Georgetonian Issue 17

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Georgetown College’s Student–Run Newspaper

October 24, 2018

Volume CXXXVIV Issue 17

Phoneathon sends Georgetown to “New Horizons”

By DEMETRIUS HARRISON News Editor Each year, the Office of Development unveils a new fundraising campaign for the college. In recent years, we have seen the names flip between “Love & Loyalty” and “Together 4 GC.” This year, after analyzing the reception and results from last’s year’s annual fund campaign, the Office of Development has introduced “New Horizons.” Although the name of the campaign changes each year, each fundraiser shares common ground in being a multi-faceted program aiming to support multiple sectors of the college. Phoneathon employees are students who work hard calling alumni from all years informing them about our fundraiser. Students start by drafting a personalized, generic speech to begin each phone call with, but letting each phone call take its natural course. While there is an overall goal of collecting money for our campaign, students prioritize conversation with our graduates to genuinely get a feel for how they feel their experience has been at our


this issue

school. Throughout the summer, the Office of Development sends out mailers filled with information regarding the campaign, how to donate, and what it benefits. When students call alumni to remind them of the information they received in the mail, graduates are informed that the funds donated are prioritized for student scholarships, general funds, and upkeep of the college. Alumni also have the option to designate their donation to a specific department, club, organization or committee. Tricia Gatez, Georgetown College’s Director of Annual Gifts, directly supervises Phoneathon: a student-run on-campus job working to reach out to alumni regarding the campaign. Previously fulfilling the position of recent alumni Logan Smart, Maddie Long (c/o ‘20), is serving as the 2018-2019 Phoneathon Manager: primarily dealing with confidential alumni information, interviewing, hiring, and scheduling staff, and organizing donations. Halfway through her

first semester running one of Georgetown’s most essential sources of non-tuition-based revenue, Maddie Long commented, “Phoneathon is a great way to raise money and keep Georgetown personally connected to alumni. It’s so cool to be able to speak with alumni regarding their time at Georgetown, connecting our experiences throughout the years.” In assistance to Long, Assistant Managers Avery Colvin and Willow Dove work phoneathon, gaining leadership experience. Assistance Manager Avery Colvin said, “Phoneathon is a very fun work environment with a very supportive cause. Nowhere else on campus do you get to raise money for our school while connecting with alumni.” Last year, the “Together 4 GC” campaign received immense success, reaching 18% of overall graduate participation in the fundraiser. This year, the Office of Development is striving to reach 30% of alumni participation. A major attraction for gifts is the Annual Day of Giving, this year falling on November

27. Last year, over $100,000 was raised by just 783 donors. This year, with the event just around the corner, more traffic is expected to be generated. If you are interested in an on-campus job, giving you jobfield experience in Customer Service, as well as room for future leadership opportunities, contact Tricia Gaetz by

e-mailing Patricia_Gaetz@ If you are interested in making a donation to “New Horizons,” you can call Tricia Gaetz at (502)863-8058 to arrange an interview, or you can send Georgetown College to New Horizons by gifting online at:

Kangaroo meat in school cafeteria food page 3

Anderson Hall filled with hope and dreams page 5

Halloween movie fails to live up to hype page 8

BACKPAGE: Lives of GC politicians page 12

Source: Maddie Long Phoneathon Administration (left to right): Willow Dove, Maddie Long, Avery Colvin, Knight Hall Phoneathon Offices


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Headlines Compiled by Demetrius Harrison

 A lioness killed the father of her three cubs at an Indiana zoo  Trump tells reporter, “Don’t be a baby” after she questions his claim that migrants are “hardened criminals”  Mega Millions jackpot incraesed to record-breaking $1.6billion after there was no winner in the $1billion prize 

The Georgetonian

Approaching the 2018 Midterm Elections By ROSS SMITH Opinions Editor On Tuesday, Nov. 6, polls around go, Barr has a conservative voting his- Marine Corps. McGrath maintains the country will be open for midterm tory; he is pro–life and is in favor of fairly liberal stances on social issues; elections. Thirty three states will be repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act. She is pro–choice, supports gun conholding Senate races, and all 50 will Barr also received a zero score from the trol and is not in favor of repealing the hold elections for House Representa- LGBT rights advocacy organization the Affordable Care Act. She also has tives. a very strong This election carstance on cliries a lot of weight, mate change, as its results will be encouraging a major factor in the America to lead next presidential race in addressing depending whether climate change, or not Republicans and opposing keep or lose their Trump’s decimajority in Congress. sion to withOne race that has draw from the caught the attention Paris Climate of many KentuckiAccords. ans is the Democratic As far as primary to challenge i m m igration Representative Andy reform, neither Barr. candidate supRunning against ports abolishing Barr is former Marine the Immigrafighter pilot Amy Predicted outcomes of the 2018 midterm election based off of voting preferences. tion and Customs McGrath. In the District 6 democratic primary, McGrath Human Rights Campaign for his LGBT Enforcement arm of the Homeland Security Department. However, ran for office for the first time, defeat- rights related voting record. ing Lexington mayor Jim Gray. Barr does not support gun control McGrath does oppose the building of a Also running for the office are legislation, but has expressed that he wall on the Mexican border. Midterm election polls open TuesRikka Wallin and James Germalic, both has “supported common sense legindependents, and Frank Harris, a lib- islation to address our mental health day, Nov. 6 at 6a.m. and close at 6p.m. ertarian. However, most attention is on system” ( He also To find out where you can vote, visit Barr and McGrath. has cosponsored the recently enacted and pick one of Scott Attorney and Representative Andy STOP School Violence Act. Barr attended school at the University Amy McGrath attended the United County’s precinct locations. Consider of Virginia and attained his law degree States Naval Academy and later looking into your hometown’s regufrom the University of Kentucky. received her graduate certificate in lations regarding Absentee Ballots for He first took the oath of office as Legislative Studies from Georgetown those who cannot return home on the day of elections, but would still like to the U.S. Representative of Kentucky’s University. Sixth Congressional District on Jan. 3, McGrath is a former Marine fighter be mailed a ballot card. 2013. As far as major political stances pilot who served 20 years for the

