The Georgetonian - Fall 2015, Issue 3

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eorgetonian G

September 23, 2015  Volume CXXXV Issue 3

Grubfest: first of many GC traditions

Last Thursday, students participated in the first GC tradition of the year: Grubfest. By ANDREA BELLEW News Editor Grubfest—one of Georgetown College’s annual traditions—was held Thursday, Sept. 17, in the Quad. As per usual, there was music, mud and water balloons flying through the sky and a slip n’ slide. Many students were there taking advantage of the opportunities provided by the college to have some fun. Makayla Jackson, junior and Program Coordinator of the Georgetown Activities Council (GAC), talked about her experience this year. She was completely covered in mud after only being in the mud pit for a few minutes, and she was having a lot of fun. Jackson said that everything was going really well with Grubfest except that two of the teams did not show up. Even though two groups didn’t show up, she said, “[GAC] made the whole thing work to where all the groups could always be doing something all at the same time and made sure that they had fun.” Freshmen students Shannon Ecklekamp and Jon Morgan both talked about how


this issue

much they enjoyed their firsttime experience of Grubfest. Ecklekamp had just come out of the mud pit when asked if she was having fun and she said, “It’s so much; it’s awesome.” When asked how she liked being in the pit amidst all the mud and water balloons, Ecklekamp said, “Yeah, I’ve never really gotten voluntarily dirty before, but it’s so fun. You just get to know people really well, I guess, when you’re throwing mud at each other and getting each other really dirty. It’s a great bonding experience.” As she ended on that note about a great bonding experience, Morgan came up and agreed with her. When asked how he liked Grubfest, Morgan said, “It was awesome! What could be better than some good old competition in the mud?” Grubfest is just one of many Georgetown College traditions which students look forward to each and every year. With it being the first of several annual events to come, students will surely be anticipating what’s in store for the other GC traditions.

Confederate statue forum gives a public vote page 3

The Georgetonian/JENNY COBB

The Georgetown Activities Council sponsors the event with a not–so–clean reputation.

The Georgetonian/JENNY COBB

Students competed in events that were all in the mud.

Women’s soccer suffers first lost page 4

The Georgetonian/JENNY COBB

Grubfest has been a constant in the life of GC in the early part of fall semester.

Bed Racing: you don’t even have to get out of bed page 5

Shindigs & Shenanigans was a success page 6


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Headlines Compiled by Noah Krieger

 A 91 year old woman, who is said to have served as a radio operator at Auswitz from April to July of 1944, has been charged as an accessory in the murder of 260,000 Jews. She has been deem fit for trial and may be prosecuted sometime next year.  A German SWAT unit was dissolved due to claims of new recruit hazing. The ex-officers then got drunk and trashed their former office with a chainsaw while one rode a motorbike through it.  Six suspects were arrested in Russia for illegally smuggling cheese into the country which netted about $30 million. About 470 tons of cheese were siezed in the raid.  Eddy Juan, 52, was arrested for crawling under tables at the Florida International University’s library to smell women’s feet. He was taken into custody after crashing his scooter during a police chase.

Confederate statue forum gives public a voice By ANDREA BELLEW News Editor All over America, different locales have begun debating whether they will heed the call to have Confederate symbols removed or not and now Lexington is taking up the debate for their downtown area. The pieces under consideration are two statues that honor Confederate Civil War heroes John Hunt Morgan and John C. Breckinridge and their corresponding signs, and also a sign that provides information about its location’s history as a slave market. There was a public forum held on Monday, Sept. 21, so that the Urban Country Arts Review Board could hear various people’s opinions before they make their decision on how to handle the statues and sign. In light of these opinions, the Board will have to consider what to do with placement and wording of the statues and signs. Some people at the forum appealed that the statues not be moved. They are currently located on the old courthouse lawn. Alan Cornett, a forum attendee, said that the statues “have stood as a defining part of Lexington’s landscape for over 100 years. What is next? Should Gratz Park be renamed? Should Ashland be closed? Those places have

 The Russian powerlifter Andrey Rodichev became the first man to climb Mount Elbrus while carrying a 165 pound barbell on his back. He made the 18,510 foot climb in eight days to raise awareness for the Powerlifting Federation in the Murmansk region.  In California, a breaching whale landed on top of two kayakers who were whalewatching. Fortunately, no one was injured by the impact.

The Georgetonian


Some of the Confederate pieces in Lexington have been vandalized.

troubling histories too.” In opposition to sentiments in favor of the statues, other people feel “that the statues were put up to intimidate blacks and that they continue to influence how outsiders view the community and how current generations of black children see themselves,” according to Kentucky. com. Another forum attendee, Michael Winkler, informed the Board that Source: the statues do indeed create nega- The John Hunt Morgan statue is being tive feelings. He said that his wife, considered for change. born in the Bahamas, was frightened when she first saw the statues when Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, said, when addressing the board, that the sign they moved to Lexington. “She felt that we would not be at would not be under consideration if home there ... that the people of Lexing- it hadn’t been vandalized. According ton were probably racist,” Winkler said to, the sign was destroyed through vandalism in July and then to the forum ( The statues are under the author- removed, but City spokeswoman Susan ity of the Kentucky Military Heritage Straub said that it will be replaced after Commission, which would have to give the Board has finished considering both the city written permission to move or it and the statues futures. Many speakers suggested and make substantial changes to them, a supported not moving the statues and city attorney has said. This public forum is not the end adding more historical context. In supof the line when it comes to opinions port of adding context, Amanda Matofficials will consider before changes thews said art should be added “that are potentially made. According to elevates the status of those who have, Renee Shaw, the public had a lesser voice.” Chester Grundy, senior diversity forum moderator, said the mayor’s office has looked at and listened to adviser to the dean of the College of many letters, emails and phone calls Medicine at the University of Kentucky, also supported adding more context to about the situation. David Jarman, a planner for the Lex- the pieces and said, “There’s a differington government, said that the beliefs ence in my mind in the placement of art of modern society have diverged from randomly and the placement of art in when the statues were set up, but that the public square,” he said. “We need difference in times is no reason to make to address this as a question of who we are, what we value and what we celethem follow current beliefs. According to, brate. Our history is a story of beauty Jarman said, “We are not the final arbi- and a story of horror, and we need to ters of history. These statues are not address it all.” In light of all of these recommenendorsement of past sins.” The Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity dations and opinions, the arts review is the organization that provided the board will meet on Sept. 30 to begin sign about the slave market. State Rep. deliberating what changes they will George Brown, speaking on behalf of propose to the mayor and council.


