The Excavator Vol. 1 Issue 3

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THE EXCAVATOR We've Got the Scoop! Bringing You the Latest ASDA and DCG News since 2018


Apnea Attitude Dr. Cristi Y. Cheek, C'00


No Cure for ASDA Fever Alex Howell, C'19










'TIS THE SEASON FOR ASDA FEVER! Emily Williams, C'2020 | DCG ASDA Newsletter Editor


Welcome to 2019! Though we may still be groggy from MLK

Meaghan Cleary, C'20

weekend, this latest edition will hopefully inspire you to increase

Advocating for Advocacy

your learning both on and off campus. DCG ASDA has many

Steph Jaipaul, C'22

opportunities (often fully funded) to improve leadership skills,

New Clinics on Campus

make new friends, and discover new and exciting facets of the

Rocio Jacobo, C'20

dental profession. In this issue we cover the D.C. advocacy trip

A Parking Solution?

and National Leadership Conference, as well as Alex Howell's

Emily Latteri, C'21

own journey catching "ASDA Fever," leading her to become a

Shante' Q&A

national vice president of the organization. We will see many of

Sarah Dickey, C'21

you at the District 4 conference in Chattanooga! Enjoy wisdom

Year of the Dawgs

from alumna Dr. Cristi Cheek, as she discusses her struggle with

Boyd Wilson, C'20

sleep apnea and how continuing education helped her improve

Thankfulness: A Satire

both her life and those of others. Discover new facets of

Sarah Ă–ztĂźrk, C'21

Shante' Perrin, the face behind the emails, or ponder ways to

Adventures of Petey

avoid the dreaded campus parking. Lastly, we are pleased that

Derrick Coleman, C'20

the newsletter now has a sponsor, Affinity Bank. Sponsorship

Events Calendar

helps support our ASDA chapter as well as fund other

Macy Malcom, C'20

community service organizations on campus. Happy new year!



Apnea Aptitude: The Educational Journey That Led Me to Better Breathing and Better Sleep Cristi Y. Cheek, DMD, C'00 The summer of 2000, after graduating from the Medical College of Georgia (now DCG) where I received an excellent education, I entered private practice. In the dental profession, you are never really done with your education, however. As dental techniques constantly improve and we discover more about the human body, recommendations for treatment change. I continued my education by taking courses offered by various study groups including Dawson and Spear and joined the Hinman Dental Society where speakers from around the world help keep our society members abreast of changes, improvements, and new ideas in dentistry. The more courses and lectures in which I participated, the more I realized there was so much more to learn!

A series of courses I took from Dr. Pete Dawson right after graduation helped me recognize I had some serious occlusion and TMJ issues. I sought the

2015 before surgery: hidden issues

opinion of a well-known TMJ surgeon, who said I

When I hit my early 40s, I started waking

needed surgery to correct my bite. After viewing

in the night with my heart racing and

my MRI, I learned I had permanently displaced both

had trouble falling back asleep. I often

discs, probably sometime in college after having

dreamed of drowning or being choked.

been a teenager with a popping and locking jaw. I

My MD prescribed me an anti-anxiety

remembered thinking years ago that when my jaw

medication and Ambien for sleep, but

joints stopped popping, my jaw must have fixed

even on these, I woke most nights with

itself, not knowing the discs actually had moved

my heart pounding, sometimes with a

permanently out of position. Neither my previous

gasp, and then lay awake for a couple

dentist nor I gave much thought to the cause of the

of hours. I assumed my sleep issues and

anterior open bite I developed: my condyles seated

new inability to concentrate and

more superiorly without the discs in place. But my

remember things could be attributed to

forward-thinking TMJ surgeon recommended

being in my forties with the stress of a

surgery and said that without surgical correction of

busy practice and three elementary-

my jaw position, I may develop sleep apnea. I

aged kids. I also had headaches starting

decided against the surgery at the time since I was

from the neck area, so I was getting

a new dentist about to buy a practice, get married,

regular massages, chiropractic

and start a family. After all, I was functioning fine

adjustments, acupuncture, and physical

and was relatively asymptomatic. I had no idea of

therapy. For several years I wore a hard

the maladaptation of my occlusion that would

occlusal guard at night for the bruxism

occur over the next 15 years.

that had worn my posterior teeth flat.






