Geneva quarterly issue 3

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BEHIND THE COVER.. LITERALLY. Strike a contrast. This is the concept staffer Anna Riedlinger and executive editor Skylar Tippetts had in mind when they captured the cover photo for Issue 3 of Vol. 4. This issue focuses on the theme of pressure and how the Geneva community copes with it. Yet, when someone applies pressure to a match and it catches fire, its flame and blackened stem create a bold contrast in any situation. Don’t catch yourself feeling burned out. Use pressure-filled circumstances as an opportunity to stand out.



The Geneva Quarterly, a student-led publication of Rhetoric School, serves to provide Geneva and surrounding communities with relevant and accurate news, opinions and entertainment centered around our student culture. Our staff strives to instill boldness, creativity, and excellence in each reader through our published work. We aim to discover the truth laced into our community with integrity and to write all pieces from a Biblical worldview to the glory of Jesus Christ.


To buy a subscription, contact: To advertise, contact: TheGenevaQuarterly@gmail. com For other inquiries, contact: This is a publication for: Geneva School of Boerne 113 Cascade Caverns Road Boerne, TX 78015


The Geneva School of Boerne exists to provide a classical education from a Biblical worldview, to equip students for a lifetime of learning, service and leadership to the glory of Jesus Christ. Rhetoric student population: 212 Rhetoric faculty population: 32 Staff credits and colophon on back cover.


Congratulations on the completion of the notorious third quarter. Looking back on the first half of this semester, one of the common characteristics that defines this time of year is pressure. Whether it’s pressure to keep your grades up for the longest stretch of time all year or the pressure to give up and throw all your efforts out the window, every student and teacher can somehow relate to that feeling of weight. For Vol. 4 Issue 3, the GQ staff came up with content that explored the various ways the Geneva community deals with the pressures of things like running track, being stereotyped, and dealing with friends consuming drugs and alcohol, and conforming to stereotypes. As executive editors producing our last issue of the GQ, we all felt the pressure to produce an issue that ended our Geneva journalism careers with a bang. Yet, the hard work and sacrifice each member of our staff puts into each issue always leaves me blown away and more than proud of each magazine. This time is no exception, and I could not be more excited to present you with Issue 3. It is with gratitude that I address you for the last time. Lovingly, Arianna Flores (center) with Jessica Wheeler (left) and Skylar Tippetts (right)



From towering trees to small props, there is more to drama tech then meets the eye.




CAMPUS CULTURE Stereotypes are created by all to some degree, but high school is an exceptional time for them. What if it is your school that defines you?




Hoops for Heartland helps Heartland Children’s Home provides compassionate care for medically fragile children.

Geneva Alum Emma Rudkin shows her new-found passion for helping those hard of hearing.

Why “La La Land” and “Silence” are two of the best films of the year.




THE SOBERING TRUTH / 60. LIVING THROUGH THE 32. SWIMMING WITH SALTER 49.FEATURE LOOKING GLASS / FEATURE Geneva sophomore talks about her passion for swimming and how it has helped her grow as a competitive athlete.

Everyday teens face temptations. Whether it is lying, stealing, cheating, or even drugs and alcohol, they must make a choice.

Generation Z defines a new way of communicating for their generation and the world at large.

THE PINKINGTON PRESS 53. THE HIGHS AND LOWS OF 67./ SHORT STORY MARIJUANA / OPINION The legality of drugs spurs constant debate.

Guest contributor writes the first installment of a continuous short story.





BY JACQUELINE KNOX From towering trees to small props, there is more to drama tech then meets the eye. PHOTOS BY JACQUELINE KNOX

Junior Brenna McBroom and sophomore Ana Gray work on building a tree for an Into the Woods set using paper mache.


The Multi-Purpose Building (MPB) holds more than just a stage. It has been a living room in the 1920s, the deck of a pirate ship, and the Emerald City. If you were to walk into the MPB on an average day, you would find kids running about throwing dodge balls and eating lunches. However, if you walked into the MPB on Friday, March 3, you found yourself lost in the mysterious woods with Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, Jack and a pair of bakers. Transforming the MPB from a cafeteria and gymnasium into the magical set of Into the Woods is the task of a select few. This group of Geneva students is known as drama tech. Drama tech, or technical theater, is one of the fine arts classes offered to Rhetoric School students. Drama tech is in charge of making the play come together. They build the sets, collect the costumes, run lights and sound, etc. Without drama tech, the actors and actresses would be performing on a bare stage with no lights, sound, costumes, makeup, or microphones. “It’s pretty chill,” described junior Josh Russell. “We just get assigned to do jobs each day and then we do them.” Mrs. Teri Bomgaars, the brilliant mind in charge of drama tech, discovered the technical side of theater while working on productions at a church in San Antonio. “There was a big production all the time. I was in charge of the makeup and the set design. When we moved out here I started working for the school because my kids went here,” said Bomgaars, parent to Bailey (‘12), Jake (‘14), and Hayden (‘16). “I love the people,” said sophomore Daniel Grover, who is new to tech this year. “They are all so nice, loving and sweet. We are just one big family, one big drama tech family.” “As the musical and play comes near in the spring, people are given certain tasks. However, we

“WE ARE JUST ONE BIG FAMILY, ONE BIG DRAMA TECH FAMILY.” have found that people kind of fall into certain things,” said senior Claire McNabb. “Ben Barton and Jacob Schroder build things. I do makeup, hair and costumes. Brenna McBroom and Sara Beth Stolle paint. Everyone has their natural talent and we try to use [it] as much as possible.” Everyone in drama tech finds their own niche quickly. This year, the tech team has been tasked with transforming the MPB into the magical woods for the upcoming musical. Although they are excited to see what it will look like when it is finished, tech’s road seems long at the start of the year. The first thing they had to do was order all the actors’ costumes from a costumer in New York. These have to be ordered almost immediately after the cast is decided to ensure proper arrival time because they take a few months to deliver. Once costumes are ordered, set-building begins. Trees are an essential component to all of this year’s sets, and tech has built multiple tree structures from scratch. “We had to use crack filler for the trees and get it in a straight line. We had to re-do it twice to get it right,” explained Russell. Once the trees are done, tech then has to build individual sets for roles like the baker, Cinderella and Jack. During tech week, the last week before the show, the hair and makeup will be determined for each character.

Pre-ordered costumes wait to be worn by various characters in Into the Woods.


“Into the Woods” has proved to be one of the most challenging shows Geneva has put on. The amount of characters and set/lighting changes all contribute to this. Everyone in drama tech knows the challenges a show like Into the Woods presents, they are all grabbing hammers, saws, crack filler and paintbrushes in order to get the job done. “It will be the most challenging [show] when it comes to the technical elements. We are going to have the trees on the stage the whole time, so making it look different as far as the lighting and the moods will most likely be the hardest element of it,” Bomgaars said. “There is also some stuff with the witch we will have to do to create a spark of magic without having pyrotechnics on stage.” Junior Brenna McBroom acknowledges the challenge that the amount of characters presents. “The amount of characters plus the choir being added on is making it harder when it comes to costumes, hair and makeup,” she said. Since Geneva will perform “Into the Woods” in the MPB, the set constantly has to be dragged off stage after class in order for other school groups to have access to the stage. This is another obstacle that drama tech has to work around. “The hardest part is not being able to keep our set out on stage. We are having to move the big 12 foot trees back and forth which causes them to break down as far as being sturdy,” said Bomgaars. “Into the Woods” will also be the first show to include the brand new cyclorama. The back wall of the MPB that separates the stage and backstage was completely knocked down in order to install the cyclorama. A cyclorama is a screen that lights will be projected on in order to change the setting or set the mood. This will be helpful during the production when the tech team needs to differentiate between various sections of the woods. The purchase and installation of the cyclorama, which cost $18,000, was funded by Booster Club. Into the Woods is also the first Geneva show that will feature a live orchestra instead of a soundtrack. In the opinions of the tech students, the work is well worth it by the end of performance weekend. “The best part is after the last show. After curtain call is my favorite part, being with all the people. There wouldn’t be a show without all the people,” said McNabb. “It ends in tears a lot because you are going to miss all the work you put in... It sounds really strange, but unless you are in drama you don’t really get that feeling.” Grover said, “I think that by building something great and well it really represents how at this school we take everything we do seriously. It really represents our determination to glorify God in everything we do.”


THE SHOW GOES ON AT ALL COSTS The drama department uses allocated school funds as well as funds from the Booster club to pay for productions.





CYCLORAMA: $18,000

The cast of Into the Woods marks their positions on stage.


INTO THE WOODS: WORLDVIEW Drama departments deals with conflicting worldviews in the Into the Woods musical.


nto the Woods where nothing’s clear, where witches, ghosts, and wolves appear. Into the woods and through the fear you have to take the journey.” In the last few months, the Geneva musical theatre department has embarked on its own journey in preparation for the musical “Into the Woods” this March. While the fine arts teachers have not had to deal with real-life witches or wolves, they have had to address the controversy surrounding the worldview of this particular musical. In the musical “Into the Woods,” characters from all different fairytales meet in the woods and discover how their lives and their stories intertwine. The musical begins with each character expressing their deepest desire and subsequently traveling into the woods in pursuit of their respective wish. Act One ends with each character successfully gaining their wish at whatever cost and it seems as though all will live happily ever after. However, Act Two takes a much darker turn. One by one, the characters are held accountable for their actions in the woods and are thus forced to pay the consequences. With repercussions as extreme as death, Act Two uses the darkness of the woods to symbolize the gravity of ignorant actions generated by selfish desires. While Act Two is critical for the characters’ redemption, Geneva has decided to perform the junior version of the musical which cuts out Act Two almost entirely. The head of the drama program, Rick Poole explains the reasoning behind choosing to perform the junior version. “We had to decide what was best based off our musical ability. We reviewed scripts and ultimately Mrs. Evans decided on ‘Into the Woods Jr.’ The full version would have been too difficult musically and trickier for us to pull off because of resources and


rehearsals,” said Poole. However, the lead in the play, Coggin Galbreath, explains his frustrations with this decision to do the junior version of the play. “I don’t think it was the best fit for us to do because we have had to cut it down so much. I am a little disappointed to see some of the changes we had to make,” confessed Galbreath. “The problem with just doing half the show is that you see these characters struggling to make the right choices but they still get what they want. It shifts from being a musical about wishes, choices and consequences to a musical that says do what it takes and you’ll get your happy ending.”

THE WOODS ARE A METAPHOR FOR LIFE AND THE JOURNEY THROUGH IT. While Poole agrees that the two versions are completely different, he explains that there is still a deep meaning to the junior musical. “It is really about parent-child relationships. We get to see the wrong ways you can approach those, whether you are a parent or a child. The two themes that stand out are children have to grow up—you can’t keep them locked up in a tower for example. If the parent does, they become the monster. The second theme is that children will listen. They won’t always obey but they will always listen which is actually re-enforced by the Bible.” Although the two versions have somewhat differing themes, they have a very key and similar message: the woods are a metaphor for life and the journey through it. Although the woods may have wolves and life may have obstacles, you have to take the journey.



GRAPHIC BY ANSON EGGERSS Chewing gum – the habit that seems unbreakable. Whether it’s the benefit of fresh breath or just the flavor, students just can’t seem to stop chewing. Although some may feel that they are constantly told to “spit it out,” there is actually no official rule concerning gum in the Student Handbook. Rules about gum ultimately come down to the classroom you are in and the specific preferences of the teacher. So why do teachers make you spit out your flavorful habit? As long as it stays in your mouth it should be fine, right?





Latin instructor: “I’m fine with kids ‘chewing’ gum. It’s when the gum leaves their mouth that I make them throw it away.”






Guitar instructor: “I’m fine with gum until you start moving your jaw.”

Rhetoric School headmaster: “Where other schools have a gun problem, I’ll take a gum problem.”





Humanities instructor: “I wouldn’t be strict about gum if I didn’t find it stuck under my table and on my podium.”









Geometry instructor: “Just don’t blow a bubble and pop it all over your face.”

Dean of Students: “Mr. Shelton and I are thinking about installing a “Putty Knife.” If a student is caught abusing the privilege of gum, they will be handed a knife and sent to remove it from campus surfaces.”


Spanish and Drama instructor: “I have trust issues when it comes to freshman and sticky substances.”


Biology instructor: “Gum quickly becomes a distraction when one student decides to share their gum, and the next thing you know the entire class has their hands out.”






