Georgetonian Issue 8 - Spring 2013

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eorgetonian G

April 3, 2023 l Volume CXXXIII Issue 8

Three presidential candidates chosen Board of Trustees narrows the search for our next president.

By ALLIE ENGLERT Back Page Editor Since Dr. Crouch announced his decision to retire at the end of the school year, the students of Georgetown have mused who will be chosen as GC’s next president. Although Georgetown College is generally extremely transparent when it comes to sharing information with students regarding issues that are affecting the institution, for whatever reason, the Board of Trustees and Presidential Search Committee have remained tightlipped about the potential presidential candidates until now. Earlier this week the Board of Trustees announced the three candidates seeking the position of president at Georgetown College. The YouTube sensations Honey Badger and Grumpy Cat are both being considered for the position along with the TLC celebrity, Honey Boo Boo. Each candidate has specic hopes for Georgetown if they obtain the position. Honey Badger believes that Georgetown College will succeed if he is chosen as the col-

Inside this issue

year-old TLC TV sensation, is also hoping to obtain Georgetown’s presidency. Although some may believe her young age would hinder her ability to lead Georgetown effectively, Honey Boo Boo claims that her experience in the pageant world will equip her to lead Georgetown with ease. Honey Boo Boo also claims that as GC’s president the college will save money. Originally from a small southern town in Georgia, Honey Boo Boo has led a quaint life with her family, and therefore, will not require the expensive upkeep typical of other college presidents.

lege’s next president. When asked what made him a good t for the GC community, Honey Badger merely stated, “What can I say? I take what I want.” After further elaboration, Honey Badger claimed that he will do whatever it takes (with the inclusion of potentially dabbling into illegal activities) to ensure Georgetown’s success. Honey Badger remains indifferent to the societal construction of law and order. He explained, “As a member of the animal kingdom, I am experienced with the concept of survival of the ttest, and as far as I am concerned, GC must take The Georgetonian/ANDY WARHOL what it wants in order to surAll three candidates have their game faces on. vive.” Students will appreciate Honey Badger’s candid Georgetown students personality, and with his Daryl sugar coating her beliefs and it look like I care?” who are interested in learning Dixon like mentality George- has no problem telling you Some may feel as though more about the presidential town is certain to face any how she really feels. Grumpy her blunt disposition would candidates should come to the impending zombie apoca- Cat believes this attribute will hinder her ability to promote chapel this Thursday at 11 p.m. lypses with ease. take her far as GC’s next pres- GC to potential students. for a “Meet and Greet” event Many know Grumpy ident. When asked how she However, the plus side with worth Nexus/CEP credit. The Cat as the face that launched a felt about this year’s small Grumpy Cat is that what you candidates will host a question million memes capitalizing on freshmen class, Grumpy Cat see is what you get. Students and answer forum and stuher sour disposition. Students simply responded, “Good.” can expect to never be let down dents are encouraged to stop can expect to never see this When pressed about her views by false promises she never by. candidate smile. She’s a realist on the poor nancial state of intended to keep. who doesn’t see the point in the college, she replied, “Does Honey Boo Boo, the sixDisclaimer: April Fool’s!

First annual “Today’s Tigers” goes off without a hitch page 2

Student reacts to the “ban” on athletics at GC page 5

GC actress takes on challenging one-woman show page 8

A guide to picking classes page 12


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The Georgetonian

Dance Marathon raises $6,000 for Headlines CMNH


Sponsored by the Global Scholars Program

n The Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon, chastised North Korea for taking threats “too far.” He also said “Nuclear threats are not a game.” n The season premiere of “Game of Thrones” set an online piracy record with over 1 million illegal downloads the day after it aired on HBO. n Samoa Airlines appears to be the first airlines to charge passengers based on their weight. Depending on the length of the flight, the rate will fall between $1 and $4.16 per kilogram. n Toymaker Lego came under fire when one of their Star Wars Lego sets was said to too much resemble the Turkish mosque Hagia Sophia. Lego intends to stop selling the product. n Disney/Pixar announces that “Finding Dory,” a sequel to “Finding Nemo,” is slated for release on November 25, 2015. n A new study shows that over 1.2 million people died prematurely in China because of air pollution conditions in 2010.

Follow Global Scholars on Twitter! @GCGlobalScholar

By HANNAH KENNEDY Staff Writer On Friday, March 22, at 5:00 p.m., a group of students began a great adventure: Dance Marathon. For several months there have been posters covering the Georgetown College campus and tables outside of the Caf, encouraging students to register for dance marathon. This year, 52 students registered to dance in the marathon. Those who did not join have probably heard various stories about the events that night. Hopefully, they are planning to join in on the fun next year! Dance Marathon is a night lled with extreme fun; however that is not what it is all about. F.T.K! It is for the kids. The money raised through dance marathons is entirely donated to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. This year the participants had the wonderful opportunity to meet a couple of families that have been blessed through CMNH. As the Blair and Hilton families told the dancers their experiences of strug-

gles and the triumphs that they were able to have due to the support of CMNH, the dancers realized how important it is. CMNH was vital to their triumph because it provide the hospital nancial sources The Georgetonian/ COLLIN SMITH that they The dancers welcome the family of a child affected by Chilwould not dren’s Miracle Network Hospitals. have had otherwise. Listening to their stories proved to be a The dance oor became a battle eld, meaningful experience. as the dancers red Nerf guns at the The night was jam-packed with var- invading zombies and struggled to surious activities and opportunities for vive. Of course the evening involved fun. Some of the themes of the night a lot of dancing too. Each hour the included 90’s throw back, eld day and dancers learned a new piece to a colrave hour. Two of the biggest hits by far, laborative dance that they would be were karaoke and Zombies vs. Humans. performing at the end of the marathon.

