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The Importance of Personal Mastery
There are different elements for integrating personal and career mastery.
Being proactive. It is important to go after what you want to create as your life. For integrating personal and career mastery, you need to know what you want to create as your life and take necessary action towards it. For your career to be generative, you must be willing to accept 100 percent responsibility for your life. With this element, you get to overcome barriers and limitations daily. You do not have to overcome everything at once, you just need to do consistent action every day. Stop playing small. Start taking responsibility, and believe that you can succeed no matter what!
Connect with others. To effectively connect with other people or networks, you need to connect with yourself first. Without a deep awareness of and relationship with yourself, it is difficult to connect with other people and your priorities. You get the power and the potency of connecting to others with how you resolve to trust your awareness. Be interested in everything, never try to be interesting.
Getting informed. Being informed is not only focused on your existing job. A job is just a pay check. Your personal and career mastery on the contrary is for making a life. It is important to take charge with your career. You have to take the move yourself and not wait for other people to discover or promote them for you. It requires education, training, and taking risks. When choosing different possibilities, you need to know your options. And making the appropriate choice for your future is all about gathering enough information.
Being aware. When your function from awareness, you start to recognize how much bigger life is.
Look at what you want to create as your life. If you are in a career, ask, “Is this career working for me now?” If the answer is yes, ask, “What else is possible? What would it take to generate it into something greater?” If the answer is no, ask, “What can I be and do differently to make it work for me?”
Know your priorities. It is important to know your priorities and your strengths and weaknesses. You get to take responsibility for your actions and are then able to figure what works for you when achieving your dream.
Achieving personal and career mastery with your awareness, skills, talent and conscious actions can generate remarkable outcomes. You have to master yourself and your skills first, and you must recognize that you have unlimited choices. If you tell yourself that you have no choice, you absolutely have no choice.