IZA DP No. 3235
A Gendered Assessment of the Brain Drain Frédéric Docquier B. Lindsay Lowell Abdeslam Marfouk December 2007
Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit Institute for the Study of Labor
A Gendered Assessment of the Brain Drain FrĂŠdĂŠric Docquier FNRS, IRES, Catholic University of Louvain, World Bank and IZA
B. Lindsay Lowell ISIM, Georgetown University
Abdeslam Marfouk Free University of Brussels
Discussion Paper No. 3235 December 2007
IZA P.O. Box 7240 53072 Bonn Germany Phone: +49-228-3894-0 Fax: +49-228-3894-180 E-mail: iza@iza.org
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IZA Discussion Paper No. 3235 December 2007
ABSTRACT A Gendered Assessment of the Brain Drain* This paper updates and extends the Docquier-Marfouk data set on international migration by educational attainment. We use new sources, homogenize definitions of what a migrant is, and compute gender-disaggregated indicators of the brain drain. Emigration stocks and rates are provided by level of schooling and gender for 195 source countries in 1990 and 2000. Our data set can be used to capture the recent trend in women’s brain drain and to analyze its causes and consequences for developing countries. We show that women represent an increasing share of the OECD immigration stock and exhibit relatively higher rates of brain drain than men. The gender gap in skilled migration is strongly correlated with the gender gap in educational attainment at origin. Equating women’s and men’s access to education would probably reduce gender differences in the brain drain.
JEL Classification: Keywords:
F22, J61
brain drain, gender, human capital, migration
Corresponding author: Frédéric Docquier IRES Catholic University of Louvain Place Montesquieu B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve Belgium E-mail: frederic.docquier@uclouvain.be
This paper is a product of the World Bank research program on the international migration of women initiated in December 2005. It benefited from the financial support of the World Bank (Contract PO. 7620076). We thank Caglar Ozden and Maurice Schiff for their support and suggestions, as well as Daniel Reyes and Mirja Sjoblom for their help.
Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Emigration stocks by education level and gender . . . 3.1 Methodology and data sources . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Women’s share in OECD immigration . . . . . . 3.3 Stocks by education level and gender . . . . . . 4 Emigration rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Methodology and data sources . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Emigration rates by education level and gender 5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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International migration is a diverse phenomenon and its impact on source and destination countries has attracted the increased attention of policymakers, scientists and international agencies. The migration pressure has increased over the last years and is expected to intensify in the coming decades given the rising gap in wages and the di¤ering demographic futures in developed and developing countries. Understanding and measuring the consequences for migrants, host countries’residents and those left behind is a major and di¢ cult task. In particular, the impact of the brain drain on sending countries results from a complex combination of direct and feedback e¤ects which are extremely di¢ cult to quantify. Due to the lack of harmonized data, the brain drain debate has, until recently, remained essentially theoretical1 . New data sets have been developed to assess the magnitude of the brain drain. In particular, Docquier and Marfouk (2006)2 provided estimates of emigration stocks and rates by educational attainment for 195 source countries in 2000 and 174 countries in 1990. This data set gave rise to a couple of extensions as well as to a number of empirical studies on the determinants and consequences of the brain drain3 . One important extension which has been strongly disregarded in the literature concerns the gender gap in international migration. In particular, a little research has adressed the issue of female migration while a considerable strand of literature focused attention on male migration. The share of women in international migration increased over the last decades. According to the United Nations, this share increased from 46.8 to 49.6 percent between 1960 and 2005. This evolution is mostly due to the rising representation of women in the immigration stock of the most advanced countries (from 48.9 to 52.2 percent)4 . It results from many factors such as the rise in women’s educational attainment, the increased demand for women’s labor in health care sectors and other services, or cultural and social changes in the attitude towards female migration in many source countries. Although family reunion programs admit many women in destination countries, women cannot be considered as passive companion migrants. The feminization of international migration raises speci…c economic issues related to the gendered determinants and consequences of migration. In particular, women’s bain drain is likely to a¤ect sending countries in a very peculiar way. First of all, women’s level of schooling is a fundamental ingredient for growth. Many studies demonstrated that women’s education complements children’s investments in school and has important e¤ects on the human capital of future generations. Better educated mothers are superior teachers in the home, as demonstrated 1
See Commander et al. (2004) or Docquier and Rapoport (2007) for literature surveys. Henceforth, DM06. 3 See Docquier et al. (2007), Beine et al. (2007b), Cecchi et al. (2007), Krueger and Rapoport (2006), Nimi and Ozden (2006), Beata et al. (2006), Grogger and Hanson (2007), Easterly and Nyarko (2005), etc. 4 In developing countries, the share of women has been relatively stable over time. 2
by Behrman et al. (1997) in the case of India. Hence, for a given investment in children, more educated mothers produce children with higher levels of human capital (Haveman and Wolfe 1995, Summers 1992). It can also be argued that schooled women contribute more income to the household, which may lead to more investment in child schooling and lower fertility rates. Another argument is that mothers with high level of education have greater command of resources within the household (higher bargaining power), which they choose to allocate to children at higher levels than would men. Unsurprisingly, at the aggregate level, many studies have emphasized the role of female education in raising labor productivity and economic growth, suggesting that educational gender gaps are an impediment to economic development. This is the result obtained in Knowles et al. (2000) who use Barro and Lee’s human capital indicators, or Coulombe and Tremblay (2006) who relied on the International Adult Literacy Survey to build an homogenized indicator of human capital. These studies suggest that investment in the human capital of women is crucial in countries where the gender gap in education is high5 . Societies that have a preference for not investing in girls or that loose a high proportion of skilled women through emigration may experience slower growth and reduced income. Second, women’s brain drain is a crucial issue as women’s human capital is an even scarcer resource than men’s human capital. At the world level, the percentage of women with post-secondary education rose from 7.3 to 9.8 percent between 1990 and 2000, while the male proportion rose from 10.9 to 12.5 percent. Similarly, the percentage of women with completed secondary education rose from 31.6 to 34.7 percent during the same period while the male proportion rose from 45.4 to 46.8 percent. Although the gender gap decreases over time, women are still lagging far behind men. In addition, the convergence movement is mainly perceptible in highincome countries where recent generations of women are as well or more educated than young men. In low-income countries, the gender gap is much greater (in 2000, only 2.4 percent of women had post-secondary education, against 5.5 percent for men) and the convergence is slow. As women still face a unequal access to tertiary education in less developed countries, women’s brain drain may generate higher relative losses than male brain drain. Finally, as documented in Morrison, Schi¤ and Sjoblom (2007), the feminization of migration is likely to a¤ect future amounts of remittances, the size of diaspora externalities and the structure of activities in source countries. In this report, women are shown to send remittances over longer time periods, to send larger amount to distant family members and have di¤erent impacts on household expenditures at origin. In a study on South Africa, Collinson (2003) showed that employed men remit 25 percent less than employed women. Regarding the determinants of migration, it is also argued that women and men do not respond to push and pull factors with 5
In the same vein, Klasen (1999) or Dollar and Gatti (1999) demonstrated that gender inequality acts as a signi…cant constraint on growth in cross-country regressions, a result con…rmed by Blackden et al. (2006) in the case of sub-Saharn Africa.
the same intensity. Social networks are usually seen as more important for women who rely more strongly on relatives and friends for help, information, protection and guidance at destination. Without a gendered assessment of the brain drain, it is obviously impossible to conduct a complete analysis of these issues. In this paper, we build on the DM06 data set, update the data using new sources, homogenize 1990 and 2000 concepts, and introduce the gender breakdown. We provide revised stocks and rates of emigration by level of schooling and gender. Our gross data reveal that the share of women in the skilled immigrant population increased in almost all OECD destination countries between 1990 and 2000. Consequently, for the vast majority of source regions, the growth rates of skilled female emigrants were always bigger than the growth rates obtained for unskilled women or skilled men. The evolution was particularly in the least developed countries. This feminization of the South-North brain drain mostly re‡ects gendered changes in the supply of education. We show that the cross-country correlation between emigration stocks of women and men is extremely high (about 97 percent), with women’s numbers slightly below men’s ones. However, these skilled female migrants are drawn from a much smaller population. Hence, in relative terms, the correlation in rates (88 percent) is much lower than in stocks. On average, women’s brain drain is 17 percent above men’s. This gender gap in skilled emigration rate is strongly correlated with the gender gap in educational attainment of the source population, re‡ecting unequal access to education. Equating men and women’s educational attainment at origin would strongly reduce the gender gap in skilled migration. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a brief survey of existing data sets on the brain drain. Section 3 then describes our methodology and presents the measure of emigrant stock in 1990 and 2000. Section 4 analyzes emigration rates. Section 5 summarizes the main results.