Issue 17


October 24, 2018 Page 3

School cafeteria worker fired after serving children kangaroo meat By CIARA FARRELL Staff Writer The superintendent of Potter-Dix schools, a district with primarily combined junior and senior high schools in Dix, Nebraska, has recently come under fire from local parents who allege that their children were unknowingly served kangaroo meat in their school lunch on October 11 (Omaha World-Herald). The head cook for the high school’s cafeteria, Kevin Frei, has been fired following the incident, and the superintendent, Mike Williams, issued an apology to parents. In Williams’ letter of apology to the parent and student body, he explained he was only made aware of the meat’s presence after it had already been served to the students. He then went on to say, “If a family wants to eat exotic foods, they can do so on their own time – not at school. If we were to have food or ingredients that are out of the ordinary, they should be listed on the menu so that the students

and families are aware of what they are being served. We will no way be serving food of this nature again. Period.” Williams emphasized the explorative nature of the meal program at the school, discussing how the lunch menu is designed to expose the children to exotic foods they may not have the chance to try otherwise, but also maintained that he was oblivious to the presence of the kangaroo meat in the school’s lunch menu that day. Parents at the school have reacted as would be expected; they are quite upset over the deceitful nature of Frei’s actions. It has also been reported that some children have experienced adverse effects in the form of illness. It is unclear whether these effects can be directly correlated with the unusual school meal. Frei was given the opportunity to submit an apology letter to explain his actions, in which he discussed the fact that the kangaroo meat, being a

leaner meat, is a healthy alternative and he thought it could possibly be beneficial for the students. He continued to validate his decision, saying the meat was completely safe and USDA certified, he had no inten- Source: tion of hurting Students in the Potter-Dix school district captured sharing a the children. meal together. purchased by the school district from dent. After several parent complaints, SYSCO, a food distributor that sup- the superintendent called on the prinplies meat to restaurants, schools, and cipal of the school to investigate the healthcare facilities. issue immediately. He backed up his Frei came clean about using the reasoning for using the meat being that kangaroo meat for lunch, smuggling it is healthier, and it is not illegal. He it into work, after being confronted by believes it is his duty to expose the chilthe school principal and superinten- dren to exotic meats.

days: one turning 30, another turning 34. Eight of the passengers were married couples and four were sisters. All killed were adults. The limousine faced a collision when the driver failed to stop at an intersection and blew through the parking lot of an Apple Barrel Country Store and Café. Reportedly, at the time of collision, the driver was pushing 60 MPH, hitting an empty 2015 Toyota Highlander and striking two pedestrians. The owner of the limousine company has been charged with negligent homicide, and his son, Nauman Hussain, has been arrested by state police,

as he is known within the company as an “operator”. The reason for his arrest is that he was accused of hiring an inexperienced driver (the driver, Scott Lisinicchia, did not have an appropriate license to drive the limo). Furthermore, Hussain’s charges were appropriated due to him letting said unexperienced driver operate an unserviceable vehicle, as there had been many mechanical and safety deficiencies, which included a faulty brake system. Hussain has pled not guilty, his bond has been posted at $150,000, and he has surrendered his passport. The owner, Shahed Hussain, has

New York limousine crash kills 20 people

By EMMA GRIFFIN Staff Writer On Oct. 13, hundreds of mourners attended a funeral held for eight of the 20 killed in the Schoharie, New York, limousine crash that occurred in the afternoon of Oct. 6. In the deadliest motor vehicle crash the United States has seen in nine years, all twenty passengers aboard died, as well as the limousine driver and two pedestrians. The passengers were picked up by the limosuine to drive them to a celebration for two of the passenger’s birth-

been reported as being fully compliant with the case. Hussain is willing to return to the U.S. as he is currently in Pakistan for business, any time he is needed during trial, and has said that his heart is broken for the victims and their families. He further mentioned that he will do anything to make the situation right. As a result of the incident, the limousine company has taken all of its vehicles off of the road at this time, halting business and three of its vehicles have already been seized by police pending investigation.

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Sports & Recreation

The Georgetonian

NCAA hot seat: Mark Stoops and Urban Meyer By HUNTER HALL Staff Writer In the land of football, decision making is what defines a coach’s success. There are many coaches in the college football world who are failing to do this successfully. Until someone recognizes that good decisions are necessary for a winning team, their programs will never take the next step toward a national championship. The first coach in the hot heat is University of Kentucky’s own Mark Stoops. UK football is one of the few college football programs where fans and administration are satisfied with mediocre football. A UK fan is now almost equivalent to a Cleveland Browns fan. Stoops is 32-37 during his stint at Kentucky, with only two winning seasons. Stoops’ record is just one of the many reasons that he has landed on the hot seat. Specifically, Stoops deserves to be on the hot seat because of poor decisions in recent games. In football, getting recruits is only half the battle, the other half is developing those recruits and making decisions to put the team in the best position to win. Stoops was brought in for his recruiting ability and defensive mind. However, UK’s defense rankings from 2013-2018 have been 71, 76, 59, 86, 87, 13, respectively. This exemplifies Stoops’ poor ability to develop his own talent. Stoops has had one

good defensive season out of six years; the other five seasons were packed full of dumb mistake after dumb mistake – a history that would have gotten any other coach fired. For example, in last season’s game against the University of Florida, UK’s defense left a receiver uncovered twice and Stoops didn’t recognize it or call a timeout. Two years ago, the head coach lost a close game to the University of Georgia after he “forgot” that the team had three timeouts left. Then last season, against Georgia, their offense ran the same jet sweep six times in a row on one drive for a touchdown. Another defensive miscue for a defensive–minded head coach happened at the end of last season against Louisville. UK gave up 44 points and never made the Cardinals punt one time the whole game. A terrible performance all around. Then, during this season, fans have watched Stoops struggle to make the big decision with quarterback Terry Wilson. The past two games Wilson has been atrocious; yet, Coach Stoops continues to start him. A prime example of this is the Texas A&M game. Stoops allowed his offensive coordinator to call a play in overtime that should not have been made. He let Wilson, who had been struggling all game, throw the ball on third down with two yds. to go; instead of letting the best running back in the SEC run the ball. Stoops is scared to bench

