Georgetonian Issue 19

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Georgetown College’s Student–Run Newspaper

November 7, 2018

Volume CXXXVIV Issue 19

Georgetown Activities Council revamps student engagement By DEMETRIUS HARRISON News Editor The Georgetown College Activities Council, often referred to as GAC, is a student-run organization providing the students of Georgetown College with entertaining, fun activities. GAC organizes several of Georgetown’s longest-running traditions. These events consist of Weeks of Welcome (WOW), Grubfest, Songfest, Hanging of the Green and Belle of the Blue & Beaus Too. The overall mission statement of GAC, according to Campus Life, is “Our goal is to provide students with opportunities to make new friends, have fun, while making their college experience unforgettable.” Current GAC President Tatum Wessling has said, “While our overall mission statement depicts our council’s overall job, our primary goal this calendar year is to encourage more student engagement within the student body. However, this does not strictly apply to events that [GAC] hosts. We have made an effort to repost any flyers we may come across, or are sent to


this issue

us, on social media platforms to raise awareness for all events hosted by any campus organization. We are striving to recraft and put together new events every time we meet to ensure we have the Source: GAC interaction to GAC encourages you to support the Blackout for Hunger in support of the keep doing holidays. All proceeds will be donated to a local non-profit. free giveaways and fun outings to keep our stu- Month is when the George- Everyone wants to eat there dents happy!” town Activities Council allows for free! I think it’ll be a great GAC is giving students a certain amount of students turnout.” every reason to stick around to eat free at a local restaurant, GAC’s Vice President campus this upcoming Sat- first come first serve. Remington Williams said, “We urday, Nov. 10: free food and President Wessling com- are also working on increasing free fun. mented, “I encourage every- student involvement at spirThroughout this week, one to sign-up as quickly as iting events. We are implestudents are free to sign-up possible! Sign-ups will be on menting a student section and for a free hour-long session at the third floor of Student Life several giveaways throughout Get Air, a trampoline park in at noon this Thursday, Nov. 8. the year. We will start with a Lexington, up until the bus Local Feed tends to be a little canned food drive as well as transporting students leaves at pricey, and I’ve only been advertising a campus black out noon on Saturday. there once [the last time GAC for the upcoming basketball Furthermore, Taste of the hosted Taste of the Month game against Talladega next Month will be hosted at Local there], so the sign-up sheet Friday [Nov. 16].” Feed at 11a.m. Taste of the tends to fill up very quickly. GAC has also been work-

ing on booking an artist to teach, and host, “Coffee & Canvas” on Nov. 28 as well as Hanging of the Green, this year hosted by Bryan Langlands. Per usual, the Hanging of the Green will feature a candlelight song around Giddings Circle as the campus Christmas tree lights are turned on. Furthermore, “Finals Throwdown” will be receiving total reconstruction. GAC is planning to pack The Rec with free food, games and activities, as well as giving away several free prizes. This will be held on Dec. 4, and the following day, students can revive themselves from the wild night of fun with “Stress Less With Pets,” also being hosted in The Rec from 11a.m. until 1p.m. Several students across campus seem to enjoy the efforts GAC is making. Freshman Heath Petty said, “I never thought college could be this fun. All of this free stuff is such a relief and makes it all worth it!” Be sure to follow @GAC_ GC on social media to stay current with the every campus event happening, as well as to receive accurate event information.

Trump shares opinion on gender classification page 2

BACKPAGE: Lives of GC politicians 3/3 page 12

What does it take: Men’s Golf page 4

“I Voted” Student Spotlight page 7

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