Issue 3

September 23, 2015 Page 3

Commissioner of Agriculture up for vote soon By KOLT BODDY Staff Writer The Gubernatorial Race is in full swing and voting is right around the corner. On Nov. 3, many voters will go to the polls to choose their next Commissioner of Agriculture—amongst many other positions. The two candidates for Commissioner of Agriculture are Ryan Quarles and Jean-Marie Lawson Spann. Quarles is running for the position on the stances of promoting Agricultural Education, working to fight Obama’s EPA and government overreach, promoting pro–life and pro– family values, promoting work for Kentucky jobs and opportunities for Kentucky families, and providing an open and honest government in the Agriculture Department (Ryanquarles. com). Spann is running on the stances of focusing on growing deep roots so Kentucky farm families can continue to grow strong. Spann’s Administration


Jean-Marie is host of the Jean-Marie Ag Show. will focus on farm safety, Agricultural Education, and growing private partnerships to create good paying Kentucky jobs. Quarles is the Kentucky State Representative for Kentucky House District 62. According to Quarles website,, he grew up in Scott County on his family’s farm. While a high school student at Scott County High School, he grew crops to put towards paying for college. He

also taught a State & Local Government class at Georgetown College. Former Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher appointed Quarles to two consecutive terms as a Council Member on the Kentucky Council of Postsecondary Education. The current Commissioner of Agriculture, James Comer has endorsed Quarles’ candidacy for the position. Quarles also served as the Agricultural and Interior Intern for Senator Mitch McConnell. According to Spann’s website,, she is the Vice President of Lawson Marketing over the international division and the host of the Jean–Marie Ag Show—a weekly agriculture radio show that is a source for up–to–date news about agriculture in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the U.S. and the world. Spann also serves on the Communication Committee for the Kentucky Agriculture Heritage Center, Public Awareness Committee for the Kentucky Agricultural Council and is the Executive Director of the Ken-

tucky Farm Woman Field Day. She was awarded the 2011 Continued Excellence Award from the Kentucky Women in Agriculture.


Ryan Quarles is the state representative for the 62nd district.

GC Writing Center By KATY HARVEY Staff Writer

Writing is one of the most necessary skills in college, but it can also be the most daunting. That is why the Georgetown College Writing Center is here to help. The Writing Center is available to assist students during all parts of the writing process. Whether you are in the preliminary stages of outlining or revising a final draft, trained upperclassmen tutors will be able to help. All Writing Center sessions are one-on-one. Sessions can focus on whatever area the student feels they need the most assistance in, whether that be grammar, content, citing sources, etc. Tutors will not write for other students, but they can explain revisions so that students can make their own corrections. After each session, the tutor will fill out an evaluation form to send to the student’s professor so that the student’s attendance is on record. Students can make an appointment or simply walk in during the center’s hours of operation to receive assistance. Students who make an appointment, however, will be given first priority. The Writing Center can also help students with reading comprehension since good writing begins with good reading. This will be especially helpful for students currently in Foundations 111. Location: Basement of the LRC Hours of operation: 12:30–4:30 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays; 9:30–11 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings; 7–9 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays; 7–11 p.m. Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. To make an appointment, call extension 8423.

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Sports & Recreation

The Georgetonian

GC football seeks their first win


For the past three games, the Georgetown College football team has had its fair share of ups and downs. From Lindsey Wilson, to Cumberland University and finally Reinhardt Universtity this past weekend, playing some of the top teams in the nation has proved to be no easy feat for this year’s Tigers. However, as the Tigers reflect on the past three games, many lessons were learned, and progress has been made. From a defensive standpoint, the Tigers have

improved tremendously, holding Reinhardt’s high–powered offense to only 36 points (the Eagles scored an average of 63 points in their previous two games). Offensively, the Tigers have improved as well, immediately scoring the first touchdown out of the gate and continually rushing yards despite the penalties they endured. Overall, the game proved to be not only a whirlwind for the team, but a testimony that the Tigers will have to fight an uphill battle for the conference title this season. As if proving this, the

Tigers move forward to face yet another giant, heading to No. 5 Faulkner University this Saturday where the rival has proven to be an equal match up (niether school has lost this game on their own turf). However, senior Dane Everett is confident in the Tiger’s ability as he stated, “If we play hard and keep the penalties to a minumum, then Saturday will be a good game. We just have to keep Faulkner’s offense off the field and make sure our offense has the chance to put points on the board.” In retrospect, the Tigers are definitely using this year

to build. There are an extensive amount of freshman and new players altogether. This paired with the veteran players means the team is learning to build cohesion both on and off the field. This can be seen as the progress continuously mounts. However, there are also many players already stepping up to make things happen. For instance, this past weekend saw sophomore Ross Cox making an amazing one handed snag for a touchdown in the fourth quarter. Senior Tanner Evans threw to senior Terry Johnson for a

touchdown, sophomore Zach Harris carried in a hand off for a touchdown, and sophomore Ozzie Mann made a pass to junior J.J. Jude for a touchdown to get the ball rolling. As the Tigers advance this weekend, the school looks forward to seeing these improvements implemented and the scoreboard reflect the team’s hard work and efforts. We wish the Tigers the best of luck and hopefully they bring home a win against the Faulkner University Eagles!

