CCAS Newsletter Spring 2008

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l n a u g u r a t i oonf t h e C l o v i sa n dH a l aS a l a a m M a k s o uC d h a i ri n A r a bS t u d i e D s raws H uKing-lrani ndreds Laurie sI anding-room-onlyaudienceattendedthe inaugurationof the Clovisand Hala Salaam L Ilr4aksoud Chair in Arab Studieson October23rd. The eveningeventintroduc€dDr. Fida J. Adely,th€first holder of the Chair establishedby friends of the center for ContemporaryArab Studiesin honor of Ambassador Clovis Maksoud,founder and director of the Centerfo! the GlobalSouthat AmedcanUniversity,andhis latewife Hala SalaamMal(soud. RobertL. callucci, deanofthe EdmundA. WalshSchool of ForeignService,servedas the Master of Ceremonies, and ReverendTimothyS.codfrey,S.J.,directorofcampus Ministry, gavethe invocation.Dr. MichaelC. Hudson, ccAs director, deliveredthe openingaddress,followed by somemoving remarksby AmbassadorMaksoud.The Dr. FidaAdely presentsthe MaksoudInauguralLedure. Ambassadorrecalledthe devotedcommitmentofhis late wife. Dr. Hala Maksoud.who receivedher Ph.D. from G€oqetown,to humanrights,women'sdevelopment,and L2 InauslBlio! ofthe Oovisand HalaSalam MalGoudchair iD a ploductive and rich dialoguebetweenthe AIab world 2 SheEre SeikalyNam€d2oo7-2oo8Qatr Post-Docto.alFellow and the West. Dr. Adely then delivered an incisive and critical 3 CCASMoumstlte of Dr. FdkTabrli presentationentitled "Educationfor Developm€ntin the 3 Eidt StudentsReeive Fr,AIiAwdds Arab World: Progr€ss,Dilemmas,and Choices."Drawing on her Fulbright-fundeddoctoralfield researchon gender andeducationin Jordan,Dr.Adelyemployedethnogaphic Fall 2oo7PublicEEnts data to critique recent quantitative surveysconcerning 4-5 9 NewMstim Generationsof EuropeWorktop SpuBDal%ue women'sdevelopmentin the Arab world. ProfessorAdely, who holalsa doctoratein comparative educationand anthropologyfrom TeachersCollege, 6-7 Alnual SumnerworkshopExplors Va.iedApprcachs to ColumbiaUniversity,alsoilrew on the experiencesofher TeachiDgthe Middle East family membersin Jordan to illustrate the recenthistory 7 CCASFacultydd Strdentsin ihe Connudty 8-9 IP Risedd Fall of Islanic Spain of public educationin the Middle East. 8 CC.AS TeacherOulreachat MES.{in Montrcat In he! conclusion,Dr. Adelypinpointedavenuescritical to outlach wortrhop on Painting,An, Writing, md Imagination "qualitative for academicwork on developm€nt, notingthat as well as quantitative researchon developmentin the regionisvital. Wehaveverylitde understandingabouthow u ls the Mad'Eb the \dt Afghanistan"? the clramaticchangesoverthelastfewdecades areaffecting people'slives. We are accustomedto looking at national and regionalindicatorsto understanddevelopmeDt's 12j4 shdeDt dd Alunni Ns impad, but have little senseof the alay-to-daysbuggles A A

Centerfor Contemporary ArabStudies L Ceorgetown Unversity: washLngron DC20057-1020 - hrtp://ccas.qeorgetown.€du n 202687 t793

and ambiguities tied to such transformations. Despite the billions of aid dolla$ that pour into the region for 'development,' very little objective resealch has been undertakento examinehow thesefunds are actually employed,and to what enals,with someexceptions...For manyyoungwomen,schoolsare$ucial to pe$onal social and mentaldevelopmeDt,astheyrepresentoneofthe few Schools spacesoutsidethehometowhichtheyhaveaccess. are pivotal for understandinghow youngpeoplegrapple with issuesof faith and the lole of religion in public life; genderand the possibilitiesthat havebeenopetredup for a Ilew generationof schooledwomen; and development, specificatlythe significanceof formal educatiotrfor the future alevelopmentof youngwom€n,their families, and their counties," Dr. Adely's lecture was followed by closing remarks deliveredby JamesJ. o'Donlell, GeorgetownUniversity prcvost. Imam YahyaHendi, GeorgetownUniversity Muslim chaplain,gavethe benedicuol An elegantallDner followedat the RiggsLibmry. The week after her inaugural lecture, Dr. Adely ClovisMalsoudto Dubai,where accompaniedAmbassador "AssessiDS shesewedas a discussantfor a panelentided in the Arab world" at the EducationalReformProcesses by the MohammedBin spoDsored KnowledgeCoDference Top: R€ceptionfollowing the MaksoudInaugurall€cture. RashidAl MaktoumFoundationofthe UAE CCASwill publish an OccasionalPaper basedon Bonom:(from left to right) Dr. Hudson,ProvostO'Donn€ll,Dr. Adelv,AmbasradorMaksood,and DeanGallu(ci. ProfessorA.Iely'sinaugurallecturein 2oo8. a

SeikalyNamed2007-2008Qatar Sherene Fellowat CCAS Post-Doctoral r. ShereneSeikalyhasbeennamed$e 2oo7'2oo8Qatar n I lPost-Doctoral Feuowat the Centerfor Contemporary I-/tuab studies. Dr. seikaly receit€d ber do€toraldegree itr Septemberfrom the Depaftnents of History and Middle Eastem and Islamic Studiesat New York Unive$ity She is alsothe co-editor of the Arab StudiesJoumaL Her dissertation, Meatless Days; ConsumPtionand Capitolism in Wortime Palesah€r93q1948, offels the 6rst concertedexamination of the Pal€stinianfuab middle class under the British Mandate (1918-1948).Situat€dat the intersectionof stuahesofconsumptioD,political economy,and colonialism,her researchbacesthe formation ofa Palestinian fuab miaLlleclassbefore1948,whenPalestinianArabsbecame €ither refug€esor second-classcitizens. Dominant historical accountsof the mandateperiod depict Palertinian AIab society as divided between poor, iliterat€ massesof peasantsand workersand a small group of notables engag€din intemecine competition. Dr. S€ikalydbmPts this Ilattened topogaphy of Palestiniansociallif€ by focusingorr 2

Di Sher€n€Seikaly delivEreda l€ctore €ntitl€d 'The New Arab Hom€in FortiesPalestine" in th€CCA5Boardroom on November28th.

PalestinianArab businessmenand tleir efforts to mediate betweenArab societyandthe colonialstateduriDgWorld War ofma*ets andcorunotlrtres II. Byexploringr€riedexperiences Meatless aslived spaceiofnational and coloDia.lcoDtestatioD, DaUscals into questionthe prevailing narrativesofhistorical triumph and defeat. During her reridency at CCAS,Dr. Seikalywill prepa& a manuscriptbasedon her doctoralIeseaJthandteachagraduate seminarin tlrc SpriDgsemester.a

NewsaJanuary2008 CCAS

Center News

CCASMournsthe Lossof Dr. FarukTabak r. Fafll Tabal,NesuliEnegiinAssistant Professor SaysDr. SamerShehata, n passed Turkish Studies, away inAnkara. Assistant Professorin the I fofModem -U Turkey,Februaryr5. 2oo8,while visitinBfamily C€nterfor ContemporaryArab and conductitrgrcsearch.A memorialsewicewill be held studies,of Dr. Tabak "Faruk on Thursday,April 24 at 5:3o pm ir ICC241,lower level, was a u/onderfulperson:kind, CCASBoardroom.All those who wish to shar€in this 9entl€,considerate,softcommemorationof ProfessorTaba}'slife are welcometo spokenand with a passionfor attend. humanity.He was also a tru€ intelle<tual."

