Open SUNY COTE Service Level Agreement 2016-2017

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SCOPE Open SUNY COTE celebrates, connects, and grows effective online practitioners across the SUNY system while also furthering our collective knowledge of the most effective teaching and learning practices in online education. The Open SUNY Center for Online Teaching Excellence (COTE) provides expertise and resources that assist SUNY campuses with developing and designing quality online courses. This document represents an agreement between Open SUNY COTE and the SUNY Campus.

STATEMENT OF SERVICES Open SUNY COTE has a commitment to academic excellence through research-driven, community-supported practices of innovative teaching, learner-centered instruction, and pedagogy-focused approaches. We are committed to assisting SUNY campuses and their online practitioners to: â—? Become highly effective online educators who understand the pedagogy of high quality online teaching and learning. â—? Leverage the appropriate approaches, best practices, tools, and functionality to meet learning objectives, as well as create and manage effectively and efficiently designed online courses.

Open SUNY COTE provides three points of access for campuses: 1. SUNY-Wide Services that are available to any campus, for which there is no cost. 2. Annual Competency Development Services for which a campus pays a single, annual fee that provides access to a wide variety of Open SUNY COTE offerings. 3. Pay as you go services for which campuses are billed when a service is procured. Campuses are encouraged to select from these options to assemble the online competency development program that best aligns with their institutional strategic goals for online education.

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SUNY-WIDE SERVICES - NO CHARGE The following programs are open to all SUNY Campuses for no cost. Open SUNY COTE is continuously evaluating its offerings to better align with the needs of campuses and greater SUNY initiatives. Changes to this list are possible. COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE ● The Open SUNY Fellow Program provides an opportunity for online practitioners in various roles to join the online teaching community of practice. ● The Open SUNY Online Teaching Ambassador Program recognizes exemplary online SUNY educators who are enthusiastic and effective in online teaching, and who can be positive and strong advocates for online teaching in our SUNY community. ● The Open SUNY Fellow Chat Series showcases Open SUNY Fellows and their work to support our mission of networking, interaction, and excellence in online teaching and learning practices. ● Open SUNY COTE hosts regular community meetings via web conference. ● Access is provided to the Open SUNY COTE networking community of online practitioners. As a true “community of practice,” members represent diverse interests, as well as varying levels of expertise and experience. ● The Online Teaching Gazette highlights a curated collection of news articles, research/reports, videos, and podcasts from recent headlines for those interested in keeping current with, and continuously improving, online teaching and learning practices. ● The annual Open SUNY COTE Effective Practices Awards program aims to collect, share, and showcase the online best practices, strategies, and innovative online teaching and learning activities of exemplary Open SUNY Fellows and online practitioners from across the SUNY system. ● Access is provided to national and international experts, organizations, and award opportunities through System level membership in the following organizations: o o o o

National University Technology Network (NUTN) New Media Consortium (NMC) Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Eduventures

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COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT ● Self-serve resources are available for online instructional designers who want to use Open SUNY COTE’s resources to deliver their own workshops on their campus. This may include course archives, PowerPoint slides, handouts, scripts, and other materials. ● Access to Exemplary Online Courses for Observation is also available. These are online courses that have been selected to serve as models and examples.

COURSE SUPPORTS ● Campuses have access to, and unlimited use of, the Open SUNY COTE Quality Review (OSCQR) Rubric. ● Open SUNY COTE provides installation, customization, and customer support for the OSCQR Dashboard. RESEARCH AND INNOVATION ● Campuses can participate in system-wide research and data collection opportunities that inform our collective understanding of how people teach and learn well online, and provide information on the impact of SUNY and campus-level services. Campuses are provided access to their individual campus results and system-level reports for benchmarking and comparison.