GC Women’s Soccer Suffers First Loss

By TYLER PHILLIPS Staff Writer The Georgetown College women’s soccer team (6–1) suffered its first loss of the year against the No. 1 Lindsey Wilson Blue Raiders (4–0–2) last Friday, Sept. 18. Prior to this loss, the Tiger’s had put together an impressive 6– game winning streak to open the 2015 season, marking the strongest opening for the Tigers in over eight years. At the end of the game, the score was 2–0 in favor of the Blue Raiders. The game was hard–fought on both sides, and it remained scoreless until the last two minutes of the first half. Then, with 1:40 remaining before halftime, Lindsey Wilson took the lead with a

goal by Carlletia Savizon. In the second half, Blue Raider Emmy Svensson finished on the team’s second goal to set up the final score of 2–0. Despite these setbacks, the Tigers fought hard throughout the remainder of the game, led by a solid defensive effort that limited Lindsey Wilson to a mere six shots in the second half. A strong defense has been characteristic of the

Tigers all season. Impressively, this game marked the first time an oppo-

season, as well as the first time the Tigers trailed in a game. Moving forward, the Tigers remain optimistic about the remainder of their season and hope to build upon the momentum of their extraordinary start. This optimism is justified; through their first seven games, the Tigers have proSource: duced four Georgetown College Women’s Soccer Logo shutouts and have scored an average of 3.1 nent has scored more than one goals per game. This does not goal against Georgetown this eliminate room for improve-

ment, either. Head Coah Leah Crews Castleman commented after the game, “I am pleased with a lot of things, but we also have identified a lot of things that need improvement going forward if we want to continue playing at this level and be a threat in this conference” (Georgetowncollegeathletics. edu). After Friday’s game, the Tigers are situated in third place in the Mid–South Conference with an in conference record of 1–1. Within the MSC, only Cambellsville (2–0) and Lindsey Wilson (1–0) are ranked above the Tigers. The Tigers next game will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 22, at 7:00 against the No. 4 Cumberland University Bulldogs.

Issue 3

Sports & Recreation

September 23, 2015 Page 5

You don’t need to leave bed for this sport By EVAN MOORE Opinion Editor Every year in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, England, two volunteer–based organizations named the Knaresborough Lions Club and Knaresborough Round Table host a charity–fueled sporting event dubbed the Bed Race. The Great Knaresborough Bed Race covers roughly 2.4 miles of road, including racing up a twenty–degree hill and crossing a river. It begins and ends at the town’s castle. Ninety teams participate every year. With 6 people pushing the bed and one passenger, that’s six–hundred–thirty people. The first race took place in 1966. At that time, only members of the military raced. The goal was to have 6 people push a rolling bed (complete with someone in the sheets) across and through the streets of

Knaresborough. Having just had their 50th race this past summer, the art of bed decorating has taken an interesting role in the race. Winning the Best Dressed Bed accolade is just as prestigious as winning the actual event. In fact, according to the official website, the beds who receive the top 3 places have become so phenomenal that they started giving out accommodations to those who did not quite win but whose beds were still impeccable. Starting at 1:00 PM on Bed Race Day, the town gathers for a parade. Marching bands perform, each team marches through with up to twenty supporters, and the whole town makes a day of it. Once the parade finishes, the teams are stripped of the decorations, and the race begins. It’s a circular track through the town. The course is not only difficult and challenging, but it has only under-


You could say this day just makes these guys really blue.


These guys just really get the “moo”st out of this race. gone one revision since the original was set out in 1966. One downhill stretch was taken out because it was far too steep to be any sort of safe. The “dramatic topography of Knaresborough” is the true star of the annual bed race, according to the official website. Weather is certainly an issue, considering the yearly race is held outside. However, being North Yorkshire, they’re used to the rain. The event has actually never been cancelled. Twice, the river–crossing had to be skipped because the River Nidd swelled too high (1972 and 1998), but the race has always gone on. Because of this strange, wonderful phenomenon started by Knaresborough Round Table as a charity fundraiser, many variations

have popped up everywhere from the United States to New Zealand. After fifty years, the Great Knaresborough Bed Race claims to have raised nearly £100,000 for various charities. The spin–off races

held elsewhere have also raised money for several charities. It’s a unique—and very English—sporting event that seems to be nothing but fun. (


Firefighting gets interesting with this themed bed.