NewFacesat CCAS CASwelcomed3r newMAASstudentsiDthefall-the largest-everincomingclass.This academicyearalso seestheretum ofDr. Micha€lHudson,Saifchobash ProfessorofArab Studies,to the CCASdLectorship. In addition,Ms. Hala Shahjoined ccAs asInfomation Officer in September2oo7 following GregKruzcek's departure for Lebanon,wher€he is pursuing graduate studiesin IntemationalRelationsattheAmedcanUnive$ity of Beirut. Ms. Shahholds a B.A in Joumalismfrom New York University, with a minor in MiddleEaslemStudies. Shepreviouslysewedasthe presidentand editorofAfab Magozineat lilYu, and intemedat a

EiBht"Students Receive FLAS Awards 7T$xs year.a CCAScommitteeawardedeightstudents I FLAS(ForeigntanSuageand Area Studiei) grants. I The awards,coveringtuition and stipend,were used to fuDd a year's tuition for sevenstudents in the MAAS program (M.A in Arab Studiesat the center for ContemporaryArab Studies)and one studentpusuing a the Ambic department. In 1958,the Departm€ntof Educationbeganfunding FLASas part of the National DefenseEducationAct (of which Title VI wasa part) to help increasethe numberof Americanexpertsin areaand languagestudies.TheFI-AS awardconsistsofa $12,oootuition palanentanda $15,ooo year;theMAASprogram stip€ndpayableoveroneacademic adils funalsto eachgrant so that onefull yearof tuition is covered.The applicationform and instructions for next year'sFI,ASgants arc postedon tle National Resourc€ Centeron the Middle East'swebsiteat http://nrcme. as-nrcne.cftn. This year'sFI,ASawadeescomefrom a wide array of backgrounds,and many haveexperienceeither studying or working in suchplacesas Bahrain,,Jordan,and CCAS Newsa january2008

the occupiedPalestinianTerrito es.Most awardees, includingjoulnalists, genderstudiesspecialists,media studiesspecialists,and political scieDtists,speakfuabic at an advancedlevel,or are fluent in Persianand other relevantlanguages. This year'sFI,ASfull-year awardeesare listed below. Checkoutthefuprofilesanda descriptionoftheir academic and researchinterests at http://ccas.georgetov, center-who-students.cft n. KlrcdayarAl&avi - MAAS AdamCoogle- MAAS HaraldFuller-Bennett- MAAS ChristopherGratien- MAAS SamuelHarris - MAAS SarahIAiksow - MAAS YounusMirza - A&bic DenaTakruri - MAAS CCAScongratulatesthes€studentson this substantial achievement! a

P rr h l i r F r r o n t c

FallEvents2007 Rounaltable Assesses Annapoli,s orlardo, University of Maryland; for Jourlalists; GeorgeHishmeh, Dr. AbdelfettahKilito, Universit€ president, Washington Association M.eelimg December6 CCAShostedatimelyroundtablee!€nt MohamedV; and Dr. Laila Lalami, of Arab Joumalists;RafiahEl Talaei, to anallze and ass€ssthe Annapolis Universityof California,Riverside. Omad joumali.stand fomer Edward meetingssponsoredby the United Dr. OsamaAbimershed,assistant R. Mu.ow Fellow;MoustafaMourad, includedH.E.Dr.Imad professor of history at Georgetown president,One Global Economy States.Speal@rs to the Unive$ity,servedastheevent'sfaculty Corporation; Leon Shahabian,vice Moustapha,SyrianAmbassador preside[t and treasurer,Layalina U.S.;AmbassadorPhillip wilcox, Jr., chair. Palestinian Muctions; DaoudKuttab, President,Foundahonfor MiddleEast journalist; Nadia Alami, regional Peace;Ambassadorclovis Maksoud, director, Middle East and North Director,Centerfor the Globalsouth, Aftica, Internews; Christine Prince, AmedcanUniversity;and Mr. Nathan Middle East/North Alrica Program, Guttman, WashingtonBureauChief IREX; CrockerSnow,J!., dilectol, lor TheJeuIsh Daily Foruord. CCAS EdwardR. Murrow Ce[ter for Public Dir€ctorDr. MichaelHudsonprovided Diplomacy, Fletcher Schoolof Law idtroductory comme[ts that {iamed andDiplomacy,TuftsUnive6ity;Adel the ensuingdiscussion.Audio files Iskandar,G€orgetown UniveFity;atrd of the roundtablepresentationsand Silvio waisbord, Georgewashingto[ sessionaie the question-and-answer Udversity. availablein MP3 format on the CCAS websiteat http://ccas.georgetown. edu/events-features.cfin?id=37. Marcel Khalif6 & Al-Mayadine &2 Ens€mble Nouember.I CCASand the JerusalemFund for Education and Community Developmentco-presentedtwo sold-out performancesby reno ned Arab musician Marcel Khalif6 at the John F. KennedyCenterfor the v.t ranloornalrsrceors. Hkhn.h m:k.s. polnr PerformingArts. The Al-Mayadine ensembleaccompaniedKhalif6,who performedselectionsftom his latest Humanitarian Situation in tfre M€Bh.d, Dr' susri Gikon- work, Taqasim,aswell asa numberof his classicpieces.TheArab-American T€riitories October3o Mirr.i Di Moh.mmcdxcnbihaid Anti-DiscriminationCommittee ThoselMng in Gazaand the West Recent Trends and and the Washington,D.C. chapter Bankha!€o.?erienceddire emnomic Morocco! I\:ospects NoDember 8& Future 9 of the Network of American-Arab andsocialilifficultiesasa resultofthe Professionalsalso supported the prolongedlsraeli-Palestinianconflict. Embassy ofthe KinSdom CCASard the CatholicReliefservices(CRs)is oneof a two-day coordinationof the peformances. of Morocco sponsored manyintemahonaltron-govenmental the country's conferenceexamining political, Development Symposium organizationsworking to provide and historical Media recent cultual humanitarian and development its lat€st economic October trenalsas well as 31 part AIab Media Series, ccAs assistance to Paleshnian conmunities Participants included As ofits developmentsTom AIab Media Development in need. GU alumnus Garofalo, and hosted the an impressivealray of academics prcfessionals:Dr. RahmaBourqia, Symposium.The eleven-member country representativefor CRSin industry Jerusalem,the west Bank,and Gaza, president, Hassan II University; panelofmediaprofessionals, journalists leaders, and seasoned discussedthe challengesof providing Dr. Mohamed Kenbib, Universit6 past, present, in thePalestinian TeEitories the and future assistance Mohamedv; Dr. SusanGilson-Miller, adilressed perspective. ftom NGO Garofalo Abbadi, of Arab media development through an Hawad University;Dr.Ahmed questions raised about recent actions introspective lens. Participants director of Islamic A.ffairs,Kingdom an president that have e-{acerbated the included Patrick Butler, vice and events of Morocco;Dr. AbdelhayMoudden, programs, and discussed International Center humanitarian crisis, Universit€MohamedV; Dr. val6de of ccASNewsalanuary2008

