Good Life July 2012

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July 2012

Open for fun and adventure

flour tower

2 surprisingly unique homes from one ‘ah-ha’ moment

plus > Playing Bocce in the orchard > How one man talks himself onto free cruises

Price: $3

Photo by Dar Filbeck



page 32

Exploring down under with jim brown Features



A preview of some fun activities locally... including an ice cream social... yum!


Karynn Pauly was expecting to just touch down in Nepal for a while ... until she started asking questions

12 bocce among the trees

Playing the ancient game of Italy with the Geezers, a wood oven cooked pizza and a glass of wine

15 hiking for fun and friendship

Couple new to town decides the way to meet people is to hit the local hiking trials


18 driving on the wrong side in ireland

1. Preventative Maintenance Specialist

20 cruisin’

2. 2 year / 24,000 mile nationwide

Shelley and Lana find some old sights in the old country

Joe Anderson discovers that a good story is better than cash when it comes to getting onto a cruise ship

24 flour tower

An old flour mill in Bridgeport is the core ingredient to a couple of very interesting homes

31 Pet pix

Yes, that’s a dog on that man’s head

(we save you money!) warranty

3. All Technicians A.S.E. certified 4. Full service facility (oil change,

diagnostics, alignment, most everything!) 5. Local Family owned for 19 years 6. Comfortable and spacious customer area + Kids Room =) 7. Mainly THEY TRUST US!

“I have a 2005 Toyota Highlander with 95,000 miles on it. Brian and his staff have taken great care of our car...since I have been going to Global it has never run better! They use only top quality parts, fluids and equipment. For example, When I asked Brian why he only carries synthetic-blend motor oil, he told me that he wouldn’t service a customer’s car with any less excellence than he services his own vehicles. After my last service I was pleasantly surprised to find my car washed and that their loaner car was free. The folks at Global are a rare breed and have earned my trust!” Scott Wilmot, Chelan


n Painter Russ Hepner, page 35 Columns & Departments 22 June Darling: Retirement is not so difficult 34 Bonnie Orr: Summer time is salad time 35-39 Arts & Entertainment & a Dan McConnell cartoon 40 History: The military comes to NCW 42 Alex Saliby: Going camping? Take these wines July 2012 | The Good Life

509-662-2121 1840 North Wenatchee Avenue







Year 6, Number 7 July 2012 The Good Life is published by NCW Good Life, LLC, dba The Good Life 10 First Street, Suite 108 Wenatchee, WA 98801 PHONE: (509) 888-6527 EMAIL: ONLINE: FACEBOOK: The-Good-Life Editor/Publisher, Mike Cassidy Contributors, Karynn Pauly, Alicia Caouette, Shelley Costello, Joe Anderson, Donna Cassidy, Dorothy Hill Baroch, Bonnie Orr, Alex Saliby, Jim Brown, June Darling, Dan McConnell, Susan Lagsdin and Rod Molzahn Advertising sales, John Hunter, Lianne Taylor and Donna Cassidy Bookkeeping and circulation, Donna Cassidy Proofing, Joyce Pittsinger Ad design, Rick Conant TO SUBSCRIBE: For $25, ($30 out of state address) you can have 12 issues of The Good Life mailed to you or a friend. Send payment to: The Good Life 10 First Street, Suite 108 Wenatchee, WA 98801 Phone 888-6527 Online: To subscribe/renew by email, send credit card info to: BUY A COPY of The Good Life at Hastings, Caffé Mela (Wenatchee and East Wenatchee), Walgreens (Wenatchee and East Wenatchee), the Wenatchee Food Pavilion, Mike’s Meats, Martin’s Market Place (Cashmere) and A Book for All Seasons (Leavenworth)

Oh pretty columbine Good Life photographer

Donna Cassidy took this picture of Columbine blooming in her Wenatchee hillside garden. But it was Bonnie Orr — known widely as the “dirt diva” — who provided some context. Said Bonnie: “This particular Columbine, Aquilegia jonesii, is the state flower of Colorado. This is a widespread native plant. It is a member of the Buttercup family.

“Other Columbine species produce red, yellow, pink and mauve flowers. There are a number of hybrid horticultural species that are multi-petaled and elaborate. All the plants spread rambunctiously from seed.” (Donna verifies this Columbine does indeed spread rambunctiously... it’s all over her yard this year.) Continued Bonnie: “The common name, Columbine, comes from the Latin, ‘columba’ for dove. If you hold the flower upside down it looks like a ring of doves drinking. Another

ADVERTISING: For information about advertising in The Good Life, contact advertising at (509) 8886527, or WRITE FOR THE GOOD LIFE: We welcome articles about people from Chelan and Douglas counties. Send your idea to Mike Cassidy at

The Good Life® is a registered trademark of NCW Good Life, LLC. Copyright 2012


| The Good Life

| July 2012

common name is Grandmother’s bonnet. “This plant can be seen in religious paintings of the 16th Century; I think this is because the blue and white are the representative colors of the Virgin Mary.”

On the cover

Donna Cassidy took this photo of Scott and Kathy Wright next to this grain elevator in Bridgeport, which they are renovating for a five-plus-story home (with an elevator, of course).

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This event is hosted by Dave Solomon, President of Solomon Financial group. there will be a brief question and answer period directly following the movie. Investment Advisory Services offered through Global Financial Private Capital, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Adviser

July 2012 | The Good Life




editor’s notes


Pets welcomed in The Good Life I

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| The Good Life

was about to step off the curb to cross a narrow street near our office (OK, I admit I was jaywalking) when a young woman in an SUV turned the corner and rather than brake for me, shot on past. Teetering on the curb, my nose was practically sticking into her rolled-down window where I could clearly see the bulging eyes of two lap dogs staring back at me. And that’s when the thought hit me: “We have to do something in The Good Life with pets!” Humans love their animals. We live along a popular walking trail in Wenatchee and get to watch a parade of pets and their owners. We’ve seen a woman who carries her aging dog in a special little chest pack, cats darting behind their strolling owners, cyclists with dogs on leashes and once a man in a golf cart “walking” his dog. And it’s not just cats and dogs we love. We were at an outside function recently where a young man was wandering around with a huge snake curled around his well-tattooed arms. A few minutes later, we saw an older man with a parrot on his shoulder. Humans love their animals. To bring a few of these pets to our pages, we are starting “Pet Pix” this month where we’ll let readers show off their best friends. We ask readers to send in cute and unusual photos of themselves with their pets, along with a sentence or two about what makes the pet so special. And, they are all special. (Or, as my mom once told me, “I’ve had plenty of people disappoint

| July 2012

me in this life, but I’ve never had an animal disappoint me.”) Please take a look at our initial offering on pages 31. And then pull out your favorite photo of you and your dog, cat, parakeet, horse, iguana, pig, alpaca, rabbit, chicken or whatever, and send to us at editor@ We might make you and your pal famous. I recently read this quote from scientist and sci-fi writer Arthur C. Clarke: “Every revolutionary idea seems to evoke three stages of reaction. They may be summed up by the phrases: 1 — It’s completely impossible. 2 — It’s possible, but it’s not worth doing. 3 — I said it was a good idea all along.” This quote was in a book about how big ideas come about, coupled with the notion that big failure can lead to be success — if we study the lessons of failure. I thought of these two concepts when I first saw Joe Anderson’s story about traveling for free on cruise ships. Joe’s original idea was to teach rock climbing courses on ocean going ships. Come on Joe, that’s a crazy idea. Cruise ships don’t have rock walls. And truly, they didn’t... when Joe first suggested the idea. So, that idea fell flat. Yet, by refining and following through on his idea since, Joe has been on more sea cruises than anyone I know. He tells how he does it on page 18. Discover the possibilities of The Good Life. — Mike


The MOMologues. Last chance

to catch this one-act play that follows four women through the first chapters of motherhood — attempts at conception, pregnancy, labor and delivery, and adjusting to life with a newborn. Riverside Playhouse. Sunday, 7/1, 7:30 p.m Info: 663-2787.

Symphony and fireworks in the park. A performance by the

Fireworks in the park, both July 3 and 4.

Mariachi Estrella de Mexico at 7 p.m. with the Symphony beginning at 8 p.m. Stacia McRae, a former Community Foundation scholarship recipient and current music major at Whitman College, will perform the Star Spangled Banner and a Puccini aria. The Wenatchee High School Drumline will entertain the audience, as well as a short performance by The Follies. The evening will conclude with fireworks to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. Lincoln Park in Wenatchee. Tuesday, July 3. Cost: free. Info:

Independence Day Celebration, 1 p.m. Music and entertainment all

day long with fireworks at approximately 10:15 p.m. Wednesday, July 4. Walla Walla Point Park.


reception at 2 Rivers Art Gallery from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. featuring paintings by Dean Rainey and bronze sculptor Suzanne Grassell plus over 40 local and regional artists. Wines by Bella Terrazza, refreshments and live music. 102 N Columbia, Wenatchee. Cost: free. Elsewhere, walk the downtown for art, music, dining and entertainment. Friday, July 6.

Concert in the Gardens. A summer series of concerts at Ohme Gardens begins Thursday, July 12, at 6:30 p.m. with Gideon’s Daughter (formerly Lynus & Lucy).

Suzanne Grassell — western art from a woman’s point of view.

Cost: $12 adults. Info: 662-5785. Later dates include: Junkyard Jane Band on Thursday, July 19. Too Slim and the Taildraggers on Friday, July 27.

Ice Cream Social. In 1962, the

L-Bow the Clown along with books, pie and ice tiny town of Peshastin organized the first Ice cream will be in Peshastin July 28.

Cream Social to help support its small public library. Through the next 50 years the Ice Cream Social has been going on every July. It’s the largest event in Peshastin now, attracting lots of people. As a volunteer effort, it has become a large job. The same women have been organizing it for the past 28 years, as long as the librarian himself has been there. (By the way, these volunteers and the librarian say are all looking at retiring soon and are looking for replacements.) July 2012 | The Good Life

The Ice Cream Social now includes live music, a booksale, games and face-painting for children, homemade cakes and lots of ice cream. Enjoy a slice of cake or pie for $3. Ice cream, Starbuck’s coffee or punch are $1 each. The Chelsey Craven Band will perform. A used books sale and cake spin will be available. L-Bow the Clown will be at the fire hall. Downtown Peshastin. Saturday, July 28, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.



