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Our performance
This section provides information on how we performed in achieving our financial and strategic objectives, information on major projects including achievements under the six pillars of our Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028, Delivery Program 2018/2019 – 2020/2021 and Operational Plan 2019/2020.
Meeting legislative requirements
The integrated planning and reporting framework bring various plans together such that we can achieve maximum leverage from our efforts by planning holistically for the future.
The integrated planning and reporting legislation recognise that councils act as the community’s advocate to capture a vision for the community’s future and inspire others to participate in that vision.
Councils are required to make short, medium and long-term plans to meet the community’s needs by developing an integrated set of strategic plans:
Community Strategic Plan (10+ years) Delivery Program (four years, or three years for amalgamated councils) Operational Plan (one year)
Management Planning, Asset Management Planning
Contains the Long Term Financial Planning, Workforce
Councils are required to have a 10-year Resourcing Strategy consisting of a Long-term Financial Plan, Asset Management Plan and Workforce Management Plan. We included a Digital Resource Management Plan in the Resourcing strategy for the first time.
The plans must outline how we will consult with the community, including by public exhibition and align with our longterm objectives. Each council, following its election, must review the plans and make sure they can be used effectively to meet present and future needs and be updated annually.
We adopted our 2019/20 integrated planning and reporting documents in June 2019.
We conducted extensive community engagement to Progress against one-year Operational Plan itemsOperational Plan items develop Georges River's first Community Strategic Plan in 2018. The Plan features six pillars that were identified in the consultation process as important to the Complete community. They are: 1% 1.5% 0.5% 1. A protected environment and green open spaces. Not started 2. Quality, well planned development. 3. Active and accessible places and spaces. On track 4. A diverse and productive economy. 5. A harmonious and proud community with strong social services and infrastructure.Behind schedule 27% 6. Leadership and transparency.
Delivering our vision
The Operational Plan outlines specific actions and ongoing activities we use each year to achieve the Ongoing goals identified in the Delivery Program and is reviewed with the Delivery Program annually. Carry over We have made excellent progress in the second year of the Delivery Program. We were advised from Office of Local Government Circular 20-15 on 1 May 2020 that our existing Delivery Program will apply for a further 12 On hold months, maintaining the key themes and any activities not yet completed.
Our performance against the pillars and goals of the Delivery Program is summarised in the following pages.
Operational Plan Performance 2019/20
The Operational Plan for 2019/20 was the second annual instalment of our three-year Delivery Program 2018-2021. The actions set by Council in our Operational Plan represent external and internal services, key projects and works programs.
For 95 per cent of our Delivery Program, actions are either complete, ongoing or on track with 71 per cent of Operational Plan items either completed or ongoing.
Complete Not started Cancelled Ongoing Carry over On hold