Tiger Day a success with admitted students By ALEX COURTENAY Staff Writer If you weren’t here March 23rd then you missed out! The campus was pulling out the big guns for Today’s Tigers. The majority of the campus was involved: at least forty clubs and organizations, ten student services, many student volunteers and every single faculty member had a hand in helping Today’s Tigers. The admissions ofce, which was the mastermind behind the event, would have liked at least a hundred and twenty potential incoming students to attend Today’s Tigers. They

are happy to announce that a hundred and fty-eight potential incoming students attended Today’s Tigers and Georgetown received thirty-one deposits, which means they are committed to coming to Georgetown. The visitors loved the involvement fair and reported that it was their favorite part of the event. All the students were so energetic and showed that they loved Georgetown and the attendees really felt that. The potential incoming students also were very impressed by the academic presentations/meet-andgreets and talking with the faculty. It was so personal and added to the at home feeling Georgetown already has.

The admissions ofce would like to thank everyone who helped with making Today’s Tigers the great success that it was. A huge shout out to the maintenance and house keeping who cleaned, painted, dusted, did landscaping, etc. The campus looked great and because of them, Today’s Tigers looked great. The admissions ofce would also like the give a huge thanks to Dr. Campbell and Dr. LaRue for the music. Also to the business ofce who never took a break during the event. Lastly, the admissions ofce would love to thank student life and the students on campus, they were the true recruiters.


Issue 8

April 3, 2013 Page 3

Phi Kappa Phi invites new members By RACHAEL YOUNG Staff Writer Here at Georgetown College, Phi Kappa Phi, established in 1897 as the nation’s oldest, largest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines, has invited eighteen graduating seniors, twenty-two juniors and eight newly-tenured faculty to become its newest members. This will be a huge honor for all the new inductees as Phi Kappa Phi recognizes and promotes academic excellence in all elds of higher education. Undergrad students in any department who have completed at least 24 semester hours are eligible for consideration. To be invited to join the society at Georgetown, seniors must rank in the top 10 percent of their class and juniors must have completed at least 72 credit hours and rank scholastically in the top 7.5 percent of their class. Faculty, professional staff and alumni who have achieved scholarly distinction are also eligible for membership. All society members abide by the motto: “Let the love of learning rule humanity.” The induction ceremony will take

place Sunday, April 7, at 3p.m. in the Ward Room, rst oor, of the Ensor Learning Resource Center on campus. A reception will follow for initiates and their family and friends. Senior inductees this year include Charles D. Crowe (chemistry) and Claire Elise Strnad (sociology/religion), Georgetown, KY; Rebecca Hope Short (psychology), Molly A. Shoulta (political science/communications and media studies) and Olivia Cibelle Zendja (accounting), all from Louisville; Rachel Renee Penn (accounting) and Brittany R. Thompson (psychology/ communications and media studies), Lexington; Phillip Keith Davis (religion/spanish), Somerset; Matthew Gregory Dudgeon (chemistry), Crestwood; Finnja Ramcke (psychology), Frankfort; Rachael Ann Castillo (English), Paducah; Daniel Mason Head (English), Owensboro; Lauren Alyssa Hiller (business administration) and Zachary J. Robke (history), Independence; Shanna G. Robinson (English), Carlisle; Jennifer Michelle Stephenson (art), La Grange; Kristen Ashlee Rowe (biology), Albion, IL; and Meredith K.

Dance Marathon cont.

The Georgetonian/ COLLIN SMITH

Meredith Johnson, co-director, thanks the dancers for being there.

Now all of this constant standing and moving was not easy. The dancers had to stand for a little over 17 hours. Luckily, when their strength began to fail them, the Dance Marathon leaders provided them with food for a fast energy boost. This year the dancers’ snacks included Papa John’s pizza, Hong’s doughnuts, fruit, Chick-Fil-A sandwiches and so much more. Perhaps the most enjoyable was the morning breakfast relaxing and watching “Sponge Bob.” There were also many Dance Marathon leaders, such as Marcus Pernell, to encourage the dancers during their weakest moments. With a lack of sleep, a whole lot of dancing, and some great

Rigby (music), Ypsilanti, Mich. Junior inductees this year include Chelsea Lee Brown (undeclared), Albany; Caliesha Lavonne Comley (sociology), Richmond; Mary Katherine Dowdy (history/psychology), Lexington; Sara Caitlyn Easterling (biology) and Alyshia Kay Powell (economics), Winchester; Emily Ann Eicher (exercise science), Monticello; Rachel Janeen Floyd (undeclared), Somerset; Ashley Ryann Fox (biology), Corbin; Kara Hope Gilvin (elementary education), De Mossville; Emily Rebecca Gumm (biology) and Natalie Elizabeth Hill (athletic training), Louisville; Grant Allen Harned (communications and media studies), Paducah; Evan M. Jacoby (chemistry) and Leanndra W. Padgett (English), Lexington; Whitney Genee Johns (music), Catlettsburg; Anna Elizabeth Meurer (religion/history), Danville; Dennis A. Propp (biology) and Seaton Elizabeth Stiles (communications and media studies/ psychology), Crestwood; Taylor M. Shaw (psychology/communications and media studies), Shelbyville; Brandon Michael Tolliver (Spanish), Morn-

ing View; Jensen Wainscott (elementary education), Northville; and Michelle R. Larberg (biology), Sylvania, Ohio. Inductees this year also include these newly-tenured faculty members: Terry Ray Clark, PhD, Associate Professor of religion; Jay Castaneda, PhD, Associate Professor of psychology; Susan Dummer, PhD, Associate Professor of communication and media studies; J. Daniel Graham, M.F.A., Associate Professor of art; Mami Hayashida, D.M.A., Associate Professor of music; Laura Hunt, PhD, Associate Professor of Spanish; Patrick G. Sheridan, PhD, Associate Professor of chemistry; and Alexandru Spatariu, PhD, Associate Professor of education. Each of these students and faculty members have proven themselves a great asset to Georgetown and an honor to their respective elds. For their academic devotion and success, we should all be proud! I’m sure I join the rest of the Georgetown College Community when I say Congratulations to all of our newest Phi Kappa Phi honor society inductees!

laughs,it was denitely a night of memories. But who was behind the scenes organizing the marathon? The planning process literally took the team a whole year. New executive members were voted on at the end of last year’s dance marathon, and they began working right away on planning this year’s event. This year the team’s co- directors were Eddie White and Meredith Johnson. The rest of the board included Ashley Fox, Katie Jones, Deanna Johnson, Max Tsang, Laura Frazier, Sarah Parker, Brooke Whitaker, Sasha Hughes, Marcus Pernell and Jesse Farley. They all worked really hard and

did a fabulous job organizing Georgetown College Dance Marathon 2013. This year the participants of Dance Marathon raised $6,071.40 out of the $15,000 goal. Although they did not reach the goal, this was an incredible accomplishment. It is for the kids, and thanks to the hard working leaders and dancers, we were able to make a difference. Having participated in the event, I encourage everyone to register for Dance Marathon next year. It is an investment that you will not regret! I would also like to thank all of the hard working members of the executive team that made Dance Marathon a memorable and successful experience.


