GENETICS AUSTRALIA NEWS Christmas arrives early in August ABVs’ Genetics Australia, has dominated the August round of Australian Breeding Values, claiming No. 1 sire on the new Balanced Performance Index (BPI), as well as several of the top places on the type and health rankings. Emu Banks CHRISTMAS, bred by Bryan and Jo Dickson of Terang, Victoria, becomes the new No. 1 Holstein sire on the Balanced Performance Index (BPI). With 99 daughters in his proof, this reliable sire has been identified as a potential chart-topper since the release of his first genomic breeding values back in 2010.
At 113 for Mammary System, JENKINS is one of the highest rated bulls in the breed with daughters milking and classified in Australia. He lifted an impressive 28 points on TWI in August. FLASHBACK continues to impress with his balanced proof and is fast becoming one of our most popular sires available with SexedULTRA™ semen production.
Genetics Australia sires occupy 71 of the top 100 Holstein sires on the genomic rankings, including the No. 1 BPI sire, ROYALPIC.
Hindlee Picola Royalroumare 1414
Daughter of No.1 holstein in Australia, Christmas.
Flashback daughters are stylish black cows with low SCC counts.
CHRISTMAS is also the No. 4 sire on the Type Weighted Index (TWI). Supporting CHRISTMAS is the Goldwyn son, GOLDCREST, who comes in at No. 2 BPI and No. 3 on the Health Weighted Index (HWI). GOLDCREST also featured highly on the genomic rankings when he was first released for progeny testing.
Jersey sire, RACEWAY, has shown himself to be an impressive all-rounder, ranking No. 2 for BPI, No. 3 for HWI and No. 4 for TWI. Now with more than 100 daughters in his proof, RACEWAY has made a seamless transition from being a high-ranking genomic sire to a breedleading proven sire.
Goldcrest is one of the best available for health traits.
With 112 for mammary and positive daughter fertility, RACEWAY will make a major contribution to the breed through his sons and daughters for generations.
Bred by John and Vicki Lillico of Smithton, Tasmania, this PICOLA son is from the same family that produced the popular genomic sire, ROYALMAN. He is joined by five other PICOLA sons in the top 10 genomic rankings – VIZABULL, VALIUM, REACTOR, VERMOUTH and MILKMORE. Likewise, Genetics Australia bulls claimed 32 of the top 50 places on the genomic rankings for the Jersey breed. Bred by Daryl and Lani Hoey of Katunga, Victoria, DROGO features breed-leading protein, solid type and outstanding workabilities.
Raceway daughters impress with top production and type.
New graduates, JENKINS and FLASHBACK, both added daughters to their April proofs and showed improvements across the three new breeding indices.
They include DROGO, the No. 1 BPI, No. 1 HWI and No. 2 for TWI.
Kaarmona GRIFF, bred by the Sprunt family of Kaarimba, Victoria, is the first of the NAVARIAN sons to be available. He also ranks highly on all three breeding indices.
Christmas in July! The combination of Australia’s No. 1 Holstein sire and cutting-edge sexed semen technology from Genetics Australia has delivered big benefits for North Victorian dairy farmers, Jared and Courtney Ireland. The Irelands, who milk about 350 Holstein cows at Lockington, recently moved farms and were looking to increase herd size using their own cows. Last spring, they opted to join 64 heifers as part of a synchronised AI program to CHRISTMAS, achieving an impressive 59% conception rate and a pleasing 41 heifers and four bulls. Genetics Australia Sales Representative – Northern Victoria, Greg Tiller, says the Irelands have benefited twice over. “Not only have they bred 41 heifers from Australia’s No.1 Holstein sire, they’ve already bred about half of their replacement heifers,” he says.
utilised by Genetics Australia has been a ‘game changer’.
An impressive line-up of 35 CHRISTMAS heifer calves bred by Jared and Courtney Ireland (below) using SexedULTRA™ semen from Genetics Australia.
“This technology is achieving the same conception rates from frozen sexed semen as fresh sexed semen or unsexed semen,” he says. “Sexed semen – both fresh and frozen – from the Genetics Australia catalogue has regularly been achieving 55% PTIC rates in heifers. “There have also been some impressive results reported in milking cows.”
“This means they can be more selective about which of the later calves they will keep or sell as their calving season goes.
Semen from a number of elite Genetics Australia sires, including ATLEY, ROYALMAN, NARDOO, FLASHBACK, CHRISTMAS and PICOLA, is now processed using SexedULTRA™ technology.
