts. H071 is a 1/2 sib to G46, the dam of the Dow Jones em bryos that are in the offering. H071 is balanced in the flesh and on paper. Being short marked and heavily pigmented completes the package. AI’d to TH MASTERPLAN 183F on 4/18. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf to pasture exposure, NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G. E A012 LADY BRAXTON D104 E 719 BRAXTON A012 E 337U DIVA Y37 H072 E 252F Whitney H072 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/16/20 | AHA#: 44209461 | BW: 84 LBS. NJW 79Z 33B FORWARD 252F NJW 160Z 10W WHIT 33B BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 3.6 4.7 77 115 1.2 34 72 0.8 -0.003 0.78 -0.02 $383 $466 $136 Sale feature here! Very well balanced, both in the flesh and on paper. H072 has been a favorite since birth. Maternal background is stellar on both top and bottom. Pay at tention here. AI’d to TH MASTERPLAN 183F on 4/18. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf to pasture exposure, NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G. E 1319 DIVA D05 ET C 19D NOTICE ME 1319 ET LJE 337U DIVA X48 12 BRED HEIFERS

H095 H084 H084 E 172E Janice H084 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF,MDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/20/20 | AHA#: 44192411 | BW: 79 LBS. NJW 0118 8Y HOMEGROWN 172E ET NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 8Y ET BOYD E70 QUEEN 0118 ET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 4.5 0.6 48 73 1.0 29 53 5.2 0.037 0.27 -0.02 $328 $385 $83 Only 172 E daughter in the offering. H084 is moderate framed. Dam is by Playmaker 14Z out of Harvies’ Firefly cow family. Calving ease and udder quality bred in here. AI’d to EF BEEF X651 TESTED A250 on 4/20. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEW ARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf (heifer) to AI exposure, EF BEEF X651 TESTED A250. HARVIE SANFBI MS FIREFLY 62D TH 512X 719T PLAYMAKER 14Z HARVIE MS FIREFLY ET 33Y H095 E 252F Whitney H095 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/22/20 | AHA#: 44197327 | BW: 84 LBS. NJW 79Z 33B FORWARD 252F NJW 160Z 10W WHIT 33B BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -2.6 5.9 77 120 1.0 34 72 -1.9 0.017 0.63 0.11 $368 $460 $135 Another stylish, powerfully put together Forward 252F daughter with all the bells and whistles, AND carrying a heifer calf to boot! This one is awfully good. AI’d to EF BEEF X651 TESTED A250 on 4/18. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf (heifer) to AI exposure, EF BEEF X651 TESTED A250. E 337U DIVA Y862 HARVIE SAFNBFICOLATERAL 337U E P425 SHIRLEY U862 13 BRED HEIFERS

021 LJE E136 Shirely 021 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 9/20/20 | AHA#: 44192430 | BW: 88 LBS. E 332A HOMETOWN E136 ILR HOMETOWN 332A ET E 150 PERFECT LADY B022 CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -4.3 4.4 62 103 1.1 26 57 -0.7 0.010 0.54 0.02 $339 $411 $117 Deep, soggy made individual here that is line bred 332A, a bull about whom we can not say enough good with respects his contribution to our operation. Performance is bred in here. AI’d to TH MASTERPLAN 183F on 4/18. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf (bull) to AI exposure, TH MASTERPLAN 183F. LJE 332A EDNA 86 ILR HOMETOWN 332A ET [CHB] LJE X84 VICTORIA 5013 H091 H091 E E136 Shirley H091 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/21/20 | AHA#: 44192415 | BW: 84 LBS. E 332A HOMETOWN E136 ILR HOMETOWN 332A ET E 150 PERFECT LADY B022 CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -3.1 4.5 55 90 1.1 23 50 -1.1 -0.023 0.31 0.11 $368 $441 $108 Sired by a 332A son. H091’s dam is a daughter out of a MC GEN QUEEN, who added IMF, udder quality and longevity. A great maternal background here. AI’d to TH MAS TERPLAN 183F on 5/7. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf (bull) to AI exposure, TH MASTERPLAN 183F. E 337U DIVA 268B ET HARVIE SAFNBFICOLATERAL 337U MC GEN QUEEN 9904 H079 H079 E 7015 Beth H079 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | DEHORNED | BD: 8/19/20 | AHA#: 44210123 | BW: 83 LBS. E 4140B MILES 7015 ET ILR H MILES 4140BET ILE 156T IRON LADY 486BET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -0.3 3.4 39 74 0.9 24 43 4.1 -0.013 0.28 0.05 $329 $381 $93 7015 daughter that has a touch more frame than most 7015’s. H079 has been dehorned. AI’d to TH MASTERPLAN 183F on 4/19. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf (heifer) to AI expo sure, TH MASTERPLAN 183F. E Z712 STAR B016 E 4L SCHATZEE ET Z712 E 19D WRANGLER STAR P433 021 14 BRED HEIFERS