Stereotypes are created by all to some degree, but high school is an exceptional time for them. What if it is your school that defines you?


veryone is familiar with the generic, fictional stereotypes placed upon almost every student in high school. The foolish jock is an arrogant meat head, who tends to be all-district or all-state in athletics and gets “all the ladies,” mostly cheerleaders. The nerd is extremely intelligent and dresses with hiked up khakis, wears huge round frames and is a social reject because he does not follow the status quo. The Goth kid dresses in all black and hates everyone because he or she is mad at the world and depressed. The rebel seeks attention by making stupid decisions and does not care about repercussions. The primadonna is “daddy’s little girl,” otherwise known as the princess or spoiled brat. All of these stereotypes play themselves out in movies, books, music and other forms of media. Stereotyping individuals socially categorizes people. When a non-Geneva student or parent imagines the typical Geneva student, a variety of pre-conceived ideas and stereotypes might come to mind. Geneva has even categorized itself based on our hymn, “Non Nobis,” and our” “Christian and Classical” education. The school encourages its students to reflect Christ in all things, including academia. However, do Geneva students really consider the impression or opinion they cause others to think about the school? “When I think of Geneva students, I think most of them are very smart. The school in general is particularly academic. I have also heard that the teachers are amazing and willing to help any student in need,” said a sophomore at Champion High School. “I have consid-

ered leaving public school, because I am teaching myself every subject. The teachers are limited in having a relationship with the students, mainly because of our classroom size.” At Geneva, classroom sizes are smaller, and teachers are often willing to stay after school to give extra help or take a lunch period to clear up any confusion that a student is experiencing. They will even arrive early to school to hear your problems, have devotion, or pray with you. “Geneva students represent Christ well. They seem to be extremely kind,” said the sophomore. Of course, these are the stereotypes Geneva students like to hear and believe. Yet some people have a different view on Geneva. “Many [Geneva] students whom I have met put themselves on a pedestal. It makes me feel dumb, and I do not really want to hang around them,” said a senior at Boerne High School. Geneva students are trained to strive for excellence, but some perceive a student focused on academics as conceited and rude. “People from my school believe that kids from Geneva are very religious, but when you get to know them, often some of them turn out to be hypocrites. They say one thing, but their actions do not reflect what they say or believe,” the senior continued. As Christians, Geneva should take this observation under careful consideration. Analyzing ourselves and determining who we really are and what we ultimately stand for. 15


A classical and Christian education means advocating for behavioral and moral standards from the Bible, which are seen in Christ’s teachings. Because Boerne is known as a wealthy community compared to San Antonio or surrounding cities, some Boerne residents have higher incomes. On top of that, sending kids to private school can be pricey. The affluence of the Boerne area and Geneva in particular can play directly into people’s stereotypes of Geneva students. “Geneva students are snotty, rich kids who are wealthy enough to go to a private school, and all of them do not have brains. Mommy and Daddy will pay for your education,” said a freshman from Champion High School. “It’s not the first impression [of a student] that gives me this opinion, it’s the way social media portrays most private schools. For example, in movies and books they give you a perception that private schoolers are snotty, bratty and will do anything to get ahead. The students do not necessarily have the brains either,” the freshman continued. Social media doesn’t advertise the fundraisers private schools hold throughout the school year to provide financial support for lower-income families; the media often reduces private school kids to expensive uniforms and fancy cars. In addition, a number of Geneva students volunteer at Hill Country Daily Bread food bank, spend multiple hours supporting those in need. Rich-kid stereotypes could be forced on anyone who is wealthy and flaunts it. In like manner, academic stereotypes can accompany high educational standards. The rigorous academics at Geneva can help students achieve acceptance into top-tier universities. But, persistence in academics can come across as snobby. Ultimately, the success of each student comes from drive and persistence. A sophomore from O’Connor High School said that “Geneva students are known as extremely academic students based on the amount of effort and sacrifice that they put into their homework, projects and exams.” Most students sacrifice many things just to go that “extra mile” to strive for excellence. She claims that the students at Geneva give up their social lives to focus on academics in order to prepare for the future. “Everything that Geneva stands for is academics, as well as the Christian foundation where their morals are held at high standards,” said Foss. The Geneva community tries to mold students and teach them to see life through a Christian worldview. The goal is for every student to be equipped with the tools necessary to make good decisions on and off campus, wherever they are in life. In most cases, actions speak louder than words. Another student from Champion High School, a sophomore, said that “Geneva is known to be small, rich, and snobby because of the students who have transferred to public school.”

NERD? JOCK? SNOTTY? HYPOCRITE? PRINCESS? GOTH? RICH KID? DRAMA QUEEN? Geneva stereotypes, good or bad, are often dependent on the select group of Geneva student’s a given person encounters, which can skew someone’s view of the overall school. At one point this sophomore considered attending Geneva, but he did not know if the change in the uniforms and rigorous academics would be a challenge for him. Students transitioning from public school into Geneva will sometimes encounter challenges adapting to different social setups, completing homework, and preparing for exams. All of this can cause anxiety for anyone who is not used to the schedule. Because a lot of Geneva’s volunteer opportunities don’t involve collaboration with other schools, students from other places don’t recognize many Geneva students nor get to know them well. “Geneva should be more involved in the community of Boerne through volunteering,” the sophomore said. He suggested that our clubs and other programs at different schools partner together and volunteer at numerous places in Boerne. Another sophomore at Brandeis High School, described Geneva students as, “extremely sheltered from the world and in their own bubble.” She explained that because Geneva seems like its own little world, we are not exposed to different ideas and religions. The school has a lack of diversity because it is filled with people who all believe similar things and uphold Christianity as their religion. “However, the fact that Geneva students frequently volunteer at Hill Country Daily Bread uncovers a variety of other people’s beliefs and religions,” said the Brandeis sophomore. Outside experiences will prepare students for the outside world, where there will be types of people with different worldviews.

Former Geneva student Sam Langenbahn, brother to Will (11th) and Lily (7th), is a current freshman at Boerne High school. After attending Geneva for nine years, he chose to leave and enroll at Boerne High School because of his potential athletic opportunities. His perspective on leaving Geneva was unique because of his love for Christ. “Leaving Geneva has drawn me closer to the Lord,” said Langenbahn. “When people ask me why I do not drink, cuss, and act this way, I say that I am a light for Christ, and I enjoy making a difference.” He said Geneva “deserves a ‘well done!’” because it prepares and shapes students, including himself, for their next stage of life. Ultimately, the decisions that we make will carry us to the person we will become. “I love all my [Geneva] friends and miss them so much. If I could have taken them all with me, I would have. The mindset that Geneva has instilled in all of us has shaped us into wonderful people.” In conclusion, this is a charge to all Geneva students. Be prepared at all times to counter the criticisms that are being said about our students by outsiders. It is our responsibility to take seriously how we represent our school, but more importantly our faith. You may be the only Geneva student someone knows. Therefore, every time you go out in public wearing your GSB t-shirt, people are watching your actions, hearing what you say, and associating them with our school. The Geneva community needs to put forth every effort to portray Christ-like actions and words that parents and teachers have taught through God’s Word in order to avoid these stereotypes. Stereotypes can last a lifetime; students need to be prepared to counter the criticism with solid arguments. 17


Geneva’s debate team continues to succeed in Public Forum.

Hours. You’ve prepared hours for this moment. The judge gives the signal and you begin. As first speaker, you deliver your case. Your voice isn’t shaky because this is second nature to you, but who are you kidding, you’re still super nervous on the inside. You know your competitors will be a challenge but you don’t doubt yourself or your abilities. As sophomore Ashley Salter says, confidence is key in debate. Geneva’s debate program has been in existence for eight years. This year, the debate team competes in the Public Forum (PF) style of debating, which involves two teams arguing the pro or con side to a resolution that changes each month. The flip of a coin determines who will argue what side. Each team contains two speakers: the first speaker presents their team’s case, and the second speaker forms a rebuttal against the other team’s argument. After every speaker has given two speeches and the teams have cross-examined each other’s arguments during questioning periods, an appointed judge decides who won the round. ”One of the things that I like about working in


debate is that it is one of the few classes where we really get to treat teenagers like they are adults. We expect them to be completely independent,” says Mr. Scott Milam, head coach of the debate team. The independence really comes from all the research that the students are required to do. “They are on their own and they get to experience the consequences or the benefits of the work ethic that they adopt.” This year Milam, along with Mr. James Grover ,headed up the debate program. Milam has been Geneva’s head coach for two years, and Grover joined this year. Grover, class of 2012, is the first teacher to have previously been a Geneva student and debater; he was a member of the team under the former debate coach Mrs. Leslie Moeller in 2009. Initially, debate was offered at Geneva as an after-school extra- curricular, but it became so popular that the school decided to turn it into an elective the following year. Currently, Geneva’s debate team consists of 31 students and counting. This past January, six out of the 31 PF debaters from Geneva’s team participated in a tournament at Columbia University in New York: seniors Coggin Galbreath with Carol Metzger, junior Nick Patti with senior Jeff Rosinbaum, and junior Austin Salter with senior Ashton Rodgers. While they did not qualify for the next level round at the tournament the experience was invaluable. “The tournament went well,” reflected Rodgers. “Debating in New York was fun and an interesting new experience.” In past years, the debate team has visited several prestigious schools for tournaments such as Yale, Princeton and Har-

vard. During his senior year, Grover went to a tournament at Princeton which he described as an unforgettable experience. “It was extremely eye-opening to see a different part of the country and all of the different styles of debate. It was very educational from a debate perspective,” Grover said. Over this course of this year, Geneva’s PF team has argued pro and con for five topics. The first resolution (Sept/Oct. 2016) involved probable cause searches in K-12 grade public schools. In this topic, the debaters argued whether or not teachers or authority figures should be allowed to search students without a viable reason. Second, they tackled the potential benefits and harms of the internet (Nov. 2016). In this case, they discussed how the use of technology could potentially lead to anything ranging from identity theft to cyber bullying. Lastly, they argued about whether or not the United States should increase or decrease military spending (Jan. 2017). This third topic revolved mainly around the benefits and disadvantages military spending would cause for America. The fourth topic (Feb. 2017) was about whether or not the Cuban embargo should be abolished because it has not accomplished its intended purpose of blocking the Cuban government from becoming oppressive. The final topic of the year (Mar. 2017) discusses if the United States should stop pressuring Israel to work toward a two-state solution. During these tournaments, several debate pairs have accumulated points based on how they finished in a tournament, allowing them to qualify for the TAFA State Championship tournament. This tournament is one of a few that most debaters work towards all year. Galbreath/Metzger, Rosinbaum/Patti, Rodgers/Salter, Galbreath/Cone, along with sophomores

Ashley and Alyssa Salter, will all attend the 2017 state tournament this March. “[We] have a running debate joke that we essentially ‘sold our souls to debate’ because of the amount of time we spend prepping, traveling and debating at tournaments,” said Rodgers. Other than the State Championship, four debaters qualified for the Tournament of Champions (TOC) silver bracket. The TOC is the most prestigious and competitive tournament in the debate world. There are very specific standards one must meet in order to be invited. When the debaters compete in high-ranking PF tournaments and finish in a certain ranking, they receive a bid. Based on the number of bids they accumulate, PF pairs are allowed to compete in a TOC tournament. Rodgers/Salter and Rosinbaum/ Patti will be going to the University of Kentucky in April to compete in the 2017 TOC silver bracket. Yet, killin’ and grillin’ the opponent in debate is only half of what makes up the debate program. Geneva’s curriculum prepares students to become successful debaters. Studying logic, dialectic and rhetoric as part of Geneva’s curriculum gives debaters a solid foundation. Even so, Geneva values debate for more than just argument’s sake. “We are called as Christians to be able to give a defense for what we believe,” said Milam. “Debate is an opportunity to develop those skills, not only to persuade, but to combat arguments put up against Christianity.” Whatever skills debaters take from the classroom they are able to apply to real life. “We help people build up the confidence and the skills that they need to be able to speak in public and hopefully to spread the Gospel,” said Milam.









-Mrs. Terri Bomgaars, drama instructor

-Dr. Howard Short, AP math instructor 20

We all have those things that really get to us. Whether it’s someone’s loud chewing, breathing or tapping, there’s always something that really peeves us all. Teachers see teenagers all throughout the day, and can sympathize. However, here are some of their pet peeves outside the classroom.

A glance at some of the interesting things you wish you knew about campus people and random facts you may quickly forget.


“I really hate it when people give me money. I’m not poor! I really only said that because I know that people usually do whatever your pet peeve is to make you mad. I want people to start handing me money.”

“I cannot stand when someone “I can’t handle is chomping their popcorn in bad drivers the movie theaters. My kids in general. I are embarrassed to go to especially hate see films with me because I when I’m driving will turn around and ask the behind someone loud chewer to quiet down. Obnoxious mouth noises have who will drive at an inconsistent always bothered me.” speed. I guess it bothers me “If I had to because I am an choose one, impatient sinner.” I would have to say when drivers speed “I really hate when up at yellow drivers cut me off or cut lights. It’s just in front of me in a line of so dangerous, cars. It is so selfish; they it’s crazy!” need to wait their turn!”

-Mr. Paul Johnson, humanities instructor

-Mr. Dirk Russell, humanities instructor

-Mrs. Debbie Georgelos, Spanish instructor


The GQ staff captured the “before” and “after” faces students made when they received a personal compliment.



You have the most beautiful eyes! They reflect your personality. You are almost done with your first year of high school, great job and keep it up!