A hard walk to meet the endangered kids of Nepal Karynn spent six months teaching English at a monastery in Kathmandu. These mini-monks, as Karynn refers to them, dress in Buddhist monk robes and study reading and writing in Tibetan, Nepali and English, with some math, and — of course — lots of prayers.

story and photos By Karynn Pauly

I never meant to stay in

Nepal. The idea was to take a year off from school to travel the world and see where I fit in it. Sixteen travel books and three weeks of research later I had a detailed plan that took me from Nepal, through India, to Sri Lanka and culminated in Cambodia. Well, things never really go the way you plan, no matter how many calendars, flowcharts and highlighters you use. According to my schedule, I would spend the first two months of my trip teaching English at a monastery in Kathmandu, but I just never left. Arriving in a really foreign

Karynn Pauly made the two-day trek from Simikot to Yangar. This is one of the most treacherous stretches along the Upper Humla Trail between Kermi and Yangar, with steep stairs cut into the mountainside, punctuated by a dramatic drop into the canyon below.


| The Good Life

| July 2012

country at midnight with no money after 30 hours of flying made me question, how had I gotten myself into this? After tea and some sleep, the world made a little more sense the next morning. Kathmandu is a city of great beauty and tragedy. Over time I learned my way around its neighborhoods and made friendships I would come to cherish. When I finally arrived at the monastery I fell in love with my students. We bonded over soccer and the Kung Fu Panda movie. When a dog bit me and I couldn’t walk for a week, they made a bamboo walking stick

and brought me lunch every day. The boys ranged from 6 to 14 years old, each at a different level and each with unique learning styles. I’ve always respected my teachers, but now I have a true appreciation for what they deal with day in and day out. Class was held in the morning and covered English with a side of basic math. I settled into a comfortable rhythm. My time to leave came and went. After a few weeks I began asking questions. How does someone become a monk in the first place? Where are these boys’ families? Why are they here? My soon-to-be very good friend Chembal Lama answered my questions, and in so doing opened my eyes to a whole world I never knew existed, and awakened in me a passion to protect these children and their culture. Most of my monks are from Upper Humla, a remote district in the northwest corner of Nepal, bordering Tibet. In 2006 the 11-year civil war between the Nepalese army and the Maoist forces came to an end. During that time both armies were notorious for kidnapping children in the Humla district to use as child soldiers or to sell as sex slaves. Because of this, families sent their children as far away as possible, most often to Kathmandu or India. Even now, with the war over for six years, the threat still exists and families in this district still lose children every year to

Karynn and Charles Atkinson, a producer from Wenatchee documentary maker North 40 Productions, spent time with students at a hostel in Yangar, which was their final destination in Upper Humla. The children come from distant villages across Humla to attend the only school in the valley. Photo by Chembal Lama

con artists promising education but instead trafficking them to neighboring countries. All of this pain and struggle had an unforeseen consequence: these communities lost an entire generation that will most likely never return, and consequently there is no one to pass on the culture and traditions of these people. Upper Humla is home to one of the world’s last examples of pure Tibetan culture, having escaped the Chinese invasion of 1949. These people have an amazing gift for the world but it will be lost if the current trend

July 2012 | The Good Life

continues. Hearing this history I decided to see this community for myself, so we set out for Chembal’s village, which is only accessible on foot. After a two-day hike over rough terrain at high altitude, I finally reached Yangar. These people have innumerable hardships. Isolation, insufficient food supplies, low literacy rate and no medical care to name just a few, and yet they are largely a happy and generous people. The community supports one another in hard times, values their children, and



believes strongly in a religion that promotes compassion. The extraordinary thing about the people of Humla is their love of community and their ability to be content with what they have. These people are dirt poor and yet able to come together and celebrate each other’s lives. Millions of people all over the world live in similar conditions. No medical care, high infant mortality and hard winters make some feel jealous, resentful, even hopeless. Yet, despite having nothing, the people of Humla feel thank-

}}} Continued on page 11

Local documentary company making a film about the kids & culture of Humla

This valley in the foothills of the Himalayas is dotted with small villages along the trail leading through Upper Humla. At roughly 9,500 feet elevation, Kermi is the mid-point on the two-day trek.

By Brian Abbey As a documentary production company in Wenatchee, we at North 40 Productions are always on the lookout for compelling and meaningful stories that invoke universal themes and involve members of our local community. When we heard from Wenatchee native Karynn Pauly about the injustice and adversity being faced by families in rural Nepal, we were immediately hooked by the story, the place and the culture. We did our research and committed to creating a non-profit documentary to help spread awareness about the adversities facing these communities in the Humla District — one of the most remote and impoverished places on earth. What we stumbled upon is a story of tribulation for the communities in Humla and a tale of discovery for a young Wenatchee woman. But what sets it apart for us is that it is also a story of hope, for there is a small group of people

who work tirelessly to preserve the culture and safeguard these vulnerable communities. In May we sent Karynn Pauly and our producer, Charles Atkinson, armed only with gear he could stow in a backpack on a scouting and filming mission to Kathmandu and then along on the two-day trek to Humla. They returned with beautiful footage and compelling stories, which we plan to use for a documentary short film. Our hope for this film is to tell a story of discovery for Karynn and Charles as they encountered hopeful and happy people who are struggling to survive in abject poverty, and one man’s resolve to bring about lasting change for the people of Humla. To learn more about the story visit www.north40productions/nepal. Brian is the Outreach and Development Coordinator at North 40 Productions, and volunteers at local organizations.

What’s on your bucket list? Have you recently crossed out an item on your bucket list — that list of goals you want to reach before you kick the bucket? Or, have you recently celebrated a birthday that ends in a zero with a monumental moment that will stick in your memory? Send us an e-mail — with pictures if possible — to: editor@ncwgoodlife. com. We would love to share your feat with our readers and maybe inspire others to create memories of their own.


| The Good Life

| July 2012

Nepal: ‘Education, education, education’ }}} Continued from page 9 ful for what they have, celebrate each other’s good fortune in good times, and share everything in bad. I left deeply moved. What an extraordinary example these people set for the rest of us: don’t sacrifice happiness in the pursuit of ambition; celebrate your neighbor’s triumph as if it were your own. But this community is being threatened and could disappear altogether in another generation. I left with a powerful desire to preserve this culture for myself and the world. Upon returning home to Wenatchee, I experienced reverse culture shock. It felt like everything had shifted. I realized eventually I was the one who had changed. I came home knowing without a doubt I was going back. And I did. Barely a month later I found myself back in Humla, along with Charles Atkinson, who had joined me to document the trip, and I arrived more dedicated than ever to help my new family protect their way of life. Chembal and others have dedicated their

lives to improving the infrastructure in Humla, which will allow children to stay in their communities rather than be sent away. In 2006, the local grade school had 12 students. Today they are responsible for 118 children, who come from all over the district from poor families struggling to survive. Locally-run hostels provide them with food, clothes, beds and notebooks to facilitate their attending the local school, but there are still not enough beds for all the children who want to attend. The community does all it can to promote the education of their children, knowing it is the only way to ensure the community’s future. As Chembal told me, “education, education, education.” I have returned home again with fresh determination to help my newfound family. With the help of my own strong community in Wenatchee, I feel we can make a big impact in the lives of the children of Humla.

Pema is one of 118 girls out of 186 students in Upper Humla’s largest grade school, one of only a few schools across the entire District of Humla. Leaders are focused on educating girls, many of whom had not had the opportunity to attend school.

Karynn Pauly is studying political science at Bellevue Community College between her travels to Nepal. She is a 2008 graduate of Wenatchee High School.

July 2012 | The Good Life



Two teams of four guys — with two members at each end — play Bocce on a court at Jerry Pipitone’s Rock Island orchard.

Bocce among the fruit trees Ancient sport of Italy finds home in rock island where these ‘geezers’ bowl, cook pizzas & sometimes sip wine By Dorothy Hill Baroch


n the musical, Fiddler on the Roof, Tevye sings of “tradition.” Men from the North Central Washington Sons of Italy Lodge don’t sing about tradition, they actually live it. “The Geezers,” a nickname the men have coined for their group, meet every Tuesday in Rock Island to play the ancient game of Bocce. They play on the court they created, and then they eat pizza baked in the outdoor oven they completed last

summer. The setting: an organic orchard and farm owned by Jerry and Andrea Pipitone. The reasons: The Geezers love to eat, play Bocce, eat, and enjoy one another’s company — with maybe an occasional glass of John Butler’s award-winning, handcrafted wine to top off the day. The idea for developing the sport of Bocce in the Wenatchee area surfaced about five years ago. Lodge members looked at a number of different approaches, including both public and pri-


| The Good Life

vate courts. When Jerry Pipitone offered his orchard as a site, the men didn’t look any further. Then the fun began! The Geezers examined Bocce websites, read books about how to build courts and consulted with friends who were aficionados of the sport. They agreed on a final plan: n The court must not compromise the organic nature of the orchard and farm. n It must be inexpensive, and n It must be accessible on a regular basis. The Geezers spent about three

| July 2012

weeks building the court. As a boundary, they used boards cut from Chinese elm trees on the property. Soil from the farm became the base. The only supplies they purchased were rock dust and chicken scratch (crushed oyster shells), limiting the cost of the court to less than $100. Was building the court hard work? “It was labor intensive,” said Michael (Mike) Lazzarini, “but it was fun. At any given time, there were up to six of us working, and that spread out the manual labor. Of course, every

“I went with my father because I enjoyed the companionship and fun I saw exhibited among the men...” decision had to be extensively discussed — but, that’s what Geezers do!” Mike became involved because he loves the sport. “When I was a little boy, I watched my father play Bocce on public courts by the Bay in North Beach, San Francisco. At that time, it was a ‘men only’ sport, so I wasn’t allowed to play. I went with my father because I enjoyed the companionship and fun I saw exhibited among the men, and because it was interesting to try to translate the Italian I heard spoken.” After his father passed away, his dad’s Bocce set somehow found its way into the hands of Mike’s nephew. “The set is old, the wooden balls are worn, and they don’t roll straight — but I’d steal them from my nephew if I could — just because they belonged to my father.” Vintner John Butler is married to an Italian, Rose Fusano Butler, hence his association with the Sons of Italy. John enjoys the camaraderie, the food and wine, and the fact that Bocce is a lowimpact sport. “Anyone can play — young or

What is Bocce?

Throwing balls at a stationary target — as a sport — dates back to at least 5000 BC, when Egyptians used polished stones instead of the Bocce balls that are used today. From Egypt, Bocce made its way to Greece and Rome, and then was introduced throughout the Roman Empire. The sport is played with one small ball (Pallino) and eight larger balls —Bocce (singular), Bocci (plural) — four for each team. The Pallino is thrown first and becomes the target. Then each Bocce is thrown, with the goal of placing it as close to the Pallino as possible. Two teams of two players each (sometimes two teams of four) play on a variety of surfaces, including grass. Rules and court specifications are much more detailed for tournaments than for home or informal usage. (See www.bocce. org for additional information about the sport.)

Jack Jakubal takes his turn at bowling. The goal is to place his ball closest to a small ball at the other end.

old, men and women, including people with limited mobility. Even though it occasionally brings out the competitive nature of a person, it is a great family game.” The Geezers created a special Bocce trophy named in “honor” of John, who hadn’t played Bocce until he joined the Sons of Italy.

July 2012 | The Good Life

The group awards the “John Shot Trophy” to a player who makes the most atrocious shot of the round — a game-changing play that shifts the points in favor of the player’s opponents. “It’s a rotating trophy,” laughed John, “and one that people try to avoid receiving.” Kathy and Joseph (Joe) Por-



rovecchio, charter members of the local Sons of Italy Lodge, are avid Bocce players. Joe helped to build The Geezers’ court in Rock Island and plays there often. “I’ve been a game player since I was a child,” said Kathy. “Joseph and I enjoy Bocce and even own a portable court, as well as Bocce ball sets for adults and for children.”

}}} Continued on next page

‘Bocce is a lot of fun, Grandpa’

Want to play?

}}} Continued from previous page The Porrovecchios jump at the chance not only to play Bocce, but also to teach it. They participate in the annual “Bocce Day” event held during the Wenatchee Parks and Recreation summer program for children and cosponsored by the Sons of Italy Lodge. “It takes some time for the younger kids to get brave enough to roll the balls, but once they get the hang of it, they love the game. “Bocce can be played on grass or in an open field. It doesn’t have to be confined to a standard-sized court, unless you’re a tournament player, or regular players like The Geezers,” said Kathy. “I even taught friends to play when we were camping at Beebee Park last year.” Jack Jakabul enjoys the game so much, he’s introduced his grandchildren to the sport. “I’ve taken both of my grandchildren to Walla Walla Point Park for ‘Bocce Day’ a number of times. Before my grandson, Joshua, started school, he went with me to The Geezers’ court, where he learned the rules of the game and how to keep score. Joshua likes the sport and told

Mike Andler serves pizza, still bubbling after coming out of the outdoor, wood-fired oven behind him.

