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Keep Her Happy & Healthy
UdderLife™ Mint-eez™ udder edema lotion and spray works to increase blood flow in the udder to better fight infections. Use these products to help reduce udder edema that can damage mammary supportive ligaments and shorten milking longevity.
UdderLife™ OptiShield™ teat sealant helps prevent new intramammary infections throughout the dry period. With a unique design – a tube containing minimal air – you can rest assured the product forms a solid plug seal in the teat’s streak canal.
RumiLife® CAL24™ nutritional supplement promotes calcium levels important for the first 24 hours after calving. One package (two boluses) can be given consecutively, so you don’t have to catch the cow twice.
RumiLife® M Drench™ nutritional supplement promotes fresh cow health during the transition period as a source of key nutrients like calcium, magnesium, electrolytes and water.
ReMOOV™ horn paste inhibits horn growth on calves before it starts. Its unique syringe measures the amount for each horn button, making application simple and precise.
To put these herd care products to work in your herd, contact your local GENEX representative, email info@genex.coop or visit www.genex.coop.