You are so pretty! Thank you for sharing your beauty with others. 21



This essay was written in fulfillment of an assignment for the Geneva Dual Credit English class (classical argument with no research required). The freshmen in Mr. Smith’s class are receiving their first book of the year, “The Aeneid.” Mr. Smith hands them each a copy, and it lands with a thud on their desks. As they flip through the pages, the students realize that there are far too many words and far too many pages. More than half of them immediately decide that they will not read a single word of this enormous book and decide that they will look up a summary on the Internet instead. With a groan from the class, Mr. Smith assigns them the first few books of the epic, but then tells them that they are encouraged to use SparkNotes or any other study aid. The students are shocked and think that he is joking, but he assures them that he is serious. He says that “The Aeneid” is a confusing book at times, and some extra help is necessary to understand it. As long as they actually read the chapters assigned in the book, Mr. Smith allows his students to use SparkNotes as a study aid. This scenario would be unheard of in many high schools today, because sources like SparkNotes, Cliff Notes, and GradeSaver are usually viewed as tools for cheating rather than helpful summaries. People think this way because they are abused rather than used. Most students who currently use SparkNotes do not actually use it as a study aid; they use it as a replacement for the book. Perhaps this abuse of SparkNotes is because teachers have never taught students when to use them or how to use them correctly. If so, high school teachers should encourage students to properly use SparkNotes as a study aid because students will be more likely to actually read the book and as a result, they will have greater understanding of it. If a teacher encouraged his students to use SparkNotes, he would also have to stress the importance of reading the actual book too. When students only read a summary of a book, they receive a stripped-down version of the work, which means they miss out on much of its meaning. Even though each SparkNotes summary is written by a highly educated literary expert, due to its condensed nature, there is much that is left out. Style, tone, themes, dialogue, and details are largely thrown out the window. Reading a book is like traveling to a new world, and reading the summary is like getting a postcard from it. The teacher would need to emphasize all of this and make sure the students realize its importance, 22 CAMPUS CULTURE//ESSAY

because the point of reading a book is to understand and learn from it. SparkNotes should be used when the book gets confusing and hard to follow, but not used as a replacement for the book. There is no point for a teacher to attempt to forbid students from using SparkNotes because it will only create tension between the teacher and the students. It would be wise, however, for the teacher to attempt to forbid students from abusing them and show them how to use them well. By allowing students to use SparkNotes, teachers can emphasize the importance of reading the book, and in turn, the students might want to read the book. Once students start reading the book and not just the summary, teachers will be able to foster discussions that dive deeper than the surface. It is difficult for students to discuss the true meaning of a book of which they only know the basic plot. For example, if students just read the SparkNotes summary of “The Aeneid,” they will know that Aeneas travels around a lot, but they will not understand the importance of his fate and destiny. Students should use SparkNotes for “The Aeneid” when they do not understand what is happening in the book, which in this case is because of ornate or archaic language. The use of SparkNotes can get students back on track with the plot, whereas reading no summary might leave them lost and confused. Once the students are actually reading the book with the help of SparkNotes, the teacher should be able to explain the themes of the book more clearly and will be able to foster more productive in-depth discussions. There is no doubt that some teachers would be against encouraging their students to use SparkNotes because they think that even more students would start to use them exclusively. The truth is, there will always be students who genuinely dislike reading or will always do the least amount of work possible. Encouraging students to use SparkNotes will not affect these people at all, and they will most likely continue to read the summary and never read the book. But an increase in the abuse of SparkNotes after allowing them is not very likely. After the teacher supports their use and emphasizes the importance of reading the actual book, students will most likely read both. The teacher will also be more aware of the topics that SparkNotes covers, and will ask the students questions that are not covered in the summary. The teacher can quiz the students on specific parts of the reading and

ask them deeper questions about the characters or the meaning. This prevents students from doing well in the class if they are only reading the summary and not the actual book. Some students will still not read the book, but nothing can be done to make them read it. Although it might seem like encouraging SparkNotes would just increase the number of students abusing them, it will most likely only increase the number of students using them. Some books can be tough to read. They might have outdated words or a confusing plot, but they are still great books that are worth reading. If teachers

encourage students to use SparkNotes as a study aid for these kinds of books, then the students will be more likely to read them and have a greater understanding of them. Teachers should help students utilize all of the tools at their disposal in a responsible way and show students that SparkNotes is a supplement to reading. When students abuse summaries, they are only cheating themselves by not reading the book. Unfortunately, no matter what the teacher says, there will always be students who abuse summaries. When used correctly, however, SparkNotes are beneficial to students, and teachers should encourage their use.





PLAYING THROUGH THE BY DANIEL GROVER The Geneva soccer teams discuss brutal injuries.

Running into defenders and smashing them to the ground. The most concussions in any sport. Non-stop action for a game that is more popular around the world than traditional football. Any idea? It’s soccer. The loud fans and crazy comebacks are just a few things that define soccer. And what makes a soccer player stand out? Scars.

“MENTAL TOUGHNESS IS REQUIRED MOST OF ALL. SOCCER BEING PLAYED AS IT IS, THE SPORT REQUIRES GREAT ENDURANCE TO GET THROUGH THE TWO 40 MINUTE HALVES ALIVE. YOU HAVE TO BE TOUGH ENOUGH TO WANT TO TAKE THE BALL FROM YOUR OPPONENT.” According to the journal “Pediatrics,” soccer has a higher injury rate than most other contact/collision sports like field hockey, rugby, basketball and football. Girls are 26 THE SCORE


most likely to be injured in practice and boys are more likely to be injured in competition. In 2011, the article said that concussion rates for girls soccer doubled over an 11year period. Soccer is sometimes viewed as a sport played by the less-thantough, but charging at an opponent without pads on is not for the weak of heart. Soccer is known today for its crazy fans, the outrageous flops done by stars like Christiano Ronaldo, and the vicious biting done by Luis Suarez. But to play soccer, it takes more than just acting skills or sharp teeth. Boy’s soccer has been a varsity sport at Geneva for six years and a girls sports for five years. Coach John Brock coaches the girls’ team, and Coach Marty Morris continues to lead the boys’ team. Coach Brock said soccer isn’t all about goals and trophies for him. It requires toughness of both the mental and physical variety. “Mental toughness is required most of all. Soccer being played as it is, the sport requires great endurance to get through the two 40 minute halves alive. You have to be tough enough to want to take the ball from your opponent,” Brock said. Brock said that the toughest match the girls have had to play this year was against Veritas, the best team in the state. The girls were riddled with injuries and had to push through to even compete

in the game. Sophomore Eleanor Galbreath had to play on strained quadriceps so the team could play with eleven players because so many were injured. “I was impressed with [her] toughness, because she had to play the whole game on a bad leg,” said Brock. “But all the girls had to push through that game because we only had 11 players.” In like fashion, the girl’s team has had to step up this year with the loss of some of their players due to injury. Sophomore Katelyn Davis and Junior Grace Zara were both injured in the game against John Paul II. Davis has now missed out on two crucial games of the season due to an ankle injury with torn ligaments. “I was frustrated for the first week having to limp around and being called ‘gimpy’ by Mr. Southwick. But I’m glad to have a quick recovery and I’m thankful that I wasn’t out the whole year,” Davis said. It is not unusual for a soccer player to have battle scars from soccer games and a story to go with them. Davis, who has played soccer for years through Geneva and various club teams and who has scored the most goals by a freshman in TAPPS history, recalled one of her worst injuries when her shin swelled to the size of a grapefruit. “I got into a [slide] tackle with a college girl [at camp] and she kicked my shin,” Davis said.

While there is a physical toughness that is necessary, there is just as much of a need for mental toughness. Senior Ally Dollander was not outwardly scarred by her soccer injuries, but her head was. As she ran out to grab a ball, a girl kicked her in the side of the head, resulting in a concussion. “I blacked out and don’t remember much of anything from that day,” said Dollander. She was not able to play for three weeks and was frustrated with how much work it took to do simple tasks. While she obviously could not continue to play in that

the game, she did continue her goalkeeping that year when the girls went into the playoffs. Sophomore Devon Ahrens on the guy’s team recalls the story of the nasty scar he got when an opponent stepped on him. “I was playing keeper in a tournament and a kid stepped on my ribs with his cleats.” As an experienced player on the field, Ahrens knows what it takes to be a great soccer player. “You have to be tough to be a good soccer player. Anyone can play; but to be good you can’t be afraid,” Ahrens said.

Sophomore Grant Williams is reminded of his battle scar to this day each time he holds something in his hand. “I was fighting for a ball with a guy and he had his mouth open and my hand went up and the opposing player bit me. It didn’t hurt as much as I was shocked that someone would bite me,” he said. To play soccer, all it takes is to sign up and show up. But if you play at Geneva, you will quickly learn what it means to be tough, and you might even come out with a nasty scar to brandish proudly.

Soccer athletes get rough on the field. senior Caleb Nilsson shows off his soccer skills. Pictured from top to bottom: Hogan Petrie, Katelyn Davis, Devon Ahrens, and Carissa Georgelos. PHOTOS COURTESY OF PAM AKIN 27


Hoops for Heartland helps Heartland Children’s Home provides compassionate care for medically fragile children.

Senior varsity basketball player, Zach Arthur, shows his love for fourth grader Jacob Goodman. PHOTO BY IAN COMUZZIE


he players hold their positions and the crowd holds their breath. The ball is tossed into the air, and snatched up by a nearby player, the game has begun. The crowd is on their feet, wishing and cheering for a Geneva win. To most people, this may seem like a typical Geneva basketball game. Some may be aware that the donation box at the front of the gym is raising money for a fundraiser called Hoops for Heartland, but not much beyond that. The crowd is caught up in the action, completely unaware of the game’s full significance. They have no idea that tonight, the players on the court are playing for something greater than just another win. That is, until a woman named Dawn Terrazas, director of Heartland Children’s Home, steps onto the court during halftime. The crowd appreciates the mis-


sion of the game and the fundraiser. However, they cannot imagine that their donations that night will raise money for something far greater than themselves: Heartland Children’s Home, a home for medically fragile children. There are those who are destined to do great things; things that matter, things that will make a difference. These people are not the ones who cannot take their eyes off the clock at work, counting the hours until they can leave the place they dread returning to every day. What they do for a living is more than a job and a way to pay the bills, it’s a passion. These people exist in every town and, if you’re lucky, you may meet one someday. They will make you rethink how you want to spend the rest of your life, and what you want to accomplish in the time you are given.

Dawn Terrazas is one of these people. Daughter of the founder of Heartland Children’s Home, she lives with a simple purpose: to love those in her care well and offer them the best quality of life. In her case, she loves and cares for medically-fragile children who are in need of the special accommodations offered at Heartland Home. This past school year, Geneva raised $4,171 through their annual “Hoops for Heartland” basketball game. With a staff of well-trained, around-the-clock nurses, Heartland is currently a home for six foster children, but has the faculties and license to house up to 12 children until the age of 18. The children typically suffer from ailments ranging from shaken baby syndrome, HIV, AIDS, and prenatal drug exposure, to name a few. Many of the children rely on ventilators and feeding tubes to continue to increase and sustain their quality of life. The background of each child varies, but several have been subject to abuse and neglect from their parents and other family members. These situations are often a struggle for everyone involved. The staff at Heartland witnesses the consequences of these decisions every day. Terrazas admitted that it took her a long time to gain any sort of understanding concerning the choices some of her foster children’s parents make. Yet, she tries to look upon every situation with wisdom and grace, something that can be incredibly challenging in most cases. “You just can’t judge a book by its cover. You have to look past that and [ask] ‘What happened to that mother? And what happened to that father? Were their parents drug addicts? Were they beaten as children?’ We carry on what we teach our children, and what we do to our children is what they are going to do to their children,” Terrazas said. Whenever the conversation arises, Terrazas never hesitates to remind people to stop and thoroughly look at a situation before making a quick judgment about it. However, not every child she cares for is a victim of abuse. Genetic diseases and disabilities can

“WE CARRY ON WHAT WE TEACH OUR CHILDREN AND WHAT WE DO TO OUR CHILDREN IS WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO TO THEIR CHILDREN.” also contribute to the state of a child at Heartland. Although the challenges can be intimidating and sometimes overwhelming, Heartland focuses on giving each of the children under their roof the greatest quality of life that they deserve. Whether a child is predicted to live six more months, or two more years, Terrazas and her team work to make everyday worth living. “It isn’t the amount of time that [the child] was here [on earth], it’s about what they passed on to you while they were here and what you learned from that,” she said. She emphasized the importance of letting a child know that he or she has a home and how essential a physical bond is to the children. “Because all of our children are severely handicapped, it is about showing them love, holding them, hugging them and kissing them. Even if they cannot communicate with us, there is still a person and a soul there, and they know that they are loved and well taken care of,” said Terrazas. This mindset is a part of the mission of Heartland, and it would not be the place it is today without its influence. Terrazas believes that no children lives in her home on accident, and that there is a reason the Lord chose her to be the one to care for them, no matter how demanding this task may seem. The dedicated nurses at Heartland know this mindset like the back of their hand. 29

“WE ARE BLESSED EVERY DAY WITH EVERY CHILD THAT IS BROUGHT INTO THIS HOUSE.” Another unique characteristic of Heartland is the everyday routine each child goes through. Nurses take each child out of bed at least twice a day to be around the other children, hoping they feel as if they are a special part of the family no matter how medically fragile they are. Along with Terrazas’ six foster children who live at Heartland Children’s Home, Terrazas is a mother to five adopted boys. She embraces the challenges that come with raising five boys at full speed, recognizing the joys that come along with each trial. She has full knowledge of the struggles of the adoption process, especially when it includes handicapped children. Dealing with problems like ADHD, drug addiction, behavioral issues and physical disabilities in her own home has shown Terrazas a different side of long-term parenting. “With the support of everyone that I have from Heartland, to Geneva, and to all the churches here in Boerne, it’s been a great support [system] that we have to [come alongside us] and help us raise these children,” Terrazas said. Terrazas credits the success and strength of Heartland to the overwhelming support she receives from the community. The annual “Hoops for Heartland” fundraiser is a large contributor to this support. The program began at Geneva when current senior, Katie Drees, had the idea as a sophomore. “I love that I go to a school where I can have the opportunity to start and lead a fundraiser like Hoops for Heartland,” said Drees. “I am so grateful that I could bring my passions of basketball and serving Heartland Children’s Home together. It’s bittersweet


to leave such a big part of my high school behind, but I’ve learned so much along the way.” Terrazas emphasizes the impact Hoops for Heartland has had on her and her ministry. “Hoops for Heartland has done so much for us, anything we have ever asked for. And Geneva has been wonderful. It is a great school with a huge support system that is felt from not only the kids, but the parents too. There really is a great family network at the school. Not only has Geneva supported through monetary donations, but also through the donations of diapers and wipes,” said Terrazas. “Geneva has had several fundraisers for us, including one at Thanksgiving and a Love Thy Neighbor fundraiser at Valentine’s Day. Through Geneva, [the word has spread] and lots of people have become involved at Heartland because of it.” The donations for Hoops for Heartland are collected through admission fees to the basketball games, checks and cash donations. Diapers, wipes, batteries, gift cards, and children toys are examples of appreciated donations that Hoops for Heartland collects from the Geneva community to give to Heartland. Heartland Children’s Home offers shelter to those who are most vulnerable and often overlooked in a big and busy world. Terrazas said that she feels the Lord is working through the children at Heartland and the passionate men and women who work to make a difference in the lives of these children. “We are blessed every day with every child that is brought into this house. No matter how sick they are or what condition they are in, we are blessed,” Terrazas said.



gingers in high school

0 18:1

How many shots attempted in soccer vs. how many go in.

