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Want To Live Life To The Fullest-Here’s 4 Question To Be This

What do you do on a daily basis with living a full life in mind? If you're struggling to think of anything, that's okay, you're not alone.

Here's the thing – you have a choice in life. You can choose to live your life to the fullest or you can have a normal life. To live life to the fullest you must choose to move beyond your limited beliefs, and beyond anything you ever knew or thought was actually possible. Your limited beliefs are the limit of what you have decided is not possible for you. There is a chance it could be possible, but your point of view is that it is not possible.


But limited beliefs are very common in this reality and they don't have to stop you from living your life to the fullest, and there is also no need for a monumental achievement daily to tick that box.

The Big Four Questions If you're trying to determine what it is that you really want from your life and what will help you live a full life, then ask yourself these questions and follow your awareness to recognize what you're trying to tell yourself.

1. What gives you joy? - Right now, ask yourself "What gives me joy? - write down on a sheet of paper and review it later. It might not make a whole lot of sense initially, it's essentially free writing to direct you. It isn't about doing something because your brain is telling you to, it's about relying on your awareness to lead you.

You’re always going to have to incorporate awareness to create something greater. Awareness is the only thing that will grow anything – your business, your life, your relationship.

Follow your awareness and sense where you are being led, no matter where it may be guiding you. Emotions aren't always wise, but your awareness is, so listen to your awareness. This will help you filter out some of what you have written as you've let yourself flow onto the paper. It's part of the process required to make sense of what you've put down on paper.

If you start doing something you love, your whole energy will be working for you; your life will expand and everything opens up. As you start to put more energy into generating your life, everything else in your life expands by osmosis because that energy of generating more in your life generates more and you will have more of you in your life.

Don’t ever make it so you are too busy to do what gives you joy. Your life is not just about work. You should be doing what generates your life.

2. Are you willing to be or do different, and do whatever it takes, to change your current situation? - The only person who actually creates a remarkable life is a person who is willing to be or do something different. When you’re willing to be and do different, you create and generate something. If you’re not willing to be or do different, then you keep trying to do what everybody has told you that you should do to get a result that’s different than the result you’re getting.

You have to be willing to change anything in a heartbeat. Don't look for the answers and don’t function from the conclusion, ever. Start being the question and go “Okay, this isn’t working, what do I need to change? What else needs to be different?"

Instead of coming to conclusion, ask “What can I be or do different today that would create more than I ever thought was possible right away?” If you don’t come to conclusions, you will always be looking at another possibility.

3. What If It's Different Than I Imagined? - Nothing is ever as you expect it to be. But it could be better than you could possibly imagine if you don’t live from conclusion, projection, expectation, and judgment.

If you are truly following your joy it won't matter whether it unfolds as you imagined, there's a good chance that it will be even better.

It's important to remember, though, that even when chasing your dreams there will be bumps along the way. Life can never be perfect, but there is something about life's imperfections that make it worth living.

Nothing turns out perfect, does it? But it could be better than you could possibly imagine if you don’t live from the need to get the perfect and right result.

4. What Limits You? - We all feel held back by assumptions and expectations at various points in our lives. We are comfortable in the box that we have created for ourselves, at least, that's what we tell ourselves. In truth, we've allowed ourselves to become trapped in a box with a trap lid.

What assumptions could be limiting you from making progressin life? I can't earn less than X to live a happy life I'm too old for this I'm not good enough My marriage won't survive this change I don't have what it takes I don't have the necessary skills I don't have anything to offer I'm too tired My life won't be better than this There's nothing special about me

Getting Started The key to living a full life is finding out what really matters to you, determining what you want, and going after it full force.

If you’re considering something career-related, why not volunteer in a place related to that priority? It's a great way to see if it really is what you want and get a better feel for things. Alternatively, you could shadow someone who is in the career you want for yourself and see what happens.

If your priority isn't career-related, it should be much easier to launch yourself headfirst into it. When you are lying on your deathbed, those limits won't mean much.


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