Wilson because he played well in their first couple games. However, many great coaches, like Nick Saban and Dabo Sweeney, have benched a once successful QB in order to make their team better. We are paying him to make the decisions that he is failing to make. The “good” coaches are consistent, and Stoops has not been consistent for Kentucky. What do fans expect? To have a one good season out of every six? If Stoops coached anywhere else in the SEC or many of the majority jobs around the country his numbers alone would get him fired. But, Kentucky fans are satisfied with just a couple wins and being competitive. That is why UK football will never make the next step. Stoops isn’t

equipped with the ability to make big time decisions in big moments: He chokes. The name UK football has made for itself will be for nothing unless they find someone who is willing to take chances. The second coach in the hot seat is Urban Meyer of OSU. The coach in the hot seat before the season for Big Ten was Michigan’s own Jim Harbaugh. Every analyst in the country was saying how he was a bust and couldn’t win the big games. These analysts should take this reasoning then and apply it to Urban Meyer. Yes, Coach Meyer won a national title at Ohio State; however, that was in his third year with some of Jim Tressel (considered one of the best OSU coaches) recruits. As time has moved on

from that championship year, Coach Meyer has lost to an underdog each year, knocking the Buckeyes out of Championship contention. The most notable losses though are out of the last two years. OSU lost to an Iowa team that was a joke 55–24 in 2017. Then this past weekend OSU lost to Purdue 49-20. Let’s not forget that Purdue lost to a bottom tier SEC team Missouri, on their home field. Missouri has lost big to Alabama and Georgia, not helping coach Meyers’ attempt to make it into the playoffs. As a coach, being upset by a team is bad, but being upset by the same team multiple years in a row is much worse. It speaks volumes on the lack of preparation that Meyer puts into some of these games.

GC ATHLETIC SCHEDULE Wed Wed Thu Sat Sun Tue Tue Tue Thu Thu Fri Fri Thu Thu

24 24 25 27 28 30 30 30 1 1 2 2 1 1

6 p.m. 8 p.m. 6 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 5 p.m. 7 p.m.

Women’s Soccer Men’s Soccer JV Women’s Soccer Football Men’s Basketball JV Volleyball Men’s Basketball Volleyball JV Volleyball Volleyball Women’s Basketball Men’s Basketball JV Volleyball Volleyball

@ @ vs. vs. vs. @ vs. @ vs. vs. @ vs. vs. vs.

Campbellsville University Campbellsville University University of the Cumberlands Campbellsville University Central Penn College Lindsey Wilson College Miami University Middletown Lindsey Wilson College Cumberland University Cumberland University Austin Peay State University Ohio - Chillicoth Cumberland University Cumberland University

Issue 17

Sports & Recreation

October 24, 2018 Page 5

Hallways of hopes and dreams Big Ten playoff scares By GARY WELLINGHURST Staff Writer Every kid dreams of scoring the game–winning goal at the last second or winning the round by sinking a difficult putt; yet, unfortunately, most of us never get that opportunity. Instead, we are limited to our own imagination and the availability of our neighborhood basketball court. However, this changed once I got to college. Although dormitory hallways aren’t the most ideal facilities for collegiate athletes, with a little bit of imagination a good size hallway can turn into a full–size multisport athletic complex. It might not meet the standards of a large state–school, but the unique conditions have proven to successfully produce athletic superstars. These

legends have been trained through the semi-competitive world of hallway sports. Once homework is finished, Anderson Hall can get boring for a young freshman male. That boredom creates a void that can only be filled by close quartered competition. During my time in Anderson, it was never uncommon to find several guys playing a full–contact game of “Hall Soccer,” with two clothing hampers and a ball. Another crowd favorite was the sudden appearance of a bowling ball in the hallway. The enterprising young men of Anderson conceived the “Anderson Bowling Alley.” Shortly thereafter, guys would set up plastic bottles and bowl in our sacred halls. One of the most famous ideas to ever approach Anderson Hall was the Anderson

Hockey League (AHL). The AHL was by far the most developed of the hallway sports. At one point, there was even an appointed league commissioner and team sign– ups. Even the non–participating residents took initiative by picking a team to cheer for. Although that building isn’t known for its well mannered residents, there was a rather safe hallway hobby. Many dorms across the country have had their share of golf putts, but with the length of the halls in Anderson, it was known as one of the hardest holes in all of golf. Anderson Hall may get a bad reputation around campus, but when you put a bunch of wide–eyed freshman males living together in one building, usually only good things are bound to come from it.

By ETHAN CUNDIFF Staff Writer October means that college football picks up and big conference match-ups bring a lot of excitement. College football fans love this time of year, when their teams can stabilize dominance. College football brings excitement, madness, terror, and October just makes it better. Fans pack the stadiums and parking lots, yell and scream at their television or make the trip to Buffalo Wild Wings to catch all the action. It does not matter where you are watching the game, the nightmare of losing always looms in October. For Big Ten fans, Halloween has come early. I do not mean the costume concept, but the horror and scares that it brings. Both Wisconsin and

Prediction: The Utah Jazz to be a three seed

By BUDDY LUKENS Staff Writer

Before any predictions are made about the NBA, especially the western conference, the Golden State Warriors will be the one seed, and the Houston Rockets will come out with the two seed. It is hard to see any other team taking those spots in regular season play. The most intriguing basketball that will be played in the NBA between the three seed and the nine seed in the west. Last year, those six spots were decided by a matter of three games. This year, out of those six

teams, anyone has the potential to grab the three seed, The LA Lakers have entered the fray with the addition of LeBron James. That three spot in the west will be the storyline to watch in the NBA this season. With that being said, I think Utah Jazz will be the team to grab the three seed. They have the most complete roster among those teams vying for the three seed. Position–for–position they match– up well with many of their foes in the west. Donovan Mitchell, who was a rookie of the year candidate, established himself as an all–star candidate and will

come into the season a year better. Rudy Gobert is a 7’1” center with a 7’9” wingspan, who earned NBA Defensive Player of the Year Honors last season. The Australian Joe Ingles has established himself as an elite spot up shooter with a 44 percent clip. In addition, he is starting to establish himself as a force on defense; leading the league in steals early into his 2018-19 campaign. In the Point Gaurd position, Ricky Rubio has had an incredible season this year. The Spaniard has shown that he is a very solid starter in the NBA. With four solidified start-

ers, they have a two–headed monster at Power Forward. With Derrick Favors and Jae Crowder, they can play small ball with Crowder and a more traditional game with Favors. The X-factor for this Utah team is that they can play defense and had one of the highest defensive ratings last year and are on their way to doing it again. The saying goes “defense wins championships,” but with the Golden State Mon– stars wreaking havoc on the NBA with five all–stars in their lineup, there is no reason that defense can’t win this team the three seed.

