Knights of Columbus
Youth Organization Luzon Jurisdiction Gen. Luna cor Sta. Potenciana Streets, Intramuros 1002 Manila, Philippines
: July 24, 2010
To : ALL Diocesan Area Chairmen, District Deputies, Grand Knights, Faithful Navigators & Chief Counselors, Investiture Team Leaders RE
Greetings! The Luzon Squires Committee on Ceremonials is issuing this new guidelines for the conduct of investiture ceremonies. This will be the basis for the review and accreditation of investiture teams throughout the Luzon Jurisdiction. 1. Accreditation of Investiture Teams
1.1. All investiture teams are required to undergo accreditation through their respective Diocesan Squires Area Chairman who in turn will submit the forms to the State Committee on Ceremonials (SCoC) at the Luzon Office . Please use LSCSCoC Form 001. 1.2. The basis for the criteria are memorization, expression and gestures, voice modulation and quality, paraphernalia, and overall effectiveness (scoring “0-10”: 0 – poor, 10-excellent).. 1.3. Investiture teams should submit team member 2 x 2 digital pictures for issuance of accreditation IDs. These individual IDs will be valid until June 30th of the member’s last year of membership in the Columbian Squires. 1.4. When an investiture team member is turning eighteen (18), the SCoC will send a reminder to the team to submit their nominated replacement for the retiring team member. 1.5. Accredited investiture teams will be issued a certificate with validity of (1) year. It may be increased in future accreditation depending on the performance of the team based on reports and evaluation. 1.6. Beginning next CY 2011-12, only accredited teams will be authorized to conduct investiture ceremonies.
2. Notice to Luzon State Columbian Squires(LSCS) All investiture ceremonial teams should submit to the SCoC their planned investiture activities on a quarterly basis for proper monitoring (LSCSCoC Form 002). These schedules will be published in a quarterly circular to inform circles who do not have their own investiture teams and enable them to participate. The SCoC should be advised at least two (2) weeks before, on special investiture activities which are not included in the quarterly schedule. 3. Candidates Orientation Only accredited members of the Knights of Columbus are allowed to conduct the candidates’ orientation prior to the investiture ceremonies. Only in special cases shall qualified Columbian Squires member be issued accreditation to conduct the orientation. 4. Accompanying Knights and Membership Documents
4.1. No visiting circle will be allowed to have their candidates undergo investiture unaccompanied by any of the Grand Knight/Faithful Navigator, Chancellor, Youth Directors, Chief Counselor or Counselors. An endorsement letter from the Grand Knight/ Faithful Navigator should be presented should anyone outside of the circle’s council/ assembly will accompany the candidates. 4.2. Only candidates with completed Membership Form duly signed by the Chief Counselor, Chief Squire, parent/guardian and candidates will be accepted for investiture. The investiture Marshal, with the assistance of the Captains shall ensure that the membership form is completely and properly filled up. 4.3. The investiture team should maintain a logbook of investiture activities. This will contain the date and place of investiture, name and accreditation no. of the orientation speaker, names of the candidates, birthdates, name and membership no. of proposer, Circle name and no., Council/Assembly no., name and position of accompanying Knight. 5. Attire and Paraphernalia
5.1. The candidates should wear the proper attire – white shirt, pants and shoes or their school uniform. Sleeveless shirts, sports shorts and beach sandals (“tsinelas”) are absolutely prohibited. They should also be informed in advance to bring a large handkerchief to be used as blindfold. No blindfold, no investiture. 5.2. Accompanying members and Knights should also wear the proper attire. Squires/KC shirt or polo shirt, pants and shoes should be worn.
5.3. The investiture team should as much as possible. wear the robes. Wearing of jewels is a MUST. In the absence of the robe however, the team should wear a white polo shirt with Squire Logo in the left breast, black pants, black socks and black shoes. 5.4. The investiture team should make sure there is ample supply of the white, red and blue ribbons. The team should also provide enough pocket mirrors which should be issued to the candidates and collected by the captains immediately after use. The SCoC recommends an inventory of 20 pocket mirrors. 5.5. Use of the magnetic emblem is preferred. An animated PowerPoint presentation is also acceptable, but the team should have a picture of the logo in a frame which will be used by the Ceremonial Chief Squire in investing the candidates. 6. Conduct and Decorum
6.1. The solemnity of the investiture ceremony must absolutely be maintained. Members who do not pay attention to the ceremony shall be escorted out of the chamber. Horseplay, giggling, talking, texting and playing of electronic games distract the solemnity of the ceremony, The rule on switching off or putting into silent mode all mobile phones should be strictly enforced. The Candidates’ mobile phone or gadget must be hand over their respective Chief Counselor for safe keeping, while the ceremony is ongoing. 6.2. Accompanying members of the circle can assist in the formation of the candidates in the ante-chamber. The candidates should be asked to fall in line according to height, have their blindfolds worn. HECKLING, SHOUTING AND HARRASSMENT OF THE CANDIDATES ARE PROHIBITED. Those in violation will be asked to leave and will be reported to the Luzon Squires for proper action. The members however can ask the candidates basic questions on the Catholic faith, such as reciting the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be while the candidates await the start of the investiture. 6.3. The investiture team should maintain proper demeanor during the ceremony. Observance of saluting practices must be strictly enforced. 6.4. The conduct of the investiture can be done in either English or Pilipino. The script should be MEMORIZED and delivered with feelings and zest.
7. Words of Wisdom At the end of the ceremony, only one (1) accompanying Knight per circle will be allowed to give some advice to the new members. Speeches should be limited to 1 - 2 minutes. 8. Reporting and Submission of Forms
8.1. At the end of the investiture ceremony, the ceremonial Chief Squire shall sign his initials at the lower right hand part of the membership document, indicating that investiture has been performed on this member.
8.2. The ceremonial Marshal will then distribute the 2 nd copy of the membership documents to the circles and retains the original copy.
8.3. The investiture team leader shall, within fifteen (15) days from the date of investiture, submit to the Luzon Squires the original copy of the membership document and an investiture report (LSCSCoC Form 003) indicating the date and place of investiture name and accreditation no. of the orientation speaker, names of the candidates, birthdates, name and membership no. of proposer, circle name and no., council/assembly no., name and position of accompanying knight, and the total number of candidates who had undergone investiture. A copy of the investiture report should be given to the Diocesan Area Chairman. 8.4. The Luzon Squires will be responsible for submission of the membership documents to the Supreme Council. Under no circumstances shall any investiture team or Circle will submit the forms directly to the Supreme Council.
9.1. The investiture team leader shall hand out evaluation forms to all the visiting circle’s accompanying Knight, who shall complete the evaluation form and send one copy to the Diocesan Area Coordinator and another one to the Luzon Squires immediately. 9.2. For in-house investiture ceremonies, the circle shall invite the Diocesan Area Coordinator or his designated representative to at least one (1) investiture ceremony every Columbian Year for proper evaluation of the team. The above guidelines are subject to periodic review and comments from the order are encouraged, knowing that certain areas are under special circumstances in which would allow modified implementation of these guidelines. Esto Dignus! Yours in Christ, ENRICO C. NERA Squires Director for Ceremonials Noted by:
Luzon Columbian Squires Chairman
Luzon Deputy