Creation Issue 1

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Our Deepest Fear

The mission for Creation is to have a student-run literary journal at SciTech High that seeks to showcase previously ushared art work of all types. We are looking for works that capture those unexpected, often abrupt moments in life that jolt us into a new sense of awareness—one that transforms the way in which we see ourselves and others. We are currently accepting previously unpublished works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, performance based art, music and visual art. You may submit more than one entry. You may email your submissions to gelo@hbgsd.k12. -Poetry: maximum length of 1500 words -Prose: maximum length of 3000 words -Visual art: high resolution jpeg or png files -Performances: a link to a file where the performance can be viewed

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people don’t feel insecure around you. We are all ment to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. and as we let our own lights shine, we unconciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automaticllly liberates others.

Ideally, we would like to showcase student work. Knowing how difficult that is, we have invited other people at the building to submit work that shows off their talents. So, whether it be a bit of painting, or an -Timo Cruiz, “Coach excerpt from a novel, or a sample of poetry- we asked the teachers and Carter” 2005 staff to please feel free to share. You may be amazed by the hidden talents of some of your teachers and even discover some sort of connection that you previously didn’t know was there.

...let your light shine...




Mrs. Snyder-Groom CPD Sponsor

Mr. George Elo Editors

Daradano Toun & Micheal Nyguen Contributors Jazmine Slaughter, Yakia Cuevas, Jennefer Palmer, Kami Slaughter, Stevi Thompson, Tayor Griffen, Beryl Bannerman, Yaasmeen Piper, Malika Williams, Bernard Josheph, Kayle Layton, Emily Ochera, Aylia Daniels, Ronny Fiu, Mikaele Joseph, Kitatiny Byers, Mrs Blank, Darnell Ducre-Harden, Taneshia Scott-Williams, Nekesha N. Johnson, Rebecca Zhao, Mady Ho, Michael Roy, Jeret Pinkney and Aaliyah R. Jackson. VOLUME 01, ISSUE 01 Copyright 2013 NO part of Creation by SciTech Campus may be reproduce in any form without prior written consent from the publisher. Creations liability in the event of an error is limited to a printed correction. Creation Magazine 215 Market St. Harrisburg, PA 17101 T: (717)-703-1904

Mikaele Joseph

Mikaele Joseph

Photography Mikaele Joseph

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, I believe that to be true. My hobbies included drawing, filming, writing, and of course photography. I love art because of the creativity and beauty it expresses. That is why photography is my favorite art form. When I was little, I was always the one to take pictures for special occasions and holidays. In 2011 I attended Math/Science Academy where my science teacher recommended me for the Wildwood photography camp. For my work at the Wildwood Photography Camp I was given a scholarship. In the future I want to own my own photography studio. I can just picture how it would look; a rectangular room, filled with multicolored backdrops, soft box lights, a green screen for effects and tons of props to better help the photos being taken. I like all types of photography, but I would say portrait and macro are my favorites. MikaĂŤle