Penn State lost playoff hopes early on after losing two games. The Badgers loss to University of Michigan brings a lot to what happens in the west division. For the second year in a row, Penn State lost to Ohio State and Michigan State in back–to–back weeks. Both years, playoff hopes were killed by the Spartans. The nightmares for the Big Ten continued this past weekend. Ohio State, ranked, number two in the country, was favorable, and people thought they were the only team that could compete with Alabama. Traveling to West Lafayette to face Purdue, Ohio State was hoping for an easy win. The Boilermakers had different plans as they “killed” the Buckeyes, beating them 49-20. Playoff nightmares are hovering over the Big Ten. Michigan has the best spot right now to get into the playoff as they are sitting on the top of the east division. The Wolverines are going to face two difficult opponets in the next couple weeks. Penn State will travel to Ann Arbor, and Michigan still faces the Buckeyes. Big Ten is such a tough conference for football, because you never know who is going to come out of nowhere and rip out the playoff hopes for your team. There are more tricks than treats in this conference. Teams can bring out the worst of fans and nightmares are always looming. Will the scares of October still haunt the Big Ten in the months to come?


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The Georgetonian

Dog-on good research By MARIAH ADDINGTON Staff Writer

This year one of our own professors is working on a Research Project with Garth Elementary School! Dr. Rebecca Singer is a Psychology professor here at Georgetown College and is conducting a study this year at the Elementary to see if therapy animals are a useful tool in reading intervention. The general way research was conducted was that all participants (17 families in total) were first assessed on their current reading ability. Then Dr. Singer developed individual lesson plans

matching that student’s skill level. Each week, research assistants in groups of two to three are assigned two children in which one assistant facilitates the lesson, usually in fun, engaging reading activities and the other records the data. Half of the children participating in this study have been assigned dogs as reading helpers this semester and the other half of children will be assigned dogs next semester. Obviously, the dogs don’t actually read, but they are involved in the games and activities they play. What is interesting about this study is the cross over for the Educators at Georgetown. Because of this, Dr. Singer has

invited Dr. Eddy to collaborate with her on this study. Her research questions include: Does the presence of the a trained therapy dog during reading-related activities result in increased on-task engagement during the program?” and “Do children increase listening and attention during lessons if there is a dog present?” So, is it working so far? The process has not necessarily been measured yet. This study will be on-going for the rest of the school year, and the student with therapy dogs this semester will switch and have them next semester. What can be accounted for is the impact that the study is having on the

Georgetown participants. All of the people coming from Georgetown seem to have the same sentiment- this project is helping them to see their field in a different way. One of the volunteers on this study is Haleigh Bevins. She has been going to help at Garth Elementary School every Thursday after school. When asked how this program is helping her, she said, “For those thinking of graduate school in psychology, it is so important to have some basic knowledge of how research works. This projects has shown me an entire other side to psychology and the benefits of research. I’m thankful that Garth is willing to participate

in this study and try and benefit its students in any way possible.” Dr. Eddy also was very encouraging of the education students to get involved saying, “I think anyone interested in getting research experience would benefit from being involved. I also think anyone interested in studying the how and why behind learning would benefit.” Since this is an on-going study, they are always looking for more volunteers. If you are interested in psychology or education this is the perfect position for you. Contact Dr. Singer to find out more information about ways to get involved.

Georgetown freshman publishes first book By CAMERON KENNER Staff Writer Freshmen step into different roles on campus and this year one freshman raised the bar. Erin Wedemeyer has created her own roles on campus and beyond. One first-year who is doing just that is Erin Wedemeyer. Wedemeyer is a new student who comes to Georgetown with an accomplishment that few others do. She has written and published a full length fantasy novel. In her novel, “A Vow to Fury,” Wedemeyer tells the story of Repana, a young

woman who finds herself forced into a new role when she acquires a dragon egg. She must search high and low, near and far, through war and friendship, experiencing magic and greed and even betrayal as she seeks answers as to how take care of her new responsibility. Wedemeyer drew her inspiration from Tolken and the movie Avatar (2009). It took 10 months for her to finish writing the first draft, but it all paid off when her dream came true and it was published last year. It has received almost a consistent 5 star ratings on

Amazon, Google Books and Wedemeyer plans to continue her writing career as a hobby, and she is even working on her next novel. This one is about a group of friends in college who must fend off beasts who personify emotions such as depression and anxiety using their Dungeons and Dragons like abilities. If you would like to support this creative leader on campus, you can find Wedemeyer’s book on Amazon and Barnes and Nobel, and you can even find copies in the bookstore.

Another way to support would be to attend the 2018 Kentucky Book Festival. It is being hosted this year at the Kentucky Horse Park which is conv e n i e n t l y Source: Erin Wedemeyer located 15min- Pictured: The cover art for novel “A Vow To utes away from Fury” campus. 9a.m.-4p.m.. Feel free to come There will be authors out and support Kentucky litfrom all across the state there erature and one of our own to present their works from Georgetown Tigers!


Issue 17

October 23, 2018 Page 7

Curtis Sandberg is “the students’ dean” By ELLIE SMITH Staff Writers This year, Georgetown College welcomes Dr. Curtis Sandberg as the new Dean of Students. In his first couple weeks at Georgetown, Dr. Sandberg has acquainted himself with many students by sitting with students at lunch and speaking at meetings for various campus organizations. In his personal student life and academic experience, Dr. Sandberg attended the University of Wyoming after growing up on a ranch outside of Cheyenne, Wyo. After graduating, he earned his masters in experimental psychology. After earning his masters, Dr. Sandberg taught English in Japan with his wife for three

years. Upon their return, he earned a second masters in public administration at the University of Wyoming. Later, he earned his Ph.D. in Education Policies Studies and Evaluation from the University of Kentucky. When he’s not working, Dr. Sandberg and his wife enjoy spending time with their son and daughter who are both students at Belmont University. His hobbies include gardening, hiking, traveling and fostering his love of cars. Dr. Sandberg laughed while admitting that he has more cars than he needs, one of these being his grandfather’s Chevy pickup. Dr. Sandberg conceptualizes the role of Dean of Students by turning the title around and focusing on the

