Georgetonian Issue 7 - Spring 2013

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eorgetonian G

March 20, 2013 l Volume CXXXIII Issue 7

Tigers win championship By ZACK PARSONS Sports Editor The Georgetown College men’s basketball team went home with the NAIA Championship for the rst time in 15 years this past Tuesday. Whether you claim to bleed blue or represent the ‘Ville, there’s one team that we can mutually support! Our Georgetown Tigers have gone through their fair share of adversity to reach this year’s NAIA National Championship game against Southwestern Assemblies of God University. The Tigers are playing for their second National Championship crown-their rst came in 1998. We must rst look back to Monday night’s seminal to understand how the Tigers made it to the nals. Junior Monty Wilson made

Inside this issue

arguably the biggest shot of the 2012-2013 season for Georgetown when he hit a NBA-range three–point shot with less than one second left in the game to give our Tigers a 90-88 advantage. The shot was featured on ESPN’s top plays for Monday March 18, coming in at the No. 3 spot. The featured shot has been uploaded to YouTube and has accumulated nearly 1,200 views in the past 19 hours. Local support for the Tigers has been outstanding throughout the Tigers’ run in the NAIA national tournament. While the rst few rounds could be monitored through social media and online at the college’s athletics site, Monday’s

seminal was featured on ESPN3. Last night’s National Championship game was featured on CBS Sports Network and was available for viewing at several local restaurants. Galvin’s, Applebee’s in Georgetown and Buffalo Wild Wings off Todds Road in Lex-

ington all aired the game live. For those students who didn’t get to make the trip to Kansas City, fullcoverage was offered in the WOW Grille on campus.

Cheerleaders, WRVG Radio and other GC students traveled to Kansas City, Mo. to cheer on our victorious basketball team.

The Georgetonian/ALLIE ENGLERT

Dancing for a good cause begins this weekend page 2

Dr. Todd Gambill writes a farewell letter to students page 6

Dr. White outs himself page 11

Top ten entertainment venues in the area page 12


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Sponsored by the Global Scholars Program

n Amidst threats of a nuclear

strike from North Korea, the US placed more interceptor missiles on the West Coast to prevent an attack from that country. n Catholic church leaders selected Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina as the 266th pope. He will assume the name Pope Francis I. n In order to receive bailout money from the EU, Cyprus agrees to begin taxing bank deposits. n This week marks the 10th anniversary of the war in Iraq. President Bush authorized the invasion on March 20, 2003. n The Miami-Herald reports that 2,500 fake absentee ballots were ordered for last fall’s primary elections. This marks the first known cyber-attack on US elections. n Doctors in Mississippi announce they have cured HIV in a young child. This represents a breakthrough that is leading many to speculate the end of AIDS could be near. n Samsung has applied for an “eye scroll” patent for their new Galaxy phone. This would allow the screen to be controlled with only your eyes.

The Georgetonian

Third Annual Dance Marathon to be held this weekend By BROOKE WHITAKER Staff Writer If you have walked past the Caf on any given Monday this semester, you probably noticed the smiling faces of the Dance Marathon Executive board. Or, you may have seen their Harlem Shake video featuring our very own Tigers. Dance Marathon is entering its third year on Georgetown’s campus and is quickly becoming a xture of the service lives of many students. The event raises money for the Children’s Miracle Network, and all proceeds go to Kentucky Children’s Hospital in Lexington. “One of my favorite things about dance marathon is that it brings multiple groups and people from around campus together for one cause, for the kids” says Senior Meredith Johnson, Co-Director. Dancers for the event represent many sororities, fraternities, sports teams, classes, majors and other groups on campus who stand together for 17 hours and 87 minutes (Georgetown was founded in 1787) in a show of solidarity for the kids of Kentucky Children’s Hospital. Various speakers from Kentucky Children’s Hospital and Children’s Miracle Network will be speaking at various times during the event to remind dancers of why they are there. Speakers will include children who benet from Dance Marathon funds of various ages and their families, who will share

Follow Global Scholars on Twitter! @GCGlobalScholar

and the activities for that hour reect said theme. Hours for this year include concert hour (when several campus bands will perform), movie hour and 90’s hour (which will feature several activities that will take you back to your childhood). Other things to look forward to throughout the night include Source: Dance Marathon Executive Board members finish final Hongs donuts, rave hour (which involves preparations over Spring Break. glowsticks) and breakfast served by their stories. Dancers will remain on several professors. their feet for the entirety of the event This year’s fundraising goal is in a show of support for the kids of $15,000, up from last year’s total of over Kentucky Children’s Hospital, putting $11,000 (last year’s goal was $10,000). themselves through the discomfort that Georgetown’s Dance Marathon has had these children go through every day. an unprecedented growth rate in past There will also be an Inspiration Tent years, doubling from $5,000 in its rst in the REC to give encouragement to year. Registration for the event is $40 dancers throughout the night in the if paid online or $25 if paid in cash, form of letters and posters from Miracle and students can still register until the Families. Dancers will be able to spend day of the event. Registration fees time with several Miracle kids who will paid by the dancers cover expenses be present throughout the night. Danc- like tee shirts (each dancer gets two), ers will be able to eat and interact with food and other expenses for the event the kids and get to know them on a and remain separate from the fundraismore personal level. ing goal. In order to register, go to Though the name of the event and click is “Dance Marathon,” non-dancers will on the “Register” tab. To learn more also be able to join in on the fun. Other about the event, visit their website (menactivities for the night this year will tioned above), like them on Facebook include a scavenger hunt, the ever-pop- (Dance Marathon: Georgetown Colular humans versus zombies, ultimate lege), follow them on twitter (@Dancefrisbee, costume contests and other MarathonGC) or look them up on fun events. Each hour has a theme, YouTube.


