Life Training Systems Is Launching A New Hypnotherapy Training Program
Ahead of the launch of its new Live Training, Life Training Systems is making public Three as yet unreleased facts about their Hypno Therapeutic Coaching program set to go live for enrolment on the 20th August 2021, which fans and consumers within the Hypnosis Training Courses and NLP Training
The Three items include nuggets such as how: The idea for creating the Hypno Therapeutic Coaching program came about after the owner and lead trainer of Life Training Systems realised he had always wondered, how effective traditional Hypnosis really is? Colin feels it can at times be quite formulaic
The product has been developed mainly through the feedback from the post training support that Colin delivers and prides himself on.
The Live Training almost didn't see the light of day, because the market place is already full of Hypnosis training programs that people pay for and study, yet Colin has questioned how many actually apply what they have learnt.
Life Training Systems has done something different compared to other businesses in the Hypnosis Training Courses and NLP Training Courses space, by looking to get beyond the often misunderstood fact that Hypnosis is actually a fairly easy process to teach and there are lots of other training schools
Life Training Systems teaches a very advanced and complete conversational Hypnosis process as well as Advanced NLP Language skills, Rapid Induction skills and their 7 Step Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y Coaching model, all delivered within their Hypno Therapeutic Coaching Program over 7 full days.
Hypno Therapeutic Coaching will be released as part of Life Training Systems 's greater plans to use this powerful unique program to help ensure that their students are fully equipped to deliver great results for their clients so as to ultimately gain a reputation as one of the leading Hypnotherapy
Colin is keen to see Life Training Systems following soar because of it over the coming months.
Life Training Systems got its start when Founder Colin C McKay noticed a growing need for a better structure for those keen to take up Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching as a profession.
With the founder having over 25 years of Management and Coaching experience and then graduated as a Trainer of Hypnosis and NLP 3 years prior to launching Life Training Systems in 2009.
Colin C McKay is quoted as saying: "We like to do things to stay well connected with our students.
Things like, once enrolled you get immediate access to several comprehensive online resources as well as access to our full in-house support from the trainer directly before, during and after the training.
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