eorgetonian G
September 10, 2015 Volume CXXXV Issue 1
Opening Convocation kicks off new academic year Last Tuesday, Dr. Allen spoke of how the liberal arts experience prepares students for the future By KAITLIN FAHEY Featires Editor On September 8, the Georgetown College community gathered in the John L. Hill Chapel to celebrate Opening Convocation, an annual ceremony to welcome students and faculty into a new academic year. The ceremony began with organist Glenna Metcalfe performing the processional as the faculty members proceeded into the chapel dressed in regalia from their respective alma maters. Darrell Kincer, a professor in the art department, gave the invocation. The Georgetown College Chorale, accompanied by Lori Smith, sang “Down by the River to Pray“. Sophomore Abigail Eads was the soloist for the program. Dr. Michael D. Greene, President of the College, gave a welcome address in which he commented on the various “energies of the summer“ present in the room, as each member of the community spent his or her summer doing various activities, and how glad he was that everyone was gathered back on campus
this issue
again for the fall. He also working outside the classannounced that this year’s room, fostering community freshman class is the largest and making his students feel the College has had in four included and important. years. Dr. Allen gave the ConDr. Laura Johnson, Vice vocation Address, titled President of Student Life, “Life’s Pursuits.“ She opened formally inducted sophowith humor by showing a more William Thomas as clip from the television series President of the Student “Gilmore Girls“ to illustrate Government Association that most people do not (SGA) for the academic year. know what a Provost does, Thr Georgetonian/JENNY COBB Thomas, a Religion major therefore when in casual and Classics minor, then Newly sworn in William Thomas conversation with strangers, presented and inducted the encouraged students to be inclu- Dr. Allen typically introother members of the SGA sive with fellow students. duces herself as a college Executive Council: Sopho- unique individual. professor. She describes this more Ashton Trunnell, Junior Dr. Rosemary Allen, Pro- role as a dream job, as she gets Shelby Vogel, Junior McKayla vost and Dean of the College, to read books about a subject Moore, Junior Amy Kao, and introduced six individuals that she is interested in and Senior Kylie Fitzsimmons. who are beginning their first then spend time talking about Each member of SGA took full year as faculty members: that subject with students and an oath of service for their Andrew Adler, library fac- colleagues. positions. Thomas then gave ulty; Lucas Garnett, math; Lee “May you all be as lucky in a speech in which he shared Kirven, Spanish; Dr. Carey your life’s pursuits,“ Dr. Allen what a Georgetown College Ruiz, sociology; Taylor Tem- said. education has meant to him nick, athletic training; and Dr. She then addressed a and then charged the com- Sarah Whitis, economics. common question: How will munity with three challenges Dr. Allen then presented Georgetown College’s requirefor the upcoming year: to the John Walker Distin- ments prepare students for the meet someone new and then guished Mentor and Teaching future? befriend them; to discover Award to Dr. George McGee According to its mission what makes Georgetown Col- of the theatre department. statement, Georgetown College home and then share it In nominations received by lege serves to “prepare stuwith others; finally, to embrace his students, Dr. McGee was dents to engage in their life’s the diversity and freedom commended for spending an pursuits with thoughtfulness offered at Georgetown to be a exceptional amount of time and skill…“ (georgetowncol- Dr. Allen pointed out that this includes educating one’s whole person for a purpose beyond only getting a job. Dr. Allen concluded her address by showing a photo of a group of English majors at their Georgetown commencement a few years ago. She informed the audience of the various careers held by those students today. Their various paths were made possible, she said, by the liberal arts education that they received at Georgetown. Then, William Thomas led the audience in reading the common commitment, which states that members of the Georgetown College community agree to abide by the College’s academic, social and spiritual standards as well as to broaden horizons, extend cultural awareness and grow spiritually, socially and physically. Thomas Steuart, Director of Choirs, led attendees in singing the Georgetown College alma mater. The Chorale and gospel choir sang the benediction, and the faculty members exited to the recessional music by Glenna Metcalfe.
Student reacts to Caf changes page 2
FFG provides small groups for freshmen page 7
GC Football to honor Craig Mullins page 5
Sigma Tau Delta has events for those who enjoy literature page 6
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News Students react to the Caf Changes
The Georgetonian
Headlines Compiled by Noah Krieger
Chandra Dangi of Nepal passed away at the age of 75 from pneumonia while visiting American Samoa. At 21.5 inches of height, he was the shortest person in history. A particularly massic sandstorm in the Middle East has killed at least eight people and hospitalized hundreds more, while bringing Syrian military operations to a near halt. California resident Miguel Armenta-Villa, after a three week investigation, was arrested in New Jersey for possession of 22 kilograms of heroin, worth up to $5 million. In Rochester N.Y., a truck full of cabbages overturned on interstate 490, leading to multiple lane closures on both sides of the road until all of the vegetables could be cleared up. A mechanical engineering student at Michigan Technological University returned to his room drunk one night, designed an aircraft, told his roommate about it, then woke up later to find the plans with no memory designing it. He will now make models to test the design. The Vatican is undecided as to whether it will fly its flag next to Palestine’s at U.N. Brazil’s former leader, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, throws weight behind Daniel Scioli’s bid for Argentina presidency.