John Butler, left, helps Jerry Pipitone settle an argument over whose ball is the closest to the smaller white ball. Friendly arguing over the rules is part of the game, said Jerry.

In addition to the stationary court used by The Geezers, the Sons of Italy Lodge and a few of its members own portable courts and balls. They use every opportunity to demonstrate the sport to interested observers. The Lodge participates in the Wenatchee Museum’s Cultural event each year, and sets up a mini court in their booth to show people how to play the game. In 2011, the Lodge sponsored “Wednesday evening Bocce” at a local park, also using the portable equipment. For further information to play Bocce locally, contact Jerry Pipitone (668-0653; pipitones@msn. com) or Mike Lazzarini (667-9371:

me one day that ‘Bocce is a lot of fun, Grandpa.’” Other Lodge members contributed their energy and time to build the court. Richard Garlini, former proprietor of Garlini’s Restaurant in East Wenatchee, actually played Bocce as a child in Italy, earning some lire when he raked the courts there. LeRoy Jones, who also bowls, joined the fun, as The Geezers’ court was built. Not every orchardist would like to have people congregating on their property on a weekly basis, but for Jerry Pipitone it’s been an adventure. “Growing and marketing my products took most of my time and I really didn’t have much of a social life. Having The Geezers come out to the farm on Tuesdays gives me the break I need. The game is fun, the people have become very good friends, and I’d do it again — in a minute.” Dorothy Hill Baroch, owner of Organizational Dynamics, is a member of the North Central Washington Sons of Italy Lodge, the Wenatchee Valley Writers’ Group, Pacific Northwest Writers Association, and Write on the River.


| The Good Life

| July 2012

Hikers Julia and Ron Priest look around Spider Meadows... when there is still a dusting of snow on the ground.

Hiking for fun and friendship Chasing — and sometimes catching — the snow as it recedes into the mountains By Alicia Caouette


he morning of June 3 looked like the beginning of a decent day in town, mostly sunny with a slight breeze, but looking out toward the Cascades I could see rain and a lot of leftover snow. As I donned my daypack at the trailhead an hour later, I felt a few sprinkles that didn’t

materialize into anything. The ground was pretty saturated. Last night’s rain or maybe recent snowmelt? In the fall of 2008 my husband Reece and I moved to Wenatchee from Eugene. At the time we didn’t know many people in town other than family, but we love to hike so we thought we’d join a club to help us meet some local hikers. Most of the groups in town at July 2012 | The Good Life

the time were for the more hardcore type, but we’re pretty laid back (read: triathlon training makes me queasy) so we started our own. We quickly learned there are fewer places to hike on dirt in the winter here than in Oregon, where we spent the rainy season in fleece sweaters and ponchos exploring waterfalls. Now each year we chase the snowmelt up the mountains.



But some years we miss the “melt” part, like when we hiked to Heather Lake one Sunday in June. The trail was beautiful and snow-free for most of the climb. Misty rain brought out the dark colors of tree bark and the sweet smell of half-rotted leaves from last fall. But as the terrain leveled out toward the top the trail disappeared under melting snow.

}}} Continued on next page

ABOVE: Reece Caouette and Katie Dolan travel through still-snow-coated scenery during a June hike to Heather Lake. AT LEFT: During a warmer hike, Whyntr Ashmore, in pink coat, followed by Katie Dolan and other hikers look for huckleberries along the trail near Poe Mountain.

}}} Continued from previous page With about a mile left to go and our GPS in hand we trudged up, around, and over snow banks up to eight feet deep before finding a frozen Heather Lake, its surrounding cliffs hidden behind fog and a light mist that soaked

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| The Good Life

| July 2012

our jackets. “Let’s just see how far we get before we find snow,” I told our group of hikers last May as we set out along Ingalls Creek. This time we didn’t find snow, and instead were greeted by sunshine, wildflowers and a warm field of

Reece Caouette — in the grey sweatshirt carrying his son Mac — helps hikers across a makeshift bridge on the Whitepine Creek Trail.

large creek side boulders to eat lunch on. Perfect timing. In Octobers, our last hike of each season, we’ve often find ourselves on meadowed hillsides plucking berries, thankful the snow hasn’t returned just yet. On one such hike near Poe Mountain we made such sweet, slow progress walking through fields of bright red huckleberry bushes I wondered if we’d make our destination. Our Pathways Wenatchee hiking group is now in its fourth season of chasing the snowmelt up the mountains. I expected we’d have a lot of

people in their 20s and 30s join us, along with maybe a few kids. But what we found was people of all ages love to get outdoors and meet new people. The age range for our group is somewhere between four months and 70 years old. I love seeing the older generations teach the kids (and the rest of us) how to tell the difference between pine cones and fir cones, dog tracks and wild cat tracks. And I love seeing the excitement in a young person’s face when they see a pile of snow in the summer for the first time.

July 2012 | The Good Life

There’s always someone at our destination who opens up a backpack full of snacks to share, another who takes lots of pictures, and another who asks, “can we walk a little farther?” On this hike on June 3, the Whitepine Creek Trail proved enjoyable, beautiful, but another of my let’s-see-how-early-wecan-get-up-this-trail hikes. Running water from snowmelt covered the trail in several 30-foot-long sections. Snow patches along the trail inspired snowball fights. Mid-summer’s hop-acrosscreeks required careful footing



and carrying the kids across in June. One such creek inspired a quick bridge building project. I stood by watching as several guys gathered downed trees, set them in place, and helped everyone get to the other side. A little early in the season, maybe, but still perfect. For more about Pathways Wenatchee and information on the next hike, visit Reece is the operations manager at Columbia Paint and Alicia has worked at Central Washington Water. Both are also pastors at a new church, Pathways Christian Fellowship.

That’s not an hallucination — that sheep is actually painted with day-glo colors for easy identification.

Driving on the other side of the road: ‘God help Ireland!’ By Shelley Costello


ot having any foreign travel in my years of vacationing, I was surprised when the Irish Custom’s agent asked me “Are you here on holiday?” It was October. Halloween, is that a holiday in Ireland? My friend and traveling companion Lana Zabreznek explained that other countries call vacation a holiday…. “Oh, no, just here to visit.” He then asked, “Visiting family?” “No.” “Visiting friends?” “No.” “Going anywhere in particular?” “No, just driving and touring your country.” And with a stamp in our passports, his chuckle and reply was “God help Ireland!” And sent us on our way. Thus began our wonderful 10 days of driving on the “other” side of the road, no shoulders, shrubs and rock walls way too close, and the occasional swack’s mind could only imagine the hundreds of years of life that has passed by these walls. of the passenger mirror as it hits parked car mirrors as we drove by. And we had a small car. We found we were very good at roundabouts, but remember, over there, you stay to the left. (That was interesting when I came home and drove out of Pangborn Memorial Airport to our roundabout. It took a real conscious decision to stay to the right on that one.) Our ventures took us everywhere: From Dublin to Kildare, home of the Irish National Stud Farm, to a traditional Irish pub in Kilkinney, to Waterford and a tour House of Waterford Crystal,


| The Good Life

to Killarney, home of the Blarney Stone. Our B&B hosts along the way told us the last thing we two girls needed to do was kiss the Blarney Stone, as we were full of eloquence! Actually, I believe their exact words were we were already full of Blarney. Lana and Shelley: On the road in Ireland. We occasionally had to stop for the herding of sheep and even cows have. But traveling in October as herders found very interestwas grey sky time. ing ways to move their livestock Gallway is a very large city I through traffic. The different wasn’t sure we’d get through colorful markings of sheep make on our way to the far western it easy for farmers to keep their side of the country to find a flocks straight. With low rock 350-year-old Ballynahinch walls the sheep can climb and Castle in Connemara. mix up quite easily. As we were winding down, our And we stopped for the views. travels had us heading for Trim Oh my goodness, there is so to the Crannmore House. Trim much green. The only thing Castle was built in 1173 and was missing was bright beautiful used in the movie Braveheart blue sky, which I’m sure they with Mel Gibson. As we walked

| July 2012

The remains of Trim Castle in Ireland. This 800-year old structure was used in the Mel Gibson movie, Braveheart.

passage, allowing the souls of those cremated during the year to be passed on to a greater existence. We had an absolutely wonderful time, enjoyed music in the pubs, found they don’t have soda on tap, learned Irish people are very late night people, traveled non-shoulder roads at 100kh (60mph) and we thanked the Good Lord for Bailey’s and coffee.

Saint Brigid’s Cathedral was built by the Norman Bishop Ralph of Bristol in 1223. It is built in the early Gothic style with a square central tower.

around this still-standing piece of history, one’s mind could only imagine the hundreds of years of life that has passed by these walls. And in this same area is New Grange. This tomb is known as a passage-grave and the date of erection is about 3200 BC.

An old stone bridge crosses a stream: So much green in Ireland means there are so few blue skies — especially in the late fall.

Once I got past being claustrophobic, I was able to enter and experience the re-enactment of

the mid-winter solstice, which on Dec 21, the rising sun shines into the roof-box and lights the

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Shelley Costello is a long-time Wenatchee resident who has just started a new business with her sister and brother-in law called All Country Services, which is a property maintenance business. See

Cruisin’ How one man talked himself into free cruises to fun places By Joe Anderson

I used to watch movies of famous people

taking luxurious cruises throughout the world. I watched Leonardo De Caprio and Kate Winslet fall in love on the Titanic, and Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr hold each other on the dance floor as they listened to the Big Band playing in the background. A cruise on a luxury ship is one of life’s pure joys. They are engineering marvels; floating five-star hotels that offer the best service, accommodation, cuisine and activities. They visit exotic locales, with non-stop relaxation or stimulation, depending on your pleasure. It was part of my American Dream to someday take a cruise. A few years before my retirement after 32 years of teaching in 2003, my wife, Cyndi, asked me to take her on a cruise. All of a sudden, my dream of taking a cruise was also my wife’s dream. I told her we could not afford it but I would see what I could do. It is funny I remembered going to Pike Place Market area in Seattle one time with my son-in-law and seeing a cruise ship docked at Pier 53. I told him that someday I would be speaking on a cruise ship. We both


Joe and Cyndi Anderson about to board ship: Cruising into retirement.

wanted me to fly to Florida and explore the idea more extensively. Since I was teaching I told them I was unable to meet with them and they did not laughed. contact me anymore. While I was still teaching I had an outdoor Later, I discovered climbing walls became leadership club at Eastmont High School part of many cruise ships. where I taught rock climbing. I figured I But, it was through this failed process that could teach rock climbing on cruise ships. I did receive a contact name of someone who I started investigating rock climbing on arranges speakers and lecturers for cruise cruise ships and discovered they did not ships. I contacted this person and like magic, have climbing walls. I contacted Carnival doors began to open. Cruise lines via email and posed my idea of The cruise line entertainment agent, building climbing walls on the ships. Diane Zammel, telephoned me, wanting to The email connected with someone with know what I could teach. whom the climbing wall idea resonated. She was interested in an end destination They contacted me via email and shared an speaker, which is someone who lectures interest but needed more information. They on the ports and history of the cruise ships