5 9

gingers playing winter sports

mascot appearances at games this school year

Average temperature for outdoor sports: 52. Average temperature for indoor sports: 76.

(Also the land speed of a hippopotamus according to Wikipedia. We aren’t world class.)

# of times a week students are approached about playing in a spring sport.


19 MPH

The average speed of serve from ping pong club



2008 BY ANSON EGGERSS 2009 2010 2011 32


Boy’s basketball. The first sport that was ever started at Geneva. The sport with two state championships, two state finals appearances, two regional playoff appearances, and a divisional playoff appearance. The sport with three separate teams under one program. Boy’s basketball. Geneva’s entire basketball program is rapidly changing. For the first time this year, the size of the boy’s basketball program necessitated three teams. Together, the 30 players make up a varsity, JV1 and JV2 team. Philip Boenitz, Aaron Southwick and Nick Champion make up the boy’s basketball coaching staff. Boenitz, new to the coaching staff this year, has taken on the challenge of coaching boys’ varsity alongside supervising the other teams. Champion, who previously coached Geneva’s seventh grade team and was a player in high school himself, coaches the JV2 team. Finally, Southwick coaches the unified JV1 team and has been involved with Geneva basketball the longest. When basketball first started at Geneva, there was not even a full high school. The team has come a long way since then in terms of numbers and skill. In the school year of 2006-2007 there was only a JV team. Practice was held in the Multi-Purpose Building because the competition gym was not built yet. Scheduling was tricky, with sixth, seventh and eighth grade teams practicing at the same time as JV. “I remember one of the teams sometimes had to practice on the outdoor basketball court in the grammar school,” said Southwick. Geneva’s very first team was composed of “basically all the boys in the school.” The team was starving for more basketball players back then, but today Geneva has enough boys to field an entire soccer team aside from the basketball program, plus others who chose not to participate in sports. The head coach for boy’s basketball used to be Jon Brou, with Southwick assisting. The team played a regular JV schedule since they weren’t even registered in a TAPPS division yet. When Southwick officially took over coaching the next year, Geneva

THE STARS From the first team of all ninth graders to today’s program with three separate teams, Geneva’s basketball program continues to grow. PHOTOS COURTESY OF ARCHIVES

had its first ever varsity basketball team. The 20072008 varsity team made it to the regional round at the TAPPS 1A playoffs. Ben Townsend, father of Geneva alumni Hunter (2012) and Nolan (2014), started coaching with Southwick during the 2008-2009 varsity season and carried the team to the area championships. Both coaches returned the following season, and the team suffered a loss against Abilene Christian in its first appearance at the state championship. In the year of 2010-2011, Coach Jeff Crews was hired and led varsity to a state championship with a victory over Spring Providence Christian. The soon-to-be Geneva basketball players Jake Martin and Logan Ward were on that Spring Providence team. They transferred to Geneva the next year as juniors, which added two experienced players to the varsity team. “When they came to Geneva the next year, and we lost at state, the team joke was that it was their fault since they had come from the team that we had beaten previously,” said Southwick. In the season of 2012-2013, Coach Daniel Perez joined Crews to instruct the varsity team during its first year in the TAPPS 2A division. To advance to the championships, they won the semifinals round in four overtimes, leading the team to a triumph in the final game against Waco Vanguard. Ending with a 30-6 record, they had an outstanding year with a satisfying state victory, and some argue this was Geneva’s greatest basketball season. The following year, varsity made it to state again but lost the championship. In 2015, the team lost the divisional round to Baytown Christian. Last season Geneva made an appearance at the regional round, which begs the question: Is a state Championship in the near future? “If we show up to every playoff game playing our best, then we are confident about our chances,” seniors Jeff Rosinbaum and Zach Arthur said. We will soon find out the outcome of the 2016-2017 season, but all prior seasons and championships prove one fact: Geneva basketball is developing swiftly, and isn’t going to stop any time soon.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017



Salter prepares herself to lunge back into her stroke PHOTO BY KATELYN DAVIS


Geneva sophomore talks about her passion for swimming and how it has helped her grow as a competitive athlete.

“SWIMMING IS A SPORT THAT REQUIRES YOU TO PUSH THROUGH EVEN WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE YOUR LUNGS MIGHT BURST.” “My dad took us to the pool one day, and while he was sitting and reading a book, he told us to jump in. So I learned how to swim.” From the moment when her dad told her to “jump in,” sophomore Alyssa Salter has loved swimming. “I know this sounds weird, but I just like the way the water feels.” Now on Geneva’s swim team, Salter has been swimming competitively since she was six, and doesn’t plan to stop any time soon. The years leading up to this year have consisted of countless hours devoted to lessons and club teams. Although her dad was the one to “teach” her how to swim, her mom was responsible for enrolling her and her siblings in official swimming lessons. Salter said that her mom felt called by God to give her three children, “exercise for their bodies, the Word of God for their spirits and love for their souls.” Swimming became this exercise for all three Salter children at a very young age, and has been ever since. For the first nine years of her swimming career, Salter had the privilege to learn under Eddie Larry, who himself made it to Olympic trials, on her club team. Salter said that Coach Larry “made it fun and treated us like adults.” Larry taught Salter that she needed to be relaxed and have fun while swimming rather than be tense. Larry’s coaching made a huge impact on Salter’s swimming skills and mentality because, “He coached the slowest lane the same way he coached the fastest one.” Rob Inglish, Geneva’s varsity swim coach, also serves as Salter’s current coach outside of school. When asked to compare the school swim team to her club team, Salter said that “there’s more of a team atmosphere” on the Geneva team. She also described the school’s team as more relaxed and less intense than her club team, which makes swimming more fun. The six-member swim team took second place at the state meet in 2016, and Salter won third in the 100m breaststroke as a freshman. Long distance swimming events are Salter’s favorite, and she particularly enjoys the 200m freestyle and the 200m breaststroke. The countless hours that Salter has devoted to swimming have taught her more than just swim techniques. “It’s hard at times, but it teaches you to push through and push yourself,” said Salter. Since swimming is an individual sport, it necessitates self-motivation, and Salter has gained that ability through her numerous years of experience.

She said that one of her strengths is her ability to not give up and push through. In total, Salter devotes 11 hours a week to swimming. She gets up early four times a week and drives from Boerne to San Antonio to go to her club swim practice that lasts an hour and a half before going to school. This kind of training requires dedication that has taught her discipline and commitment.

Salter, pictured at the pool,values swimming for fun just as much as competing.

PHOTO BY KATELYN DAVIS “A lot of [swimming] is mental,” said Salter, whether what you’re doing is hard or easy. Swimming is a sport that requires you to push through even when you feel like your lungs might burst or your muscles might fail, and this requires a mental drive to keep on going. Salter wants to continue swimming after high school, whether it’s for a college or a club. Swimming at a college is something that she would love to do, even if it’s just for a Division III school, she said. And since swimming is a lifetime sport, Salter plans to swim for the rest of her life. In the meantime, Salter will keep swimming for Geneva. 35


Student athletes discuss the unique anxiety track creates.


Hearts pounding, the athletes take their steps up to the blocks and get situated. Stomachs churning, they wait for the words, “on your marks.” Sweltering heat beats down. Sweat begins to form on the backs of their necks as they focus on the track before them. Nerves begin to skyrocket as they hear the starter belt, “get set.” Shaky deep-breath in, deep-breath out. With a shot, the wait is over and the race is off. These thoughts make up only a fraction of what goes through the minds of track athletes before a race. Students deal with anxiety in everything from school, to sports, to the struggles of everyday life. Everyone experiences anxiety on different levels, but when the Spring season rolls around and the time comes to convince your parents to invest in a shiny new pair of spikes, most athletes are on the same page as far as track-related anxiety. There are several factors that set track apart from other competitive sports. These factors are often what cause anxiety. In the great scheme of things, the sport that causes someone the most anxiety is likely the sport they care most about. “I just like track more than football, so I personally get more nervous in track,” said junior Marshall Shults, shot put thrower and sprinter. “In football you get pretty nervous, but once the game starts you’re not nervous at all. With track you get nervous for one event, and then an hour later you’re nervous for another event, and so on.” “The older I got the more I started to care about it, so now I get more nervous,” said senior Julie Perez, who throws both shock put and discus. “But when I was younger I just thought, ‘Oh whatever, I’m just going to throw it.” “Track gives me way more anxiety than cross country, because I like it more. It’s my favorite. I do get adrenaline right before I get on the block before I swim, but nothing compares to the anxiety of track because I like it so much more and I really want to perform well in it,” said long distance runner, junior Emme Owens. 36 THE SCORE

Another contributing factor to track-related anxiety stems from the setup of track meets. These meets are unique in comparison to most other team sports due to their mix of individual and team events. “It’s an individual sport in the individual races, but you’re still working as a team to win regionals or state. Everyone has to do their part, so you’re constantly relying on your teammates or trying to encourage them,” said former Geneva track high-jumper and eight time record holder, Reynolds Walker (2016). “It’s really cool because everyone finds their own niche in track… doing what they love, and you get to root them on doing it.” While track is considered a “team sport” because all individual and relay points go towards a team’s final ranking, it’s up to each individual member as soon as spikes hit the track. “In track it’s all you, and all the attention is on the runners. Your teammates play a role in every other sport, but in track it’s all up to you,” sophomore Devon Ahrens, hurdler and sprinter, said. Still another area of anxiety comes from the unforgiving nature of races. For example, when an athlete is running on a relay team and receives the baton, all of the pressure is on the individual athlete. There is far less room for mistakes since there is only one chance at each running event per meet. If an athlete falls during a race, he can get back up but once back on his feet the runner has more than likely already fallen several places behind, especially in short distance races. Whether it’s on the court or field, in most other team sports players have their team to rely on. “Especially if your relay team is good, you’re practicing with them constantly. You have to work handoffs. They all have to be flawless and you really have to rely on those guys to do what they are suppose to within seconds. They can’t get it wrong; otherwise it’s all gone, whereas in basketball or tennis, you have multiple points to catch up. So it’s just that you have to have much more trust and faith in your teammates on a relay team,” Walker explained.

Disqualification is a rather frequent occurrence in track, and the pressure to start properly can create yet another level of anxiety for athletes. “My first race at state I got so nervous that I false started and got disqualified. So that was kind of hard to come back from. False starting is a big thing that I’ve tried to keep under control,” said sophomore Amy Ambelang, sprinter and hurdler. Since track becomes more intense and important at the high school level, athletes constantly have to keep an eye on the clock and an ear on the announcer to know when to eat, warm up and check in for their next event. The constant changes and flexibility in the track meet schedules due to weather, participants and officials create a fast-paced yet slow and stressful environment. “You don’t know when you will be called up, and it takes so long,” said freshman sprinter, Josh Nate. “You

think, do I go at this time, what do I have to do before that, how much time do I have before I go?” “It’s not like Logic School track where you can just get on the track,” Ambelang said, reflecting on previous track seasons. “You have to eat at certain times, warm up at certain times and... you always have to wear your pants.” While the majority of people experience some form of anxiety in every sport, track seems to be the predominant contributor to athlete anxiety, according to its participants. “It’s hands down the most nerve-racking and anxiety-ridden sport. I mean anyone I’ve ever met has said that it far outweighs the anxiety or nervousness you feel in anything else,” said Walker. “I have a love hate relationship with track. I’m not really sure where the love part is, but it’s there,” said senior sprinter, Skylar Tippetts.


Reese Ferguson, freshman, takes off out of the blocks. Ferguson is running her first year in high school and will be on the varsity team. PHOTO BY JACQUELINE KNOX




TEN-DOLLAR FOUNDING FATHER “Hamilton” tickets made their way into the Christmas stockings of many students this year. A look at the music and obsession of this musical.





couple years ago, most Americans would hold a ten-dollar bill and know almost nothing about the man on the front other than his name, Alexander Hamilton. The average citizen probably has more of a personal connection with TV characters than with the men printed on our money. We see history as a list of bullet points; a man’s whole life can be summarized by his birth, his death and sometimes a short list of accomplishments. Director Lin Manuel Miranda probably didn’t think much differently until he picked up the very biography that would later change his life. “Hamilton: An American Musical” is a hip hop, Broadway-musical adaptation of the historic life of Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton is famous for being an immigrant from St. Croix, the right-hand man of George Washington, the first Secretary of the Treasury, his incredible ability to write the Federalist Papers, introducing the nation’s first financial system, his affair with Maria Reynolds, and his duel with Aaron Burr. The musical starts off with its famous track, “Alexander Hamilton.” The main characters gather to sing and rap about Hamilton’s future and ask the question, “How does an underdog with such an impoverished past become a founding father and one of the most influential men in the creation of our country?” This

question is reiterated throughout the musical and is left up to the audience to answer. The performance is narrated by none other than Aaron Burr who (spoiler alert!) kills Hamilton later in his life. Because of his relationship with the main character, he provides a unique take on the actions and life of Hamilton. The beginning of Act One has a patriotic and light-hearted vibe. A great majority of the leaders we know from during the Revolutionary War are in their early 20’s during this time. They excitedly talk about the war, yearning to fight and be a part of the action. In the musical, Hamilton says to his friends, “I may not live to see our glory, but I will gladly join the fight. And when our children tell our stories they’ll tell the story of tonight.” As is evident, patriotism is at an incredible high. Early on in the production, Hamilton falls in love with a girl named Eliza whom he later marries. Yet, he still maintains an incredibly flirtatious relationship with Eliza’s sister, Angelica. Historically, they did send very flirtatious letters, although this is often regarded as a “siblings-in law” kind of relationship. Historians can’t tell whether either one was in love with the other as the musical suggests. This would not be


a surprise however, as Hamilton was frequently categorized as a sort of womanizer. A huge part of both Hamilton’s personal and political life was his affair with Maria Reynolds, which unfolds throughout the plot of the musical. When James Reynolds is made aware that Hamilton is involved with his wife, he sends blackmail letters asking for a thousand dollars in return for his wife’s favors. Though the other founding fathers eventually realize that Hamilton is having an affair, they agree to keep quiet. However, as Aaron Burr says to Hamilton in the musical, “Alexander, rumors only grow.” The rumors do, in fact, grow. This then prompts Hamilton to publish all the blackmail letters in the paper for everyone, and all of history, to read. The musical stays true to history for the most part, with only sparse dramatizations throughout. They also change some of the locations and time of some of the events to make the story flow more easily. Humanities instructor Mr. Dirk Russell gave his insight on the historical side of “Hamilton.” He enjoyed reading Ron Chernow’s “Alexander Hamilton” himself, the same biography that inspired the musical. “If Hamilton follows the book then it should be pretty accurate,” Russell said. “I think that this musical could spur people to read the book and learn more about the history,” said Russell, reflecting on the musical’s societal impact. Hamilton has caused the founding of America to become relevant again. The road to writing the “Hamilton” musical was a long one. According to an interview with Jimmy Fallon, Lin-Manuel Miranda picked up Chernow’s biography of Hamilton at an airport bookshop before going on a vacation with his wife. He read the first couple of chapters and began to imagine the dramatic and poetic life of Alexander Hamilton as a musical.

