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Where are we going?
10-year focus
Consultation on the Community Strategic Plan identified six pillars that underpin our future planning:
• a protected environment and green open space • quality, well planned development • active and accessible places and spaces • a diverse and productive economy • a harmonious and proud community with strong social services and infrastructure • leadership and transparency.
Associated goals and strategies for each pillar will direct our focus over the next 10 years. To make this happen, we need a capable, resilient and diverse workforce, driven by leading people practices (CSP Goal 6.5).
Over the next year we will:
• implement this Workforce Plan • implement performance excellence and people capability strategies and programs • implement a workplace health and safety system to support a well and safe workplace. This Workforce Plan also targets other Community Strategic Plan goals, such as developing leadership that focuses on customer service and innovation.
Rising to the challenges
Our people are key to our strategic objectives. Therefore, our Workforce Strategy incorporates community expectations for our workforce and identifies the priorities that will assist and motivate our workforce to achieve Council's long term aspirations. It guides how we can mobilise our workforce to be resilient, sustainable and competent. We will collaboratively attract and retain the necessary skills for an adaptable and accountable workforce that responds to customers, demonstrates respect for all, and gets the job done ethically and safely. Our strategic approach to workforce engagement focuses on:
1. Capability mobility 2. Continuous learning 3. Flexible resource allocation 4. Information management 5. Iterative business improvement processes 6. Talent management 7. Open physical and virtual environment 8. Partnerships and networking 9. Performance centric 10. Technology, systems and tools
Our workforce strategy
1. Capability mobility
Implement temporary, planned mobility of targeted employees across functional business areas to build capability and develop a more experienced and engaged workforce.
2. Continuous learning
Regularly review the learning needs of our workforce and commit to upgrading their skills so that we can successfully adapt to the changing environment, increased demands and ever-expanding functionality of Council.
3. Flexible resource allocation
Proactively coordinate our human resources, systems and tools, to enable business continuity and real-time responses to changing circumstances.
4. Information management
Streamline and maintain complete and integrated data management to effectively fulfil our functions and store information in a safe and accessible way.
5. Iterative business improvement processes
Constantly strive to improve our processes and services in accordance with industry standards to achieve customer centricity, increased productivity and the capability embrace new developments or technologies.
6. Talent management
Persistently attract, recruit, hire and retain the most talented and superior employees available, regardless of age or diversity, and provide opportunities for continuous development.
7. Open physical and virtual environment
Create a fit-for-purpose environment that influences a positive workplace culture and supports work/life balance.
8. Partnerships and networking
Actively encourage internal and external stakeholder relationships to share knowledge and utilise skills to supplement expertise and accomplish mutual goals.
9. Performance centric
Motivate our workforce through feedback mechanisms, role clarity and a rewards and recognition program.
10. Technology, systems and tools
Identify opportunities to invest in new technologies or to upgrade, streamline and perfect our systems and tools.