3 minute read
2022/23 Budget
Other Items
Library bags Technology Items (damaged or lost while on loan) Toy and Discovery Resources cleaning charge (per item) Replacement of packaging charge (per item) Data storage devices Local History items Deleted library items Historical Society items Merchandise Vending Machine USB Earphones (Buds)
Inter-Library Loans
Fee Institutional charge Delivery charges Replacement charge for lost ILL books Processing charge for lost ILL items
Offsite storytime sessions
Hire fee for Library Rooms
Kogarah Library Activity Room (per hour) Kogarah Library Study Room 1 (per hour) Kogarah Library Study Room 2 (per hour) Hurstville Library Miles Franklin Meeting Room (per hour) Oatley Library Hall (per hour) South Hustville Meeting Room (per hour) Hurstville Library Grevillea Room (per hour) Laptop or video projector
Fee (excl. GST) Fee (incl. GST)
As marked At cost $12.00 $0.00 $12.00
$12.00 $0.00 $12.00 As marked As marked As marked As marked As marked As marked As marked As Marked
$6.55 $0.65 $7.20 At cost At cost Replacement cost of item $12.00 $0.00 $12.00
$68.18 $6.82 $75.00
Fee Name Fee (excl. GST) Fee (incl. GST)
Kogarah Library Exhibition Space (for functions and programs) (per hour) Hurstville Library Exhibition Space (for functions and programs) (per hour) Hurstville Library Learning Experience Area After Hours Function – 2 Library Staff (per hour) Cancellation Fee Use of Kitchen (per hour) $68.18 $6.82 $75.00
$68.18 $6.82 $75.00
Research fee
Research Fee (per hour, first half hour free) Plus associated print charges for A4 Plus associated print charges for A3
Service fee for reproduction of photographs
Service fee for reproduction of photographs (per order) Photograph printing and/or burning to CD/DVD Photograph Licence Fee (per image) $113.64 $11.36 $125.00 $0.27 $0.03 $0.30 $0.55 $0.05 $0.60
$27.27 $2.73 $30.00
At cost $20.00 $2.00 $22.00
Library Programs Events, Classes and Workshops
Special Events Basic Intermediate Advanced Exceptional workshops Varies depending on cost $7.27 $0.73 $8.00 $10.91 $1.09 $12.00 $22.73 $2.27 $25.00 Varies depending on cost
Home Delivery Fee $10.91 $1.09 $12.00
Media Lab
Photography Pro Kit (per hour) Podcasting Pro Kit (per hour) Livestreaming Pro Kit (per hour) Sound Booth (per hour) Media Lab Room (per hour) 3D Printing $20.00 $2.00 $22.00 $15.00 $1.50 $16.50 $25.00 $2.50 $27.50 $15.00 $1.50 $16.50 $30.00 $3.00 $33.00 At Cost
Fee Name Fee (excl. GST) Fee (incl. GST)
Hurstville Museum & Gallery
Reminiscing Therapy kits (per kit) $56.36 $5.64 $62.00 Dragonflies Kids' Club Activities (per child per activity) $7.27 $0.73 $8.00 Art Attack Kids' Workshops (per child per activity) $7.27 $0.73 $8.00 Commission on sale of artworks 20% of sale price Book and merchandise sales As marked Event & Classes – Materials Kit As marked
Organised Tours
Organised tours
Education Programs
High school education programs
Primary school education programs
Preschool / day care education programs
Professional Services Fee (per hour) $6.50 (incl GST) per person with a minimum of $65.00 $6.50 (incl GST) per person with a minimum of $65.00 $6.50 (incl GST) per person with a minimum of $65.00 $59.09 $5.91 $65.00
Community Programs Events, Classes & Workshops - Museum & Gallery
Special Events Basic Intermediate Advanced Tailor-made programs Varies depending on cost $7.27 $0.73 $8.00 $10.91 $1.09 $12.00 $22.73 $2.27 $25.00 $50.00 $5.00 $55.00
Georges River Art Prize
Cost per hour – Main Gallery $72.73 $7.27 $80.00