Open bite that developed over many years of bruxism and TMJ changes. Then, I took a course at one of our Hinman

well as anxiety. The heart racing I experienced

Dental Society meetings that would change

during the night was my body saying, “Hey, I need

my life and my practice. The speaker

more oxygen!" Within days I signed up for another,

discussed our role in diagnosing sleep

more in-depth course on sleep disordered breathing. It became clear my anterior open bite

disordered breathing, a hot topic that is

had increased over the years, and I was holding my

somewhat new to the dental profession. I

mandible forward to get the anterior teeth to

learned some people brux as a response to

approximate. Eventually my retrusive mandible and

airway limitation, and the forward head

age-related loss of overall muscle tone contributed

position I held for years was my body‘s way of

to a posterior tongue position, cutting off my

creating a more open airway. My dad often

airway when my jaw muscles relaxed.

commented I, even as a child, needed to

stand up straight with my head and shoulders

I saw an ENT whose immediate assessment, even

back. Neither of us knew my perceived bad

after I detailed all my signs and symptoms, was

habit was actually a desperate attempt for my

that it was highly unlikely that I had sleep apnea. I

body to get the oxygen it needed. While my

did not fit the (now outdated) sleep apnea model

body’s coping mechanism somewhat aided my

of the older, overweight male. I pressed the ENT to

breathing, it also strained my neck muscles,

order a polysomnogram for me, and a few days

contributing to my headaches and neck pain. I

later in the fall of 2015, my sleep study results

now understand that not sleeping well can

showed I had moderate sleep apnea.

lead to concentration and memory issues, as

With the correct diagnosis I sought a “cure.” The pulmonologist I saw concerning the results of my sleep study commented that I didn’t really have to treat my sleep apnea since I didn’t have any associated health problems: no high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes or obesity, etc. The preventative philosophy we dentists have did not seem to be held by the MD, but I convinced him to let me try a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine. After three different masks and two kinds of CPAPs, I gave up. The masks leaked and woke me up, and the air went not only into my lungs but also into my esophagus and created horrible pressure in my stomach and intestines. I took a couple of courses on mandibular advancement devices (a

Large tori and flat posterior teeth:

bite guard that holds your lower jaw forward),

posterior tongue position

consulted with a colleague skilled at making




Profile before surgery.

Profile after surgery.

September 2018: post-surgery and still undergoing orthodontics.

Decreased airway space before surgery.






them, and made myself a device. Unfortunately,

When I first was diagnosed with sleep apnea, I was

the device caused pain in my TMJs, damaged by

frustrated dealing with this problem during such a

years of bruxism.

busy time of my life. But, I became a dentist to help people, and my journey has transformed my

In 2016, after bad experiences with CPAPs and

practice and made me a better dentist. I never

mandibular advancement devices, I began my

thought about my role in diagnosing sleep apnea

journey for a more permanent fix. My massive

and other breathing-related problems until I had

mandibular tori were removed to give my tongue

such a problem myself. Now I am acutely aware of

more room. I hoped this would be enough to

the signs and symptoms of breathing issues and

help improve the apnea, but a second sleep

help families by looking at tonsil size in children as

study gave disappointing results. I then had

well as jaw development, narrow arches, continued

orthodontics placed and a surgical procedure

thumbsucking, bed wetting, allergic shiners,

called PAOO (periodontally accelerated

hyperactivity, snoring: all signs of sleep disordered

osteogenic orthodontics) which softened my

breathing in children. And I am helping tired adults

bone and added additional bone to the buccal

and those with worn or broken teeth become not

surfaces of my alveolar processes, so my arches

only dentally healthy, but healthier overall by

Panoramic image after surgery. could be widened orthodontically without

recognizing potential sleep breathing issues that

pulling my roots out through the facial bone...

show up during dental examinations as TMD, tooth

all in preparation for orthognathic surgery. On

wear, broken teeth, scalloped tongues, etc. I hope

June 27, 2018, I underwent LeFort I (maxillary

that you, my future colleagues, will learn to

repositioning) and BSSO (mandibular advancement) to correct my occlusion and improve my airway. Within a couple of weeks after the surgery, I was able to sleep without waking up gasping and had more energy. The surgery was not easy, and the recovery as I continue orthodontically straightening my teeth and waiting for the feeling to return in my chin is certainly going to be a journey over this next year. But, I would do it all again. Breathing trumps everything!

recognize the signs and symptoms of sleep disordered breathing in your own patient: symptoms that could be decreasing their quality of life and may lead to health issues and dementia. And don’t forget, you are NEVER done learning!

Dr. Cheek is an MCG graduate and the owner of Cheek Dental in Marietta, GA. She is a member of the ADA, GDA, AGD, and the Hinman Dental Society and continues to further her education by taking numerous hours of continuing education each year in various topics.


ASDA Fever: From D1 to VP Alex Howell, C'19 ASDA National Vice President 2018-2019 DCG ASDA President 2017-2018 If someone had told me as a D1 I would eventually

I stumbled upon ASDA my D2 year, running for

become National ASDA Vice President, I would

publications chair. My passion (affectionately

have laughed, or maybe cried out of pure

known as “ASDA Fever”) ignited once I under-

intimidation. How was I qualified? How would I

stood the vast impact of ASDA on students

get the knowledge or connections? Fast forward

nationwide. Making friends from dental schools

to February 2018, when I was elected to this

all over the country comforted me, as we shared

amazing job. Of my extracurricular activities, my

similar struggles and achievements in a unique

experiences with ASDA have been the most


rewarding, transforming dental school into the best time of my life.