Source: Georgetown College

Pictured: Dr. Curtis Sandberg students: the students’ dean. Dr. Sandberg intends to fulfill this role by approaching student life and the needs of the campus in an intentional and holistic manner. In this holistic approach, Dr. Sandberg recognizes that students do not necessarily want a good student life experience if it has no rel-

evancy to the classroom. In an interview, Dr. Sandberg said, “All of our positions, of all the folks on campus in faculty and staff, really are about student success and helping students to learn, grow, develop and reach their own individual goals. The Dean of Students position provides an opportunity to think holistically about the student and how they are learning, developing and what opportunities they have.” When asked about his vision for Georgetown College, Dr. Sandberg said, “That’s developing and it’s always going to be developing. One of the things that I want to see this term is getting people to consider two questions: What

kind of community do you want to live in? How are you intentionally supporting that as a positive member of that community?” Dr. Sandberg comes to Georgetown College equipped to achieve these goals with 25 years of experience in higher education. With administration experience in student life at the University of Wyoming and experience on the academic side of things at Berea College, Dr. Sandberg has a strong, institutional view. One of the things that Dr. Sandberg found appealing about Georgetown College was the love that alumni have for the college. Dr. Sandberg is optimistic about this place and this college and is excited to build on its strong foundation.

sistency because they are at a scheduled time, everyone supports each other and are great motivators. When it comes to running, he finds it easier to have a running partner so that they can push each other. His biggest achievements yet are running a couple 5k’s

that he spent months training for. His personal best was his second 5k, the Finley 5k where he ran a 25:20. Overall, his biggest motivation to stay active is his family, being in shape for them and enjoying the health benefits.

KHS club spotlight: Todd Hamilton

By SHELBY HUNGER Staff Writers For the third week of Exercise is Medicine month the KHS club would like to spotlight Dr. Hamilton for his willingness to exercise to stay healthy for his family. For those who don’t know him, Dr. Todd Hamilton is Professor and Chair of the chemistry department on campus. Dr. Hamilton’s workout routine consists of doing CrossFit once a week in the REC center. He uses his Fitbit that his wife got him to motivate himself and challenge his friends to see who can get the most steps each week. He

says in the summer months he does a lot more running. In the past he has also done aerobics, weight training and Taekwondo. Originally, he started exercising more to keep up with his son and daughter. Now he hopes to keep up with the grandkids he might have someday. Most importantly, he exercises for the health benefits. He wants to live a longer life and have a higher quality of life. The benefit of him exercising is that he feels great when he works out regularly. He finds CrossFit beneficial because the training translates into everyday tasks and

challenges. He loves wearing his “CrossFit Georgetown College” shirt because people seem to show a lot of respect for those who do it. Another benefit of exercising he said, “Once I played a pick-up basketball game with my son and his college friends, and I was able to keep up!” He was also able to work as a “Prop Dad” at his daughter’s dance competitions, doing some heavy lifting to help the competition run smoothly. The biggest obstacle for Dr. Hamilton when it comes to exercise is that he finds it difficult to stay motivated if he’s working out by himself. His CrossFit classes help with con-

If you are interested a photog-

rapher or writer for the features section, contact Sophie Hughes at shughes@georgetowncollege.


ArtsEntertainment New Halloween movie fails to meet the hype Page 8

By ROSS SMITH Opinion Editor Last Saturday, I saw the new “Halloween” film with a group of friends, all of us anxiously anticipating the sequel to the classic 1978 original. The hype surrounding the film was huge, as it is the only other film that is now canon in the series. Even the protagonist of the old film, Laurie Strode (played by Jamie Lee Curtis) is the same in the new movie. The original film’s plot follows Laurie Strode, a babysitter watching a young child on Halloween night, as she fights for survival against the onslaught of evil psycho–killer Michael Myers. Myers had murdered his sister 15 years ago to the day and escaped his mental institution to strike again. The new sequel is set on Halloween

The Georgetonian

night, exactly 40 years after the original. Much of the story revolves around Laurie Strode, who has been waiting and preparing for Myers to escape his mental institution again. Along with her family and the police, Laurie fights to kill Myers and stop his murderous rampage. While I was initially excited about the concept of the film and the inclusion of the original protagonist, I found myself disappointed with director David Gordon Green’s execution. What I anticipated was an original take on the classic slasher. Instead, what I saw in the theater was a fairly tired return to form. There were few risks taken, and I was unsurprised by most of the major plot points and character developments. For example, the generational gap between Laurie, her daughter

and granddaughter was predictably mended by the end of the film when they inevitably work together to defeat Myers. The relationship arc between Laurie’s teenage granddaughter, Allyson, and her boyfriend, Cameron, seemed cliche, as well. A couple of characters did surprise me with their actions, such as Allyson’s quirky–best–friend–turned–creep, as well as Myer’s twisted therapist. However, these were not major characters, and were eliminated quickly after showing their true colors. My favorite moment in the film was the unintentional comedic moment when a police officer searching the neighborhood for Myers sees a masked figure on the sidewalk and immediately mows him down with his car. He does this on Halloween, when there are hundreds of people in costumes.

While I have my issues with the new “Halloween,” I didn’t dislike every aspect. Some of the scenes were captivating, such as in the mental facility’s courtyard when Myers is shown his own iconic mask, and the other inmates are freaking out. Being reintroduced to our psychotic villain in this wide–open space in the middle of the day was an interesting, chilling scene, and a brilliant choice on Green’s part. The action scenes were also effective. The end of the film takes place in Laurie’s home/fortress, as Myers plays cat–and–mouse with her family in the dark. I admit, some of those moments had me on the edge of my seat. While “Halloween” is not a bad movie, I still think it failed to meet the hype. However, if you’re just looking for a fun slasher to see this Halloween, it might be up your alley.