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The Georgetonian

Those other sports matter too!

By ERIC BALMER Staff Writer

This past weekend was quite possibly the best game of Georgetown College Athletics’ history, a game that will denitely go down in history as one of the greatest performances this side of the Mississippi. Both teams showed up and played, but the Tigers destroyed their opponents.

During a certain time, at a certain place over the long weekend, Georgetown College outplayed their opponents. GC made their opponents look silly, sort of like little Johnny trying to play Kobe Bryant in a game of 1-on-1, only it was less cute and more dominating. After winning, with the score being an astronomical amount versus only a few points, the Georgetown team celebrated

March Madness By CAMERON NIXON Staff Writer March Madness has been great for fans of basketball this year. Teams such as Florida Gulf Coast University and Wichita State University have made things exciting, while powerhouses like University of Louisville and Michigan University have earned their rankings with great play and other teams like Gonzaga have shown why there was concern in the rst place. Florida Gulf Coast University was the biggest Cinderella team in the tournament, this being their rst time not only in the tournament, but even being eligible for it. The no. 15 seeded Eagles started off by beating heavily favored Georgetown in convincing fashion 78-68 in the biggest upset of the tournament, and then playing no. 7 San Diego State and beating them by 10 points as well (81-71) to show the world they’re serious. They lost in the

Sweet Sixteen to Florida 62-50, yet things look bright in their immediate future. Louisville is the only no. 1 seed to make it to the nal four, the other three seeds being #4 seeded Michigan and Syracuse and no. 9 seeded Wichita State. Wichita State also managed to surprise people, playing good basketball and beating favored teams Pittsburgh and no. 1 seeded Gonzaga on the way to the Final Four. Louisville has been the most dominant team thus far, with no close games, even against no. 2 Duke University, showing why they were the no. 1 overall seed for the tournament and making it to the Final Four for the second year in a row. Michigan made it to the Final Four for the rst time since 1993 with the Fab Four after a huge shot in the Sweet Sixteen put them over Kansas. Syracuse faced little resistance on their way to the Final Four, beating conference rival Marquette 55-39 in the Elite Eight.

by eating at their favorite restaurant, Chuck E. Cheese. Georgetown’s success was highly correlated to the amount of points they scored. The best way to win games is to score the most points and GC understands that very well. But, it’s not just enough to score a massive amount of points if you let the opponent score just as many. A good balance of scoring and preventing the other team from getting any points led to a maybe not surprising victory for the Tigers. As to be expected, the Tigers’ coach was thrilled about how much his team was focused and determined to win at all costs. “You know when you see your players working

so hard just to make sure the other team goes crying home to their mommies and daddies, it warms your heart,” the tearyeyed Georgetown coach said. “When everyone is on the same page, and everyone has that desire to drill the other team into the ground with no remorse, beautiful plays start happening.” GC’s incredible play is not unheard of though; they have been crushing their opponents hopes and dreams for decades. Georgetown’s star player(insert name here), wasn’t surprised by how his team obliterated the opponent. “I would say that our opponent was tough and we worked hard preparing for this game,

but we can play better than them under the inuence, if you know what I’m saying.” The Tigers play their next victim at a time in the near future at a place where those types of games are often played. *This article is satirical and shouldn’t be taken serious in any way.


W. 14-2 UVA-Wise

Apr. 3 vs Tenn. Wesleyan 3 p.m.


W. 3-1 Cumberland

Apr. 4 vs Midway College 4 p.m.

Men’s Tennis

L. 0-9 Lindsey Wilson Apr. 3 vs Centre College 5 p.m.

Women’s Tennis

L. 1-8 Lindsey Wilson Apr. 3 vs Centre College 5 p.m.


By ERIC BALMER Staff Writer

Georgetown College sports have been an important part of the school’s history, traditions and culture throughout the years. With that being said, it came as a surprise when over the Easter holiday weekend the administration announced the end of athletics at Georgetown. An announcement of this magnitude took many months, and possibly even years of deliberation. One might ask “why would they ever think of getting rid of all sports?” This is a valid question, and one that was denitely discussed in detail. According to Georgetown College, the existence of sports on campus simply costs too much money for the col-

lege. One might think that the success of many GC sports would have kept sports safe, but the nancial burden proved to be too great. The college realizes that Georgetown students and the surrounding community will probably not understand the decision right away. A statement was released that stressed the college had nothing specically against athletics, they just felt that they needed to put money in other areas. Here is part of what the statement said: “After much consideration, deliberation and meditation, Georgetown College will no longer provide athletics to its students. After academics, athletics costs the school the second-most amount of funds. This decision has not been an easy one, but the

Board, because of the desire to put more money into academics, felt the need to go in the direction of a strictly academicbased institution”. Some of you may be wondering about the other extracurricular clubs on campus, which is another good concern. The college hopes, over the next decade, to rid the campus of any other organizations that are not academic and would therefore take students away from their studies. GC hopes to create a new chapter in the history of the college, and they know it’s going to take some drastic changes (many that the students will dislike), in order to achieve the lofty goals they have for this small, liberal arts learning community.


No more athletics at Georgetown!

February 27, 2013 Page 5


Issue 7


Matt Smith is a senior baseball player. Hometown: I am from Versailles, Ky. Position: I’m a starting pitcher. Favorite memory from playing at GC: My favorite memory of playing here at Georgetown would be last year’s season; going 45-11, winning the Mid-South Conference Championship, getting a ring, dog piling on Campbellsville eld and going to the Regional Tournament in Kingsport, Tenn. Plans after Georgetown: After graduating, I plan on becoming a strength and conditioning coach working with athletic teams and a personal trainer.