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The Georgetonian

Tiger Band welcomes a new mascot By FIONA McELRATH Staff Writer In recent days, the Tiger Band has welcomed a new member into the ranks of With the changing of the uniform, from basic white, black, and orange t–shirts to a snazzy, sleek design, something simply had to be done with all the extra shirts lying around. Thus, from out of the discarded pile of orange and white, something—or, someone—new emerged. That someone is... Grrr... Cat!

he could say the same of Created from the old Townson. ‘Grrr...’ and ‘Tiger Bands’ Indeed, this new mascot t-shirts, Grrr...Cat has has quite a face and has begun to make appearmade quite an impression. ances at practices and at Although the creator of games. Grrr...Cat wishes to remain Grrr...Cat has been anonymous, it is no secret received by the Tiger as to how Grrr...Cat was Band with much enthusiconceived. asm. Dr. LaRue, the direcAs mentioned above, tor of Tiger Bands, says Tiger Bands are changing that “we all love Grrr... their image this year, which Kitty!” Grrr...Kitty loves The Georgetonian/FIONA McELRATH means that many of the you too, Dr. LaRue. Grrr Cat can be found hanging out shirts that used to be the Jacob Townson, with the Tiger Band at football games. ‘uniform’ are now getting a senior Tiger Bands phased out. In an effort to like, just how absolutely adormember and trombone recycle and make something player, commented, “The able it is.” Grrr...Cat meows that new from the old, Grrr...Cat’s thing that gets me is his face—

creator took orange and white Tiger Band shirts, put them together, and the result was a peppy cat to help bring up the school spirit. Grrr...Cat will be making appearances at Georgetown games with the Tiger Bands all year, so keep an eye open for him in the band section of the bleachers. He has a habit of sitting on heads—be sure to watch out!

Shindigs and Shenanigans was a success By RACHEL CHEATHAM Staff Writer Food, music, free animal balloons and wonderful weather all made Shindigs and Shenanigans, last Sunday’s fundraiser for the Scott County Hospitality House, a smashing hit. The event took place at the Cardome Center in Georgetown. It was thanks to many people that the festival went without a hitch, particularly Kandice Whitehouse, the director for the Hospitality House. However, there were many people who pooled their efforts together to create the wonderful event, including Georgetown College faculty members Dr. Sheila Klopfer, Dr. Jonathan Sands Wise and

of the food was sold Dr. Bryan Langlands. out by the end of the The people were festival. magnificent, and the To accompany this food was spectacular. amazing food was Brusters Ice Cream, one wonderful entertainof the vendors at the ment. The music was event, was the best ice beautiful and helped to cream this writer has create the atmosphere had in a long time. They of the festival. had chocolate, vanilla, There was a proorange sherbet and fessional face painter strawberry, and it was whose skills were very tempting to get all Source: Tyler Phillips Dr. Sheila Klopfer led a group of GC seniors beyond anyone’s four flavors. expectations. Dragons, Fish Fry by Chef in making balloon animals. fairies and a variety Doug sold out of their sauce and cookies by 5 p.m. the food was enough to make of other things came to life in a glittery, beautiful masterThere was a local tent that one’s mouth water. Have you ever heard of a piece all on a child’s face, or sold freshly smoked beef and barbeque parfait? Red State an adult’s face if they desired homemade pickles. And, of course, Red State will put your choice of meat one. Who wouldn’t want to get Barbeque was a hit among and 1-2 sides in a handy cup turned into a magical creature attendees. The act of walking for you to carry around. It’s for a day? Speaking of magic, it was past their truck and smelling not that hard to believe most

fascinating seeing Dr. Klopfer turn a regular balloon into any number of animals in less than two minutes. Thanks to imaginative children, this writer has now seen a purple monkey, a pink giraffe, a blue dog and other interesting combinations. While there was plenty of fun and play, the entire festival was lovely because it was for a good cause. Proceeds from the event are benefitting Scott County Hospitality House, which provides short term living arrangements for homeless individuals and families of Scott County.

Features Lambda Chi Alpha busts watermelon for hunger

Issue 3

September 23, 2015 Page 7

By KAITLIN FAHEY Features Editor Last Tuesday, Sept. 15, Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity hosted their annual philanthopy event, the Watermelon Bust, which has been a tradition of theirs for 18 years. The event included a variety of watermelon–themed competitions between teams from each sorority, a team of independent upperclassman women, and a team of freshman women. Games included seed spitting, a watermelon toss, a watermelon carving competition and a relay race. Another event was the watermelon drop. Each year, members of the Georgetown Fire Department provide a firetruck in which contestants are lifted over 100 feet in the air to drop a watermelon on a target on the ground. Professors and members of Student Life served as judges for the various competitions.

Source: Tanner Brondhaver

Mike Brown, Associate Dean of Students, sat in the dunk tank at the 2015 Watermelon Bust. This year, Kappa Delta sorority won the overall competition and Senior Colleen Robinson of Kappa Delta was named Queen of the Patch. The men of Lambda Chi Alpha donate money from the event and from t–shirt sales to a nonprofit organization. While the money has gone to a wide variety of causes in the

past, this year, the fraternity decided to donate to God’s Pantry Food Bank in Lexington, Ky. God’s Pantry is a partnering food bank with Feeding America, Lambda Chi Alpha’s national philanthrophy. “We really enjoy Watermelon Bust each year because it is so great to give back to

the community in which we live, while having a great time building community with the rest of the campus,” said Tanner Brondhaver, President of Lambda Chi Alpha at Georgetown College. Brondhaver continued, “It is so cool to see the money that we raise be poured right back into the local community.” The fraternity, led by Vice President of Philanthropy and Community Service Isaac Meisner, raised $400 for God’s Pantry this year. A representative from the food bank also spoke at Watermelon

Bust about the impact that the money would have. God’s Pantry services 50 counties in central and Eastern Kentucky, serving over 121,400 meals every day ( Brondhaver pointed out that food banks often receive donations of canned food and other non–perishable items, but fresh foods are not donated as often. “[The food banks] really appreciate monetary donations because they can buy the perishable items when needed,” Brondhaver said.