0008 0006 0008 E 20C Ursula 0008ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/23/20 | AHA#: 44197331 | BW: 74 LBS. RSK E 2046 DIGBY ET 20C OTAPAWA SKYMATE 2046 (ET) HARVIE MIS FIREFLY 51F CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 8.1 1.5 42 65 0.3 24 45 2.0 0.017 0.11 0.18 $323 $387 $101 Full sister to 0006. 0008’s ultrasound scan reads higher for IMF. Just another func tional Digby 20C daughter here. AI’d to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G ON 4/18 and pasture exposed the same way from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf to pasture exposure. E T719 LADT BRAXTON Z855 E BRAXTON 719 [SOD] E M211 LADY RANGER U855 [DOD] 0006 E 20C Ursula 0006ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/21/20 | AHA#: 44197330 | BW: 80 LBS. RSK E 2046 DIGBY ET 20C OTAPAWA SKYMATE 2046 (ET) HARVIE MIS FIREFLY 51F CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 6.2 2.4 45 69 0.7 27 49 1.1 -0.003 0.16 -0.03 $309 $361 $93 Digby 20C out of a moderate framed 719 Braxton sired dam. The 20C daughters here have exceeded all expectations. The addition of the Braxton influence will enhance the maternal background. AI’d to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G on 4/18 and pasture ex posed the same way from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf to AI exposure. E T719 LADT BRAXTON Z855 E BRAXTON 719 [SOD] E M211 LADY RANGER U855 [DOD] 15 BRED HEIFERS

H118 H100 H100 E C009 Paula H100 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/27/20 | AHA#: 44192416 | BW: 93 LBS. E T719 BRAXTON C009 E BRAXTON 719 E 337U A008 CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 4.3 3.9 54 81 0.6 19 46 3.2 0.017 0.39 0.19 $256 $327 $126 Nicely balanced individual here out of out of our C009 bull who really did a nice job for us. AI’d to TH MASTERPLAN 183F on 4/18. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf to pasture exposure, NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G. E X84 VICTORIA A053 E U806 VICTOR X84 [SOD] E 16R MISS RAFTSMAN T723 H118 E 7015 Beth H118 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | DEHORNED | BD: 9/4/20 | AHA#: 44210127 | BW: 83 LBS. E 4140B MILES 7015 ET ILR H MILES 4140BET ILE 156T IRON LADY 486BET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 7.9 1.5 42 55 0.7 36 57 7.7 0.017 0.42 0.27 $374 $444 $125 Dam is 719 Braxton out of our 19Z donor cow. With 7015 as her sire, the maternal as pect is certainly covered here. Well balanced package that is moderate framed. AI’d to TH MASTERPLAN 183F on 4/18. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf (heifer) to AI exposure, TH MASTERPLAN 183F. E T719 LADY BRAXTON 8017 E BRAXTON 719 [SOD] HARVIE MS FIREFLY ET 19Z 16 BRED HEIFERS

