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Kentucky breaks record for state with highest Hepatitis A outbreaks
Kentucky breaks record for state with highest number of Hepatitis A outbreaks
Staff Writer
As of September 2018, Kentucky has the highest percentage of Hepatitis A outbreaks. Hep A is a virus that causes inflammation of your liver that can have life-threatening consequences.
Symptoms include jaundice, which is the yellowing of the eyes and skin dark urine, nausea, fever, loss of appetite, pain in your abdomen, diarrhea and fatigue.
The disease can take up to two weeks to show up, and sometimes it can be asymptomatic, meaning you do not show any symptoms of the illness.
Therefore, Kentucky Healthcare workers urge residents to be careful of contact with others. Hep A can be transmitted through bodily fluids as well as by sharing drinks, needles, food and coming in contact with someone who has not washed their hands. Hep. A can also be transmitted through fecal matter.
There are, unfortunately, no cures for Hep A. The liver will eventually clear the Hep A by itself if you take care of your body.
Actions such as rest, avoiding alcohol and using prescribed medications with care are some ways to help.
Although there are no cures for Hep A, there are preventions. You can get the Immune Globulin Injection. This builds up the antibodies in your blood to fight off infections and viruses ultimately preventing Hep A and many other illnesses.
California, Utah, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, West Virginia, North Carolina and Massachusetts have had the highest number of outbreaks in 2018.
Many of these states are known for their drug epidemics. For example, Kentucky is known for our high percentage of meth, heroine and cocaine. Drug users sometimes share needles in order to save money and get a quick high.
Kentucky, so far, has had 1,094 cases of Hep A and eight deaths. According to WKYT, 54% of all Kentucky counties have reported at least one case. Jefferson County has reported the most with 525 cases.

Record numbers of reported, and diagnosed, Hepatitis A cases throughout the United States.
Source: Food Safety News
This year, there have been over 3,200 cases reported in the U.S. This data excludes statistics of cases not reported.
Many do not make doctor’s appointments due to the symptoms relating to the flu and many do not have symptoms at all.
Furthermore, one of the biggest continents known for having a widespread epidemic of Hepatitis A is Africa.
This is because the lack of clean and running water, the lack of personal hygiene and rarity of clean animals throughout rural areas of the continent.
The best way to prevent contracting Hepatitis A is having great hygiene, cleaning foods before prepping, cooking foods to national recommended temperatures and getting vaccinated for the disesase.