P r rh l i r F \ / e n t c

prospectsfor peacein light of the cunent sifuation,

to the United States;and Dr. Abdul Hadi Al Khalili, cultural attach€,the Embassyof the Republic of Iraq, In Concer:t:The Sound.6ofDesire Invitedspeakers includedlameaAbbas October1 Imara, Dr. AbdelelatrAssayegh,and HeatlEr Raffo,author of and actorin Dr. HusseinAli Mahfouz.Recitations the award-winning,one-womanshow of Al-Mala'ika'spoemsweregivenby "9 PartsofDesire,"whichdetailsthelives MAASstudentsAdam Coogle,Jamie of nineordinaryyetexEaordinaryImqi Stansbury,Dahlia El-Z€in,Marwa women,teamedup with Amir Elsaffar, Alkhairo,andDenaTal(Iuri,aswell as accomplished Iraqi santoorplayerand by CCASstafi membersZeinaSeikaly, jazztumpeter, for a &amatic evening Room captur€d his efforts to MaggieDaher,Dr. taude King-Irani, of spokenword and musicas part of communicatethe Americanmessage and Dr. MohammedHussein.This Georgetown's Interfaith Arts Festival. onthechannel.Afterheleftthemilitary event was co-sponsoredwith the Using charactersfrom "9 Partsof in 20o6, Al-Jazeeraapproached CulturalOfficeof the Embassyofthe Desire,"Raffoand Elsaffar presented Rushingaboutjoiningits new24-hour Republicoflraq. a concert of classical and urban intemationalnev,/s channel,Al-Jazeera soundsthat springfrom th€ir Iraqi English, which is currently beamed We Eaue No Microbea lIere: A and Amedcan roots. Both mlthical into roo million homesworldwide.He Book Sitning witfr Sylvia Onder and contemporary,the women's nowworksforthe stationasa military September6 words wovebeautifullyin and out and cunent affairs correspondent. Protectingtlrchealthof hmilymembeN of the ancientquarter-tonescales Rushing'spresentationwas co- is one of the major responsibilitiesof of Elsaffar'ssantooras well as his sponsoredwitli the LectureFund. Turkishwomen.SylviaWing Onder's improvisationaljazz riffs. No wonder new book, We llore No Microbes me Neu Yorker calledRaffo'sshow Here: Healing Practicesin aTl/rkish "remarkable"and "an exampleof -BlockSeo yilloge, looks at women's ho\ir art can remate the world." The changingcaregivingrolesftom within Festivalof Intefaith Arts of the Davis a rural family. Onder'swork presents PerformingArts Centerunder the a netlvork of social r€lations which directionof ProfessorDerekGoldman incorporatesboth traditional healing and the Centerfor Contemporary methods,such as bone-setting,and Arab Studiesco-present€dthe event thesewicesof anationally-sponsored in cooperationwith the Institute for clinic.PublishedbyCamlinaAcademic the Study of Diplomacy,the Theater Press,the studyexaminesmetapho$ andPeformanceStudiesProgram,tle usedto describethe body and its MusicProgram,the B€rkleyCenterfor MA iudenaJaime sr'Bbu'y and ^dan coogr. sufferingfrom birth to death,and Religion,Peace, andworldAffairs, and placesthevillagein the globalcontext the C€nterfor SocialJustice. A Commemorstion of the Iraqi of labor migration, religious trends, Poet Nazik Al Mala'ika andmedicaltechnologies. A Discu,ssion with Joeh Rushing SeptemberI Septenber1B OneofthemostimportantArabwomen FormerU.S.MarineCorpscaptainJosh wdters,Iraqi poetand critic NazikAlRushing,current\ a co$espondent Mala'ikawas a major advocate,with for Al-JazeeraEnglish,sharedhis Badr Shakir al-SaD'ab,of the ftee experiencesas a soldier-turned- versemovementin theIate194os.Her joumalist,In early2oo3,whenU.S. poetryis charaderizedby its terseness, Centml Commandset up a media eloquence,original use of imagery, operationscenter in Doha, Qatar to and delicateearfor the musicofverse. coverthewar in Iraq, Rushingreceived Commemorativercmarkswere given ordersto becomethe military'sliaison by Dr. Irfan Shahid,OmanProfessor to Al-Jazeerathere. Unbeknownstto of Arabic and lslamic Literature, Rushing,the dir€ctorsandcrewof.the GeorgetownUnive$ity; Ambassador acclaimedindependentfilm Control Samiral-Surnaidaie, Iraqi ambassador Di dnder sisnr a.opy ofh.r b.or( for a CCAS Newsalanuary2008

p x p l o r eVsa r i e d r o r k s h oE A n n u aS l u m m eW the MiddleEast to Teaching Approaches ZeinaAzzamSeikaly

the effectsof o entalist images,the heteacheroutreachprogramat the conflictin class. CCASheldits annualworkshop Another sessionwas devotedto hiab, and th€ appealof Islamism. dealingwith contestation Teachersappreciatedreceivingcopies for secondaryschoolteacheN nation-states during the weekof June 25-29,2oo7. andconflict.Dr. ShivaBalaghiofNew of his book,Sourcesin ffteHistory of Titled "Approachesto TeachiDgthe YorkUnive$ity exploredwaysto teach the Modern Middle East (Houghton Middle East," the program featured about Imq and Iran tlrough history, Mifllin, 2oo3),acollectionof readings multiple disciplinaryp€rspectives geography,politics, and tle study of that complementand enhancethe ofthe region. on the region,includingpolitics, society.Teachersreceivedcopiesof teaching "Geopoliticsand the Structureof her recendypublishedbook,Scddom history,sociology,economics,religion, Hussein:A Biographa(Greenwood Oil Markets" was the title of the literature,andthe arts. Eight distinguishedspeakers, Press,2oos); Dr. Balaghiexplained talk by FareedMohamedi,a MAAS representinga va ety of academic how sucha biographycan be used alumnuswho works at PFCEnergy D.C.Mr. Mohamedi disciplineswithin Middle Eastern to teachaboutthe largerfo(es of in Washington, studies,offeredpeNpectiveson how history that contoltualizethe lives of tackled the relationship between to teachabouttheregion.Theprogram individual leaders.Her presentation oil production,pricing,and politics the within theglobalcontextof supplyand beganwith Dr. John Iskander,at that onIran coveredcolonialinfluences, time with GeorgiaStateUniveNity role of the discov€ryof oil, the Pahlavi demand.He explainedthat keyevents in history, suchas the 1973Arab oil andcurrendywiththe Foreignse ice "Islam embargoand the Iranian revolution Institute, who spokeabout in 1979,havelong-t€rmramifications and Politics:Authority, Reform,and on th€ oil market.Volatile oil prices, Modemity."Startingwith tle eraofthe he added,alsoafrectthe d€"relopment ProphetMohalnmedandconunuingto of statesand feeda growingsenseof present Dr. Iskander offered day, the globalenerryinsecurity. an historical overviewof internal Dr. Amal Amireh of George Muslim debatesregardingsuccession Mason Univelsity presented"Arabic ummd leaderhip of tlrc andlegitimacy, Literature: Traditions, Communities, and of the state,and of issuesin the and clobal Challenges,"one of four period reformist conceming modern sessionsdevotedto culture and the lslamist movements. and of workshop afts. Shebeganwith a suney of Arab displayed samples CCAS Katz of Towson Kimberly Dr. parti.ipants' into.alligraphy, literature, from the poetry of the forays on the late 19th focused University period, the eloquenceof th€ Jahiliya her in 2oth centuries and early "ConflictingHistories: regime,the 1979revolution,and the Qur'an,passionplays,storltelling, presentation, Teachingthe Arab-IsraeliConflict." politicaltensionswithin the Islamic and fables,to the rise of tle modem Arabnovel.Shecautionedtle teachers Sheexplainedthe history of Zionism republic. about the dangersof teachingArab Khater ofNoth Carolina Dr. Aklam citing the mandate Palestine, and of "Gender literature as sociologicaltexts; mther, University examined and how State of historiography importance it hasafrectedpeople'sunderstanding and History in the Middle East." novelsshouldbe treatedas works of of the conflict. Dr. Katz showedthe He explainedthe two fundamental art addressingthe profoundissues film Al-Ndkbd. The Polestinian problemsin teachingaboutgenderin charactedsticof the complexityof Catastrophe1948,A Documentary the area: the perspectivethat Islam Arabsociety.Dr.Amiieh alsodiscussed ontheBbth ofthePalestinianRefugee is static and that Muslim societies the novellathat the teachershad read Men in the 9un, Problem(directedby BennyBnmner are monolithic;and the conception beforethe worl."shop, Kanafani. outside by Ghassan women and men stand which that 1998), arld AlexandraJansse, Dr. LaurieKing-Imni,an adjunct featurcsinterviewsofArab andlsraeli of history and have not shap€dit in gave professor at G€orgetolvnUniversity, Khater way. Dr. 1948. She a significant er€nts of to the eyewitnesses "PopularCulture,Youth, on of spoke of the development twoan overview to use the enmuragedteachers narrat e historicalapproachto explain feminist movementsin the region, and ldentity in the Arab World." As 6