Mikaele Joseph

“True Ambitions” – Ciara Mckalen 12th “The World Breaks Everyone” Anonymous

“Secret”- Jennafer Palmer 12th I pull up to the school not expecting anything. All I got was a text telling me to meet him here, and to go to the art room. On a Saturday though? Who comes to school on a Saturday unless you’re serving detention? I’m still not sure how he made me feel yet, all I do know though is that he makes me feel something. Something that I don’t The world breaks everyone understand; something I desperately want to understand. I turn off And afterward some are left strong the car, grab my bag and lock the car back when I get out. As I made my way up the steps I looked around cautiously to make sure no one He who conquers fear is bold was around. I walk up to the door and give it a tug, fortunately it was He who conquers himself is mighty open. I step inside to face complete darkness. This side of the school was the most common entrance; it forked off into the major hallways, So explore the dimensions of the greatness the language hall, the academic hall, and the art department of the Your world has no place for the skeptic school. I walk down the familiar hallway, feeling the wall so that I don’t trip in the dark. I call out his name, but there is no reply. I turn No room for the doubter to stand the corner to the fine art hallway and I am faced with a wall that I nevDon’t underrate your worth by comparing yourself to er really noticed before. Words could not even describe it. They…were others angels; two of them, back to back to each other. They had to have been at least six feet tall. The one on the right was dressed in a white cloak, Don’t set your goals by what other people consider his arms extended as if to bury you in the comfort of his embrace. His dream-worthy wings, or should I say wing, since I can only see one of them is at least You’re away in your dreams seven feet tall and a dazzling pure white which seemed to have specks of silver in it. His face is exquisite, purely angelic. His eyes are a deep You’re at peace far away warm brown and his hair a honey golden bronze. His mouth set in a Don’t allow adversity and struggles seize your ambisoft smile. Now the on the left is almost the exact same; except that tions he was wearing just black jeans, no shirt and you could see the detail in the contours of his arm muscles and his abs and chest. His hair It may seem that insoluble problems run deeper than a was jet black and his eyes matched it. His hands were balled into fist dreamer’s endurance while his mouth was set firm, no smiling. He did not look dangerous or But the world may break everyone. frightening. Actually, he looked rather enticing. He looked as if he was protecting someone, not trying to attack. For him to be evil would be And those who can truly outlast it will stand… to course to say; more like...fallen out of place. There was something And those who trait pusillanimous qualities will fall vaguely familiar about this fallen creature. I reach out to touch the The stander will dance in the lime light and frolic, his arm on the angel when I feel a chill run up my spine and cold air brush victory will come. my ear lobe. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you to look with your eyes not your hands?” “Flow Fly Go” – Jazmin Slaughter 11th Flow like a river Fly higher than the sky Go, let nobody stop you keep on going don’t say no. Live your life to the fullest. You’ll win some, you’ll lose some, But that’s just the way it is. If I could start over, There’s not much to change. Not even to this day. I’ve learned from my mistakes. It’s going to be okay. We’re all growing up now. I’ve just got to… Flow like a river. Fly higher than the sky. Go, let nobody stop you Keep on going don’t .y no. by Yaika Cuevas

“I Love You” Kami Slaughter

Lancaster County Prison by Mrs. Blank

I love you Yet I hate you for seeing into my heart You have convinced me to take a chance at the very start I beg you not to leave me Because with you I have no regrets With you I can live freely and though I am a bit shy I oddly know why Each monochromatic night Is covered in a magical light that is fueled by our unseen passion that not even we have noticed yet but give me this one chance its the perfect moment to confess my love to you the undying love for the one who saved me from being alone forever.

Cumberland County Prison by Mrs. Blank

“It has no name” Kami Slaughter

Allegheny County Prison by Mrs. Blank

Eastern State Pennitentiary by Mrs. Blank

When you cant fall asleep Reality is better than dreams When you fall for melancholy Dashed hopes filled your existence When you no longer know how you feel Know you always have me Remember me when you cry Remember me when you are left alone When they all forget who you are Stop caring how you feel Just know I never will

Senior Stevi Thompson chose to create this image using photoshop in the Computer Graphics class. She created this image from a blank canvas. It is based on a similar tutorial that she followed step by step. After completing it, she shared it with some friends. This is actually a commission by the dance group Xposure, a member that attends SciTech.

“I Will” Kyle Layton

“Diana” Taylor L. Griffin My words are losing meaning So I’ll try my very best, To not be like your shadow, And capture all of your essence. Your smile a subtle curve That strikes my very core. Like a bird not ready for flight, Yet desperately wanting to soar. Your eyes are a hidden passage, Disguised by a slight gleam. A twinkle that very well hides The deepest of screams. Hair that’s like the wind And parallels the seasons. Though it’s just another method To find deeper sense of reason. Your beauty is the mirror Of a blind teenage girl, So oblivious to you, But unconcealed to the world.

I Will begin I Will not end I Will begin I will not be expected I will be surprising I will not be the usual I will be underestimated I will be judged I will be spit on I will be laughed at But. I will not conform I will not be popular I will be contrary I will rise against We will rise against. For we, are will.