The …rst serious e¤ort to put together harmonized international data set on migration rates by education level was by Carrington and Detragiache (1998, 1999). They used US 1990 Census data and other OECD statistics on international migration to construct estimates of emigration rates at three education levels for 61 developing countries (including 24 African countries). Adams (2003) used the same technique to build estimates for 24 countries in 2000. Although Carrington and Detragiache’s study initiated new debates on skilled migration, their estimates su¤er from a number of limitations. The two most important ones were: i) they transposed the education structure of the US immigration to the immigration to the other OECD countries (transposition problem); ii) immigration to EU countries was estimated based on OECD statistics reporting the number of immigrants for the major emigration countries only, which led to underestimate immigration from small countries (under reporting problem). 5
Docquier and Marfouk (2006) generalized this work and provided a comprehensive data set on international skilled emigration to the OECD. The construction of the database relies on three steps: i) collection of Census and register information on the structure of immigration in all OECD countries (this solves the transposition and under reporting problems noted for Carrington Detragiache); (ii) summing up over source countries allows for evaluating the stock of immigrants from any given sending country to the OECD area by education level, and iii) comparing the educational structure of emigration to that of the population remaining at home, which allows for computing emigration rates by educational attainment in 1990 and 2000. The DM06 data relies on assumptions, some of which were relaxed in a couple of extensions. Most of these extensions required additional assumptions but con…rmed, to a large extent, the reliability of using DM06 data in descriptive analysis and empirical regressions. First, with only two points in time, DM06 does not give a precise picture of the long-run trends in international migration. To remedy this problem, Defoort (2006) computes skilled emigration stocks and rates from 1975 to 2000 (one observation every 5 years). She used the same methodology as in DM06 but only focuses on the six major destination countries (USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, UK and France). She shows that, at the world level or at the level of developing countries as a whole, the average skilled migration rate has been extremely stable over the period. This suggests that the heterogeneity in the brain drain is mostly driven by the cross-section dimension, thus reinforcing the value of the DM06 cross-country data set based on a much more comprehensive set of destination countries. Second, counting all foreign born individuals as immigrants independently of their age at arrival, DM06 does not account for whether education has been acquired in the home or in the host country. Controlling for the country of training can be important when dealing with speci…c issues such as the …scal cost of the brain drain. Beine, Docquier and Rapoport (2006) use immigrants’ age of entry as a proxy for where education has been acquired and propose alternative measures of the brain drain by de…ning skilled immigrants as those who left their home country after age 22, 18 or 12. Data on age of entry are collected in a dozen countries. For OECD countries where such data cannot be obtained, Beine et al. estimated the age-of-entry structure using a gravity model. They found that corrected skilled emigration rates are highly correlated to those reported in DM066 . Third, general emigration rates may hide important occupational shortages (e.g. among engineers, teachers, physicians, nurses, IT specialists, etc). In 6
Regressing corrected rates on uncorrected rates gives R2 of 0.9775, 0.9895 and 0.9966 for J=22,18,12.
poor countries, shortages are particularly severe in the medical sector where the number of physicians per 1,000 inhabitants is extremely low. Clemens and Pettersson (2006), and Docquier and Bhargava (2006) provided data on the medical brain drain. The elasticity of medical brain drain rates (as measured by Docquier and Bhargava) to DM06 general rates amounts to 0.44 (R2 = 0:39). Many observations are far from the overall trend. This suggests that the general brain drain may not reveal important aspects of occupational heterogeneity. In this literature, the gender dimension has been largely disregarded. An exception is a paper by Dumont, Martin and Spielvogel (2007) which relies on a similar methodology than the one used here and analyze emigration rates by gender and educational level from about 75 countries. Compared to this study, we use a slightly di¤erent de…nition of high-skill migration (including all post-secondary levels, even those with one year of US college), and rely on plausible estimates of the structure of the adult population in countries where human capital indicators are missing. We repeat the exercise for 1990 and 2000, thus shedding light on the recent feminization of the brain drain. We provide emigration stocks and rates for 195 countries in 1990 and 2000. Our data set can be used to capture the recent trend in women’s brain drain, as well as to analyze its causes and consequences for developing countries.
Emigration stocks by education level and gender
This section describes the methodology and data sources used to compute emigration stocks by educational attainment and gender for each source country in 1990 and 2000. Then we discuss the main insights.
Methodology and data sources
It is well documented that statistics provided by source countries do not provide a realistic picture of emigration. When available, which is very rare, they are incomplete and imprecise. Whilst detailed immigration data are not easy to collect on an homogeneous basis, information on emigration can only be captured by aggregating consistent immigration data collected in receiving countries, where information about the birth country, gender and education of natives and immigrants is available from national population censuses and registers (or samples of them). More speci…cally, the receiving country j’s census usually identi…es individuals on the basis of age, gender g, country of birth i, and skill level s. Our method consists in collecting (census or registers) gender-disaggregated data from a large set of receiving countries, with the highest level of detail on birth countries and three levels of educational attainment: i;j s = h for high-skilled, s = m for medium-skilled and s = l for low-skilled. Let Mt;g;s denote the stock of adults 25+ born in j, of gender g, skill s, living in country j at time t. 7
Table 1 describes our data sources. For countries where population registers (mainly Scandinavian countries) are used, data is based on the whole population. In countries where Census data are used, statistics are either based on the whole population (Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, etc.) or on a sample of it (e.g. 25 percent in France, etc.). In some cases, we combine comprehensive register data on the numbers of adult males and females, but use sample data to estimate the educational structure (the UK is estimated on 10 percent of the population; in Germany, the microcensus is based on 1 percent of the population). The education structure is sometimes given by region or groups of countries; we then assume a constant share within the region. In a couple of countries, we use household and labor force surveys to estimate the educational structure. Finally, we also use IPUMS International data set for Mexico, Spain and the United States. Aggregating these numbers over countries j gives the stock of emXdestination i;j i igrants from country i: Mt;g;s = Mt;g;s . This is the method used in DM06, j without gender breakdown. By focusing on census and register data, our methodology badly captures illegal immigration for which systematic statistics by education level and country of birth are not available7 , except in the USA. Demographic evidence indicates most US illegal residents are captured in the census. However, there is no accurate data about the educational structure of these illegal migrants. Hence, we probably underestimate the number of unskilled in the immigrant population, assuming that most illegal immigrants are uneducated. Nevertheless, this limitation should not signi‌cantly distort our estimates of the migration rate of highly-skilled workers. 7
Hatton and Williamson (2002) estimate that illegal immigrants residing in OECD countries represent 10 to 15 percent of the total stock.
Table 1. Data sources Receiving country Australia Austria Belgium Canada Czech Rep Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Japan Korea Luxemburg Mexico Netherland New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Slovak Rep Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States
Definition Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign citizens Foreign Born Foreign citizens Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign citizens Foreign citizens Foreign citizens Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born Foreign Born
1990 Australian Bureau of Statistics Statistik Austria Institut National de Statistiques Statistics Canada Estimates (a,c) Statistics Denmark Statistics Finland INSEE Microsensus + Federal Statistical Office Estimates (a,c) Estimates (a,c) Statistics Iceland + Estimates Central Statistics Office Ireland Estimates (a,c) Estimates (b,c) Estimates (b,c) STATEC Luxemburg IPUMS-International Statistics Netherlands + Estimates (c) Statistics New Zealand Statistics Norway Estimates (a,c) Instituto Nacional de Estatistica Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic Estimates (b,c) Statistics Sweden Swiss Statistics Turkish Statistical Institute Office for National Statistics Bureau of Census + IPUMS
2000 Australian Bureau of Statistics Statistik Austria Institut National de Statistiques Statistics Canada Czech Statistical Office Statistics Denmark Statistics Finland INSEE Microsensus + Federal Statistical Office National Statistical Service of Greece IPUMS-International Statistics Iceland + Estimates (c) Central Statistics Office Ireland Istituto Nazionale di Statistica Statistics Japan + Estimates (c) Statistics Korea + Estimates (c) STATEC Luxemburg IPUMS-International Statistics Netherlands + Estimates (c) Statistics New Zealand Statistics Norway Poland Statistics Instituto Nacional de Estatistica Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic IPUMS-International Statistics Sweden Swiss Statistics Turkish Statistical Institute Office for National Statistics Bureau of Census + IPUMS
(a) Immigration stocks are estimated using the SOPEMI data set by country of citizenship (rescaled using the foreign-born/foreign citizens ratio in 2000) (b) Immigration stocks are estimated using the United Nations Population Division data set (c) Education levels are estimated using household survey or the average change in education attainment observed in other OECD countries
In this paper, we rely on the same principles as in DM06 and turn our attention to the homogeneity and the comparability of the data. This induces a couple of methodological choices: In what follows, the term "source country" usually designates independent states. We distinguish 195 source countries: 191 UN member states, Holy See, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and Palestinian Territories. We aggregate North and South Korea, West and East Germany and the Democratic Republic and the Republic of Yemen. We consider the same set of source countries in 1990 and 2000, although some of them had no legal existence in 1990 (before the secession of the Soviet block, former Yugoslavia, former Czechoslovakia and the German and Yemen reuni‌cations) or became independent after January 1, 1990 (Eritrea, East-Timor, Namibia, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau). In these cases, the 1990 estimated stock is obtained by multiplying the 1990 value for the pre-secession state by the 2000 country share in the stock of immigrants (the share is gender- and skill-speci‌c). The set of receiving countries is restricted to OECD nations. We thus focus on the structure of South-North and North-North migration. Generally speaking, the skill level of immigrants in non-OECD countries is expected to be very low, except in a few countries such as South Africa (1.3 million immigrants in 2000), the six member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (9.6 million immigrants in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman and Qatar), some Eastern Asian countries (4 million immigrants in Hong-Kong and Singapore only). According to their census and survey data, about 17.5 percent of adult immigrants are tertiary educated in these countries (17 percent in Bahrain, 17.2 percent in Saudi Arabia, 14 percent in Kuwait, 18.7 percent in South Africa). Considering that children constitute about 25 percent of the immigration stock, we estimate the number of educated workers at 1.9 million in these countries. The number of educated immigrants in the rest of the world lies between 1 and 4 million (if the average proportion of educated immigrants among adults lies between 2.5 and 10 percent). This implies that focusing on OECD countries, we should capture a large fraction of the world-wide educated migration (about 90 percent). Nevertheless, we are aware that by disregarding non-OECD immigration countries, we probably underestimate the brain drain for several developing countries (such as Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Yemen, Pakistan or Bangladesh in the neighborhood of the Gulf states, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland and Zimbabwe, etc.). Incorporating data collected from selected non-OECD countries could re‌ne the data set. To allow comparisons between 1990 and 2000, we consider the same 30 receiving countries in 1990 and 2000. Consequently, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Korea, Poland and Mexico are considered as receiving countries in 1990 despite the fact that they were not members of the OECD. 10
We only consider the adult population aged 25 and over. This excludes students who temporarily emigrate to complete their education. In addition, as it will appear in the next section, it will allow us to compare the numbers of migrants with data on educational attainment in source countries. It is worth noticing that we have no systematic information on the age of entry. It is therefore impossible to distinguish between immigrants who were educated at the time of their arrival and those who acquired education after they settled in the receiving country; for example, Mexican-born individuals who arrived in the US at age 5 or 10 and graduated from US high-education institutions are counted as highly-skilled immigrants. As mentionned above, Beine et al (2007a) provided corrected measures by age of entry and found a very high correlation with the uncorrected numbers. Migration is de…ned on the basis of the country of birth rather than citizenship. Whilst citizenship characterizes the foreign population, the "foreign-born" concept better captures the decision to emigrate8 . Usually, the number of foreignborn is much higher than the number of foreign citizens (twice as large in countries such as Hungary, the Netherlands, and Sweden)9 . Another reason is that the concept of country of birth is time invariant (contrary to citizenship which changes with naturalization) and independent of the changes in policies regarding naturalization10 . The number of foreign-born can be obtained for a large majority of OECD countries although in a limited number of cases the national census only gives immigrants’ citizenship (Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan and Korea). It is worth noting that the concept of foreign born is not fully homogeneous across OECD countries. In most receiving countries, foreign born are individual born abroad with foreign citizenship at birth. In a couple of countries, foreign born means “overseas-born”, i.e. an individual simply born abroad. We distinguish three levels of education. Medium-skilled migrants are those with upper-secondary education completed. Low-skilled migrants are those with less than upper-secondary education, including those with lower-secondary and primary education or those who did not go to school. High-skilled migrants are those with post-secondary education (this includes those with one year of post-secondary education in the US). This assumption is compatible with Barro and Lee’s human capital indicators (based on the 1976-ISCED classi…cation). 8 In some receiving countries such as Germany, immigrants’children (i.e. the second generation) usually keep their foreign citizenship. 9 By contrast, in other OECD countries with a restricted access to nationality (such as Japan, Korea, and Switzerland), the foreign population is important (about 20 percent in Switzerland). 10 The OECD statistics report that 14.4 million foreign born individuals were naturalized between 1991 and 2000. Countries with a particularly high number of acquisitions of citizenship are the US (5.6 million), Germany (2.2 million), Canada (1.6 million), and Australia and France (1.1 million).