To Lin-Manuel, Hamilton’s life story demanded be told. Miranda soon got to work writing the music. It took him nearly six years to write the whole soundtrack. Although he was already a huge fan of Broadway, Miranda also enjoyed rap and hip-hop music, which he incorporated into his musical. A musical about a historic figure is already strange enough, but writing a rap musical pushed the envelope even more. A couple of months later, Miranda was asked to perform a song for the White House Poetry Jam from his musical “In the Heights,” but instead of doing so he sang a rough draft of what would later become the first song for “Hamilton.” President Obama and the audience loved the song; little did they know it would later become a worldwide phenomenon. Miranda went on to write more of the musical, recruiting cast members as he went. They performed Act One at an off-Broadway theater, and the audience could not get enough. “Hamilton” made it to Broadway and began to earn attention from several celebrities including President Obama. The show began to gain popularity partially because of how diverse the cast was. The idea of African-American men and women playing white historical figures gave people inspiration and hope. The show has been performed in Chicago and New York and has plans to go to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Houston. It’s the highest grossing musical since ”Les Miserables,” and most of the fans have only listened to the music. Hamilton has made history and the founding of America relevant to today’s generation and helped to carry on the legacies of Alexander Hamilton and our founding fathers. A line used repeatedly in the musical is, “History has its eyes on you.” This serves as a great reminder to our politicians and people of influence in today’s culture. What will you be known for? What will your legacy be?




Geneva Alum Emma Rudkin shows her newfound passion for helping those hard of hearing.

Emma Rudkin founded Aid the Silent to help the hard of hearing receive hearing aids. ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF EMMA RUDKIN

Silence. A word every person hears yet few will ever truly experience. The world is a loud place and even in the most quiet and peaceful moments, there is noise. So many people will never comprehend true silence. Yet for others, silence is an inescapable part of their life. For the deaf and hard of hearing (HoH), silence is a natural and common occurrence. For some, the lack of sound is unbearable and lonely. Trying to survive in a loud talking world is a constant struggle. But others, like Emma Rudkin, turn their physical hardship into a means of service. From a young age, Rudkin has been hard of hearing and has grown up in a speaking culture. She graduated from Geneva with the help of hearing aids, FM systems and hard work. Geneva gave Rudkin a great foundation in the Christian faith, but it was not until she visited Camp Travis and Young Life Camp that she realized that following Christ was more than head knowledge. It requires action. “My life is supposed to be moving in a story. I started learning that my story was really important, and that my story was going to be used some day to help people in the same places that I once was in before Jesus,” said Rudkin. At age 16, she had a dream of starting a deaf ministry and entering the Miss America circuit. However, throughout the rest of high school, she began to forget her grand ideas and “settle for what’s a true career.” With a lost dream, Rudkin had no direction in her life and ended high school struggling with depression. After graduation in 2014, she planned to go to Belmont University and study graphic design, but as she booked her ticket to meet up with her roommate, she could hear God clearly telling her not to leave Texas. It was hard for Rudkin to listen and give up her plans for college, but she felt as though she was supposed to stay in Boerne. After much fighting, crying and feeling lost, Rudkin decided to enroll at UTSA. “I remember thinking, I am going to have to trust you God because I literally don’t know what my plan is,” said Rudkin. 43

Here Emma Rudkin sits with a little boy waiting to receive his hearing aids.

She started college not knowing why she was there or what to do next, but she said God slowly began to bring back the dream of starting a ministry for the deaf that she had at 16. Rudkin started coming up with names for her deaf ministry, and originally considered the title Aiding San Antonio. But she sensed God wanted her to think bigger. “If you limit it to San Antonio you are boxing me in, and I’m going to do something past your wildest dreams,” Rudkin said. She eventually decided on the name Aid the Silent for her future ministry, but it went no further until Rudkin received an email from the Miss Texas organization inviting her to a meeting about pageant competition. She later found out that her mother had sent in her information because she knew how it had always been one of her dreams. Rudkin said she entered the meeting hesitantly, but emerged feeling confident that God was telling her to compete for Miss San Antonio. She had only two months to prepare for the competition which included creating a platform or cause for her entry. Her cause was easy to decide: ministering to deaf kids and teens. “Whatever makes you pound your fist on the table in anger or cry uncontrollably, that is your calling and your purpose. It’s to do something about 44 BIG PICTURE

that,” said Rudkin. She discovered that the deaf are the third-largest population not reached by the gospel. 98% of them do not know Jesus and less than 300 people are in full time ministry reaching them. Less than a month after the Miss Texas meeting, four-branched Aid the Silent was born. Deaf Research supports new advances in technology for the deaf and programs. Deaf Education trains deaf educators and provides school supplies for deaf children. Deaf Ministry is the largest of the branches because it is Rudkin’s heart to spread the gospel to the 98% unreached deaf community. Deaf Resources provides financial aid to buy hearing aids, FM systems, speech therapy, ASL lessons for the parents and camp scholarships. With her platform created, Rudkin entered the competition as a freshman in college and left as Miss San Antonio 2015. This title opened doors to expand her ministry in incredible ways. As the first deaf Miss San Antonio, she was finally able to reach out to the deaf community and spread her encouraging message on resilience. “There is hope and you’re not held back by this. It’s not going to change the course of your life, instead it’s going to enhance it,” said Rudkin, explaining her min-

istry’s message. With Aid the Silent growing more and more each day, Rudkin has been flying from state to state speaking at schools, churches and various other organizations. Her ministry holds many events for the deaf around San Antonio, including a 5K yearly race for fundraising. Within the community, Rudkin has been able to be a mediator for both oralists (those who choose to communicate verbally) and the Deaf community (those who choose to communicate using sign language). These two sides of deaf culture are often in disagreement over which language, American Sign Language (ASL) vs. spoken English, and what technology, such as hearing aids and cochlear implants, to use. Because Rudkin can both speak and sign she is able to unify these groups. As an advocate for the hearing impaired, she is currently working toward bringing closed-captions to movie theatres, improving the captionist certification program and convincing insurance companies to cover hearing aids. In addition to her large-scale ideas and plans, Rudkin also influences the deaf community on a personal level. She regularly gets coffee with her deaf friends and supports them at their wrestling tournaments. Wrestling is a popular sport in deaf culture because you do not have to hear anything to compete, and it is easier to concentrate in the quiet. This past summer, Rudkin took four deaf middle school girls to Wyld Life Camp 2016 at Camp Buckner, a middle school summer camp run by Young Life. “People kept telling me it was impossible. Kids could never go to Young Life camp if they were deaf. That just wasn’t going to work,” said Rudkin. As the first night of camp rolled around, it seemed that these worries would come true. The captioning did not work, the only interpreter’s hands were seizing up, and the girls were all confused. After a sleepless night of tough prayer, everything seemed to fall into place and the girls understood. Their small group time was beautiful and it felt like a family. After coming back to Boerne, Rudkin was hired by Young Life’s Greater San Antonio Area to reach out to the deaf. Thus, Deaf Life, a branch of Young Life for the deaf, was born. In the midst of this, she competed once again for Miss San Antonio and won for a second time, a phenomenon which has not happened since 1923. Even though she knew her odds of winning twice were low, Rudkin cared too much about San Antonio to compete anywhere else. “A lot of girls rotate titles. They’ll go to different areas, but… I want to bring it back to my hometown of San Antonio,” said Rudkin. This time Rudkin hopes to win Miss Texas 2017 all in the name of expanding Aid the Silent. The next big event for her Aid the Silent ministry will be the first-ever deaf music festival, Good Vibrations. It will take place on May 20, 2017 at The 1850 Settlement, and

Emma Rudkin is Miss San Antonio for the second time.





it has been “nothing but crazy faith trying to plan it out,” she said. An event of this size needs a lot of financial support. In order to find funding, Rudkin had to travel everywhere to make her pitch to different corporations. “I ended up hopping on airplane rides without meetings, knowing where people were. I was waiting in hallways and just praying,” said Rudkin. She and her mother camped in the hotel halls of Las Vegas and made their pitch to a corporation president as she headed to her room. After convincing the president, the Rudkin women also went to a surgical expo for deaf technology and went booth to booth explaining their case to different companies. Through this campaigning, they gained the sponsors they needed to make a music festival within reach. “I didn’t know how crazy-big God was until I saw the extent of what He can do. Because beforehand it was kind of just thinking, ‘Ok I can do this on my own,’ but with [Good Vibrations] it was, ‘I’m just going to go where You say and I know You are going to show up,’” said Rudkin. From a 16-year-old dream to a reality, Rudkin’s journey has been a rollercoaster. When she was young, the silence sitting in her ears made her feel absolutely alone with no one to look to. Now, Rudkin looks at the deaf community around her and understands their need for a leader. With her title of Miss San Antonio, Rudkin feels she can be that person and bless others. Recently she was given the opportunity to surprise two kids with hearing aids. One was a little girl who had met Rudkin before and called her the “deaf princess” and was overjoyed to receive hearing aids from her. “That was such a sweet moment, to know that the little girl that I once was has someone to look up to since I had no one,” said Rudkin. Rudkin has been able to help others and spread the Gospel in a way she said she never thought was possible. Although it has never been easy Rudkin said she knows that all the exhaustion is serving an incredible purpose. “It’s knowing that God speaks in the silence to you. He reveals a lot to me when I turn off the sound because I can only truly hear His voice and His speaking in my spirit. I know He meets me there, in that place where I feel lonely,” Rudkin said.






Exploring the unexplored in San Antonio, sophomore Anna Riedlinger highlights some uncharted destinations to check out over spring break.

BRAVING THE BIG CITY, In case you don’t already know, the big city of San Antonio is roughly 30 minutes away. If you seek adventure far away but want to save gas money because you’re a poor high school student, here are some places in San Antonio that maybe you haven’t heard of.

San Antonio Botanical Gardens- 555 Funston Pl, San Antonio, TX 78209 If you have bad asthma and need some fresh air, go to the San Antonio Botanical Garden. Wait, maybe you shouldn’t because plant pollen might not be good for your asthma. Ok, don’t go if you have asthma unless you bring a face mask. Anyways, I like plants, and the San Antonio Botanical Garden has 33-acres of plants. It’s a beautiful, non-profit garden that’s fun to get lost in. So go and while your there thank some plants for providing you with oxygen that you are most likely wasting. 48

Hot Joy- 1014 S Alamo St, San Antonio, TX 78210 I don’t usually suggest restaurants, but Hot Joy is different. It’s super cool as far as Asian food goes. With the building’s big glass windows and large neon “HOT JOY” sign out front, it’s not easy to miss. Hot Joy has a really cool ambiance; something about eating Asian food in a closed-in booth makes it taste better. For some reason, their wings smell terrible. They taste great, but still smell terrible. Overall, good eats. Jazz, TX- 312 Pearl Parkway, Bld. #6 Suite #6001, San Antonio, TX 78215 Next time you’re in the Pearl area and you want to reenact a scene from “La La Land,” make sure to go to this underground jazz bar. It’s free before 5 pm, and is literally underground. They have different bands there on different nights, and they always play a variety of jazz, Blues, Big Band, Texas Swing, Salsa, Conjunto, and Americana. They do serve fancy food, but it’s fun to just sit and listen to the music. Disclaimer: you’re going to be the youngest one there. Minnano Japanese Grocery- 7460 Callaghan Rd # 310, San Antonio, TX 78229 If you need a break from small-town Boerne, why not completely submerge yourself in the culture of another country? Minnano is a small Japanese grocery store cluttered full of sweet candies and random plastic knickknacks. While not being able to read the packaging on anything in this store is exciting, it is also risky. You don’t always know you’re getting your self into, so proceed with caution. Paramour Rooftop Bar 102 9th St, San Antonio, TX 78215 Warning; must be physically active to get to the Paramour (you have to hike up a couple flights of stairs). The ultra-classy Paramour serves coffee during day-time hours and is definitely worth adventuring to. They have great comfy couches, and the patio has a beautiful view of down-town San Antonio. But don’t stay there too late because it goes from day time coffee place to night-time adult bar. PHOTOS BY ARIANNA FLORES 49

THE RANT Okay, I realize that Texas is a wonderful state full of landmarks and beautiful scenery. That being said, I sincerely hope that everyone notices just how messed up Texas can be. Our weather is sorely out of whack. Seriously though, as an out-of-stater/Indiana-Jones-level-of-adventure kind of person, I know that Texas weather is anything but normal. And I’m sure that anyone who has spent even more than a day out of the Lone Star State will agree.