THINKING OF YOU Anonymous I have been thinking of you, And the way you make me feel. I’m getting scared now Cause these feelings feel so real, I’ve always felt it, But it’s never been this strong I cannot fall now I’ve got to hold on. When my eyes are on you It’s so hard to look away. When its time too leave you I so badly want to stay. I want to tell you What’s running through my head But for now I’ll just keep it to myself instead, Cause I want nothing to jeopardize The friendship that we created over the years, And I don’t want to be left Heartbroken and in tears. I want you to know how I feel, And that I mean it, sometimes I just want to scream it, its real. These words have been bottled up inside They explain the feelings I hide And the failed times I’ve tried. I don’t know how much longer I will keep this in, Thinking of ways, Don’t know where to begin. Deeply confused, Don’t know what to do, I’ll just leave it be, wait and see, This series of drawings was created by Kitatany Byers It will happen if it’s meant to be. I have your friendship, But I really want your heart This is tearing me apart; I don’t know what to do I just want to be with you, Make you happy and make you smile. Though times I cant see you for a while, Its only cause my hearts desires can’t be filled. It’s hard to know you’re with someone else When all I want is you here with me, I want to show you what this could be; I don’t want to tell you I want you to just open up your eyes and see. I want you to feel it, The feelings that I feel, I really want to show them, These feelings are so real. But I can’t show you, I probably never will because I want to walk, but your standing still. These are the feelings inside of me, That are locked away Waiting to be free, Drowning my heart in misery. Senior Taneshia Scott-Williams chose to create this image using Photoshop in her Computer Graphics class. She created this image from a photograph that she found. It is based on a similar tutorial that she followed step by step.

“Life of Many Colors” – Beryl Bannerman 10th

It is inevitable that at some point in this journey called life there will be a life-changing event, at least for me there was. In 2006 at 6 years old I was able to travel to Ghana, West Africa with my auntie and cousin. I was young, so I wasn’t aware of the expectations of what I would experience while in Ghana. However, despite the flickers of personal achievements of Ghanaians, both at home and in the diaspora, their collective situation is heart breaking. As I looked into the faces around me at the airport, I wondered and was quite amazed how many of them realized that deep inside I was as scared as a deer caught in headlights. This was the first time that I was ever separated from my mom into a new environment. I kissed my mom goodbye amidst tears and sorrow and headed on my long walk into the unknown and unexpected motherland of my parents. Little did I know that this was going to be the experience of a lifetime. The time I spent on the plane was a complete blur so I couldn`t say that the flight was horrible nor could I say that the food was gross. I vividly remembered going through security and the metal detector went off because of the little gems that were sparkling on my pretty shoes. What was imprinted in my mind until this day was when we disembarked the plane and into the arrivals lounge in Accra the capital of Ghana. The name of the Airport is called Kotoka International Airport. The arrival hall was so crowded, hot with a foul odor. The ride home was horrible. There were potholes in the roads, some of them were untarred and hawkers swamped our car trying to sell different knickna and souvenirs to us. When we finally arrived at our residence, we were welcomed with hugs and cheering from friends and family members. I felt kind of awkward because I didn’t know a single person who continuously hugged and kissed me until they were introduced to me. From that point on, I felt more comfortable and looked forward to having a good time. Later that day, the food that was served to me was not the best food in the world. The food was either too spicy or too hot. This made me miss the traditional and authentic American food that I ate back home, and even more miss my mom’s homemade delicious cooking. As our days in Ghana progressed, I had an opportunity to visit a village called Anum with my older cousin- she went there to supply disadvantage kids with school supplies so that they could excel in school. These kids lived in shacks with no electricity and no potable water. On our way to the village, I saw a woman hawking fish on her head with a baby tied around her back while walking. She was swamped with millions of flies hovering all over the tray of fish on her head. It baffled me how this woman, petite in stature, was able to balance so much on her head with a baby strapped to her back. I later learned that it was a traditional African expertise, none to match, and they attach some pride to that. I can’t even balance a book on my head let alone walk with it! It was exceptionally unique exposure. When we arrived at the school, several kids began to bombard our car knowing that we had all their “goodies” with us. Never in my life had I seen kids so eager for simple school supplies which they lacked. When we got out of the car I was in utter shock. I thought the mosquito bites that I had were bad but they didn’t compare to the number of mosquito bites that were on the children who surrounded me. Each child had a look of despair as they waited patiently practically naked with thin cloth and barefooted. We began to take the supplies out the car and distributed them to the children. One thing I didn’t forget is the look on each child’s face when we gave them their supplies. Their faces glistened and their smile shined as if we gave them all the candy in the world. Looking at their respective faces one could tell how they appreciated our manifold kindness and gestures. These children typically went to school with no pens, no pencils, no shoes and not even a building to learn in. I was able to witness how a full blown day in school was spent in Anum, Ghana. All of the children gathered around a shady tree and sat on the rocky dirt willingly so that they were prepared for yet another day of school. The sun was beaming down on them while dust was blowing into their eyes and I wondered how they were able to survive these elements and yet so eagerly and anxiously desired to learn. As I reminisce on all that happened in the village of Anum, I now realize how lucky I am to be born in a country that has so much to offer for children in terms of education. In spite of having limited resources, the kids in Ghana are more enthusiastic, studious and willing to learn compared to some kids here in America. Kids in Ghana that do not have basic amenities are burning with desire to learn compared to some kids in America that don’t pull their own weight in order to excel in school. This experience has been an eye opener for me. Now when my mom tells me to burn the candle at both ends, I no longer complain. I now understand the saying “There’s no excuse for failure in America.”

