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How vaping became the new hype +0"/ ,*. &%*503 */ $)*&'
The wolf huffed and puffed, but did not know the consequences. From students around campus to famous celebrities such as Leonardo Dicaprio and Kylie Jenner, vape culture has been increasing in our community.
Flavors that sound like they are on the boba and candy store menu like pineapple, jolly ranchers, fruity pebbles, mango, and mint appeal to younger individuals. Smoke tricks that are posted on media platforms make
viewers want to attempt them themselves. Vaping history goes back to Ancient Egypt when Egyptians created hookah shaped vapes for herb flavors. Many prototypes have been invented; however, in the early
2000s, the first released e- cigarette was by a Chinese pharmacist, Hon Lik. Hon Lik lost his father because of his father’s smoking issue leading to lung cancer. Due to his own personal addiction to smoking two packs per
day, he decided to create vapes to help eliminate his constant smoking habits, according to The Guardian newspaper.
continued on page 4
Stumble into the fantastical She Kills Monsters
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The action packed and inclusive play, She Kills Monsters, comes to Hollywood High School tomorrow through Sunday. The plot of She Kills Monsters is how Agnes, the popular cheerleader in high school, copes with the death of her little sister, Tilly. While cleaning out her sister’s belongings, Agnes finds Tilly’s favorite game and that is when reality and fantasy begin to blur. The play takes the audience through Tilly’s mind and her module of Dungeon & Dragons. Expect to be swept up
by a story that doesn’t make sense until the middle, is sheer fun, and contains the heartfelt pain of a young woman trying to grieve. “This play is unique and audience engaging,� said Maria Solis, stage manager. “The play involves lots of combat and is greatly different from productions that the school has had up to this point.� Director John Tourtellotte chose this play because it is popular across the nation. “On the surface, this play is about Dungeons &
Dragons, but at the core it’s about love and loss,� said Tourtellotte. “It is important to show this play because it shows the audience that they are not alone. It’s a lot of fun.� The play contains the reality of bullying, LGBTQ behavior, and the journey of learning who we are as a
person. “There is a lesson to be learned in some way or another, there are hidden gems throughout,� said Zoe Schiller, who plays Agnes. She Kills Monsters show dates are Nov 14,15, and 16 at 7 pm and Nov 17 at 2 pm. The play will be in the Hollywood High auditorium. Presale tickets will be $3 and can be bought from cast members. At the door, tickets will cost $5 for students with ID and $7 for general admission.
Hollywood introduces new security measure
BANI RICE AND NAYELI ALVIAR $)30/*$-& 3&1035&3 "/% 1)050 &%*503
Recently, Hollywood High students have been subject to heavier security on a day to day basis. It is now a requirement to show your school identification as you walk through the doors to enter the campus in the morning. Last year IDs were only used when checking out books or getting late passes, but this time around, things have changed. A Schoology account can get you through the door but they will remind you that an ID card is needed and that you need to get ahold of it quickly. If you don’t have one you need to get one as soon as possible or it will be assumed that you aren’t a student. Why the sudden increase in security? There was an incident in September where a young YouTuber entered the campus and
managed to wander around A simple identification they just recently put in, without being caught. He card can separate students we’re doing more circulawas even able to sit down in from someone who doesn’t tion around the buildings class and walk through the belong here. According to looking for people that halls, mingling with everyMario Gonzalez, the campus don’t fit the description of body. At the end of the day, aide, this isn’t the only new the dress code,” said Gonzathe YouTuber was able to walk out of the school and all he was told was that next time he had to sign in. Now the school administration is aware of who is on campus and whether or not they have permission to be here. When speaking on the issue of the Youtuber and even the neighborhood surrounding our high school, Principal Dr. Mary Reid said, “It’s not always safe and we’re Mario Gonzalez checks Jose Saban’’s school I.D. upon entry. trying to make, create a PHOTO CREDIT: Bani Rice safe haven in the neighborsecurity measure that’s lez. “For the most part, you hood, as well as on campus being implemented in the could tell pretty much when but I can only control on school. someone doesn’t belong campus.” “Besides the cameras here; they’ll stick out like a
sore thumb.” Past security measures consisted of having people sign in if they weren’t a student. They would receive a yellow guest pass, but this would only happen after the morning bell. This didn’t control who came in during the time period up to 8 am Random searches are another measure of security the school has, but this doesn’t control who is coming in and out of school, only what is coming into the school. According to Gonzalez, random searches are actually random. This means a random classroom and random student are selected. They happen once a day and usually include a visit by Dean Essick Allen. A female security needs to be present when searching the belongings of girls.