Some migrants did not report their education level. As in DM06, we classify these unknowns as low-skilled migrants11 . Educational categories are built on the basis of country speci…c information and are compatible with human capital indicators available for all sending countries. A mapping between the country educational classi…cation is sometimes required to harmonize the data12 .
Women’s share in OECD immigration
According to our estimates, the average share of women in the OECD immigrant population decreased from 51.6 to 50.6 percent between 1990 and 2000. Countryspeci…c shares range from 41.8 in Iceland to 59.8 in Poland . It amounts to 53 percent in the United Kingdom, 52.3 in Canada, 51 in the United States, 49.5 in France and 46.2 in Germany. This share increased or stagnated in almost all countries over the 1990s. The only signi…cant decreases are observed in Belgium (-3.8 percentage points) and Ireland (-2.8). Remarkable increases were observed in Austria (+11.3 percentage points), Portugal (+6.4) and, to a lower extent, in Turkey, Korea, Japan or Switzerland. The average share of women in the OECD skilled immigrant population increased from 48.0 to 49.7 percent between 1990 and 2000. Country-speci…c shares range from 39.8 percent in Iceland to 56.4 in Poland . It amounts to 50.2 percent in the United Kingdom, 49.9 in the United States, 48.4 in Canada (the only country where there are more skilled women than skilled men), 46.6 in France and 45.2 in Germany. This share increased in almost all countries except in Belgium (-2.1) and Spain (1.4). Remarkable increases in female share were observed in the Czech Rep (+18.6 percentage points), Finland (+9.2) and Turkey (+9.1). 11
Country speci…c data by occupation reveal that the occupational structure of those with unknown education is very similar to the structure of low-skilled workers (and strongly di¤erent from that of high-skilled workers). See Debuisson et al. (2004) on Belgium data. 12 For example, Australian data mix information about the highest degree and the number of years of schooling.
Czech Rep.
Slovak Rep.
New Zealand
Czech Rep.
Slovak Rep.
Poland Portugal
New Zealand
Figure 1.1. Women’s share in total immigration
Figure 1.2. Women’s share in skilled immigration
50,0% 2000
Stocks by education level and gender
Tables 2.1 and 2.2 respectively gives the emigration stocks for 1990 and 2000. We distinguish total, low-skill and high-skill emigration stocks, the medium skilled can be easily obtained by substraction. Although the data set reveals speci…c information by country, we only report here data by country group. We consider income groups (following the World Bank classi…cation), regional groups and groups of developing countries as de…ned in the UN classi…cation, as well as a couple of groups of particular interest (OECD members, large countries with population above 75 million, subSaharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and Northern Africa and Islamic countries). On the whole, we record 41.7 million immigrants aged 25+ and 58.2 million in 2000. The female share in adult OECD immigration was stable over the decade (50.6 percent in 1990 and 50.9 percent in 2000). These numbers are (for adults aged 25 and over) in line with the UNDP global numbers reported for the OECD countries (50.2 and 50.6 for these two years). However, the women’s share varies across education level. The share in unskilled migration is above 51 percent (it decreased from 51.5 to 51.1 percent during the decade). The share in skilled migration is below 50 percent but strongly increased between 1990 and 2000 (from 46.7 to 49.3 percent). The number of skilled women immigrants increased by 74 percent (from 5.8 to about 10.1 million). The rise was important for developing countries (both middle and low-income) where the number of skilled women emigrants was multiplied by 2.1 (+110 percent). Such an increase is in women skilled emigration is observed in every source region and is mainly due to the fact that women’s rise in schooling level was more rapid than men’s rise (supply e¤ect). To a lesser extent, this also re‡ects the fact that skilled women are increasingly on the move. Indeed, as it will appear from the next section, the female skilled adult population increased by 67.9 percent at the world level and 83 percent in developing countries. Figure 2 compares the average annual growth rates of women’s total and skilled emigration stock and men’s skilled emigration stock by region over the decade. In almost all regions the growth rate for skilled women is always bigger than for all women or skilled men. The evolution was particularly strong for migrants from the least developed countries, especially from low-income countries. The growth rate observed for Central and Southern Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Central America are particularly high. Table 3 reports countries sending the largest stocks of migrants to the OECD. In absolute terms (number of educated emigrants), the largest countries are obviously strongly a¤ected by the brain drain. The elasticity of emigration stock to population size amounts to 63.2 percent, revealing that small countries are relatively more a¤ected that large countries. The …ve largest diasporas (all education categories) originate from Mexico (6.434 million), United Kingdom (2.990 million), Italy (2.337 million), Germany (2.299 million) and Turkey (1.942 million). Eight other countries have diaspora above 1 million: India, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Portugal, Ko14
rea, Poland and Morocco. In most of these countries, the women’s share varies from 48 to 52 percent. However, women’s share is particularly high for the Philippines (62.2 percent), Germany (57.4), Korea and Poland (around 56 percent). Focusing on skilled emigrants, the ranking unsurpisingly shows that rich countries with highly educated population have better educated diasporas. The elasticity of skilled emigration to population size at origin amounts to 65.7 percent. The largest skilled diasporas originate from the United Kingdom (1.487 million), the Philippines (1.111 million) and India (1.034 million). Germany and Mexico send more than 0.9 million skilled natives abroad. Four other countries have diasporas above 0.5 million: China, Korea, Canada and Vietnam. In these top-countries, the share of women among skilled migrants is large in Jamaica (62.1 percent), the Philippines (60.3) and other countries such as Japan, Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Colombia. Figure 2. Annual average growth rate of total/skilled stock of emigrants Data by region (1990-2000) 20% 18% 16%
Women total emig.
Women skilled emig.
Men skilled emig.
10% 8% 6% 4% 2%
Western Europe
North America
Northern Europe
Southern Europe
Others Oceania
Western Asia
Austr + New Zeal.