“Pardon Me” Anonymous My own heart is killing me These lies, these games they killing me I feel them now becoming part of me These fake illusions tormenting me This fake personality and background, things you wouldn’t believe Resentments that I have and things for you not to see Things from my past that I did and I repent I try to fix them and let things mend But sometimes I feel that there is no answer to my amazement I’m trying to go back, trying to escape But the damn door lock. F*ck, what a shame Suddenly, the light then came You taught me wrong from right Taught me how to read and write. Illustrated my life Now I see things better and bright. For I have found my guide I’m so glad I didn’t need to think twice For when I was burned you brought the ice And the lies They just flies Not hurting neither you or me And you became my world, my sky and trees My heavens, a love unleash But things can’t be left to a star and a wish

“Summer Love” Yaasmeen N. Piper No rules No school Just you, me The sun and the sky The warm summer nights Kissing in the sand Ignoring what's running through My mind And listening to my heart The ocean breeze Salty air Sleepless nights Every moment I spent with you This beautiful summer Might fade But the memories Will last forever

I like writing because it touches my heart and soul. It helps me to release my emotions and it gets me through rough times. It gives me a voice without actually having to speak. I hope my words inspire others, or it is something that they can relate to. Writing lets me explore my imagination and live in my fantasy <3. Yasmeen Piper

I still had my flaws and my sins I was still scared that: “us” would be weak and thin, That to what I put an end to might begin But you stayed still On my health, strengths, and ill… Well that was… until… I wish I could go back and change thing It be you who I take for king But I can’t so I write this And is you who I miss I apologize for the failures I did And the love that you gave to me that I didn’t cherish Thanks for your love, it was very pristine and sincere Sorry that I wasn’t able of moving on, and that your voice I wasn’t capable to hear.

“A Day in the Life” by: Darnell Ducre-Harden First stone is now cast, With swaying winds eternal. with blood and tears last Staying to be nocturnal. Bearing all burdens Engineered for perfection. Knowing for certain No need for your corrections.

“I Can’t Handle That” Malika Williams I try to act like everything’s okay. I try to act like the smiling world doesn’t face me. Laughing everyday with no pain. Smiling everyday with no pain. How can I be so cruel to forget, That day-to-day a life passes away. How its just another day a child, goes hungry. How can I forget, That a new drug killed a teen. How another drunk just ended a family. I can’t handle that! I block out the truth, Even though its pouring in everyday. How can I lie and say I understand. I don’t live with their pain from day-to-day. Never knowing if one breath will be my last. I can’t handle that! Because I’m in my own little world. Care free and living selfishly without worry. I don’t think about the teen that just died. The family who lives on the streets in life. Or the baby that cries at night. The fighting souls who are starting to give up the fight. I’m safe and I know, At least for now I CAN HANDLE THAT!

The Helmsman by Ronny Fiu.