“Getting such a good in-calf rate also ensures that those early heifers are going to have a bit more time to reach critical mating weights and become the cows that going to drive the business forward.”
“With so many outside influences impacting their bottom line, dairy farmers need to take control of what they can in order to maximise their herd’s productivity and profitability,” Greg says.
Greg says new SexedULTRA™ technology
“The ability to breed extra heifers by elite sires
provides important options to accelerate genetic improvement, increase herd size or sell surplus heifers.” As with all aspects of breeding, thorough preparation is essential for best results. “Sexed semen is best used on virgin heifers or cows with a strong history of conception that are on a good plane of nutrition and cycling normally,” Greg says. SexedULTRA is a trademark of Inguran LLC.
Here come the Aussiegold’s Three years ago, Jersey breeders were scrambling to gain access to one of the hottest young Jersey sires available. This young bull was AUSSIEGOLD P, his intrigue was as much about him being ‘Polled’ as it was about his fantastic cow family and pedigree. AUSSIEGOLD P’s sire line is as good as it gets: a son of Elton who himself has proven to be amongst one the best in the breed, from a Vanahlem daughter whose record speaks for itself. His dam Broadlin Constance 2565 STP6 EX92, is a two time Great Southern Challenge class winner, Supreme Champion Great Southern Challenge winner and Champion 4yo Great Australian OFC winner. Not only has “Connie” shone in the show side of the industry, but she also ranks as the No. 11 BPI cow in the country to go along with being the No. 5 TWI cow in Australia. “Connie” in many ways is the complete Jersey, TYPE, INDEX and PRODUCTION and she has done all this whilst calving every 12 mths. In fact, she has only been joined 7 times and is
coming up to her 6th calving, she is the type of cow we are all trying to breed. The Constance family is highly regarded within the Broadlin herd and we are confident that AUSSIEGOLD will only add to the families reputation. AUSSIEGOLD P’s full sister has scored 90 points on her second calf and lays claim to be the No. 1 TWI and No.2 BPI cow in the country. As his daughters begin to calve, we are receiving many positive comments. His daughters are medium in stature with tremendous body width and depth, which is just what we want to see in our modern Jersey cow. Early reports on production are very encouraging with many daughters appearing at the top end of PI lists and of course udders are just what you would expect from a son of Constance. Not only is he one of the most popular bulls in the Australian market, but there is strong demand for this quality sire in many of our overseas markets.
Aussiegold-P is receiving rave reviews on his first milking daughters
Dam, Broadlin Constance 2565 EX92
Australian genomic sires dominate the Good Bulls Guide
The advent of genomics does not change the importance of progeny testing but adds a new level of excitement and reliability to the process. Genetics Australia embraced genomic testing in 2008 when the technology was still in its infancy. Since then, thousands of bulls have been added to the genomic reference population, significantly increasing the reliability of the technology. Today, Genetics Australia utilises genomic testing to screen all potential young sires in its Horizon progeny testing program. Like progeny testing itself, not all high-rated genomic bulls will graduate to join the proven. However, the significantly improved reliability of genomic proofs means you can now use young bulls with confidence. Our 2010 genomic team included GOLDCREST, BUDDHA, EUROSTAR, DEANCOX and CHRISTMAS. All these sires now have ABVs based on the performance of milking daughters, with CHRISTMAS and GOLDCREST the two highest bulls on BPI following the release of the August 2015 ABVs. The Jersey sire, RACEWAY, was also a highlyranked genomic sire and today is the No. 2 BPI daughter-proven sire.
Genomic sires marked by Genetics Australia account for 71 of the top 100 Holstein sires, including No. 1 sire, ROYALPIC. Source of Top 100* Holstein Genomic Bulls in Australia 2015 August ABV Good Bulls Guide
In turn, these sires have gone on to produce tens of thousands of daughters that have helped to increase the productivity and profitability of the Australian herd.
The strength of Australian genomics can clearly be seen in the August 2015 Good Bull Guide.
CHRISTMAS is the No. 1 BPI Holstein sire in Australia. 71
60 40 17
0 GA
Likewise, 31 of the top 50 genomic Jersey bulls listed in the August 2015 Good Bulls Guide – including the No. 1 BPI sire, DROGO – are owned by Genetics Australia. Source of Top 50* BPI Jersey Genomic Bulls in Australia
ROYALPIC, Australia’s No. 1 BPI genomic Holstein bull.
