Intro; Think!!! you for being here, I'm glad WE are! My argument is about 'Freedom of Speech, who controls it, who can use it, and is it 'limited'? If Limited by Whom! The Answer at the end will answer all the questions! Paper on Facts that are recorded by Mass Media; True or False, or both? (Court Cases WON by: Freedom fm Religion Org (Non Profit ?) Read separate list: From Court Records. (Court Cases LOST by FFRO): Recorded by Court Records. Read from separate list. (Pending Cases); filed by FFRO; Read List! In Common of all; Money, for or against! Where does it come from? Public, Public Funds, Individual, I.R.S. (Money donated is 'Tax Deductible) Public Defender, Public Anyone. True or False or both; (Court Cases Won) By National Legal Organization: Read from Separate List: (Court Cases Loss) by NLO Read from List: In Common of all: Money, for or against! Where does it come from? (same as above: Answers! Conclusion: Under the United Constitution; We The People are Guaranteed the 'Freedom of Speech! In this situation, that Memorial, in Mingus Park, on Public Land, and being a Legal Member of the United States Public,
I declare this and other Memorials, in the United States: SPEAKS for me! This one in Mingus Park, on the Corner of 101n at Commercial Ave, and on the on the Boardwalk states: Gene Landrum and many others; Served Honorably to Defend the Constitution of the United States against all Enemies, Foreign and Domestic!! "All gave some, some gave all." It ask me a Question: "Who, What gives a "US Legal Citizen" the Label of Domestic Enemies that "WETHEPEOPLE "are fighting to defeat, to protect the Constitution of the USA? To Which I Answer: Organizations (Example: Churches(man made, Group Think (majority is always right, Society( control all Laws made by man to Control all Citizens; Moral(one man one woman is called Marriage); Illegal (Crimes against the State), including the US Government, all Branches! (Supreme Court, of Equal Power, that can and does change the Constitution to accommodated the other two Branches! Remember; Three Separate Branches,of Equal Power, Ya! Sure!! First Labels: Person is an Outlier; to Fringe Group, No Fly List, Loss of U.S. Citizenship, revoked by the latter!! (in any order that justify the Situation) Results: We all Lose, not just the USA, the Whole World! Thank You, if any Questions study Quantum Theory of Everything!? Signed; Gene Landrum, Non-Partisan (named by government)Community Activist (named by the World Newspaper) Family Man (named by God, with many names, the one and only and the Holy Spirit! I'm not Religious, just Spiritual!!