Ms. Booker joins as new assistant principal HENRY ALQUIZA $)30/*$-& 3&1035&3
Ms. Catrisa Booker takes the office as the new assistant principal. Booker joined the staff in October ,hired by principal, Dr. Mary Reid. Her duties include counseling services, the master schedule, and
croft is one of Hollywood’s feeder schools. She has worked at the local district office as an administrator and also has worked at the headquarters of LAUSD. With such a diverse background, she has worked in
THIS IS AN ARTIST’S RENDERING of the New Media Academy studio coming soon. This studio will be used for video production during and after school. The space was once used as an auto shop, when that was offered as a class. Now it will provide set pieces, a green screen, and a noise-free place to film. A ribbon-cutting ceremony is set for January at which community partners are expected to attend. CREDIT: Jim Kriss, design manager, Maintenance and Operations, LAUSD.
Ratatouille returns to campus +"/&5 (0/;"-&; $)30/*$-& 3&1035&3
One problem that has recently occured that not many students have knowledge is rats. Many teachers have had problems in their classrooms due to the increase in rats in the school. It has been found that many students, and even some teachers, leave food wrappers and food in the classrooms, giving the rats an opportunity to eat and grow. At least a dozen rats have been found on campus. “When I first arrived here in 2018, I was notified that the most troubled areas were the main building and the library although
there is a concern for rats all over campus,” Furioso said. Although it is a problem, it’s not a danger to the staff and students. The school has assessed the situation and has taken precautions to eliminate the problem. Pest management went room by room, setting traps for the whole month of October. “Initially they were catching big-sized rats but now they’re catching juveniles, so we’re heading in a good direction,”said Furioso. “If there was a danger to students and staff we would have to be closing
rooms but that’s fortunately not the case.” Unfortunately, some students have been giving the rats what they need to keep on thriving on campus by not being responsible for their trash. “In some of my classes I’ve seen kids just throw their trash in the sinks or on the floor, even stuffing them into the closets or drawers instead of just throwing it away so we’ll probably always have a rat problem since we don’t clean up after ourselves,” said PAM Senior, Verena Flores.
Catrisa Booker is the new assistant principal in charge of curriculum. PHOTO CREDIT: Henry Alquiza
the Advanced Placement program. “I decided I wanted to come to Hollywood High School, because it was a great opportunity to work in high school,” said Ms.Booker. “I love working with children, and I just thought it would be a nice change from where I have been working for so many years. “ Booker has a very extensive background that aided her in becoming an assistant principal. She started at Bancroft Middle School over 20 years ago, and Ban-
many district offices from South Los Angeles, West Los Angeles, and Downtown. She said she wanted to see the inner workings by seeing the school side of things and having broad experiences. “My hope is that in the next 100 years, they will say that I, Catrisa Booker, have continued that great and rich tradition,” she said. Booker hopes to be able to provide different career paths for all students. She said she wants to help students be ready for the real world.
Man On The Street:
“I think people vape because they might be going through a tough time and may not make correct choices.”
“I think people vape because it’s convenient and accessible. But some people just do it for fun.”
Daniela Yax, PAM Senior
Nancy Arteaga, SAS Senior
“I think people vape in order to fit in and it’s not original. Also society always likes to follow each other and it’s not any different with vaping
Jada Smith, TCA Senior Interviews & Photo Credit: Alexander Oppenheimer and Ivan Trejo (Chronicle Reporter and Sports Editor)
“I think people vape because they need a way to escape.”
