3 minute read

Background – Legislative Framework

Like all Councils, Georges River Council operates under the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act). The Act requires us to produce a suite of documents as part of an Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.

The Framework brings together Council's various plans, giving both Council and the community a clear understanding of how each of the plans interact. This process maximises Council efforts to plan for the future strategically and holistically.

This Resourcing Strategy has been developed alongside our first-ever Community Strategic Plan, which is based on extensive community engagement during 2017. The Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028 contains the community’s priorities and aspirations as well as the strategies for achieving these goals.

Our Delivery Program sets out the proposed actions to achieve the goals and strategies in the Community Strategic Plan. The Delivery Program runs for four years to align with the local government election cycle. We are now commencing the final year of this program.

We have also prepared a one-year Operational Plan to show the specific actions and budgets that we propose for 2021/22, consistent with the Delivery Program.



10 + YEARS







Contains the Workforce Management Plan, Digital Resource Management Plan, Asset Management Plan and Long Term Financial Plan


Resourcing Strategy

Workforce Management Plan

The Workforce Management Plan identifies the people requirements, including skills and employment practices, needed to implement our Delivery Program which is informed by the Community Strategic Plan.

The Plan integrates principles of human resource management, workforce planning and capability building. It outlines how we will develop and maintain a highcalibre employee base that meets current and future organisational and community needs.

Digital Resource Management Plan

The Digital Resource Management Plan outlines Council’s commitment to utilising the best digital framework possible to enable responsive and timely services and information. It aligns with Council’s corporate planning and reporting framework. Its four year lifespan will ensure that our commitment to digital efficiency and evolution continues throughout the life of the current Resourcing Strategy. It will also support new priorities as they are identified through a review of the Community Strategic Plan and Delivery Program in 2021/2022. This Plan will evolve as Council continues its journey from transition to transformation and innovation.

Asset Management Plan

The Asset Management Plan sets out the broad framework for undertaking structured and coordinated management of Council’s infrastructure assets. It outlines key principles that underpin our approach to providing the assets that are essential to our community.

The Plan highlights the long term funding challenges Council must address to meet the commitments outlined in the Community Strategic Plan and deliver the level of service desired by the community over the next 10 years.

Long Term Financial Plan

The Finance Strategy and Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) are key components of Georges River Council (GRC) Resourcing Strategy.

The Resourcing Strategy details the overall plan on how Council will resource its planned activities over the next decade through the use of its money, people and assets, to meet the community’s needs and desires.

The LTFP of Council presents a financial projection of the longer term outlook of its operations. The LTFP takes into account known and projected events over the next 10 years and compiles the best estimates of its operating results and financial position.

These projections form a roadmap of the operations and give Council an opportunity to: • Assess different courses of corrective action and quantify the potential outcomes • Ensure sustainability through positive net results • Structure the operations, based on affordability and financial sustainability.

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