Quote My Georgetown Professor “Getting your Ph.D is like getting a think someone is going to throw a big party for you, but no one does.” - Dr. Rivas Posted on the “Quote My Georgetown Professor” Facebook group

Georgetown Tree Huggers

Upcoming NEXUS Events - Thursday, 9/24 at 11 a.m.: SGA General Assembly (LRC Ward Room) - Thursday, 9/24 at 6 p.m.: New Alchemy art exhibit (Art building gallery) - Friday, 9/25 at 3 p.m.: Hemachrome art exhibit (LRC art gallery) - Sunday, 9/27 at 8 p.m.: Foust Art Series - Tannahill Weavers (Chapel) - Tuesday, 9/29 at 11 a.m.: Chapel Service (Chapel) - Tuesday, 9/29 at 5 p.m.: Japan Exchange and Teaching Program Information Session (Meetinghouse Conference Room)

The Georgetonian/EVAN MOORE

This week’s Tree Hugger is Freshman Marcus Price.

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The Georgetonian

Cartoon time: Batman Beyond

By JOHN WAITE Staff Writer

Continuing our theme of Batman related cartoons, let’s talk about one of my all-time favorite Bat–men, Batman Beyond. Batman Beyond aired from 19992001 being a sequel to Batman: The Animated Series. This show takes place 30 years (I think) after Batman: TAS. Bruce Wayne has retired as Batman after he picks up a gun to scare off a bad guy. Horrified at what he has done, he puts up his cape for good. We are soon introduced to Terry McGinnis, a troubled high school kid who comes home to see his father killed by the Joker Gang. Seeking help from Bruce Wayne, who had helped him get rid of a group of Jokers previously, he finds the Batcave and a suit. He takes the suit to go stop a virus that his dad wanted

to stop. After a disagreement with Wayne, the old Batman takes Terry on as his apprentice and the new Batman. I’ll say this up front; I love Terry. He is cocky, arrogant, and bull headed, but has a good heart. I think I connect more to Terry because he was closer to my age. When I re–watched this show a while back, I found myself in some of his problems. However, this is not as good as TAS that came before it. Batman Beyond, like its predecessor, dealt with social issues like how to handle responsibilities, family life, sexism, bullying and a lot more. However, the show only seems to focus on Terry and Bruce. Yes, they are the main characters but, TAS went in depth on all the characters, no matter how small. We saw every little motivation, but in here we don’t see any of that. That brings me to the next point: the villains

suck. We get the occasional cameo from Mr. Freeze, the Joker and Ra’s Al Ghul, but we don’t have any interesting villains from this show. Let’s just get to the seasons. There are three seasons in total. This show is mainly episodic, so you can watch the show in whatever order you want after the first two episodes. As much as I rambled about how this isn’t as good as the old show, there are plenty of great episodes to watch. I recommend “Rebirth” parts one and two, “Dead Man’s Hands,” “Mind Games,” “The Last Resort” and “Out of the Past.” After you watch the series I recommend you watch the movie, then the Justice League episode Epiloge. These two give a great conclusion to this great show. Even though this show has some problems, it is still a must watch. I

feel like the show ended way too soon and they had much more to explore. What we got however, is still worth it. Batman Beyond is available on Amazon, Google Play and somewhere on YouTube if you look hard enough.


It looks like Batman got a makeover.

F(x) Isn’t Just a Math Equation Equation


Amber Liu is one of the more prominent members in SM Entertainment right now. She belongs to a group called F(x), and their music is becoming more and more popular. This year, she was given the chance to release an album all on her own. That album is called Beautiful, and the album most definitely lives up to its name. Amber herself confuses a lot of people. Amber is a girl, but to most people (mainly in the United States) she resembles a boy. It’s kind of funny, knowing she’s a girl, to show her to people and see what they think. Often she is mistaken for a boy group member when she comes to the US for shows. Her song “Shake That Brass” has become one of the top downloaded

songs in the United States and in South Korea. This song is a song I believe everyone should have downloaded, because it’s amazing. “Shake That Brass” is an upbeat song with a catchy chorus, and it features a member of Girls Generation, Taeyeon. The song has a strong sound with a lot of brassy undertones (of course), and it is completely and totally Amber. She composed, wrote and directed the song herself, even choosing who to feature on it. While that may sound completely normal, in South Korea, in the K–Pop world, it most definitely isn’t. Most of the songs for the stars in South Korea are pre-written by lyricists, melodies written by composers, and it’s put together before the songs are even heard by the people who are actually performing them.

It’s gotten a lot more lenient, however, and most of the artists have at least some input in the songs they’re singing. “Shake That Brass” is a unique song coming from a unique person, and I think everyone should give it a listen. It’s an amazing song, and that’s all I really know what to say about it. The video is colorful and peppy, and the song will get stuck in your head even when you don’t want it to. I’d say that every song on Amber’s album is pretty worth listening to, but “Shake That Brass” is most definitely my favorite. It has the feeling that makes you want to be happy. This album doesn’t really have a bad song, in my opinion. It’s got a rounded feel to it that most albums nowadays lack.


K–Pop is not just popular in Korea.