Georgetown baseball sweeps UVA-Wise By CAMERON NIXON Staff Writer Since March 19th, the Tigers baseball team has been on a tear through the Mid-Western conference and brought their overall record to 21-12. They won seven of eight games in two weeks. After the break, the Tigers won two away games on March 19th against Indiana Wesleyan 5-4 and 9-4 and moved their overall record up to 16-11. They had three more games, one played on March 22nd, the next two played on March 23rd,

against University of the Cumberlands at home. The Tigers won the rst two games 8-5 and 6-2 and lost the nal game 0-3. This had them sitting at an 18-12 record; they would not lose any more games for the next week. The Tigers were supposed to play Indiana University Southeast on March 27, but the game was postponed, so they moved on to their series with University of Virginia at Wise on the 29th and 30th. They swept them in this series, winning 4-1, 14-7, and 14-2. For that last week, Georgetown players

picked up Mid-South Conference individual player awards, with Matt Smith taking his second Pitcher of the Week award and Martin Lemus being honored with Player of the Week for the rst time. Smith threw a 10-inning, one-run gem to start off the series against UVA-Wise. UVA-Wise has been averaging four runs a game against league opponents before this series. He is in the top 20 of every statistical category for pitchers in the league. Lemus is fth in the conference for slugging percentage (.505) and third in home runs (4).


Group photo after the Tigers won their 2nd NAIA National Championship for basketball.


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The Georgetonian

Squirrel Tales

GC students share their experiences with the multitude of squirrels that roam this campus. By CAITLIN KNOX Editor-in-Chief Squirrels are a common sight on any college campus, but it seems as though Georgetown has a little more than most. Rumor has it that the college orders squirrels from Canada because they are friendlier in that area, and this gives the campus a warmer, more welcoming feel. They give lonely students someone to talk to, mischievous students something to throw things at and pessimistic students something to complain about. These squirrels also double as our garbage disposals; making sure our Caf meals and other leftovers are stored away in the campus trees. Georgetown squirrels tend to favor McDonald’s and Chipotle over Little Caesar’s and Grille food. They seem to have similar tastes to GC students– bold squirrels have been known to steal whole meals! Georgetown squirrels represent the Superman of all other college squirrels due to their supernatural strength. They can carry food and other items that are twice their weight. Their Kryptonite? Trash cans. On any given day, you can nd a shaking trash can, with a GC squirrel caught in it’s death grip. One squirrel was so popu-

lar on campus that he decided to make his own Twitter account: Georgetown Squirrel @ghetto_squirrel. He now has 397 followers, and in the past he has tweeted things like “‘I really want to lose 3 ounces...’ #MeanSquirrels” and “These students are complaining about the caf food while im out here munching on dried nuts #ungratefulpeople.” There has been speculation about how this squirrel connected to GC Wi from the inside of a tree, but who knows? Maybe we could pick up a few hints from Georgetown squirrels. What we do know is that every Georgetown student has a squirrel story. . . Back when I was there, I saw a squirrel go to a crosswalk in front of Anderson, and call out for his friend. They both waited for cars, and then crossed on the crosswalk safely. I was impressed. There was another time when I saw a squirrel with a whole happy meal. -Meghan Pate I usually refer to myself as a human garbage disposal because I’m not very picky and there aren’t many things I won’t eat. Well, let me tell you; the same thing goes for the squirrels on campus. I have seen a squirrel attempt to drag an entire apple across a park-

ing lot and another eating a chicken wing off the bone while perched on a tree stump. The other day I saw one halfway into a McDonald’s bag. -Meghan Alessi

I stepped on a squirrel once! They have no fear! It must have ran right for my feet because I looked down and its tail was under my shoe. I’m surprised it didn’t bite me. -Celisa Bowen

I was walking next to the Chapel and saw a pretty well sized hawk y into the big tree between Phi Mu and the Chapel. After about ve seconds it swooped down into the middle of the mini-quad between the Student Center, Chapel and Pawling, grabbed a squirrel, and ew off. The squirrel hasn’t been seen since. -Cameron Nixon

I graduated in 1976. I remember the squirrels throwing things, probably nuts, at us when we sat under the trees. -Darla Gatchell Turner

There is one currently living in our basement... They have tried to remove it and cannot. -Loren Shefeld One day in Knight Hall I heard an electrical popping sound. Later, I passed an electrical box and saw a fried squirrel lying stify on the ground. The unlucky rodent had been a little too curious. -Leanndra Padgett In English class during a windstorm last year, a poor squirrel running across the telephone lines blew off. -Lynsey Jordan They just stop and stare at me. -Brittany Patterson

So there I was on campus. I just had salad bar crackers and Mountain Dew for lunch again because there was literally nothing to eat (I am known in my homeland as the world’s pickiest eater). And then I see a rattling trash can. Alarmed I jump! What beast or demon has possessed the Robert L. Mills’ Resident’s Park (quad) trash can? I arm myself in a Power Rangers pose (particularly modeled after the “Billy Cranston” or “Blue Ranger” martial arts stance from the hit television series “Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers”) And out leaps the spawn of Satan, Prince of Darkness, and Sin, his incestuous Queen! Actually, it was just a squirrel. But that squirrel held in its paw golden and silver foil, shining in the early afternoon light. And in that foil! Oh what a treasure! There was around 1/8th of a discarded Chipotle burrito, left behind by some

ungrateful fool. The beast scuttled away carrying its prize and dropping a few bits of lettuce and rice on the way up a tree (what strength he demonstrated-- that burrito was probably a fourth of his weight!). And then I, dismayed, realized that squirrel had eaten better than I had all day. -Jonathan Balmer

Source: Google Images

Squirrels warn students to hide their Easter candy, or it may end up in a nearby tree.