Think about it, how insane is it that we can switch between all four seasons within a matter of 3 hours? Sure, other states can be known for being really hot or windy, but nothing compares to the extraordinarily aimless nature of Texas weather. One moment you and your friends are huddled together in a seemingly endless shawl of 14-inch thick blankets, and within literally a matter of seconds the sun comes out of the clouds and instantaneously causes the effect of every single heat-related illness known to mankind. The very second you blink again, clouds once


again dominate the skylines with a deluge of rainfall. As a student on an open campus, this moody weather is all the more evident. Just the act of walking to class can be a chore when the day calls for rain. Having a boardwalk instead of a hallway makes everything wetter and colder, and it makes everyone even more aware of how miserable school can be. For example, last spring during the torrential downpour and flooding, the weather caused us to sympathize for those of the great flood and make us wish that we were one of the humans chosen to ride on Noah’s ark. All the same, as a desert that somehow passes as livable because of the often sparse trees, we also experience extreme droughts. In 2011, Texas averaged 14.8 inches of rain. But dry spells and heat waves come at odd times of the year. For instance, San Antonio hardly ever dropped below 80° during the second week of January 2017. Some thought spring had come early this year. We only had one week of cold weather in January before summer took over once again (and has yet to give us back our winter). For those of us 16 or older, we are also expected to drive through these absurd Texas elements. By the time you leave your neighborhood on a sunny day, a torrential downpour has commenced with flash flood warnings, and you are

TEXAS WEATHER BY MATTHEW SCHRODER Insane Texas weather unleashes a hurricane of emotions.

forced to guard against hydroplaning through the bazillion and one puddles. If terrible conditions such as these appear, I would recommend walking to your destination, or riding either your seven-yearold neighbor’s scooter or one of those newfangled, non-hovering hover boards. Despite all this unpredictability, there has remained one constant. No matter how warm it happens to be during the week, every Geneva soccer game just happens to have a max temperature of 32 with a wind-chill of 25. All you have to do is look at the four or five fans who show up to watch the game as they stand, bundled to the extreme in a herd like penguins. Many soccer parents have probably lit fires in barrels adjacent to the field for warmth. Conclusively, as a devoted meteorologist who conducted research for a solid three days, I have a course of action that I would recommend the Texas Senate look over (but not the House of Representatives; I don’t trust them as far as I can throw a grandfather clock). I propose that after Texas inevitably secedes from the U.S., we implement a weather system such as that of the community in “The Giver.” Sure it may lack emotion, color or individuality, but at least it will be predictable. After all, isn’t that all that we desire, “weather” intentional or not?


Everyone knew him as a bad kid, but no one knew him like I did. Sure, he may have had his fair share of office visits and “see me after class” talks, but I guess I was there to keep those mishaps from happening. For nine years, we had been best friends. Slowly, I started to realize that our friendship was slipping away. Some days he wouldn’t even talk to me. This went on for a while, until I had the nerve to ask what was going on. He told me all about the new group of friends he had made outside of school and about all the things they would do on the weekends. I was skeptical at first, but didn’t think much of it. Needless to say, this wasn’t a good thing. The more he would hang out with them, the less he would talk to me. I never really knew what he was getting himself into. Then, I started to hear about some things that he did. At first I thought people were just spreading rumors and lies to just make him look bad. I wasn’t going to believe them until I heard it from him. And I did. I couldn’t possibly believe he had fallen into such a dangerous situation. This wasn’t the friend I knew, this was someone completely different.

Everyday teens face temptations. Whether it is lying, stealing, cheating, or even drugs and alcohol, they must make a choice.

Every attempt I made to convince him to stop failed, and soon after, he didn’t need me like he did before it all. He didn’t need me to keep him away from trouble because he had become best friends with trouble instead. I could slowly see him slipping away into the deep hole of addiction, and there was nothing I could do. And now every memory of us from years past has gone up in a puff of smoke.


Some people tell this same story, the story of friendship and family destroyed by addiction to drugs and alcohol. An addict might think their choices are just a small problem that they must live with. For their friends and family, it’s a whole other story. It can be devastating to know that some replace people so dear and loving to their hearts, with something so cruel and harmful to everyone, not just themselves. Friends and family are left behind all because of the temptation of just one more drink or just one more hit. “It’s hard to know that whatever you say won’t change the way they are. They have to make a decision to change on their own,” said a Geneva student. Drug and alcohol addiction have left many desperate for help. Logic/Rhetoric administrative assistant Royal Brown witnessed this first hand when he worked as a chemical dependency counselor at a




methadone clinic. For three years, Brown helped between 30-60 patients each month to get over their addiction with medication-assisted therapy. “I would evaluate people for certain criteria that the state holds. If they seemed necessary for medication-assisted therapy, we would take them in and see them once a month,” Brown explained. While most of these patients came seeking help, the journey to officially sobering up is not an easy one. It can take up to 90 days to quit a serious addiction and the symptoms of alcohol and drug withdrawal are brutal. Because of the impulsive need for a fix, most patients Brown encountered grew accustomed to lying and stealing, only further distancing themselves from the clean lives they once lived. “I was constantly lied to,” Brown said. “People with substance use disorders tend to lie about anything and everything: lying to their parents, siblings, co-workers and friends in order to get money to buy drugs. By the


time I saw them, they were physically dependent on drugs and couldn’t go a day without using.”


Dealing with addiction can be one of the biggest burdens in someone’s life. Most forget that drinking and using will have a long-term effect, not only with health issues, but moral decisions. Addiction can become a hindrance to people’s lives in the most critical ways. “One of the first few clients that I got was a woman who asked me if she should get an abortion because she was still using. As a counselor, you’re not supposed to impose your own views on the client. But it is important to note that clients will ultimately reach a point of balancing their morals against their need, whether it is stealing money, lying or, in this woman’s case, harming an unborn child,” Brown said. “I don’t know if she ever got the abortion, but she had to decide that on her own.” Drug and alcohol addiction is like a self-created prison. Ironically, it is only the prisoner who holds the key. People can ruin their lives by falling into anxiety and depression induced by an addiction to alcohol or drugs. They can hurt their friends who feel replaced and abandoned, and they are hurting themselves. “It’s so hard to watch one of your best friends destroy their life by getting addicted to something so fast and so easily. And even though I tried telling her to stop, I found myself covering for her time and time again. That was extremely hard on me emotionally,” a Geneva student said.


It only takes one person to stand their ground and say no to drugs and alcohol, and when addiction has crippled a friend from standing up, then that person must be you. Don’t regret neglecting your friend in the one time they need you the most. Push aside the fear of failure the second you feel like you have lost hope in a friend. I regret losing hope in my friend, and now I will never know if he will ever find help. All I wanted to do was help, but for some, “help” sounds like a foreign word translated only as ridicule, embarrassment or weakness. But it doesn’t need to be this way. Find a new translator that can show you how the word “help” really means redemption. It really means salvation. It really means hope. “It’s important they know that you are going to love them through it all, no matter how hard it gets. Those bad decisions don’t define us, they shape us into better people. We all have battles we will lose, which is why we need saving,” said a Geneva student.

SIGNS OF BEING UNDER THE INFLUENCE 1. Changes in mood or behavior 2. Change in appearance 3. Change of friends or activities 4. Altered or compromised values 5. Isolation 6. Excessive “party” talk 7. Rationalization or justification if confronted -Janet Blackburn, Clinical Director of La Hacienda Treatment Center











THE LEGALITY OF DRUGS SPURS CONSTANT DEBATE. Vape it, smoke it, legalize it. Each of these actions, and more, can be done while using marijuana; and all have been done in Texas except for one: “legalize it.” The legalization of marijuana, and whether or not it should be used for recreational and/or medicinal purposes, is currently a very controversial topic in the United States. At present, eight states, including California and Colorado, have legalized marijuana for both medicinal and recreational use. 21 additional states, such as New York and Arizona, have legalized marijuana solely for medicinal use. The remaining 21 states, Texas included, have not legalized the use of marijuana, although this may change in the foreseeable future. Throughout history, people have used Cannabis, more commonly known as marijuana, to escape from the real world into the realm of euphoria, an experience commonly referred as being “high” (as opposed to being “low” or in a depressive state). Although this is one of the uses of marijuana, the drug is also used for the benefits it provides in the medical field, such as relieving pain. The use of marijuana for medicinal purposes is currently being used in some states, but not in Texas. The question for Christians to consider is whether or not marijuana should be used for any purpose, and if so for what purpose? Mr. Rob Shelton, Rhetoric School headmaster, and Dr. David M. Player, founder and

chairman of Health by Design as well as grandfather to senior Carol Metzger and sophomore Aimee Metzger, give opinions on the use of drugs and the legalization of marijuana.


From a medical perspective, Dr. Player’s general view on drugs is neutral. “There are thousands of chemicals used in medicine to treat illness or decrease symptoms related to them,” he said. However, some drugs may have undesirable side effects, thereby placing these drugs in the category of “controlled drugs.” Because some drugs have the potential to become an addiction and crutch, they have been deemed illegal. Sometimes an addiction is so great that individuals go as far as to break the law in order to obtain the illegal substances in order to “scratch their itch.” According to Mr. Shelton, “drugs are a benefit.” Shelton explained that God has given us the minds and abilities, “to learn from our environments and surroundings,” and from this knowledge man has been able to create helpful pharmaceuticals. However, Shelton also agreed that, “like anything that is good, it can be abused.” Shelton continues to explain that prosecuting the use of illicit drugs because they have no helpful value is our best option because, “they are only there to get you hooked and make money.” 55


A CHRISTIAN VIEW VERSUS A SECULAR VIEW ON DRUGS According to Dr. Player, Christians should generally avoid drugs as they can cause neurological impairment and may result in addiction. In 1 Corinthians 3 and 6, the apostle Paul discusses the “care of the temple of the Holy Spirit,” our bodies. If Christians are harming their bodies by the intake of harmful substances such as drugs, then they are not pleasing God. While God gave us the knowledge and minds to learn and better understand drugs, He does not teach us to be foolish in our ways and harm the bodies that serve as temples for the Holy Spirit. Similarly, Shelton argues that the objects man discovers are not intrinsically evil, including drugs. However, just like Adam and Eve, man has a tendency to abuse everything good instead of using good gifts for beneficial purposes. Both Dr. Player and Shelton agree that non-Christians do not view drugs through the same 56 BIG PICTURE

lens that Christians ought to view drugs. Dr. Player states that because, “non-Christians are not believers in scripture... [they] are not bound in any way to follow the teachings of scripture.” Instead, they are tied to the laws of the society they live in and are expected to follow those laws, he said. According to Shelton, many non-Christians do not view life as creation and therefore do not see the gifts God has given man in order to be used for good purposes. However, nonChristians should still be able to differentiate between the beneficial and the harmful uses of things such as drugs and from that be able to determine whether or not the drug should be legal or illegal.


Some Christians take their view on drugs as far as comparing them to alcohol. From a medical point of view, Dr. Player explains that ethyl-alcohol falls under the same category as other sedating chemicals

THE LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA under the control of civil authorities. Ethyl-alcohol is legal, although there are age requirements and they do not require medical prescription for purchase or use. “From my perspective as a physician, all sedative chemicals are in the same class and may cause serious addiction and serious behavior,” said Dr. Player. He continues to explain that alcohol made from fermentation is indeed toxic to human cells which can cause numerous negative side affects, including death. Shelton agrees that alcohol can be abused but doesn’t think it falls under the same category as drugs. He states that alcohol such as wine is more properly understood of as food. Scripture does speak on the abuse of wine and warns against drunkenness, but it does not state that someone cannot drink. It only warns about drinking in excess.


Views on the uses of marijuana in particular vary. Marijuana comes from the dried leaves and female flowers of a plant called Indian Hemp, or Cannabis sativa, which is cultivated in many environments. Dr. Player stated that, “Cannabis is another sedating chemical that can cause addiction and human impairment.” Although these leaves of marijuana have been mostly known to get people high and dumb, Dr. Player also agrees that marijuana does have some medicinal benefits. The drug is sold, purchased and, “… used by millions of people,” legally and illegally alike. Some doctors in the medical field claim that marijuana is able to help patients rid themselves of pain. Marijuana also has “shown to be useful in treatment of chronic nausea associated with cancer and also for treatment of chronic pain associated with malignancies. It has also had some success in treatment of post traumatic stress disorder, asthma, and glaucoma. …We currently have good and legal medications to treat all of the above health problems. We likely don’t need another drug that causes sedation and must be smoked for best therapeutic effect… Breathing smoke and combustion products is clearly toxic for all human beings,” explained Dr. Player.

