4 minute read
Where are we now?
Organisational context
In planning for the future, it is important to understand where we have come from and set the baseline of the current situation. During the harmonisation of the two former councils we committed to a transition plan – the ICT Strategic Plan 2016-2018 which ensured that within 30 months of proclamation all technical infrastructure and systems would be consolidated. An information and communications technology (now digital) strategic approach drove this Plan and the associated program. We took a progressive, incremental approach which was promoted by the Department of Premier and Cabinet at that time. The foundations of Council’s digital architecture have now been established. We have finalised the first three steps in our roadmap to one Council transformation. This Digital Resource Management Plan builds upon the foundations of the ICT Strategic Plan 2016-2018. It sets our strategic digital technology objectives and will drive our new future state of technology.
Figure 1: Our digital transformation journey
Setting the Foundation and Productivity Improvements
Simplifying IT complexity and joining up services
Continuous improvements and migration to digital services
Transformation and Innovation
Joining up Services and enabling new cloud service and support models
Working together
This Plan was developed in consultation with staff from across Council through a series of workshops. These workshops gathered insights into staff needs across two categories: business and systems improvements and tools of the trade. The results indicated our staff considers the following to be important in undertaking their jobs and improving the way they work.
• Devices for a flexible and mobile workforce • Mobile applications • Improved website functionality • Connectivity and easy access to Wi-Fi • More accessible hardware, for example larger printers at childcare centres • Communication tools • System support • Digital literacy and system training • Ease of access to information across all systems.
This feedback has informed our Strategic Objectives, Priorities and subsequent Action Plan
Snapshot of Current Situation
Figures relate to the 12 month period 1/5/20-30/4/21
Cyber Security
Cyber Security 13,097,840 12,999,645 Threats prevented/blocked Cyber Security 13,097,840 Threats prevented/blocked Cyber Security 12,999,645 Threats prevented/blocked
Threats prevented/blocked
Information Management
Information Management 89,592 Correspondence registered 796 88,362 Correspondence registered 746 Information requests processed Information Management 89,592 Correspondence registered 796 Information requests processed Information Management 88,362 Correspondence registered 746 Information requests processed
Information requests processed
Training 261 382 Training sessions facilitated to enable effective use of Training 261 Training sessions facilitated Training 382 Training sessions facilitated
Training sessions facilitated Digital Resources to enable effective use of to enable effective use of to enable effective use of Digital ResourcesDigital Resources Digital Resources
Sustainability 72kgs Printing consumables 740kgs e Waste recycling 62 devices 21,346kgs 93kgs Printing consumables 910kgs eWaste recycling of 91 devices 15,500kgs Use of 100% recycled paper - 1193 reams of paper Sustainability 72kgs Printing consumables 740kgs e Waste recycling 62 devices 21,346kgs Use of 100% recycled paper - Sustainability 93kgs Printing consumables 910kgs eWaste recycling of 91 devices 15,500kgs Use of 100% recycled paper - Use of 100% recycled paper - 1193 reams of paper 22,158kgs 16,500kgs Total waste diverted from landfill 1193 reams of paper 22,158kgs Total waste diverted from landfill 1193 reams of paper 16,500kgs Total waste diverted from landfill
Total waste diverted from landfill
Digital Assets and resources
Digital Assets and resources 1,695 1,841 Hardware and software applications managed and maintained Digital Assets and resources 1,695 Hardware and software applications Digital Assets and resources 1,841 Hardware and software applications
Hardware and software applications managed and maintained 607 tasks 877 tasks Technology Infrastructure Maintenance managed and maintained 607 tasks Technology Infrastructure managed and maintained 877 tasks Technology Infrastructure Technology Infrastructure MaintenanceMaintenance Maintenance
Data Integrity
Data Integrity 701 Properties created 1008 New addresses 2660 Changes of address 707,926 1,435 Properties created 1,631 New addresses 2,367 Changes of address 651,374 Property attributes Data Integrity 701 Properties created 1008 New addresses 2660 Changes of address 707,926 Property attributes Data Integrity 1,435 Properties created 1,631 New addresses 2,367 Changes of address 651,374 Property attributes
Property attributes
System availability
System availability 99.96% 99.97% Availability of Digital Infrastructure performance System availability 99.96% Availability of Digital System availability 99.97% Availability of Digital Availability of Digital Infrastructure performanceInfrastructure performance Infrastructure performance