June Darling writes: Nervous about affording retirement? Be like Joe. See page 22

| The Good Life

| July 2012

Many times a lecturer might be asked to honor some dinner table, because, as a presenter you are a celebrity. destinations. I did not have the knowledge to fill that role. She told me she thought I could fill another role, that of being an enrichment speaker. During several communications she thought I was worth the risk and might be able to develop into a good lecturer. She was going to gamble on me. It was my responsibility, with Diane’s direction and insight, to come up with six possible topics that could be given during a seven-day cruise. I would be responsible for giving four 35-minute lectures with 10 minutes for questions and answers. Each lecture would need to be on a different subject about a specific cruise destination. In exchange for the prep time, lectures and a small daily fee to the agent, I would receive a free cruise for my wife and me. Once Diane felt comfortable with the topics she would approach the cruise ship and see if they liked the topics. Each cruise ship director has final say in what is presented by the enrichment speakers. The first cruise Diane arranged for us was going up the Inside Passage. My four lectures were: Wellness for the World Traveler, Resume Writing, Giving the Perfect Interview and Writing the Eye-Catching Letter on Intent. We were so excited. The cruise was arranged almost one year ahead of time, and leaving out of Seattle from Pier 53. When my wife and I got to the pier four hours before departure

and stood next to the huge ship all I could think of was, “WOW, Look at all the people I get to meet.” One of the questions my wife had was where we would stay. We were both hoping it would not be next to the boiler room. Once on the ship we found our room, and much to our relief it was on the eighth deck and had a window. From then on the one-week trip went great. All of the lectures went smoothly and were well received. Since then, I have expanded my lecture repertoire. The cruise ship organization wants speakers familiar with where the ship is going and what the passengers will see. I vary the lectures depending on the cruise line, time of lecture and nature of audience. If the cruise originates in a foreign country, then most of the passengers will be of foreign of descent making the conversations cross-culturally unique. My audiences range from a handful of people to my largest at 750. It was exhilarating to stand at the podium knowing they all came to hear me. A lecturer needs to be prepared and ready to put on a quality and interesting show. The passengers’ days at sea are filled with fun activities. They have a huge selection of activities: reading rooms, stage shows, eating, bars and studio music presentations, gambling, game rooms, exercise and sauna rooms, on-deck activities, climbing walls and relaxing. Many times a lecturer might be asked to honor some dinner table, because, as a presenter you are a celebrity. It is all in a good day’s responsibility. I am now preparing for my 14th cruise since retiring in 2003. I’ve been to the eastern Caribbean, Yucatan Peninsula and 11 times to Alaska What is surprising to me is I have probably been on more cruises than the people I used to watch in the movies. July 2012 | The Good Life




column moving up to the good life

june darling

Worried about retirement? Be like Joe Worried about how to live

the good life during the retirement years? Perhaps your retirement concerns are around money. Maybe you have no idea what you will do in retirement. Perhaps you are at odds with your spouse about how to spend your retirement years. Joe Anderson to the rescue. Joe is a real guy who lives here in the Wenatchee Valley. Joe is audacious. He is also wild, free and happy. Most of all Joe is creative in how he goes about living the good life. He knows how to work the money angle in ways your financial planner probably doesn’t mention. Joe also has a simple technique for figuring out what he (and his wife) wants to do. Joe and his wife have always lived on a relatively small amount of money. When Joe retired from teaching and coaching, the most he had ever made was $60,000. Both he and his wife, Cyndi, and their children lived on that salary plus some extra money Joe made working in the summer. Joe and Cyndi know there’s much they can do without, which actually improves their

Divorce is increasing for couples in the retirement years. lives. For example, for many years, they had only one car. Joe has biked for years. He loves being physically fit and outdoors. It’s a joy for him to bike. The Andersons also look ahead to what they want to do, or what they want to have, and they save for it. They savor the anticipation and planning of the trip, or the purchase they want to make. Researchers tell us that anticipation is actually often more fun than taking the trip or buying the things we want. Joe loves the challenge of figuring out how to do the things he wants to do with little or no money. He knew he wanted to do a lot of skiing. He does ski patrol which furnishes him with all the skiing he wants to do at no cost. Cyndi wanted to go on a sea cruise. Joe figured out he could lecture on a cruise ship and go for free.


| AT HOME WITH The Good Life

Joe also thinks money is actually pretty easy to make. He’s very clear on his strengths and values. He notices when an opportunity pops up and he pursues it. If it takes more skill, he develops it. Joe has, indeed, made money all sorts of fun ways. He’s been a roofer, teacher, coach, circus director, circus performer, speaker on cruise ships, college teacher, emergency medical technician, ski patrol, public information officer, medical unit leader, writer, Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) essay evaluator, student portfolio evaluator, snowshoe guide, and worked under the auspices of the Federal Emergency Management Agency helping with disasters. In addition to money, people often have difficulty deciding what they want to do during their retirement years. It’s hard enough for one person to decide; putting two people’s thoughts together creates even more tension. Divorce is increasing for couples in the retirement years. Joe and Cyndi have a creative and very simple way of deciding what they want to do. They have three types of lists — the “yes lists,” the “no lists”

| July 2012

and the “maybe lists.” After Joe told me a little about the lists. I’ve been thinking about how all of us could use the concept. Particularly I’ve been thinking about how my husband and I could use the lists. If you have something that you (or that both you and your spouse) definitely want to do, it goes on the “yes list.” This helps you both continue to search for things that you will enjoy. Recently, John and I finally landed on a “yes” for both of us – voice lessons together. That’s big for us. What goes on the “give up” or “no list” might be things that one (or both of you) no longer wants to do. Recently, one thing I was going to put on the “no list” was to “stop snowplowing a half mile of snow on our driveway in the winter.” As John and I talked this through, however, John assured me this would be fun for him during retirement. The conversation was a very good one. The “no list” helped facilitate that. The “maybe list” is the fullest list for John and me.

Joe and Cyndi learned a long time ago that a lot of money isn’t necessary for happiness. I recently saw an RV that looked fun. I copied down the make and model and put it on the list. Earlier, I was talking with Roger and Roslyn Purdom about a place they go each January in Texas. I put it on the “maybe list” for further investigation. After listening to Joe, I even put “speak on a cruise ship” on the “maybe list.” The good thing about the “maybe list” is that it gives you (and your spouse) a chance to continue investigating possibilities before dismissing something out of hand that might actually be fun. Creativity is what I learn from Joe Anderson and his story.

We may not need as much money as we think. Joe and Cyndi learned a long time ago that a lot of money isn’t necessary for happiness. Several years ago economists found that people were no happier with more money after reaching $75,000. In the last few months, researchers adjusted that number down to $50,000. The research won’t surprise Joe. We may not need to have the perfect plan or see things just the way our spouse does either. We can do like Joe and Cyndi. Put ideas down, investigate, be imaginative. How might you think more creatively about retirement and move up to the good life? June Darling, Ph.D., is an executive coach who consults with businesses and individuals to achieve goals and increase happiness. She can be reached at drjunedarling@, or drjunedarling.blogspot. com or at her twitter address: twitter. com/drjunedarling. Her website is

July 2012 | AT HOME WITH The Good Life



The grain elevator sits unused beside the Columbia River before work began: It could be turned into a view home, if...

The Wrights were first drawn to the bold lines and monochromatic materials of the grain elevator, and Scott built their riverfront home as an homage to its place in Bridgeport’s history.

Flour tower

2 surprising Bridgeport homes from one ‘ah-ha’ moment Story by Susan Lagsdin Photos by Donna Cassidy


ome is the sailor, home from the sea...” In this most unlikely of havens for a seafaring man, Scott Wright has dropped

While few glass windows front the busy street, this discreetly fenced and half-roofed patio (here looking outward) creates a serenely welcoming transition to the home.

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| The Good Life

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Exposed duct work, inverted troughs and heavy-duty appliances in the kitchen are true to the industrial theme.

anchor in Bridgeport and intends to stay. From his teen years on, he sailed the oceans of the world, traveling and living in, as he described “…more countries than most people have seen states.” His final voyages were on the classic 1934 schooner Destiny, a boat with a glitzy past. Once owned by Howard Hughes, it ferried celebrities to the Hearst Castle at San Simeon in California. It was Scott’s home base

for years, even when moored in Hawaii while he worked in Phoenix. In his 70s he had reached an age and stage where settling comfortably somewhere near water was preferable to constantly wrestling its wind and tide. A visit to a Bridgeport friend in 2006 led him and his bride Kathy on a casual drive down toward the Columbia, where a tall, stately building — a long-unused grain el-

July 2012 | The Good Life

evator — loomed at the river’s edge. Many of us at one time or another have seen an odd heart-grabbing structure and sighed some variation of “y’know — all you’d have to do to turn this into a house is _____________ (fill in your own wishful thinking.) That’s what Scott thought. He bought the granary, as well as a bit of surrounding

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Flour tower }}} Continued from previous page riverfront acreage. With vision, resources and ingenuity, he was a man with a plan, and the rest is very recent history. But first, a glimpse of past history. PART ONE: THE GRANARY Bridgeport, on the north rim of Douglas County, bustled with commerce from the 1880s on, and for decades the waterfront at the base of 13th Street (where the PUD building now does business) saw lumber, fruit, grain and flour shipped by steamer to distant ports. A prominent landmark at the juncture of river and road was

this edifice that served three main functions: as a brick building in 1896 it was first a brickmaking kiln, then a lumber mill; in 1915 its shape was exactly replicated in cement and galvanized metal but extended up to 70 feet as a grain elevator and flour-milling site. Economic and demographic shifts and Chief Joseph Dam construction turned Bridgeport’s waterfront profile to a sleepier one, but the building stood, sturdy and statuesque. With a burst of speculation the real estate surrounding it changed hands, became dormant then grew new uses. The grain elevator was essentially unchanged. On the site remained old milling wheels, their machine parts rusted but intact. Inside at

the base were a sub-basement storage tank, conveyor belt, a wagon weighing scale used for trucks until the 1950s. Flumes or tubes lead to nine separate grain silos, which were constructed of two-inch by six-inch lumber, the thousands of pieces stacked flat and nailed horizontally from floor to rooftop with iron corner braces for strength. Scott still revels in the revelations of the past. “We actually found grain that had been left in one silo — mostly rotted, but I tossed some of it out along the bank as an experiment and it grew a patch of pretty good wheat.” He has kept, added to, and will use somehow, the variety of granary implements. He said, “I learned to scrounge at an early

NCW Home Professionals The gracious, spacious tiled bathrooms all have hickory cabinets, and the Wrights have collected, along with their many antique found objects, solid onyx fixtures from Morocco.

age and can use just about anything I find for some purpose.” PART TWO: THE “NOW” HOUSE The couple realized the retrofitting of the historic granary could take its sweet time with trickier-than-typical permitting, licenses and code compliance. Scott and Kathy wanted to live on-site for the process, and they built a home nearby. Their “now” house, completed in 2009, is a visual relative of the old original, incorporating similar material (concrete and galvanized metal) and a similar profile — stark geometrics with cement decking, shed rooflines and a tower topping out at a zoning-correct 35 feet. Though comparatively low at three stories, its presence on the

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ABOVE: Vents and chimneys are installed in a future fireplace corner, which now holds a favorite painting and two silver candelabras. The soft mint wall color fills the home. RIGHT: The industrial look of exposed concrete and duct work co-exists with cut crystal and roses that grace the central dining table.

street is a visual surprise, not precisely in the shadow of the tower, and close by but far away enough for independence. It’s a companion structure, somewhat of a hip younger brother to the granary. The home is deliberately private from a street perspective. The enclosed patio and garage form a bulwark, but inside the windows bring the curves of the Columbia River into full view. The three floors are accessible by stairs or elevator. A garage-style glass door opens from the center-floored great room to the big deck, and above that, in the master suite the bed is an aerie accessed by stairs for even more expansive views. Below the main living area, a sitting room and two guest suites face water, framed by natural grasses and trees. Beautiful bathrooms abound. “I lived

on a boat for so much of my life; I want bathrooms wherever I can put ’em,” Scott joked. Scott planned the 3,800-square-foot home to withstand extremes of weather. He declared, “When the snowbirds migrate, there’s absolutely no concern for this house.” It’s secured with deep cement pilings and a 10-inch thick basement foundation. A thousand

feet of piping warms the floors; a heat-transfer system and 16 to 20 inches of urethane foam insulation provide stable temperatures. There’s no landscaping to worry about, and the home’s carefree exterior surfaces are at least as durable as the century-old granary it respectfully emulates. Inside the super-engineered,