held the same strong opinion as these two on the matter. News Editor Burchett said, “The wall dividing the Caf is also dividing the stuMany changes were made to GC dent body of Georgetown, cutting us student’s dining options for the fall off from each other. Separating the semester. The Caf now offers extended so-called “lounge area” is useless. Two hours to dine in. The Grille has been couches and a TV don’t constitute callrelocated to and become a part of the ing that space a lounge. No students Caf as a nighttime food option. Now like the wall. We want to be able to students receive only five to–go boxes gaze upon the entire Caf and watch the a week. A wall now separates the Caf antics of our classmates.” into the lounge. These are just a few of Bocard also talked about division: the changes made to Caf this semester. “I do not like the new wall A few students were separating the Caf into two asked how they felt parts. It forces students who about the changes just normally sat in that area of mentioned. the Caf to either relocate Braden Bocard, should they want to feel senior, and Devin Matincluded, or remain in the thews, junior, both area and feel segregated liked the extended from the rest of the people. hours. Bocard, howThere is already a great deal ever, wished the breakof separation in the Caf fast would stay out past with different organizations 10:30 a.m. Matthews taking up whole tables and likes that more hours seemingly excluding others allows for less restricfrom outside the group. tions to her schedule. This wall exacerbates that, Matthews felt showing that now there is strongly about the an actual physical barrier relocation of the Grille, separating groups of people while Bocard did not from others.” feel very affected by it. Source: Matthews also talked Matthews said, “I don’t There are mixed feeling about the changes made to the Caf. about feelings of exclusion particularly like [the and feeling like the lounge relocation] because I feel like we’re tied down to just one option. for every meal every day. If someone is unnecessary, but also talked about Also, not having the Grille downstairs would need to take food to–go twice other issues: “[The wall] is a huge eyejust makes that area seem like an empty in one day they would soon run out sore that constantly gets in the way…. space that no one hardly hangs out in for the week and probably not have Overall, I just think having a wall or a anymore. When the Grille was there, it the chance to eat because they had no lounge in the caf is just unnecessary, was busy and vibrant and was always a time….I understand that it’s more eco- and it doesn’t really belong. If we’re fun place to hang out, grab a bite to eat nomical to save on the to–go plates and going to have a lounge, it should before class, or do homework…. Also, all that, but we should at least get more remain in the old Grille area. Although the TV and couches in the caf are nice, I know they offer Grille options in the to–go meals a week.” Bocard and Matthews both had we don’t need a wall to separate it to Caf, which I like, however they do not similar reactions when asked about the let us know that this area is a lounge. have all the options the Grille had.” Bocard and Matthews had differing new wall that has been put up. Taylor We’re capable of figuring that out ouropinions on the new to–go box rule. Burchett, senior, who was indifferent selves.” Bocard liked the idea: “I agree with this to most of the changes brought up, also idea. Many students I know of who get to–go boxes get them simply because they don’t want to be in the Caf, or would rather watch Netflix while they eat. This is not the reason behind the to–go meals, and I believe this will cut down on people who do that, and also cut down on environmental waste, allowing us to be a greener campus.” Matthews said, “I don’t like that we’re being so restricted to having only five to–go meals a week. Not everyone has time to sit down and eat in the Caf
Issue 1
September 9, 2015 Page 3
Joe Biden may run for President By BRENNA JEWEL Staff Writer There is speculation of Vice President Joe Biden throwing his name in the 2016 Presidential race. Biden would be running on the Democratic ticket in a populated race where five Democrats have already announced they are running, and 17 Republicans have announced they are running. Among the already announced candidates are Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and the Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. If Biden did enter the race he would be announcing his candidacy six months since the first announcement made by the Texas Senator (R) Ted Cruz, and over a month after Former Virginia Governor (R) Jim Gilmore. With the first caucus being held in Iowa on February 1, if Biden were to run, he would only have four months to establish himself as a competitive candidate. Despite not coming out as a candidate yet, Biden started gaining sup-
The death of Biden’s son may affect his decision to run for President. port at the Labor Day Parade—a group of United Steelworkers cheered him to run. His speech to them about the mistreatment of steelworkers and the inequality of pay for American workers could fire up even more supporters if he were to run. Biden is currently polling at 16 percent as released by NBC/Marist when polling Democratic Voters of the New Hampshire primary. A super PAC
called “Draft Biden,” has formed and are drafting top political operatives to help sway Biden to run, many of whom helped current President Barack Obama in his race. Despite the push to run, Biden has told his audiences that he doesn’t feel that his family can take on a presidential campaign at this time. He is referencing the recent death of his son Beau Biden, who passed in May from brain cancer. Beau Biden was a strong supporter of his father’s political pursuits and was following in their political dynasty with his position as the Attorney General in Delaware and his future plan to become Governor. The death of his son brought up old memories from when he ran for Senate in 1972, and his wife, daughter and two sons were involved in a car accident while Christmas shopping, which killed his wife and daughter. Beau Biden had referenced this incident when he introduced his father in 2008 at the Democratic National Con-
vention when he told the audience that after that incident his father’s character showed when he would not leave them in the hospital to be sworn in. Vice President Biden previously ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic nomination for president in 1988 and 2008, before being chosen as then Senator Barack Obama’s running mate. This would be Biden’s third run for office. Many critics of the Vice President say that he would be too old to serve in the office. If elected, Vice President Biden would be seventy-three years old at the time of the November 2016 election, making him the oldest person to be elected president of the United States. The question is whether Joe Biden will or will not be running for the presidential office in 2016, a question that Biden has danced around but not given a clear answer to. Hopeful Americans are expecting his answer to come before the end of September. Sources:,,
GC Writing Center By KATY HARVEY Staff Writer
Writing is one of the most necessary skills in college, but it can also be the most daunting. That is why the Georgetown College Writing Center is here to help.The Writing Center is available to assist students during all parts of the writing process. Whether you are in the preliminary stages of outlining or revising a final draft, trained upperclassmen tutors will be able to help. All Writing Center sessions are one-on-one. Sessions can focus on whatever area the student feels they need the most assistance in, whether that be grammar, content, citing sources, etc. Tutors will not write for other students, but they can explain revisions so that students can make their own corrections. After each session, the tutor will fill out an evaluation form to send to the student’s professor so that the student’s attendance is on record. Students can make an appointment or simply walk in during the center’s hours of operation to receive assistance. Students who make an appointment, however, will be given first priority. The Writing Center can also help students with reading comprehension since good writing begins with good reading. This will be especially helpful for students currently in Foundations 111. Location: Basement of the LRC Hours of operation: 12:30–4:30 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays; 9:30–11 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings; 7–9 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays; 7–11 p.m. Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. To make an appointment, call extension 8423.
