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Newly established ISPRS Working Groups for the 2022-26 term

The new Working Groups (WGs) of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) were approved by the ISPRS Council based on the proposals received from each of the five Technical Commission Presidents (TCPs) elected at the XXIV ISPRS Congress, which was held in June 2022. The topics and the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the WGs have been prepared in coordination with the ISPRS Resolutions, which were approved by the General Assembly, and have been reviewed by the International Science Advisory Committee of ISPRS.

As the basic work units of ISPRS, the WGs are under the direction of the respective commissions and are responsible for the scientific work of the society. They organize scientific activities such as workshops, research, tests, case studies, questionnaires, tutorials and publications. The activity of each WG is reviewed and evaluated by the TCP.

WGs for 2022-26

There are a total of 52 WGs for the 2022-26 term, including 9 Inter-Commission WGs (ICWGs) jointly managed by more than one technical commission:

• Commission I (Sensor Systems) has 8 WGs and 1 ICWG, including (near-)real-time indoor and outdoor mapping; embedded version, onboard processing and cooperative navigation and mapping; and small satellite systems and constellations.

• Commission II (Photogrammetry) has 9 WGs and 2 ICWGs, including machine learning; algorithmic developments to support autonomous platforms; and integrative and generalizable artificial intelligence and machine learning.

• Commission III (Remote Sensing), has 9 WGs and 3 ICWGs, including new methods and techniques for processing multi-dimensional remote sensing imagery; remote sensing applications; and geospatially-enabled monitoring of UN SDGs.

• Commission IV (Spatial Information Science) has 11 WGs and 2 ICWGs, including multi-dimensional and semantically rich data models; spatial analysis and advanced visualization; and information services and applications.

• Commission V (Education and Outreach) has 6 WGs and one ICWG focused on education, training and resource-sharing. Each WG is led by one WG chair, a maximum of two co-chairs and a WG secretary. More www2.isprs.org/commissions

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