Issue 7

March 20, 2013 Page 3

Theta Alpha Kappa Honors Society inducts new members By AUSTIN FRALEY Staff Writer In the past few years, Georgetown has seemed to have an identity crisis when it comes to religion. Since the association with the KBC was dropped, Georgetown has been identied as a Christian school, but they seemed different than other schools in that regard. It seems religion is viewed much more in academic terms here. It is for this reason that the Theta Alpha Kappa Honors Society was envisioned. Though it had been tried in the past, the motivation and dedication nally came from the current set of religion majors, specically Anna Meurer. Although currently studying at Oxford and unable to attend the induction ceremony, a certicate of initiation was mailed to her. The ceremony took place at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 21 in the JonesHall-Nelson Suite. Eight present students were inducted, as well as many

Source: Georgetown College

(From left to right) Dr. Klopfer, Sam Heaton, Celisa Bowen, Justin Sizemore, Austin Fraley, Betsie Phillips, Ashleigh Barker, Michelle Ballard, Dr. Clark, Claire Strnad and Dr. Asher after the ceremony. others who were unable to attend the ceremony. Alpha Lambda Theta, the Georgetown chapter of TAK, is currently headed by president Claire Strnad, vice president Betsie Phillips and secretary Ashleigh Barker. Claire and Betsie both spoke about the impact of religion as well as the religion department here at Georgetown had on their lives. Claire is

very interested in culture and its relation to religion, so much so that during her Georgetown career, she spent a considerable amount of time in Egypt. Upon returning, she realized that she now had an opportunity to go anywhere she wanted for school. However, Claire said that she realized the relationships she had made with the very helpful and supportive department fac-

ulty were just too valuable to abandon. Betsie spoke about the impact of religion on her own life. She expressed how, as many students can relate to, the religion classes here were very challenging to her faith at rst. She acknowledged that many students, upon learning that not everything they learned in church growing up is entirely accurate, decide that their whole faith is worthless and abandon it. However, she sees the academic study of religion as something that should inspire the faithful to enhance their faith. A relationship with God should be faith seeking understanding. This is the reason that TAK was instituted. “We are not a Sunday School department,” says faculty adviser Dr. Terry Clark. The purpose of the religion department is to help students question and grow in their faith, but not to indoctrinate them. TAK is an expression of that desire, and the members inducted are students willing to challenge themselves and grow in that faith.

Non-Discrimination Work Group continues working toward equality By SYDNEY MOSKO Staff Writer If asked to describe the 2012-2013 school year here at Georgetown in one word, one would have to say, “change.” Recently the Non-Discrimination Work Group has reconvened to continue their efforts on changing the Non-Discrimination Policy. This hard–working and passionate group is working towards one of the biggest changes in this school’s history. They are focused on raising awareness of inequality on campus as well as educating the campus family about how to implement a long

lasting change that will benet the college as a whole, not just certain groups. As some recall, this is the Non-Discrimination Policy’s second go-around to the Board of Trustees. Despite an overwhelming approval by faculty last year, the trustees did not pass the proposed revisions to the policy. The current policy states, “In compliance with federal law, including provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Georgetown College does not illegally discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability or mili-

tary service in its administration of education policies, programs or activities; admissions policies; or employment.” The change that the group would like to make to this policy is, “Georgetown College does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, gender, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, medical condition, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military status or any group-status that is protected under applicable federal, state or local law.” There is a very important change that is removed in the new proposed policy: the word “illegally” is taken out.

Currently in Kentucky it is legal to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation and gender. As of the last meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 26, the letter has been revised to bear the changes stated above and is in the nalizing stage. This newly revised letter will be considered during the April board meeting on April 26 and 27. The group extends an invitation to any one who is part of our campus family. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 26 at 7 p.m. in LRC 150. Come join this awesome group of students, faculty and staff that are ghting for a worthwhile change.


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The Georgetonian

Men’s Bball to NAIA Championship!


By the time you read this paper your Georgetown College Tigers will have already played for the NAIA Division I National Championship in Kansas City, Mo. So far, they’ve had an amazing run and played with tremendous heart on their way to a match up with Louisiana State University Shreve-

port televised nationally on ESPN3. The Tigers won three games en route to the Fab Four; against St. Thomas Houston, John Brown University and Culver-Stockton College. The rst game they won after coming back from behind, 70-68. The Tigers won by 13 in the second game of the tournament, winning 80-67 against John Brown. In the third game against Cul-