Sports & Recreation
Page 4
The Georgetonian
Lady Tigers soar above competition By KAITLIN FAHEY Features Editor On Monday, September 7, the Georgetown College women’s soccer team achieved a 7-1 win over Midway University. The victory was their fifth of the season, leaving them undefeated thus far. Despite the successful record, head coach Leah Crews Castleman expressed that her team is going to strive to improve their skills even more rather than growing complacent. “It’s always nice to get the win and finish a lot of shots, but we never want to get complacent and/or pick up bad
habits,” Castleman said after the win over Midway University. ( Over the past few weeks since the season began, the team has also claimed victories over Union College, Cincinnati Christian University, Indiana Wesleyan University and Taylor University. Four of those games were in a span of seven days, leaving little time for the team to practice in between games. “There is always room to improve, and after playing so many games in the space of just a few days we are really starving for a good training session in order to get refo-
cused on things we want to be doing tactically to prepare for upcoming conference matches,” Castleman said. (georgetowncollegeathletics. com) Still, despite the obstacles of long bus rides, busy schedules and unpredictable weather, the women have shown what they are capable of doing this season. “I can’t say enough about the way this team has been able to stay focused and continue to work together,” Castleman said after the team’s fourth win. ( She especially praised the team’s less seasoned players.
“I thought the young ones stepped up and really battled to prove they have what it takes and that’s the kind of competitive environment we are trying to foster,” Castleman said after the victory against Cincinnati Christian. This is the best start to the season that the women have had since Castleman has been the team’s head coach. They have outscored their opponents 15-2, collectively, with goals being scored by Jodi DeJohn, Skye Zimmer, Emily Conner, Ariel Howell, Sarah Hencke, Lindsey Dunn, Zoe Stovik and Cassidy Hatfield. Of having so many players scoring goals, Castleman
said, “It’s fantastic to get so many players in the game and not see a change in tempo… they are understanding their roles and doing what we ask of them.” ( In the week of August 31, junior goalkeeper Danielle Lang was named Mid-South Conference Defensive Player of the Week for the second time in her collegiate career. The team will play the University of Pikeville at home this Saturday, September 12 in their first conference match of the season. The game will begin at 6 p.m.
Fall Sports 2015 Snapshots
Issue 1
By KAITLIN FAHEY Features Editor On Saturday, September 5, the Georgetown College football team officially began their season with an away game in Lebanon, Tenn. against the Cumberland University Bulldogs. The game ended with a score of 33-26 in favor of Cumberland University after the Tigers threw two incomplete passes in the final two minutes. This weekend, the Tigers will return to Toyota Stadium for their 2015 home opener against Lindsey Wilson College (1-0). However, the first home game of the year is not the only thing the Tigers will be celebrating this Saturday. The event is being called the White Out Lung Cancer game
W. 2-1 Brescia Univ. W. (in 4 sets) St. Catharine W. 7-1 Midway L. 33-26 Cumberland Univ.
Sept. 12 vs. Unive of Pikeville 8:00 p.m. Sept. 11 vs.Montreat College 7:00 p.m. Sept. 12 vs. Univ. of Pikeville 6:00 p.m. Sept. 12 vs. Lindsey Wilson 1:30 p.m.
and serves to honor the life of former Georgetown College football player and coach Craig Mullins, who passed away this past May after a battle with lung cancer. Mullins was a sophomore quarterback when the MidSouth Conference formed and played its first football season. In his three years as a player, Georgetown won the regular season championship twice and had an overall record of 22-9-1. Mullins’s coaching career at GC began in 1997. As offensive coordinator and quarterback coach, he helped lead the Tigers to 12 regular season titles, seven perfect regular seasons and four straight national titles. The Tigers’ overall record was 155-36
during Mullins’s 16 seasons of coaching. In Saturday’s celebration, the team will place and dedicate the ROCK at the stadium to Mullins. “Craig will always be with us and our Tiger family,” said head coach Bill Cronin. “He was an amazing man, husband, father and coach. We miss him dearly, but learned from him greatly in the way he lived and the way he fought. Saturday will be emotional as we honor him with the new placement of the ROCK that will have a plaque to memorialize him.” ( In addition to the dedication of the ROCK, the MidSouth Conference will make an official announcement that
beginning this year, Offensive Player of the Year awards will be given in Mullins’ name. “Having the opportunity to work with Craig, I know what an amazing man he was,” said Mid-South Conference Commissioner Eric Ward. “It was not a hard decision or hard sell to name this award after him. As a league, we immediately knew we wanted to honor him in some way and the coaches helped to make this decision.” (georgetowncollegeathletics. com) Ward continued, “His legacy lives on and we want more athletes to be touched by his contagious spirit, his passion for people and his love for football.” Georgetown College Director of Athletics Brian Evans
spoke highly of Mullins. “If you knew Craig, you were touched by Craig. He had a way about him that drew people in and changed them for the better.” ( Evans continued, “We are expecting a large crowd Saturday to honor Craig and enjoy one of his favorite places and events – Toyota Stadium and Georgetown football. This day will be an opportunity to remember, celebrate, and honor him with the various things we have planned.” The White Out Lung Cancer game will begin at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 12 at Toyota Stadium in Georgetown.