Some such as Dr. Player believe that if marijuana were to be legalized, then a slippery slope would occur and lead to the legalization of other drugs. Dr. Player argues that the legalization of other drugs should occur as long as restrictions are put in place regarding dangers to society and the drugs are made available at very low prices. On the other hand, there are those, like Shelton who believe that the legalization of marijuana will not necessarily lead to the legalization of other drugs. Shelton points out that if a slippery slope were to occur then it would have occurred when alcohol was legalized, and according to him this has not happened yet. Ultimately, Dr. Player, is all in for the legalization of marijuana with restrictions in place called the “impaired person criteria.” “I favor the legalization of the use of marijuana and other sedating chemicals and narcotics­with intense restriction of human freedoms for those who elect to use such chemicals. The legal marijuana-user restrictions would include inability to obtain a driver’s license, restriction of capacity to work in certain occupations, and carrying identifiable recognition as being a ‘legal user of sedating or narcotic medications.’” Dr. Player also explained that if such restrictions are put in place then, “Marijuana should be made available to all who desire to use it at very low prices through government-sponsored distribution sites, and the use of marijuana should be easily identified and educated regarding societal restrictions on activities.” In contrast, Shelton suggested that Texas should, “wait and see what happens with the states that have legalized marijuana.” However, Shelton does not think that the United States should revert back to prohibition. Maybe we will wake up one day and Cannabis will be growing in every backyard and people will use it much like they use aspirin. Maybe cars will disappear and companies will fail because of the legalization of marijuana. Or maybe marijuana will never be legalized in Texas. But whatever the future brings, remember that each human body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and in order for our souls and faith to thrive, we must preserve our bodies and ensure that no harm comes to them, even if it means resisting legal marijuana. 57




WHY LA LA LAND AND SILENCE ARE TWO OF THE BEST FILMS OF THE YEAR. BY KENNY KIDD In a year of this unforgiving, cynical and negative political culture, it’s easy to forget why anyone would bother with silly things like entertainment. After all, there are much heavier issues to focus on and deal with, right? Who has the time to go watch a series of images and noises for a couple of hours? Well, two movies this year (frankly more than that, it was a shockingly good year for movies, if nothing else) reminded me of the importance and power of film and entertainment as a whole, and they could not be more different. “La La Land,” a musical romance about a jazz pianist and an aspiring actress, rejuvenated my heart with overwhelming positivism. “Silence,” a somber, meditative drama adapted from a novel read during 11th grade worldview class, caused me to look into my soul and analyze myself as a Christian more than any other film or book I can remember seeing or reading. Since “Silence” is the heavier of the two, I’ll start by discussing that. “Silence” is directed by Martin Scorsese, one of the great directors of his, or any other, time. He read the novel by Shusaku Endo and felt such great passion for the heavy, thoughtful material that he bought the rights for a film adaptation, but didn’t adapt it for 26 years. This is a passion project if ever there was one (something I’ll bring up again with “La La Land”). It follows two Catholic missionaries in the 1600’s (played by Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver), as they set off for Japan with the dual purposes of spreading the Gospel to the inhabitants of the Christ-starved country and finding their mentor Ferreira (Liam Neeson), who is rumored to have apostatized. On the journey, Garfield’s character Sebastian goes on a more difficult journey with his own soul, as what he sees and experiences in the country, without spoiling anything, shake him to his core and make him question his most deeply held beliefs about himself, humanity and God. This is a difficult film. It’s achingly slow, has an incredibly introspective, thoughtful and melancholic atmosphere, and deals with just about the heaviest themes possible. It is gorgeously filmed, 60 OUT OF THE BOX//OPINION

with the best cinematic use of mist I can remember, masterfully paced and realistically acted. Watching “Silence” is not entertainment. It’s a challenge. And like most challenges, it’s incredibly rewarding if you accept it. Few films in the medium will take you on such a difficult internal journey, and make you question what you believe, your motivations, your internal vs. external life and your relationship with God; but that’s a good thing. This is a movie with soul, with meaning and a reminder of how beautifully powerful and difficult these “entertaining little flicks” can be. I’ll never forget my experience in the theater; how incredibly quiet everyone was as they shuffled out of the theater, like talking was disrespectful, and how out-of-place the world outside felt leaving the theater. “Silence” is another masterpiece by Martin Scorsese, filled with silent passion, soul, and introspection. And now for something completely different! “La La Land,” directed by Damien Chazelle (“Whiplash”), is a romantic musical starring Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling as Mia and, well look at that, Sebastian, as they fall in love and follow their dreams in Los Angeles. It’s a basic story and it’s been done to death, but never like this, with this much passion, heart and genuine importance. I’ll explain why. Now this movie takes place in modern times, but has the style and feel of a “Golden Era” Hollywood musical, a la “Singing in the Rain.” Now this can easily be interpreted as just homage, as a fun little nostalgic reminder of when movies were more about innocent fun, entertainment, flashing lights and excellent singing and dance choreography, but I believe it’s so much more than that. This is a movie about two dreamers, idealism, and having a heart filled with passion and optimism. I believe Damien Chazelle simply wanted to make a film about these themes, and believed that the best way to do that was to film it in a style similar to that bygone era, which exemplifies idealism, dreams and escapism. Ok. So it’s a clichéd movie about two hopeless romantic dreamers, nothing special, right? Now I could

go on for hours about the incredible cinematography, dance numbers, beautifully written music, Stone and Gosling’s wonderfully charming performances, the song “Audition” and some of the most beautifully cathartic and bittersweetly satisfying final ten minutes of a film ever made, but all of that means nothing if a movie doesn’t make you think or feel anything. This is where “La La Land” stands head-and-shoulders above everything else released this year. I have never seen a movie so filled with childlike enthusiasm, so unself -conscious, so beautifully passionate and so (what I feel is almost viewed as a dirty word in today’s culture) optimistic. And that’s where I feel like this silly little movie about two lovebirds becomes one of the most important movies of the decade. If there is one word I would use to describe 2016, it’s cynical. Everything felt negative, to the point where I didn’t want to turn on my phone to see what was happening. It seemed like everyone was trying to find a way to victimize themselves, to find something to make their lives harder, or to complain about. This is the cure. “La La Land” is a defibrillator. It is the most encouraging reminder that no matter how negative and pessimistic the world may seem, you have the right to have passion, to dream, to actually think positively and see all the wonderful beauty in the world that people just love to forget about. It infected me with a positive heart. And where this succeeds, (where I feel a lot of similar movies fail) is that it doesn’t lie to you. The environment and world of this film is the real world, with all the draining negativity and difficulties of real life (minus two wonderful musical numbers towards the start), but it’s Mia and Sebastian who give the movie its spirit. They face all the difficulties and compromises and crushed expectations that everyone has, but it’s the way they combat it and keep pursuing what they love that make this the most inspirationally, passionately positive movie I have ever seen. I have no qualms in putting it in my top 20 movies of all time. There are two quotes, one from Robin Williams in “Dead Poets Society,” and one from Emma Stone in this very movie, that I feel summarize my love for “La La Land.” If either of them speak to you on a personal level at all, stop what you’re doing and allow yourself to be rejuvenated in the wonderful dream-come-true that is “La La Land.” “…Medicine, law, business, engineering; these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love; these are what we stay alive for”, and “People love what other people are passionate about.” I think the universal admiration for “La La Land” is more than a masterful film just being appreciated; I think it’s a beacon of hope for the future of happiness in the world.




Generation Z defines a new way of communicating for their generation and the world at large.

September 11, 2001. This was a normal day to me. z I was one-year old and a happy baby. I was not aware of what was going on in our country. My biggest problem on this day was probably needing food or a diaper change. I didn’t know our entire country was in a crisis. I wasn’t scared. Today, I CAN only know stories of this tragic event and take a moment to honor the thousands of innocent citizens who died. But this day means much more to those who remember it. They had real feelings, thoughts, and fears. They didn’t know what to expect. While 9/11 is an important day in history, it also marks the beginning of a new generation: Generation Z. Generation Z (Gen Z or iGen) is the most recent generation to form. It consists of all the people who were born in 1996 through the present, because everyone who was born in 1996 or later was too young at the time to remember the day of 9/11. Instead, they simply see this day as a part of history and recognize it in remembrance of those who died. According to The Center of Generational Kinetics, Gen Z is highly educated and more diverse than any other generation. They do not remember a world without social media and communicate solely through a screen. This can be seen as a problem and a benefit in today’s world. Social media became a trend starting in 2002 when Friendster, MySpace and Facebook were intro-

duced. These first social medias started out as a way for people to share their thoughts, photos, music, and experiences with others online. Since then, social media has evolved and many more forms have launched. Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are just a few of the many. Many adults and teens alike have centered their entire lives around their social media accounts and worry about what the rest of the world thinks of them. (editorializing.) Today, social media is not only a way for people to market themselves, but also the way they communicate on a daily basis. Snapchat is the new texting, and Twitter and Instagram are the new Facebook. Many believe communicating through social media and screens prohibit people from connecting to the real world. They make valid points, but only to a certain extent. Communicating through social media only becomes a problem when it is abused by being used way too often and for the wrong things. Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook allow people to share where they are and what they are doing with their friends all over the world and also allows them to maintain relationships with friends and family they do not regularly get to see. Social media has also positively and negatively changed the way businesses market their product. Businesses must now advertise through social me-





“AN AVENUE TO GET INFORMATION OUT QUICKLY.” dia in addition to billboards, newspapers, magazines, websites, TV and radio stations in order to reach readers. This single form of advertisement often requires a full time job position and a team for large companies and corporations. Social media has positively changed the advertisement world because it allows businesses to “have an immediate avenue to get information out quickly,” said Kathy Rudkin, CEO and Account Executive of advertising company Rudkin Productions. But it has also affected the business negatively because “false information can be put out as fact and is almost impossible to rein in once it goes viral,” Rudkin said. Reaching many different audiences is difficult for businesses to accomplish, especially because most people stream TV shows and movies online, instead of watching actual TV, causing commercials to be more and more ignored. But “advertisers have realized that the most used piece of technology is the cell phone. So, they have tried to find every way to target people’s cell phones,” said Maddie Inglish (2014), who is currently in her junior year at Texas A&M studying marketing and graphic design. “If you notice, on social media, especially Instagram, there are numerous advertisements that look just like a picture of a friend or an artsy shot of a building, but, it is actually just a company’s advertisement,” Inglish said.

“I have learned that aesthetic social media accounts have a large impact in the advertising agency. Businesses are having to shift their advertising strategy in order to stay relevant in people’s lives [because] fewer people are watching [actual] TV and listening to [real] radio stations with commercials,” Inglish said. This has forced businesses to find new avenues to advertise their product. One way businesses have completed this goal is by reaching out to people with appealing Instagram feeds and asking them to advertise their product through quality pictures they post in their everyday lives. Inglish currently works with Topo Chico to help advertise their sparkling water. “My work with Topo Chico started because I Instagramed a photo of a bottle of Topo Chico last summer and they asked if they could repost it,” Inglish said. Since then, Inglish posts photos of Topo Chico and they continue to repost her photos on their own account, giving her some recognition from those who follow the Topo Chico account. However, because technology is constantly evolving and becoming more advanced, businesses must keep up and continue to discover more ways to reach the people. Although this will be a constant struggle, it allows more opportunities to become available for young adults entering the workforce. The younger the person, the more technologically advanced they are


GRAPHIC BY JACQUELINE KNOX because they have grown up around technology their entire lives. Social media is changing the world. It has affected many different aspects, including the presidential election. 2016 was the first year social media played a role in who was elected to be the president of the United States. Because social media is a form of marketing and advertising, both parties had some sort of campaign on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even Snapchat. While these campaigns were meant to promote each party, they also provoked ways to tear the other party down. Unfortunately, the good, the bad, and the ugly of each political party were advertised online through social media. Sarcastic memes were made, and people on both sides blew pictures, words and actions way out of proportion just to beat the other team and prove how bad the other was. Social media should be used to promote others well, not tear them down, especially when concerning major decisions that effect the entire nation. While the political parties use social media to tear each other down, cyber-bullying and racial abuse has also increased over the years with the advancement of these online accounts. Social media has only promoted racism and bullying because of the easy access to a camera. Having a phone with a camera on it allows

people to capture an image or video of anything at any time. Social media lets people share these pictures and videos with the entire world. It has only exacerbated the racism that already exits. However, when more apps similar to Instagram came out, it opened the door to a new type of racism. Social media allows random people to comment and say whatever they want about the content of a picture or video. This makes it easier for people to say what is on their mind because no one actually knows who they are. While this is sometimes a clean, beneficial way to share thoughts, it also promotes bullying and racism because the fear that someone will stand up for another person has disappeared. The advancement of social media has changed every aspect of the world. But is this change beneficial or destructive? Will it help our society grow or destroy real human interaction? This all depends on how the world chooses to use it and where to draw the line. While social media can be harmful, it can be more beneficial. The advancement of social media has changed the way people communicate and interact with each other. It has created opportunities for so many people and continues to provide ways for people to make a name for themselves. Social media created a new generation and we are that generation, Gen Z.




PSYCHO KILLER - Talking Heads 53RD AND 3RD - Ramones INTERGALACTIC - Beastie Boys KISS OFF - Violent Femmes AY TE DEJO EN SAN ANTONIO - Flaco Jimenez LITTLE WAYS - Dwight Yoakum TAKE FIVE - Dave Brubeck WELCOME TO THE OCCUPATION - R.E.M. BICYCLE RACE - Queen

I’D RATHER GO BLIND - Etta James CHAIN OF FOOLS - Aretha Franklin ASK AROUND FOR YOU - Joe Bonamassa MANNISH BOY - Muddy Waters RECIPE FOR LOVE - Harry Connick Jr. JOCKO HOMO - Devo


Noirre - 309 The Paper Kites -


Michl - DIE TRYING Coldplay -


Local Natives - COINS R.LUM.R - FRUSTRATED Mutemath - CHANGES Phantogram - ANSWER RKCB - OPEN ARMS HONNE - TIL THE EVENING Rationale - FAST LANE The Japanese House - COOL BLUE

Need some inspiration while you’re working on homework? Press play on one of the Geneva Quarterly’s homework playlists, compiled by one staffer and one teacher. Follow us on Spotify @genevaquarterly.