Issue 3


September 23, 2015 Page 9

“Because I’m the best”— Is she? By ARIANNA SCRUGGS Sports Editor Kim Hyuna is woman who is taking the K-Pop world by storm. She belongs to a girl group called 4Minute, and they’re one of the most influential groups of their time. Hyuna’s music has been evolving since she started to go solo. It started with a song called “Bubble Pop,” which is a peppy song with less than peppy lyrics. The song tells about a woman who’s been hurt by her significant other; he pops her feelings like bubbles. Her songs have progressed from there, even allowing her to star in Psy’s “Gangnam Style” video, and become

very popular overseas with American fans. Her newest song is called “I’m The Best”, and she lives up to it. Hyuna’s music is evolving, and her ego is evolving with it. She has a lot of skill as a musical artist, and though her music is electronic and very synthesized, it’s also very original. The meaning behind her new song is just as it sounds. She thinks she’s the best in her field, and as far as solo women go, she is one of the best. She has a sound like none of the other women do, and she has an appearance like none of the other women do. Hyuna is portrayed as an over–sexualized image, and though not everything she does is sexualized, most of what she does is. Her outfits are

very revealing, and she’s heavily popular with the men both in America and Korea. “I’m The Best” is an addicting song with a video that needs an epilepsy warning. It has a lot of colorful lights and many BDSM–esque qualities to it. There are women on leashes and lots of sexualized dancing. The song features a rapper from a boy group called BTOB, and his name is Jung Ilhoon. BTOB is a mediocrely popular group, but they’re rising in fame because of their affiliation with Hyuna and 4Minute. The song itself is amazing, and I think everyone should check out Hyuna, see what all the hype is about. What do you think? Is she really the best?


Is Kim Hyuna the K–Pop queen?

Game of the week: Megaman By JOHN WAITE Staff Writer It’s time to talk about a super fighting robot. That right, we’re talking about Megaman. Megaman is one of my favorite game series of all time. Yet, I have not beaten any of the original games. These games are not for the faint of heart. These games are hard! I’ve only come close to beating 1 and 2 but still haven’t beaten them yet. Well, enough of my bad gaming skills; let’s talk more about the blue bomber. Megaman (AKA Rock) was created by Dr. Thomas Light in the year 200X as a helper robot with thoughts and feelings after his first robot creation, Protoman, ran away due to his personality being changed by his unstable power source. Rock lives with Dr. Light and his sister Roll. Yay puns! Dr. Light’s partner, Dr. Albert Wily, was jealous of him and wanted the fame all to himself. Dr. Wily helped Light

Gameplay is simple. You jump and with his inventions of the six Robot Masters. These robots were designed shoot your way through enemies to to help mankind with everyday jobs. reach the Robot Master of the stage. You can pick which However, Wily ones you want reprogramed to do first. There them to wreak are usually eight havoc upon the Robot Masters per world. Rock, game, with the only having a strong exception being the since of justice, first game. After decided to fight you beat each the Robot Master Robot Master, you and asked Light get their abilities. to give him Each Robot Master weapons, thus is weak to a certain becoming the weapon. With this hero known as Source: you can pick one of Megaman. Later, You mean this is a robot? the Masters to fight Wily makes his then kill another own robots and with their weakgets beaten over and over again. If all else fails, it’s ness. After you beat all eight, you head always Dr. Wily’s doing. Let’s just to Wily’s Castle. In here you fight two jump to gameplay since the story has bosses and then you go through a boss very little changes between each game. rush where you fight all the Robot Mas-

ters again. Once you beat them again, you get to take on Wily. Each game does add a few new abilities. You get a robot dog named Rush, who can turn into a hover board, spring board, and power up armor. You also get the ability to slide in later games. Overall, these are fun games. They may be hard but sometimes hard is good. The story is short, simple and fun. The characters are fun and simple. This will get expanded in the sequel series Megaman X. You can play Megaman 1-6 on the PS4, and the Wii U. If you’re old school, you can play them on the NES, SNES, and PS1.


Page 10

The Georgetonian

Georgetonian Campaign logos of losers


Editor-in-Chief.................................................... Eric Balmer Managing Editor.............................................. Kailtin Fahey News Editor....................................................Andrea Bellew S&R Editor................................................. Arianna Scruggs Features Editor................................................ Kaitlin Fahey A&E Editor...............................................Danielle O’Connell Opinion Editor....................................................Evan Moore Back Page Editor............................................Raleigh Dixon Web Editor .........................................................Kate Doctor Photo Editor........................................................Jenny Cobb Technical Editor...............................................Andrew Giles Copy Editor.....................................................Whitney Bryan Copy Editor..............................................Danielle O’Connell Copy Editor.........................................................Evan Moore Faculty Adviser...........................................Jennifer Beckett

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By WILLIAM THOMAS Staff Writer Last semester, I wrote an article exploring the campaign logos of Presidential candidates who had announced. At that point, Hillary Clinton, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz had all announced their candidacy and revealed their logos, none of which received positive reviews from me. This time around, we have six Democrats and fifteen Republicans running for their respective nominations. While I do not have room to discuss the logos of all 21 Republican and Democrat candidates, I would like to take a look at the logos of two candidates who dropped out of the race—Rick Perry and Scott Walker—and why those logos failed them. First up is Republican Rick Perry, former Governor of Texas, who was the first candidate to drop out of this Presidential race. It’s obvious that Perry really tried hard with this one, but unfortunately it did not work out. Governor Perry’s logo takes a cue from Major League Baseball, enclosing a busy “P” logo with a circle featuring the words “Perry President” around it. Major League Baseball has an astonishing 11 teams that follow a template quite similar to this. I generally tend to like this style, but Rick Perry’s doesn’t work, mainly due to all of the negative space inside the circle. The “P” in the middle is just too skinny to look good