To start the game, a player starts by bouncing the ball while the rest of the players shout “Ga” on the first and second bounces. Then, the ball is in play and any player can hit the ball. The object of the game is to hit another player with the ball below the knees. Once a player is hit, they are out. When a player gets out, they must exit the GaGa pit. You may be wondering “What if the ball bounces of the wall then hits me?” If that is the case, my friend, you are still out! Also, if the ball is to leave the pit, the last person to
touch it is out. There are sev- what to do with. Another great eral different variations to the quality of the game is the fact that everyrules, but one is the rules engaged, previtrying to o u s l y dodge, stated dip, dive are the and duck m o s t out of the common way of the you’ll ball. find. Games GaGa Source: ball is GaGa ball is a new, fun way to play are usually quick, a great dodgeball. too, so if game for someone children at camp who may have way gets out early, they won’t be more energy than you know out for too long. Twenty-five
players can play at once depending on the size of the pit, which makes the game able to entertain more people that a standard game of dodgeball. Although this game is geared toward elementary and middle–school aged children, anybody and everybody can and will enjoy this game. If you want to play a game that is light hearted and a reminder of what it means to be a kid again, Gaga ball is for you.
This game will make you go GaGa
Men’s Soccer Volleyball Women’s Soccer Football
September 9, 2015 Page 5
GC Football to honor life of Craig Mullins
Sports & Recreation
Have you become bored with a standard dodgeball game? Are you looking for a sport you can play with five, ten, or twenty of your closest friends? Or do you just want a new, exciting and fast–paced game to play with friends and family of all ages? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, check out the game known as Gaga Ball. The game itself is in an enclosed hexagonal structure, which is called the GaGa pit.
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Sigma Tau Delta hosts activities for students interested in literature By FIONA McELRATH Staff Writer Of the many honors societies on campus, one of the most active is Sigma Tau Delta, the English Honors society. Last year, this tenacious group of English majors and literature lovers held regular events, such as Shake’n Bake, all throughout the year. However, Sigma Tau Delta, or STD, is not only for English majors. If you love literature, or movies based on books and literature, you are welcome to come to their events. Shake’n Bake is perfect for those who enjoy reading and baking. This is an event where a Shakespeare play is read while a baked treat is prepared. Once the baked goods are in and out of the oven, the group plays a game like Apples to Apples while enjoy-
with clubs such as SWAGS (Student Women and Gender Society) to host events at which an author will come and talk about their work. Keep an eye out for fliers for STD events Source: and if you are Sigma Tau Delta is the English honor sociinterested in ety on Georgetown’s campus. knowing more, contact Dr. Baring the sweets of their labors. Other events include a baccia in Pawling Hall 116, monthly movie night in a con- faculty adviser for Sigma Tau venient screened location, such Delta. Or, contact Lexie Stovel lstovel0@georgetowncolas the planetarium, which may at also include refreshments. The, student president of movie viewed will always be STD. based on literature, such as “Peter Pan” or The Importance of Being Ernest. This year, STD will partner
The Georgetonian
The Georgetonian is hiring a Sports Editor for the fall semester! Editors meet weekly on Tuesday evening to lay out the issues of The Georgetonian. Sports Editor is a paid position. Sports experience and knowledge is preferred, but not required. To apply, email Editor-in-Chief, Eric Balmer, at
Upcoming NEXUS Events: - Tuesday, 9/15 - Chapel Service; 11 a.m. (John L. Hill Chapel) - Tuesday, 9/22 - Kentucky Law Schools Panel; 3 p.m. (LRC 150) - Wednesday, 9/23 - Gay Marriage and the Church; 8:30 p.m. (Jones Hall Nelson Suite) - Thursday, 9/24 - SGA General Assembly; 11 a.m. (LRC Ward Room) - Thursday, 9/24 - New Alchemy art exhibit; 6 p.m. (LRC art gallery)
Features FFG provides small group for first-year students
Issue 1
September 9, 2015 Page 7
At the end of the day, we are all imperfect people looking to come together for a common purpose. Life is hard! College is hard! And we know that. The upperclassmen leaders have been in your shoes and now seek to provide a place of security and trust where you can live, love and grow as you go through the FFG experience. In closing, FFG has blessed so many, and the leaders hope that we can be a blessing to you too. Life is too hard to
Staff Writer As the new school year begins, a frenzy of new faces can be seen across campus. As a GC sophomore, that experience is only one year removed for this writer. Coming back to campus this year has been an experience that is both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time— and Freshmen Family Groups is one factor in this experience. Freshmen Family Groups, also referred to as FFG, is a part of the Common Ground campus ministry. Freshmen and first-year transfer students are placed in a small group Bible study with other students. The small groups, referred to as “families,” are led by two upperclassmen. Throughout the semester, students can expect to participate in a variety of activities both with their own family and with the other families involved in FFG. These activities include weekly Bible study, Common Ground fall retreat, going out to eat and other events. One of the main goals of FFG is to provide first-year students with a close–knit community in addition to helping them transition to life at Georgetown College. Last year as a freshman, I remember going to the FFG kickoff, watching all of the skits, listening to each leader’s personal testimonies and deciding which family I related to the most. Freshmen wrote their family choices on a
Source: Grace Whitworth
The 2015 FFG leaders posed on the steps of Giddings at the beginning of the semester. card and got to meet their families later that night. Throughout the year, this writer got to know her family leaders more through the Wednesday night meetings and weekend retreat. This year, however, I am on the flip side of this experience. Just last Wednesday, I was able to get up in front of a group of freshmen, do a silly skit and share a testimony about God’s work over the summer. I am looking forward to meeting with my family and growing with them spiritually as we walk through the insanity that is college. FFG is special because it provides a place for people from different hometowns, religions and walks of life to join together in support and love. As amazing and frustrating as life can be, being in a freshmen family group gives me time in the middle of the
week to stop and reflect on my spiritual life while hanging out with a group of awesome people and having fun, too. FFG gives freshmen and first year students a place to connect with each other, cultivate friendships and find support when life gets tough. Not to mention, it gives us all something to do other than Caf ratting, binging on totally nonsensical and yet entirely addicting Netflix series and banging our heads against the wall as we endure the frustration that comes with writing English papers. No matter your past, present or future plans, whether you’ve been raised in church or are just starting to try and figure God out, and no matter what your interests and hobbies may be, you are entirely welcome to be a part of an FFG family.
