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Reslife implements new desk system
ResLife implements new desk system
By Mariah Addington
Staff Writer
With the brand new month kicking off, ResLife is starting a new program to help grow community in the freshman dorms. In years past the freshman dorms of Allen, Collier and Anderson have been places where freshmen sleep and the campus itself is where they meet new people. Thus, making the people living right around them more strangers than neighbors. The lobbies, which are furnished for comfort, are not used as much as they should be and community in the dorms is not vibrant because of it.
Alex Courtney saw this happening and wanted to change the community life in the dorm rooms.
That is why a new program has been put in place for Resident Assistants and Residents Directors on campus to help with just that. In Allen, Collier and Anderson there will be Resident Assistants and Resident Directors in attendance at the entrance of the building Monday through Thursday from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. They will be there to greet people as the walk in and out of the building, listen to students, play games with students and help with any problems they may have.
The Resident Assistants and Resident Directors are very excited to see if this program will help the community feel in the freshman dorms. When asked her opinion on the new program, Resident Assistant in the Kappa Delta Sorority house, Sophie Hughes said, “I think it will be a great way for reslife to be more interactive with the students. I know for me being an RA in KD, I don’t get the opportunity to meet many girls living in the freshman dorms. This will be a great way to build community and meet new faces!”
With that being said, initiative needs action from both parties. Especially when it comes to community, it takes both parties to create an actual community. In this instance, the residents will have to take action in meeting their Resident Assistants and Resident Directors at the entrance of their building.
The campus has some great leaders heading up this project with the full intention of helping people feel included on campus. If you are a freshman on campus, use this resource. Do not be afraid to ask questions, start conversation when you are bored and generally join them in the lobbies!
The more initiative that is taken by both parties, the more the whole community of Georgetown can grow. So freshmen, the ball is in your court. Go talk to your Resident Assistants and Directors Monday through Thursday from 6:00pm to 9:00pm.