Sball wins two in MSC By ERIC BALMER Staff Writer On the Friday before spring break, the Georgetown College Softball team played conference opponent Rio Grande. At home, the Tigers took care of business in consecutive games against the Red Storm. GC (8-2, 2-0 Mid-South Conference) beat Rio Grande (0-4, 0-2 MSC), with a score of 5-4 in the rst game, and 8-0 in the second. In the rst game, Georgetown had a lead of 4-1 before the away team tied it up in the seventh inning. The Tigers kept their composure and in the bottom of the seventh, with the bases loaded, Hillary Plain hit a game-winning base hit. Plain was denitely the biggest contributor to the success of the team, as she went twofor-three, scoring two runs. The pitcher, Katie Mann, was awarded the win. GC’s next game wasn’t much of a competition, as the

home team came away with a shutout win in six winnings. Contributions came from many Georgetown players. Shelby Engle was able to pitch a shutout and recorded three RBIs at the plate. Engle only allowed one hit and she struck out three. Mallory Johnson also helped out with two runs and two RBIs, and Taylor Shaw scored two and brought in one run. Johnson, Engle, Shaw and Young each had two hits during the second game. Georgetown coach Thomas Thorton was impressed by his team’s ability to not only come back in the rst game, but also deal with the shifting of the line-up. “After being unable to play for almost two weeks, I was pleased with the way they battled and took both games. We have an injury right now that also caused us to shift out line-up some, but they just rolled right with it and took care of business” (

ver-Stockton, they came from behind to win 86-82. After ghting their way to the Fab Four, the Tigers never stopped en route to a two--point victory over LSUShreveport. Monty Wilson was the hero for the night with 32 points and eight rebounds. Monty Wilson’s shot with two seconds left on the clock was one he practiced for hours the night before in Source: The Georgetonian/Cameron Nixon anticipation for the Monty Wilson celebrates after hitting game. Yet it was his game-winning shot. a real team effort

Baseball Softball

Men’s B-ball

W. 5-4 vs.Tennessee Wesleyan

all around, defensively and offensively, as Georgetown out-rebounded LSUShreveport 45-33 and were rewarded with 24 second chance points. Vic Moses continued his streak of doubledoubles with 12 points and 10 rebounds, while Garel Craig and Allan Thomas both had 17 points, including some big ones in the last minutes of the game. For the championship game, Georgetown will be up against SAGU, who beat Lindsey Wilson College 80-64 in the Fab Four. The game will be televised on CBS Sports Network at 8:35 p.m.

Mar. 22 vs. Univ. of the Cumberlands 6 p.m.

L. 2-1 Campbellsville U. Mar. 2 6 vs. Saint Catharine’s 3 p.m.

W. 90-88 LSU-Shreveport NAIA Championship game 8:30 p.m.

Women’s B-ball L. 93-69 Lubbock Christian



By ERIC BALMER Staff Writer

After a season of ups and downs the GC women’s basketball team has played its last game in the MSC tournament. The Tigers were able to make it past the rst round but couldn’t seem to keep their momentum going. Before losing to Campbellsville University last Saturday, the Lady Tigers were on a six-game winning streak, including a rst round win against Blueeld College. On Saturday, March 2 in Frankfort’s Civic Center, Georgetown took down the Rams of Blueeld with a nal score of 74-65. The No. 16 Tigers (22-8) had lost in the quarternal round of the MSC tournament for three straight

years, but they were determined not to make it a fourth. GC did most of their work in the last half of the game, scoring almost 50 of their 74 in the second half. The Tigers got off to a slow start, and were trailing by nine points in the rst half. In fact, Devon Golden scored 18 of her 20 points in the second half. Lizza Jonas contributed greatly to the team’s success, as she scored a game-high 24 points. Both Jones and Golden had nine rebounds on the night. Kourtney Tyra had her troubles, but even she was able to nish with 14 points. She went 8-of-11 from the free throw line. Lindsey Fultz was also a crucial part of the win and was effective on the defensive side. Fultz ended the night with two

rebounds. The Georgetown women’s basketball coach was relieved that her team was able to get over the hump and win in the quarternals. “It’s good to survive and advance. It becomes such a mental block that you have to break that barrier as well. But, we settled down and did what we needed to do in the second half to win. In postseason, that’s the name of the game” ( Although the Tigers were able to advance to the next round, they couldn’t seem to overcome Campbellsville. The team shouldn’t dwell on their mistakes but should be proud of their season and build on the success they had this season. .

plete game shutout in the rst game against No. 12 ranked Lindsey Wilson College, striking out three players through seven innings as the Tigers won 10-0. He scattered ve hits with no walks as the Tigers mercy-ruled Lindsey Wilson. His ERA, at 2.01, is the tenth best in the Mid-South Conference. Mike Steinke, Marvin Flores and Justin Moore all had two RBI and went 2-of-4 from the plate while David Higuera had one RBI and was 2-of-3 from the plate. Ryan Serrato, Jordan Hinshaw and Tanner Baldwin each had a run in the

game as well. The Tigers played two more games against Lindsey Wilson, winning 6-0 and 2-1. They next played Indiana University Southeast on March 14 and won 4-1. Over the weekend, the tigers suffered a setback against Campbellsville University, losing three games over March 14 and 15, 4-5, 4-5 and 3-11, all at Campbellsville. Starting on Friday, March 22, the Tigers play at home against University of the Cumberlands. The rst game is at 6 p.m. on Friday, while the next two start at noon on Saturday, March 23.

