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Because the Clam Contest was rained out in September, I got a nice tour of the Life Saving Station instead

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A Ladies Story

A Ladies Story

by George Fiala

On September 24 I left a newspaper convention in Boston and drove straight to the Clam Contest, via the ferry. There was not many people there, and I was told that because of a bad forecast, it had been postponed until October 8. But it was worth the trip, because a very friendly docent, Marika O'Doherty, picture on the right, gave me a personal tour.


These pictures show men practicing procedures to rescue ships (probably 100 years ago or so), Items found during a renovation that they still are not sure what they are, and the station itself, which has an interesting history including being moved to Bluff Road and then back. You have til the end of the month to visit, • Oct. 28 | 6 p.m. — Special presentation about the history of the rumrunners and the Coast Guard. Hours are Saturdays and Sundays, 11 am - 3 pm.

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