WHAT IF YOU HAD NO MONEY PROBLEMS? ... Do you live in a constant state of difficulty around money, whether it’s spending too much or not having enough, or having too many expenses and obligations? Could your current problem primarily be from a lack of power to master your money and finance? This thing you called your money problem. This issue you are experiencing in your life about money and finance – this setback, struggle, frustration, difficulty preventing you from doing what you want to do, can seem impossible to overcome. You may be thinking that you are going through this because you “don’t have a choice”. You may be thinking that your problem with money is outside your control and beyond rescue. But what if I told you that there are different choices and different possibilities in turning this around? What if those possibilities lay in you? GENERATIVE WOMAN | PAGE 10
Of course, there are many things in life we can’t control, however we have full control when it comes to money. We have the power to change our financial life if we choose to stop functioning within the limitations of this reality. When we function within the limitations of this reality, we often think the reason we have a money problem is because we have very limited choices in various aspects of our life.
Vast numbers of people really do not realize that if they choose, they can have full control and become a master of their money. This is so far out of the average person’s operative state of being, it never even crosses their mind. Most people don’t believe that it is truly possible to be this. They believe that struggling in the ‘rat race’ is acceptable, and this is as good as it will get for them. They think with more money they would have more choices, they think more money is a solution to all their problems. But it’s not. People who constantly think that money will solve all their problems see money as the creator source of their life, and almost always tend to be plagued by money problems their whole life. Money has one function – it gives us greater choice. It should enhance our lives, not control it. Money is a great tool to help us do certain things, but it shouldn’t be a creator source of our lives and it shouldn’t be our ruler. Money is only a tool. It will take us wherever we wish, but it cannot replace us as the creator source. To a very large extent, many of us tend to see the lack of money as a problem without asking any questions around this or having a close look at our points of view. We tend to buy into fallacies like I don’t have any money, and then we try to create our lives based on those fallacies. If we attempt to create based on fallacy, can we create different possibilities out of it? No way. When we buy into false points of view, we create limitations that do not allow us to expand into what is possible with money.