Tiger baseball shuts out LWC

By CAMERON NIXON Staff Writer Though opening day has yet to approach in the MLB, Georgetown baseball has been going on since the beginning of February. The No. 20 Tigers sit three games above .500 with a record of 14-11, 4-5 MSC. Starting on Friday at 4 p.m., the Tigers won four games in a row at home. First, in a series at home against Lindsey Wilson, the Tigers went for a sweep. Special congrats go to pitcher Matt Smith, who was named Mid-South Conference pitcher of the week. He threw a com-


Women’s bball season comes to end

February 27, 2013 Page 5


Issue 7


Haley Hart is a senior tennis player. Hometown: I am from Stanford, Ky. Position: I play both singles and doubles Favorite memory from playing at GC: I am entering my nal season, so I hope my favorite memory will be making it to the National Tournament in Mobile, Ala., but so far... it has been winning the fall conference tournament seminal match my junior year against Milligan College with my doubles partner, Natalie Hill. Plans after Georgetown: After graduation, I will be attending Physician Assistant school at Lincoln Memorial University in Tennessee. I plan on specializing in family medicine or orthopedics and working in the central Kentucky area.


Senior Gustavo Echeverria looks to return a serve in a recent tennis match against ASA.


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The Georgetonian

Goodbye from Dr. Todd Gambill

Tigers, By the time you read this, I will be deep into my rst week as the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management at Indiana University Kokomo. While I am excited about this new chapter for me personally and professionally, I have found myself reminiscing on the nearly ten years I have spent at Georgetown College. While ten years may seem like a lifetime to my children, it is humbling to

realize I have only been here for roughly ve percent of the institution’s history. This has been a tremendous period of growth for me. I have learned (from my many mistakes and successes) how to be a better student advocate and servant. While many decisions are complicated, I believe that transparency, collaboration and trust can bring about a process where group buy-in can help create a climate of success. I hope that what I have

learned in my Tiger days has prepared me to be a better leader and follower. Students, thank you for your patience and enthusiasm. You have unbelievable potential and can create a rst-rate college experience. I am often amazed by your passion, your heart and your ability to adapt. Do not underestimate the power of your collective and organized voice. This College exists for you. Instead of harping about things that you do

Campus gets renovations

not like, do something about it! Appreciate the dedicated staff and faculty who are here to serve and love you. Let them help you reach your potential, and remember to say “thank you” to all those who play a role in your journey. Staff members, thank you for your dedication and support. Some of you are among the hardest working folks I know. While you may not have “faculty status” you have the ability and opportunity to

Tigers, What do you think of the changes around campus? Let us know! email: georgetonian he Georgetonian/ EVAN HARRELL

Above: New banners grace campus walkways with logos and mottos. Bottom: The student center outside the Caf receives a fresh coat of paint and world clocks are removed.

mentor and teach students. I hope you take great satisfaction in the product that we help create. Remember that the broken ceiling tiles and damaged water fountains are not the work of all our students, but rather a small percentage of students who may be struggling with personal demons. Keep the faith and remember that if each of you does your job ve percent better, that it will help Georgetown College reach new heights! Faculty members, thank you for your commitment, expertise and student-centeredness. We know that many of you are underpaid when you consider the extensive educational background and professional competence that you possess. I appreciate that most of you are here because you feel a calling to teach. I believe the strength of GC is its academic program, and your efforts will largely determine the success of this institution in the decades to come. I encourage you to claim your role in a shared governance model of decision making, and to remember that your attitude and enthusiasm has a signicant impact on student morale and retention. Good luck to each of you in your work, study and play. Love and take care of each other, as it is what makes Georgetown College special. Keep in touch, as I would enjoy hearing about your individual and collective success. My IUK email is Go Tigers! —TG


Issue 7


Quote My Georgetown Professor “God is pretty sparkly.” - Dr. Clark

By ASHLIE DAVIS Staff Writer Ciara McDaniel, a focused but lighthearted student, gives the glory to God when asked about how she came to love and major in the sciences. Before entering Georgetown, she wasn’t entirely sure what route she wanted to go, but had dabbled with the idea of child psychology. However, when a visiting missionary made a visit to her home church, she received the guidance she had been praying for and began following a path to Dentistry. She says that becoming a dentist is truly her dream job, but that she hopes to see herself working missions with that profession and blessing those less fortunate than her. While she isn’t jumping right into Dental School after graduation, she cannot wait to spend her gap year gaining experience and getting her feet wet in preparation for her future. When it is all said and done, Ciara says a movie of her life would feature Julia Roberts as the lead role and Channing Tatum as her love interest. What makes Ciara different from many of her fellow classmates is her heart for and commitment to her family. She has been a god-mother for two children for the past three years and takes her role in their life very seriously. While, to her, it does signify that she is dependable enough to be entrusted the care of two small children, she also commits as much time as possible to them in the here and now as they are growing up. Sophie and Ryder were ready

March 20, 2013 Page 7

“Everything has a form: trees, dogs, Twinkies. Yes, even Twinkies have a form or else they would not exist.” - Dr. Sands Wise “If there’s one thing that I’ve taught you, it’s that even if you tangent, you can always find your way back. And if you haven’t noticed that, then you need to come to class more often.” -Dr. Takacs Posted on the “Quote My Georgetown Professor” Facebook group