Eastern Africa
Eastern Asia
South-East. Asia
Northern Africa
South America
Eastern Europe
Middle Africa
Central America
Southern Africa
Southern Asia
Western Africa
Central Asia
Table 2.1. Stock of emigrants by education and gender in 1990 (in thousands) Total migration (All education levels) Both Men Women World (a) World Bank Income Classification (b) High-income countries Upper-Middle-income countries Lower-Middle-income countries Low-income countries United Nations Classification (c) Least Developed Countries Landlocked Developing countries Small Island Developing countries United Nations Classification (d) Africa Eastern Africa Middle Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa Western Africa Americas Caribbean Central America South America North America Asia Central Asia Eastern Asia Southern Asia South-Eastern Asia Western Asia Europe Eastern Europe Northern Europe Southern Europe Western Europe Oceania Australia and New Zealand Others Oceania Groups of interest OECD members Large countries (>75M) Sub-Saharan Africa LAC countries (e) MENA countries (f) Islamic countries (g)
Unskilled migration (Less than secondary) Both Men Women
Skilled migration (post-secondary) Both Men Women
18046 9125 9843 3507
8496 4717 4898 1915
9550 4408 4945 1592
52,9% 48,3% 50,2% 45,4%
7991 5433 4753 1565
3680 2766 2344 772
4310 2667 2409 793
53,9% 49,1% 50,7% 50,7%
5749 2027 3144 1317
2952 1114 1639 822
2797 913 1505 495
48,7% 45,0% 47,9% 37,6%
1354 783 2643
748 420 1231
606 362 1411
44,8% 46,3% 53,4%
714 373 1149
364 191 529
350 182 620
49,0% 48,7% 54,0%
412 264 918
258 152 448
153 112 471
37,2% 42,3% 51,2%
2837 516 103 1671 135 412 8439 1954 3486 1574 1424 9402 35 2645 1961 2577 2184 19318 3615 4513 6948 4242 524 383 141
1676 268 60 1021 66 261 4080 905 1826 723 625 4737 16 1220 1102 1172 1227 9281 1699 2072 3663 1846 252 184 68
1162 248 43 650 70 151 4359 1050 1660 851 798 4664 19 1425 859 1405 957 10038 1917 2441 3284 2395 273 199 73
40,9% 48,0% 41,6% 38,9% 51,3% 36,7% 51,7% 53,7% 47,6% 54,1% 56,1% 49,6% 53,7% 53,9% 43,8% 54,5% 43,8% 52,0% 53,0% 54,1% 47,3% 56,5% 52,0% 52,0% 51,9%
1717 212 42 1226 30 208 4151 839 2412 492 408 3956 19 789 732 959 1457 9788 1895 1513 4763 1617 129 75 54
994 97 22 737 12 126 2048 389 1273 211 176 1894 9 327 370 406 782 4567 830 663 2427 647 59 34 25
723 115 20 489 17 82 2103 450 1139 281 233 2062 10 462 362 553 675 5221 1065 850 2336 970 71 41 29
42,1% 54,2% 47,7% 39,9% 58,4% 39,4% 50,7% 53,7% 47,2% 57,1% 57,0% 52,1% 51,8% 58,5% 49,5% 57,6% 46,3% 53,3% 56,2% 56,2% 49,0% 60,0% 54,6% 55,1% 53,8%
724 204 38 259 79 143 2641 693 604 628 717 3781 8 1282 853 1191 447 4869 867 1564 965 1473 221 166 54
464 123 25 173 43 100 1302 331 321 315 335 2067 4 661 540 575 287 2581 469 796 572 744 114 85 29
260 81 13 86 36 44 1340 362 283 313 382 1714 4 621 312 616 160 2288 398 767 393 729 107 81 26
35,9% 39,6% 34,0% 33,4% 45,8% 30,4% 50,7% 52,3% 46,8% 49,8% 53,3% 45,3% 54,2% 48,4% 36,6% 51,7% 35,9% 47,0% 45,9% 49,1% 40,8% 49,5% 48,5% 48,9% 47,5%
22490 10766 1166 7015 2751 5845
10886 5220 655 3454 1652 3374
11603 5546 512 3561 1099 2471
51,6% 51,5% 43,9% 50,8% 40,0% 42,3%
11513 4953 491 3743 1600 3624
5537 2366 257 1873 930 2027
5975 2588 234 1870 671 1597
51,9% 52,2% 47,7% 50,0% 41,9% 44,1%
6066 3782 465 1925 748 1309
3157 1964 291 967 495 840
2909 1818 174 958 253 469
48,0% 48,1% 37,4% 49,8% 33,8% 35,8%
(a) In the World total, we include individuals with unknown origin country. (b) http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/DATASTATISTICS/0,,contentMDK:20420458~menuPK:64133156~pagePK:64133150~piPK:64133175~theSitePK:239419,00.html
(b) http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/ldc/list.htm; http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/lldc/list.htm; http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/sid/list.htm (d) http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49regin.htm (e) LAC = Central America + South America + The Caribbean; Sub-Saharan Africa = Africa - Northern Africa (f) http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/MENAEXT/0,,menuPK:247606~pagePK:146732~piPK:146828~theSitePK:256299,00.html (g) http://www.islamic-world.net/countries/index.htm
Table 2.2. Stock of emigrants by education and gender in 2000 (in thousands) Total migration (All education levels) Both Men Women World (a) World Bank Income Classification (b) High-income countries Upper-Middle-income countries Lower-Middle-income countries Low-income countries United Nations Classification (c) Least Developed Countries Landlocked Developing countries Small Island Developing countries United Nations Classification (d) Africa Eastern Africa Middle Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa Western Africa Americas Caribbean Central America South America North America Asia Central Asia Eastern Asia Southern Asia South-Eastern Asia Western Asia Europe Eastern Europe Northern Europe Southern Europe Western Europe Oceania Australia and New Zealand Others Oceania Groups of interest OECD members Large countries (>75M) Sub-Saharan Africa LAC countries (e) MENA countries (f) Islamic countries (g)
Unskilled migration (Less than secondary) Both Men Women
Skilled migration (post-secondary) Both Men Women
19717 15339 15505 6445
9302 7858 7467 3381
10415 7482 8037 3064
52,8% 48,8% 51,8% 47,5%
6936 8572 6432 2290
3219 4446 3110 1069
3717 4126 3322 1220
53,6% 48,1% 51,6% 53,3%
7911 3729 5691 2918
3934 1890 2762 1683
3977 1839 2929 1235
50,3% 49,3% 51,5% 42,3%
2364 1333 4123
1237 681 1874
1127 652 2249
47,7% 48,9% 54,6%
1049 511 1598
507 248 730
542 264 868
51,7% 51,6% 54,3%
813 524 1536
473 282 701
340 241 835
41,8% 46,1% 54,4%
4352 812 214 2252 272 803 15493 3010 8050 2899 1534 15198 82 4123 3472 4354 3168 21170 4436 4645 7494 4595 791 564 228
2434 401 115 1326 130 462 7667 1347 4301 1322 697 7405 37 1845 1896 1889 1737 10120 1990 2172 3905 2053 382 274 108
1918 411 99 925 142 341 7826 1663 3749 1577 837 7794 46 2278 1575 2464 1431 11049 2445 2474 3589 2542 410 290 120
44,1% 50,6% 46,4% 41,1% 52,1% 42,5% 50,5% 55,3% 46,6% 54,4% 54,6% 51,3% 55,7% 55,3% 45,4% 56,6% 45,2% 52,2% 55,1% 53,2% 47,9% 55,3% 51,8% 51,4% 52,6%
2136 234 88 1464 32 318 7599 1155 5344 818 282 5435 26 1046 1054 1347 1962 8901 1687 1130 4682 1402 159 80 79
1168 98 41 839 14 177 3916 529 2899 363 126 2525 12 435 513 538 1026 4159 712 494 2374 579 76 40 36
967 136 47 625 19 141 3682 626 2445 455 156 2910 14 611 541 809 936 4742 975 636 2308 823 83 40 43
45,3% 58,2% 53,3% 42,7% 57,7% 44,2% 48,5% 54,2% 45,8% 55,6% 55,4% 53,5% 52,7% 58,4% 51,3% 60,0% 47,7% 53,3% 57,8% 56,3% 49,3% 58,7% 52,3% 50,5% 54,2%
1373 346 74 457 177 319 4631 1150 1377 1155 950 7002 40 2251 1823 2148 740 6864 1571 2066 1377 1850 379 293 86
817 194 47 289 90 197 2203 507 707 541 448 3595 17 1077 1071 981 448 3467 745 1040 768 914 187 144 43
556 152 28 167 87 122 2428 643 670 613 502 3408 23 1174 752 1167 292 3397 826 1026 609 936 192 149 43
40,5% 43,9% 37,0% 36,6% 49,3% 38,2% 52,4% 55,9% 48,6% 53,1% 52,9% 48,7% 57,6% 52,2% 41,2% 54,3% 39,4% 49,5% 52,6% 49,6% 44,2% 50,6% 50,7% 50,8% 50,3%
28048 18597 2101 13960 3823 8624
13832 9138 1108 6971 2213 4813
14215 9459 993 6989 1610 3811
50,7% 50,9% 47,3% 50,1% 42,1% 44,2%
13187 7974 672 7317 1938 4695
6594 3963 330 3791 1082 2527
6593 4011 342 3526 856 2168
50,0% 50,3% 50,9% 48,2% 44,2% 46,2%
8656 7058 916 3682 1228 2380
4356 3510 528 1755 760 1428
4301 3549 388 1926 469 952
49,7% 50,3% 42,4% 52,3% 38,2% 40,0%
(a) In the World total, we include individuals with unknown origin country. (b) http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/DATASTATISTICS/0,,contentMDK:20420458~menuPK:64133156~pagePK:64133150~piPK:64133175~theSitePK:239419,00.html
(b) http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/ldc/list.htm; http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/lldc/list.htm; http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/sid/list.htm (d) http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49regin.htm (e) LAC = Central America + South America + The Caribbean; Sub-Saharan Africa = Africa - Northern Africa (f) http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/MENAEXT/0,,menuPK:247606~pagePK:146732~piPK:146828~theSitePK:256299,00.html (g) http://www.islamic-world.net/countries/index.htm
Table 3. Top-30 total and skilled emigration stocks in 2000 Country Mexico United Kingdom Italy Germany Turkey India Philippines China Vietnam Portugal Korea Poland Morocco Cuba Canada France Ukraine Greece Spain Serbia and Montenegro Jamaica Ireland United States El Salvador Algeria Pakistan Dominican Republic Colombia Netherlands Russia
Both 6434391 2990352 2336966 2299491 1942452 1695646 1677762 1675535 1261395 1209175 1205118 1122078 1067016 871708 853941 796016 747673 713826 710653 683512 681075 680459 679598 664942 609099 581903 578987 574924 570984 552731
Total migration Men Women 3518573 2915818 1443664 1546688 1242585 1094381 978663 1320828 1055113 887339 896624 799022 634329 1043434 787353 888182 622004 639391 619630 589545 523637 681480 492106 629972 616834 450182 417785 453923 374095 479846 357298 438717 308590 439083 381491 332335 336202 374451 358190 325322 293053 388022 312741 367719 322456 357141 328652 336290 357386 251713 329264 252638 245058 333930 240415 334509 293226 277758 224711 328019
Fem% 45,3% 51,7% 46,8% 57,4% 45,7% 47,1% 62,2% 53,0% 50,7% 48,8% 56,5% 56,1% 42,2% 52,1% 56,2% 55,1% 58,7% 46,6% 52,7% 47,6% 57,0% 54,0% 52,6% 50,6% 41,3% 43,4% 57,7% 58,2% 48,6% 59,3%
Country United Kingdom Philippines India Mexico Germany China Korea Canada Vietnam Poland United States Italy Cuba France Iran China, Hong Kong SAR Jamaica Japan Taiwan Russia Netherlands Ukraine Colombia Ireland Pakistan New Zealand Turkey South Africa Peru Romania
Both 1478477 1111075 1034373 949334 936523 783369 612939 523463 505503 454560 426103 395233 331908 310754 303385 292575 286932 278272 274168 270445 254734 249015 233073 228144 220591 174872 174689 173021 163931 162904
Skilled Men 771923 441227 590412 501324 446085 391455 294123 244693 279239 206348 202872 232840 162359 145310 181744 146980 108865 115096 124078 114504 142438 112195 105745 111497 138144 88391 110977 87561 78561 82107
Women 706553 669848 443960 448010 490438 391914 318816 278770 226264 248213 223231 162393 169549 165444 121642 145595 178068 163176 150089 155940 112296 136821 127328 116646 82447 86481 63712 85461 85371 80797
Fem% 47,8% 60,3% 42,9% 47,2% 52,4% 50,0% 52,0% 53,3% 44,8% 54,6% 52,4% 41,1% 51,1% 53,2% 40,1% 49,8% 62,1% 58,6% 54,7% 57,7% 44,1% 54,9% 54,6% 51,1% 37,4% 49,5% 36,5% 49,4% 52,1% 49,6%
Emigration rates
We count as migrants all adult (25 and over) foreign-born individuals living in an OECD country. However, it is obvious that the pressure exerted by 1,036,000 Indian skilled emigrants (4.3% of the educated total adult population) is less important than the pressure exerted by 15,696 skilled emigrants from Grenada (84% of the educated adult population). A more meaningful measure can then be obtained by comparing the emigration stocks to the total number of people born in the source country and belonging to the same gender and educational category. This method allows us to evaluate the pressure imposed on the labor market in the source country.
