2 minute read
Performance measures
After Hours Function – 2 Library Staff (per hour) Cancellation Fee Use of Kitchen (per hour) $109.09 $10.91 $120.00 $45.45 $4.55 $50.00 $22.73 $2.27 $25.00
Research fee
Research Fee (per hour, first half hour free) Plus associated print charges for A4 Plus associated print charges for A3 $113.64 $11.36 $125.00 $0.27 $0.03 $0.30 $0.55 $0.05 $0.60
Service fee for reproduction of photographs
Service fee for reproduction of photographs (per order) Photograph printing and/or burning to CD/DVD Photograph Licence Fee (per image) $27.27 $2.73 $30.00
At cost $20.00 $2.00 $22.00
Library Programs Events, Classes and Workshops
Special Events Basic Intermediate Advanced Exceptional workshops Varies depending on cost $7.27 $0.73 $8.00 $10.91 $1.09 $12.00 $22.73 $2.27 $25.00 Varies depending on cost
Home Delivery Fee $10.91 $1.09 $12.00
Media Lab
Photography Pro Kit (per hour) Podcasting Pro Kit (per hour) Livestreaming Pro Kit (per hour) Sound Booth (per hour) Media Lab Room (per hour) 3D Printing $20.00 $2.00 $22.00 $15.00 $1.50 $16.50 $25.00 $2.50 $27.50 $15.00 $1.50 $16.50 $30.00 $3.00 $33.00 At Cost
Hurstville Museum & Gallery
Reminiscing Therapy kits (per kit) $56.36 $5.64 $62.00 Dragonflies Kids' Club Activities (per child per activity) $7.27 $0.73 $8.00 Art Attack Kids' Workshops (per child per activity) $7.27 $0.73 $8.00 Commission on sale of artworks 20% of sale price Book and merchandise sales As marked
Hurstville Museum & Gallery [continued]
Event & Classes – Materials Kit As marked
Organised Tours
Organised tours
Education Programs
High school education programs
Primary school education programs
Preschool / day care education programs
Professional Services Fee (per hour) $6.50 (incl GST) per person with a minimum of $65.00 $6.50 (incl GST) per person with a minimum of $65.00 $6.50 (incl GST) per person with a minimum of $65.00 $59.09 $5.91 $65.00
Community Programs Events, Classes & Workshops - Museum & Gallery
Special Events Basic Intermediate Advanced Tailor-made programs Varies depending on cost $7.27 $0.73 $8.00 $10.91 $1.09 $12.00 $22.73 $2.27 $25.00 $50.00 $5.00 $55.00
Georges River Art Prize
Cost per hour – Main Gallery $72.73 $7.27 $80.00
Dragon's Lair Gallery
Exhibition of artwork – Commercial hire (selling artworks, per week) Exhibition of artwork – Non-commercial hire (not selling artworks, per week) $54.55 $5.45 $60.00
$31.82 $3.18 $35.00
Edgbaston Artist Studio
Hiring Fee for Edgbaston Artist Studio (per day) $27.27 $2.73 $30.00 Hiring Fee for Edgbaston Artist Studio (per week - Monday to Sunday) $136.36 $13.64 $150.00 $250 per week (incl GST).