walk through it alone. Come find a family at FFG! FFG meets at 8 p.m. on Wednesday nights in the Cooke Memorial Building ballroom. First–year students are welcome to join a family at any point throughout the semester. For questions or to be placed in a family, students can contact this year’s FFG coordinators, Grace Whitworth ( or Joseph Snider (
Quote My Georgetown Professor “The first rule of Pythagorianism is don’t talk about Pythagorianism.” - Dr. Sands Wise Posted on the “Quote My Georgetown Professor” Facebook group
Georgetown Tree Huggers
The Georgetonian/JENNY COBB
This week’s Tree Hugger is Sophomore Raleigh Dixon.
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The Georgetonian
Cartoon time: Batman: The Animated Series By JOHN WAITE Staff Writer I love this show. I can remember watching this show on VHS and TV when I was a kid. This is one of the reasons why I am such a big fan of Batman in general. Now that my biases are out of the way, let’s talk about the show. First airing in 1993 on Fox Kids, Batman: TAS is based off of the adventures of Batman and his rogues gallery (who would have guessed?). Coming in hot after the Tim Burton Batman films, the cartoon takes on dark, serious materials. It was made for kids, but it could also be enjoyed by teens and adults. After watching the full series again after so many years, I found myself deeply invested in the characters and the stories. This show was split into three or four seasons (depending on who you ask or where you look online), with the first season being called The Animated
Series. The second season being called This, in my opinion is one of the best The Adventures of Batman & Robin, aspects of the show. The villains are so and the third/forth season was called awesome! The producers did so much The New Adventures of Batman. At with them besides just having Batman this point the animation was shifted to beat them up. This show reinvents the fit more of the Superman cartoon at the backstory of Mr. Freeze, fleshed out Two–Face’s chartime. With season acter to show his three/four aside, transformation the only difference into Two–Face, between the first and they even and second seasons invented by far was that Robin was the most popshown more in the ular Batman second season. Othvillain, Harley erwise, each epiQuinn. Oh, but sode stands alone, Source: we cannot forget except the two part The Joker is one of Batman’s most the magnificent episodes, so you can famous villans throughout the series. performance by sit back and watch Mark Hamill as any episode of show and get the same enjoyment out it. the Joker. As always, the Joker steals However, I would recommend watch- the show, along with the money. The villains aren’t the only ones ing them in order. The first season introduced all of who deserve love. The heroes of the Batman’s villains with backstories. show rock as well. Kevin Conroy made
Batman his own. He was one of the first actors to play Batman and to give him a different voice as Batman when he wasn’t billionaire Bruce Wayne. We get to hear true struggle in his voice about what he’s doing and how he tries to stop crime. We also get to see the rises of two Robins, Nightwing, and Batgirl. This 20–something year old show still holds up today. The animation is still top notch, and the writing is fantastic. If you are interested in watching this show, here are some of my favorite episodes: Heart of Ice, Two-Face parts 1&2, Beware the Grew Ghost, The Man Who killed Batman, Appointment in Crime Ally, Mad Love, and Over the Edge. There are far too many just to list them all. The series is on DVD, Amazon and somewhere on YouTube for poor college students.
Taylor Swift likes to shake off haters
By ARIANNA SCRUGGS Staff Writer Taylor Swift’s music has been popular in circles of country fans since she’s been making music. Her newest album, however, is the one taking the world by storm. The album, 1989, has changed many people’s perception of her. The music turned from country to pop in the matter of one album, and it shocked everyone. Tis album is one of the most phenomenal albums I’ve ever heard, and that’s coming from someone who didn’t like any of her music beforehand. I love every single song on this album, and I will listen to it over and over again because the music is so
good. I have never found an album that This is the first album that I love every single song on. Every. Single. Song. Is. Magnificent. I love them all. I think my favorite song off of the album is “Wonderland,” but it’s so very hard to choose a favorite song. “Wonderland” has that Alice in Wonderland feeling that the song is meant to have, as well as a feeling of confusion and excitement. All of the songs convey exactly the meaning that they’re supposed to. Taylor Swift has really outdone herself on this album. People all over the world are falling in love with the songs. Taylor Swift has never been my favorite artist. I’ve always thought,
honestly, that her songs were kind of annoying, and that they weren’t original. Now, however, I can go back and appreciate her music for what it is: music. Her newest album has made me see how hard she has to work to make her music. “Bad Blood,” the fifth song on her album, is about best friends fighting, and it’s amazing. The song has a lot of power behind it, and it’s a definite song to listen to if you’re in a bad mood and needing something to make you feel better. The last song on the album, “Clean,” will make you cry. It’s one of her most emotional songs, and I think it’s the best song off of the album. The album has a song for everyone; I’d recommend buying the deluxe version
for the full experience. This album has changed many people’s perception of her, so let it change yours too.