Orrtreach Npws a phenomenontranscendingstate boundariesand ethno-linguistic affiliations, popular culture can

CCASFaculty andStudents in the Community i:"*il'::#.":if"l::il:,ill. Irani showed Arab music videos ZernaA77amSerkalv

availableonYouTube,andhighlighted their diversethemes,fiom Palestine and politics to lov€ and sex. These TTlhe CCASoutreachprogram $oup of undergraduates from Jam€s videos,in their searchfor cultural I hcilitated the anangementsfor MadisonUniversity visited CCASas autlenticityandaplaform for political I sevemlGeoreetown studentsand part ofaniftroductory programonthe commentary, offer an "insider's facultymembers tdmale prcsmtations Middle Ea.stheld in Washington,D.C. perspective"on AIab youth cultue. to studentandteachergroupsthis past CCASAssistant ProfessorRochelle Ms. Elinor Aishah Holland,ar semester,both at localschoolsandon Davis gave a presentationon the independentcalligrapherfrom New campus. complexityof identity in the Middle York City, conducteda hands-on On Octobersth, Masterof Arts in East,explainingthe multiple factois sessionon Islamiccalltraphy duling Amb Studies(MAAS)studentsDal ia that shapethe dynamicpersonalarld which participantsusedstencilsand El-Z€in and Detra Takruri visited socialaffrliationsin the region.MAAS paintsto ceate an individualpieceof BurgundyFarm Counhy Day School studerts Khody Alhavi and Marwa art. The stencilsfeaturedthe Arabic in Alexandda,Virginia, and offered Alkhairoofferedpersonalperspectives (saldcm)r€trdered wordforpeace in a a lively dabkeh (Arab line-dance) on thei! identities as Iratrianvarietyof caligraphic styles;teachers d€monshationto 4th and 5th graders. Americanandlraqi-Americancitizens, useddifferentcolorsofpainttocreate The teacher describedthe "huge respectively,and their experiences of and decoratetheir individualpieces, success"of the presentation:"We growingup in the United States. which were then displayedin th€ had so muchfunl Dahliaand Dena Finally, on December 14th, workshop room. The 28 attendees wereterrific with the kids and had us MAASstudentJoey Pearcevisited alsotook abusto downtownD.C.for a all dancing.In fact, after they l€ft, I MontgomeryBlair High Schoolin guidedtourofthelslamicaftscoll€ction caughtsomeoftlekidsspontaneously SilverSpring,Maryland,to talk to an at the Smithsonian's Freer Gallery breakingout into ddbkehst€psat the ArabiclanguageclassaboutChrishnas of Art. They then tour€d the Sackler endofthe day." trailitions in the Amb world. He Gall€ry'sexhibit,"Encompassing the On November 9th, Assistant describedhis experiences in l€banon Globe:Potugal and the World il1 the Professorof Arabic LinguisticsReem and gavean overiew of the Chdstian r6thand17thCenturies," with a focus Bassiouneyspoke to a g.oup of communityin theMiddleEastin order on the segment,"The Indian Ocean: teacheFparticipatingin the Cultural to provide contextfor the student FromMuscatto the SpiceIslanals." Ambassadorsin Schoolsprogram, audience.After the visit, the teacher The$oup compris€dsocialstudies, orEaniz€dbyworldArtistsExpeiences,wmte that 'Joey'svisit waswonderfrrl. world history, U.S.history, global a group that fostersinternational Thestudentsleamedalot andtheylove studies,geography,and literature underctanding throughtle arts.Dr. Joey.they want him to comeback!" teachersfrom public and private Bassiouney providedaa ovewiewof Educatorsinterestedin hosting schoolsin Washington,D.C. and the Arabiclanguageand its populai speakersin their schoolscan contact surrounding school systems in andliterarj'rolesinArabsociety. ZeinaSeikaly,OuheachCoorahnator, Virginia aDd Maryland. In addition, Thefollowingday,Novemb€r1oth,a at a two attendeescamefrom abroadthis year-a teacherfrom KadenaHigh School,locatedon a U.S.military base in Okinawa,Japan,and anotherftom the AmericanIntemational Schoolin Muscat,Oman.FourteacheEelectedto takethe workshopfor graduatecedit ard wrotelessonplansbasedonseveml ofthe lecturestheyattended.A Middle Eastemlunch wasanotherimportant highlight of each day, in addition to the friendshipsand networking opportunitiesthat de!€Iopedoverthe courseofthe week.a CCAS NewsaJanuary 2008

Orrtrearh Npws

c pain l f l s l a m iS T h eR i s ea n dF a l o ZeinaAzzamSeikaly

Fesentationby AlexanderKronemer,oneofthe film's two executiveproducers,whoprovidedbackgpund abouthow through andwhyihefilm wasmade,andguidedtheteachers its major themes. At the *quest of Unity ProductionsFoundation,a team ofexpeltsandteachershaddevelopedacompanionwebsite ( for the film. The websiteincludes lessonsof viewers'guides,maps,and comprehensioD varioust)?es,aswell asefiensivebackgroundinformation and histodcalen chmentmaterialon medievalSpain and its cultuml and intellectualhistory,whichwasdeeply intertwinedwith medievaland pre-modemEuropeatr historyasa whole. wo d historyeducatorandteachertrain€rSusanDouglass offered a presentationon these resources,introducing the websiteand its classroomendchmentmaterialsand Film producerAlexanderKronemergiv€s a lively and providingexamplesof keydiscussionand analysislessons engagin9 p.esentationabout the makins of his film, Ciaiesof on threelesson for viewingthe film. Ms. Douglassfocu.sed Light:fhe Risean.l Fall of lslani. Spain. themes:the geographyof the Islamic Empire and AlArdalus;factorscontributingto toleranceandintolemncein n Thursday,November7ti, over 70 teachersand thehistoryoiAl-Andalus,with a discussionof howto apply to contemporarytimes;and a histodcal educationaladministratorsfrom schoolsin the the 6lm's message Districtof Columbia,Maryland,and Virginia ba&groundofthe Abrahamicfaiths. attendedaworkshoponIslamicSpain.Mostofihe educators An informative sessionfollowed, featuring Lobna "Luby''Ismail, presidentof Conn€ctingCultures,Inc., and hailed from the world history,world religions,and social for Unity Productions studiesfields,althoughthe group alsoincludedother DanielTtrtt, OutreachCoordinator "2o,oooDialogues" project. disciplinessuchasEnglish,Spanish,andEnglishasa Second Foundation,whointroducedthe by the This initiative suggeststhe use of frlms such as Clties o/ Language teach€$.Theworkshopwasco-sponsored aboutreligiousdifferencesand Centerfor ContempomryAIab Studies,thePince Allrzleed zrigifto stimulatediscussion €rsefaithstogetherto Bin Talal centerfor Muslim-ChristianUndeNtanding,the similarities,andtobringpeopleofd Prcgam for JewishCivilizauon,andtheNationalResource encouragemutualrespectandtolerance. Eachworkshopattendeereceiveda complimentarycopy Centeron the Midtlle East. The prograrnwas inspiled by a new documentaryfilm ol Aties of Light. Teache$who were not ableto attend on the subject,Citr'eso/tight: me Riseond FaIloJIslamic this programbut who are intercsteclin using the film as spoin (Unity ProductionsFoundation,2oo7), which a teachingtool can easilyobtain a copyby visiting wuw se ed as tle centerpieceof the day.A higltlight wasthe a