Thesia Reynolds, NMA Senior
STAFF EDITORIAL: the Vaping, a teenage crisis Crimson It is clear that the hype of other ways to cope than Just because a friend vapes a ChroniCle vape has increased steadily feeding an addiction. When student can feel obligated to and is negatively affecting a student does not know vape in order feel included staff teenagers and their addichow to handle their stress or because they see no harm. Editor-in-ChiEf JOAN KIM mAnAging Editor fRIDA lARIOS nEWS Editor SIDNEY GONZAlEZ CoPY EditorS JASMIN KIM KAYlA KWAK oPinion Editor fRIDA lARIOS fEAturES Editor JOAN KIM EntErtAinmEnt Editor AMERICA flORES Photo Editor NAYElI AlVIAR WEBSitE Editor CRISTAl RINCON SPortS Editor IVAN TREJO
tion. Students may believe that vaping is the only way of coping with stress. The only way to get through school. The only way to cloud the pressure of getting into college or having a brighter future. That it is a trend they must follow. That it is cool. These various elements may be the cause of why teenagers vape, but the reality is different. There are many
Nicotine addiction in teens has risen again due to the popularity of electronic cigarettes. Teens and young adults seem to be the main demographic of the vape industry. It seems to me
that the yummy flavors and fragrances like pina colada, wild berry, and birthday cake purposefully draw young people in. The industry makes it too easy for students to purchase and grow addicted to ecigarettes, otherwise known as vaping. Being fairly new in the market, we do not understand the full extent of what these devices can do to you, but it is starting to rear its ugly head. Many students are misled by the appealing scents and flavors and do not understand the gravity of what they are
doing to their own bodies. The dangers of e-cigarettes may not be as severe as regular cigarettes, but they still pose a very real threat. E-cigarettes were made for nicotine addicts but are used mostly by those who do not smoke cigarettes and have greatly contributed to the increase in nicotine addiction.While cigarettes have a deterring smell, vapes do not. Do not let the lack of perceptible danger give you an illusion of safety and trick you into forgetting that vapes contain nicotine. There are many students in
Hollywood High who vape and those students are at higher risk of having chronic health problems early in their lives due to a nicotine addiction at such a young age. Dooming yourself to a life filled with health complications is not a good way to start your adulthood. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that people refrain from using any vaping products. The CDC has reported 1,299 confirmed cases on lung injuries associated with e-cigarette use and 37 deaths. That should scare
Shaming vapers does not solve anything
National Scholastic Press Association
Some students go to stores that they have connections in to buy vape pods and others buy off of friends or peers. There is a present change to vape culture that can be seen through advertisements on public transportation, billboards, pop up ads and on platforms such as Youtube, Spotify, Soundcloud and more. More light is being shed on the problems of vape
What you don’t know will kill you
rEPortErS hEnrY ALQuiZA hELLEn AmAYA guAdALuPE dominguEZ BErthA ESCoBAr JAnEt gonZALEZ mAriA hErnAndEZ JuLiuS JoSEPh mELiSA LoVoS iSAAC mEndEZ ChEYAn mEtCALfE ALEXAndEr oPPEnhEimEr JoCELYn rEYES BAni riCE ShiAnnE rodgErS JuLiA rouiLLArd VioLEtA torrES
the school has the resources to help: the Wellness Center, school psychologist, and psychiatric social worker. There are other resources to help students with school and to guide them to a better, brighter future: LACER, college center, counselors, and upward bound. The peer pressure that is not verbalized but felt by students can lead to vaping.
and vape culture and the negative effects a nicotine addiction has on teenagers. Luckily, Juul has recently stopped selling kid-friendly flavors such as mango, creme, and cucumber. The move to stop selling the mint flavor also began since research showed that the flavor was most attractive to teenagers. The company now only sells menthol and classic tobacco flavors, maybe the crisis is coming to an end after all.
Vaping has become a big trend during the last couple of years. Schools, parents, and commercials have tried preventing minors from vaping
but it is still not working. Hollywood High sees the issue of vaping every day, with the hallways smelling like vape flavors such as grape and cotton candy and with fire alarms going off every week. The school has tried to prevent this as much as possible, not only because it’s disrupting education, but also the students’ health. Vaping is perceived as something that will make you a bad person if you do it. I’ve seen some anti-vape posters that will compare vapers to “lab rats”. This is understand-
able as most vape products have not been approved by the FDA, but how would that make vapers who genuinely have a problem feel? Some vapers are seriously addicted and some may use it as a stress reliever. I’m a personal believer in that people should do whatever they want as long as they are not harming others, smoking in the restroom and setting off fire alarms every five minutes is wrong but so is shaming people who can’t stop. A vaper may see their pen
as a personal gateway away from reality since they are so easy to get ahold of today. Some minors can easily walk into a smoke shop to purchase these devices, they can ask older family members to buy it for them, or they can invest in a fake ID. Since it’s easy for them to get ahold of, they can keep using it for relief and eventually get addicted to the feeling.