Taylor Swift’s latest album was her first official pop album.
Issue 1
September 9, 2015 Page 9
American Horror Story is scary good By ARIANNA SCRUGGS Staff Writer American Horror Story is a show that started in 2011, and it’s been at the top of most people’s lists of TV shows since then. The show combines a sense of macabre theater, gory horror, and drama that will pull you in. This show is one show that almost anyone can like. It draws in horror fans and non-horror fans simply because of its characters. They have a couple of the same actors and actresses who play the different characters throughout the seasons. The first season had some of the best character interactions in my opinion. It had twists that piled up on top of each other until you were so confused you didn’t know what was real. It retold the same story three or four different ways until you didn’t know which one was the
correct one. The second season, Asylum, focused on the patients of a sanitarium trapped within the confines of their own ailments. This season focuses on experimentation and aliens. The second season is also centered around a serial killer called BloodyFace, who is loosely based off of Leatherface, the villain in the Texas Chainsaw massacre movies. He’s a motherless man who believes women are the only way to satisfy his mother problems. Season three, however, is probably my favorite season so far. Coven is what it’s called, and it’s based on witches with powers beyond the normal. This season has some of the coolest special effects, and is probably one of the most underrated seasons of the whole show. Most people will say it’s not a good season, but I think it’s my
favorite season. This centers around the lives of witches who are trying to keep their kind alive, while trying to conceal themselves from the world around them. They battle with their head witch in order to try and figure out which way is right. I love Taissa Farmiga, the girl who plays Zoe in season three, and Violet in season one. Evan Peters, the boy who plays Tate Langdon in season one Kit Walker in season two, and Kyle in season three, is probably my favorite actor of the whole series. He has a way of making the characters that he plays seem like it’s not really a character, and that it’s just how he acts in real life. He’s a phenomenal actor, and I plan to watch whatever else he’s in, if he’s in anything else besides American Horror Story. Jessica Lange, the woman who most seasons center around (Constance
Langdon in season one, Sister Jude in season two, and Fiona Goode in season three), is a woman of finesse in her acting, and she can slip into any character with ease. She’s phenomenal. Overall, this series is phenomenal, and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a TV show to watch when they’re bored and don’t mind an addiction.
and it paid off. This game is a big hit with everyone, including myself. This game takes place in Inkopolis. Just imagine Tokyo if it were run by sea-food. This is your main hub for the game. This is where you can access the stores where you can buy shirts, shoes and guns to upgrade your avatar. This is where you can also access the story mode and the online mode. You can also see other people who play the game and see artwork that they have made through Nintendo’s social media platform called Miiverse. There may not be much to do in this hub world, but it’s cool for what it is. The gameplay is where this game shines. This has two main modes. Story mode and online mode. Story mode is where you should start out. It gives you great basic tips on how to play the
game. The story centers around collecting the city’s prized Zap fish that power the city. They were stolen by alien octopuses (yes, I am dead serious). Throughout the story you are helped out by an old man who lives in the sewers and tells you that only you can stop them. Crazy, isn’t it? The story mode is not where the game excels however. Just like most shooters, the online multiplayer is the main buying point for the game. You start out in turf war where you and a team of three other people from the internet try to cover the most ground with ink of your color. This is where I’ve spent most of my time in the game, mainly because I’m still trying to get to the max level. Once you reach level 10, you can do rank battles. This mode is more like your traditional shooter,
where you shoot to kill. Did I mention free DLC, othwise known as downloadable content? This game has free DLC with new weapons and gear so it will take most of your time away. This all happens in updates. Yay! This is a bright and beautiful game. The gameplay is solid, and it will last a long time. It is well worth the $60 price tag. This is a must–own for any Wii U owner.
The first season was filled with twists that keep you watching.
Guild Game of the week: Splatoon
By JOHN WAITE Staff Writer Are you a kid, or are you a squid? That is the question. It is the question Nintendo asked their loyal fans when they released this new game earlier this year for the Wii U. The game is a third-person shooter where you control beings known as inklings, kids who can transform into squids, that try to cover the battle field with colored ink by shooting said ink out of guns. You read that right. Nintendo made a shooter. This game represents many firsts for the family–friendly gaming company. First off, as said earlier, this is Nintendo’s first attempt to make a shooter. This is also the first new series that Nintendo has made since Pikmin for the Gamecube. They took a big risk
You mean these kids turn into squids?