Georgetown Tree Hugger

Source: Ciara McDaniel

Ciara plans to pursue her dream job of becoming a dentist after graduation. and waiting for her to come home for Spring Break and spend time with them. Ciara even admits that Sophie would be the inspiration if she discovered and needed to name a star explaining, “my god-daughter calls me CiCi and I just feel like I would want to name it that because then she could always look in the sky.” Family, like her god-children, is the number one thing she misses about Owen County, her homestead, because her family and her hometown have provided for her constant support and unconditional love. She also goes on to confess that she is

very happy to be away from the drama of her high school. In reection, Ciara says there isn’t a lot she would change about her time spent at Georgetown. With the exception of the cost, she says her only real regret is not getting out more and balancing fun a little more with her studying. She also muses that the GC tradition she will miss the most is the Hanging of the Green because of the signicance of the season, as well as the love and coming together of Georgetown as a family.

The Georgetonian/COLLIN SMITH

This week’s Tree Hugger Laura Frazier says, “Register for Dance Marathon!”

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The Georgetonian

April Flanders: Unintended Consequences By MEGHAN ALESSI News Editor One can always guess what the intended meaning of a work of art may be, but it isn’t very often that you get to hear it straight from the artist’s mouth. April Flanders, former professor at the University of Florida and traditional printmaker, is the creator of the newest installation in the Cochenour Gallery. On Friday, March 1, 2013, students and faculty got the chance to hear Ms. Flanders speak about her installation and the meaning behind it. On the left wall of the Cochenour Gallery there are several large fuschia and orange owers displayed. In the back of the gallery there are two framed prints featuring a snake and several other animals and insects. On the right wall there are two birds surrounded by bright orange vines and leaves weaving together, made out of paper and wire. The word “toxic” is printed all over the leaves, which leads into the purpose of the exhibit.

April hopes to make people that see her work aware of the “Unintended Consequences” pertaining to nature. All of the plants, animals and insects used in this exhibit are invasive. The snake featured in one of the prints is a brown tree snake and it is a real problem in Guam. They are not native to the country but they were accidentally introduced after World War II and they have now over-run the island to the point where they actually go into homes in search of a food source. The bright orange plant mentioned earlier is another example of a nonnative species that is having a negative impact on its new surroundings. Of course, it is not orange in nature, but she chose to make it so in this installation to grab your attention Also, the fact that it is combined with the word “toxic” printed all over it sends out a strong message. It is similar to the plant called Kudzu, which you may be familiar with. It grows so quickly that it kills the trees around it by essentially blocking them from sunlight.


One of April Flanders’ works, is a monotyped print titled “Spread by Birds.” Although she said that in the future she may bring the human aspect into the picture, for now she is mainly interested in the globalization of species and their impact on different environments and ecosystems. She creates the types of prints dis-

played in the gallery, called monotypes, through a process of layering. She used parts of real plants for the background and then added layer upon layer of shapes and words using lithograph inks and a printing press. It can be time consuming and it can also be risky. Say you have a really great print but you think you need to add one last layer. That last layer changed the look completely and it wasn’t what you were hoping for. Well, there is no point of return so you have to start over. So, each layer you add is a gamble. Her work is expertly crafted and beautiful to look at. But more importantly, Ms. Flanders’ art also has a much deeper purpose behind it. It is an amazing exhibit and is worth everyone’s time to go and check it out. The exhibition will be on display until March 28, so stop by and experience “April Flanders: Unintended Consequences”!

Issue 7


March 20, 2013 Page 9

Discussion into Delusion: Craig Gillespie’s “Lars and the Real Girl”


One day, Lars brings home the girl of his dreams, which thrills both Gus and Karin. The only problem is that this girl Before going to the Feb. 27, 2013 isn’t exactly who or what they expect screening of “Lars and the Real Girl,” her to be. Instead, Lars’ soul mate is a I had never even heard of the lm. I “doll” Lars purchased off the Internet. had received a few condensed summa- Lars himself sees no problem with the ries of the lm’s narrative, but the main situation and is simply looking for a aspect that caught me off–guard was meaningful relationship with this inanthe girl, “Bianca,” and the role that she imate object, convinced that the doll, would play in the movie. named Bianca, is sentient and alive. The In “Lars and the Real Girl,” the small town that Lars lives in is skeptimain character, Lars (Ryan Gosling), is cal of this act, but after a while they all a withdrawn man living in the garage band together to make Bianca feel welof his brother, Gus (Paul Schneider), come and to make Lars happy. and his wife, Karin (Emily Mortimer). This movie was presented by Psi Chi (The National Honor Society in Psychology) and Psi Alpha Omega primarily for the symptoms presented in the character of Lars. Deeper into the lm itself, Lars is diagnosed with delusional disorder. One of the primary features of delusional disorder is that one has a belief that cannot be unshaken but that is actually untrue. In the case of Lars, he believes that Bianca is a real girl with whom he wants to have a deep and meaningful relationship. After a while though, he begins to lose sight of this delusion. Unfortunately, saying much more about the loss of the delusion would regrettably be giving away too much of the lm. One aspect I particularly loved was when the community came together to help Source: “Lars and the Real Girl” stars Ryan Gosling as a this man and to make Bianca feel welcome. However, I’m Staff Writer

man who finds his “soul mate” in a doll.

