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Disability and Inclusion Action Plan
Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Council’s Disability and Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) is currently being reviewed and updated for the next four years. The DIAP guides Council’s strategic direction for making services, facilities, activities and information accessible for all.
To ensure we understand the needs of people with a disability and their carers, and to make sure the DIAP (2022-2026) is relevant and meaningful, we have been consulting with community groups, organisations and service providers as well as individuals in our community.
The DIAP (2022-2026) survey was open to the public for 6 months (April-October 2021) on Council’s Your Say platform, and Council has run six consultation sessions with disability service providers, Council staff and community members.
The current DIAP (2017-2021) has driven many wonderful projects and improvements in the last four years. These include: • Council’s Access and Inclusion Reference
Group, which provides feedback and advice on Council’s strategies and action plans, as well as professional knowledge and insight on accessibility and inclusiveness of local businesses. We are currently recruiting new members to join the Access and Inclusion
Reference Group 2022-2023 and encourage people with a disability, their family members and carers to apply.
• Council events now undertake an accessibility assessment, to support accessibility for both performers and audiences.
• Council is working in partnership with Nova
Employment - a disability employment agency and local schools’ support units to offer work experience placements to students across the organisation, including the Libraries, Museum and Gallery, Customer Service and Children’s
• Over 27 projects focused on disability were funded through Council’s Community Grants
Program including Jubilee Community Services’ autism education and management workshops,
Learning Links’ assessment tools to support children with learning difficulties and disabilities, and Cerebral Palsy Alliance’s accessible gym equipment for people with disability.
• Creating Mobility Maps for all Georges River shopping precincts. Currently there are six available on Council's website for Kogarah,
Hurstville, Mortdale, Beverly Hills, Penshurst and

• Council staff participating in Disability Awareness
Training and Easy Read translation training so we can provide more accessible documents to our community. • Council is replacing the tactile ground surface indicator systems at Gate A and Gate D at
Netstrata Jubilee Stadium, which are the two largest and most heavily used ingress gates during stadium events, following a comprehensive access audit of the Netstrata
Jubilee Stadium in March 2020.
For more information about Council’s DIAP or Access and Inclusion Reference Group, please contact Council’s Community Capacity Building team on 9330 6400 or by email: communitydevelopment@georgesriver.nsw.gov.au