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Tiger Woods continues making history
from Issue 15
Tiger Woods continues making history
If you were to ask the PGA professionals who their role model was growing up, the majority of them would probably tell you that it was Tiger Woods. Every young fan can remember watching Tiger win tournament after tournament with his unmatched power, electrifying finishes and his famous red polo on Sunday’s.
Tiger Woods came on the PGA scene as an extremely young player, but even in his first few seasons, everyone could tell that he was golf’s next great superstar. What no one realized was the true potential of the young Tiger.
His records in the golf world will probably never be challenged. In his career he has 18 World Golf Championship victories. The runner up on that list has only three. Tiger has spent 683 weeks as the world’s top golfer; the next highest has spent almost six years less than Tiger at that spot.
Unfortunately, all that success came to a screeching halt as he was rumored to have had an affair in November of 2009, and within a week was cited for careless driving after crashing into a fire hydrant while pulling out of his driveway. By the time May of 2016 came around, he had gone through four rounds of back surgery and dropped out of the top 500 golfers in the world.
Through extreme perseverance, Tiger made a comeback to the professional scene. He has been playing better and better throughout the entire season, including several top five tournament finishes in the last month.
On the last PGA event of the season, Tiger won his first major tournament in five years. The 100th PGA Championship will forever belong to Tiger Woods. Every year, there are sports images that people will remember for the rest of their lives, and watching Tiger, who had a several stroke lead walk up with the crowd of thousands at the back of his heels, will go on as one of the most iconic sports moments in history.
Even through his struggles, Tiger was still able to win a major title and inspire golf fans all around the world. So keep watching because Tiger is, hopefully, back to stay.