CCASTeacherOutreachat MESAin Montreal literature teacher andchair teamedupwithClairePettengill, ZeinaSeikaly CASOutreach Coordinator at D.C.,to offera presentation Department at the MaretSchoolin Washington, of the Humanities heldon November 18-21.The annualmeetingin Montreal, Association's the MiddleEastStudies "Learning Project," A HighSchoolCurriculum presentation, aboutthe ArabWorldThroughLiterature: East areaas well as N4iddle K-12 teachers in the l\4ontreal was part of a largerpaneltargetinglocal Ms. aboutthe l\4iddle EastThroughYouthLiterature." on "Learning andoutreachcoordinators scholars teachers have schoolliterature outlinedthe aimsand methodof the projectsheandsecondary Seikaly unitsto assistother beeninvolvedin for the lasttwo years,one of whichwasto producecurriculum by Arabwriters. in translation in exploringthe Arabworldthroughliterature andtheirclasses teachers taughtAlifaRifaat's how she successfully two of the units,described who developed Ms. Pettengill, coffectionof shortstories,DistantViewof a Minaret,andAbd al-Rahmanl\4unifsnovel,Endings,in her 11thand 12thgradeclasses. a) CCASNewsaJanuary2008

Outreach News

A VisualFeastof Andalusian Arts

hag€s from the fifn, cifies of Llght:The Riseand Fauof lslamicspain,a.companya photo offilm producerAtexanderKronemef and his wife and panne., Lobnalsmail(bonom left),tak€nduring the questionand answersessionof th€Novcmber7th tea<hers, workshop.Clockwisefrom top left Two views of the grear mosqueat cordoba,and the interior of a synasoguein Totedo.

NewMuslimCenerations of Europe Workshop

fln*n Dialosue 'll

, Sinno,a political scienceprofessorat Indiana , / r o r e t h a n 5 0 l o c a l s t u d e n t s ,a c a d e m i c s Abdulkader businesspeople, and others attended a recent University, anallzed Muslim political replesentationin l\/l .l-v .|-Center for Muslim-ChristianUnderstaddine \?dou.sEuropeanparliame[tarybodiesin hjs prcsentatioD, facultydevelopmentworkshopentitled "TheNewMuslirn- "Muslim American Representationin Comparative Generationsof Europe,"held on Novemberlst, This Context." conference,funded by a Title \1 grant ftom the U.S. Dr. Katrin Sieg,professorof cerman at Georgetowtr Depaftmentof Education,broughttotether expertsin the University,exploredthe notion of Westemve$us Mustm fiel<lsof Muslimyouth,identity,andpoliticalrepresentation. conceptionsof genderand sexualitythrough the lens of ProfessorJohn Esposito,director of the PrinceAftral€ed Geman films that focuson Turkey.Her prcsentationwas Centerfor Muslim-Christian Unalerstadding,welcomed entided"c€nder,Sexuality,andthe Questionof Belodging guestsand introducedthe preseDters. in Turkish-GermanLiteratue alld Cinema." In "Muslim Youth and ReligiousAuthodty in Europe," A lively questionand answerperiod followed the Peter Mandaville, co-director of the Center for Global presentations, undeNcoringthe depthofintercstitr the role Studiesat GeorgeMasonUniversity,discussed the sources tlat Arab and Muslim communitieswill play in European ofreligiousauthorityin Muslimcommunitiesin Europe.Dr. politicsandsocietyin the decades to come.a CCASNewsaJanuary2008

Painting, Art, Workshop Explores Outreach W r i t i n ga, n dl m a g i n a t i o n Ria1,,1. Riesner

eacherswho aroseearly on Artist Helenzughaib, Saturda, October2othto attend a CCASOutreach workshop lebanon and is now entitled "Art andWriting, Inspiration basedin washington, andlrnagination:LeamingaboutArab Culture"were rewardedwhen they enteredthe CCASBoardroomand beheldtle visual feastof lush colors in tle paintingsof Helen zughaib,a washington, D.c.Lebanese-born, basedpainter. Ms. Zughaib'spaintingshavebeen beenwidely exhibited exhibitednationallyandinternationally at institutionsincludingthe U.S. Library of Congress,tle World Bank, the UnitedNations,tle AmbAmedcan oi makingfoods traditional in her MiddleSchoolStudents." in villagein labanon. The set of exercisesencourages NationalMuseum,theU.S.Embassy Ms.zughaib'sartworkcanbeviewed writing and creativeexpressionwhile Baghdad,and the white House. workshop attendeesincluded3s at her a cudosityaboutArab art and literatureteachers,Englishas The site also includesinformation culture.It includesa mappingactivity and a SecondLanguage instructors,and abouther exhibitsand collectionsof thattumstheworld"upside-down" history and social studieseducatoN herwork aswell asawayto signupfor aninhoductionto theAmbicalphabet. Thefinal stepinvitesstudentsto write of gradesS-1ofrom the District of emailsaboutupcomingevents. Ms. Seikalythen presentednoted Mr. Ellabbadto tell him what most Columbia,Mar'/and, andVirginia. Zeina Seikaly,CCASOutreach Egyptian writer and illustrator inspiredthem abouthis book, and to Coordinator,welcomedthe Broup, MohieddinEllabbad's?he llhtstrator's includecopiâ‚Źsofthe originalartwork book that basedon activitiessuggestedin ?ie explainedthe day's program, and Noteboot-an eye-catching incorporatesboth Arabicand English Ill strotor'sNotebook. irtroduced Ms. zughaib. Theaftst e,plainedthe inspimtions text and drawingsand introduces In herownsession,Ms.zughaibalso and ideasbehindher paintings.Upon readerstotioughFprcvohngquestrors exploredthe ideaof creatingajoumal first arriving in Washington,shewas suchas:Why are mapsand atlases basedon Mr. Ellabbad'sbook using andvarieditens impressed by all of the monuments. orientedin thedirectiontheyare?How pictures,newspapers, "They were so beautiful," she said, is it thatthe"flesh"colorofpaint,which collectedfrom students'ownlives.She "but they Deededsomecolor!" So is supposed to representEurcpeanand presentedteache$with a joumal she herself,andencoumged shepaintedstripesand dots in her western skin, is marketedin other hadcomposed renditionsof them, addinggem- parts of the world under the same them to use it as a modelfor future like tones to the Capitol and the name?Couldtle readerproducethe journalingor collageprojectsin the exactshadeof his or her own skin? classroom. WashingtonMonument. The workshop comprisedtwo In anothercollection,entitled could the readerproduceart basedon "StoriesMy FatherTold Me," Ms. tle pattemsoflines in the palmofhis sessions-onein the morningfor teachersof grades5-7,and onein the zughaib composedseveralgouache or herhand? paintings illustrating her family's Ms. Seilcly disbibutedcopiesof the aftemoonfor teachersof grades8-1o, historyandtheir culturalandreligious hardcoverbookto tle teachemto use BotI groupsmetoverlunchandshared Shealsopassedout ideaswith thespealelsandeachother. traditions.In one,a colorfulcarpet in their classesis tuckâ‚Źd Dnderher grandmotheras a culriculum unit that shedeveloped CCASsponsoredthe programwith book,a set partial funding from ceorgetown's shesits on a boat boundfor America. basedon Mr. Ellabbad's Othe$, done in both watercolorand of go classroomexercisesentitled National ResourceCenter on the gouache, charminglydepicttheprccess "CreativeJournalingActivities for Middle East.a 10