How vaping became the new hype JOAN KIM
Vape flavors and Boba flavors have gotten similar. Graphic Credit: Cristal Rincon
(Continued from page one) Due to his own personal addiction to smoking two packs per day, he decided to create vapes to help eliminate his constant smoking habits, according to The Guardian newspa-
per. An anonymous senior who used to vape said they followed the hype of vape culture. “Vape is easy to obtain. I can stop whenever I am not addicted, but I enjoy it and relieves my stress.”
Another anonymous senior said they vape not nictoine, but THC products. “I mainly do it because I enjoy it. I prefer THC products instead of nicotine products. Addtionally, I like the euphoria of getting high.”
Many new generations decided to use vaping instruments instead of traditional tobacco products. According to the Centers for Disease Control, many teens and adults believe that e-cigarettes are safer than tobacco. The government also states that one in four high school students use vape for drippingmaking the vapor thicker and improving flavors. As of Oct., there has been 1,604 cases relating to injuries or deaths because of the ingredient in vape which is THC (hash oil or cannabis oil). There has not been a specified reason as to why THC is causing problems. School districts in states such as New York, Kansas, and Washington are suing juul companies because the flavors in juul seem to have been created to appeal to children.
Due to school districts pressuring the dangers of vape, the juul company officially announced on Oct. 17 that they would ban mint flavors and fruit flavors such as cucumber and mango. However, the ban is temporary, so the company can reintroduce the flavors at any time they please, according to the website Engadget. From seven million vapers in 2011, the number has risen to 41 million vapers in 2018. The organization “The Real Cost” from the government provides information about the many different appeals that may lead to vaping. Coping with stress, influence of others, and different flavors are some reasons. However, as the number of vapers rise, the organization advocates how to not smoke with facts and their app- QuitSTART.
Sheik of the Month: Quit hiding behind your pen JULIA ROUILLARD
Photo Credit: Julia Rouillard
Celina Salazar is a teacher that recently started working at Hollywood High School this year, teaching History and AP Psychology. Salazar became the head of Tobacco Use Prevention Education because she believes that in the past 30 years the United States has been doing a good job steering kids away from the dangers TUPE instructor, Celina Salazar, is pas- of smoking but in the last
couple of years smoking/ vaping has skyrocketed and now is a good time to address the issue. “I am very passionate about this issue, I myself have lost people to lung cancer, I also have a background in mental health and working with young people with anxiety and depression and I am pretty convinced that this vaping epidemic is linked towards the poor coping skills for
anxiety, feeling depressed, and overwhelmed.” said Salazar. Salazar believes that vaping can be talked about in a more therapeutic way and see how people are using vaping to deal with anxiety rather than talking about vaping as something bad. It could be helpful for people to back off vaping as a habit. Being in the TUPE program can look good on
college applications and as an extracurricular because it’s focused on community activism. Students who sign up to be a part of it can have Salazar as a resource such as recommendation letters, college applications, and references. The group meets Wednesdays in Room 128 afterschool from 3:304:15.
sionate about the vaping issue.
Meditate out of the vape MELISA LOVOS
There are many ways to avoid and/or overcome addiction to vaping, especially for the many teens becoming more and more exposed to e-cigarettes. One way is meditation, which promotes self-awareness and calmness. Meditation helps boost self control, reduces anxiety and stress, as well as helps improve your daily life. Many may ask: What is meditation? To meditate is to engage in contemplation or reflection. The main goal of this is to go beyond the mind and experience peace,
fulfillment, and bliss. This can help by calming the person, relaxing, and taking
website, include, whole wheat bread (bagels), whole grain (muffins),
calm your desire to vape, especially since sweets are commonly craved.