Methodology and data sources
In the spirit of Carrington and Detragiache (1998), Adams (2003), Docquier and Marfouk (2006) or Dumont and Lemaitre (2006), our second step consists in calculating the brain drain as a proportion of the total educated population born in the source country. Although our analysis is based on stocks (rather than ‥ows), we will refer j to these proportions as emigration rates. Denoting Nt;g;s as the stock of individuals aged 25+, of skill s, gender g, living in source country i, at time t, we de‌ne the emigration rates as :i Mt;g;s mit;g;s = i :i Nt;;gs + Mt;g;s In particular, mit;g;h can be used as a proxy of the brain drain in the source country i. This step requires using data on the size and the skill and gender structure of the adult population in the source countries. Population data by age are provided by the United Nations13 . We focus on the population aged 25 and more. Data are missing for a couple of countries but can be estimated using the CIA world factbook14 . Population data are split across educational group using international human capital indicators. Several sources based on attainment and/or enrollment variables can be found in the literature. As in Docquier and Marfouk (2006), human capital indicators are taken from De La Fuente and Domenech (2002) for OECD countries and from Barro and Lee (2001) for non-OECD countries. For countries where Barro and Lee measures are missing, we predict the proportion of educated using CohenSoto’s measures (see Cohen and Soto, 2007). In the remaining countries where both Barro-Lee and Cohen-Soto data are missing (about 70 countries in 2000), we transpose the skill sharing of the neighboring country with the closest enrolment rate in secondary/tertiary education, the closest gender gap in enrolment rates and/or the closed GDP per capita. This method gives good approximations of the brain drain rate, broadly consistent with anecdotal evidence. 13 14
See http://esa.un.org/unpp. See http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook.
Tables 4.1 and 4.2 in appendix give the structure of the adult population (25+) by country group and region of origin. The world adult population increased from 2.559 to 3.180 billion people between 1990 and 2000 (+24.3 percent). This global growth rate hides important changes across education categories. While the unskilled population increased by 19.7 percent, the skilled populaiton rose by 52.5 percent. Consequently, the proportion of post-secondary educated workers in the world adult population increased from 9.1 to 11.1 percent over the period. Although women still face unequal access to education in many countries, is worth noticing that women’s share in the skilled adult population increased from 40.4 to 44.5 percent (their share in the unskilled population remains above 55 percent). Our data reveal that gender gaps in human capital are strongly linked to the level of economic development. The share of women in the skilled population is still very low in low-income countries (30.3 percent) and in the least developed countries (28.5 percent). The educational achievement of women is particularly worrisome in Western Africa (13.3 percent) and Northern Africa (14.7 percent). Figure 3 compares the average annual growth rates of women’s total/skilled and men’s skilled adult population by region over the decade. Figure 3. Annual average growth rate of total/skilled adult population (25+) Data by region (1990-2000) 20% 18% 16%
Women total LF
Women skilled LF 12%
Men skilled LF 10% 8% 6% 4% 2%
Western Africa
Western Europe
Northern Europe
Eastern Europe
Austr + New Zeal.
Middle Africa
Southern Europe
Eastern Africa
Central Asia
North America
Eastern Asia
Southern Asia
South America
Central America
Western Asia
South-East. Asia
Others Oceania
Northern Africa
Southern Africa
Table 4.1. Adult population (25+) by education and gender in 1990 (in thousands) Total adult population (All education levels) Both Men Women World World Bank Income Classification (a) High-income countries Upper-Middle-income countries Lower-Middle-income countries Low-income countries United Nations Classification (b) Least Developed Countries Landlocked Developing countries Small Island Developing countries United Nations Classification (c) Africa Eastern Africa Middle Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa Western Africa Americas Caribbean Central America South America North America Asia Central Asia Eastern Asia Southern Asia South-Eastern Asia Western Asia Europe Eastern Europe Northern Europe Southern Europe Western Europe Oceania Australia and New Zealand Others Oceania Groups of interest OECD members Large countries (>75M) Sub-Saharan Africa LAC countries MENA countries (e) Islamic countries (f)
Unskilled adult population (Less than secondary) % Both Men Women
Skilled adult population (post-secondary) Both Men Women
585129 359928 919340 694394
281305 170519 463152 350433
303824 189409 456187 343961
51,9% 52,6% 49,6% 49,5%
198735 198041 599891 579018
90484 82375 249743 268032
108251 115666 350148 310986
54,5% 58,4% 58,4% 53,7%
138946 34850 35787 22710
78689 19222 23907 16586
60256 15628 11880 6123
43,4% 44,8% 33,2% 27,0%
189008 108517 24960
92640 52310 12517
96368 56207 12444
51,0% 51,8% 49,9%
167550 80333 19253
76941 35299 9373
90609 45034 9880
54,1% 56,1% 51,3%
3203 5055 1213
2403 3047 732
800 2008 481
25,0% 39,7% 39,7%
228448 67073 25338 56322 16960 62756 372244 13321 43350 135012 180561 1473723 22159 701412 499396 187498 63258 469662 196640 60675 92936 119411 14713 12489 2224
111422 32384 12141 27827 8184 30886 179763 6539 20862 65713 86649 748424 10485 356889 256417 92150 32483 218494 89051 28691 44267 56485 7306 6122 1184
117026 34689 13197 28495 8777 31870 192480 6782 22487 69298 93913 725300 11674 344523 242979 95348 30775 251168 107589 31984 48669 62926 7407 6366 1041
51,2% 51,7% 52,1% 50,6% 51,7% 50,8% 51,7% 50,9% 51,9% 51,3% 52,0% 49,2% 52,7% 49,1% 48,7% 50,9% 48,7% 53,5% 54,7% 52,7% 52,4% 52,7% 50,3% 51,0% 46,8%
197578 60242 22195 46804 12448 55889 163146 9362 30665 101872 21247 1021116 6273 413492 408891 147308 45152 188040 56758 25100 68214 37969 5805 3881 1923
91085 27730 9940 21427 5968 26020 80129 4470 14276 49100 12283 447196 1387 165775 190467 68337 21230 69492 12251 11334 30850 15058 2731 1732 999
106492 32512 12255 25376 6480 29869 83018 4892 16390 52771 8964 573920 4886 247717 218424 78971 23922 118548 44507 13766 37364 22911 3073 2150 924
53,9% 54,0% 55,2% 54,2% 52,1% 53,4% 50,9% 52,3% 53,4% 51,8% 42,2% 56,2% 77,9% 59,9% 53,4% 53,6% 53,0% 63,0% 78,4% 54,8% 54,8% 60,3% 52,9% 55,4% 48,0%
5720 1031 351 2557 620 1162 88679 883 3806 12382 71607 69339 2650 33388 18313 9820 5168 64797 23405 9265 7449 24678 3757 3722 35
4314 721 291 1905 442 955 48877 487 2348 6647 39395 47075 1492 23046 13730 5510 3296 35838 12524 5034 4067 14213 2301 2277 24
1406 310 60 651 178 207 39802 396 1458 5735 32213 22264 1158 10342 4583 4310 1871 28959 10881 4231 3382 10465 1456 1445 11
24,6% 30,1% 17,2% 25,5% 28,7% 17,8% 44,9% 44,8% 38,3% 46,3% 45,0% 32,1% 43,7% 31,0% 25,0% 43,9% 36,2% 44,7% 46,5% 45,7% 45,4% 42,4% 38,7% 38,8% 30,6%
647623 1697740 172127 191682 97083 393474
309840 848562 83595 93115 49678 196851
337783 849178 88532 98568 47405 196623
52,2% 50,0% 51,4% 51,4% 48,8% 50,0%
241987 1031939 150774 141899 75184 314663
108823 448934 69658 67846 35317 144283
133163 583005 81116 74054 39866 170380
55,0% 56,5% 53,8% 52,2% 53,0% 54,1%
142651 150862 3164 17072 5878 14885
80926 91585 2408 9483 4044 10478
61726 59277 755 7589 1834 4407
43,3% 39,3% 23,9% 44,5% 31,2% 29,6%
(a) http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/DATASTATISTICS/0,,contentMDK:20420458~menuPK:64133156~pagePK:64133150~piPK:64133175~theSitePK:239419,00.html
(b) http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/ldc/list.htm; http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/lldc/list.htm; http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/sid/list.htm (c) http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49regin.htm (d) LAC = Central America + South America + The Caribbean; Sub-Saharan Africa = Africa - Northern Africa (e) http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/MENAEXT/0,,menuPK:247606~pagePK:146732~piPK:146828~theSitePK:256299,00.html (f) http://www.islamic-world.net/countries/index.htm
