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Hoping Forward by Justin Gaynor
Hoping ForwardWritten by Justin Gaynor
Hope Defined
Growing more hopeful through the terrible circumstances of life doesn’t make much sense on the surface. It would be much more logical to take the experiences that have crushed your soul and become increasingly guarded, cynical, and pessimistic. However, it just doesn’t work that way.
Genuine hope, if you have it, is like a bonfire, the more dry wood you throw on it, the hotter and bigger it grows. Hope is the solid evidence that there is something beyond the way things presently are that makes pressing on joyfully not only possible, but rational.
Hope Deferred
Nobody likes to wait for things and yet, most people would agree that patience is a virtue to be honored. Honestly, if I can have what I want
when I want it, I would much rather choose that route. It’s taken some time for me to understand the value in waiting until the appropriate time for things in life.