Meditation is the best way to help anyone quit vaping. Graphic Credit: Melisa Lovos
their mind off the urge to vape. Some foods recommended when quitting vaping, according to the Nicotinell
fruits (such as apples, bananas, peaches), whole fat yogurt, whole grain cereal, and unsalted nuts. Also, gum and frozen treats can
Addiction to vaping can lead to health defects. The CDC reported investigating 1,479 lung injury cases, and 33 deaths associated with
using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days. In some cases, people’s lungs can collapse, causing you to cough blood and mucus, according to a story by National Public Radio. Ways to relieve stress include yoga, boxing, sports, and exercise. You can attend a class at places like YMCA, or practice it at home using YouTube, during your own time. Not only will quitting vaping better the health of a person, but it will increase their energy, increase their way of life, and better their life in the future.
How vaping has grown in the United States
Drop your e-cig or risk nicotine poisoning GUADALUPE DOMINGUEZ CHRONICLE REPORTER
When vaping, you are more likely to start smoking cigarettes and become addicted at a young age. You are at risk of nicotine poisoning from the liquid in the e-cigarettes. Most “nicotine free” e-cigarettes have been tested and found to have traces of nicotine. Source: Harvard
Taking your E-Cigarette out of your mouth is the first step. Graphic Credit: Guadalupe Dominguez Who Can Help
Traditional cigarettes are not the norm now, e-cigarettes are. However, trying to quit e-cigarettes is still as difficult as quitting regular cigarettes. Here are some tips and resource centers to help
you cope with the stages of withdrawal. Why you should stop vaping: Not only does it cause long term damage to the lungs, but vaping is now being linked to cancer.
Truth Initiative: The Inspiring Tobacco Free Lives-First program was formed to help cope with the effects of quitting e-cigarettes. They work alongside This Is Quitting and BecomeAnEx who
have helped thousands quit smoking. Simply text “DITCHJUUL” to 88709 and they will contact you with a ‘text coach’ who will give you advice appropriate to your age about nicotine replacement therapy and overall quitting advice. American Lung Association: Provides information on the dangers of vaping. ALA also provides tips on how to talk to others about quitting the use of e-cigarettes. First Steps to Quitting: Use replacement therapy to slowly reduce the amount of nicotine used. During replacement therapy they will recommend
replacements like nicotine patches or gum. Find a distraction to take your mind off of your ‘craving’. For example exercising, eating, listening to music, or drawing. Change the environment around you. Get rid of all e-cigarettes that are in your reach like your backpack, purse, locker, or room. Try to move away from people you know vape and can ‘tempt’ you. Be proud of your accomplishments. To motivate yourself you should reward yourself for not vaping throughout the day, week, month,etc.
The New Generation of Angels Are Here
Director Elizabeth Banks is giving us a new look to the angels we all know and love
with the upcoming film ‘Charlie’s Angels’. The film will be released Nov. 15 in US and
UK cinemas with a rolling time of 1 hr and 59 mins. This is the third adaptation of the concept of these angels. “I was excited, the specific thing I was most excited about was the soundtrack.” Senior Davion Corley said. This year’s film comes with songs sung by Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, Lana Del Rey, Victoria Monet, and many more. The concept was first introduced in 1976 as a crime drama television series following three women working in a secret organization, dealing with crime - fighting operations. Later on we got
two movie adapta- tions, one in the year 2000, ‘Charlie’s Angels’ and then in 2003 with ‘Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle’. The new film will be about the angels from all around the world coming together to protect society from dangerous technology. But this time around you won’t be seeing dramatic love tangles due to the fact that this is more of a female empowerment film. Bolsey will be a returning character but instead of it being one sole character we will be getting three Bolsey characters. These are portrayed by Patrick Stewart, Djimon
Hounsou, and Elizabeth Banks herself. There will be a sense of nostalgia to the film. Drew Barrymore who was part of producing past Charlie’s Angels film (and even acting in them) will be an executive producer in the new film. The fresh set of angels include Kristen Stewart as Sabina Wilson, Naomi Scott as Elena Houghlin, and Ellen Balinska as Jane Kano. So when the angels hit the big screen make sure to go to your local theater and watch this comedy and action filled film.
to Los Angeles where they will have a show produced by the same creators of
would have to buy a wow presents subscription to watch it or find a way on-
of Drag Race the queen’s main challenge was to pull off two Lewks, the first one being a hometown look and the second one being a look inspired by Queen Elizabeth II. The lip sync battle was against Vinegar Strokes and Gothykendoll with the song being “New Rules” by Dua Lipa with Vinegar ultimately sending Gothy home. Drag Race UK airs every Thursday so make sure to stay tuned for the finale.