H106 014 Dam of H106 Dam of 014 014 LJE 717 Diva 014 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 9/4/20 | AHA#: 44192363 | BW: 81 LBS. LJE C039 HOLLOWAY 717 E ILR 14Z HOLLOWAY C039 LJE VICTORIA 026A CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -4.1 4.1 61 93 0.6 25 56 0.8 -0.043 0.59 -0.02 $365 $432 $111 014’s background is loaded with cattle that have made a positive contribution here through the past years. Maternal strength is bred in here. AI’d to TH MASTERPLAN 183F on 4/18. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultra sound indicates safe in calf (heifer) to AI exposure, TH MASTERPLAN 183F. LJE A012 LADY BRAXTON 68 E 719 BRAXTON A012 LJE 337U DIVA Y908 H106 E 717 Diva H106 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 8/30/20 | AHA#: 44192433 | BW: 88 LBS. LJE C039 HOLLOWAY 717 E ILR 14Z HOLLOWAY C039 LJE VICTORIA 026A CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 0.5 2.8 66 90 1.0 33 66 4.5 0.047 0.72 0.15 $381 $465 $142 Dark red, highly pigmented individual here. There are real solid cattle behind H106, both top and bottom side of her pedigree. H106 has a solid number profile as well. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indi cates safe in calf. E 1414 DEBUTANTE E66 SR CC TOP TIER 1414B ET E T719 PRECIOUS Z35 17 BRED HEIFERS

22H 20H 20H LJE 22E Ms Holloway 20H {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 9/2/20 | AHA#: 44192429 | BW: 84 LBS. LJE C039 HOLLOWAY 22E E ILR 14Z HOLLOWAY C039 LJE 11X MISS ANCHOR 006A CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -2.2 3.0 56 88 0.6 28 56 -0.7 0.020 0.21 0.26 $306 $387 $114 An outcross pedigree here for most breeders. Sound, functional heifer. Carcass ultrasound indicates nice IMF. AI’d to TH MASTERPLAN 183F on 4/20. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf to pasture exposure, NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G. ANCHOR 2Y ANCHOR 11X [SOD] ANCHOR 41Y 22H LJE 7015 Beth 22H {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 9/7/20 | AHA#: 44210117 | BW: 89 LBS. E 4140B MILES 7015 ET ILR H MILES 4140BET ILE 156T IRON LADY 486BET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 2.6 3.4 46 71 0.8 28 51 3.1 -0.013 0.35 0.17 $335 $401 $108 22H is a daughter of the 7015 bull who has given us some very useful progeny. 7015 combines Miles McKee and Beth IL in his pedigree. 22H is moderate framed. AI’d to TH MASTERPLAN 183F on 4/20. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf to pasture exposure, NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G. LJE Z712 GRACE 009C E 4L SCHATZEE ET Z712 LJE P425 SHIRLEY 0812 Sire of 20H 18 BRED HEIFERS

H144 020 Maternal Grandsire of H144 Sire of 020 020 LJE D31 Jan 020 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 9/14/20 | AHA#: 44192400 | BW: 82 LBS. E Z712 SCHATZEE D31 E 4L SCHATZEE ET Z712 E T719 LADY BRAXTON Z855 CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 4.4 2.3 48 66 0.7 28 52 4.2 0.007 0.50 -0.04 $406 $463 $92 Moderate framed individual here, whose background is full of functional cattle. AI’d to TH MASTERPLAN 183F on 4/19. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf (bull) to AI exposure, TH MASTER PLAN 183F. LJE 203Z FAITH 62 HARVIE DAN SNIPER 203Z LJE 08X CHARLOTTE 006B H144 E 7015 Beth H144 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MUSDF} | POLLED | BD: 9/28/20 | AHA#: 44210122 | BW: 84 LBS. E 4140B MILES 7015 ET ILR H MILES 4140BET ILE 156T IRON LADY 486BET CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 1.9 2.3 54 79 0.7 35 62 3.8 -0.003 0.53 0.05 $440 $509 $112 Another 7015 daughter with maybe just a little more frame than her 1/2 sibs in this offering. H144 has a well-balanced number profile to back her up as well. AI’d to TH MASTERPLAN 183F on 4/18. Pasture exposed to NJW 202C 81E STEWARD 98G from 6/9 to 7/31. Ultrasound indicates safe in calf (bull) to AI exposure, TH MASTERPLAN 183F. E 337U DIVA A030 HARVIE SAFNBFICOLATERAL 337U BE MISS ANCHOR 342 [DOD] 19 BRED HEIFERS