Issue 8

Features SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: Layla Padgett

By EVAN HARRELL Features Editor When asked what her favorite memory of Georgetown was, Layla found it difcult to think of just one. Some top contenders were the various mission trips she took during her time here, but she adds, “The everyday memories are just as important. Forming friendships here is my favorite memory.” She also says her now-husband Aaron’s PHA Stakeout was a pretty good memory too. Layla came to GC with the last name Jasper but married her high school sweetheart Aaron Padgett last summer. They have had the same group of friends throughout college, and it was a meaningful experience to have them involved in the wedding. “When people say you might meet your bridesmaids/groomsmen here, believe it. I had several friends who I met in Knight Hall standing up there with me.” She continues, “For me, being married in college is one of the best things! It is different not living in a dorm surrounded by so many of your closest friends, but now I get to live with the person that has been my best friend for about six years.” Aaron is always around when she needs support from the stress that senior year seems to “hand out so generously.” After Georgetown, Layla and Aaron hope to work for AmeriCorps at a non-prot organization that her mother started in her hometown. They offer services to nearly all people in crisis and have a

April 3, 2013 Page 7

Quote My Georgetown Professor “If you met your spouse for the first time at Walmart...go ahead and lie. It’s allowed.” -Dr. Takacs

“Jesus looks more like me! He’s not white, he’s tan...but not too tan.” -Dr . Haddad “Many writers falsified their work back then. No one cared, but Augustine would be sitting on Oprah’s couch crying and apologizing for it today.” -Dr. Sands Wise “Question 2B. No Hamlet jokes, please.” (looks at the question) “Oh, it’s about soliloquies...” -Dr. Allen “100% of all statistics found online are fake, Abraham Lincoln.” -Dr. Takacs “Bibles can’t talk. We’d think that would be obvious.” -Dr. Lunceford Posted on the “Quote My Georgetown Professor” Facebook group Source: Layla Padgett

Layla recommends eating at the Thai Garden. homeless shelter as well. After a year doing that, they are hoping for an opportunity to live and work in South or Central America. For underclassmen, Layla encourages involvement. She says it really does make a difference, and it helps in forming new friendships. She continues, “Become friends with at least one of your professors. They are wonderful people!” Next, she says that if you have the opportunity to do something fun, you should really do it. “Homework will always be there, and you really will get it done, so don’t worry!” Finally, she suggests that everyone take a sociology class-it will broaden

Georgetown Tree Huggers

your entire outlook on the world. An interesting fact about Layla you should know is that she loves Thai Garden. “Everyone should eat there because, not only is the food amazing, but the people are wonderful.”

The Georgetonian/COLLIN SMITH

Senior Shakir Mackey really does hug trees. Literally.

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The Georgetonian

Senior fills shoes of acting legend in “Shakespeare for My Father” By COREY HOWELL Arts and Entertainment Editor In the forward of Lynn Redgrave’s 1993 one-woman show, “Shakespeare for My Father,” the legendary actress explains, “I set off on a journey that began almost as an act of desperation.” Though not out of desperation, Georgetown College senior Meredith Cave is poised to strike out on a journey of her very own. After graduating from Georgetown this May, Meredith, a theater and political science double major, will be moving to Los Angeles to pursue her dreams - an experience she refers to as “the greatest and most terrifying challenge God has called me to yet.” But before Meredith journeys to the City of Angels, she will grace the Ruth Pierce Wilson Lab Theater once more when she gives her own interpretation of Redgrave’s one-woman show on April 5th, 6th and 7th. The play, written and performed originally by Redgrave, concerns Redgrave’s relationship with her father, the

equally renowned and imposing actor and family patriarch, Sir Michael Redgrave. Opening on Broadway at the Helen Hayes Theatre and earning Redgrave a Best Actress Tony Award nomination, the play deals with Redgrave desperately seeking a relationship with her father; both of whom are torn apart and united through the theater and the eloquent words of William Shakespeare. A shy and somewhat sickly child seeing little of her father growing up, Lynn Redgrave lived very much in a fantasy world of her own construction. Her daydreams, because of watching her father perform, consisted largely of Shakespearean plays and characters. “Shakespeare for My Father” thusly gives Redgrave the opportunity to slip into many of the characters from some of the Bard’s most famous works, follows her father’s life through his death from Parkinson’s disease and her ultimate forgiveness of his failure as a parent. Meredith, who has been a prolic actress throughout her Georgetown career, also performed earlier this

semester in Cheryl Brumley’s “Fishing/On the Edge” and can be seen later this month in Professor George McGee’s “Ireland’s Greatest Export,” all the while participating in Georgetown’s OpShop. That being said, “Shakespeare for My Father” will be Meredith’s most challenging and important performance. Not only is the hour long play Meredith’s senior show, it will also be acting as her honors thesis, allowing her to graduate with honors from Georgetown. Lynn Redgrave’s “act of desperation” changed her professional life. It led to lms such as “Shine” and “Gods and Monsters” and empowered her to continue to make her own opportunities. While “Shakespeare for My Father” may not lead to Meredith Source: immediately scoring a major Hollywood lm, it could well ney to stardom for the young and be the beginning of an amazing jour- immensely talented actress. So, come out to see Meredith Cave perform Lynn Redgrave’s one-woman show, “Shakespeare for My Father,” for three nights only, April 5th, 6th and 7th, at 7:00 pm in the Ruth Pierce Wilson Lab Theatre. Tickets are only 2 dollars each and will be sold at the door (more information can be found on the event’s Facebook page). No less than three magical nights lled with amazing performances should be expected from the Georgetown veteran, and 2 dollars is a small price to pay to be able to say a few years from now that you got to see Meredith Cave perform before she was a Hollywood Star.

