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Genii 10

The Conjurors’ Magazine

Wayne Dobson


Lynetta Welch


Aaron Fisher


Genii Office

301-652-5800 Editor

Richard Kaufman Associate Editor

Jim Steinmeyer

The Conjurors’ Magazine

Art Director

Volume 72 Number 1 JANUARY 2009

Elizabeth Kaufman Artist

Earle Oakes

Advertising & Office Manager

Margret Daham Columnists

David Acer Eugene Burger Al Cohen Aaron Fisher Roberto Giobbi Tony Giorgio Guy Hollingworth Luke Jermay Peter Lamont Max Maven Josh Mandel Paul Osborne Jon Racherbaumer Tom Stone Reviews Eric Mead David Oliver Danny Orleans David Regal Dustin Stinett Jamy Ian Swiss Joe M. Turner Online manager

Brad Aldridge consigliere

R.A. Farmer


Richard Kaufman Elizabeth Kaufman Daniel Solomon Jane Solomon Printed in memory of William Larsen, Sr. & William Larsen, Jr. Publisher Emerita Irene Larsen Editor Emerita Erika Larsenw Genii: The Conjurors’ Magazine, Volume 72, Number 1 (ISSN 0016-6855 USPS 216060) Printed in the U.S.A. Genii is published monthly. Subscription rates, one year $54; two years $104; three years $153. Copyright © 2009, The Genii Corporation, 4200 Wiscon­sin Ave., NW, PMB 106-384, Washing­­ton, D.C. 20016. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted in writing by the copyright owner. Periodical postage paid at Washington, D.C. and additional entry offices. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for service to start. No refunds will be given on subscriptions once placed. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Genii: The Conjurors’ Magazine —Attn: Circula­tion Dept., 4200 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 106-384, Washington, D.C. 20016. Phone: 301-652-5800. Fax: 301-652-8035. Email: genii@geniimagazine.com


Features 56 Wayne Dobson: Changes and Choices

by Dustin Stinett 66 Fluke by Wayne Dobson 67 Rainbow by Wayne Dobson

44 Lynetta Welch: Tailor. Tinker. Soldier. Spy.


by Paul Critelli 48 Ghostly Pocket Hank by Lynetta Welch Your Vote is Magic! by David Oliver

Columns 10 12 13 15 16 18

Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman On the Slant by Jon Racherbaumer Now Performing at The Magic Castle and in Las Vegas Max Maven’s Monthly Inquisition Cryptic Crossword, No. 1 by Josh Mandel Magicana by David Acer

18 20 21 23 25

Unwedding Ring by Joe M. Turner Through the Drinking Glass by R. Paul Wilson Conversion by Donald Orbit Alex Cutting the Christ Aces by Bob Farmer The New Mind: Mixing Mentalism with Other Genres by Luke Jermay Tension, Focus, and Design: Shattered by Aaron Fisher


34 89 Top 10 Best-Selling Products

Light from the Lamp 88 Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans

88 89 89 90 90 90 91

Clearly Predictable by Harrison Carroll B Screens by Creative Magic Glimpse 20/20 by Marc Spelmann Baffle Bat by Terry Lagerould The Prophecy by Peter Eggink Cryptext by Haim Goldenberg The Disappearance by Jay Sankey

91 Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett

91 92 93 93 94

Andrus: The Man, the Mind & the Magic by Robert Neary CoinTwo by Homer Liwag Methods in Magic: Live in the U.K. by Joshua Jay Attack of the Copper Silver Coin by Dave Forrest and Cameron Francis Pseudo Pickpocket, Flying Tonight by Christopher Congreave and Gary Jones

Photo by Damon Webster

Pete Biro Damon Webster


Photo by Kari Hendler



95 Books Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss 95 96 96

The Magic of Ascanio Vol. 3: More Studies of Card Magic by Jesús Etcheverry The Magic of Ascanio Vol. 4: Ascanio’s Knives and Color Blindness by Arturo de Ascanio Stand-Up: A Professional Guide to Comedy Magic by Ian Keable

104 Subscription Information /Advertisers Index

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