98G NJW 202C 81E Steward 98G {CHB, DLF, HYF, IEF, MSUDF, MDF]} | HOMO POLLED | BD: 2/11/19 | AHA#: 44056521 NJW 160B 028X HISTORIC 81E ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X NJW 73S 38W DAYDREAM 160B CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 3.8 2.7 52 84 1.1 35 61 -5.0 0.027 0.81 0.23 $460 $537 $133 98G was the pasture exposure bull on all bred heifers in the catalog. He is also sire to full sib yearling bull and heifer. He is a CHB sire and brings an incredible maternal background. He is homozygous polled and has an exceptional number profile. NJW 160Z 8Y HOME MAKER 202C NJW 73S W18 HOMEGROWN 8Y ET NJW 73S 88X DAYDREAM 160Z 183F TH Masterplan183F {CHB, DLF, HYF, IEF, MSUDF, MDF} | HOMO POLLED | BD: 2/10/18 | AHA#: 43920493 KFC BENNETT STRATEGY Z303 ET SCHU-LAR ON TARGET 22S [CHB] KCF MISS REVOLUTION X338 CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 3.1 1.3 65 114 1.5 28 60 4.1 0.057 0.46 0.52 $409 $519 $155 183F was used for AI exposure on many of the bred heifers TH 512X 145Y DOMINETTE 57B FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y [SOD] TH 122 71|DOMINETTE 512X ET A250 EFBEEF X651 Tested A250 {CHB, DLF, HYF, IEF, MSUDF, MDF} | HOMO POLLED | BD: 3/13/13 | AHA#: 43440096 EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET [CHB] EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 [SOD, CHB] EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 11.3 0.1 62 92 1.4 33 64 2.5 0.087 0.29 0.63 $436 $554 $154 A250 was used for AI exposure on several of the bred heifers EFBEEF 6378 KATE W484 R&R PRIME CUT 6378 ET [CHB] EFBEEF G825 KATE R428 20 REFERENCE SIRES

7015 E 4140B Miles 7015 ET {DLF, HYF, IEF, MSUDF, MDF} | POLLED | BD: 9/19/17 | AHA#: 43864900 ILR H MILES 4140B ET C MILES MCKEE 2103 ET [SOD] BOYD E70 QUEEN 0118 CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 1.6 3.0 41 68 1.0 39 60 6.1 -0.013 0.52 0.22 $375 $438 $144 ILR 156T IRON LADY 486B ET CMR GVP MR MATERNAL 156 ET [SOD] DJB 46B BETH 1L 252F NJW 79Z 33B Forward 252F {DLF, HYF, IEF, MSUDF, MDF} | HOMO POLLED | BD: 3/11/18 | AHA#: 43943438 NJW 160Z 10W WHIT 33B LJR 023R WHITMORE 10W NJW 73S 88X DAYDREAM 160Z CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 1.7 4.8 72 111 0.7 32 38 -1.8 -0.030 0.67 0.01 $326 $405 $110 BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET REMITALL RITA 91H 20C RSK E 2046 Digby ET 20C {DLF, HYF, IEF, MSUDF, MDF} | POLLED | BD: 1/26/12 | AHA#: 43864448 OTAPAWA SKYMATE 2046 ET SKY 236G PREMIER 132K OTAPAWA LEONORA P23 CE BW WW YW SC Milk M&G CEM Fat REA Marb BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -2.6 4.7 57 94 0.9 24 52 -6.8 -0.063 0.56 -0.11 $333 $388 $107 HARVIE MISS FIREFLY 51F HARVIE DEYNOTE 61D HARVIE MISS NYLON 1Y 21 REFERENCE SIRES

P.O. Box Townsend,1487MT 59644 www .gener ation6.c o Catalog designed by PRODUCTION SALE MONTANA MADE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 SMART AUCTIONS ONLINE SALE & RANCH OPEN HOUSE

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