Coast Modern - HOLLOW LIFE Beaty Heart - SLIDE TO THE SIDE Pageantry - EASY TO FORGIVE





JENNIFER HILL SPREADS THE GOSPEL WITH A SMILE AND A WAVE If you go to school by way of Dietz-Elkhorn or Old Fredericksburg Rd, you may see the dog-walking woman many students talk about. You may know her by her smile in rain and shine, or by her two dogs that she walks as she waves at the 240 passing cars every morning. Though you may drive by her every day, I’m guessing you don’t know much about her. Meet Jennifer Hill. Her story begins long before her days of dog-walking in Boerne. Hill lived in a handful of different states before moving to Texas, including several different cities in Texas like Houston and Midland. Hill formerly worked in human resources in the oil industry, but is now a stay-at-home 66 OUT OF THE BOX

mom who home schools her adopted children, 15-year-old Daniel and 14-year-old Emily. Her husband’s job in the oil industry is the main cause behind her many relocations. “The friends I made in Tennessee probably made that my favorite place. Living there seven years, the longest I have lived anywhere in my life, probably helped. That is also where I accepted Christ and started serving at church and in the community,” said Hill. Hill became a Christian as an adult, after she adopted her two children from Russia. It was through her children’s playgroup that she met believers, who helped bring her to Christ. It is

also where she was first plugged into the church. “While attending a library story-hour I overheard another mom say she was adopting. I went up to speak to and encourage her and she invited me to join a playgroup. Little did I know at the time that all the other mothers were Christians who began praying for me. It was the first time I witnessed real Christ-followers in my life, Christian women for whom God was a daily part of their lives,” Hill said. Hill claimed that her identity as a Christian serves as motivation for her friendly greetings each and every morning. She walks her two dogs, Buster and Ruby, down Old Fredericksburg Rd nearly every morning, con-


Hill flashes her signature smile and wave with her two sidekicks, Buster and Ruby.

Buster and Ruby take a walk down a familar trail.

Hill smiles after feeding Ruby one of her favorite treats, marshmellows.

stantly waving and smiling. As she strolls, she makes a point to greet each driver who passes her on the road. “I started to feel a connection here to the people I saw every day on the road. I talk to God every day as I walk and just felt this opportunity to make a positive difference. I realized that my smile might help some adult on the way to work or some student on the way to school smile to someone else and start a chain reaction of positivity,” said Hill. She began the tradition of waving while walking her dogs when she lived in Wyoming, although there wasn’t much traffic to wave at. In Boerne, she walks early in the morning during drop-

off time at Geneva. “I am now so open to the expressions of drivers and passengers that I feel compelled to pray based on a look,” said Hill. “I walk for exercise for me and the dogs. However, I now feel a sense of responsibility to be out there every day and not let my road friends down. At least half the cars I see are [from] Geneva. I also give directions to lost people at least three times a year.” Hill finds her primary responsibility to love, because God loves. “How can I claim to be a child of God and not want to change the world for the better?” said Hill. “The only way to do that is one small step at a time.” With each step she takes, Hill

aims to fulfill her vocation. She has taken the simple need to walk her dogs and turned it into a way to “smile and bless people.” Many people and kids recognize and encourage Hill’s calling from God to walk, smile and wave and be a joy to others. “People who stop and say a kind word, gift bags of dog treats and toys, and homemade marshmallows delivered to my mailbox at Christmas have helped me realize that I am making a positive difference,” said Hill. “My friends in Tennessee call those ‘kisses from the King, God letting you know that you are doing the right thing and bringing Him glory. They make me smile and cry tears of joy every time.” 67


Here in the small town of Boerne Texas, finding decent, low-priced snacks after school is about as rare as snowfall. After sifting through boutiques, antique shops and jewelry stores, a few students found a way to fill their stomachs after 3:35 pm. For those who go straight home after school, an at-home snack may seem more appealing. Most Geneva students reach for the bag of chips in the pantry. “I always eat apples after school. They’re the new super-food!” -Sarah Ledoux “After I workout, I will usually drink a smoothie with mangoes, strawberries and bananas. I know that it’s usually better to eat something with protein, but smoothies just feel so refreshing after a long workout.” -Aimee Metzger







Those who can’t eat directly after school due to sports or other extra curricular activities may go out and eat a sit-down meal with the team. This chart shows Geneva’s post game favorites. The most popular dine-in is Longhorn Café, for its delicious food and affordability. While 259 Bistro is as tasty as they come, it only reaches 11% because of its pricey meals. “I don’t care what it is I am eating, as long as there is a lot of it.” -Hailey Hallmark

STARBUCKS Whataburger takes the win because of its speed and tastiness. Church’s Chicken and Starbucks fall behind, both at 11%. Smoothie King is Geneva’s second favorite. “The patty melt [at Whataburger] is my go-to. The taste never gets old so I’ll never order anything else.” -Zach Scott “Someone told me that the Boerne Whataburger is in the top five most successful Whataburgers nation-wide.” -Will Langenbahn




THE PINKINGTON PRESS Pinkington: “We’re all nuts here.”

P&P PEANUTS: APPROACHING EXPIRATION DATE? Attempted robbery, anaphylactic shock, a tourist—this town has seen it all. But no one saw this coming. Even amidst declining sales, dated equipment, factory mishaps, and the rise of peanut allergies, we all knew in our hearts that P&P Pinkington Peanuts would pull through. Now, as of last Thursday, we are forced to face the unthinkable: the reality of a company that has declared bankruptcy and of a factory slated for foreclosure in the coming months. To the credit of the Pinkington Bros., the company went down fighting. They will close their doors in the possession of state-of-theart shelling equipment and the world’s first peanut industry museum—but they will close their doors nevertheless. Financial documents released last week after a subpoena from the mayor’s office reveal what most of us suspected, but none of

us accepted: that P&P has been caught in a cycle of vicious decline for well over a year. Harold Lemons of the Board of Directors asks citizens not to panic, saying, “We’ll just have to wait and see. An elephant never forgets to count his chickens before they hatch, you know. Can the company recover? Who’s to say, really? The thing to remember is that a rose by any other name would still cut the mustard, so we can’t afford to panic.” “This is undoubtedly a regrettable turn of events,” said P&P vicechair Norma Diggs, echoing this sentiment in her public statement yesterday, “but we at P&P have faith that the town of Pinkington will pull through as it always has.” Diggs’ statement represents the posture of the company as a whole—a posture which has been met with widespread indignation and outrage from the public.

“99.764%,” says Eileen Collie of Pinkington Elementary, “99.764%. That’s the percentage of the people in this town whose livelihoods depend on that factory. I am shocked and astonished that the company would withhold this information from the public until now, when we will be out of our jobs before the month is out, and the factory cannot even afford pensions for its employees. The citizens of Pinkington have every right to take a stand against this kind of gross injustice.” It remains to be seen what will become of our beloved town. All we know for certain is that Pinkington’s days of blind optimism are over. Citizens would be wise to take to heart Mayor Munchum’s words of yesterday afternoon: that Pinkington, Ohio will in all likelihood be a ghost town by the end of the summer. 69

THE THIRD QUARTER INSULT TO INJURY: MR. NUTTER’S BETRAYAL Reports indicate that Gordon Hewitt, who escaped from the Pinkington Penitentiary last fall, has resurfaced in Suffolk, Virginia, where he has taken up employment with Planters as the wearer of the socalled “Mr. Peanut” costume. Mr. Peanut, of course, is the cheap copy of our own Mr. Nutter, who has made no public appearances since Mr. Hewitt’s flight from Pinkington. At a time when P&P has suffered every imaginable blow, Mr. Hewitt’s betrayal comes as the last straw for people like Gloria Gormless, proprietor at Shelling Street Pharmacy. “When I think of all the peanut butter milkshakes I made that man,” she says through her tears, “it’s more than I can bear. This town is falling apart, and there he is on television, dancing around in that peanut suit that only exists because we didn’t trademark ours fast enough back in 1962. If I had my way, I’d see him tossed into the Legume Loom 2000 and ground up extrachunky.”

QUEEN OF THE WORLD: WE HOPE THIS WILL BE THE LAST PAGEANTRY FIASCO YOU HAVE TO HEAR ABOUT The Fairfax scandal continues at the invitation-only Queen of the World Pageant, held last night in P&P’s Peanut Gallery. Readers who have followed the story though the last several months will know that QotW is making its pageantry debut this year, hosted by Lucille Bunting-Fairfax. After her daughter Carmelita was stripped of the title of Miss Pinkington and forcibly removed from the Miss Ohio pageant in Columbus, Mrs. Bunting-Fairfax dispatched exclusive invitations to the Pinkington elite, inviting them to compete against her daughter for the title of Queen of the World in what she termed “an elegant, sophisticated, real pageant of my own design in which no one will be disqualified simply because they are leagues prettier than the competition.” While it looked at first as though no one would be showing up to run against Miss Carmelita, reports indicate that competitors were eventually persuaded to attend via direct payments in the neighborhood of 70

$5,000. PinkPress special correspondent Mindy Phipps describes the event itself as “a genuinely glamorous occasion that might have gone over smoothly had it been hosted by literally anyone else on this planet.” This time, however, the controversy surrounds not Carmelita, but her mother. Mrs. Bunting-Fairfax removed her mink coat on live television to reveal what she has described as a “post-modern edible-chic ensemble, made entirely of Pinkington peanut butter liberally applied with an opal-handled gold-gilt applicator.” Mrs. Bunting-Fairfax is currently in police custody, facing charges of indecent exposure. The pageant may have been an unqualified disaster, but there can be no doubt that Lucille Bunting-Fairfax made history last night: she disproved an old Pinkington adage. As it turns out, there is something peanut butter simply cannot be used for—namely, clothing.

THE THIRD QUARTER CLASSIFIEDS From Gloria Gormless: WANTED: One (1) bounty hunter who isn’t afraid to give a rotten peanut his just deserts for a reasonable fee. From Martha Mopsy: WANTED: Any old towels you have lying around that could be cut up and cheerfully embroidered for a business I’m thinking of starting. From Daphne Dolittle: WANTED: HELP at the Pinkington Area Animal Shelter. Requirements: tough, emotionally stable, high-pain tolerance, irrational love for ill-behaved animals, wide range of friends and family looking to adopt. Come as soon as possible. We’ll pay you more than you expect, I swear.


What’s up y’all, Phyllis here, and you best buckle up ‘cause we’re tackling a doozie today. So we all know the moon landings were faked, big whoop. What you may not know is that Buzz Aldrin actually had a severe latex allergy, which prevented him from wearing the mock spacesuit on the lunar set in Area 51. The actor who was hired as a body-double for Aldrin has only recently come out about his involvement in the scam—I met him last week when I was volunteering at the soup kitchen in Columbus. Apparently he was vying for Aldrin’s spot (Aldrin got the role for his “honest, open face” which played well to the press) and got to be good friends with Aldrin and Armstrong during the grueling, painstaking process of filming an (almost) convincing landing.


Hi, I’m Martha, and I think it would be really neat if they sold little, rectangular towels made specifically for laying on the floor outside your shower so you don’t slip and fall when you get out and your feet are all wet. They could come in sets with matching towels and washcloths. Wouldn’t that be darling? I think this could really make a difference. Think of how many people slip on their soapy bathroom floors! My bathroom floor is tiled, and I use a vanilla bar soap. My shampoo smells like lavender. What does your shampoo smell like? Do you have a great idea you’ve been wanting to share with the world? Let me know at!

The Pinkington Press is an original short story concept written and illustrated by Coggin Galbreath. This is the third installment out of four. 71



PORTRAIT OF A GRADUATE//PORTRAIT OF A GRADUATE//PORTRAIT OF A GRADUATE / PORTRAIT OF A GRADUATE / PORTRAIT OF A GRADUATE// In an effort to be more practically relevant in our culture, we at The Talon urge Geneva to change its focus and thus, its Portrait of a Graduate. Below, our crack editorial team offers it first look at a possible rewrite [the rewrite of each line is in italics].

A Geneva graduate is a disciple of Jesus Christ, exhibiting excellence, passion, and integrity as he leads for Christ’s cause in the world. A Geneva graduate goes to church occasionally (because it looks good on the resume), doing just enough to get the grade, and working hard when someone is watching, as he does what he can to get ahead in the world.

He is a critical, logical thinker, able to discern absolute truth from cultural trends and philosophies. He likes being told how to feel about issues and thinks it’s cool to identify with and be captive to the latest trends.

As one who loves the Lord with all his mind, the Geneva graduate will be a lover of learning, and have the ability to grasp new ideas throughout his lifetime in pursuit of truth. As one who sometimes closes his eyes during the prayer before classes, the Geneva graduate will study enough to make a good grade, and might even read another book at some point, but will probably just see the movie.


These qualities, clothed in humility, create a foundation that will enable him to present engagingly articulate and persuasively winsome arguments. These qualities, loosely draped with cunning, form a sort of spring board from which to appear knowledgeable and articulate without actually having any firm convictions.

A Geneva graduate honors God’s image within himself and thus, is interested in all people because of God’s interest and image in them. A Geneva graduate honors himself and thus, uses all people for his own interests.

The classical education and biblical worldview gained at Geneva will equip the graduate to exhibit vocational excellence to the glory of God. The pseudo-classical education and passing familiarity with a few Bible stories and cool slogans picked up at Geneva will equip the graduate to work the system to gain a high-paying job so he can glory in having the most toys.







During the Week of February 13th, high schoolers dressed up for Geneva’s annual “Spirit Week.” With themes like Bad Dress Code, Tacky Prom, and Internet Meme, the students had lots of fun.











AISLING AYERS 12-13, 28-30 KATELYN DAVIS 43-35 ARIANNA FLORES 8-11 CARISSA GEORGELOS 48-49, 62-64 LAUREN JARVIS 18-19, 40-42 JACQUELINE KNOX 26-27, 43-46, 51-54 CAROL METZGER 32-33, 69-71 EMME OWENS 14-17, 22-23 SKYLAR TIPPETTS 1-7, 24-25, 38-39, 58-59, 66-67, 7273, 75-76 RUTH WACKER 20-21, 47 CHARLOTTE WALKER 36-37, 50 JESSICA WHEELER 31, 55-57, 60-61 NATHAN YOUNG 74 SARA BETH STOLLE 68 JAYNE GOODMAN 65 ANNA RIEDLINGER 66-67





BECKY RYDEN COLOPHON: All verbal and visual content is solicited and selected by the Quarterly Staff of the Geneva School of Boerne. Approval is garnered from advisor and headmaster. All bylined writers are held accountable for their work. MAGAZINE SPECIFICATIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Created in InDesign and printed by Font families: Rama Gothic Standard Condensed Semi-Bold, Roboto Slab, Roboto Bold

VOL. 4 ISS. 3

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