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First chapel service of the year by Rev. Alan Reddit
from Issue 12
Staff Writer
On Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2018, Bryan Langlands, the campus minister, spoke about racism and white supremacy within the church community over the past 100 years.
He spoke about many African American, male, pastors doing what is told of them by God and not stopping even with strangers bombing, burning down their houses and many being attacked.
Many failed and a rare few that had succeeded had changed the way race is looked upon in church.
His point and theme this year is “Lift Every Voice.” This led to the main point that Reverend Alan Redditt began to speak about later on. Rev. Redditt, who at one time was a Tiger himself and is now the Pastor of Georgetown Baptist Church from right down the road, came to speak to the current students and staff about using our “voice.”
His deeply emotional example consisted of a resident here in Georgetown, Ky.
A local teenager, who had just graduated from Scott County High School, was taken to an appointment in Louisville.
At this appointment he was told he was being deported. His cell phone was returned to his parents with no goodbyes to his friends, family and fellow church goers.
His voice had not been heard or used in his last moments in Kentucky.

On Tuesday, September 4, 2018, alumni Rev. Allan Redditt held the first chapel service of the Fall 2018 semester at Georgetown College.
Source: Georgetown College Instagram Account
Now, Redditt continued to speak about this voice that we all should have due to being a child of God. He spokeabout that teenager being our sibling under God.
No one had successfully used their voice to help him get out of this situation.
Truly, we should all be helpful; religious or not. With this being said, Chapel will be on every other Tuesday from 11a.m. to 12p.m.
Chapel does count as a NEXUS credit; however, it is an eye opening experience, and it is recommended to attend to at least one to support your fellow peers, and local pastors and ministers.
Like Redditt had mentioned before, as a community, we should all come together and help and/or help others prosper.