“The Love Triangle” – Bernard Joseph EXT. GERALD’S FRONT PORCH - DAY Gerald sits on his porch, listening to music. He starts to rise, then sits back down. He does this a few times. Finally, he gets off his porch and walks down the block. EXT. ALICE’S PORCH - DAY Gerald knocks a couple times. The door opens and none other than Alice answers it. Gerald becomes a little shaken when he hears her innocent voice. GERALD: (hesitantly) Since you’re a new neighbor around here, I wanted to introduce myself. ALICE: are? GERALD: Gerald Jackson. And you? ALICE: Alice Ly-Gerald is too distracted by her body to pay attention. ALICE :(snapping her fingers) Hello? Gerald comes back to his senses and raises his hand to shake hers. She returns the shake. GERALD: So I heard you and Eddie were going out tonight. ALICE: How did you-GERALD: He told me. Alice raises her eyebrows. GERALD: (hesitating) Why did you want to go out with him? ALICE: Just wanted to see if I can outplay the Player. Gerald laughs under his breath. ALICE: The ironic thing is--I hate being played. Eddie wanders over. His eyes widen when he sees Gerald talking to Alice. He walks up the porch steps and interrupts the conversation. GERALD: (relaxed) What are you doing here? EDDIE: Just wanted to come see my girl. Eddie waves to her. Alice returns the flirt. GERALD: Can I talk to you? Off the porch? EXT SIDEWALK - DAY GERALD (CONT’D): What are you really doing here? EDDIE: I was coming over to your house but I saw you talking to Alice and I wanted to save you from embarrassment. GERALD: Who said I need to be saved? EDDIE: I just assumed since I thought I saw the convo bombing. GERALD: Things could turn out for the worst. EDDIE: What’s that supposed to mean? Eddie realizes what Gerald meant. EDDIE: Gerald, you’re not going to do anything because you’re just a little b-Gerald tackles Eddie to the ground, punches him in the face. EDDIE: What? You’re gonna beat me up because I don’t care about Alice? Eddie head butts Gerald. Gerald rears back. Eddie takes advantage of the opportunity, picks up Gerald and slams him to the ground. EDDIE (CONT’D): You just can’t stand the fact that she would never notice you. Gerald kicks the side of Eddie’s knee, causing him to buckle, then kicks him again in the hip. Eddie falls. Gerald sprints to his feet and puts Eddie in a headlock. EXT. ALICE’S PORCH - DAY Alice runs down the steps of her porch carrying a bucket of water to the fight.

EXT SIDEWALK - DAY ALICE: This fight is over! Alice throws the water on the two still-fighting boys. Gerald releases his grip. The two begin to cough and sputter. ALICE (CONT’D): What has gotten into you two? EDDIE: This guy has an interest in you. Now being the friend that I am-GERALD: A true friend wouldn’t dog on a girl that I like! EDDIE: You’re lucky I’m holding back! ALICE: Shut up! Continue, Eddie. EDDIE: I came over to you so I can put in a good word for him. But you had to be sexy and catch me off guard! Alice’s face flushes. She tries to cover it with her hands. GERALD: Look, I told him to come to my house so I could give him some advice. Now you just told me you’re only going out with him so you could outplay the Player. Alice slaps Gerald and Eddie. ALICE: I can’t believe this! Both of you: Don’t ever give me the time of day again! Alice runs inside her house, slamming the door behind her. Eddie throws a cheap shot to Gerald’s nose. He starts to bleed. GERALD: (in pain) God! I won’t lie. I deserved that. Both boys are breathing heavily. EDDIE: What made you go all ballistic? Gerald stays silent, looks at the ground beneath him. EDDIE (CONT’D): When you’re ready to talk, I’ll be at my house. Eddie gets up and leaves. We see Gerald, upset. We wait.

"Facebook" by: George Elo

In silence we wait. In silence we wait to hear from a friend, a loved one. In the silence of a nonexistent reality we wait to hear from a friend, a loved one, an acquaintance. In the dead silence of a nonexistent reality we wait to hear from a friend, a loved one, an acquaintance, a no one. In the heavy, dead silence of a nonexistent reality that weights on our hearts we wait to hear from a friend, a loved one, an acquaintance, a no one. To hear from someone else. In the heavy, dead silence of a nonexistent reality that weights heavy on our hearts we wait to hear from a friend, a loved one, an acquaintance, a no one. To hear from someone else and make a connection, some connection with the rest of humanity.. In the dead silence we wait . . .