not entirely certain whether or not giving into the delusion would ultimately be benecial outside of the world created in the lm. There is also the fact that Dagmar (Patricia Clarkson), who is Bianca’s doctor and a psychologist as well, indirectly works with Lars. As far as I know, this isn’t allowed in the real world because the patient has to consent to treatment. Since Dagmar is treating Lars without his consent, she is technically in violation of this important rule. But whatever, it’s a movie. Anything can happen in a movie, apparently. Putting aside all of the misconstrued information presented in the lm, I enjoyed the movie. Seeing the

community’s ability to come together to help this deeply troubled man was both heart-warming and inspirational. At rst they are all a little skeptical, but they eventually warm up to Lars’ new girlfriend, and not only make Bianca feel welcome, but also bring Lars out of his shell, eventually opening up the possibility for the disturbed young man to nd deep connections with the (real) people around him. Overall, I found the movie very enjoyable with great performances and an even better message. As such, I would highly recommend this movie to anyone, especially if you like uncomfortable humor and happy endings.

2013 Senior Art Show


Arts and Entertainment Editor On Friday, March 22, 2013, from 5 to 7 pm in the Anne Wright Wilson Fine Arts Gallery, students majoring in art and expected to graduate in May 2013, will have their senior thesis projects on display. Consisting of works from a variety of different media including photography, painting, drawing and 3D animation, the event will feature the senior theses of ve different Georgetown College art majors. Daniel Cantu II, Lauren Meister,

Elizabeth Metcalfe, Kayleigh Riddell and Jen Stephensen will all present their works at the show titled “why is this happening?” The postcard invitations for the show feature a rain cloud that is showering a spectrum of colors. It’s an incredibly interesting design that both intrigues and sets up what promises to be a night of exploration into deeper meanings. So, be sure to come and check out Georgetown College’s 2013 Senior Art Show on March 22, 2013. It will surely be an amazing time lled with good food, good company and fantastic art from a group of talented seniors.

Opinion The Georgetonian Student’s hope for Pope

The Georgetonian

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Editor-in-Chief ................................................. Caitlin Knox Managing Editor .......................................Hannah Krieger News Editor.................................................Meghan Alessi Sports Editor.................................................Zack Parsons Features Editor...............................................Evan Harrell A&E Editor......................................................Corey Howell Opinion Editor.................................................Ethan Smith Back Page Editor............................................ Allie Englert Photography Editor..........................................Collin Smith Photography Editor...........................................Kati Wilson Web Editor ...............................................Justin Sizemore Copy Editor............................................... Rachael Castillo Copy Editor...................................................Lynsey Jordan Copy Editor................................................Hannah Krieger Faculty Adviser .........................................Dr. Jamie Ratliff

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By ZAC LOSEY Staff Writer

As I’m sure everyone is now aware, the Church elected Peter’s 266th successor this past week, as Argentinian Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio ascended to the papacy and became the rst Pope Francis. While members of the Church are particularly excited and hopeful about this change in leadership, the interest extends beyond those who ascribe to Catholicism. There has been speculation about what kind of changes (or lack thereof) may be in store for the Church and its policies. As the rst South American to be named pope, it seems tting that he should lead the church in signicant changes. I say it seems tting because many ofcial church policies are clearly out of touch with both reality and those who call themselves Catholics. According to statistics cited by John Allen, Jr. of the National Catholic Reporter Catholics are leaving the Church in droves: one in three Americans raised Catholic leaves the church by adulthood, and for one person that is converted, four leave the Church. The reasons for this are up for discussion, but I argue that a major factor is that the leaders of the church refuse to reconsider outdated, harmful and unreasonable policies, particularly their stances on homosexuality, abortion rights, women’s role in the church and contraception. Obviously those adjectives are my personal opinion of the policies and I expect that many will disagree. We live in

America; you’re allowed to do that. I’ll admit I’m no expert in Catholicism, and it’s very possible that a misunderstanding of it warps my view. However, whatever your personal beliefs may be about those topics, a poll conducted by the New York Times indicates that signicant numbers of American Catholics are in favor of more liberal leadership. Exactly how liberal they want it to be is up for speculation, but attitudes of the nation as a whole are shifting towards a more liberal view of the aforementioned topics. It follows that Catholics are following the same trend, and thus the Church’s refusal to reconsider their policies is probably a factor in the loss of membership. Unfortunately I am unable to engage in a full or in-depth discussion because of the space limitations of writing in a small liberal arts media outlet. As such, I will focus on contraception as a policy in need of signicant revision. As it stands now, ofcial Church policy can be seen in John Paul II’s Humanae Vitae (1968), in which the former pope stated that articial forms of contraception (such as condoms) are intrinsically evil. This position has been recently reinforced by the Pontical Council for Family’s 1997 statement that “[t]he Church has always taught the intrinsic evil of contraception, that is, of every marital act intentionally rendered unfruitful.” In Africa, where the Catholic Church is extremely inuential, humanitarian efforts to combat HIV/ AIDS through sex education that emphasizes condom usage

has largely been thwarted by these policies of the church. Fortunately there is some dissent, particularly from Western Catholics who have argued such opposition to condom usage is tantamount to murder. Because of this, I was initially hopeful that perhaps Francis I would be an instrument of change for these out-of-touch policies, but it appears that he has no intentions of making any signicant changes regarding contraception (or any other issues I mentioned, for that matter). While I certainly am not happy with the new pope, he does have asilver lining. I’m glad that he is from South America, where the Catholic church is currently ourishing in comparison to many other parts of the world. Also, his history shows that he is passionate about social justice concerning the impoverished, an issue I believe is far too neglected by most “Christians.” Economic inequality has been a focus of his as a cardinal, and will hopefully be a continuing focus during his time as pope. However great his focus on social and economic inequality may be, I cannot ignore the fact that he is very likely to continue the unfortunate policies of his predecessors in which abortion is heralded as murder, women are denied equality, homosexuals are demonized and parading of contraception as intrinsically evil continues pointless suffering. Citation used: National Catholic Reporter