2015 August ABV Good Bulls Guide
Genetics Australia – and indeed artificial breeding organisations throughout the world – owes a great deal of gratitude to dairy farmers that have embraced progeny testing in order to help identify the next generation of elite proven sires.
32 30 17
20 10
0 GA
As such, a breeding program consisting of highly-ranked daughter-proven sires and superior genomically-tested progeny test sires makes sound sense.
RACEWAY, a highly ranked genomic sire, is now the No. 2 BPI daughter-proven Jersey sire available in Australia.
We encourage all members to consider genomic sires in their 2015 breeding program, not only to accelerate genetic improvement in their own herds but to help ensure the ongoing supply of daughter-proven sires for Australian dairy farmers and to grow world markets for Australian genetics. Remember, members not only get priority access to these highly ranked genomic sires, but receive attractive rebates on their purchases of proven sires on a 1:1 basis.
Red Bulls Shine
DROGO is the No. 1 BPI genomic Jersey bull available following the August 2015 ABV release.
Daughter of Skjelvan
In the red breed, ARBBONJOVI has cemented his place as one of the best Australian sires available, with 748 daughters in his proof.
Great protein, superior milking speed and positive daughter fertility round out this complete package.
With positive fat and protein deviations and positive fertility, breeders around the country are delighted with the performance of his daughters.
Norwegian Red sire have also performed well this run, with SKJELVAN1039 occupying the No. 2 BPI position.
ARBOBAMA, bred by Ron and Sam Graham of Numbaa, NSW, continues to impress through his solid all round proof.
His fantastic all-round proof and breed-leading protein rating will ensure that we will be progeny testing sons in the future.
Leading Australian Breeders join GA Study Tour to the USA Genetics Australia’s Breeding, Genetics and Production Manager, Peter Thurn and WWS Product Manager, Gerard Brislin led a group of some of Australia’s top Holstein breeders on a recent tour of North America and Canada. Most of the breeders on the tour are suppliers of bulls for the Genetics Australia breeding program. The group included Andrew Green (Kirk Andrews and Kandes Holsteins), Ash Hogg (Adlejama Holsteins), Jared Ireland (Redmaw and Rengaw Holsteins), Brian Anderson (Bundaling Holsteins), Les White (Dilee Holsteins), Craig Lister (Calister Holsteins), Brad Wren (Wrenmac Holsteins) and Mal McLeod (Brayjella Holsteins). Collectively, this group of breeders has contributed 21 bulls to the current Genetics Australia progeny test program. The focus of the tour was to visit the leading bull breeding herds and understand their breeding programs, especially from the perspective of how they utilise genomics and reproductive technologies such as ET and IVF. Some of the herds visited included: Rosy-Lane, Sandy-Valley, Regancrest, OCD (Oakfield Corners Dairy), Welcome, Kings Ransom, Clear Echo, Ferme Gillette, Stantons, Maplewood and O’Connors. There is no doubt that the North American bull producing herds have embraced genomics with many using up to 100% genomic sires. This lines up well with what is happening
The study group at Regencrest Farm.
in Australia with nearly 80% of our current progeny test bulls sired by genomic sires at the time of their birth. During the trip, the group saw many of the cows and families that are producing the highest genomic bulls in North America. Many of these cows were sired by bulls currently being marketed by Genetics Australia, including Mogul, McCutchen, Supersire and Headliner. “It was a fantastic trip and a great opportunity for some of our key breeders to be exposed to some different thinking on elite breeding programs”, says Peter Thurn. “It also reinforced the fact that we are doing a pretty good job when you take into consideration our different farming systems and the economics of the industry”.