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July 2012 | AT HOME WITH The Good Life



Flour tower }}} Continued from previous page tough-as-nails house, things get softer. Elegant décor choices like vases of roses under a crystal chandelier and homey additions like Kathy’s dad’s framed sheet music meld with knotty hickory floors and cabinets, muted mint green walls, deep carpeting, marble or onyx fixtures, and antique artifacts collected from

around the world. Scott’s vision reigns here. Kathy is proud of his expertise and good eye. “This is his project — I just let him do what he thinks is best in all this.” Scott teased: “And I’ll bet you think some of my ideas are OK?” They are comfortable in their house, and yet — there’s more… PART THREE: THE FUTURE HOUSE The dream home, the tall one that’s lived in Scott’s mind since

High above the riverbank, John Barry, who’s been the Wright’s chief builder for over a year, continues work on an upper story balcony of the old mill. Scaffolding and pulleys are necessary for the reconstruction of the “flour tower.”

he first saw this relic on the river, the “flour tower,” has been a full time re-construction project for over a year, with creative problem solving high on the list of required skills. Scott, 80 this year, said he’s entrusted the labor to his crew of two: master-of-all-trades builder John Barry and his assistant Jose Becerrel, who Scott calls “an amazingly capable guy who’s become indispensably.” The house is still at the justsheetrocked stage, but the roofline has been raised in a few crucial spots and the windows are in. A tour up five flights of stairs (the elevator is on hold until later) shows a masterful use of vertical space. Simply put, this will soon be a three-bedroom home. But it will feature some very special amenities: at the entrance level is a drive-through vehicle bay and shop. Below that, the original silo bases remain intact, but now are connected by doorways, and the boxlike subterranean rooms are cool enough to store valuable wines. And up at the very top, 90 years ago only reachable by ladder, a glass-enclosed viewing pavilion they’ve dubbed “Moonraker” towers over the


| AT HOME WITH The Good Life

| July 2012

landscape. In between the ground and the sky is ample space for both simple domestic life and as much entertaining as Scott and Kathy would ever care to do. All the floors (1,500 square feet each) feature full view windows and high ceilings … and plenty of bathrooms. Floor #1 is a vast hall, a salon that can comfortably hold 60, with catering kitchen and bar. Floor #2 holds two complete guest suites. Floor #3 features an open kitchen in its very center with a few steps on either side so that it’s flanked first by a family room and, on the far side, a formal dining room. Floor #4 is the master suite and sitting area with two separate “his and her” bathrooms with walk-in closets. That’s the plan, and Scott’s sticking with it. He’s following all the rules, taking the time to do it right. He hopes that by autumn this “flour tower,” all 9,000 square feet of it, straight up, will be a long-dreamed home for him and Kathy. It’s his place in the sun, his field of dreams, his safe port in a storm — and it may prove to be better by far than any boat.

July 2012 | AT HOME WITH The Good Life




Your favorite pet photos

Pet Pix is a new feature beginning in the July issue of The Good Life. Readers can submit a favorite photo of themselves with their pets... and share in a sentence or two what makes their pet special.

Send photos of pet and owner to: Remember to tell us something fun about your pet!

Target market, pet-friendly pages

Do you have a business that caters to pets and their owners? Then you should use the PET PIX page to target your advertising to thousands of pet owners in north central Washington! Call today for rates and availability! John Hunter • 669-0123 • Lianne Taylor • 669-6556 •

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| The Good Life

| July 2012


Submit pet & owner pictures to:


his is a picture of our rescued pet Grace and our son, Dustin. Grace is an amazing little Brussels Griffon X. Her legs are only about two inches long but she is the best walker and hiker. It’s amazing she can keep up! The Humane Society said she and her mother were found walking down Grant Road. Lucky us! This is one of my favorite photos because it showcases the fact she also makes a great hat! — Portia Pace


e recently lost our faithful and loving pet, Choco. So when I ran across this picture, I wanted to share it as a tribute. When Choco had his first birthday, we wanted to do something special for him. We thought a dog-biscuit cake would be just the thing. He loved all the attention, but didn’t understand why he had to wear a party hat. He wasn’t too sure of what was expected of him but tried hard to please. It didn’t take him long, though, to figure out what to do with the dog biscuits. — By Gloria Anderson


ttached is the picture of me with our six-year-old tabby, Lola. Lola loves getting attention from our four-year-old and one-year-old boys and waits for the weekend afternoons that allow for a nap curled up on my lap. Lola shares our house with Jazmin, a nine-year-old sassy black cat. — Jamie Huber

July 2012 | The Good Life





jim brown, m.d.

Down Under: Friendly faces, odd places Besides experiencing a new

country to us, our purpose for traveling to Australia was to attend the wedding of our nephew Jon and his bride Olivia from Melbourne. The wedding was beautiful and took place in perfect weather at the Jack Rabbit Winery near Queenscliff on the Bellarine Peninsula not far from Melbourne. We learned that in Australia 70 percent of all weddings take place in wineries or resorts. Religion plays a very minor part in the lives of the average Australian compared to the US where polls show that about 80 percent of Americans have some involvement in organized religion. In Australia, everyone I asked about this said they didn’t know anyone who attended church. We noticed in many small towns there might be a “Uniting” church which combines Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian churches into one. Religion plays no role in their politics. After the wedding we took a day trip down the “Great Ocean Drive” that goes for about 100 miles along the Pacific Ocean on the Bellarine Peninsula. Our goal was to see koala bears in the wild, and we were not disappointed. These very cute “bears” live their lives in gum (eucalyptus) trees eating leaves four hours a day and sleeping the rest of the time. Fortunately, we found the area where they are readily sighted so it was worth the trip. The next day we flew from Melbourne on Qantas Air to Ayers Rock Resort in the middle of the outback. On all our in-country flights

Getting on our camel and staying on when the camel rose up, back legs first, was a challenge, yet the ride was quite comfortable. on Qantas, we were pleased they served hot meals in economy class at no extra charge. What a pleasant surprise compared to the minuscule bag of nuts we have come to expect on American flights. Ayers Rock is a huge red sandstone monolith formed over 250 million years ago. In 1985, the Australian government had the “great hand back” when they returned all Aboriginal land to its original owners. The Anangu people, as they are called in this area, have lived here for over 10,000 years. Since 2002, out of respect for the native people, the rock carries the dual name of Uluru/Ayers Rock. Because the desert temperatures are in the 100s year-round, we expected it to be dry and barren, but we were surprised to see it quite green and lush. We were told that in the last three years they have had more rain than the previous 100 years put together. The straw-colored grasses and green shrubs contrasted with the beautiful red ground. On our first night there we went to the “Sound of Silence” dinner. About 40 of us were bused out into the desert to a slightly elevated area. There wine, didgeridoo music accom-


| The Good Life

panied by the slowly setting sun were quite enchanting. We then walked to a nearby area where tables were set in the desert with silverware and white tablecloths out under the stars. We tried both the kangaroo and crocodile meat. By then the temperature was a perfect 80 degrees. Our table of eight had people from several different countries. It was a delightful evening. The next morning we were picked up at 5:45 a.m. to go on a camel ride into the desert where we would see the sunrise illuminating Uluru. Getting on our camel and staying on when the camel rose up, back legs first, was a challenge, yet the ride was quite comfortable. Our camel’s name was Lazy Daisy, and we were told she was a three-time winner of the annual Camel Cup races held annually in Alice Springs. Camels were introduced into Australia in the early 1800s to provide transport for building railways and telegraph lines across the outback. These “ships of the desert” were perfect for the arid environment. They only need water about once every two weeks and each camel can drink 10 gallons of water in 10 minutes. Contrary to common opinion, fat, not water, is stored in the hump on their back. In the early 1900s the government wanted to rid Australia of camels. However, many owners just released their camels into the wild. Now there are over 1,000,000 feral camels roaming the outback, and they are considered a nuisance because they damage private property including walking right through fences, which infuriates cattle and sheep ranchers.

| July 2012

That afternoon we were taken for a hike into Kata Jtuta, another sacred Anangu site of 36 huge rounded domes of red sandstone. Unfortunately, by afternoon it was 106 degrees, and despite drinking water constantly, the heat nearly did my wife in. The next morning , again at 5:45 a.m., we were picked up to hike the 7.8 miles around the base of Uluru/Ayers Rock at sunrise. The weather was a cool 80 degrees, and the hike was wonderful. Seeing the sun come up on this world heritage site and turn the grand monolith a bright red was truly inspiring. There are several sacred Anangu parts of this edifice where we were told not to take photos. Even in this arid area there were water holes in several places around the spectacular edifice. Next we packed up and flew to Cairns (pronounced Can) located in the tropical northeastern shore of Australia. The following day I fulfilled a lifelong dream of snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef, one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Snorkeling and diving are a big business in Cairns and Port Douglas 50 miles to the north. The Great Barrier Reef extends for about 1,800 miles north and south along the shore of the state of Queensland and lies between 9 to 90 miles from the mainland shore. The reef is made up of numerous different colorful living corals. It is the only living thing on earth visible from space. In this coral reef live 1,500 species of tropical fish and 30 species of reptiles. These waters are not benign,

however. Three days earlier on the west coast near Perth, a great white shark killed a diver. We were assured that any sharks we saw here were harmless reef sharks, but I never felt comfortable thinking of a shark as being harmless or friendly. Two days before we were there, a 23-year-old woman had to be helicoptered to Cairns because of severe jellyfish stings, which can be fatal. We were all encouraged to rent Lycra full body “sting” suits and most of us did. I felt much better knowing I was protected. Our last three days in Australia were spent in the Daintree Rain Forest where we stayed at the Red Mill House in the tiny Daintree Village. This is the oldest rain forest in the world. Reportedly 250 million years old, although during the ice age covering the continent millions of years ago, it obviously did not exist. It is a tropical jungle complete with crocodiles and rare birds. We saw several crocs when we took a boat ride down the Daintree River. We were assured that crocodiles eat mainly fish and occasionally dead animals. The guide said they do not eat “live” humans, since they kill them first. Not all found that funny, but I wouldn’t go swimming in that river.

TOP: Camel riders head out for a tour of Uluru/Ayers Rock. LEFT: A young koala bear dines on eucalyptus leaves. ABOVE: A cassowary crosses the road.