RuPaul’s Drag Race. This series airs on the BBC network so US fans
line to stream it. To give a quick recap on what happened on the first episode
Drag race UK is here to shantay BANI RICE CHRONICLE REPORTER
RuPaul’s drag race has gotten a flight overseas and started it’s very first season in the UK. Drag race UK first aired on Oct 3, 2019, and has a cast of 10 queens. The queens that will be participating in the first season of Drag Race UK is GothyKendoll, Scardey Kat, Baga Chips, The Vivienne, Blu Hydrangea, Divina de Campo, Crystal, Cheryl Hole, Vinegar Strokes, and Sum Ting Wong. For those of you who don’t know what drag racing is, it is a reality TV show competition that has drag queens from all states compete in acting, singing, and
sewing to find America’s next drag superstar. With two Emmys and a total of 11 seasons and four spinoffs, it’s no wonder why it’s a cultural phenomenon. Now for past fans on drag race, they may think that it’s just a cut and paste copy of any other season of drag race but that’s where you are wrong. Instead of competing to be the UK’s next drag superstar these 10 queens will have the opportunity to get a flight out
November and December Concerts on the way BERTHA ESCOBAR CHRONICLE REPORTER
Post Malone Nov 16 Honda Center
Hollywood Palladium ILLENIUM Dec 7 Staples Center
A.C.E Concert Dec 22 The Fonda Theatre Gabriel Iglesias Dec 27 Staples Center
Madonna Nov 14 The Wiltern Chelsea Wolfe Nov 15 Palace Theatre
Donavon Frankenreiter Dec. 31 The Majestic Ventura Theater
Mana Nov 22 The Forum Bad Bunny Nov. 17 The Forum
Fantasia Barrino Dec 6 Microsoft Theater Jingle Ball Dec 6 The Forum
X Ambassadors Nov 20
The Rite of Spring Dec 7 Staples Center
Brockhampton Dec 13 Hollywood Palladium Bridges Dec 14 The Love Song Bar Rolling Loud LA 2019 Dec 14-15 Banc of California Sta-
Lady sheiks face honorable loss
the girls volleyball team played their first playoff game against south East High school and ultimately lost to the Jaguars with a final score of 3-0. the match started off with a low score for the Lady sheiks, but as play continued, their scores improved. Their first set ended 25-12, the second ended 2520, and the last with 25-23 points. “I think our team could have talked more when we were playing on the court, and I think a lot of us were nervous because it was playoffs,” said Ingrid Muniz, sAs junior, ”the positives were that we never gave up.” despite the points scored against them, throughout the match the team continued encouraging one another with uplifting comments, pats on the back, and chanting from the sidelines. “s-I, s-I-d-E, s-I-d-E O-U-t. side out, side out sheiks!” In the end, it was not enough to strike down the Jaguars.
However, their strong efforts did not go unnoticed by the team’s members and those a tending the match. Alexah Manabat, sAs junior said, “In the end we fought, and that’s all that matters. We lose together, as a team.” the Lady sheiks went into playoffs coming off of their season with an overall record of 15 wins to 9 losses. their league score was 8 wins to 4 losses, placing just after bernstein and tying with Mendez for second in league standings. team captain and sAs junior, sasha Corcuera said, “I feel like we could’ve done better but I’m satisfied with where we placed, and hopefully we improve next year.”
X-Country goes back to back HENRY ALQUIZA CHRONICLE REPORtER For the second year in a row, the cross country team has become Central League Champs, defeating bernstein High Oct. 30 in Elysian Park. to be league champs back to back is quite a difficult feat to achieve. All in all both the boys and girls team won. boys clinched a win 27-28 as well as the girls team winning by 27-28. the team with the least amount of points wins. so to have both teams win by one point may be a very thrilling event to see. to do it against bernstein as well is a feat in itself with all the built up rivalry. As this was the race that would determine whether or not they would be league champs, or would the seniors leave this school with the regular season ending in defeat. ̈ ̈like I did pretty good. I broke my PR like about a minute. And it was very accomplishing because this was our last, the season race. And I did give him my best.̈ said SAS Junior brandon Aguila on his performance in the berstein race.