Maximise genetic improvement in your herd with Genescreen Genescreen from Genetics Australia is a powerful yet easy-to-use tool that helps to maximise genetic improvement and profitability in your herd. It monitors genetic progress in your herd, provides mating recommendations based on your choice of sires from any source and then predicts the impact of these choices upon the performance of your herd. No on-farm evaluation is necessary and best of all, Genescreen is available as a free service to Genetics Australia members. Contact Genetics Australia and find out how Genescreen can help you to breed a better Australian herd. Avg of top 10% of Holstein herds
National Holstein average
Your Holstein herd
International Sire Updates Breeding is always a combination of good management and a little luck. By paying careful attention to the traits sought by Australian dairy farmers, Genetics Australia helps to tip the scales in your favour. The results of the 2015 August round of ABVs clearly demonstrate that the international sire line-up at Genetics Australia has once again outperformed its counterparts in both the Holstein and Jersey breeds. 7J1038-VALENTINO breaks through the 300+ BPI barrier and is now the No. 8 Jersey sire on the Good Bulls Guide, with 55 daughters calved in Australia and in excess of 2000 milking daughters in the U.S. His son, 7J1151GALVANIZE, also displays strong gains for BPI and is the equal No.3 Protein sire with NAVARIAN. Reviewing international genomic sires, 14J664NEVIN has increased his BPI score by 20 points to +188 to become the highest-ranking international Jersey young sire with sexed semen available.
BPI ($ Profit)
60 40 20 0 -20 -40
Year of Birth
Are you maximising your Genetics Progress? Genetics Australia can assist, call our Freecall 1800 039 047 for more information Impressive VALENTINO daughter group at Dutch Hollow Farms
In the Holstein breed, 7H11351-SUPERSIRE and 7H11477-McCUTCHEN now appear on the top 20 BPI leader board for international sires. Genetics Australia has 10 of the top 20 bulls on the Type Weighted Index rankings for international sires in the Good Bulls Guide, with 7H11477-McCUTCHEN and 7H9420-GUTHRIE occupy the No. 1 and No. 2 positions on TWI. The recently-introduced sire, 7H11123-WRIGHT, retains his position in the U.S as the No. 1 DPR sire and has also had a further lift in Daughter Fertility (ABV +113), ranking him as the No. 4 Holstein sire in Australia.
Claiming the date Genetics Australia will hold an open day and seminar at its 482 hectare lay-off property at Birregurra on Wednesday, 27 April 2016. More details will be provided closer to the date but mark the date on your calendar now.
SHAREHOLDER UPDATE New Zealand dairy farmers looking to Australia The growing use of supplementary feeding as herd sizes increase means many New Zealand dairy farmers are increasingly looking for genetics that not only perform well on pastures but have the ability to respond to increased levels of supplementary feeding.
Many visitors to the Genetic Enterprises stand commented that their calves born by Australian bulls were more stylish and heavier than those sired by New Zealand genetics.
Despite the intense rivalry between the two countries in agriculture and sport, they are realising that Australian bloodlines better suited to these farming systems.
Victorian State Government Senior Market Access Manager, Dr Bin Lu (right) discussing the merits of Australian genetics with Professor Shaohua Sun from the University of Hebei College of Animal Science and Technology.
Genetics Australia markets a wide range of dairy and beef semen in New Zealand via its local distributor, Genetic Enterprises, who recently exhibited at the New Zealand National Agricultural Fieldays in June. Held at Mystery Creek outside Hamilton in the North Island, the event is the largest agricultural field days in New Zealand and attracts more than 25,000 visitors each day.
Genetics Enterprises National Product and Sales Manager, Gary Falkner (right) discussing the merits of Australian dairy genetics with Matamata Jersey Breeders, Andy and Nicki Walford, during the NZ National Agricultural Fieldays.
A golden report from Ecuador Genetics Australia Latin America Business Manager, Fred Bowman, says the first calves by leading Genetics Australia sire, MEDALLION, are attracting rave reviews in Ecuador.
The Chinese dairy dragon awakens?
has been Genetics Australia’s highest-selling Holstein sire for the past two years.
Genetics Australia recently had the honour of participating in a display hosted by the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade) at the Why China Dairy Exhibition held in Fuzhou, China. The Chinese dairy industry is growing rapidly in line with consumption of dairy products. The country is already major importer of Australian dairy produce, and in more recent years, has imported thousands of dairy heifers from Australia. In addition, Genetics Australia has exported a number of live bulls to China in recent years for use by local artificial breeding centres.
Local distributor, Agrigenetic, recently supplied photographs of the first group of MEDALLION calves born in that country and reported that their breeder is impressed with their vigour and strength.
Despite the good performance of Australian genetics in lifting the productivity and quality of local herds, many visitors to the exhibition knew little about the quality of Australian genetics.
MEDALLION is exported to a number of Latin American countries and South Africa, where he
Some commented they have been using North American genetics for some years and see good potential for more moderately-sized Australian genetics to help reduce costs of production.