Issue 8


April 3, 2013 Page 9

Kratos trades Titans for Furies in newest “God of War” By AUSTIN CONWAY Staff Writer

A new common trend in the game industry seems to have emerged within recent years. Traditionally, a successful rst installment would be joined by a sequel, which in turn would set up a second sequel that would nicely wrap up long standing story plots and character arcs, thus satisfyingly concluding a trilogy. The “Rule of 3” doesn’t seem as cemented as it used to be however, with more and more series extending beyond just a simple “beginning, middle and end.” An ever hungry fan base combined with a powerful IP (Intellectual Property) relevancy has led several series to alter the classic formula for telling stories and instead offer a fourth installment. The move is often not chronologically a step forward however, but is often a step back, trading another sequel instead for a prequel; “God of War: Ascension” is one of them. “Ascension” is currently the earliest installment in the “God of War” series, set even before the PSP prequel, “GoW: Chains of Olympus.” Kratos, the hero of the series, has been imprisoned by the Furies for breaking his oath to the god Ares. The story that follows is one of justice and redemption as Kratos battles all three Furies in order to escape his oath and eventually seek his vengeance against Ares for tricking him into murdering his own family. At this point, the story of Kratos’ crusade against the gods is an iconic tale, one that began in

2005 and nished in 2010; his clash with the Olympians has been told and well documented. Likewise, “Ascension”’s story instead offers a rare, more human look at the character before he lets rage and bloodlust get the best of him. Kratos has always been somewhat one-dimensional as far as protagonists go, offering a physically imposing and threatening persona while lacking what truly makes a “character” a character. In this installment, Kratos obtains the depth that has long been absent from the Spartan. This is mostly due to the more personal story that is being told as well as how it is being told. In the past Kratos has cared very little for his fellow man, treating the few that cross his path with disdain or in some cases even sacricing/using anyone and everyone in order to achieve his current goal or objective. Things are different with Kratos this time around; moments like pushing a man out of harm’s way or consoling someone while they die are actions that might at rst seem out of character but are in fact redening ones. Kratos’ new-found sense of sympathy perfectly offsets and balances the rage that is yet to come. We have witnessed him as the “God of War,” but now we nally are treated to the man he once was. In this regard, “Ascension” compliments the later installments rather well. Every “God of War” has opened with a bang and “Ascension” is no different. The game’s response to the siege of Mt. Olympus from “God of War 3” is a segment that takes place on Aegean the Hecatonchires, a giant that surpasses the Titans in both size and strength. In fact, “Ascension” offers several “wow” moments and locations that

send Kratos across the ancient Mediterranean world during his quest, from his home in Sparta to a towering statue of Apollo. Another standout locale is The Temple of Delphi, particularly a moment that utilizes mechanized pythons in an unconventional and rather thrilling way. Visually, “GoW: Ascension” is certainly one of the best looking titles featured on the PS3. Like its predecessors before it, “Ascension” continues to utilize a xed (developer controlled) camera angle, thus allowing the series’ cinematic presentation to endure, possibly in its grandest way yet. Gorgeous visuals aside, Sony Santa Monica has placed a great level of detail in this new outing. Kratos will progressively become covered in blood and carnage during battles and his gaze will follow his enemies on screen as they pace before him. Sony Santa Monica had promised that they had “muscled every last pixel, blood, sweat and tears into the most stunning “God of War” game,” a claim that upon viewing seems far from hyperbole. One thing altered from previous installments is combat and inventory. Gone are multiple weapons, leaving instead the Blades of Chaos as the one constant, now linked to various magical effects relating to different gods (Fire of Ares, Lightning of Zeus, etc). Also new is the “world weapon system,” a concept that allows Kratos to steal weapons from enemies and use them independently or in perfect tandem with the Blades of Chaos to create satisfying and lethal results. Combat itself has certainly been altered, arguably for the best. A greater emphasis on timing and skill has replaced the ability to simply

defer to combos that have been so effective in past games. As such,”Ascension” can be rather difcult at times (even on normal difculty). The increased challenge however, although difcult, results in a greater sense of reward when said difculty is nally overcome. The game’s only completely new addition is also its most controversial. The decision to add multiplayer was always one that was met with anxiety and nervousness; the prevailing fear being that the multiplayer would take resources away from the single-player portion. In hindsight these fears seem to be unfounded, however, as “Ascension”’s multiplayer is actually rather solid. Sony Santa Monica has been able to retain the sense of scale and quality that the single-player portion has always had, offering up epic moments that can be enjoyed via teambased matches or in battle royale matches that pit everyone against each other. While the multiplayer might not be for everyone, it still offers up a solid experience that can be enjoyed long after Kratos’ story has been nished. This will be perhaps the most polarizing installment in the series for some time, prompting some to love it and others to take a more “meh” approach when assessing its overall worth. Regardless of personal reception, there is no denying the quality that went into crafting Kratos’ latest (but chronologically rst) adventure. Is it a story that had to be told? No, not really. Is it still a story worth telling? Yes, “God of War: Ascension” is an installment that nds itself among its predecessors and certainly not beneath them.

Opinion The Georgetonian Staff responds to “Dr. White outs himself”

Page 10

Editor-in-Chief ................................................. Caitlin Knox Managing Editor .......................................Hannah Krieger News Editor.................................................Meghan Alessi Sports Editor.................................................Zack Parsons Features Editor...............................................Evan Harrell A&E Editor......................................................Corey Howell Opinion Editor.................................................Ethan Smith Back Page Editor............................................ Allie Englert Photography Editor..........................................Collin Smith Photography Editor...........................................Kati Wilson Web Editor ...............................................Justin Sizemore Copy Editor............................................... Rachael Castillo Copy Editor...................................................Lynsey Jordan Copy Editor................................................Hannah Krieger Faculty Adviser .........................................Dr. Jamie Ratliff

The Georgetonian is a free weekly newspaper published most Wednesdays during the academic year by Georgetown College in Georgetown, Ky. Its contents are written and edited by current students of Georgetown College. Letters to the editor should be under 600 words and should include the writer’s name and telephone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and brevity. Please send letters to one of the following addresses: email post The Georgetonian Georgetown College 400 E. College Street Box 280 Georgetown, Kentucky, 40324

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By: SCOTT SWITZER Contributing Writer