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COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT FOR FACULTY/STAFF SUNY campuses/programs pay an annual fee, which provides access to a set of competency development activities for their faculty/staff. ● The annual Open SUNY COTE Summit brings national leaders and innovators in online learning to SUNY for a three-day event. ● Competency development activities with faculty and staff. o Competency development “workshops” are available as face-to-face events, facilitated online modules, or webinars. Topics are appropriate for those interested in online learning (including librarians, technologists, administrators, or other online practitioners), faculty preparing to teach online for the first time, experienced online instructors, and online instructional designers. Participating in the Annual Competency Development Service entitles a campus or program to a pool of Competency Development Units (CDUs). These CDUs may be used to provide an individual with access to Open SUNY COTE competency development offerings. Access to an Open SUNY COTE offering may require multiple CDUs, depending on the length or content of the offering. Open SUNY COTE will provide an annual catalog of offerings, listing the topics, frequency of delivery, and per-person cost in CDUs. Face-to-face events may take place on a campus, or at a regional site. Events will be scheduled at least six weeks in advance, and may be canceled due to low enrollment up to one week prior. Refunds are available up to one week prior to the event. Registrations will be filled on a first come, first served basis.

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A detailed listing of Open SUNY COTE competency development opportunities is available in the Catalog of Offerings. Please consult the Catalog for course descriptions, frequency, and costs. CURRENT OFFERINGS ● Designing an Online Course & Preparing to Teach Online for those New to Online Learning (N2OL Certificate Program) o Being an Online Learner o Welcoming and Orienting your Online Students o Using Blackboard to Support your Online Pedagogy o Guiding Online Learning and Managing your Online Course ● Online Instructional Design Competency Development Certificate Program o Helping Faculty with New Course Development o Creating Useful Resources for Online Faculty o Professional Foundations – Collaborating, Researching, and Networking o Review your Online Course with the OSCQR Rubric ● Review your Online Course with the OSCQR Rubric ● Become an OSCQR Online Course Reviewer ● Introduction to OERs ● Intermediate topics in OERs ● BlendKit COMING NEXT ● Quality by Design (QbD) ● Fundamentals in Online Learning ● N2OL Crash Course for Adjunct Instructors ● Advanced topics for experienced online faculty in teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence. ● Tools of Engagement (TOEP) for experienced online faculty ● Advanced OERs topics ● Accessibility for online teaching and course design.

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COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT PACKAGES Campuses have different needs, and are invited to participate in the Annual Competency Development Service at the level they deem most appropriate. If a campus uses up its allotment of CDUs, additional may be purchased at a cost of $250 per CDU. Additional registrations to the Open SUNY COTE Summit are available for $250. All CDUs must be used between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017. Competency Development Package 1 Designed for a campus/program with fewer needs: ● Three (3) registrations to the Open SUNY COTE Summit ● 50 Competency Development Units (CDUs) ● Total cost: $12,000

Competency Development Package 2 Designed for a campus/program with average needs: ● Three (3) registrations to the Open SUNY COTE Summit ● 75 Competency Development Units (CDUs) ● Total cost: $15,000

Competency Development Package 3 Designed for a campus/program with greater needs: ● Three (3) registrations to the Open SUNY COTE Summit ● 100 Competency Development Units (CDUs) ● Total cost: $18,000

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Big Apple Community College has around 80 online sections a semester. They decide to opt for Competency Development Package 2, which contains 75 CDUs. In the Fall, they decide to train 10 new online faculty members, and have 10 experienced faculty review and improve their online courses with OSCQR. During the Spring semester, they have another 10 experienced faculty attend an OSCQR workshop, and have 15 faculty introduced to OER. They are able to send an instructional designer, the director of online learning, and a faculty member to the Open SUNY COTE Summit.

ONLINE INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGNER MENTORING An experienced online instructional designer will serve as a mentor, regularly meeting with the mentee both virtually and face-to-face. The mentor will share materials and experiences, help identify key resources and contacts, and provide guidance over the course of a year. This option includes registration in all four modules of the Online Instructional Designer Competency Development Certificate Program.

o There is fee of $5,000 annually for this service.

