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Council partners with GoGet to bring car share trial to Georges River
Council has partnered with GoGet to run a 12-18 month car share trial across ten locations in Hurstville and Kogarah, which were selected based on accessibility, proximity to high density residential buildings and proximity to public transport.
Car sharing provides local residents with access to a range of vehicles located near to where members live or work. All car costs including petrol, insurance and registration are covered by GoGet, a competitive alternative to personal car ownership for both businesses and households. Council will provide a mix of on-street car parking for authorised car share vehicles during the trial, which will test the level of demand and interest for this service locally
to inform a Car Share Policy for the Georges River area. Providing car sharing options supports Council’s draft Local Strategic Planning Statement 2040, which shares a vision to reduce the number of cars in the local area with an active car share economy, and this is a significant step forward to achieving this.
Local businesses can join the service free of charge and book cars by the hour or the day. For information on how to sign up as a business or an individual member, visit the GoGet website.
Expert Recovery Panel

We have recently formed an Economic Recovery Panel to help guide our city to economic success. The panel supports the commitment Council has to support our community and local businesses in the light of the impacts of COVID-19.
The panel members are highly regarded by their peers and have been selected based on their expertise. They include Katherine O’Regan, Executive Director, Sydney Business Chamber; Dr Robert Lang, Chairman at Regional Development Australia; and Eamon Waterford, Deputy CEO and Director of Policy at Committee for Sydney.
Mr Waterford said the panel members are delighted to be collaborating with Georges River Council to contribute practical suggestions and advice, as well bold ideas that will help Council buoy the local economy through this challenging period.
____ “Working with Council we will identify what global best practice can contribute to supporting local businesses and we’ll also provide a conduit to decisionmakers who can help champion the council’s long-term vision for the local area, solidifying its place within Greater
Sydney,” said Mr Waterford.
The first meeting was held recently with some recommendations already actioned, including incentives for outdoor dining with six months fee-free, and support for businesses to increase their capability and, where possible, removing potential barriers. The panel will continue providing suggestions for further investigation and discussion to help shape and influence the ongoing success of the Georges River area, and will be active for approximately six months, with the view to extend to 12 months.
Georges River Business

We have launched a new online tool for local businesses to advertise products and services, connect with other businesses and gain access to a range of local events and professional development opportunities. It’s free!
Register your business at georgesriverbusiness.com.au and give your business more opportunity to thrive.