Books of the Bible Across

4.This book has a talking donkey. 6.This book was written the earliest. 9.The last word of this book is “Amen”. 12.This is the only book of the Torah who’s name does not end in ‘s’. 15.This book tells the story of a king who experianced many things in life but determined that the only actions that held any value were those completed for God. 16.This book was written in response to some of the early churches incorporating pagan traditions into worship. 17.This book contains both the biggest and smallest chapter by verse count. They are also only one chapter away from each other


1.This would be the longest book of the Bible if it was not split into two books due to the limitations to printing in the early days of the printing press. 2.Psalms contains the most amount of songs in the Bible with 150. This book contains the next most amount of songs at 6

3.In this book 1000 people are killed with the jawbone of a donkey. 5.Contains the shortest verse in the Bible which consists of two words. 7.Longest book of the Bible. 8.This book is one of the three song books in the Bible and is split up into 5 songs which can sound oddly similar to Taylor Swift lyrics. 10.“The engulfing waters threatened me, the deep surrounded me; seaweed was wrapped around my head. To the roots of the mountains I sank down; the earth beneath barred me in forever. But you, Lord my God, brought my life up from the pit.” The book of ______, Chapter 2: Verse 5-6. 11.This book gives the most commandments in the least number of verses. 13.This book uses the word “Christian” the most at two times. 14.This book contains the longest word in the Bible: “Mahershalalhashbaz”. 15.This book is the only one that does not contain the word “God”

Issue 17


First Man is a first-class film By ELIZABETH SMITH Staff Writer “First Man,” a biopic of the life of Neil Armstrong, was released on October 12. In its opening weekend in the United States the movie earned a staggering $16,500,000 ( The screenplay, written by Josh Singer, is adapted from the book written by James R. Hansen. Under the direction of Damien Chazelle, the biopic was as engaging as any action, drama or even science fiction film to come out in the twenty-first century. If you have not seen the movie and would like to avoid spoilers, although I’m pretty sure we all know Neil Armstrong makes it to the moon, I suggest that you stop reading now. “First Man,” as a biopic, is more than the story of how Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the

moon. “First Man” reveals all of the hurdles that Armstrong overcame in becoming the first man to walk on the moon: the emotional strain on Armstrong as a father and husband, the lessons that Armstrong learned from the sacrifices of others, the demand of intensity and progress from NASA during the space race against the Soviet Union and the fervent opposition of citizens of the United States against the space program. The seriousness of these obstacles, as well as their thematic role in the movie, is delivered through the serious and almost somber portrayal of Armstrong by Ryan Gosling. Gosling emphasizes the intensity of these themes in his delivery of memorable lines. The memorable dialogue includes quotes such as, “We need to fail down here so we don’t fail up there” and the infamous, “That’s one small step for

man, one giant leap for mankind.” While “Interstellar” and “Gravity” are entertaining movies that follow similar themes during intense space flight, there is something about “First Man” that makes the integration of these themes more meaningful. The talented directors and actors portrayed the story of Neil Armstrong such that the pressures of being a husband and father were at stakes just as high as the demands of the Apollo missions. This integration of themes and their relevance to Armstrong is evident in the narrative technique of the movie. For example, the climactic moment of Armstrong on the moon has little to do with the pursuit of scientific knowledge or the bravery and courage of spaceflight. Rather, the climax and Armstrong’s peak of personal development in the movie is seen when he is on the edge of a crater and stops to look at

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the bracelet of his daughter who died years before. The simplicity of this climax thoroughly sums up the production value of the movie. From the beginning of production, the movie had a lot going for it with the pairing of Damien Chazelle as director and Justin Hurwitz as film score composer; the duo recently won Oscars for their collaboration on the 2016 film “La La Land.” The film score in “First Man” is captivating and truly enhances the true story being told on the screen. If my praise for the director, leading actor, music and story telling isn’t enough to persuade you to see this movie, then maybe a numerical rating will. “First Man” is a 10/10, and everyone should enjoy the pleasure of experiencing such an important story in this movie-watching experience.

Venom: the fierce and fun tale of an anti-hero By JEREMY MIZE Staff Writer “Venom,” directed by Ruben Fleischer, and the screenplay by Jeff Pinker, Scott Rosenberg and Kelly Marcel, tells the story of Eddie Brock, a former journalist who comes in contact with an alien symbiote named Venom. Played by the talented Tom Hardy, Eddie Brock is a man who lost his career and his fiancée due to an attempt at discrediting a dubious CEO named Carlton Drake (played by Riz Ahmed). Because of rumors, Brock discovers several deaths as a result of Drake’s company, Life Foundation, and their secret research and exploits. Venom is an alien symbiote brought to Earth by Life Foundation as a means to “help” the human race evolve and adapt.

The film tells a story of the shades of gray within morality, redemption and complex relationships. At the beginning of the film, we see Eddie Brock as an impulsive and well-meaning man who uses investigative journalism to help people. However, his actions lead to a startling discovery about Life Foundation, and his response to the secret leads him from one heartfelt loss to another. In time, Eddie is given another chance to reveal the truth with the aid of a scientist horrified by Drake’s methods of ‘improving’ humanity. This leads to Eddie coming into contact with the symbiote who eventually combines with Eddie become the title character: Venom. Exploring the story based off of the “Venom: Lethal Protector and Planet of the Symbiotes” storylines from the comics, we see the iconic Marvel char-

acter struggle against both foes and ideals. There is a complexity to the nature of this film, as we see in scenes where Venom battles enemies (well, usually slaughtering, to be more accurate) whilst paving the way through the details of the plans of Drake and Riot, another symbiote who has bonded with Drake and wishes to bring more of his species to Earth. We see man and symbiote bond both physically and metaphorically through their time together, by way of both serious and comical means. As the symbiote considers them both “losers,” their bond ties them together in a strong partnership (with some dark jokes along the way). Although the film’s story should’ve been portrayed as an R-rated film, the action and dark, sarcastic humor brings an interesting take to the development to the plot and major charac-

ters. (Though, spoiler, the whole eating the organs from the insides during the bonding and killing human hosts after symbiotes leave them willingly is, while an interesting notion to the story, a bit overboard to the character’s origin itself). As this film has nothing to do with the iconic Spider-Man, the story and characters are presented in a manner that’s apt for Venom. It gives the character his own story without having to rely on another’s to give it meaning. This molds in the moral ideals that define Eddie, which Venom comes to respect and honor. It shifts the symbiote from villain to hero and aids Eddie into stopping the villains’ plans for seeking power. “Venom” is a film revealing the sense of a change of heart and how redemption can lead one to do the right thing, even if it gets a bit gruesome at times.