OPEN SUNY COTE CERTIFIED AFFILIATE CAMPUS PROGRAM Open SUNY COTE staff will review campus competency development programs to ensure they fully address the competencies for online instruction. Recommendations and additional resources will be provided. Campuses that successfully complete this program will be able to offer trainings, and award badges, on our behalf.

o There is fee of $5,000 annually for this certification.

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An important part of the Open SUNY COTE-campus relationship is the designation by the campus of a primary and alternate Open SUNY COTE Campus Liaison. The responsibilities of the Campus Liaison include: ● Communicating campus competency development needs to Open SUNY COTE. ● Distributing communications regarding Open SUNY COTE programs and opportunities to the campus community. ● Establishing a policy for how competency development resources will be made available and allocated to campus faculty and staff. ● Managing/approving the usage of a campus’ allotment of Competency Development Units. ● Reporting information regarding the use of Open SUNY COTE developed or distributed materials. These materials are freely available for SUNY campuses to use, but it is important we understand their impact.

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Open SUNY COTE Participating Institution Agreement (PIA) N ame of Participating Institution (PI): The Open SUN Y Center for Online Teaching Excellence (COTE) offers com petency d evelopm ent services to support online ed ucation at participating SUN Y institutions. The PI agrees to the follow ing: 1) Term : This Agreem ent shall take effect on July 1, 2016 and autom atically renew s every year on July 1st . 2) Service Level Agreem ent: The Service Level Agreem ent (SLA) provid es a d etailed outline of the services offered d uring the term of this agreem ent. The SLA is su bject to change d uring: (1) bud getary restrictions from N ew York State and (2) lim itations on Open SUN Y COTE staffing resources. If any of these events should occur, Open SUN Y COTE w ill am end the SLA, and shall provid e com m unications outlining the am end m ent’s effective d ates. If applicable, Open SUN Y COTE w ill create a plan to com pensate cam puses for unexpected hard ships. 3) Service Changes: (1) The PI com m its to m aintain services selected in this agreem ent for a one year period . (2) During the term of this agreement, the PI m ay ad d any new services that becom e available through Open SUNY COTE. (3) If the PI opts to am end or term inate Open SUN Y COTE services in this agreem ent, the PI m ust notify Open SUN Y COTE of the change 90 calend ar d ays in ad vance of the renew al d ate. 4) Annual Fee & Paym ent: Annual billing w ill be based on services provid ed from July 1 through June 30. 5) Cam pus Support: The PI agrees to m aintain reasonable levels of cam pu s staff, as d escribed below , w ith appropriate skills to w ork w ith Open SUNY COTE personnel: In ad d ition to any supports and services provid ed by Open SUN Y COTE, cam pus based online instructional d esign sup port is required to fully m eet the instructional d esign need s of facu lty d eveloping and enhancing online courses. The Campus Instructional D esigner (ID ) provid es w rap -around supports and services that m ay inclu d e ind ivid ual feed back, approvals, im plem entation of cam pu s-specific policies and proced ures, technical LMS training, and supplem ental support for course d esign and technical issues. Page | 10

Name of Participating Institution

Request for Services

Annual Competency Development Service


o Competency Development Package 1, for campuses with fewer needs $12,000

o Competency Development Package 2, for campuses with average needs $15,000

o Competency Development Package 3, for campuses with greater needs $18,000

Online Instructional Designer Mentoring



Open SUNY COTE Certified Affiliate Campus Program



Total Annual Cost:


Signature: (Must be signed by a campus executive designated as an authorized signatory.)

Authorized Signature

Printed Name


Date of Execution

Campus Liaison Information:

Campus Liaison Name / Title

Alternate Campus Liaison Name / Title

Phone / Email

Phone / Email

Complete and submit this agreement to: Sandy Cowin Open SUNY Business Manager State University Plaza, Albany, NY 12246

Telephone: Fax: Email:

518.320.1858 518.320.1554

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