“Coming Out” KYLE M. LAYTON I was always a weird kid. It never occurred to me as a child that wanting to spend time with my best friend more than my girlfriend wasn’t normal. I really don’t even know why I even considered her a girlfriend really. I just wanted someone to hold hands with and feel normal. I was thirteen years old when I had my first secret boyfriend. It was perfect. I finally felt free with myself, although the relationship actually only lasted about three weeks. At that time I considered myself “bisexual”. I’d told everyone at Math/ Science Academy and some people I was close to. Telling people allowed me a glimpse of what it felt like to be “out”. I began to change as a person, physically and emotionally. My social life blossomed by time I entered high school. I lost friends and I gained them. Although I had yet to meet anyone with the same sexual preference as me, I felt comfortable with expressing my feelings with the people around me even though they were “strictly straight”. I got my second boyfriend within a week of my freshman year at SciTech High. Once again, I began to evolve socially. I finally had a good relationship after a few weeks of him. We learned from each other really. Now were broken up, and to my friends, I say I regret him. I may be wrong, maybe I learned more from him that I could have from anyone else. Anyway, in the late November of 2011, things took a change for the better. One night, while a group of us friends were on the phone, the topic of exposing someone’s sexuality came up. I defended the person. “I think that a person should come out of the closet when they’re ready. It takes mental preparation to tell a person that you’re not the normal human being.” I said. I had obviously given it some thought on when I was to come out. I was also loud when I said this, so most of the house heard me, although it was 3 o’clock in the morning. The next morning, after we had gotten home from church, my mother confronted me about the conversation. She took me into the kitchen alone and sat me down on a chair. Her eyes were a little swollen; I hadn’t noticed. “Kyle… Are you gay?” I was completely speechless. Or maybe that’s an understatement. “Uhh…” In the short moment between deep breaths, I began to think about how hard she could hit, or how fast I would be in an orphanage. The two letters of the word “no” began to bubble their way up from the pit of my stomach. But I thought better of it when she asked again. “Yes.” She sat for a moment, and began to cry again. Before I could form another word, she was upstairs. I spent the rest of the day up in my room talking to my boyfriend about the places I could go if she actually did throw me out of the house. I had done all of my homework and cleaned my room. All that was left really was to sit and wait. The next morning was a nightmare. My mother had told my father, who also wouldn’t come out of his room. Luckily, my brother and sister had already known, so I felt comfortable talking to them. Before I caught the bus that morning, I was sure I saw my mother holding a gun to her head in the sky. I quickly shook the thought out of my head, and turned my iPod up. The day went off normally, until the end of first period. I got the first text at about 8:45 am. At the sight of it I nearly had a heart attack. “Mom: Why the heck did you tell Chantel of all people? I’m so mad at you right now. We seriously need to have a talk when we get home.” I got another text five minutes later. “Mom: Gay? Really son? That’s disgusting.” I ignored five more texts, due to the fact that I was near suicide. Once I got to second period after mentoring, I got another one. “Mom: We need to straighten you the heck out.” I went to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall, and began to cry softly. I stayed until the end of second period, and ignored a bunch more until fourth period. “Mom: I can’t live with this. I am not prepared for a faggot son. The moment I get home I am bringing the wrath of god down upon you myself. Tomorrow I’m sending you away. To somewhere other than here. I won’t have a faggot living in my house. It’s disgusting. Do you know what people are saying about me and your dad now? They say were horrible parents. That we don’t know how to raise a god darn child. You don’t

