2 minute read
President’s Letter
2021/2022 President’s New Year 2022 letter

Dear LISC friends What a strange time we live in, because of the Covid only a few personal contacts are possible. Fortunately the Europa Forum still took place in Europe (Thessaloniki, Greece). During this Forum I was finally able to hand over the award that he more than deserved to our past President Spyros. Ιn a difficult period he led LISC as you would expect from a leader. Unfortunately, the meeting we planned with LISC friends from Europe was not such a success, unfortunately only six members were present. Now, that we are on the eve of 2022 and we still do not know where we stand and whether the International Convention in Montreal will take place. It is also difficult to make further plans. Early next month we will have another Βoard meeting, in which we will discuss this subject in detail. Perhaps this time also has an advantage because there are few other things we can do, it might be the right time to take a closer look at the stamp collection. Micha Gelber still has stamps for sale that can be ordered from him: (m.gelber@kpnmail.nl). Because we also want to put the membership administration in order this year, I would like from all Chapters to request our Secretary Evan Wm Jones: (E.W.M.J@icloud.com) to specify who is the Chairman and the Secretary of the chapter.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New year 2022, but above all stay healthy! PCC/PMJF PETER BRANDENBURG LISC President 2021-2022
In this Issue

President’s Letter............. 1 Past year’s FDCs............... 2 LISC Committees.............. 2 LISC Board 2021-2022....... 3 104 th LCICon 2022
Montréal.................... 4-5 Catalogues &
Encyclopedia .................6 Peter Keller
LISC founder ................ 7 Europa Forum 2021.......... 8