makes a solid attempt, using his minimalist rendering of the American Flag as a replacement for the “E” in his name. Unfortunately, Governor Walker’s minimalist rendering of the American Flag is not actually his. Rather, it is a plain rip-off of the logo used by America’s Best Contacts & Eyeglasses, which has been around for 18 years and is prevalent in Wisconsin, where Scott Walker spends his time governing. Source: William Thomas While I would like the Perry’s logo, an MLB knock-off. logo if it was viewed in a vacuum, I just can’t find be appropriate to feature five myself giving it a good grade colors in the logo, including since the Walker campaign three different shades of blue. didn’t even create it! Seriously, I appreciate the color, but I feel how hard is it to pay a graphic like it’s a bit much, especially designer to make a great, origwhen more than half of those inal logo for your campaign? If are simply different shades of a company did that to another company, the company stealthe same base color. While I like the attempt ing the logo would be sued for to create a visually appealing some insane amount of money and classic circle logo, it just and their name would be tarnished. The logo itself, I give a B, but because it was stolen from someone else, I find myself having to drop the grade to an F. For really rich guys who are trying to win the position as the most powerful person in the world, you would Source: William Thomas think more effort would go Walker’s logo might be a stolen into creating a good logo. minimalist American flag? Unfortunately, too much can simply be too much, doesn’t work well and ends and plagiarism is never okay. up looking like a poor man’s Maybe in four years, when excuse for an MLB team. I they inevitably run again, they will do better. would grade it a solid D. Next is Scott Walker, Governor of Wisconsin and the latest candidate to drop out of the race. Governor Walker enclosed in a circle. In addition, Governor Perry’s campaign decided it would


Issue 3

Be excellent to each other

By EVAN MOORE Opinion Editor

I’m sick of people outright disrespecting each other when there is no previous grudge or engagement whatsoever. We may not deserve much, but we deserve each other’s basic respect. I have two reasons for believing this. Human beings have a great place in the order of life. Going back to Saint Augustine (and perhaps further), many major thinkers have established and defended a Great Chain of Being. That is, many believe in objective reality that some beings are inherently better than others. Human beings are always placed third on this list—the only creatures that have a greater capability than us are Archangels and Angels (God

September 23, 2015 Page 11

is not on the list because He is above all lists). Our placement on this chain grants us, as human beings, the power of being the greatest living things on earth. We have the largest capability of greatness and sin. And it’s easy to accept; imagine it. A human can change thousands of lives positively by donating money, time and energy; another human can change the same number of lives negatively through a power–induced genocide. Basically, humans are the greatest beings on this planet; there’s a reason we can cognitively understand the idea of a God and our own existence. What makes you so much better that you can immediately condescend the idea of someone else before you even know them? You’re both

humans, both having the same capability for greatness and sin, and therefore deserve the same innate respect. My second reason is that we all have a story that no one else knows. Maybe one day I’ll be able to share my entire life with someone, but no matter how much I can remember or share with them in the finite time we have, they’ll never be able to go through my experiences the way I did, in the same manor or even with the same emotions. You don’t know someone’s entire life other than your own—and even yours is somewhat sketchy because memories fade with time, despite the effects of those memories staying with you. The several experiences, downfalls, zeniths, sunsets and sunrises I’ve participated

in are mine. I do exist as a human being, capable of learning and growing from my mistakes, and that makes me cognitive. We are all similar in this way. Empathy is not lost on the human race, though I fear it may become so. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been a cocaine addict, if your brother died far too young or if your grandmother underwent a quintuple bypass surgery. We all have terrible events in our lives that we can help each other with (I apologize for ending that sentence with a preposition, but I wanted the effect). It deosn’t take long to listen to someone share what they want. Be present for a friend; want to help them fight through their own suffering. While I don’t believe all instances of suffering are

equal (because they are definitely not), we’ve still all been through more than a few events which have changed us. And, of course, we’ve all had our own respective zeniths. Whether you’ve scored twenty touchdowns in a football season, been on a televised interview or earned a perfect grade point average at college, we all know what it’s like to experience elation and enough prie to stand tall. We know power. Empathy is the key here. By listening to others and understanding that their lives are different, we can connect on a level that defies reason. By knowing—or, more appropriately, loving—people, we gain the capacity to respect. It’s not that hard to respect, even if you don’t know them.

state myself, one that I do not get to wear that often. Sweaters. These traditionally knitted creations now come in so many different fabrics and styles that it can be difficult trying to choose one to go with your outfit each fall day. Allow me to look at a few different types. As I mentioned, the sweater is a traditionally knitted garment, and some of the best of them still are. Knitting sweaters is a pastime that my mother quite enjoys, for when the right yarn is in the right hands with the

rights needles, that is when magic happens. A knitter has the ability to create all sorts of designs in the yarn, and while the knowledge to do so is actually very simple, the result is fabulous. Of course, machines and factories can also pull this off now, and that is what makes sweater dresses so accessible these days. Another kind of sweater that I enjoy is the cardigan. This type has many variations, but I prefer the lighter, button down sort. Whether it is knitted from fine yarn or sewn

together with knit fabrics, the cardigan is perfect for lounging at home or wearing out as a light top layer. The open front is perfect for catching the breeze on warmer days, or wrapping up on colder ones. Everyone should own a cardigan. One type of sweater that not everyone would have experienced is the ballet sweater. This unusual sweater is designed to have a more open front and back neckline while still being able to be pulled over the head. This is so that dancers can

easily wear it to stay warm while not messing up their hair or getting their sweater, well, sweaty. With such a variety, sweaters can definitely spell out the beginning of autumn for everyone. Whether your style calls for the cozy sweatshirt or the lighter pull-over, I encourage everyone to feel the chic comfort of sweaters.

