West Overton 28th Annual Quilt Show Entry Form

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Quilt # _________ (do not enter)

West Overton Museum 28th Annual Quilt Show ENTRYFORM (Use separate form for each entry)

June 4-19, 2011 Tuesday- Saturday 10:00- 5:00 p.m. Sunday 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. West Overton Museum

Entry Forms Due by May 20, 2011 Quilts Due by May 23, 2011 (if dropping quilt off separately, be sure to include the attached form with the quilt – See page 2)

Forms & Quilts may be mailed or dropped off to: West Overton Museum 109 West Overton Rd, Scottdale, PA 15683 (724) 887-7910 Exhibitor’s Name: _____________________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ______________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________

Categories (1 category/ quilt) _____Hand Quilted _____Machine Quilted _____Other Techniques _____Collaborative _____Professional _____Other Quilted Items _____Student

Guild’s Name: _______________________________________

Size of your Quilt Length ______Width ______

Phone: _____________________________________________

Is Your Quilt For Sale?

YES $_______NO Title Of Quilt: ________________________________________

(20% commission charge to West Overton Museum)

Basic Color of Quilt: ____________________________________________

Entry Fees: _____ $20.00 Entry Fee______ $15.00 Museum Member Fee _____ $10.00 for each additional quilt _____ Student (No fee) On site registration is $20.00 each for all entries, please pre-register. Everyone enjoys reading about quilts and how they were inspired or created. Pleasewrite a brief note about your quilt. (You may use the back of this form if more room is needed)

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Quilt #_______

I understand that no professional security is provided. I will provide my own insurance on my quilt while it is in the possession of the Quilt Show. I give permission to photograph this quilt for promotional reasons. In consideration of acceptance of this entry, I waive all claims against the officials and sponsors of The West Overton Museum Quilt Show for loss or damagesto my quilt that may result from participation in this show.

_______________________ Signature

This part of the form MUST be with your quilt.

Exhibitor’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________________ Size of Your Quilt: _____________________________________________________________ Title of Your Quilt: _____________________________________________________________ Entry Category: _______________________________________________________________

Received By (WOM official): _______________

Quilter Signature: _____________

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Quilt #_______

CLAIM TICKET Exhibitor’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________________________________ Size of Your Quilt: ____________________________________________________________________ Title of Your Quilt: ____________________________________________________________________ Name of Authorized Person To Claim Entry or SELF: _______________________________________________________________________

Pleaseput each entry into a separate, clear plastic bag with your name, addressand phone number on the outside of the bag. Be sure to include the top half of this page in the bag with the quilt as well. A cloth label should be sewn or placed onto the back of each quilt with your name, addressand phone number. Quilts must be delivered to West Overton Museum, 109 West Overton Rd, Scottdale, PA 15683(724) 887-7910 by Tuesday, May 23, 2011. Keep this claim ticket. This claim ticket MUST be brought in when you pick up your quilt. All quilts will be protected by using cotton sheets before placing them on any object in the museum. All quilts may not be hung. Quilts must be picked up during museum businesshours between June 27- June 30, 2011.

2011 West Overton Museums Quilt Show RULES

1. All quilts submitted to this competition must be real quilts. We define a quilt as three layers of fiber held together by hand quilting or machine quilting, with the exception of novelty quilts such as Cathedral Window patterns. 2. A non-refundable entry fee per quilt must accompany each entry form. Fees are used to offset costs and purchase additional insurance for your property. Entry fee for museum members is $15.00; non-museum members are $20.00; late registration (any entry forms received after May 17) is $25.00 for both members and non-members. Quilts must be complete, clean and in exhibit condition. 3. Quilts displayed in previous West Overton shows are not eligible for judging. However, previous quilts may be displayed in the show without being judged. This is encouraged. A complete and signed entry form must be submitted for each entry prior to its delivery. If you do not register your quilt by May 17, the entry fee per quilt will be $25.00 for members and nonmembers. THERE IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE! 4. Quilts must remain on display through the duration of the show and may not be removed for any reason prior to the designated pick-up time. Quilts which are for sale will be given to the buyer after show ends or may be moved to the West Overton Gift Shop and placed on consignment. 5. Quilts must be constructed and quilted by the person or persons named on the entry form. In the collaborative category, all persons who helped make the quilt must also be listed. Failure to do this may result in disqualification. 6. Quilts must have an approximate 2” x 3” swatch of fabric with the quilt title, name, address and phone number clearly printed and sewn to a lower back corner. Another piece of fabric should be basted over the name at the top edge only, as a cover during judging. 7. Approved NQA identification techniques are also acceptable. 8. Quilts must be dropped off on time and in a non-returnable bag or box. Entries arriving after drop off times are subject to disqualification and entry fees will not be refunded. West Overton Museums will not be responsible for keeping track of the bags, pillow cases, comforter cases, etc. that quilts arrive in. All quilts will be returned in a clear bag. 9.A sleeve must be attached to the back edge of the quilt for hanging. Stitching must support the weight of the quilt. A quilt should not exceed 102” in length. If the quilt is larger than 102”, install the hanging sleeve at the 102” mark so the quilt does not drag on the floor. 10. The quilt judge reserves the right to not award all prizes in any category and re-categorize or disqualify any entry. Sleeve Construction: Instructions: Use a piece of fabric the width of the quilt by 11”. Hem the sides, fold lengthwise and sew a ½” seam. Hand-stitch both top and bottom edges of the sleeve casing to the top edges of the quilt back. Sleeves must be this size to accommodate hanging rods. Sleeves must be within 102” of the bottom of the quilt so it won’t touch the floor. Directions to West Overton Museums

West Overton is located on Route 819 between Scottdale and Mount Pleasant. From PA turnpike, take New Stanton exit and follow Route 119 south for 8 miles to Route 819 South. Make right turn, travel for ½ mile. West Overton is on the right. West Overton Museums 109 West Overton Road Scottdale, PA 15683

Phone: 724.887.7910 FAX: 724.887.5010

2011Schedule May 20…Entry forms and fees due. May 20-23…Quilts are to be delivered to museum during regular hours. May 27…Quilts judged. Winners will be notified at the awards reception. People’s Choice winner will be awarded when show concludes. June 3…Awards reception @ 6:30pm. This is the only opportunity to view quilts without paid admission. Quilter and one guest admitted free. Limit 5 extra guests at $5.00 each. June 4-19…Show open to the public (Tues-Sat 10-5/Sun 1-5). June 27-30…Quilts to be picked up during regular museum hours, unless other arrangements are made. Categories (one quilt per category)

1. HAND QUILTED- pieced or appliqué: LARGE (60” or greater) SMALL (59” or smaller) 2. MACHINE QUILTED- pieced or appliqué: LARGE OR SMALL (see above) 3. OTHER TECHNIQUES- includes Embroidered, Trapunto, White on White, Whole Cloth, etc. 4. COLLABORATIVE- quilts designed, constructed, and quilted by more than 1 person 5. PROFESSIONAL- quilts from a Quilter who has been paid for producing or is paid to teaching any related quilting class. 6. OTHER QUILTED ITEMS- pillow, dolls, table clothes, etc. 7. STUDENT- quilted item produced by a high school student or younger Prizes Level BEST OF SHOW First Prize (each category) Second Prize (each category) People’s Choice Best Embroidered Item (Flat, Dimensional or Silk Ribbon) sponsored by Karen Phillips-Shwallon, Quilted Heart Judge’s Choice- sponsored by Quilt Patch, Etc.

Prize Money $300.00 $50.00 $25.00 or gift card $25.00 or gift card $100.00 $100.00

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