Next week they head to League Finals, with many breaking their personal records. the team is looking very pristine heading to the race where some will be their last in their high school career. With the thoughts of the upcoming senior team many believe they have to step up their performance due to reason to losing top performers of the team will hit the team drastically. ̈Honestly I think our team will do pretty successful,” brandon said. ”Our team is very strong. And we are all capable of showing, especially now that it is no longer going against one specific school or going against everyone in the league and I find that we will prove what we are capable of.”
Athlete of the Month
Athlete of the Month
Micah Mendoza SAS, Sophomore
Sasha Corcuera SAS, Junior
Photo Credit: Violeta torres
Photo Credit: Alex Oppenheimer
Crimson Chronicle: How does it feel to be nominated as Athlete of the Month?
Crimson Chronicle: How does it feel to be nominated as Athlete of the Month?
Micah Mendoza:¨I really appreciate being nominated for Athlete of the Month, I think I could´ve done better but it is really nice to know I ́ve been noticed and nominated for this honor.¨
Sasha Corcuera: ¨I am so so honored to be nominated and chosen for Athlete of the Month. I am so glad i can help my team and the school fight on!¨
Crimson Chronicle: How do you manage school and sports?
Crimson Chronicle: How do you manage school and sports?
Micah Mendoza: ¨It´s always school first, then sports second. I like to get my stuff done in class so I won’t have any homework and I am able to focus on my sport.¨
Sasha Corcuera: ¨I prioritize my studies by making sure I complete all my homework after practice. If I don’t get my things done for school then i won´t be able to play during the season or help my team.¨
Crimson Chronicle: What are your plans for the sport in the future? Micah Mendoza:̈ ̈In college I want to play football, and my ultimate goal is to play football in the NFL.¨ Crimson Chronicle: What steps do you take to make you and your team better? Micah Mendoza: “Going to practice and showing up to practice. Listening to the coach and having respect for the coaches.” Crimson Chronicle: What’s your favorite thing about the sport? Micah Mendoza: “My favorite thing about the sport is the brotherhood and connection that you have with your teammates and coaches and it’s like your second family.”
Crimson Chronicle: What are your plans for the sport in the future? Sasha Corcuera: ̈ In the future i plan to focus on my studies in college but for right now make sure to catch me in the gym!¨ Crimson Chronicle: What steps do you take to make you and your team better? Sasha Corcuera: “I try to encourage my team and point out mistakes that are being made on the court to fix for the next point.” Crimson Chronicle: What’s your favorite thing about the sport? Sasha Corcuera: “My favorite thing about the sport is the adrenaline while playing.”
the winter season is approaching and that means soccer season is around the corner. the varsity girls will be facing Fairfax High school for their first preseason game on Nov 15. Last season the girls were really successful, they won first place in their league. this season they are hoping to win first place again and improve as a team. the team wants to improve on things like
being committed to practice and working together on the field. “the new players are good and talented,” said team captain daniela Yax. the varsity boys will be playing against Mendez High School on Nov 18 in their first league game. Last season the boys won league champs and made it to CIF semifinals. the team is very excited and
is hoping to make it to finals this time. team captain Josue Xicara, said that the new players on the team have made a good impact and they can play well as a team. “the team and me are excited and are planning to take it out this year, we are going to make it to finals,”said Josue Xicara.
spencer Juarez 1995-2009
CHRONICLE REPORtER ten years ago we lost a sheik. during a football game against West Adams Prep High, player #12, freshman spencer Juarez collapsed. After losing consciousness, he was rushed to the Children’s Hospital and there he fell into a coma and passed away the following day. spencer was an organ donor and he saved eight lives. On his 10th anniversary, a memorial was held where spencer is resting. At his memorial there was a big picture of spencer put up of him as a child holding a football. the following day spencer’s family attended Hollywood’s football game and there was an announcement made in memory of him After the game, they were brought down to the field by Michael Mejia and he introduced spencer’s family to them and explained who spencer was to them. “He wore [your] same jersey, he played on this field, and he was a kid just like you guys just playing football.”
