Genevieve Dominiak Design Portfolio 2020

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G e n e v i e v e D o m i n i a k Design Selected

Portfolio Works

G e n e v i e v e D o m i n i a k E d u c a t i o n Syracuse University School of Architecture

1 9 0 H o l m e s D a l e A l b a n y, N Y 1 2 2 0 8

e m a i l : g a d o m i n i @ s y r. e d u phone:518.477.0603

May 2020

Bachelor of Architecture, Sustainable Construction Minor GPA 3.49, Dean’s List

E x p e r i e n c e Isgenuity LLC Boston, MA Summer 2019

Architectural Intern: worked on healthcare projects with multiple design teams; aided with programmatic design, attended team meetings, and created construction documents. Worked with Revit to create building models. Developed content and imagery for marketing materials using Sketch-Up, Bluebeam, and Microsoft Excel

School of Architecture Media Manager Syracuse, NY


Manage and organize Syracuse University School of Architecture’s Instagram account. Gather and organize content to post, capture school events with a team of photographers, coordinate with professors and students to properly communicate featured work.

Office of Student Employment Syracuse, NY


Student Assistant: Meet with students and employees and assist them in filling out I-9 forms. Answer other student employment questions as necessary.

Lifeguard-Lincoln Park Pool Albany, NY


A w a r d s Undergraduate Creative Works Summer Grant Recipient 2019 + H o n o r s Researched Icelandic folklore and myth in relation to a community’s influence on the built environment; in partnership with Hannah Michaelson

Undergraduate Creative Works Academic Grant Recipient 2019-2020

Ongoing research of America’s Superfund sites as a method to investigate the coexistence between human and toxic ecologies; in partnership with Hannah Michaelson

Published in Perception Magazine Spring Issue 2019 Syracuse University Founder’s Scholarship 2015-2020 King + King Comprehensive Design Competition Finalist 2019

S k i l l s Digital


Rhino, V-Ray, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign, AutoCAD, Revit, Maya, SketchUp, Microsoft Office Model Making, Laser Cutting, 3D Printing, CNC Milling, Vacuum Forming, Woodshop

I n v o l v e m e n t Syracuse Architecture Student Mentor Squad 2018- Present

Offer additional support to younger students throughout the year and help organize supportive events such as study abroad panel, time management panel and internship fair.

Phi Sigma Pi National Honors Fraternity 2017- Present

Gender-inclusive professional fraternity dedicated to embodying the principals of scholarship, leadership and fellowship.

Content 00 Studio Works 01 02 03 04

Tectonic Disturbances Delirious Facade Sleep Small Live Big Hide and Seek

00 Other Creations 05 Modular Pinatas 06 Digital Rocks 07 Toxic Aesthetics


Te c t o n i c D i s t u r b a n c e s E-Waste Recylcing Facility Jamesville, New York Professor: Daniele Profeta In collaboration with Hannah Michaelson

The project is sited as esoteric objects slipping out of the landscape to imitate tectonic disturbances. The relationship of the visitor to these scale-less shafts generate an uncertain atmosphere amongst a collection of pools. The lower portion of our proposal encloses the prompt’s E-Waste facility, while the upper environment fillets and slips to form our programmatic addition of pools and a sauna. The two programs nest together within the tectonics, which shear past the ground to inform both the flow of the E-waste facility and contain the bath program above. The programs never formally interact, but slide past each other to create a sharp seam, heightening the contrast between machine and leisure. By embedding the E-waste facility below the spa, the tectonic relationship of these scale-less shafts disembodies them from the machine below, alienating them among the terrain. The structure of the entire proposal originated from these large shafts which are both embedded in the ground and cutting through it. These custom concrete trusses are conceptualized to spatially organize the e-waste flow, contain core program and reflect light into the spaces below. The proposal embraces the overstructured aspect of these concrete trusses, as well as the mass amounts of concrete used to contain the program. Our concept around labor begins with the energy it requires for this mass excavation, prior to beginning the large-scale concrete construction.


Delirious Facade Speculative Facade Studies Toronto, Canada Professor: James Macgillivray

The idea of the delirious facade is exploration of future facade design through the use of artificial intelligence. With the use of the google deep dream app, this project seeks alternative ways of thinking about and designing facades. By providing a “base” image and a “style” image, the artificial intelligence merges the two images, and ‘dreams’ of a new one. The resulted image was then reinterpreted through post-production design. Using this process, two existing facade elevations were chosen to ‘dream’ of a new one through artificial intelligence. The new facade was thought and designed to be easily producible, as an alternative for developers to use to incorporate the community’s existing identity . The exercise was an effort to combat the overwhelming amount of banal glass facades being constructed today.

Renzo Piano’s Pompidou


Ca’ d’Oro

physical model 18” x 24”

Massey Hall

+ Abstracted developer facade

= Google Deep Dreamed Image

physical model 3’x1’ CNC milled foam


Sleep Small LIVE BIG Micro-Housing Project in Dumbo Urban Housing Brooklyn, New York Professor: Joseph Sisko

A urban micro-housing building that introduces expandable space between the private and public realms to increase a sense of community. Both planimetrically and sectionally the community space within the apartment building is pushing on and effecting the private space. This creates malleable spaces for the residents to have control over to tailor their desired living experience. The same result occurs on the ground floor when the public space acts upon and ‘alters’ the private, allowing for a more ambiguous relationship between the public and private realm.


Hide and Seek Green Lakes Educational Center Landscape Studies Fayetteville, New York Professor: Amber Bartosh

A project that encourages the explorative process of learning through playful manipulation of the visual experience. Tasked with designing an educational center, the project takes advantage of the site’s steep typography to create an explorative path. The buildings, along with other postures placed along the path are of mirrored material to reflect the surrounding environment, disorient the visitor, and thus creating an eternal sense of discovery. The buildings are formed from thin layered material to appear as if they appear and disappear into the background as the visitor travel throughout the site.


Modular Pinata Professor: Gregory Corso In collaboration with Hao Zheng

Exploration of the intersection between design and fabrication, with an emphasis on materiality and assembly. The pinata acts both as a singular container of candy and a modular unit to create a whole. Instead of a single unit, the pinata is preconceptual as a repeated, modular unit that can be stacked upon and repeated to create something larger than itself. Through applied coloration, the visibility of the singular unit is blurred when realized as a whole. Acting as both a spatial barrier and object of speculation. Fabrication of the 1:1 pinata included CNC milling blue foam, vacuum forming with clear plexi and spray painting.


Digital Rocks Professor: Daniele Profeta Software: Rhino 6 + V-Ray for Rhino

Artifically and digitally generated geological artifacts based off of rare earth form and material quality. The exercise explores hyper realistic rendering technique. Created with bump maps and image dispacements to create texture, the digital rocks are reminsicnet of the rare earth minerals being labriously extracted from mines across the world.


To x i c A e s t h e t i c s Thesis so far In collaboration with Hannah Michaelson

Aesthetic exploration of the visualization of toxicity, alongside ongoing research in the coexistence between human ecologies and toxic ecologies. Researching Superfund sites and industrial sites of America as the latent identity to the American landscape, these images have taken the sublime aesthetics of the toxic industrial waste that have scarred the land, and bring them to the forefront of the conversation through aesthetic qualities in new ways. These toxic waste lands are usually unnoticed, yet they exist in our own backyard. Taking the visuals of these wastelands from Ariel view and using them to disrupt the everyday life is explored in the imagery shown.

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