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Learning Online and On Campus

George School offers three plans for the upcoming school year to give families the flexibility to choose the academic program that best fits their child’s needs. The quality of George School’s academic program, regardless of delivery method, will be world-class.


George School offers three plans for the upcoming school year to give families the flexibility to choose the academic program that best fits their child’s needs, provided we are permitted to do so by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We will open with options for in-person instruction in the fall, which includes bringing both boarding and day students to campus. Students also may choose a full distance learning option if they are unable to come to campus.

BOARDING STUDENT OPTION: Students will reside on campus for the first semester, and will participate in synchronous classes online and other academic and enrichment experiences, including but not limited to science labs, arts, physical education, collection, etc., in person. Students who were issued a day student contract are not guaranteed a boarding spot. Students interested in changing from day to boarding status should request a change by emailing enrollment@georgeschool.org.

DAY STUDENT OPTION: Students will reside at home for the first semester, and will participate in synchronous classes online and other academic and enrichment experiences, including but not limited to science labs, arts, physical education, collection, etc., in person on campus.

DISTANCE LEARNING OPTION: Students will participate in distance learning for the first semester and will not come to campus at all.


The decision to teach online was reached because it is the best possible way to advance student progress given the current health and safety concerns and uncertainty. In a typical George School classroom, students can look one another in the eye, hear what everyone has to say, and work in small groups, while teachers are able to see individual student work from where they are teaching. Little if any of this is possible with the limitations of a physically distanced classroom, in which everyone would be facing forward, and some students are on screen.

We have discovered, however, that it is possible to have rich discussions and strong peer-to-peer interactions online. We have learned that our faculty, through practice in the spring term last year, and through excellent professional development this summer, is quite good at teaching in an online environment.


Over the course of the academic day, boarding and day students are welcome on campus. They may participate in consultations, hands-on experiences in arts and sciences, and physical exercise. Meetings for worship, assemblies, and collection will occur in a hybrid form and be attended by all George School students. Additionally, we will have places on campus where day students can be to attend online synchronous class sessions.

We will use a scheduling model that keeps boarders and day students physically separate, while we use all the ingenuity and technology we can to continue to build strong relationships between these groups. We feel strongly that interaction between people of diverse backgrounds is one of the most important aspects of a George School education, and it is our commitment to ensure this priority is meaningfully realized. The quality of George School’s academic program, regardless of delivery method, will be world-class.


At George School we are grounded by a sense of responsibility to each other and to the earth we inhabit. This leads us to practice good stewardship in all our daily actions and decisions. Stewardship recognizes that physical, financial, natural, cultural, intellectual, and spiritual resources are to be grown and sustained for the good of all and for generations to come. — George School Core Values

This Community Health Affirmation is based on state and CDC guidance for schools, and it reflects the unique needs of our combined boarding and day school environment. Now more than ever, it is imperative that we all share in a sense of responsibility to each other and practice good stewardship in all our daily actions and decisions. At George School, we value community and right now that means making decisions that will keep other students, families, faculty, and staff safe. While you are an individual, the actions you take will directly affect others. We must exercise caution and commit to key preventative behaviors as we continue limiting the spread of infection.

Specifically, students must commit to following federal, state, and local public health guidelines, as well as our expectations for conduct both on and off campus, as outlined here and in the plan for the 2020-2021 school year. Students and families should also follow information shared by the school throughout the year, as plans and expectations are subject to change.

BEFORE AND WHEN ARRIVING ON-CAMPUS I WILL: • Monitor and report my health for COVID-19related symptoms for 14 days prior to my arrival. • Register on my assigned date at the assigned time. • Delay my arrival if I have or someone in my household has signs of illness and be fully recovered before traveling to campus. • Observe isolation protocols if required.

THROUGHOUT THE YEAR I WILL: • Stay home, or, if on campus, report to the

Student Health and Wellness Isolation Center, if I feel ill or after exposure to someone who is ill or has tested positive for COVID-19. • Wash my hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and use hand sanitizer after

I have been in a public place, or after blowing my nose, coughing, or sneezing. • Maintain appropriate physical distancing. • Cover my mouth and nose with a face covering when around others. This includes while on and off campus. • Minimize contact with others, especially when

I leave campus so I can mitigate risk. • Observe all guidelines for dining. • Observe all guidelines for residential living. • Agree to the closed campus and visitation policies the school has established. • Participate in screening, testing, and contact tracing when needed. • Keep my belongings, personal spaces, and shared common spaces clean. • Observe instructional signs and follow directions. • Agree to other safety precautions as set forth in the George School Plan, as they may change from time to time.

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