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The Georgetonian

Georgetonian The importance of


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branching out your taste in music By TYLER EVANS Staff Writer Most people listen to the same songs over and over again until they start to get sick of them. After a while they switch to a new artist/ song and repeat the process over and over again until the process goes full circle and repeats. People seem to be afraid to go out and explore new genres of music, especially Country music. Most say it’s boring and that all Country sounds the same; to me, Country is the most relatable genre there is, and there are so many subgenres to it. Are you a fan of rock music? Listen to “Heavy is the Head” by Zac Brown Band or “Midnight Train To Memphis” by Chris Stapleton or anything by Lynyrd Skynyrd. “Sweet Home Alabama,” anyone? You like jazz? “Mango Tree” by Zac Brown Band is the song for you. “Jesus, Take the Wheel” by Carrie Underwood, “Long Black Train” by Josh Turner, and “Broken Halos” by Chris Stapleton are some of the songs you may

want to check out if you like Gospel music. If you are getting over a breakup, I suggest “Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood if you’re mad or if you just want a song to cry along too, try “Colder Weather” by Zac Brown Band or “Marry Me” by Thomas Rhett or even “Drowns The Whiskey” by Jason Aldean and Miranda Lambert. There are so many feelgood/party songs like “People Are Crazy” by Billy Currington, “Red Solo Cup” by Toby Keith and “Backwards” by Rascal Flatts just to name a few. If you want songs to dance too, play “Why Don’t We Just Dance” by Josh Turner, “Boot Scootin’ Boogie” by Brooks & Dunn, or even “Heartache On The Dance Floor” by Jon Pardi. For those asking “why Country music?,” I find Country to be extremely relatable. The song “I’ve Been Watching You” by Rodney Atkins is probably the one that sticks out to me the most because it’s a song about a young boy wanting to be just like his dad when he grows up. I think many of us have felt this way about a

parent at one time when we were younger. Whether you admired your mom or dad, the message in the song applies to both. Country is probably the most diverse genre of music there is. If there is a certain type of music that you like, there is a high probability that there is a Country version of it that you would like. Remember when Taylor Swift was a Country singer? She recently worked with another Country group, Sugarland, to write the song “Babe.” Not to mention everyone has probably heard “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” by The Charlie Daniels Band, “Friends in Low Places” by Garth Brooks, “Chicken Fried” by Zac Brown Band, and practically anything by Johnny Cash like “Ring of Fire,” “Hurt,” and “Folsom Prison Blues” to name a few. I encourage anyone who reads this article to listen to any of the songs that seem to interest you and listen to the messages and stories they tell and end the cycle of repeating songs that we all seem to be in.


Issue 17

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Cooper’s Queries: Senator Warren is white By COOPER ADKINS Staff Writer A few days ago, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren released the results of her DNA ancestry test. Ever since running for Senate, she has faced criticism about her alleged Native American ancestry. Our president even mocked her by calling her “Pocahontas.” She has long claimed that she is Native American, with Fordham calling her “Harvard Law School’s first woman of color.” She also listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools directory. The DNA test concluded that she had one Native American ancestor from between 6 to 10 generations ago. One Native American ancestor 6–10 generations ago would represent between 1/64 and 1/1,024

of Warren’s ancestry. I have also done a DNA test about my ancestry, through the program 23AndMe. I have always been interested in my genealogy and decided to buy a kit while it was on sale. I am (not surprisingly) 99.4% European. What really shocked me is the remaining 0.6%: Congolese. I had heard no talk of this from any side of my family or seen any information during my previous genealogy research. On my 23AndMe account, it says this: “You most likely had a distant great–grandparent who was 100% Congolese. This person was likely born between 1760 and 1850.” This makes me anywhere from 1/32 to 1/256 Congolese. My ancestor was most likely a slave (given the time frame, country of origin, his-

torical analysis of the slave trade and how they’re the only African in my ancestry) but I had no idea of that until I did the DNA test. Slave women were forced to comply with sexual advances by their masters on a very regular basis; thus, an enormous number of slaves became concubines for these men. This is, possibly, how I got my Congolese ancestry. Ancestry and who you are have almost nothing to do with what your DNA says. It is about the culture you are in. I was raised in Appalachia by a white middle class family. I don’t tell people I am African–American because I have a small percentage of it in my DNA. I would never dare to try and claim this ancestry because I was never subject to personal stories about the horrors of the slave trade or the

discrimination faced by African–Americans in this country still today. Sure, there’s affirmative action for minorities and the constant white bashing by the elites and media, but whites are far more privileged in America than any other race. According to, Native Americans who are born today have a life expectancy (73) that is 5.5 years less than the U.S. all races population (78.5). They also die at higher rates than other Americans in many categories, including chronic liver disease, diabetes, unintentional injuries, murder and suicide. They are also the most drug addicted and alcohol addicted race in the country. All of these things are due to how horribly they were treated by their colonial conquerors and our country after we won

our independence. We forced them to live on reservations, and brought all kinds of diseases from Europe which they had no immunity to. Elizabeth Warren does not struggle with these problems. She makes a huge salary working for the Senate, had a cushy job as a law professor at Harvard and lives in a mansion. She is one of the most privileged people in the country, as most politicians are. It is extremely disrespectful of her to claim to be Native American when she was not raised in the culture and barely has any DNA that would belong to a tribe. Elizabeth Warren, or as President Trump has nicknamed her “Pocahontas,” needs to stop painting with all the colors of the wind and paint with the one she truly is: white.

Men should be allowed to take paternity leave By DEMETRIUS HARRISON News Editor In this day and age, we should not be intimidated by gender stereotypes. Unfortunately, yet realistically, women are typically the victims of being afraid to vocalize their rights due to societal judgement. In this rare case, men get the short end of the stick, afraid of being seen as feminine, or less masculine, for requesting paternity leave. In fact, according to the US Department of Labor, your partner, regardless of gender,

is entitled the same post–baby leave as you are. For clarification, paternity leave is a period of absence from work granted to a father after, or shortly before, the birth of his child. Similarly, maternity leave is when a mother is granted leave for the same reasons. The question is: why are men so intimidated to request maternity leave? Is it because we are so used to gender roles that men feel obligated to work and keep income flowing while his partner is taking time off for the baby? Complement-

ing maternity leave, paternity leave is typically unpaid. Or is it simply because society is against the “Mr. Mom” stay– at–home dad role, even if temporary, so men are in fear of asking their employers for the leave of absence? However, the benefits of both parents being home for a newborn baby outweigh the fear of asking. If both parents take a leave of absence a week or two before the child is expected to be born, parents can have uninterrupted bonding time with their child. The father can be there when the

mom goes into labor rather than being at work. After birth, both parents get the chance to let their parental instincts take place: capturing all of their newborn’s firsts. According to, pregnancy and labor trigger natural instincts for mothers while fathers have to spend time with their newborn in order for their brain to shift into parental mode. Also, the father taking off time from work gives the mother a chance to nap! Labor is extremely exhausting, and the mother’s body should rest. While mothers take time to

rest, the fathers can step in to watch and spend quality time with the newborn. This also saves money on the unpaid leave from having to hire a nanny or daycare. Studies also show that paternity leave can be great for the marriage, not feeling like one parent is pulling in more weight than the other, bringing up arguments of “you don’t help raise our child,” and “I’m the only one bringing in money right now.” Saying this, more men should be requesting to go on paternity leave from their employers!