On our last day here we drove the paved road about 40 miles to its end at Cape Tribulation, named by explorer Lt. James Cook after his ship went aground on the reef in 1770. It is said that at Cape Tribulation you can see what that area looked like 120 million years ago, and little has changed there since. The highlight of our drive was seeing a cassowary, a large flightless bird, a cousin of the emu. The bird was crossing the July 2012 | The Good Life

road with its chick. We learned later that the males care for the chicks as the females figure their job is done after hatching the

eggs. Cassowaries are rare and drivers are encouraged to be careful when driving in this area. As our trip ended we flew from Brisbane to Los Angeles and then home to Wenatchee. Even though we lost a day going over, we got it back coming home. We were very impressed with the friendly Australian people. Aussies are truly wonderful, helpful and fun. Even though they do speak English, at times their accents are strong and



when they speak rapidly, it can be a bit difficult to get it all. They also have their own slang and like to shorten words. For example, some of these words are breakie (breakfast), Woolies (Woolworth’s), footy (Australian football), barbie (barbecue), kindy (kindergarten) and G’day (good day or hello). I was always called mate, a friendly term for a male. Bloke is just a generic term for a guy. We had a wonderful adventure and would certainly recommend it to others. Jim Brown, M.D., is a retired gastroenterologist who has practiced for 38 years in the Wenatchee area. He is a former CEO of the Wenatchee Valley Medical Center.



bonnie orr

Summer time is salad time Low fat creamy dressing


elicious tender greens, a variety of freshly snipped herbs, an early carrot or two, a radish, a cucumber and chives… it is an early July salad. After artfully arranging the veggies in a beautiful salad bowl, it is time to dress the salad. And this is where it all goes wrong! Homemade salad dressings are light, delicious, varied and healthy. Have you read the label on a purchased bottle of salad dressing? The bottles have between 12 and 30 ingredients, the majority of them multi-syllabic and available only in chemistry labs. Many people think vinaigrettes are the only home-made dressings. They are a start. The classic proportion is three parts oil to one part vinegar. Various oils are available: almond, olive, walnut, canola, etc. Also, fruity vinegars provide taste variety. This basic dressing is complete with a dash of salt and pepper and a thorough shake of ingredients. The downside of this dressing is that it separates. Cook’s Illustrated editors suggest a solution. Add one-quarter teaspoon of mayonnaise per one-quarter cup of vinaigrette to act as an emulsifier to keep the oil and vinegar together. One of the reasons I prefer to make my own dressings is that I can control the amount of sugar, salt and fat in the dressing. As well, I can create a dressing that does not smash flat the tender, garden greens. So what ingredients transform a vinaigrette into something alive and interesting?

1/3 cup vinegar 2/3 cup sour cream or yogurt — not fat free 1 tablespoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt Mix basic recipe I, or II in a blender or food processor, and add handfuls of herbs and other ingredients until pureed.

Home-grown salad with homemade dressing: Yummy and good for you.

n Garlic, chives and scallions (green onions) My mother-in-law always rubbed the inside of the salad bowl with a cut garlic clove. Fresh garlic added to a dressing gets stronger when stored in the refrigerator. Finely cut scallions and chive greens add color and flavor. I love the chive flowers divided into individual blooms. They are colorful, spicy, almost hot, and intensely flavored. n Herbs Don’t forget that herb flowers are colorful and edible. Even if you have no garden space, a large patio pot filled with herbs will help you create fabulous salads. All of these plants thrive in this area: basil, burnet, chervil, dill, fennel, French sorrel, mint, mustard, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, savory, sweet marjoram, tarragon and thyme. If you can’t find these plants


| The Good Life

or seeds at a garden center, beg plants from your cooking friends. You do not have to grow everything; you will never use all of them at one time. I find some of these too strong. I seldom use tarragon because it shouts too loud for my taste, and basil is a bully. Here are two basic recipes:

V/O with character 1/4 cup vinegar, lemon or lime juice 3/4 cup oil 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar or honey 1-1/2 teaspoons mayonnaise Later, you will delete the sugars; if you use prepared dressings, you are likely hooked on the manufacturer’s ubiquitous, sugar-based dressing. You may feel the need to use more salt at the beginning as you wean yourself off prepared dressings. I prefer using oil alternatives to limit the fat in the dressing.

| July 2012

Suggestions: Add some of these: 1/2 cup chopped parsley 1/2 cup sorrel 1/4 cup green onions grated fresh ginger capers olives red onion peppers — black, hot, mild, paprika If the dressing is too thick, add water to the vinaigrette or buttermilk to the cream dressing.

Ah yes, the salad. People have developed a taste for elaborate dressings because salads can be boring. Lettuce is the base — but there are a variety of savory greens that add zest to a salad. I will go on record as a fan of iceberg lettuce. Food snobs turn up their noses at this green because it traditionally was served solo on a plate. When it is mixed with a variety of greens, herbs and sliced vegetables, iceberg lettuce provides crunch and toothy-ness. Iceberg lettuce has far fewer calories than the other crunchy things such as bread croutons or nuts. Be brave and bold to create colorful, tasty and healthy salads. Bonnie Orr — the dirt diva — gardens and cooks in East Wenatchee.

A working artist: one who works and creates art F

ast, critic-free sketching, deep seated ideas rolling out unencumbered onto the paper — it’s a process Russ Hepner is adamant about: loosening up the conscious mind so the subconscious, unconstrained, can roam and create. “I think every painting should be a piece of the artist — art is very personal.” When he paints, he is absolutely open to both inspiration from within and reinterpretation. Sometimes, he says, “a painting will pull me into it — I’ll sit a long time and look at it different ways, then I’m pushed out. I take another look and I’m in again.” Even though Russ, 70, has lived and worked in Wenatchee all his life, it’s possible that this side of him, the passionate, creative, almost mystically inspired abstract expressionist, is surprising even to acquaintances. After a master’s degree from Central Washington University in 1969 and a flurry of regional gallery shows and exhibits, Russ turned his art education into real world employment and never looked back. “That’s something they don’t teach in art school — you’re all cranked up and motivated to do art. Then you realize you have to go to work.” It’s likely we have seen his art

Russ Hepner: “I think every painting should be a piece of the artist — art is very personal.” Photo by Parsons Photography

“I’m going to reinvent my approach to the world.” all around us and not known it. As a commercial (graphic) artist, he created the perfect look for products and for agencies like the Washington State Apple Commission and the Chelan PUD. He said, “I’ve never promoted myself as an artist; in a way, I’ve spent my whole life promoting other people.” As owner of HG Design Interiors (now affiliated with DOH Architects) he still does “space planning,” deciding on traffic

July 2012 | The Good Life

flow, window coverings and the shelf height in the interior of your bank, and the décor: flooring, seating, draperies and wall art in your attorney’s office. This community is full of his unsigned artworks. Artists know him well. From the early days when Wenatchee’s painters were a small, close-knit group, Russ has gladly contributed to the larger community — he’s taught art courses at Wenatchee Valley College, he’s served on arts commissions and boards and taught kids art classes, he’s published in the journals, he’s done murals and designed floats. “It actually starts early,” he said, referring to Wenatchee



Russ makes art by suspending the conscious mind to release new and unexpected ideas.

High School days, “When they figure out you’re an artist, then you get to do a little bit of everything for everybody.” Art has

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Russ Hepner: True to his roots }}} Continued from previous page

worked for him. He has worked for art. But far from his downtown office and his client contracts, almost behind the scenes, Russ has been working these years compiling an eclectic and highly personal body of work that continues to energize him — from big bold deep red non-objective abstracts to precise earthcolor tone and texture studies. He still mixes his own binder with watercolor and makes his own “canvases” (butcher paper on Masonite) occasionally switching to charcoal or pastel pencils. As a member of both The Graves and 2 Rivers galleries he exhibits work removed from the commercial printing world of brochures and ads, the home design world of curtain color


and counter height. For Russ, that 1970s decade of making pure art has never faded. The giants of his youth still guide him: Jackson Pollock, Robert Motherwell, Paul Klee and especially Mark Rothko. True to his academic roots, he still espouses automatism, which he described as “suspension of the conscious mind to release from the subconscious new and unexpected ideas.” Russ is truer still to his personal future in painting. Citing experiments in mixed media and a new web presence on the way, he declared, “I’m going to reinvent my approach to the world.” Then with self-confident humor he joked, “Hey, I’m the real deal here. I may not look like it, but I’m really an artist!” — by Susan Lagsdin


We want to know of fun and interesting local events. Send info to:

Wenatchee Farmer’s Market, Wednesdays 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Columbia St.; Thursdays 3 – 7 p.m. Methow Park; Saturdays, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Columbia St. Local produce, fruit, flowers, eatery, wine tasting and entertainment. The MOMologues, 7/1, 7:30 p.m. A one-act play that follows four women through the first chapters of motherhood — attempts at conception, pregnancy, labor and delivery, and adjusting to life with a newborn. Riverside Playhouse. Info: 663-2787. Kiwanis BBQ Chicken Dinner, 7/1, noon – 5 p.m. Manson Grange. Info: 860-9058. Underground Blues Jam, 7/2, 7:30 p.m. Every first Monday of the month. 10 Below, 29 N Columbia St. side B. Info: Joe Guimond 6644077. Poetry In the Vineyard, 7/2 – 8/27 (every Monday), 3 p.m. Join winemaker and poet Guy Evans for an afternoon of writing at Tunnel

Hill Winery. No writing experience is required and all ages and skill levels welcome. Cost is $20 and includes a glass of wine. Reservations suggested. 682-3243. Improv/Acting Workshop, 7/3, 7 p.m. Every Tuesday night with theater games for novice and experienced players. Fun, causal and free. Riverside Playhouse. Info: Tunnel Hill Vineyard Tour, 7/3 and every Tuesday through September. Guided tour of the vineyards with breathtaking lake views. Wine 101 seminar every Tuesday also. Info: Symphony and fireworks in the park, 7/3, A performance by the Mariachi Estrella de Mexico at 7 p.m. with the Symphony beginning at 8 p.m. Stacia McRae, a former Community Foundation scholarship recipient and current music major at Whitman College, will perform the Star Spangled Banner and a Puccini aria. The Wenatchee High School Drumline will entertain the audience, as well as a short performance by The Follies. The evening will conclude with fireworks to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. Lincoln Park in Wenatchee. Cost: free. Info: cfncw. org. Book Signing, 7/4, 2 p.m. Children’s author and illustrator Leslie Patricelli offers a doodle in every book. A Book for All Seasons, Leavenworth. Grand Opening, 7/4, 1 p.m. West Coast Glass Studios will be having a grand opening and fundraiser for Mario Salgado. Live music, live flame working demos by local artists, food and art booths, raffle and glass contest. 1313 Walla Walla Ave. Info: (541) 301-7344. Independence Day Celebration, 7/4, 1 p.m. Music and entertainment all day long with fireworks at approximately 10:15 p.m. Walla Walla Point Park. Ride the Miniature Train, 7/4, 14, 1 -5 p.m. The little train in Riverfront Park runs on a figure-8 course of rails, bridges and trestles along the Columbia River. Rides are fun for all ages. 155 N Worth St. Wenatchee. Cost: $3 adults, $2 kids. Info: 663-2900. 4th of July fireworks, 7/4, 10:15 sharp. Manson Bay Marina. Kinderfest, 7/4, noon. Face painting, popcorn, snow cones, cotton candy, balloons, games, live


| The Good Life

| July 2012



We want to know of fun and interesting local events. Send info to:

entertainment and more. Downtown Leavenworth. Cost: free. Info: pages/?pageid=253.

Live music, 7/6, 7 – 9 p.m. and every Friday night at Campbell’s 2nd floor pub and veranda Chelan. Summer Concert Series, 7/6, 7 p.m. The Young Evils and The Horde and the Harem will be playing in Centennial Park Wenatchee. Cost: free.

Concert in the Gardens, 7/5, 6:30 p.m. Queens of Seven with Michael Carlos will be playing at Ohme Gardens. Cost: $12 adults. Info: 662-5785.

Wenatchee Youth Circus, 7/6, 5 p.m. Exhibit in the Gold Gallery honors this traveling show for the past 60 years. Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center.

