Seaford Town Council
Donation & Memorial Options
Seaford holds a special place in many people’s memories and, wherever possible, the Council will endeavour to assist in the crea on of a ďŹ ng memorial to remember loved ones by or to celebrate a notable event.
This brochure sets out all the op ons which are currently available. Due to the popularity of several loca ons, priority is given to those who have resided in Seaford at some me in their life.
We hope that there is something which you feel meets your needs. If you wish to proceed with one of the op ons, please complete the applica on form and submit it as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Please note that all images are for illustra ve purposes only.
Seaford Town Council, 37 Church Street, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 1HG
Martello Tower Entertainments Area Work on this significant new project is to begin shortly. The Martello Tower, which houses the popular Seaford Museum, is a well-loved feature of the town. The museum receives over 7,000 visitors each year and the adjacent café, with sea ng on the beach, means that this area of the seafront receives one of the highest foo5alls in the town. The project will include the installa on of memorial sea ng on the inside of the outer wall of the Martello Tower in the form of curved benches between the bu6resses. The chosen design consists of stainless steel tubing to form the structural parts of the sea ng, with hardwood slats and seat backs. Memorial plaques (in stainless steel) will be fi6ed to the seat back. Dona ons will also go towards a public performance area adjacent to the Martello Tower for use by local musicians and performing ar sts, a power supply for the performers to use, signage, a disabled sea ng provision and new li6er bins.
Donation: The all-inclusive dona on including supply, delivery, installa on, an individual plaque (one of ten above each seat) and ongoing maintenance, to be carried out by the Council when required, is £800.
The image above gives an indica on of type of sea ng, although the benches will be fixed to the sea wall, with a back rail displaying the plaques, and will not be free standing.
Benches The loca ons which are currently available for benches are listed below. The model used is an a6rac ve, high-quality and reasonably maintenance-free design, which is capable of withstanding winter weather condi ons. The back support can be engraved. The Salts Recrea on Ground
2 benches
Crouch Gardens
3 benches
Seaford Head Golf Course
2 benches
Sunken Garden (seafront)
4 benches
South Hill Barn picnic area
5 benches
Donation: The all-inclusive dona on including supply, delivery, installa on and engraving up to 60 characters is ÂŁ900.
We regret that it is no longer possible to donate a bench to be located on the Seaford Head Nature Reserve overlooking the Seven Sisters as this land is managed by the Sussex Wildlife Trust who wish to keep it as natural as possible. Bench loca ons along the promenade are also now full, although the Martello Tower Memorial Project does offer an excellent alterna ve.
The View Simple, sla6ed benches, which can be posi oned on the terrace at The View at Seaford Head Golf Course to take full advantage of the wonderful panorama, can be offered as an alterna ve. Please note that these benches would not be fixed and would have a memorial plaque. There is currently availability for 3 benches.
Donation: The all-inclusive dona on including supply, delivery and a plaque is £500.
The normal maintenance of all benches will carried out by the Council, when required, for a guaranteed maximum of 15 years.
Picnic Tables The dona on of a picnic table provides a lovely means to create a las ng memorial to be enjoyed by residents and visitors to Seaford. The picnic area at South Hill Barn, adjacent to the Seaford Head Nature Reserve, affords stunning views in an area of outstanding natural beauty. The recent addi on of a catering facility at the barn is making this loca on even more popular with walkers and the area will be developed further in the coming years. The tables are hand-made in durable wood with a lifespan of over 15 years. A stainless steel memorial plaque can be fixed to the surface. Loca ons currently available are: Salts Recrea on Ground
4 tables
South Hill Barn picnic area
4 tables
Donation: The all-inclusive dona on including supply, delivery, installa on and a plaque is £900.
Memorial Trees The dona on and plan ng of a tree provides an abiding memory of a loved one and will be enjoyed by future genera ons. It can be planted as part of a scheme or perhaps within an exis ng sea ng area. A memorial plinth can be placed at the foot of the tree. Seaford weather condi ons can be extreme and care must be taken when selec ng a variety of tree and its loca on. Exposed areas such as Seaford Head and the seafront would not be recommended; Seaford Head Golf Course is an op on which offers shelter from the salt winds and it is an area enjoyed by visitors, walkers and golfers. Recommended species of trees (depending on loca on) are Whitebeam (illustrated below), Holm Oak, Hawthorn, Rowan, Maple and Cherry. Further advice can be given at the me of enquiry. The Council will make every effort to maintain a donated tree but cannot replace it if it becomes damaged, diseased or dies.
Donation: The all-inclusive dona on including supply, delivery, plan ng, a memorial plinth and ini al watering is £450.
Public Noticeboards Public no ceboards play an important role in our community, not only for keeping residents aware of up-to-date informa on from the Council, but also as a valuable resource for local organisa ons who can freely publicise their mee ngs and events. The name of a sponsor can be added to each available board by the addi on of an engraving. The Council will maintain each no ceboard for at least 10 years. New no ceboards are currently planned for the following loca ons: South Hill Barn, The Buckle car park, Walmer Road shop/post office and East Street. Future loca ons will include Broad Street, the sta on, the library, the Martello Kiosk, Frankie’s Beach Café and Princess Drive shops.
Entrance signs The Council would also welcome dona ons to allow the installa on of entrance signs to our parks and open spaces, giving clearer informa on to anyone using the facility. Signs could be sponsored at the following loca ons: Salts Recrea on Ground
4 signs
Crouch Gardens
2 signs
Martello Fields
2 signs
Donation: The all-inclusive dona on to sponsor a no ceboard or park entrance sign is £1,500.
Heritage Trail & Exercise Path Boards The Heritage Trail Board provides excellent informa on for visitors to the town, guiding them around Seaford’s historic sites, while the Exercise Path Board encourages ac vity for all abili es with a one or four-mile walking route taking in our beau ful seafront. The boards can be found at several loca ons and are in need of refurbishment.
Donation: A dona on of ÂŁ500 will enable a board to be refurbished and the name of the sponsor to be added.
Parks & Recreation Areas Dona ons to improve the facili es in Seaford’s parks and recrea onal areas are always well received, par cularly if they can be enjoyed by children with disabili es. Perhaps a fi ng memorial for a young family member or parent.
Babel Drum A babel drum is a fascina ng instrument for children to make music together. It is maintenance free and a dedica on can be added by means of a memorial plaque. The Council would welcome four at the Salts Recrea on Ground.
Donation: £1,500 each
Table Tennis Tables These table tennis tables can be enjoyed by adults and children alike, and two would be an excellent addi on to the Salts Recrea on Ground play area. They are robust, able to stand all weather condi ons and are reasonably maintenance free.
Donation: £1,750 each
FiveFive-a-side Goals Heavy duty and vandal resistant, these goals will give endless pleasure to Seaford’s budding young footballers and could be installed at the Salts Recrea on Ground.
Donation: £1,000 per goal
Street Snooker Street Snooker is an innova ve kick-wall game that uniquely combines snooker and football, offering developmental benefits to players of all ages and abili es. It’s great for promo ng a sense of community, and can be played in a variety of ways: kicking, throwing or even using a racquet or hockey s ck. A perfect addi on to the Salts Recrea on Ground.
Donation: 10 people dona ng £1,000 each
Telescope A telescope would be a wonderful addi on to the promenade or at High & Over and could be accompanied by a dedica on plaque.
Donation: 2 people dona ng £1,000 each 4 people dona ng £500 each