Lessons Relearned: The life of GC Politicians (Part 1 of 3) BY Trey Smallwood

Tour Guide through Georgetown Time Welcome to issue 17 of this volume of the Georgetonian Backpage, where I am attempting to chronicle former Georgetown Students’ lives through former student record cards. These cards have been in the back of the Georgetonian office for years, and I have been inspired to try to bring myself and my readers knowledge from their lives. In the past weeks, I have focused on some individuals and some groups. With the midterm elections drawing near, I have decided to start a three-part series featuring Georgetown alumni who that chose to dedicate their lives to public service. I am starting this series by detailing the lives of individuals who represented either their home counties in the Kentucky State Legislature or represented our Commonwealth in the Congress of the United States. The first alumnus is Bell John Aldridge. Aldridge graduated in 1853. In 1858, he married Eleanora Elliot who died in 1865, and he then married Belle Shropshire in 1871. He had two sons who both attended Georgetown College and two daughters who both attended the Georgetown Female Seminary. When he graduated, he taught for a year at Oxford Elementary here in Georgetown, then in a town called Salvisa, Kent. before returning to teach at the Georgetown Academy from 18551856. He then became the publishing editor of the Georgetown Gazette until 1868 when he became the postmaster general of Georgetown. When he retired from that he became the Editor

of the Georgetown Times. However, he also during this time served in the state House of Representatives representing Georgetown. Aldridge’s card also notes that he was “one of the finest short editorial writers in the state.” S. D. Cockran graduated from Georgetown in 1887. On Feb. 7, 1889 he married Dora Denton. The two of them had four children. Cockran’s primary occupation was farming. He represented Garrard Co. in the State Legislature for two terms in 1904 and 1906. Cockran died May 5, 1918. Robert Emlin Roberts is the next alumnus. The card does not give very much information about him but we know he graduated from Georgetown in 1876. He continued to reside in Georgetown his entire life. He was a lawyer and a member of the Legislature. Roberts died in 1910. Lyman J. Parrigin graduated from Georgetown in 1905. He married Bess E. Goggin, an education student at the University of Kentucky. They had three children. He started his career as a traveling salesman for a grocery company and then a tie company. He then became a farmer in Mill Springs, Kent. for two years. In 1914, he won a term in the State Legislature. After that, he worked for the Internal Revenue Service and then was an Oil Well contractor and oil producer. Parrigin was also involved in the Freemasons, the Shriners and was a charter member of the Paintsville Kiwanis Club. Parrigin died Dec. of 1932. Paul Heflin was born March 2, 1878 and graduated in 1897. Heflin’s card is the only one I have seen that specifically points out that he was “baptist.” He was from Flemingsburg, Kent.. On Oct.

3, 1901, Heflin married Marie Davey, but they divorced in 1906. On Sept. 15, 1916, he married Dove B. Embry who died March 30, 1924. He received a law degree from Princeton University in 1898. In 1899, he became the county attorney for Flemingsburg Co., Kentucky. In 1916, he became the Examiner for the Insurance Department of Kentucky and continued that for the rest of his life. He served as a member of the Kentucky Legislature from 1904-1905. Ashton P. Harcourt graduated in 1855. In 1877, Harcourt married Kate McClaskey and they had two sons. Harcourt was a lawyer in Texas. He also served with the Texas Rangers until 1865. He served in the Kentucky state Legislature and represented Bullitt and Spencer counties. He then served as the County Judge of Spencer Co. Allen Herman Points graduated from Georgetown in 1897. On Oct. 7th, 1902, he married Irene Jones. They had two sons. His only listed occupation is a Cashier for the Salt Lick Deposit Bank in Ashland, Kent.. He represented the Bath and Rowan Co. district in the state legislature in 1910. Pointes died in 1957. James Franklin Clay graduated from Georgetown College in 1860. On Oct. 29, 1869, Clay married Bessie Eaves (next week would be their 149th anniversary). She died May 16, 1913. They had seven children together. One son, A. Y. Clay graduated from Georgetown in 1899. In 1862 Clay became an Attorney in Henderson, Kent. He was then elected to a term in the Kentucky Senate in 1872. After that term he was elected as a member of the national House of Representatives in 1881. He resided in Henderson the rest of his life. James C. C. Black graduated from

Georgetown in 1862. On June 2, 1868 he married Anna Heard. Black received his law degree from Mercer University in Georgia. He worked as an attorney in Georgia. Black was a trustee of Mercer University and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was a member if the Electorial College representing Georgia. He was also a member of Augusta, Ga.’s city council and represented Georgia in the House of Representatives from 1893-1897. Black died in June of 1920. I think it is important to keep in mind that all of these people have “normal” jobs. They are bank cashiers, teachers and farmers. While there are still “normal” people like this in the U.S. congress, and even more at the state level, I think more people like these Georgetown graduates can only help the political landscape. If more regular people decided to run for congress, I believe that it would help eliminate the current political gridlock. These individuals truly knew what it was like in their home districts. I believe that this motivated them to keep up the good fight and truly fight for what they believe in and not just party. If we elect more politicians like this, we can truly do good in the world. Of course, I can not bring up politics without urging you to vote. I know it feels like everywhere you look people are urging you to vote, but there is a reason for this. America’s voter turnout is frankly embarrassing in my opinion, especially among young voters. So, I encourage you to go out and vote, regardless of your party, to make this country the best it can be.

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