Jayne Senior joins NHIA board Genetics Australia General Manager, Jayne Senior, has been appointed to the board of the National Herd improvement Association of Australia. NHIA is an industry organisation that promotes herd improvement within the Australian dairy industry. It provides Australian dairy farmers with access to world-class genetic improvement, herd management information and fertility technologies. Other members of the NHIA board are: • Chairman, Graeme Gillan, Chief Executive Officer for Holstein Australia
• • • •
Deputy Chairman/Treasurer, Peter Semmens, proprietor of Universal Sires Australia, NSW Rod Brasher, proprietor of Farmwest Incorporating Westside AB, Bunbury, WA Gerard Daniel, proprietor of Numurkah Nu-Genes, Victoria Andrew Parkinson, proprietor of Wellbred Genetics, Victoria, and Tony Francis, marketing manager for MISTRO and Herd Improvement Cooperative Australia Ltd (HICO).
There is little doubt that marketing semen from leading Australian sires presents a real growth opportunity for Genetics Australia and Export Manager, Rob Derksen, is actively following this opportunity.
SHAREHOLDER UPDATE Interested in becoming a GA Director? Genetics Australia was established in 1958 to provide its members with quality genetics, proven to perform under Australian conditions. Nearly 60 years on, that vision remains unchanged. We proudly remain a co-operative that is owned by Australian dairy farmers just like you. The Genetics Australia Co-operative Board consists of 6 Farmer Directors and 2 Independent Specialist Directors. Farmer Directors are elected to the Board by shareholders, with each position having a
three year term, whilst Specialist Directors are appointed by the Board. There are two Farmer Directors, whose terms will expire this year after three years. These are Maffra Dairy Farmer and current Deputy Chairman Trevor Henry, and Tamworth Dairy farmer Wes Brown. Mr. Henry has indicated he is seeking another term, whilst Mr. Brown has advised he will not be seeking re-election. Yea beef producer Tom Lawson, who was appointed by the Board in 2014 to fill a casual vacancy, has offered himself for election this year.
If you think you have what it takes to be a Director, and are a current shareholder, you need to complete an application form and return it to the Co-operative Secretary by the 18th September 2015. For more information about becoming a Director, contact the Secretary at and mark your email ‘Director Information’. Alternatively, to request an application form, contact Karen Davies on 1800 039047, or by email to Nominations close Friday 30th October, 2015.
Welcome to new staff Genetics Australia is fortunate to have a fantastic team that is committed to providing expert breeding advice to its customers. As such, we are delighted to announce a number of new appointments, some of whom are already well-known to you. Mike Huth
Mike Huth has been appointed as Field Sales Manager, with direct responsibilities for Western Victoria and South Australia. Operating from Cobden in Western Victoria, Mike will have responsibility for managing and coordinating the cooperative’s field sales team. He will also act as a breeding specialist for the Genetics Australia Jersey Program. Mike has a wealth of experience in the genetics industry and most recently served as General Manager for CRV Australia. Mike can be contacted on 0428 002 249 or Brett Sweetnam joins Genetics Australia as a Sales Representative for northern NSW and Queensland. He has previously worked with World Wide Sires Australia as Western
Genetics Australia Co-Operative Limited PO Box 195 BACCHUS MARSH VIC 3340 AUSTRLAIA
Brett Sweetnam
Victoria Area Manager, as well as running his own genetics business. He has an indepth knowledge of dairy and beef genetics, particularly international genetics marketed by Genetics Australia, and the Australian ABV system. Brett can be contacted on 0424 381618 or Other appointments include Ray Cook, who has taken on a casual role in product delivery; Sam Davis, who is assisting in the semen storage laboratory and product delivery; and Boyd May, who prepares orders for despatch in the merchandise warehouse. Joining our farm team are Daniel Ross, who fills a permanent role in the Parwan Park semen collection facility following the retirement of
P: +61 3 5367 3888 F: +61 3 5367 5100 E: Freecall: 1800 039 047
Kate Patterson
Terry Dodd after 43 years of service; and Jimmy Kolovos, who will assist Dean Meeson at the Birregurra bull lay-off property. Kate Patterson has been appointed as Brand and Trade Executive, with responsibility for implementing the marketing and communications program, including managing the organisation’s website. Kate has more than 20 years’ experience in sales and marketing administration, including a lengthy stint with crop protection manufacturer, Nufarm. We welcome these new members and wish them a long and fulfilling career with us.