1 minute read
Malana Kramer
And the twinkling maze of tangles grew tighter still. Our hero yelled in anguish, sweat forming a sheen On his forehead, and freezing in cold, icy beads. “You’ve messed up now, o silly mortal one! We lights hold great power, and our weaknesses are none. Victory is ours, in knots of violet, green, and blue!” And our hero stood in sorrow, wondering if it were true. But then in the heat of the moment, he realiz’d the sight: At the center o’ th’ tangle, red was the light. Cried, “like th’ nose o’ th’ reindeer!” in a wild-eyed gaze. And the flames of adrenaline soared through his veins. He knew in that moment ‘twas a day t’ remember. “I shall not give up! I’LL NEVER SURRENDER!” A flicker shiver’d through the tangle’s very heart As the mighty snarl began to fall apart. The colored lights twitched along the plastic cords; Rivaling the soaring sun were th’ shifting orbs. And at long last, a shining line of the tangle broke free. “So it dies,” spoke the shopkeeper, face shining with glee. “The tangle has lost, I’ve defeated the snare!” Then he took a step backward and yelled he to the air, “Henceforth, any lights left living shall see, That thou shalt mess with Rudolph if thou foolest with me!” The string of lights was pulle o’er every shop’s door, And on that street, tangles returned nevermore.
A Fragile Heart Malana Kramer