Page 10
The Georgetonian
Georgetonian Kim Davis is No Hero
Editor-in-Chief.................................................... Eric Balmer Managing Editor.............................................. Kaitlin Fahey News Editor....................................................Andrea Bellew Sports Editor..................................................... Tyler Phillips Features Editor................................................ Kaitlin Fahey A&E Editor.................................................Danine O’Connell Opinion Editor....................................................Evan Moore Back Page Editor............................................Raleigh Dixon Web Editor . .....................................................Kate Doctor Photo Editor........................................................Jenny Cobb Technical Editor...............................................Andrew Giles Copy Editor.....................................................Whitney Bryan Copy Editor................................................Dannie O’Connell Copy Editor.........................................................Evan Moore Faculty Adviser...........................................Jennifer Beckett
The Georgetonian is a free weekly newspaper published most Wednesdays during the academic year by Georgetown College in Georgetown, Ky. Its contents are written and edited by current students of Georgetown College. Letters to the editor should be under 600 words and should include the writer’s name and telephone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and brevity. Please send letters to one of the following addresses:
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Perhaps the overarching issue in this situation is reliStaff Writer gious liberty. Does religious liberty entitle you to not do When I heard Kim Davis your job? Can you be punished had been sent to jail after being for not doing your job if you found in contempt of court, I are claiming religious reasons was, for whatever reason, a bit as to why you are not doing it? disheartened. I found myself These are important questions sympathizing with her a bit. to consider in the more broad Here she is, a small-town conversation going forward. clerk doing her best to uphold The late Nelson Mandela what she sincerely believes to said, on liberty, “For to be be the will of God. Now, she is free is not to merely cast off being sent to jail. one’s chains, but to live in a How could it have come way which respects and to this — after months of enhances the freedom legal disputes and resisof others.” The minute tance — that Kim Davis your “religious freedom” ends up in jail? encroaches on someone Surely, she could else’s rights or freedoms have just given the “OK” (in this case, the right to her deputies to issue to marry whom one marriage licenses to gay pleases), I am not sure couples; that would have you are entitled to that put her in the clear with freedom any longer. Why God, right? She wouldn’t should you be able to use be the one issuing the your freedom to restrict licenses, so she would be Source: someone else’s? This OK, right? Apparently Kim Davis refused to issue marraige seems to be exactly what not. licenses because of the recent Supreme Kim Davis was claiming In this article, I will Court ruling that legalized gay marraige. she could do. not discuss the stance of On September 23, Christianity on the issue about gay marriage, I am not at 8:30 PM in the Jonesof gay marriage. My focus will sure there is a convincing Hall-Nelson Suite, formerly be solely on the ethics of Ms. argument that Ms. Davis was known as the Hallf of Fame Davis’s refusal to do her job. right in not performing her job, Room, (across from the Caf), My feeling on the matter especially considering from a NEXUS event entitled “Gay is this: if someone is put in a Marriage and the Church” will where her pay has come. situation, like being required Imagine if she was work- take place. I encourage you to to perform a duty for a job, ing for a private corporation check it out, as they will be that compromises personal rather than as an elected gov- answering different questions religious conviction, the best ernment official. The minute concerning how the church course of action is to remove she began refusing to complete has responded and should yourself from that situation. I her duties, she could be fired, respond to gay marriage, espebelieve Kim Davis’ best option and she should be. Why would cially in the days following the was to resign, as she could no anyone pay another person to Kim Davis controversy. longer perform the duties of not do the job they promised her office. to do? If a personal opinion, lifestyle or obligation prevents, forbids or otherwise does not allow you to perform your employment’s duties, make it your duty to resign. Unfortunately, she refused to do so. Even more unfortunately, the citizens of Rowan County, who have been paying taxes to pay Ms. Davis to perform her job well, were now left with a clerk who refused to do the job she promised the people of Rowan County she would do. No matter how you feel
Issue 1
September 9, 2015 Page 11
Political correctness is a waste
By FIONA McELRATH Staff Writer
I think that being politically correct is overrated. In our day and age, there is a lot of social change and activism going on, thus causing people to be offended when they or their cause is not addressed in the proper way. This idea of being “politically correct” spans across areas like school, social life and the work place to marriage, gender and sexuality—the public and the personal. When these areas branch out into each other, that is when the mess made by rights vs. rules emerges. An easy example of this is the school and work dress codes that we are all so familiar with. In many schools, when there is not a uniform, there is
For many people, their a dress code, which has own gender can be an been growing more and intensely confusing more stringent as the thing to figure out, just years go by. as sexuality is for every For a young person, teen. this can be seen as stiThe politics of gender fling their personal have escalated and mulexpression, and many tiplied, leaving some of onlookers have balked us in the dust about the at the reasons that kids current thoughts and get “dress coded” these language. days. One such example However, looking Source: is “cisgender,” which is at the work place, the Many claim political correctness to limit story is very different. the First Amendment right to free speech. said rather than stating “gender normality” or In the adult world, — more simply — that An adult worker may there is a different standard, a certain “professional- think it is their right to wear one is the same gender they ism,” to which working adults whatever they wish, yet the were at birth. I think “cisgender” is an rules under which they were are held. trying Yet there are times when employed say differently. It is overcompensation, working adults purposefully a matter of respect, not poli- to be too politically correct. wear a thing that is in viola- tics, that says a worker should From an LGBT viewpoint, the creation of this new term is tion of the dress code. In these respect their employer. A more clear example is understandable, as ‘“gender cases, the difference between rights and rules is most visible. that of gender and sexuality.
normality” could have implications that are demeaning to that community. However, it is not an unheard of phenomenon for the meanings of words to change with time and usage. “Gay” used to mean something quite different from its current working definition, so couldn’t the same be true of “straight” or “gender normality?” People work so hard to be politically correct and inoffensive in the face of social change, but how much of that is really necessary? I think it is more important to be respectful and polite in the dilemmas and changes of our years than waste energy with trying to be “correct.”
tarians on campus, while the omnivores often have two or three options in the main lines, not to mention the Grille. With Meatless Mondays gone, so have the vegetarians’ regular guarantee of a meal they can eat. Additionally, the Caf no longer uses eggs for omelets, and has ceased making scrambled eggs for breakfast. This is because of an egg shortage, but we are still being served hardboiled eggs fairly regularly. I think no one would complain if those were used instead in
omelets. I commend the Caf and its workers on the rising quality of the food and the vegetarian option, but I think they could still do better—namely, with the number of their vegetarian options and the eggs for omelets. Protein for those who do not eat meat is very important, and they could easily bring in eggs from local farms. Overall, I am pleased with the Caf food, and I look forward to seeing them continue to improve under the current management.
