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Fig 37. From Eduardo Souza “Translucency & Raw Materials: A Brief Analysis of Lacaton & Vassal’s Solutions”, Arch Daily, Retrieved 28 February 2022, from https://www.archdaily.com/958651/translucency-and-rawmaterials-a-brief-analysis-of-lacaton-and-vassals-solutions/ 39

Fig. 38. From Eduardo Souza “Translucency & Raw Materials: A Brief Analysis of Lacaton & Vassal’s Solutions”, Arch Daily, Retrieved 28 February 2022, from https://www.archdaily.com/958651/translucency-and-rawmaterials-a-brief-analysis-of-lacaton-and-vassals-solutions/ 39


Fig. 39. DIVISARE. HANS VAN DER HEIJDEN ARCHITECT KNIKKERS (n.d). Copyright© HANS VAN DER HEIJDEN ARCHITECT/ BIQ. https://divisare.com/projects/370974-hans-van-der-heijden-architect-stefan-mullerknikkers 40

Fig. 40. DIVISARE. HANS VAN DER HEIJDEN ARCHITECT KNIKKERS (n.d). Copyright© HANS VAN DER HEIJDEN ARCHITECT/ BIQ. https://divisare.com/projects/370974-hans-van-der-heijden-architect-stefan-mullerknikkers 40

Fig. 41. DIVISARE. HANS VAN DER HEIJDEN ARCHITECT KNIKKERS (n.d). Copyright© HANS VAN DER HEIJDEN ARCHITECT/ BIQ. https://divisare.com/projects/370974-hans-van-der-heijden-architect-stefan-mullerknikkers) 41

Fig. 42. DIVISARE. HANS VAN DER HEIJDEN ARCHITECT KNIKKERS (n.d). Copyright© HANS VAN DER HEIJDEN ARCHITECT/ BIQ. https://divisare.com/projects/370974-hans-van-der-heijden-architect-stefan-mullerknikkers 41

Fig. 43. DIVISARE. HANS VAN DER HEIJDEN ARCHITECT KNIKKERS (n.d). Copyright© HANS VAN DER HEIJDEN ARCHITECT/ BIQ. https://divisare.com/projects/370974-hans-van-der-heijden-architect-stefan-mullerknikkers 41

Fig. 44. From ROWAN MOORE, ‘ The Interlace in Singapore by OMA/Ole Scheeren’ retrieved from https:// www.architectural-review.com/today/the-interlace-in-singapore-by-oma-ole-scheeren. COPYRIGHT © 2020 EMAP PUBLISHING LTD 43

Fig. 45. From ROWAN MOORE, ‘ The Interlace in Singapore by OMA/Ole Scheeren’ retrieved from https:// www.architectural-review.com/today/the-interlace-in-singapore-by-oma-ole-scheeren. COPYRIGHT © 2020 EMAP PUBLISHING LTD 43

Fig. 46. From MVRDV (n.d). Valley. https://www.mvrdv.nl/projects/233/valley 45

Fig. 47. From Archdaily (2022). Timmerhuis / OMA. https://www.archdaily.com/778654/timmerhuis-oma?ad_ medium=gallery 47

Fig. 48. From Archdaily (2022). Hi-pod / BKK Architects. https://www.archdaily.com/329456/hi-pod-bkkarchitects-peter-elliott-architecture-urban-design.© All rights reserved. ArchDaily 2008-2022 48

Fig. 49. From Archdaily (2022). Hi-pod / BKK Architects. https://www.archdaily.com/329456/hi-pod-bkkarchitects-peter-elliott-architecture-urban-design.© All rights reserved. ArchDaily 2008-2022 48

Fig. 50. From Archdaily (2022). Hi-pod / BKK Architects. https://www.archdaily.com/329456/hi-pod-bkkarchitects-peter-elliott-architecture-urban-design.© All rights reserved. ArchDaily 2008-2022 49

Fig. 51. From Archdaily (2022). Hi-pod / BKK Architects. https://www.archdaily.com/329456/hi-pod-bkkarchitects-peter-elliott-architecture-urban-design.© All rights reserved. ArchDaily 2008-2022 49

Fig. 52. From Tall Timber Wood Buildings, From M, Green & J, Taggart. © 2017 Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, Basel 50

Fig. 53. From Tall Timber Wood Buildings, From M, Green & J, Taggart. © 2017 Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, Basel 50

Fig. 54. From Tall Timber Wood Buildings, From M, Green & J, Taggart. © 2017 Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, Basel 51

Fig. 55. HDR (2022). East Vancourver Intergrated Health and Social Housing. https://www.hdrinc.com/au/ portfolio/east-vancouver-integrated-health-and-social-housing 53

Fig. 56. HDR (2022). East Vancourver Intergrated Health and Social Housing. https://www.hdrinc.com/au/ portfolio/east-vancouver-integrated-health-and-social-housing 53


Fig. 57. From Howe, R. (Ministry of Housing and Construction) (1988). New Houses for Old. South Australia: Griffen Press Limited 57

Fig. 58. From Robin Boyd Foundation (2020). OPEN HOUSE – FOOKS, THE HOUSE TALKS BACK. https:// robinboyd.org.au/public-events/archive-open-house-fooks-the-house-talks-back/ 58

Fig. 59. From Ministry of Housing and Construction (1990). High Rise at a Glance. 59

Fig. 60. From Howe, R. (Ministry of Housing and Construction) (1988). New Houses for Old. South Australia: Griffen Press Limited 60

Fig. 61. From Housing Commission of Victoria (1966). The Enemy within Our Gates. 61

Fig. 62. From Howe, R. (Ministry of Housing and Construction) (1988). New Houses for Old. South Australia: Griffen Press Limited 61

Fig. 63. From Howe, R. (Ministry of Housing and Construction) (1988). New Houses for Old. South Australia: Griffen Press Limited 61

Fig. 64. Baxter, B (2019). Photos in Views Park Tower originally taken by W.R Allan 1968. https://www. portplaces.com/viewing-park-towers-1969-2019/ 63

Fig. 65. Baxter, B (2019). Photos in Views Park Tower originally taken by W.R Allan 1968. https://www. portplaces.com/viewing-park-towers-1969-2019/

Fig. 66. From Housing Commission of Victoria (1966). The Enemy within Our Gates.

Fig. 67. From Housing Commission of Victoria (1966). The Enemy within Our Gates.

Fig. 68. From Ministry of Housing and Construction (1990). High Rise at a Glance.) 63




Fig. 69. From Howe, R. (Ministry of Housing and Construction) (1988). New Houses for Old. South Australia: Griffen Press Limited 65

Fig. 70. From Howe, R. (Ministry of Housing and Construction) (1988). New Houses for Old. South Australia: Griffen Press Limited 66

Fig. 71. From Choi, C (2021). Smoke from massive wildfires in Australia. Retrived from https://abcnews. go.com/Technology/smoke-massive-wildfires-australia-led-algae-bloom/story?id=80096595 77

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Fig. 74. From CSIRO (2020). Cliamte change in Australia - Reaching Global Warming levels. Retrived March 7, 2022 from https://www.climatechangeinaustralia.gov.au/en/changing-climate/future-climate-scenarios/ global-warming-levels/reaching-global-warming-levels/ 79

Fig. 75. From CSIRO (2020). Cliamte change in Australia - Reaching Global Warming levels. Retrived March 7, 2022 from https://www.climatechangeinaustralia.gov.au/en/changing-climate/future-climate-scenarios/ global-warming-levels/reaching-global-warming-levels/ 79

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