1 minute read


Gentle Giants has an active safety plan according to local rules and regulations for tourism businesses. It covers all aspects of emergency and standard operation procedures. The safety plan consists of four aspects: Risk assessment, rules on work procedures, contingency plan and incident report.

All our RIB speedboats are equipped with a very high standard of modern safety and emergency equipment. All passengers are dressed in warm floatation suits and life vests. Our oak boats and fibreglass boat are equipped with all the safety and emergency equipment in accordance with the regulations by the Icelandic Transport Authority. Life vests are available for all passengers and crew. The crew explains the safety on board in the beginning of all tours, including demonstrating the use of life vests.


The crew on board is there for your safety and operates according to our safety plan. All crew members are fully authorised by the Icelandic Transport Authority. The crew regularly participates in rescue drills on board our boats.


Árni Tómasson, fisherman and farmer in Flatey Island Valley (great grandfather of Gentle Giants’ owner Stefán Guðmundsson), with his wife Jóhanna Jónsdóttir and 14 of their children.

Jón Ármann Árnason (great great grandfather of Gentle Giants’ owner) and his second wife Karen Halldórsdóttir with their five children, who were actually the children of his former wife Kristbjörg Sigurðardóttir who passed away young. All of them lived their lives by Skjálfandi Bay with their families. Until this day the ancestors still live in Húsavík making the roots stronger year by year. Jón Ármann was the head mason of the Húsavík Church and laid the foundation for it – built in 1907.

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