deserve the things you have, and you don’t deserve a family that has loved you for fourteen years, only for you to turn out to be an abomination. Pack your bags fag, you’re out of my house tonight.” Words can’t describe the heart-wrenching pain I felt in my body. In the middle of Science class, I crawled into a corner, and exploded. Things weren’t just bad. My nightmare had come true, at an even greater magnitude than I had even imagined. My mother didn’t want me anymore, and from the looks of it, neither did my father. It was fourth period around the time of the final text, so I had no chance to play anything out in my head before I was on the bus home. Luckily, my mom doesn’t get off from work until 5 ‘o clock. I quickly did all the chores in the house and locked myself in my room to do homework. The time rolled around to 6:30, and my mom still wasn’t home. I was beginning to think she was out getting drunk so she could contemplate how she was going to murder her son. At that moment, I knew I was over thinking, So I just stopped thinking altogether. I finished the rest of my homework and went downstairs. My grandma and my sister were there watching television, so I decided to go somewhere else. I went back to my room and through the door to my balcony. It was quiet outside. Quiet was definitely something I needed. The sun went down in the next ten minutes, so I went back in my room and waited for my mom. Another hour went by before I had any contact with anyone. It was nearing 9 ‘o clock, so I just stopped waiting for her and prepared myself for bed. I didn’t have a scary dream that night as I suspected I would. The dream I had was a dream I will always remember. It was the summertime in San Diego, California. My boyfriend and I were walking across the beach to a wonderful looking beach house with a dog. We looked older, in our thirties to be exact. We were laughing, even though I felt horrible on the inside. But between the sadness, between all the pain and sorrow, there was a tiny spark. A spark that held all the good feelings and the moments where I felt like everything was perfect. My life seemed like it was everything I wanted it to be and more. The dream, like any other dream, was short lived. I was brought back into reality by a smiling face. The face belonged to my mother. She snatched me up out of the bed and wrapped her arms around me tightly. I hear her sobbing quietly, and I know that everything was going to be fine. It was almost like she had been watching my dream. It was the most amazing moment of my life. Just knowing that my mother and father had still loved me, and accepted me, made me feel content with the future. I will never really know what caused her to send all those texts, and I don’t really care. The fact is that just by coming into my room that day, she apologized. Its been a year now. I remember those three days like the back of my hand. They were the most important moments of my life. I was the only openly gay kid in my school. Things didn’t really change after that. I will never wear makeup and a wig like most stereotypical gay people. I will never have a weird gay accent. I will be a normal boy.

Italian Lake by Mady Ho

Drawing I believe art is like opening a door to another world full of unique visions and opinion.You don't need any fancy tools to be a good artist. Personally, I always use a pen for my work and I find that that's all i need to draw though a pencil is appreciated at hand. Drawing is a hobby of mine that I do to pass the time mostly. Inspiration to draw can come from anywhere from music to your current mood. I won’t sugar coat it and say its easy to be an artist in this world, because it's not. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication. You gotta learn the new techniques and never stifle your creativity. Don't be afraid to think outside of the box just because you're afraid of what people will think of you as a person. It's your art and your vision so never be afraid to express yourself no matter what other people say. Emely Ochoa

“Dark side to Light Side” by Nekesha N. Johnson It’s painful and it’s hard to bare, Your worse nightmares come to life Scream, scream your eyes out When you try to leave, you get pushed Back in! Don’t close your eyes… You might disappear in the dark. No light! No happiness Just you and your darkest Fears will come for you! Run, run as fast as you can Find a way out of here, You need all that you can get. Happiness is allowed No fears, No nightmares Just sweet and beautiful Dreams, with your hopes In the sky, the clear Night of the stars Far out at night with a sweet Cloud of relaxing days With a nice melody Comes to ear makes You come in mind do you Want to leave or not. Both sides will equal, but which side is you?

Aliya N. Daniel

James Brickus

Aliya N. Daniel

Aliya N. Daniel

“Spider Web” Flournoy Lewis Witcher

The picture called “One-ler” was created by Rebecca Zhao.

Drawing by Mady Ho

-I have eight roads to take, So I have many choices to take. -But all say my life is up to debate, Having my life served on a silver plate. 1-I can choose school, Engorge myself with people that are cruel. 2-Chill and be with friends, Friends that lie to my face and portends. 3-Try to get the fame, Just to say my life won’t be the same. 4-Join the Armed Forces, To tell my parents I’m not going through college courses. 5-Become someone else that will always get hurt, The effect is me being buried in six feet of dirt. 6-Swallow my pride to run away, Leaving with no note or anything to say. 7-Do something tragic and have my life put on trial, Be sealed away with my name cursed on file. 8-Grow up to turn myself into someone I’m supposed to be, So my kids can be proud to look up to me. I know what road to take, But I don’t want to make the biggest mistake.

PERFORMANCE ART This section is dedicated to performance artists. To the singers and dancers and rappers and doers among us. While not traditionally part of our literary magazine, we are doing what we do best here at SciTech- pushing the envelope. Each of the QR Codes links to someone’s selected piece of performance art. Scanned with your QR code reader, these will link to their performance. Or click on them with to connect if you don’t have a QR code reader. Jeret Pinckney, Freshman, on drums.

Michael Roy, Sophmore, has shared with us one of her covers.

Aaliyah R. Jackson, Freshman with guitar.

SciTech High Publications 215 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17111

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