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Grubfest brings a refreshing twist on a treasured tradition
Grubfest brings a refreshing twist on a treasured tradition
One of Georgetown’s most favorite traditions and NEXUS events, Grubfest, underwent a facelift this past year. Before , this was a time where freshman and upperclassmen alike were encouraged to get down and dirty (literally) with games meant to break down walls, create friendships and leave all cares (and nice clothing) behind. Gone are the mud, dirt and Cheeto Puffs we all came to know in the time-honored tradition of Grubfest.
It’s no secret that Grubfest’s attendance was down in recent years as most students realized that they were not loving the feeling of dirt all over their bodies and in their residence halls.
The tradition, ran by Georgetown Activities Council, needed work or the longheld tradition would be cut by next year.
GAC took all problems with Grubfest into consideration when deciding how to make it something enjoyable and something people want to attend. The Quad yard should not be torn up, residence hall showers should not be full of mud and the Cheeto Puffs needed to be eaten and not wasted in the mud. The campus needed something fun, engaging and intriguing to get people out of their dorms again. With all of this in mind, Grubfest H2O was born. Taking away the mud and dirt made room for slip n’ slide kickball, water balloons and a giant water slide. The Quad was no longer a pile of mud for months.

Freshman ladies loved showing their tiger spirit at Grubfest H20!
Grubfest H2O was a huge hit full of water games, laughs and memories. Though the evening of the 23rd was rainy and cool, over 150 students were in attendance playing games, throwing balloons and going down the slide. The weather, despite the rian, had no impact on the fun had in the Quad that day since everyone was already soaked!
GAC President, Tatum Wessling said, “The attendancethis year has been one of the best out of all of my four years here at Georgetown. It was really exciting to see the new Freshmen take such an interest in this event.”
Needless to say, Grubfest is back and better than ever and will hopefully continue to be one of the most fun and highly attended NEXUS events on this campus for years to come.

Sondra Vernengo and Olivia Burton enjoy “floating on the quad”