You’ll need your Bible for this... In my daily life I strive for the meek approach. I tend to let the increasing depravity and hopelessness of this world glide over me, telling myself that I am doing well to mind my own spiritual household. If I am able to go to bed at night feeling that I have, for the day, kept myself “unstained by the world” (James 1:27), it is a good day. Nonetheless, I occasionally cross paths with notions so grievously offensive to the kingdom of heaven that I have no choice but to offer an immediate and decisive defense of my faith. It should be of no surprise to any Bible-believing Christian that Dr. Homer White’s March 22nd opinion piece has brought me to such an occasion. Before I begin my defense, I have to lay out some groundwork. First, I believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible word of God. Second, I believe that ALL scripture is equally valid and applicable (2 Timothy 3:16). I am offering this disclaimer early in the argument to make it clear that I will not be entertaining any alternative theories or modern “revelations” that point to anything extra-Biblical or non-canonical. I believe that the Bible is selfevident and complete. This is the basis of my argument and if you nd this offensive

or nonsensical you may stop reading now. Thank you for your time. Still with me? Good. The rest of my defense is simple. The Bible goes to some length to state that homosexuality is sinful. How sinful? Words like “abomination” (Leviticus 18:22) are used to describe the practice in the Mosaic law. Not an Old Testament fan? Read 2 Timothy 3:16 again, and then head on over to Romans 1:23. The Apostle Paul makes it clear in no uncertain terms that homosexuality is contraindicative to growth as a Christian. As if that were not enough, he goes on to sum it up with 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. Based on Biblical terms, homosexual relations (as well as a myriad of other sexual immoralities) are not condoned (or even tolerated) by a righteous God. Sure, I get it... Moses and Paul have weighed in on the issue, but let’s say you’re the kind of person who isn’t satised unless it comes from the mouth of Jesus Christ himself -Read Matthew 19:4-6. In this passage, Jesus is restating and expounding on earlier scripture from the dawn of creation (Genesis 2:24) that explicitly states “male” and “female” become one esh. While it could be argued that the “husband and wife” roles need not be sexually dimorphic, the example of becoming “one esh” (and the physical requirements of such a proposition) bear enough scrutiny

The Georgetonian

to be elaborated on yet a third time in Ephesians 5:22-32. OK, ne -We’ve established that homosexuality is a sin as far as the Bible is concerned, but since we’re all sinners here, why can’t we just chalk this one up to mankind’s “fallen nature” and allow same-sex marriages for the sake of tolerance? To answer that question, we have to go back to the beginning -Genesis 2:21-24, God takes a rib from the Man (Adam) and uses it to create the Woman (Eve). It is stated that Eve is “bone of my bones, and esh of my esh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man” (ESV). Eve was taken from Adam; that is, a part was taken from Adam to create Eve. Adam is therefore incomplete without Eve; together, they are one esh. This was the beginning of marriage as intended by God; one man, one woman joined indistinguishably forever. Finally, I would like to address a recurring theme with Dr. White’s opinion, the “salvic” quality of physical intimacy. I can only assume that such assertions (namely that sexual intercourse is tantamount to fervent prayer or fasting) are only offered in jest; nonetheless the consummate evangelical in me will not allow me to end my defense without articulating the true means of salvation: Confessing the name of Jesus Christ



Issue 8

Why “=” Matters


Contributing Writer I hate math. So when I found Facebook blown up with bright red equal signs last week I wasn’t too pleased to say the least. My initial thought: not only has another sit-aroundand-change-my-profile-picture-insteadof-actually-doing-something movement started, but they are heralding a math symbol to represent their cause. Awesome. For those who may have been living under a rock recently, I’ll bring you up to speed on the situation. Last week the United States Supreme Court heard arguments on two cases involving gay marriage. One case deals with California’s Proposition 8, which is a law banning samesex marriages; the other with the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which is a Federal Act that denes marriage as one man and one woman. To show their support for equal rights for homosexuals, many Facebook users changed their prole picture to a red equal sign. Now, I’m all for marriage equality. Evidently, a lot of people are. Great! However, I

Response Cont. and the power of His saving grace, repenting of your sins and following Jesus. I do not wish to end this discussion without clarifying that the redemptive power of

didn’t change my prole picture. At least not at rst. I usually nd symbolic gestures such as these to be cheap and convenient ways for otherwise worthless people to feel like activists. Basically, I don’t like the fact that so many people are willing to show their “support” for a cause when it’s easy (like changing a prole pic or sharing a photo/status) but not active in actually DOING something. So, I didn’t change my prole picture. Along with the army of red equal signs came lots of status updates in which users expressed their support of marriage equality. Again, great! I’m glad so many people are in favor of equality, but for similar reasons as I’ve stated above, I didn’t change mine. Then I kept reading and found some posts from the more conservative crowd. Several times I found statuses that stated something along the lines of “why is gay marriage so important when we should be focusing on poverty/the economy/immigration etc.” or “I promise the Supreme Court doesn’t care that you changed your prole pic…”. Which got me thinking - why are so many people changing their prole

picture? Sure, some people might be participating in a cheap attempt at activism, but I think there is something else behind the massive show of support in social media networks. I can’t speak for everyone else who has done so, but I can tell you why I ended up changing my prole picture. I don’t think that Justice Roberts will change his mind because of it. I honestly don’t think I’ll change anyone’s mind because of it. I did so because I have friends who are gay. People I’ve worked with and respect who are gay. I’ve heard stories of how bigotry has kept my friends from fully enjoying their lives. Heartbreaking stories of how gay people have been denied the right to be with people they love in hospitals because they aren’t legally recognized as family; stories of people who are unable to attend the funeral of the love of their life because they were threatened by their partner’s homophobic family. These are people I know, love and respect - people who deserve the same respect, dignity and rights as straight couples. That’s who I changed my prole picture for. Not my conservative Facebook

Jesus’ blood is more than powerful enough to wash away any transgressions, including all forms of sexual immorality. True Christians serve a loving God whose grace and mercy endures forever. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as

your personal Savior and would like to know more about Him, please contact the Campus Ministry at /campusministry/.

April 3, 2013 Page 11

friends, not the Supreme Court justices and not to give myself a pat on the back for “being a part” of this struggle for equality. I did it to let my gay friends know they are not alone in this struggle. They have been mistreated and marginalized by enough of society. They deserve to know that they have support and I’m part of it. I didn’t change my prole picture because I’ve forgotten there are “bigger” problems like poverty and starvation. I haven’t. Unlike those conservatives who have suddenly become concerned with the poor now that doing so helps them point out the “triviality” of gay marriage, I realize that my liberties are intimately tied with the marginalized and oppressed members of society. As President Obama so eloquently stated during his inauguration, “Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers & sisters are treated like

anyone else under the law. For if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.” I don’t fancy myself as some grand hero of this gay rights movement. The heroes are my friends who are standing up and demanding equal treatment, who are willing to accept the ridicule from so many for their sexuality and continue to ght for basic civil rights. If I can lend them the smallest bit of support, even if it is something as trivial as changing my prole picture, then I’m glad to do so. I didn’t change my prole picture because I think doing so is going to change the world. It changed because I’m lucky to have meaningful relationships with men and women who are dramatically affected by the results of these cases and I want them to know they aren’t alone.