Your guide to everything sweaters

By FIONA McELRATH Staff Writer Now that the autumn is fast approaching, we begin to break into our collection of sweaters, boots, scarves, leggings, hats, etc. Fall can be the most fun time to go shopping because of all the different varieties of these things, and many dollars get well–spent every year. However, there is one kind of fall clothing that I wish to sing the praises of, as it is undoubtedly one of my favorites, and, being from a desert

The BackPage Is Islamaphobia okay? (No)

By Raleigh Dixon BackPage Editor

If you look in any respectable dictionary, you will find that the word “Muslim” is in fact not synonymous with the word “terrorist.” I wish that I could stop writing here, yet it has become painfully obvious that there are far too many people that find it difficult to hear this without letting the words go in one ear and right out the other. Per usual, the Republican Presidential candidates provide excellent source material for speech that persecutes and/or descriminates against people that are not some either white, male, Christian or some combination of the three. That’s right, it’s time to meet our favorite reality show contestants: Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson. Donald Trump has come under fire this past week for how he answered a question from a xenophobic blue– collar worker at a recent rally of his in New Hampshire. The man expressed his deep concern over “the Muslim problem” in our country, asserted that President Barack Obama was a secret non–American Muslim bent on destroying America and asked what we can do to get rid of Muslims as a whole. I know it was foolish of me to assume that The Donald could use this as an opportunity not to make a fool of himself. To hope that he could take a stance against intolerance and baldfaced lies. But that’s just not what The Donald does. “We’re going to be looking at that, and plenty of other things,” said The Donald. Really. “We’re going to be looking at that.” That’s the best you’ve got. First of all, it is embarrassing that the birther movement ever gained as much traction as it has. It boggles my

mind that people genuinely believe that there is even a remote chance for someone who is not an American to become the President of the United States (thank you, Fox News). Second, the idea that President Obama somehow secretly practices Islam is equally absurd. When he was running for office in 2008 he recieved heavy criticism for some of the beliefs of his pastor. Let me say that again: HIS PASTOR. He has also been criticized by members of his own party for letting his Christian faith play too much into his positions in the past on issues such as gay marriage. I think that it is safe to say that the President of the United States is not a Muslim. More importantly, would it matter if he were? (Absolutely not.) But if you ask the reputable Dr. Ben Carson, it would be an absolute travesty if a Muslim ever found themselves sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office. In a recent interview with Chuck Todd on NBC’s Meet the Press, Dr. Carson said that he “absolutely could not” advocate for a Muslim President, citing their alleged fundamental differences with the principles of the Constitution. For someone who cares so deeply about the Constitution, Dr. Carson has done a piss–poor job of reading it cover to cover. Article VI of the United States Constitution explicity states, “All executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” This goes back to the delightful conversation we had a couple of weeks ago with Kim Davis about the wonderful separation of church and state that America’s founding fathers fought for

so fiercely. But this is merely a glimpse of the greater problem that our nation is facing: Islamaphobia. People are terrified of Muslims. Following the terrible events of September 11, 2001, Americans have feared, resented and hated the entirety of Islam. But can you blame them? Clearly the actions of a few extremists serve as an accurate representation of a whole group. Oh...wait. That is stupid. This is the equivalent of evaluating the entire Christian faith based on the actions and beliefs of the Westboro Baptist Church, or better yet, the Ku Klux Klan. Arguments against the Islamic faith involve the allegedly inherent violent nature of the religion found primarily in the Quran. “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys,” 1 Samuel 15:3. How terrible! How barbaric! Muslims are morally decripid and inherently evil. Just kidding. That verse is from 1 Samuel, which you may recognize as a book in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. It is almost laughable that people are so quick to point the finger at the atrocities that radicals do in their twisted interpretation of Islamic holy texts while sweeping the crimes that Christians have done in God’s name over the centuries under the rug. Whevever you get a moment, spend some time researching the Crusades, the Inquisition or the conquest and subsequent extermination of Native American peoples during the Age of Exploration. If you do so, you will realize that just because claims that they are acting in God’s name does not mean that

people are actually doing so. So why do we demonize Muslims for distorting their religion to justify heinous actions when Christians have historically done the exact same? I seem to recall a certain Bible verse where Jesus teaches that we cannot call out someone for the speck in their eye when we have yet to remove the log in our own. I can also not stress enough that dispite whatever you may hear in the news, the vast majority of Muslims are not pro–decapitation. There are roughly 1.6 billion people that identify as Muslim in the entire world. Of that, only 20% live in the Middle East. So four fifths of Muslims in the world don’t look like your stereotypical “Arab.” (Stereotypes being wrong, weird...). On top of that, not every single person of Middle–Eastern descent is hellbent on the destruction of America. (Even though it would be hard to blame them if they were, but that’s another topic for another day). I wish America would learn from its past. I wish that our politicians did more to normalize interfaith relations and less to antagonize people who are different from them. I wish that people would realize that the Constitution applies to every American, not just the people who look and think like they do. I wish that people would realize that we have more that unites us than divides us. I wish that it was an accepted thing that the fear and persecution of an entire group of people is inherently wrong. I wish that people didn’t give me reasons to keep writing articles calling attention to bigotry, intolerance and ignorance. But I guess that’s just wishful thinking...

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