Table 4.2. Adult population (25+) by education and gender in 2000 (in thousands) Total adult population (All education levels) Both Men Women World World Bank Income Classification (a) High-income countries Upper-Middle-income countries Lower-Middle-income countries Low-income countries United Nations Classification (b) Least Developed Countries Landlocked Developing countries Small Island Developing countries United Nations Classification (c) Africa Eastern Africa Middle Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa Western Africa Americas Caribbean Central America South America North America Asia Central Asia Eastern Asia Southern Asia South-Eastern Asia Western Asia Europe Eastern Europe Northern Europe Southern Europe Western Europe Oceania Australia and New Zealand Others Oceania Groups of interest OECD members Large countries (>75M) Sub-Saharan Africa LAC countries MENA countries (e) Islamic countries (f)
Unskilled adult population (Less than secondary) % Both Men Women
Skilled adult population (post-secondary) Both Men Women
662506 426226 1187136 903851
320073 201629 594021 455291
342433 224597 593115 448560
51,7% 52,7% 50,0% 49,6%
187105 229680 743374 725817
85076 97447 317291 335535
102030 132233 426083 390282
54,5% 57,6% 57,3% 53,8%
197637 56532 64353 35760
101680 30122 39946 24910
95958 26410 24407 10851
48,6% 46,7% 37,9% 30,3%
249873 136479 33181
122450 65749 16588
127423 70729 16593
51,0% 51,8% 50,0%
215479 102761 23333
99367 45971 11364
116112 56790 11970
53,9% 55,3% 51,3%
5777 8220 2206
4131 4858 1273
1646 3363 933
28,5% 40,9% 42,3%
300244 87250 32615 75418 23453 81509 455273 16450 60580 173793 204449 1907394 25338 896953 648079 250518 86506 499035 200828 64279 103439 130490 17773 14842 2931
146437 42114 15739 37220 11149 40214 219276 8066 28895 83980 98335 963284 12062 452397 331300 122921 44605 233352 90832 30592 49491 62436 8665 7170 1496
153808 45136 16876 38197 12304 41295 235997 8384 31685 89814 106114 944110 13276 444556 316779 127598 41900 265684 109996 33687 53947 68054 9107 7672 1435
51,2% 51,7% 51,7% 50,6% 52,5% 50,7% 51,8% 51,0% 52,3% 51,7% 51,9% 49,5% 52,4% 49,6% 48,9% 50,9% 48,4% 53,2% 54,8% 52,4% 52,2% 52,2% 51,2% 51,7% 49,0%
237175 75730 26346 55457 10507 69134 181841 9945 38669 120930 12298 1263557 9106 508642 507936 180363 57510 197247 67634 20508 67532 41574 6156 3683 2473
108413 35271 11481 25233 4456 31971 86948 4800 17961 57977 6209 560154 2735 211117 235540 83883 26879 76869 19006 9467 30653 17743 2965 1738 1227
128762 40458 14865 30225 6052 37163 94894 5145 20708 62953 6088 703403 6371 297525 272396 96479 30631 120378 48628 11041 36878 23831 3191 1945 1246
54,3% 53,4% 56,4% 54,5% 57,6% 53,8% 52,2% 51,7% 53,6% 52,1% 49,5% 55,7% 70,0% 58,5% 53,6% 53,5% 53,3% 61,0% 71,9% 53,8% 54,6% 57,3% 51,8% 52,8% 50,4%
11813 1560 642 5386 2250 1975 134569 1527 6679 21447 104916 114803 4366 52231 28739 19729 9737 88175 33705 12704 11250 30515 4923 4844 79
8112 1053 547 3610 1190 1712 66349 827 3822 10853 50847 73439 2469 33946 20470 10622 5932 46051 17693 6479 5757 16122 2706 2653 53
3701 507 95 1777 1060 263 68220 700 2857 10595 54069 41363 1897 18286 8269 9107 3805 42124 16012 6225 5493 14394 2217 2191 25
31,3% 32,5% 14,7% 33,0% 47,1% 13,3% 50,7% 45,8% 42,8% 49,4% 51,5% 36,0% 43,4% 35,0% 28,8% 46,2% 39,1% 47,8% 47,5% 49,0% 48,8% 47,2% 45,0% 45,2% 32,2%
739278 2130619 224826 250823 133690 519936
355109 1062349 109216 120941 68193 260151
384169 1068270 115610 129882 65497 259785
52,0% 50,1% 51,4% 51,8% 49,0% 50,0%
238790 1258734 181718 169543 90775 393241
107414 553740 83180 80738 42064 180297
131376 704994 98538 88805 48711 212944
55,0% 56,0% 54,2% 52,4% 53,7% 54,2%
203547 224760 6427 29653 12205 30324
105145 125793 4502 15502 7794 20330
98401 98967 1925 14151 4411 9994
48,3% 44,0% 29,9% 47,7% 36,1% 33,0%
(a) http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/DATASTATISTICS/0,,contentMDK:20420458~menuPK:64133156~pagePK:64133150~piPK:64133175~theSitePK:239419,00.html
(b) http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/ldc/list.htm; http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/lldc/list.htm; http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/sid/list.htm (c) http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49regin.htm (d) LAC = Central America + South America + The Caribbean; Sub-Saharan Africa = Africa - Northern Africa (e) http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/MENAEXT/0,,menuPK:247606~pagePK:146732~piPK:146828~theSitePK:256299,00.html (f) http://www.islamic-world.net/countries/index.htm
It comes out that the highest growth rates were observed in the poorest regions of sub-Saharan Africa, Paci…c islands and Southern Asia. The level of schooling of the adult population also increased signi…cantly in Northern Africa. The change in the intensity of the brain drain will then result from the comparison of the growth rate of skilled emigrants with skilled residents/natives. In many African countries (except in Southern and Northern Africa) and in Central America and Southern Asia, the growth rate of the stock of skilled female emigrants exceeded the growth rate of the skilled female population. The brain drain increases signi…cantly in these regions. The opposite movement was observed in Southern and Northern Africa, or in Paci…c islands.
Emigration rates by education level and gender
Tables 5.1 and 5.2 show the emigration rates of unskilled and skilled workers, as well as global emigration rates by country groups and region of origin in 1990 and 2000. The reported index gives the female/male ratio in emigration rates by education level. Our cross-country results are very similar to those described in Docquier and Marfouk (2006). The correlation between the old and updated skilled emigration rates in 2000 is 94 percent. Skilled emigration rates are high in small and poor countries. Small developing islands of the Caribbean (47.2 percent) and the Paci…c (63.1 percent) are particularly a¤ected. At the world level, women and men exhibit almost the same total emigration rates (1.6 percent in 1990 and 1.8 in 2000). Women’s emigration rates are, however, lower than men’s in the less developed countries, especially in Northern and sub-Saharan Africa. On the contrary, skilled emigration rates are more pronounced among women. In 2000, the average (weighted) female/male ratio of brain drain amounted to 1.20. Huge ratios were observed in regions where women have a poor access to education such as Middle Africa (2.225), Eastern Asia (2.030), Southern Africa (1.914) and Western Africa (1.842). Between 1990 and 2000, and despite the rise in women’s level of schooling, men’s and women’s skilled emigration rates slightly increased. Although the gender ratio of skilled migration rates decreased at the world level and in most regions, it rose in some developing regions such as Middle and Western Africa.
Table 5.1. Rates of emigration by education and gender in 1990 Total migration (All education levels) Both Males Females World World Bank Income Classification (a) High-income countries Upper-Middle-income countries Lower-Middle-income countries Low-income countries United Nations Classification (b) Least Developed Countries Landlocked Developing countries Small Island Developing countries United Nations Classification (c) Africa Eastern Africa Middle Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa Western Africa Americas Caribbean Central America South America North America Asia Central Asia Eastern Asia Southern Asia South-Eastern Asia Western Asia Europe Eastern Europe Northern Europe Southern Europe Western Europe Oceania Australia and New Zealand Others Oceania Groups of interest OECD members Large countries (>75M) Sub-Saharan Africa LAC countries MENA countries (e) Islamic countries (f)
Unskilled migration (Less than secondary) Both Males Females
Skilled migration (post-secondary) Both Males Females
3,0% 2,5% 1,1% 0,5%
2,9% 2,7% 1,0% 0,5%
3,0% 2,3% 1,1% 0,5%
1,040 0,845 1,025 0,848
3,9% 2,7% 0,8% 0,3%
3,9% 3,2% 0,9% 0,3%
3,8% 2,3% 0,7% 0,3%
0,980 0,694 0,735 0,886
4,0% 5,5% 8,1% 5,5%
3,6% 5,5% 6,4% 4,7%
4,4% 5,5% 11,2% 7,5%
1,227 1,008 1,752 1,582
0,7% 0,7% 9,6%
0,8% 0,8% 9,0%
0,6% 0,6% 10,2%
0,781 0,803 1,137
0,4% 0,5% 5,6%
0,5% 0,5% 5,3%
0,4% 0,4% 5,9%
0,815 0,746 1,105
11,4% 5,0% 43,1%
9,7% 4,8% 38,0%
16,1% 5,3% 49,4%
1,657 1,104 1,302
1,2% 0,8% 0,4% 2,9% 0,8% 0,7% 2,2% 12,8% 7,4% 1,2% 0,8% 0,6% 0,2% 0,4% 0,4% 1,4% 3,3% 4,0% 1,8% 6,9% 7,0% 3,4% 3,4% 3,0% 6,0%
1,5% 0,8% 0,5% 3,5% 0,8% 0,8% 2,2% 12,2% 8,0% 1,1% 0,7% 0,6% 0,2% 0,3% 0,4% 1,3% 3,6% 4,1% 1,9% 6,7% 7,6% 3,2% 3,3% 2,9% 5,4%
1,0% 0,7% 0,3% 2,2% 0,8% 0,5% 2,2% 13,4% 6,9% 1,2% 0,8% 0,6% 0,2% 0,4% 0,4% 1,5% 3,0% 3,8% 1,8% 7,1% 6,3% 3,7% 3,5% 3,0% 6,6%
0,663 0,864 0,657 0,630 0,984 0,565 0,998 1,103 0,854 1,114 1,176 1,016 1,043 1,209 0,824 1,156 0,828 0,943 0,935 1,053 0,827 1,158 1,066 1,042 1,213
0,9% 0,4% 0,2% 2,6% 0,2% 0,4% 2,5% 8,2% 7,3% 0,5% 1,9% 0,4% 0,3% 0,2% 0,2% 0,6% 3,1% 4,9% 3,2% 5,7% 6,5% 4,1% 2,2% 1,9% 2,7%