Chelan Evening Farmer’s Market, 7/5 and every Thursday, 4 – 7 p.m. Expect tomatoes, peppers, herbs, plums, peaches, cherries, apples, the unexpected: hummus, goat cheese, lavender and other flowers, gooseberries, currants and wool. Entertainment too. Riverwalk Park, downtown Chelan. Info:

Sound of Music, 7/6, 7, 13, 14, 19, 20, 24, 26, 28, 8/2, 4,7,10,16,18,22,25,28,30, 9/2, 8 p.m. Leavenworth Summer Theater. Info:

Technical Theater, 7/5-7, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Learn about sound, lights, costume, makeup, sets, rigging and so much more. Ages 5-17. Performing Arts Center. Cost: $180. Info: Wenatchee First Fridays, 7/6, 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. Walk downtown for art, music, dining and entertainment. Downtown Wenatchee. 2 Rivers Art Gallery, 7/6, 5 – 8 p.m. Featuring paintings by Dean Rainey and bronze sculptor Suzanne Grassell plus over 40 local and regional artists. Wines by Bella Terrazza, refreshments and live music. 102 N Columbia, Wenatchee. Cost: free. Kara Meloy, 7/6, 5 p.m. The Tumbleweed will host Kara Meloy and her modern hippie line. Kara is a Cashmere local who loves color, patterns with simple lines and uncomplicated closures. Tumbleweed, 105 Palouse St Wenatchee. Cost: free.

The Belle of Amherst, 7/6 – 7, 7:30 p.m. A one-woman play by William Luce, starring Sinda Nichols, about Emily Dickinson. Bursting with humor and high energy, this exquisitely intelligent performance reveals the many secrets of one of America’s greatest poets. Proceeds benefit the Chelan Library expansion project. Chelan High School Performing Arts Center, 215 Webster. Cost: $15. Info: 470-1067. Rockin’ Fireworks, 7/7, 10 p.m. Shot from a lake barge, the incredible display will be seen from downtown Chelan, Don Morse Park, Lakeside Park, on the lake and throughout Chelan’s lower basin. Book Signing: Wenatchee, 7/7, 1 p.m. A newly published picture book of Wenatchee history. Authors Chris Rader and Mark Behler will briefly discuss the research project and give an overview of the topics covered, then sign copies of the book. Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center. Wenatchee Valley Super Oval, 7/7, 5 p.m. Demo derby, automotive mayhem and fireworks extrava-

July 2012 | The Good Life

ganza. Info: 884-8592 97 Flea Market, 7/7-8, 9 a.m. Where funk meets junk. Live music, vintage and antique vendors. From rustic to rusty and everything in between. Find that ’50s retro table you’ve always wanted, or a bar of homemade soap. State Hwy 97, 4 miles S Beebe Bridge, Orondo. Cost: free. Icicle Creek Chamber Music Festival, 7/8 – 21. Features a faculty of world-class artists, including the artists of the Avalon String Quartet, Richard Wolfe, Liz Perry, Christina Dahl, Anthony Elliott, Jennifer Caine, and Artistic Director and pianist Oksana Ezhokina. Icicle Creek Center for the Arts, Leavenworth. Info: 548-6347 ext. 401. Explore Theater, 7/9 – 13, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Five days focusing on creative play as a way for your youngest campers to begin to explore theater. Activities include many creative exploration: games, art, music, dance, group storytelling, puppetry, etc. Ages 5-7. Around the World students explore settings — factual, imaginary, past, present, future — and put together a show with a story informed by its setting. Ages 8-10. Who Are You? Students explore types of characters to understand the roles played by each, then create a show based on their exploration. Ages 11-13. Theater Time Machine students explore various theater forms used throughout history and create their own show using what they learned. Ages 14-17. Performing Arts Center. Cost: $275. Info: Super Summer Adventures, 7/9 – 8/4, 9 a.m. – noon. Register your child for classes in art, science, cooking, music, photography and more. Six sessions run MondayThursday, 9 a.m. to noon, each offering several choices for differ-



ent ages. Children entering grades 1-7 may sign up for one class per session. Cost: $70 per class. Info: Alzheimer’s Café, 7/10, 2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. Mountain Meadows Senior Living Campus hosts a cafe the second Tuesday of every month. This is a casual setting for folks with Alzheimer’s, Dementia, their loved ones and caregivers. Desserts and beverages will be served free of charge. Entertainment and activities for those wishing to participate. Join us to meet new friends and share experiences. Located at 320 Park Avenue, Leavenworth. Info: 548-4076. The Jungle Book, 7/11, 10 a.m., 7/13, 7 p.m., 7/17, 10 a.m. 7/20, 7 p.m. 7/26, 10 a.m. 7/28, 7 p.m. The Magik Theatre will perform. Performing Arts Center. Cost: $10 adults, $8 children and seniors. Info: Concert in the Gardens, 7/12, 6:30 p.m. Gideon’s Daughter (formerly Lynus & Lucy) will be playing at Ohme Gardens. Cost: $12 adults. Info: 662-5785.

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We want to know of fun and interesting local events. Send info to:

}}} Continued from previous page Summer Concert Series, 7/13, 7 p.m. Massy Ferguson and Dawn Mitschele will perform at Centennial Park Wenatchee. Cost: free. Pak-it-Rite Public Market Day, 7/14, 10 a.m. A variety of local venders including metalwork, pottery, stonework, leather goods, jewelry, garden plants, organic skin care products, baked goods and wine tasting. 127 N. Wenatchee Ave. Info: 663-1072. Ohme Wine & Food Gala, 7/14, 5:30 p.m. Enjoy wines from 14 Wenatchee Wine Country vintners, paired with gourmet food made by top NCW chefs, using locally farmed food. This wonderful evening with live music from Pat/Rio is held at picturesque Ohme Gardens. Tickets are $50 per person if purchased before July 1; $60 if purchased after July 1. Tickets can be purchased at Ohme Gardens, the Wenatchee Valley Visitor Bureau, participating wineries, or call 6695808. Info: Book Signing, 7/13, 7 p.m. The Informed Gardener Blooms Again with author and gardener Linda Chalker Scott. Barn Beach Reserve, Leavenworth.

moved from our home in Seattle with our parents, to Stehekin the wonderland. Our adventure was just beginning,” writes Betty Wilsey. Meet the author at a book signing at Hastings in Wenatchee. Info: Book Buzz, 7/14, 1 p.m. Enjoy wickedly funny true confessions by local author Mark Neher; Jess Steven Hughes’ action packed debut historical novel set in ancient Rome; Jeanne Maththews’ latest Dinah Pelerin mystery; a thoughtful look at well-functioning nonprofit boards by Vaughn Sherman, and gardening facts sorted from fiction by horticulture expert Linda Chalker-Scott. A Book For All Seasons, Leavenworth. Lake Chelan Bach Fest, 7/14 – 21. Info: Cashmere Art and Activity Center, 7/14, 5 – 8 p.m. Impressionist Dan Bozich will show his water colors, oils and acrylics at the gallery in the Senior Center building. Cashmere painter Rose Hendrickson is the spotlighted artist. Music by singer Sharon Browder from Music Theatre of Wenatchee. 120 Cottage Avenue, Cashmere. Cost: Free. Righteous Brothers, Bill Medley with Chuck Negron, 7/14, 7:30 p.m. Deep Water Amphitheater.

Wenatchee Salmon Derby, 7/1315. Raffle prizes, big fish winner: $2,000. Fishing between top of Rock Island Dam and the bottom of Rocky Reach Dam. Cost: $100 includes dinner, auction and launch fee. Info: wenatcheesalmonderby. com.

Musical Theater, 7/16-20, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. In these two weeks, students will focus on projection, singing and diction, while fine-tuning their live theater skills in their own production of Magik Theatre’s stage adaptation of The Jungle Book. Ages 8-14. Cost: $400. Info:

A Handshake & A Thousand Dollars, 7/14, 1 - 3 p.m. “In 1955 Billy Lee, my twin brother, and I, his sister Betty Lou, at the age of 11,

Compassionate Friends, 7/16, 7 p.m. Meeting for anyone who has lost a child. Grace Lutheran Church, 1408 Washington St. Info: 665-


| The Good Life

9987. Annie Get Your Gun, 7/18,21,25,27, 8/3,8,11,14,17,21,24,29, & 9/1, 8 p.m. Leavenworth Summer Theater. Info: Concert in the Gardens, 7/19, 6:30 p.m. Junkyard Jane Band will be playing at Ohme Gardens. Cost: $12 adults. Info: 662-5785. Book Signing, 7/20, 7 p.m. Plunge into The Emerald Storm with best selling author William Dietrich. Leavenworth Library. 7/21 at 1 p.m. at A Book For All Seasons, Leavenworth. Summer Concert Series, 7/20, 7 p.m. The Local Strangers and The Skiffs will perform at Centennial Park Wenatchee. Cost: free. Crab Feed & An Evening with Capt. Sig Hansen, 7/20, 7:30 p.m. Capt. Sig Hansen will take the audience through some of the toughest situations he’s ever had to face on the high seas. From the treacherous

| July 2012

weather and seas, to crew conflicts and the triumphs of the world’s most dangerous job. Town Toyota Center. Cost: $20. An all you can eat crab feed will start at 6 p.m. $45 includes dinner and show. Chelan Man multisport weekend, 7/21-22. The swims take place in the clear waters of Lake Chelan, the runs are on paved paths and roads and the bikes are along Lake Chelan and the Columbia River. Info: The Wells House Players, 7/24, 25, & 26, 7 p.m. The delightful comedy, As You Like It, considers the age old question of whether life is better in the city or the country. Duke Frederick banishes his older brother, Duke Senior, to the Forest of Arden (Robin Hood’s old forest) along with the old Duke’s daughter, Rosalind and the young Orlando, son of another enemy. They are followed to the forest by Rosalind’s friend, Celia, and Touchstone



We want to know of fun and interesting local events. Send info to:

the clown. Add servants from the court, women disguised as men, shepherds, a country wench and mistaken identity and you have one of Shakespeare’s most loved comedies. Ohme Gardens. Cost: $3 Young Pianists Festival, 7/26 – 8/5. Icicle Creek Center for the Arts, Leavenworth. Info: 548-6347 x401.

a Japanese artist who migrated to Mexico in 1963 and has inspired many younger artists. Works by Takeda and his disciples will be on display in the museum’s Annex Gallery. The exhibit will be on display through Sept. 29. Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center. Cost: free. Info: Baseball and Circuses, 8/3, 5 p.m. Bill Rietveldt will lead a wire sculpture workshop in the style of Alexander Calder, who created lots of circus figures. Hear a reading of Casey at the Bat and be part

Book Signing, 7/27, 7 p.m. Open letters from 1920s China with Dennis and Carolyn Buckmaster as they share Healing, Romance and Revolution. Leavenworth Library. 7/28, 1 p.m. at A Book For All Seasons, Leavenworth.

of a circus orchestra, and browse through the museum’s Baseball in Wenatchee and Wenatchee Youth Circus exhibits. Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center. Info: Chelan Rodeo, 8/3-4. Top cowboys compete for top prize money. Fast paced rodeo action. Chelan Rodeo Grounds. Info: 246-7114. MMA Battle by the bay, 8/4, 7:30 p.m. Live music. Deep Water Amphitheater. Apple Town Skate Down, 8/4, 1