Issue 7

March 20, 2013 Page 11

Professor Homer White outs himself By DR. HOMER WHITE Contributing Writer Considering all the discussion on campus recently, and in the Western world at large this year, on gay marriage and fairness laws, it is past time that I came out of the closet. So here goes: I have been in a gay marriage for the majority of my career at Georgetown College. You see, my wife went through menopause twelve years ago, and our bedroom exploits since then—spectacular though they may be—are powerless to make our children any more “conceived” than they already are. Our sex life is as non-procreative as that of any gay or lesbian couple. So what exactly are we getting up to, I and my spouse? Are we merely a pair of pastprime proigates, punching the pleasure button as often as our busy schedules permit, until death do us part? The same question may be posed to the more senior couples on the faculty and staff—and to the Board of Trustees, which last Fall rejected a proposal to extend the college nondiscrimination policy to include such things as sexual orientation. Add to this the quandary faced by younger folks, readers of this article perhaps, who hope both to marry and to outlive their capacity to bear children, i.e.: who hope to be one day in a functionally gay marriage. As human beings who long for authentic, loving and stable romantic relationships, we are

all in the same boat. If the heterosexuals among us cannot articulate and afrm the worth of gay sex, then they cannot claim much in the way of value or meaning for the nonprocreative sex that will spice the greater part of their own lives. To put it more positively: whatever we nd in our religious and cultural heritage that, as Wendell Berry puts it, “ramies instinct in affection” and renders non-procreative straight sex a spiritual endeavor, should in turn enable modern Westerners— especially, I would urge, those afliated with a Christian College—to adopt a positive attitude toward gay sex. We need not look hard, for sex has a salvic character, both for individuals and for communities. What two people confer upon one another in sexual love is the immensely afrmative, validating experience of being chosen out uniquely, from among billions of others. But for each person, the sense of afrmation consists in the other’s choice not really being a choice, in that it was not preceded by rational deliberation concerning costs and benet, but rather was driven by passion: we “fall in” love, we don’t deduce it. This afrmation owing from a partner’s paradoxically involuntary choice is so intense that it is experienced by the individual as a kind of salvation. It is no wonder that depictions in Scripture of the relationship between God and the chosen people of Israel are

replete with bridal and marital imagery, accounts of passionate and jealous love, etc. But this being-chosen experience, as powerfully as it validates and grounds the self, leads also to a transcendence of the self that is salvic for the community. I will always remember how an old ex-priest, my mentor in social justice activism, inscribed a card for our wedding: “May your marriage”, he wrote, “embrace the neediest of Christ’s Body.” He was addressing the most profoundly procreative dimension of non-procreative sex. When you are married, you have continual access to both back-up and accountability. When you are down, your partner is liable to be “up” enough herself to buoy you. She also spurs you on, remembers your principles well enough to hold you to them and reminds you that you aren’t always going to get your way. And you accept all this from her precisely because she afrms you completely, by that paradoxical involuntary choice, again and again, as often as her busy schedule permits, until death do you part. Though it is possible for couples to turn in upon themselves, marriage so closely resembles a laboratory for community that the slightest prompting sufces to orient a couple outward to the world. So, even as our biological children leave home, their old rooms are occupied by succession of folks in need of a place to stay. And there is that slowly-lengthening list of stu-

dents (you know who you are) who will always be children of my heart. I don’t deny that procreation is important for the human species, but the dual individual-communal salvic character of sex may very well, in the end, outweigh sexual procreation in importance, and I see no reason why gay sex is less likely than straight sex to be marked by this salvic character. The foregoing is only part of an overall argument in favor of afrming gay and lesbian sex and marriage. It does not end the discussion, however: although my observations are tailor-made for Desert monotheist worldviews, people from religious traditions with strongly-held teachings against gay sex may have to grapple with wrenching issues

surrounding the reinterpretation of scriptures or the reevaluation of their church’s teaching authority. Nevertheless, I think that the case for gay sex in a Christian context is now plausible enough that discrimination against gay folks at Christian institutions of higher learning should be dismissed as unreasonable, and must be prohibited by written policy.

Dear George: Advice for Tigers How late should I be to class before I decide not to go? Ideally, students should always try to do their best to be in class on time. However, this is not a perfect world and incidents can interfere with our arrival to class. Sometimes the alarm doesn’t go off, sometimes professors hold over, sometimes you just simply lose track of time. Because accidents can happen, students probably shouldn’t be more than one to three minutes late to a class. It is disrespectful and distracting to other students and professors if you come in any later (unless you have a really great excuse). Also, it may be helpful to set an alarm on your phone so many minutes in advance to make sure you can get to class on time. Personally, if I can get from the second floor of Pawling to the second floor of Asher in less than five minutes and not have a heart attack, you should be able to make it to your class on time as well. Good luck! Questions answered by Hannah Kreiger.