1,1% 0,3% 0,2% 3,3% 0,2% 0,5% 2,5% 8,0% 8,2% 0,4% 1,4% 0,4% 0,6% 0,2% 0,2% 0,6% 3,6% 6,2% 6,3% 5,5% 7,3% 4,1% 2,1% 1,9% 2,5%
0,7% 0,4% 0,2% 1,9% 0,3% 0,3% 2,5% 8,4% 6,5% 0,5% 2,5% 0,4% 0,2% 0,2% 0,2% 0,7% 2,7% 4,2% 2,3% 5,8% 5,9% 4,1% 2,2% 1,9% 3,1%
0,624 1,011 0,742 0,568 1,291 0,567 0,991 1,053 0,794 1,236 1,797 0,849 0,306 0,945 0,853 1,176 0,773 0,684 0,368 1,053 0,807 0,986 1,066 0,990 1,252
11,2% 16,5% 9,7% 9,2% 11,3% 11,0% 2,9% 44,0% 13,7% 4,8% 1,0% 5,2% 0,3% 3,7% 4,4% 10,8% 8,0% 7,0% 3,6% 14,4% 11,5% 5,6% 5,5% 4,3% 61,2%
9,7% 14,6% 7,9% 8,3% 8,8% 9,5% 2,6% 40,4% 12,0% 4,5% 0,8% 4,2% 0,3% 2,8% 3,8% 9,4% 8,0% 6,7% 3,6% 13,7% 12,3% 5,0% 4,7% 3,6% 54,3%
15,6% 20,7% 17,6% 11,7% 16,9% 17,4% 3,3% 47,8% 16,2% 5,2% 1,2% 7,1% 0,4% 5,7% 6,4% 12,5% 7,9% 7,3% 3,5% 15,4% 10,4% 6,5% 6,9% 5,3% 71,0%
1,608 1,415 2,225 1,411 1,914 1,842 1,255 1,182 1,350 1,144 1,389 1,699 1,522 2,030 1,684 1,324 0,987 1,090 0,979 1,124 0,845 1,310 1,457 1,480 1,306
3,4% 0,6% 0,7% 3,5% 2,8% 1,5%
3,4% 0,6% 0,8% 3,6% 3,2% 1,7%
3,3% 0,6% 0,6% 3,5% 2,3% 1,2%
0,978 1,061 0,739 0,975 0,704 0,737
4,5% 0,5% 0,3% 2,6% 2,1% 1,1%
4,8% 0,5% 0,4% 2,7% 2,6% 1,4%
4,3% 0,4% 0,3% 2,5% 1,7% 0,9%
0,887 0,843 0,782 0,917 0,645 0,671
4,1% 2,4% 12,8% 10,1% 11,3% 8,1%
3,8% 2,1% 10,8% 9,3% 10,9% 7,4%
4,5% 3,0% 18,7% 11,2% 12,1% 9,6%
1,199 1,418 1,734 1,211 1,112 1,296
(a) http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/DATASTATISTICS/0,,contentMDK:20420458~menuPK:64133156~pagePK:64133150~piPK:64133175~theSitePK:239419,00.html
(b) http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/ldc/list.htm; http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/lldc/list.htm; http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/sid/list.htm (c) http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49regin.htm (d) LAC = Central America + South America + The Caribbean; Sub-Saharan Africa = Africa - Northern Africa (e) http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/MENAEXT/0,,menuPK:247606~pagePK:146732~piPK:146828~theSitePK:256299,00.html (f) http://www.islamic-world.net/countries/index.htm
Table 5.2. Rates of emigration by education and gender in 2000 Total migration (All education levels) Both Males Females World World Bank Income Classification (a) High-income countries Upper-Middle-income countries Lower-Middle-income countries Low-income countries United Nations Classification (b) Least Developed Countries Landlocked Developing countries Small Island Developing countries United Nations Classification (c) Africa Eastern Africa Middle Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa Western Africa Americas Caribbean Central America South America North America Asia Central Asia Eastern Asia Southern Asia South-Eastern Asia Western Asia Europe Eastern Europe Northern Europe Southern Europe Western Europe Oceania Australia and New Zealand Others Oceania Groups of interest OECD members Large countries (>75M) Sub-Saharan Africa LAC countries MENA countries (e) Islamic countries (f)
Unskilled migration (Less than secondary) Both Males Females
Skilled migration (post-secondary) Both Males Females
2,9% 3,5% 1,3% 0,7%
2,8% 3,8% 1,2% 0,7%
3,0% 3,2% 1,3% 0,7%
1,045 0,859 1,077 0,920
3,6% 3,6% 0,9% 0,3%
3,6% 4,4% 1,0% 0,3%
3,5% 3,0% 0,8% 0,3%
0,964 0,694 0,797 0,981
3,8% 6,2% 8,1% 7,5%
3,7% 5,9% 6,5% 6,3%
4,0% 6,5% 10,7% 10,2%
1,068 1,103 1,657 1,615
0,9% 1,0% 11,1%
1,0% 1,0% 10,1%
0,9% 0,9% 11,9%
0,877 0,891 1,176
0,5% 0,5% 6,4%
0,5% 0,5% 6,0%
0,5% 0,5% 6,8%
0,915 0,862 1,121
12,3% 6,0% 41,0%
10,3% 5,5% 35,5%
17,1% 6,7% 47,2%
1,666 1,220 1,330
1,4% 0,9% 0,7% 2,9% 1,1% 1,0% 3,3% 15,5% 11,7% 1,6% 0,7% 0,8% 0,3% 0,5% 0,5% 1,7% 3,5% 4,1% 2,2% 6,7% 6,8% 3,4% 4,3% 3,7% 7,2%
1,6% 0,9% 0,7% 3,4% 1,2% 1,1% 3,4% 14,3% 13,0% 1,6% 0,7% 0,8% 0,3% 0,4% 0,6% 1,5% 3,7% 4,2% 2,1% 6,6% 7,3% 3,2% 4,2% 3,7% 6,7%
1,2% 0,9% 0,6% 2,4% 1,1% 0,8% 3,2% 16,6% 10,6% 1,7% 0,8% 0,8% 0,3% 0,5% 0,5% 1,9% 3,3% 4,0% 2,2% 6,8% 6,2% 3,6% 4,3% 3,6% 7,7%
0,753 0,957 0,807 0,688 0,988 0,721 0,950 1,157 0,817 1,113 1,113 1,073 1,141 1,255 0,869 1,252 0,881 0,961 1,014 1,032 0,853 1,131 1,020 0,990 1,144
0,9% 0,3% 0,3% 2,6% 0,3% 0,5% 4,0% 10,4% 12,1% 0,7% 2,2% 0,4% 0,3% 0,2% 0,2% 0,7% 3,3% 4,3% 2,4% 5,2% 6,5% 3,3% 2,5% 2,1% 3,1%
1,1% 0,3% 0,4% 3,2% 0,3% 0,6% 4,3% 9,9% 13,9% 0,6% 2,0% 0,4% 0,5% 0,2% 0,2% 0,6% 3,7% 5,1% 3,6% 5,0% 7,2% 3,2% 2,5% 2,2% 2,9%
0,7% 0,3% 0,3% 2,0% 0,3% 0,4% 3,7% 10,8% 10,6% 0,7% 2,5% 0,4% 0,2% 0,2% 0,2% 0,8% 3,0% 3,8% 2,0% 5,4% 5,9% 3,3% 2,5% 2,0% 3,3%
0,699 1,215 0,883 0,630 1,006 0,682 0,867 1,093 0,760 1,152 1,263 0,918 0,480 0,997 0,912 1,304 0,806 0,738 0,544 1,098 0,820 1,056 1,020 0,914 1,158
10,4% 18,1% 10,4% 7,8% 7,3% 13,9% 3,3% 43,0% 17,1% 5,1% 0,9% 5,7% 0,9% 4,1% 6,0% 9,8% 7,1% 7,2% 4,5% 14,0% 10,9% 5,7% 7,1% 5,7% 52,3%
9,2% 15,6% 7,9% 7,4% 7,0% 10,3% 3,2% 38,0% 15,6% 4,8% 0,9% 4,7% 0,7% 3,1% 5,0% 8,5% 7,0% 7,0% 4,0% 13,8% 11,8% 5,4% 6,5% 5,2% 44,6%
13,1% 23,0% 22,6% 8,6% 7,6% 31,7% 3,4% 47,9% 19,0% 5,5% 0,9% 7,6% 1,2% 6,0% 8,3% 11,4% 7,1% 7,5% 4,9% 14,1% 10,0% 6,1% 8,0% 6,4% 63,1%
1,427 1,481 2,863 1,160 1,085 3,065 1,070 1,261 1,217 1,151 1,054 1,631 1,757 1,962 1,676 1,343 1,013 1,066 1,215 1,022 0,848 1,138 1,233 1,233 1,416
3,7% 0,9% 0,9% 5,3% 2,8% 1,6%
3,7% 0,9% 1,0% 5,4% 3,1% 1,8%
3,6% 0,9% 0,9% 5,1% 2,4% 1,4%
0,952 1,029 0,848 0,937 0,763 0,796
5,2% 0,6% 0,4% 4,1% 2,1% 1,2%
5,8% 0,7% 0,4% 4,5% 2,5% 1,4%
4,8% 0,6% 0,3% 3,8% 1,7% 1,0%
0,826 0,796 0,876 0,852 0,689 0,729
4,1% 3,0% 12,5% 11,0% 9,1% 7,3%
4,0% 2,7% 10,5% 10,2% 8,9% 6,6%
4,2% 3,5% 16,8% 12,0% 9,6% 8,7%
1,053 1,275 1,601 1,178 1,082 1,325
(a) http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/DATASTATISTICS/0,,contentMDK:20420458~menuPK:64133156~pagePK:64133150~piPK:64133175~theSitePK:239419,00.html
(b) http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/ldc/list.htm; http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/lldc/list.htm; http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/sid/list.htm (c) http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49regin.htm (d) LAC = Central America + South America + The Caribbean; Sub-Saharan Africa = Africa - Northern Africa (e) http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/MENAEXT/0,,menuPK:247606~pagePK:146732~piPK:146828~theSitePK:256299,00.html (f) http://www.islamic-world.net/countries/index.htm
Table 6 depicts the situation of the 30 most a¤ected countries in 2000 regarding skilled migration rates. The right panel is based on the full sample. Small islands are the most a¤ected. The emigration rate exceeds 80 percent in nations such as Guyana, Jamaica, St. Vincent, Grenada, Haiti, Cape Verde and Palau. Only three of these top-30 countries have a population above 4 million. On the right panel, we eliminate small countries and focus on countries with more than 4 million inhabitants. About one third of the most a¤ected countries are located in sub-Saharan Africa and 7 are Central American or Caribbean countries. The brain drain exceed 30 percent in nine countries, including …ve sub-Saharan African ones. Regarding gender disparities, Figure 4.1 and 4.2 compares stock and rates of skilled migration by gender. Figure 4.1 shows that the correlation in stocks is extremely high (97 percent). On average, the number of skilled female migrants is lower than the number of skilled men. Figure 4.2 reveals that the correlation is lower in rates (88 percent); women’s rate is on average 17 percent above men’s. However, the female/male ratio in emigration rates varies strongly across countries. As shown on Table 7, it ranges from 0.522 in Bhutan to 4.378 in Nigeria. Countries where women are disproportionately a¤ected are Nigeria, Cameroon, Sao Tome and Principe, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola and Guinea. On the other hand, men are over-represented in Bhutan, Lesotho, Cambodia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Botswana. This gender gap in skilled emigration rate is strongly correlated with the gender gap in educational attainment of residents. It is especially strong in countries where women have little access to education. A simple regression of the log of the female/male ratio in skilled emigration rates on the log of the female/male ratio in post-secondary educated adult population gives an elasticity of -50 percent (R2 = :54) and an intercept which is not signi…cantly di¤erent from zero. Hence, equating men and women’s educational attainment would strongly reduce the gender gap in skilled migration. It is also worth noticing that the correlation between the gender gap in skilled migration and variables such as the UN gender empowerment measure or the proportions of seats held by women in the parliament is almost equal to zero.