" l st h e M a g h r e b P a p e A r s k s : Occasional the 'NextAfghanistan'?" Laurie K ng lran Srudies ispleased lo on Teror" by strengtheningtheir diplomaticand military l-f-the CenlerforContemporaryArab publication the i15la lesl Paper. tiesto tle United States.Speculations of Occasional andwamingsabout I announce I- "ls tie Maghreblhe Nefi Alghanislar?': Mappingt}|e the "Afghanistan-ization" ofNortl Africahavenot,however, Radicalizationof tle AlgedanSalafiJihadist Movement," contributedto the development of a viableinterpretive by Dr. NoureddineJebnoun,an adjunctprofessorand framework for assessinBthe contextsand interests DialogueFellowat the NATO underpinningradicalization."In reality,the threatlevelin a former Mediterranean Defense College of Rome.Jebnoun,whoholdsa theMaghrebin general,andin Algeriain particular,canonly PoliticalScience andSbategicandSecuityStudiesftom tle beunde$toodbytakingtheinternalpoliticalsituationinto former\ taught consideration," Unive$ity of ParisI Pantheon-Sorbonne, Jebnounstressed, Tunisian Strates/and Geopoliticsat the war College. Dr.Jebnounaryuesthat a completelyreformedAmerican Dr. Jebnounnotestlat 2oo7wasoneofAlgeria'smost securityplan for the Maghrebregionis imperative.He violent yearssincethe "red decade"of the 199os.The suggeststlat tle U.S.incorporate"soft polrer" initiatives promote Decemberuth attacl..sin Algie$ werethe latestin a long in orderto shengthenregionaleconomicprogress, good governance, political lineofbombingsthathaveincreased in intensitysince last and facilitate transition. "U.S. February,when sevenbombsexplodedsimultaneously,policymakeNshouldunderstandthat the war against killing at leastsix peoplein the southeastareaofihe city. tenor cannotbe won by securityand armedforce alone. Al-Qaidain the IslamicMaghreb's(AQIM)modusoperandi A "kill or capture"approachdoesnot acknowledge the has shifted fiom targetingAlgerian securityand military d]'namicsofsocioculturalandpoliticalfacto$ in tle North installationsto attackinggovemmental facilitiesandforeign African environment,Poverty,culturalalienation,and interestswith simultaneoussuicideattack. authoritadanism conthueto tueljihadiviolence.TheSalafist The paper illustrateshow forecastsabout Islamist movementremainsanatbactivelife choicefor disftanchised politicale\tremismin North Aiiica haveenhancedregional and disillusionedNorth Afiican youth." To order CCAS govemments'geostrategicpositioningin the "GlobalWar publications,visit a

Papers Available CCASOccasional Online Laure Krng rani

within and isseminationof infomation andanalyses beyondthe scholarlycommunityis a key priority ArabStudies. The for theCenterfor ContemDorarv Center'sMultimedia,Research and Publicationsoffice publishesa prestigiousOccasionalPaperseriesfeaturing worksby scholars,journalists,policymake$ and field expertsthree to four timeseachyear,This seriesnow includesnearlyroo work coveringawidevarietyofsubjects and perspectiveson the Arab world. Forty of the Cente/s occasional Papers arenowonline, The following six occasionalPapeNhavejust been addedto the group availablein PDFformat,two of them, Talal Asad'sTheIdeo of on Anthropologgof Islam, ^(d. the late Hanna Batatu'sme Eglptian, Syrian and Iraqi ReDolutions: SomeObsen)ations on Their Underlaing Ca sesanil SocialCharacter,havebeenamongthe most popularand requestedoccasionalPapeNovert}Ie lasttlvo CCAS News. january 2008

decades. Theyareboth out of print. . . ' ' . .

me Political Orientationof Islamic Philosopha,by Dr.MuhsinS.Mahdi(1982) me Egaptian,Sarianand lraqi ReDolutions:Some Obseruationson meir UnderlyingCeusesanalSociol C,hdracter, by Dr. HannaBatatu(19B3) Religion and PoliticalDeDelopment: Comparatiue Itleason Ibn KhaldunandMachiauelli,byDr. (1983) BarbaraFreyerStowasser me lilea of anAnthropologyof Islam, by Dr. Talal Asad(1986) Militant IslomicMouementsin lgbanon: Origins, SociolBasis,and ldeology,by Dr. MariusDeeb (1986) RefhmkingIslam, by Dr. MohammedArkoun (1987)


Arademic News

CCASA umnaHelpsLeadlnterfaith Delegaton to lsraelandPalestine fiom eeraShaI,whograduated theCenterfor Contemporary AIab Studieswith a Masters degreein ArabStudiesin 2oos,helped lead a two-weekInterfaith PeaceBuilders delegationto Israel and Palestinein the summerof 2oo7. The puryoseof the delegationwas to educateNorth Americancitizens aboutthe râ‚Źgion and deepentheir unde$tandingof its conflicts. Until recently,Ms. Shahwasmedia CcAs alumnatueerashah,posâ‚Źs,bottom left, with the membersof her Pea(e_ coordinator at theMidalleEastReserrcl Buildersdelesation,and rakes a pause,raght,along a road nearlerusalem. and InformahonProject(MERIP),an independentandprcgrcsseadvocacy to attemptto communicate organiztionlocatedin washington,D.C. with their owneyes.Aftertwoweeksof confrdence that publishesthe quarrerly Middle travelingwith openeyesandopenears, the historyand politicsofthis conflict EastReport. Sheis now attending theimmediateneedfor ajustrcsolution to othefs." Thedelegationfocusedon women's the basichumandghts ColumbiaUniversityLaw School,and that addresses plans to focusher studieson hurnan andneeals ofthe Paleshnian andIsraeli rolesin achievingpeace,andmet with peopleis crystal clear...Livingin the a diversearray of Palestinians and dghtsandintemationalhumanitarian MiddleEastquicklytaughtmetlat the Israeliswho sharedtheir observations conflictis not at all on the currentsituation,the effects Ms. Shah said that "the trip Israeli-Palestinian unde$corcdfor me the critical need whatwe areshownin our mainstream of United Statesforeignpolicy in the "CCAS region,and the possibilitiesfor a just for North Americansto go to Israel media." Meera addedthat and Palestineto witnessthe situation gaveme the academicgroundingand andsustainablepeace.a

S t u d e nat n dA l u m n iN e w s Beshara Doumani (198o) has ethnographicresearchin the United "Between returned to the east coastfor the Kingdom on the topic: 2oo7-o8 academicyear as a fellow Citizenshipand Belonging:Islam, at Hafiard's Radcliffelnstitute for morality and transnationalgender in for MuslimAmbSudanese AdvancedStudie-s. He is workingon a strategies history of family relationsin Greater the diaspom."Shealsojust published "Brothers"or Others?Muslim Slria dudng the late Ottomanperiod ^book, with a focuson gender,property,and Arab S danesein Egupt,in Berghaln the praris of Islamic law. His edited Book'sForcedMigmtion series. book,Acailemic FreeilomAfer 9/11, waspublishedlastyearandhis article, Elizabeth Deedy Magill (1988) "PalestineVelsusthe Palestinians? recentlyadopteda baby girl from TheIroniesand lron Lawsof a People Guatemala.MarisolEmilieMagillwas Denied,"recentlyappearedin the born November10,2006 and came homeonJuner,2oo7. Joumal of PolesttneStudies.

August15,2oo7. Elizabeth Hiel (1994)just rctumed from Iraq andcontinuesto selveasthe for cairo-basedforeigncorrespondent the Piftsburgh Tribune-Reuieru.She hasa chapteraddressingwomen'sqot partiesin Yemenin anupcomingbook e\ntled, Encountersuith the Middle Edst.