The Caf changes have both pros and cons
By FIONA McELRATH Staff Writer Last semester, the good administration of Georgetown College sprang a twist on us at the end of the year: meal plans were changing, and, with them, the Caf hours. I must admit, I was with the rest of those who were miffed about the new meal plan. Despite having unlimited swipes for the Caf, the Tiger Dollar count was vastly diminished, and the Mulberry was closing early every day.
Now that we have had a few weeks to experience this new management of the food system, this writer has sensed a general better feeling towards the unlimited meal plan than what was circulating before. Of course, I have heard the complaints about the lack of 400 tiger dollars, a loss which has been sorely felt in all walks of campus life. However, I have also heard generally positive feedback on the quality of the food now being served in the Caf. Unlike past years, when the
food quality seemed to decline, this year has started out with a definite upwards-curve. The options in the main lines have been better quality, and there is a gluten-free/vegan (mostly) section at the end of the breakfast bar. However. As a vegetarian, the options have not been as up to par as some years. As much as I appreciate the vegetarian option that is available every day at lunch (and sometimes dinner), it’s only one option for a non-trivial number of vege-
The BackPage Thank you, Kim Davis: an open letter
By Raleigh Dixon
She claims that issuing the marriage licenses goes against her religious freeBackPage Editor doms, which are guaranteed to her I am very proud of where I am from. under the First Amendment. She has To me, Kentucky embodies everything been quoted saying that she is acting that you could ever want for in a home. on God’s behalf, that her conscience is Its’ lush landscapes, rich history, and clear, and so on. Even after a Federal vibrant culture are just a few reasons I Judge found her in contempt of court thank God when I cross the state line and placed her behind bars, Ms. Davis after a long road trip. It is the birth- continues to stand firmly in her beliefs. I would like to speak directly to Ms. place of bourbon, houses the greatest tradition in college basketball, and is Davis for the remainder of this column. Ms. Davis, the mecca for horseracing fans around First of all, congratulations on the world. Yet, as is the case at every party, there are always those individu- finding a way to make your way into als who seek to ruin the good times for a position of relative power in government with such a poor understanding everyone. While I love my state, a twinge of of the way that government is supfear runs through me whenever I see posed to work. I understand that fifth grade was its great name in national news headlines. It seems like every time Kentucky boring, and you can hardly be blamed is on CNN, Fox News, or MSNBC, it is for falling asleep during your Amerito showcase that portion of our popu- can history lessons. It happens to the lation that is racist, sexist, and/or oth- very best of us. But since you were erwise ignorant and intolerant. Enter evidently snoozing the day that your one Kim Davis. In recent weeks, Davis teacher went over the Bill of Rights, I’ll has found herself in the news for being be more than happy to fill you in on a one of the three county clerks in our point or two. Along with the freedoms of speech, fine commonwealth who is refusing to issue marriage licenses following the press, petition, and assembly, freedom Supreme Court ruling that legalized of religion was indeed important to the same-sex marriage over the summer. founding fathers. This is why within the First Amendment to the United States Constitution it is explicitly written, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exerSource: cise thereof”. Kim Davis showcases her tremendous skills as a people This has long person
been cited to uphold the separation of church and state. Now Kim (you don’t mind if I call you Kim, do you?), understanding and maintaining the separation of church and state is an integral part of what makes America, America. Without it, the American people might be subjected to religious views that they don’t agree with in their heart. Imagine how offended you would be if an Orthodox Jew rose to power in the Department of Agriculture and forced people to stop eating bacon and sausage for breakfast. That Orthodox Jew firmly believes in their heart that eating pig meat is terribly offensive to God, so they simply cannot condone it on their watch. Doesn’t that just sound absurd, Kim? But it also sounds vaguely familiar, doesn’t it? This is exactly the decision making process that you have been using while refusing to grant marriage licenses in Rowan County. You have decided, in your boundless wisdom, that your thoughts on God are good enough for you; therefore, they are good enough for every unfortunate soul that has the displeasure of claiming you as their county clerk. And Kim, I’m curious as to how many other antiquated rules found in Leviticus make you so upset. Do you have a problem with people cutting their hair? What about eating pork? What about playing football? Leviticus frowns on all of these things, yet I haven’t seen or heard about you vehemently protesting Tom Brady for his life decisions (alleged ball deflating aside). Kim, there is good reason that the Constitution and the Bible are mutually exclusive documents. I think that we can all agree that there is no place in America for slavery, yet you can find it all over the Bible. I don’t think that
cursing your parents warrants death by stoning, but the ancient Israelites did. But at least you have done a wonderful job championing for marriage. In fact, I hear that you love the institution of marriage so much that you have tried it four separate times. You go, Glen Coco. It makes total sense that your marriage(s) have more standing with God than the potential healthy marriages of people who happen to have been born with the same reproductive organs. Let me be blunt: I find what you are doing abhorrent on multiple fronts. I understand that we have different views on theological matters, and while I vehemently oppose your views on marriage (along with a good many other things I imagine) I also recognize that you are entitled to believe what you wish. My real issue that I take with you is that you feel that your personal religious beliefs supersede the authority of the United States government. We live in a secular society, with our laws coming from secular sources. This is what allows for the freedom that you and I enjoy, and I hope you don’t forget it. What I am really trying to say Kim, is thank you. Thank you for misunderstanding the very rights that you are hiding your bigotry behind. Thank you for once again feeding into the national narrative that paints Kentucky as a backwards haven for intolerance. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to let the world know that though we share the same home, we do not share the same worldview. I don’t know how many ways or times I need to say it but I’ll try it once more: Thank you, Kim Davis.