WORKSHOP #1 Let’s Get it Right: A Collaborative Approach to Ensuring that Females and Students of Color Thrive in Mathematics!
Recommitted to maintaining a DEI presence in the faculty/staff hiring process
DEI DINNER A ND CON V ERS ATIONS Michelle Harris, of Parenting Pathfinders, presents Change Begins at Home for PK-6th grade families.
10/28/20: A S SEMBLY Jeff Johnson on examining civic engagement at GDS
02/09/2102/10/21: K E Y NOTE Dr. Bettina Love, Social Justice Teach-In Day
02/18/20: 75TH A NNI V ERS A RY SPE A K ER SERIE S Daughters of the Civil Rights Movement, with (L-R) GDS teachers Paula Young Shelton (author of Child of the Civil Rights Movement) and Toussaint Lacoste (moderator) and author/journalist Karen Gray Houston
E X A MPLE OF CURRICUL A R INNOVATION New in Lower School: The Great Migration unit in 3rd grade, connected to their study of migration and immigration in America.
K E Y NOTE Honoring Fred Korematsu Day with AsianAmerican Affinity Group-sponsored presentation by GDS parents Madhavi Sunder and Anupam Chander (Anoushka Chander ’21)
E X A MPLE OF CURRICUL A R INNOVATION New in High School: Environmental Justice (EJ) Week hosted by students from the Policy Institute EJ Track
WORKSHOP #2 Let’s Get it Right: A Collaborative Approach to Ensuring that Females and Students of Color Thrive in Mathematics!
03/29/21: K E Y NOTE Dr. Anneliese A. Singh Ph.D., author of The Racial Healing Handbook
All-school Teaching Rubric Version 1 developed for equity centered, anti-racist, culturally responsive pedagogy. Program piloted in spring 2021. Full implementation in fall 2021.
Equity audit with Alison Park of Blink Consulting began for the full community.
A FF INIT Y GROUP Parent Affinity Group Meet & Greet