Sandra Samaan Tamari (199s)is back at work after a six-yearhiatus daughter raisingher eight-year-old Amal and five-year-oldson Jad. She hasjust started a new position with Anita Fabos (1988)is on sabbatical Judith Scholar rlvinfield (1992)and the Officeof Intemational Programs thisyearfromherpostattle University herhusbandStevewelcomedtheir first at SouthernIllinois University ofEastIrndon. Shewill beconduding child, CharlieJoe, into tle world on Edwardsville(SIUE).Her primary 72


responsibilities are recruiting intemational students and intemationalvisitingfaculty.Sandraw tes"SIUEhassome great, affordableprograms in business,the humanities, nursing and engineering. Ifyou have contacts abrcad that are interestedin studlng in the U.S.,pleaseemail me at satamar@siue,edu." Raya Chaabane (1996) repofts, "I am still living in I€banon, my home country, since I graduated from CCAS back in 1996.I am working at the Centlal Bank of Lebanon in the real €state and financial assetsdepartment. My son is now tlree and-a-halfyears old and I have a two-monthold daughter."

a consortium in which the SpanishMinistry of Foreign Affairs, the Autonomous Communities of Madrid and Andalusia, and the City Councils of Cordoba and Madrid are all represented.The pdncipal goal is to strengthen and consolidate relations between Spain and Arab countries through academic,economic,cultural, and educational eventsand activities.

Cha es E. Kianie, III (2oo4) is a Foreign Affails Ofncer in tle U.S.Departmentofstate's Middle EastPartnership Initiative, Bureau ofNear Eastem Affairs. Charlesis also an adjunct faculty member at C€orgeWashington UniveEivs HonorcProgramand Elliott SchooloflnternationalMairs, wherehe teachescourseson the Middle Eastand Islamist John M. Willis (1997)was recentlyhired at Colorado politics. University. Willis' research area is the social and cultural history ofthe modem Middle East,particularly the Arabian Kara Lloyd (2oo4) and SaIn Parker (2006) celebrated Peninsula.He is interestedin the relationshipbetween the birth of their first child, Pam€llaMaude Parker, on state power and the geographical imagination, botl as part August 7, 2oo7. Pamella is named aller Kara's mother and of colonial modernity and movementsof Islamic rcform. Sam'sAunt Maudie. His current work deals with these concems through a comparison of colonial indirect rule in South Yemen and Nicholas Reith (2oo4) has accepteda position at the the rule of a reformist Zaydi Imamate in North Yemen in United Nations DevelopmentProSramme.He will serve the fiIst half ofthe 2oth century. as special assistant to the dircctor of the Regional Bureau for Arab States,which he reports "will be a perfect plac€ Dana (Hearn) Leigh (1999) has wo&ed as an Arabic: to use my Arabic and French often, get a great overyiew English translator on a lreelanc€and contract basisfor the of the global politics of development as well as the specific past five years. Shewas also a wr:iter/editovresearcher for work the uN is doinS in the Arab World, and also m€€t lots ihe Johns Hopkins Unive$ity Centerfor Technologyin of interesting people-" His position at the LINDP includes Education.Most recendy,Danalived in ChiangMai, Thailand, research,writing for the dircctor on a variety oftopics, and but lastsummermovedto Nelson,BritishColumbia,where pulling togetherthe restof the team'swork. sheis studyingTraditional ChineseMedicine at the Academy of ClassicalOrientalSciences. Nora Achrati (2()06) recently accepted tle position of €ditorial assistant at the Joumal of Palestine Studies. Dan Cork (2oo1) and his wife Marie-AngeVitali celebrated the birth oftheir firct child, Marjolaine ClaireVitali-Cork, on A{ter graduation, Sam Blafteis (2oo7) was hired as a Wednesday, July r 1,2oo7. Marjolaine,weighingB lbs.,6oz, Middle East and Asia Specialist at the global investment wasborn at SibleyHospital in Washington,D.C.Dan happily bank Lehman Brotlerc in Times Square, NYC. For those claims, "I am sure Marjolaine will have no trouble learning looking for work in investment firms in New York, he would Arabic in the future, sinc€shewill already be eryosed to two be happyto helpl s languagesat home-English and French." ryler Golson (2oo7) is in his fall semester at the NSEP Seth Schleicher (2oor) reports, "After eight years in the Arabic Flagship Program at the Univercity of Maryland, Army, includingonein Mosul,Iraq, I now work at the State studying intensive Aiabic, including the Esptian dialect, Department'sImq desk."Seth and his wife are expecting five dals a week.[n June, he will travel to Damascusto attend their second child soon. tle secondyear ofthe program. Tyler had an article featured in tI€ August/September issue of the Joumol o/ Church Halah Al-Jubeir (2oo2) began a Masters in Business dnd ^State,co-authored with ProfessorYvonne Haddad and Administmtion (MBA) at the Harvard BusinessSchool. entitled"OverhaulingIslam:Representation, Constrrction, Halah hopes to spend the following summer working in and Cooptionof'ModerateIslam'in WesternEurope." some part of the Arab world. After graduation, Kin Stoltz (2oo7) accepteda position Olivia Orozco (zoo3) started working as a researcher as a researchassistantat the Brookings Institution with the in Casa Arabe and its International Institute of Arab Brookings-Bem Prcject on Internal Displacement, which and Muslim World Studies, a newly established Spanish enablesher to utilize h€I graduatecertificate in Refugeeand institution located in Madrid and Cordoba that is creating HumanitarianEmersencies. CCASNewsaJanuary2008


commemorabng the zsth Anniversary Michael Fourni€ (2oo8) will marry ofthe GulfCooperation Council(Gcc), LindseyAnkelein Bigslv, Montanaon GaoorAgosron pleased to report that tle Turkish in additionto authoringthe annual is August16,2oo8. "Gulf-U.s.Relations"for translationof his book, Gunsfor the essayon zo06 and 2oo7 saln Harris (2oo8) will wedMelissa Sultan,waspublishedin Fall 2006 in the Gulf Yearbook's Westvi8inia Istanbulby KitapYa)rnevi.In addition editions.Dr. Anthony'sessayson Kuhlmanin Morgantolvn, in Hungaian the cCC and on Gulf-U.S.relations onAugust2,2oo8. Melissacurrendy tohisarticlesandchapters publications Relations in English appeared in Saudi-U.S. wo*s at the Institute of Intemational ard Turkish,his "Disjointed (SUSRIS). Each Historiography Infomation sewices Financein washington,D.C.and is include publications canbe accessed a graduatestud€ntin Georgetown'sand IslamicMilitary Technology: of tlese Eurasian,Russian,andEastEuropean The EuropeanMilitary Revolution electronicallyat www., or Dr, Anthony also Debateandthe Ottomans"in Mustafa at w\ Kaearand ZeynepDurukal (eds.), pennedthe forewordto the second and Sarah Kaiksow (2oo8) recently Essaasin Honour of Ekmeleddin editionofJ.E. Pete$on'sDeJense (Istanbul:IRCICA,2006), RegionalSecuritain TheArabian got engagedto AhmedAlumEn from -ahsonoglu ard "Information,Ideolory,andLimits Peninsulaand GUAStutes,1973-2oo4: Bahrain. of ImperialPolicy:OttomanCrand An AnnototedBibliographa,p\blished and Tim Kaldas (2oo8) presenteda Strategyin the Contextof Ottoman- by the Gulf ResearchCenter,"The paperenhded"FrenchFeministsto the HabsburgRivalry,"in VirginiaH. essayson oman, Qatar, and Rescue:A Centenaryof Metropolitan Alsan andDanielcofftnan (eds.),?he Boomin the culf' for the 2oo7edition Discourseson the salvationof the EarlAMoalernOttomans:Remapping of EncyclopediaBritannica. He 'Distressed Al-Hewaron "TheChanging Muslimwoman,'19oo the Empire (NewYork: Cambridge addressed and the Present"at tle Associationof UniveNity Press,2oor. Thanksto a Natureof AmericanInterestsin the at SeniorResearchGrant awardedby Gulf: Implicationsfor U.S.Policies" MuslimSocialScientistsConference GraduateSchool,Dr. andspoketo th€BaltimoreCouncilon Georgetown's UMD-CollegeParkin october. "America,the GCC Agostondevotedlast springto his new ForeignAffaiE on Natalia Sancha-Garcia (2008) book project,entitled The nuilight Countdes,Imq, andIran"-which was married fellow Georyetowngraduate oJ Islomic Power.He alsofinished airedthreetimeson MarylandPublic studentKa m Sadekon october12, The Encyclopediaof the Ottoman Television.He alsoprovidedbriefings Empire,which he co-authoredand on Gulf-U.S.relationsto bo{onMobil 2ooTinVirginia. co-editedwith BruceMasters.He is and PerotSystemsexecutivesas well Kala carruthers (2oo9) maded spendingthis springterm in Tbrkeyat as Americandefenseattach6sand l,ouayAzaron October11,2oo7at the ceorgetownsAlanyaProgmm,where securityassistanceofficersbound for the Gulf countdes.He did the same Nazarenechurch in Bloudan,Slria. hewill offer two courses. for U.S.ForeignSeniceofficersposted to Ame can embassies throughout gave a kelalote address on "Between tle culf. Dr. Anthony addressedthe Freedomand coercion: Inside Intemet lnternationalAssociationof Public in Bahrain; Implantation in the Middle East" for Relationsconference the28thministerialandhea<ls a conference on Media and Image attended "New Changeofthe Middle Eastat the School of statesurnmitof theculf Cooperation delivereda paper entitled Possibilitiesand New Exclusions: of Covernment and International Council,in Doha, Qatar,at which Educationas Developmentin Jordan" Affairc at Durham University (UK), he was interviewedby RadioSawa "Reformattins the and satellitetelevisionnetworksAlon a paneladdressing"Hierarchies and another on of Difference:Histodcal Perspectives Internet in the Middle East" at a JazeemandAl-Huna;wasoneoftwo on Ircal, National,andTransnational conferenceon Science,Technolory and Americanprimtesectorrepresentatives, from IdentityFormationand Inequalities EnteFeneurship in the Muslim World togetherwith representatives in the Middle East" at tle American at Lund University (Sweden)-both in the American Embassyin Riyadh and more than a thousandother AntlropologicalAssociatronmeetings September. to internationalrepr€sentatives, in washington, November.At observethe proceedings of th€firct the MiddleEastStudiesAssociation onInformahonTechnolory meetingsin Montreal,Dr. Adely taught what is believed to be the first conference prcsenteda paperon "Educationas academiccourse in an ADerican and NationalSecudtyheld in Riyadh "Saudi Arabia and Gulf and organizedby the Presidency of CrisisandCure:WomenandEducation university on in the Arab Human Developm€nt Politics."Hewasalsotheor yAmerican ceneral Intelligenceheadedby HRH 'AbdalazizAl Sa'ud. to contribute an essayto a volume PrinceMuqrin Bin Report."