the team remembered spencer by calling a cheer of his name on the field and each player hugged spencer’s family and paid their respects. His sister, Hemashary Juarez, said, “ Even when he was in trouble he would be laughing. He loved music and would always listen to music on his purple iPod, and I still have it.” spencer played sports since he was five years old, and was known to be athletic ever since he was young. “He always had a ball,” said Hemashary “He would say he wanted to be a professional football player.” the week before the West Adams game there were parent conferences being held that determined whether or not he was going to play and lucky for him, parent conferences went well and was given permission to play by his parents. two of his former classmates and teammates work on Hollywood’s campus, Michael Mejia and Kenneth Rebeiro. “He was balling out. I remem-
ber the last big play, he made a catch and it was an amazing catch,” said Mejia “He was a great kid, everybody loved him”. He had the nickname “the flying jalapeño” on the field given by his coach, Coach tobar because “he was always all over the field just making plays,” said Mejia. “Even as a ninth grader, he was a leader, he was someone who stepped forward. the accident made me appreciate the time that I had to play football, and from that point on I took complete advantage of everything.” said former teammate Rebeiro. today, going into the sAs building closest to the arts building, there is a senior project mural that was made in honor of spencer in 2013, the year he would have graduated.
Guzman, who teaches PE 1 and PE 2, said she enjoys the different backgrounds of the students and staff. Assistant Principal Pacino Furioso said girls would complain that they felt like second class citizens, “so I decided to look for a female athletic director and Guzman was a perfect candidate.I wanted to find someone who is a role model to the young female athletes,” he said.
the new assistant athletic director is Ramon Kirkland. He will also be coaching boys basketball and JV boys baseball. “I feel elated, Hollywood has been the perfect situation for my career growth”. Kirkland said “being assistant athletic director is good. there’s a lot to learn but it helps me get familiarized with the LA sports environment.” before coming to Hollywood, Kirkland coached basketball at
Spencer’s memorial was held at Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Photo Credit: Violeta Torres
Meet the staff: Guzman named Ad IsAAC MENdEZ
Physical education teacher Yesenia Guzman has been promoted to athletic director, succeeding Raul Grijalva who is concentrating on his counseling duties. Guzman is an alumnus of the class of 2008; she joined the Hollywood High staff last year. “It’s an honor being athletic director especially since I’m a female in a male field,” she said.
Mesa College in san diego. In addition to working at Hollywood, he is a coach for Los Angeles Jr Clippers,a youth basketball program.
Althetic Director Ms. Guzman is an alumnus of the Class of 2008. Photo Credit: Isaac Mendez
The Hollywood High School Alumni Association The Hollywood High School Alumni Association receives contributions of member dues, gifts, annuities, charitable trusts, real property, and other assets as a means of funding scholarships and programs. This association fosters close relationships between the alumni and HHS students by promoting participation by alumni in programs and projects at the school, furthering the true spirit of the school precept: "ACHIEVE THE HONORABLE," and help preserve the friendships formed by past high school activities and bonds. The primary purpose is to award scholarships to qualified and designated graduating senior students of Hollywood High School. These scholarship awards will assist in enabling the recipients to continue their education at institutions of higher learning. The other purpose is to provide special activities through the Association's program services: Membership, Museum, Newsletter, War Memorial, Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet, Alumni Days, our website at: www.hhsalum.org and the HHSAA Nostalgia Apparel online store.
Recently we updated the HHSAA Museum located in the historic Hollywood High School Library, and by appointment with the Alumni Association, we will provide guided tours to our Alums for their reunions! We would also like to coordinate future HHS reunions with our Annual Alumni Days, which occur the last week in May every year. On June 6, 2019 we attended the Annual Achieve the Honorable Award Celebration in the HHS Auditorium, where the senior class assembled to receive awards and scholarships for their achievements at Hollywood High School. The HHSAA awarded $20,000 in scholarships this year! It was a proud moment to see so many deserving HHS seniors receive these awards! We look forward to seeing you after you graduate HHS and become a member of the Association, remember your first year is FREE, and then it is only $25 a year thereafter.