Dear George: Advice for Tigers What should I do if I am going to be late to work? Let’s face it, if you’re going to be late to work you might as well make the best of it. If you’re already a few minutes late, what’s another hour or two? Instead of stressing out about how late you are going to be and rushing to work, you can take a nice relaxing stroll in the park, catch a movie, enjoy a delicious ice cream cone or even take a vacation to Florida! When you finally do decide to make your appearance at work, just remember to hold your head high and stroll in slowly because your job needs you! Just kidding readers, Happy April Fools! I hope you all know that you should try your best never to be late, and if you are, you should inform your boss as it is the polite and professional thing to do. Questions answered by Hannah Kreiger.




A woman without regrets Georgetown takes pride in many facets of campus life. We have stellar athletics, a close- knit community and a myriad of campus organizations. However, arguably the most cherished aspect of life at Georgetown is found in the classroom with our dedicated faculty. Tigers are surrounded by passionate faculty members who invest in the lives of their students both inside and outside of the classroom. It’s not difcult for students to nd professors in every department whom they can connect with. In fact, there are several classes and professors that many GC students and alumni believe Tigers must take before graduating. This writer asked past and present students to share the courses and professors they believe all GC Tigers should take. Relationships, a psychology class taught by Dr. Karyn McKenzie, is a favorite course among GC Tigers. The class lls up so quickly that typically only seniors are lucky enough to snag a spot during registration. The class has been so popular in recent years that Dr. McKenzie offered two sections of the course this semester. Adam Standiford, a 2010 Georgetown graduate, claims that this class was easily one of the most important courses that he took during his college experience. “Dr. McKenzie is phenomenal, the content is enlightening and relevant to each student who takes it. Its importance in my education could never be overestimated and I am grateful to have taken it my senior year.” Junior Lynsey Jordan, an art history major, encourages all students to take Dr. Juilee Decker and Dr. Barbara Burch. Heads of the art and English departments respectively, both professors are not only passionate about their own elds of study, they teach the content in a fashion that challenges students

A student’s guide to picking classes and requires them to think analytically. Although their classes are challenging, students emerge from these courses with a sense of accomplishment and a vast measure of knowledge about the material that they did not possess before. According to Lynsey, “Both Dr. Burch and Dr. Decker have an interesting way of teaching that is really unique which makes learning from each of these individuals worth your while.” Students who are interested in making the most of their liberal arts education while at GC should strongly consider taking these two renowned professors. Daniela Fuentes, a 2011 graduate of Georgetown College who majored in communications, encourages GC students to check out Organizational Communications with Dr. Chris Nix and Dr. Susan Dummer. Senior Ashlie Davis, a fellow communications major, agrees. “Regardless of your major, if you’re interested in working in the professional world in any respect, Organizational Communications can help you understand who you are as a leader. Gender Comm. is also interesting because it is a study about culture that helps you understand universal truths about yourself. The class is fun because you’re in a mixed gender class and you get to take part in interesting discussions that you’ve never been exposed to previously.” Attracting students from various elds of study is Dr. Yoli Carter’s Teaching in a Diverse Society course. This education class focuses on preparing teachers to open their minds to cultures and beliefs that they may have no experience with. However, this is a class all students could benet from according to Evan Harrell, a music education major. “This class makes you see cultural issues from a different perspective. It’s a really eye-opening course for anyone, even if you consider yourself an open-minded person already.” The religion department is another popular department among many students. Dr. Jack Birdwhistell, a GC

graduate, is a wellliked professor in the religion department. Many students take Dr. Birdwhistell’s Christian Heritage course to satisfy one of their religion general education requirements. Jonathan Tate, a Georgetown graduate of 2012, believes Dr. Birdwhistell, or “Doc” as many students fondly call him, should be a professor all students are required to take before they graduate. Senior Abby Shelton encourages all GC students to take a class with Dr. Sheila Klopfer before graduating. “Theses courses stretch your mind and heart. Dr. Klopfer is incredible. I recommend Basic Christian Theology, it’s a good introductory course.” Seminar on Vocation is a popular course for students across various disciplines. Taught by Dr. Roger Ward, the philosophy course focuses on discerning one’s calling in the career world. Abby Shelton took the course this past fall and says it changed her life. “I learned from my classmates and from Dr. Ward how to have an open outlook on life and the people that surround me each day. This seminar was by far my favorite class at Georgetown.” At Georgetown, students have the unique opportunity to take classes with our esteemed academic provost, Dr. Rosemary Allen. Although Dr. Allen has served the college in an administrative role for several years, she has kept her passion for teaching alive by offering one course a semester to GC Tigers. Although classes on Shakespeare, Milton and Neoclassical Literature attract large amounts of English students, other students opt to take Dr. Allen because of her reputation as an excellent educator. Senior Mason Head explained his experience as a pupil of

Dr. Allen’s. “Milton was one of the hardest classes I’ve ever had but it was also one of the most spiritually enriching experiences I’ve ever had.” Likewise, Dr. Allen’s class on William Shakespeare is another favorite among many Georgetown students. While the course is a requirement for both English and theatre majors, this class is a popular elective for many other students as well. Mason says, “Shakespeare would be good for all students to take, because he is the most inuential writer of all time. Dr. Allen is intelligent and creates a fun environment in the classroom because her passion for the content is evident.” Georgetown’s faculty and classroom culture is something that sets our institution apart from rivaling liberal arts colleges. Without excellent professors who go to great measures to ensure the academic success of their students, Georgetown wouldn’t have such a rich academic environment. GC Tigers need to take advantage of Georgetown’s rich academic environment during their four years here in order to truly cash in on all that GC has to offer. And if you don’t know, now you know, Tigas.

Disclaimer: the Back Page reflects the opinions of its editor solely and isn’t necessarily true.

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