FacultyNews J o nW .A n d e r s o n

F i d aJ .A d e l y

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Dr. Anthonyalso servedas scholar in Alanya. While visiting Alanya, Dr. escortfor a culturalimmersionvisit Onder gave a talk on "Gesturein S a m e S r hehata to oman for offcers selectedby the Turkish MusicVideos"to the summer participatedin a conferenceon nonU.S. CentralCommand.Last,he program participants. Dr. Onder also violent political action in Cairo in presidedoverthe 17thannualArab- took her newly published book, We May. He also chaired a session on U.S. Policymakers conferencein Haue No Microbes Here: Healing "Civil Society and Political Parties" at Washington,D.C.Startingin February, Prcctices in a Turkish Black gea the Second Forum on Democracy Dr. Anthonybecamea Distinguishedyilidge, to the village to show it to the and Political Reform in the Arab Visiting Professorat the Alwaleed people featured in its te^t and images. World held in Doha, Qatar in late Centerfor AmericanStudiesat the May. While in Doha, Shehata met AmericanUniversityin cairc. witl Qatar UniveEity faculty and staff gavea lectureon the Gulf to k€ymem- to coordinate the Arabic Language R o c h e l lD e avis bersof theRaltheonCorporationin Scholarship Program, which he supervised6ve MAAS student r€sea(h Tucson,Arizonain October,and directs. Over the summer, Shehata assistants(RolaAbimourched, Dallia then traveledto the Gulf to make also completed an encyclopediaaticle El-Zein, Elizabeth Forster, Bdan presentations in DubaiandAbuDhabi entided "Demoqacy: Tte Middle East," Siebeking, and Dena Takru ) over to visiting U.S.businesspeople.In for the new O.dord Encuclopedia oJ gavealectureto the Modern tvorld. In addition, he tle summer in a rcsearch project that November,Dr.Seznec included interviewing former U.S. Georgeton'nUniversityalumni at the co-authored an article (with Joshua military personnel who sened in Iraq homeofPaulBagatellas in Dubai,and Stacher) entitled "Boxing in the about their experienceswith Iraqis alsomadeapresentation onGulfstates' Brothers,"which appearedin MERIP policiesto the World Online about the recent crackdown and their attitudes and views about petrochemical Imqi culture and society.In November, Refiners'Association. In Dec€mber on tie EBDtian Muslim Brotlerhood. Dr. Davis prcsented a paper at MESA he gave a lecture at the National In September, Dr. Shehata served on "Preserving entitled the Pastfor the DefenseUniversity on SaudiArabia. the National Democratic Institute's Future: PalestinianMemorial Books AmongDr.SezneCs recentpDblications lntemational Election ObseFation and the Writing of History." At the are "ChangingCircumstanc€s: Gulf Mission to Morocco, which monitored American Anthropology Association TradingFamiliesin Lightof FreeTrade the Moroccan Parliamentaryelections Annual Meetings,alsoin November,she Agreements, Globalizationand the of September 7. He also prcvided a (ed.), number of media interiews during co-organized a workhop for the Task WTO,"in AlanoudAl-SharelJr, Force on Middle East Anthropologr Iie G l/Fdmihes,SOASMiddle East this period to Al-Jazeem English, CBC, about how to speahto the media. The Issues, london, whichwaspublishedin Canadian TV, CBS Radio, Iranian workshop included a number of well- August;and"WIO andthe Dangersof TV, Bloomberg and other media known anthropologists of the Middle Privatization:An Anal)sisof theSaudi outlets, most recently appearing on A1Eastand others with media er?erience. Case," in Kartjl C.RoyandJtimSideras, Jazeen's Min Washington to discuss Dr. Davis also presenteda paper in (eds.),Inshtutbn,Globolization and U.S. foreign policy toward Pakistan December at AUB in Lebanon at a Empowement, Elw ard Elgar,Irndon, and the wider region following the PalestinianCitizenships andldentities whichwaspubiishedin June.Professor assassinationof Benazir Bhutto. Most conference sponsored by tle Institut hasbeeninterviewednumerous importandy, ProfessorShehatabecame Seznec Franqais du Proche-Orient ([FPO) time this fall by RadioCanadaon culf a fatheron June 29,2oo7. and tle Institute for PalestineStudies. affairsaswellasoil andfinancialissues. Shewill be on sabbatical in the sping He wasalsointerviewedtwice on dre to completeher book manuscripton nationally-sl,ndicated Todd Feinburg Palestinianvillagememorialbook. Show,and three timeson National PublicRadio.

Jean-FranqS o iesz n e c

SylviaW. Onder

worked in T\.rrkeythis summeras co- lrfanShahid directorand Istanbulsiteinvestigator completedwork on the seventhvolume for the CAORCCritical Language of his series,Byzantium ond the Scholarship TurkishsummerProgram. ,4rabs, of which six volumes havebeen This year,35 studentsfiom 22 states published.l,ast summer, Dr. Shahid won scholarships to studyeither presented a paper in Washington, beginningor intemediate Turl.jsh in D.C., entitled "On the Ethnic Origin threelocations: Bosphorus University of the Edomites" at a conference in Istanbul,ActiveI-anguages in Anhan, examiningthe History andArchaeolos/ andGeorgetown's ownMccheeCenter ofJordan. NewsaJanuary 2008 CCAS

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