Ronnie Dunn & Chance McKinney, 7/27, 7:30 p.m. Deep Water Amphitheater. Concert in the Gardens, 7/27, 6:30 p.m. Too Slim and the Taildraggers will be playing at Ohme Gardens. Cost: $15 adults. Info: 662-5785. Summer Concert Series, 7/27, 7 p.m. Ecstasy in Numbers and The Quigley Trio will perform at Centennial Park Wenatchee. Cost: free. Ice Cream Social, 7/28, 7 – 9 p.m. Peshastin Library’s 50th Ice Cream Social sponsored by Friends of the Peshastin Library. Enjoy a slice of cake or pie for $3. Ice cream, Starbuck’s coffee or punch are $1 each. The Chelsey Craven Band will perform. A used books sale and cake spin will be available. L-Bow the Clown will be at the fire hall. Downtown Peshastin. Thoroughly Modern Millie, 8/1,4,9,11,15,18,23,25,31, 8 p.m. All Saturday performances 2 p.m. Leavenworth Summer Theater. Info: Concert in the Gardens, 8/2, 6:30 p.m. OK 2 Botay will be playing at Ohme Gardens. Cost: $12 adults. Info: 662-5785. Art & Migration in the Age of Globalization, 8/3, 5 p.m. Art and Migration in the Age of Globalization is a public scholarship program of the University of Washington that honors Shinzaburo Takeda, Know of someone stepping off the beaten path in the search for fun and excitement? E-mail us at July 2012 | The Good Life



p.m. Methow Valley vs Wenatchee, 4:30 Ellensburg vs Bellingham, 7 p.m. Pullman vs Wenatchee. Town Toyota Center. Cost: $20 suicide seating, $10 general admission. Info: 667-7847. Concert in the Gardens, 8/9, 6:30 p.m. Kevin Jones Band with SumGuy (Brian Ohme) will be playing at Ohme Gardens. Cost: $12 adults. Info: 662-5785. Yard sale, 8/11, 7 a.m. – 2 p.m. Town Toyota Center. Cost: free to attend or $20 to have your own booth. Info:


column those were the days

rod molzahn

Military comes to North Central Washington The Lewis and Clark expe-

dition of 1804/06 was the first United States governmentequipped military exploration to see what would become Washington Territory. The Corps of Discovery’s mission was to reach the Pacific Ocean, strengthen the United States’ claim to the west and lay the groundwork for the expansion of the fur trade west of the Rocky Mountains. They did all those things but it would be 35 years before the U.S. military reached the inland northwest again. By the 1820s, as the fur trade along the Columbia River reached its peak, the United States and Great Britain were making competing claims to the

Army Captain George B. McClellan had trouble finding a pass through the Cascades.

Pacific Northwest. Inaction by Congress and lack of funding delayed new exploration until 1838. That year an expedition under the command of Navy Captain Charles Wilkes sailed from Norfolk, Virginia and around Cape Horn to explore the islands of the Pacific South seas, the waterways of the Pacific Coast and the inland rivers of Oregon Territory including the Columbia. On May 18, 1841 a company of men from the Wilkes expedition led by Navy Lieutenant Robert Johnson left Fort Nisqually, at the south end of Puget Sound and crossed the Cascades over Naches Pass. They were guided by Michel LaFramboise, an interpreter with the first fur trappers and traders to reach the Columbia, in 1811. Following an old Indian trail leading north from The Dalles on the lower Columbia they traveled up the Yakima River to the Ellensburg area then over the Wenatchee Mountains, down either Squilchuck or Stemilt creek and arrived in the Wenatchee Valley on June 4. Lieutenant Johnson noted the friendliness of the local P’Squosa people and the beauty


| The Good Life

of the great plain south of the Wenatchee/Columbia confluence. Johnson also described potatoes growing in raised beds on the meadow. The next day the party crossed the Wenatchee River and continued up the Columbia to Fort Okanogan, built, as were all the early forts, by fur traders. The party crossed the Columbia and moved east to Fort Colville. There they turned south, passed Spokane Falls and Lake Coeur d’Alene, crossed the Walla Walla River and returned to Fort Nisqually in mid July. Twelve years later Congress created Washington Territory from the northern half of Oregon and appointed Isaac I. Stevens as the territory’s first governor. Stevens was also named Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the territory and placed in charge of locating a rail route from the Mississippi River to Puget Sound. Stevens chose Army Captain George B. McClellan to lead the search for a railroad pass over the Cascades. McClellan and his troops marched across the Isthmus of Panama then sailed north to the Columbia River. On July 18, 1853 they left Fort Vancouver on the lower Columbia and, using a difficult trail between Mount Adams and Mount St. Helens, crossed the Cascades. They traveled 79 miles in 12 days to a tributary of the Yakima River. From there McClellan made a one-day exploration of Naches Pass and declared it impassable. Two weeks later a party of settlers with wagons proved McClellan wrong when they crossed the pass on their way to Puget Sound. On Sept. 3, McClellan moved his men to the Kittitas Valley near present-day Ellensburg.

| July 2012

From there he set out to explore what he thought was Snoqualmie Pass though he was actually following the route to Yakima Pass. He found it unsuitable also. It was in the Kittitas that McClellan met the great Yakima chief, Owhi. McClellan and his troops’ presence in the area was troubling to the Indians and Owhi, along with Quiltenenock, chief of the Columbia/Sinkuise from Rock Island, accompanied McClellan and his 36 men when they set out for the Wenatchee Valley on Sept.19. The intention of the two chiefs was to learn as much as possible about the plans of the army and Governor Stevens. They learned that Stevens planned to call a treaty council soon and that the “Great White Father” in Washington, D.C. wanted to buy their lands and open them to white settlement. The Indians would be sent to reservations. No other news could have been worse. On Sept. 23, McClellan and his troops crossed the Wenatchee River after spending three days conferring with tribes at the confluence. He continued north past the Chelan River but did not go up to the big lake the Indians told him about. He briefly explored the Twisp and Methow Rivers before heading east for a meeting with Governor Stevens at Fort Colville. There, McClellan reported to Stevens that there were no suitable rail routes across the Cascades. Stevens didn’t believe him. In 1855 Stevens held the promised treaty council with most of the Eastern Washington tribes attending. Reservations and compensation were forced on the tribes. Most signed treaties

Colonel Wright soundly defeated a force of several hundred Indians, capping off his victory by slaughtering nearly 1,000 Indian horses... reluctantly under threats from Stevens and the military, but before the treaties were ratified by the government, miners and settlers were crossing Indian

lands and Indians were waging war against them. Fighting lasted from 1855 to 1858 with casualties on both sides. Battles were fought throughout Eastern and North Central Washington. The army built Fort Simcoe near Yakima and troops from there under the command of Colonel George Wright poured over the mountains and up the Columbia River as early as 1856. Hostilities continued including an attack on a party of white miners near the Wenatchee/ Columbia confluence in 1858. Determined to put a final end to Indian resistance in east-

ern Washington, Col. Wright, with a force of 700 troops, left Fort Walla Walla on Aug. 7 and headed north to the Spokane country to do battle with a combined force of Palouse, Spokane and Coeur d’Alene tribes. At the same time Major Robert Garnett with 314 troops left Fort Simcoe for the Wenatchee Valley and the Okanogan country to track down hostile Indians of the Yakima, Wenatchi, Columbia/Sinkiuse and Okanogan tribes. Both military actions were successful. Major Garnett encountered little, if any, resistance while Colonel Wright

soundly defeated a force of several hundred Indians, capping off his victory by slaughtering nearly 1,000 Indian horses and destroying all of the tribe’s caches of winter food. With the unconditional surrender of the tribes the “Indian troubles” in Eastern Washington ended. Historian, actor and teacher Rod Molzahn can be reached at His third history CD, Legends & Legacies Vol. III - Stories of Wenatchee and North Central Washington, is now available at the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center and at other locations throughout the area.

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Going camping? Don’t forget the wine Chef du Jour and I have en-

tirely different views about life in the great out-of-doors. My idea of roughing it is a five-star hotel with Wolfgang Puck food available on the room service menu and a view from the balcony that almost makes Sara Palin’s sighting of Russia from her office seem believable. Chef du Jour though, is a Blue Tarp Camper. She prefers dining al fresco sitting at a picnic table in some campground where her tent is pegged near a mountain stream or a lake in the forest. In her settings, the nighttime show of stars and the moonlight dim even the Hollywood nighttime city lights. Too, she is a camping food chef; she enjoys foraging and catching, and then turning the catches into the evening meals. I’ve had some great food from her foraging: blueberry pancakes one morning in August during our first trip to Maine. We were with friends, and Chef du Jour had risen hours before the sane rest of us. She returned with blueberries she’d picked on the hillside and voila, breakfast was born. That, too, was how dinner came about one evening on that trip. On that occasion, my intrepid cook — again up before the sane members of the party — walked the beach and found clams. This Iowa lass, who’d never set foot on a sandy beach at low tide, was intrigued and excited; she’d found clams. She harvested a few and returned to the cottage to enlist the services of the rest of us. Her theory was that if we all dug for clams, we could find enough to have a great clam meal for dinner that evening.

It’s the BBQ sauce that will determine my beverage of choice here. We complained, but joined in the hunt. We were successful; our harvest was indeed large enough for her to turn into the meal of the evening, a clam chowder, New England style. Best clam chowder I’ve ever had before or since. But this is July in north central Washington. July is outdoor dining month. July is Fourth of July BBQs and picnics that for some include camping and weekends outdoors. Despite our vast differences of settings and location preferences for outdoor dining, Chef du Jour and I do join forces about our beverages. We dine with wine, no matter the location or the setting. The question, though, is — what wine? And for answers, you’re all in luck. We have crossed that bridge often, so we have some answers. Her choices doubtless differ from mine, but, hey, it’s my column, so these are my choices. As with our choice of the right place to camp, we often opt for a different direction in our wine of choice. The meal: Grilled (no BBQ sauce) chicken, perhaps with a Thai peanut sauce, husk-on grilled corn on the cob and a crisp cole slaw with a light, creamy dressing. The wine: My wine preference here is for a slightly creamy Chardonnay because of the corn and the slaw


| The Good Life

dressing. There are several really solidly made Chardonnay wines here in our region. For this meal though, I’d favor either a Jones of Washington or a Vin du Lac Chardonnay. Both offer the texture I find appealing with creamy foods. Those of you with an “anything but Chardonnay” attitude might want to check out the Viognier wines available at Benson or from CRSandidge wineries; either will work with a similar array of foods. The meal: Pork ribs and sausages slathered in BBQ sauce, with a side of pork and beans, and again, corn on the cob and a slaw. The wine: It’s the BBQ sauce that will determine my beverage of choice here. Hard Row to Hoe has a Primitivo with a hint of sugar on the finish that works nicely with this kind of meal. But Wedge Mountain Winery has a goldcap Lemberger that would work just as well because of the sugar. Mind you, these are not sweet wines. They are just dry wines with a hint of residual sugar that is discernible even to numb taste buds such as mine. It’s that slightly sweet finish that, for me, helps them complement the BBQ sauces. Those of you who opt to grill red meats and ignore the sauce component might opt for a Malbec from the area; Martin-Scott has a delightfully potent 2009 one that would work quite well here. The meal: Grilled salmon steaks cooked to perfection, roasted vegetables and a side of Asian styled slaw

| July 2012

with a crisp lime dressing. The wine: Here, I will ignore the lime dressing and run straight to the salmon steaks. I want a Pinot Noir for this meal, whether I’m seated indoors or out. Of the choices in the area, I’d opt first for the Chelan Estates Pinot Noir, but would quickly jump to the Chateau Faire Le Pont or the Karma Pinot Noir as more than acceptable alternatives. However, if the salmon is a full filet, smothered in lemon and orange slices and topped with thinly sliced Walla Walla onion and a healthy splash of dry white wine, all sealed in a foil package before popping on the grill, the wine must be white, not red. We’ve dozens of solid choices here in our NCW home for this kind of beverage. My personal choice would be the 2011 Tildeo Sauvignon Blanc or a Jones of Washington Sauvignon Blanc. The citrus juices on the salmon will work well with either wine. Of course several of the areas well made Pinot Grigio wines also would work for me with this meal. Should none of my choices sound appealing to you, by all means do as Chef du Jour does and make your own selection; you have a world of wonderful options in our local NCW wineries. Alex Saliby is a wine lover who spends far too much time reading about the grapes, the process of making wine and the wines themselves. He can be contacted at alex39@msn. com.

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