Six years old, beauty queen, honey boo boo 1. Georgetown and University of Kentucky Athletics Though many students pass on supporting their fellow Tigers on the court, all Tigers should consider checking out Georgetown’s talented teams. GC has an excellent athletic tradition that students should take advantage of throughout their four years of undergrad. If you live under a rock, then you may not know that Georgetown’s men basketball team won the Final Four game of the NAIA tournament two nights ago and advanced to the championship game last night, Tuesday, March 19, 2013. 2. Cosmic Bowling If you’re looking for something to do late at night, check out one of the few bowling alleys in Lexington that offer late night bowling opportunities. Collins Bowling Centers is one of the few venues to offer late night bowling. The alley is open from 9:30 p.m. - 2 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights. 3. Karaoke Although many students enjoy singing their hearts out in the glorious setting of Applebee’s, another restaurant in Georgetown offers its patrons a funlled night of karaoke, as well. Fat Boy’s Barbeque off of highway 25 provides home-style food and a fun atmosphere perfect for singing karaoke to your favorite country song. 4. Keeneland Once winter nally makes its nal exit, Georgetown students will ock to Keeneland. Whether you love horses, enjoy the races, want to win a bit of money or just enjoy the social aspect of the track, Keeneland is a perfect hangout for all. Keeneland loves college students. In fact, the track will host its

Top 10 Entertainment Venues In the Georgetown/Lexington area

annual College Scholarship Day, Saturday, April 5. As described on their website, College Scholarship Day is “…an opportunity for college students to enjoy a day at the races and possibly walk away with a college scholarship or other great prizes.” Students will have free admission on this day, as well as access to free snacks, live music and opportunities to win prizes throughout the day. Also, there will be 10 drawings for scholarship winners. In the past Georgetown students have won up to $1,000 or more from this experience. 5. Kentucky Theatre If you are a movie buff check out the Kentucky Theatre in downtown Lexington for a new movie-going experience. First opened in 1922, this historic cinema is a nice change of pace from the countless unworthy theatres in the Lexington area. Though the theatre plays current movies, it often focuses on independent and artistic lms. Earlier this fall the theatre showcased “The Perks of Being A Wallower.” Currently, the theatre is playing “Amour” and “Quartet.” Also, once a month the theatre features “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” a cult classic that has been shown for multiple audiences since its 1975 release. For more information on the Kentucky Theatre, view their full schedule of events at showtimes-calendar/. 6. UK Hockey Attending a UK hockey game is an experience, to say the least. Located at the Lexington Ice Center, midnight hockey is a fun way to spend your Friday or Saturday evening. Grab a milkshake at Tolly Ho, and head on over to watch the Cats take the ice. To ensure that you have a seat, arrive at the rink at least 15 minutes before the beginning of the match. UK’s club hockey team plays schools from all over the country. Prepare to get rowdy; these

fans are loyal and take hockey just as seriously as March Madness. 7. Ice Skating in Triangle Park Although you’ll have to wait until the next holiday season to try out this form of entertainment, ice-skating in Triangle Park is the perfect activity for a night out with your signicant other, or a fun form of entertainment when hanging out with friends. Located in the heart of downtown Lexington, patrons have the opportunity to enjoy the brisk temperatures in a beautiful setting. 8. Dollar Theatres Prior to entering college, the idea of a “dollar theatre” was a foreign concept to this Back Page writer. I was under the sad assumption that all theatres charged $8 for tickets on average. However, after becoming a Georgetown student I was soon introduced to this money-saving form of entertainment. Lexington contains a few dollar theatres. The Cinemark Lexington Green Cinema near Fayette Mall is extremely accessible from Georgetown, and features several lms each week for the small fee of $2. Currently, the theatre is showing “Gangster Squad,” “This Is 40,” “Monster’s Inc.,” “Les Miserables” and many others. So, if you’re interested in checking out the big screen but don’t want to spend a lot of money, check the options at the dollar theatres in Lexington. 9. Champ’s This venue allows you to harness your inner kid. Champ’s has a fun atmosphere where customers can participate in bowling or laser tag. Grab a few friends and head to Champ’s to embrace the spirit of competition. 10. Georgetown Activities Council events Although GAC often sponsors on– campus events for GC students, this organization also brings Tigers affordable avenues to attend professional

sporting events, such as Cincinnati Reds baseball games. Other fun outings include “Movies on Us,” an event that allows the rst 100 Georgetown students to see a movie at the local Georgetown theatre for free. In addition, students interested in theme parks can attend King’s Island near the end of the school year for a reasonable price. Other trips include Tubing at Perfect North and an annual trip to the zoo. GC students should strongly consider taking advantage of these opportunities. And if you don’t know, now you know, Tigas.

At the time of Georgetonian layout, this writer was in Kansas City cheering on our Tigers in the NAIA National Championship Tournament. Where were you?

Disclaimer: the Back Page reflects the opinions of its editor solely and isn’t necessarily true.

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