Figure 4.1. Women’s and men’s brain drain in 2000 - Stocks 14 45 degree line
Women's brain drain - log of the stock
WBD= 0.9873.MBD R2 = 0.9705
2 2
Men's brain drain - log of the stock
Figure 4.2. Women’s and men’s brain drain in 2000 - Rates 100% WBD = 1.1783.MBD R2 = 0.88
45 degree line 80%
Women's brain drain in %
0% 0%
Men's brain drain in %
Table 6. Top-30 skilled emigration rates in 2000 Country Guyana Jamaica Saint Vincent and the Grenadine Grenada Haiti Cape Verde Palau Trinidad and Tobago Saint Kitts and Nevis Seychelles Tonga Samoa Nauru Saint Lucia Antigua and Barbuda Gambia, The Suriname Belize Tuvalu Dominica Fiji Barbados Malta Mauritius Kiribati Sierra Leone Ghana Liberia Lebanon Marshall Islands
Skilled migration (all countries) Both Men Women 89,2% 87,8% 90,5% 84,7% 80,2% 87,7% 84,6% 78,8% 88,7% 84,3% 75,3% 90,6% 83,4% 81,0% 85,8% 82,4% 85,4% 79,8% 80,9% 72,4% 89,7% 78,9% 73,9% 83,3% 78,5% 77,1% 79,6% 77,2% 69,0% 84,4% 75,6% 71,2% 80,5% 73,4% 67,0% 80,3% 72,0% 62,5% 83,5% 68,6% 62,2% 74,3% 68,5% 65,7% 70,6% 67,8% 71,5% 59,5% 65,8% 64,5% 66,9% 65,5% 53,9% 77,2% 64,9% 59,4% 74,5% 63,9% 58,8% 68,8% 62,8% 57,3% 69,5% 62,6% 60,7% 64,1% 58,3% 56,7% 60,5% 55,8% 52,2% 61,1% 55,7% 46,5% 70,0% 49,2% 39,8% 72,2% 44,6% 39,3% 57,4% 44,3% 36,3% 61,2% 43,8% 42,0% 46,9% 42,8% 38,5% 49,2%
F/M 1,031 1,095 1,126 1,203 1,059 0,934 1,239 1,127 1,032 1,223 1,131 1,198 1,337 1,195 1,073 0,833 1,037 1,432 1,254 1,170 1,213 1,056 1,066 1,170 1,504 1,817 1,462 1,686 1,118 1,279
Country Haiti Sierra Leone Ghana Kenya Laos Uganda Somalia El Salvador Nicaragua China, Hong Kong SAR Cuba Sri Lanka Papua New Guinea Vietnam Rwanda Honduras Croatia Guatemala Afghanistan Mozambique Dominican Republic Cambodia Malawi Portugal Morocco Cameroon Senegal United Kingdom Zambia Togo
Skilled migration (excluding small countries) Both Men Women F/M 83,4% 81,0% 85,8% 1,059 49,2% 39,8% 72,2% 1,817 44,6% 39,3% 57,4% 1,462 38,5% 32,6% 49,5% 1,518 37,2% 34,1% 42,8% 1,255 36,0% 31,1% 45,5% 1,461 34,5% 33,1% 36,7% 1,110 31,7% 31,3% 32,2% 1,026 30,2% 28,6% 31,9% 1,116 29,6% 27,6% 31,9% 1,154 28,8% 26,9% 30,8% 1,144 28,2% 26,5% 30,6% 1,153 27,8% 20,1% 43,0% 2,141 26,9% 30,5% 23,5% 0,769 26,3% 20,9% 40,3% 1,929 24,8% 19,4% 31,7% 1,635 24,6% 20,5% 29,2% 1,427 23,9% 19,9% 30,6% 1,537 22,6% 18,5% 34,5% 1,863 22,5% 18,2% 31,4% 1,727 22,4% 18,0% 27,2% 1,515 21,4% 27,3% 16,6% 0,608 20,9% 15,9% 36,3% 2,281 18,9% 21,1% 17,1% 0,809 18,0% 17,2% 19,5% 1,130 17,1% 12,0% 50,7% 4,231 17,1% 15,6% 21,8% 1,401 17,1% 17,0% 17,2% 1,012 16,4% 14,0% 21,0% 1,506 16,3% 13,6% 28,7% 2,110
Table 7. Ratio of women to men in skilled migration (year 2000) Highest ratio Top-20
Lowest ratio Bottom-20
Country Finland Andorra Thailand Grenada Bahamas, The Jamaica Georgia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Turkmenistan Estonia Philippines Antigua and Barbuda Belize Japan Kazakhstan Seychelles Panama Dominican Republic Barbados Tajikistan Nepal Burkina Faso Djibouti Bangladesh Saudi Arabia Mali Tunisia Jordan Togo Congo, Rep. of the Sudan Niger Benin Senegal Central African Republic Yemen Gambia, The Cote d'Ivoire Chad Mauritania
Stock ratio 1,873 1,758 1,735 1,707 1,667 1,636 1,589 1,562 1,544 1,527 1,518 1,423 1,422 1,418 1,412 1,392 1,383 1,376 1,376 1,362 0,515 0,511 0,508 0,507 0,503 0,493 0,490 0,470 0,456 0,451 0,450 0,449 0,443 0,441 0,421 0,378 0,372 0,372 0,340 0,304
Country Nigeria Cameroon Sao Tome and Principe Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Guinea Angola Burundi China Guinea-Bissau Bangladesh Benin Malawi Burkina Faso Solomon Islands Thailand Papua New Guinea Madagascar Togo Mali Mauritania Bulgaria Gambia, The Hungary Liechtenstein Portugal Sudan San Marino Vietnam Israel Uruguay Italy Burma (Myanmar) Greece Botswana Yemen Jordan Saudi Arabia Cambodia Lesotho Bhutan
Rate ratio 4,376 4,231 4,224 3,711 3,273 3,269 2,874 2,682 2,651 2,462 2,409 2,281 2,186 2,167 2,152 2,141 2,111 2,110 2,069 2,047 0,839 0,833 0,830 0,817 0,809 0,798 0,793 0,769 0,766 0,745 0,742 0,739 0,703 0,699 0,685 0,653 0,639 0,608 0,602 0,516
In this paper, we build on the DM06 data set, update the data using new sources, homogenize 1990 and 2000 concepts, and introduce the gender breakdown. We provide revised stocks and rates of emigration by level of schooling and gender. We repeat the exercise for 1990 and 2000, thus shedding light on the recent feminization of the brain drain. We provide emigration stocks and rates for 195 countries in 1990 and 2000. Although our data set deserves some extensions (e.g. adding points in time and accounting for migration to non OECD destination countries), it can reasonably be used to capture the recent trend in women’s brain drain, as well as to analyze its causes and consequences for developing countries. Our gross data reveal that the share of women in the skilled immigrant population increased in almost all OECD destination countries between 1990 and 2000. Consequently, for the vast majority of source regions, the growth rates of skilled women emigrants were always bigger than the growth rates obtained for unskilled women or skilled men. This evolution particularly occurs in the least developed countries. This feminization of the South-North brain drain mostly re‡ects gendered changes in the supply of education. The cross-country correlation between emigration stocks of women and men is extremely high (about 97 percent), with women’s numbers slightly below men’s ones. However, these women skilled migrants are drawn from a much smaller population. Hence, in relative terms, the cross-country correlation in rates (88 percent) is much lower than in stocks. On average, women’s brain drain is 17 percent above men’s. This gender gap in skilled emigration rate is strongly correlated with the gender gap in the educational attainment of adult populations, re‡ecting unequal access to education in many source countries. Equating men and women’s educational attainment at origin would almost strongly reduce the gender gap in skilled migration.
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