Despite my new experiences and connections, I

felt underqualified to apply for higher leadership

Coming into school my first year, I didn’t even

positions, especially compared to other students

know what “organized dentistry” was. For those

with more knowledge and experience. However,

of you who still don’t really know, organized

my D3 year, a national ASDA leader specifically

dentistry describes the combined efforts of

encouraged me to apply for the position of

various dental organizations to advance our

District 4 Trustee. He knew the work required for

profession. Dentistry remains one of the top

this role but was confident in my work ethic and

careers in the nation, and dentists and dental

passion. The encouragement of older, more

students frequently work together to address

experienced students was all it took for me to

current issues and possible solutions. Additionally,

say yes. The courage for me to run for the

vocalizing issues as a student and making career-

position is the same that helps me to continually

long connections with other professionals are

step outside of my comfort zone. By challenging

such rewarding experiences.

myself, I have had experiences I could have






never dreamed possible.

While the idea of juggling the positions of District 4 Trustee and Chapter President simultaneously seemed daunting amongst all of the usual stresses of dental school, I took a risk. That year, I experienced so much growth and gained skills I wouldn’t have gained through academics alone. With each new challenge, I expanded my limits and my perceived capabilities, learning a remarkable amount about communication, time management, public speaking, leadership – only a handful of the many skills ASDA has helped me develop. These skills prepared me for the next step of running for National Vice President, but more importantly, for the rest of my career. Today, I feel equipped to enter the workplace as not only a dentist, but also Alex Howell (R) with Abby Halpern, DCG C'18

an effective leader in my community.

and former ASDA Speaker of the House. As my classmates and I look towards our approaching graduation date that is (finally!) almost here, I still remember Dr. Mackert teaching us at D1 orientation that our brains do not have a limit on how much we can learn. He recognized dental school often feels like “drinking from a fire hydrant,” but with the right mindset, we realize we are capable of learning more than we can imagine. In the same way, ASDA has taught me my personal and professional growth is limitless. A spirit of determination and strength is cultivated within me, making me more confident in myself as a student and future dentist.

Though not every student feels a specific calling to pursue leadership through ASDA, I hope you all grasp the importance of developing leadership skills during school. When you become a dentist, you also become a leader. Even amongst the demands of dental school, you can experience profound personal R-L: Roopali Kulkarni, Penn '19 and ASDA President, Jeffrey Kerst, LSU '19 and ASDA VP,

growth; you are capable of so much! Strive to become the best leader you can

and Alex Howell, ASDA VP.

be, whether in ASDA or in your own life.




NLC = TLC! A Beginner's Guide to ASDA's National Leadership Council Meaghan Cleary, C'20 DCG ASDA President While most steer clear of Chicago in November,

protects the rights, interests, and welfare of

for seven years dental students from across the

dental students. By creating a unified voice

nation have gleefully descended upon the windy

standing up against and/or for issues pertinent to

city for ASDA’s National Leadership Conference,

dental students, ASDA is a force for making us

affectionately known as NLC. For three days,

heard. NLC introduces students to what and who

students engage in general sessions from keynote

ASDA is, while helping students realize potential

speakers and attend breakout sessions following

as leaders in their respective dental schools and

five different tracks while meeting other dental

their futures as practitioners.

students. This year Georgia ASDA was fortunate enough to send 15 students to the frozen north to

This year, NLC had five different “tracks,”

learn about what it means to be an ASDA leader.

including career planning, leadership fundamentals, personal development and wellness,

As this was my second time attending NLC, I more

chapter management, and advocacy. Aside

fully appreciated the trip, while witnessing other

from general sessions and sponsored talks,

students becoming better acquainted with what

students could choose to attend breakout

ASDA means and does for dental students across

sessions throughout the day from any of these

the nation. As the largest dental student


organization in the country, ASDA advances and






The Career Planning track featured sessions such

“Trends in Medicare and Medicaid,” and “How to

as “How to Get Into the Residency of Your

Be Bipartisan in a Partisan World.”

Dreams,” “Post-grad Options,” “Women in Dentistry,” and “A Hands On Lesson in CV Writing.”

NLC hosted three general sessions from keynote

These sessions were led by residency program

speakers Valorie Burton, Dr. Ivan Joseph, and

directors, past ASDA national leaders, and recent

Matt Teney. Dr. Joseph’s session on self-

dental school graduates. The Leadership

confidence was particularly popular amongst

Fundamentals track included sessions such as

students. Dr. Joseph used visualization and other

“The Art of Networking,” “How to Not Fail

exercises with audience members to help them

Miserably in Private Practice,” and a chapter idea

gain a sense of their self-confidence levels,

exchange focused on leadership and organi-

resonating with me personally. As a past National

zation. Students gained tools to become better

Championship coach of collegiate men’s soccer,

leaders both within their chapter, as well as their

he spoke about how self-confidence can lead to

future practices.

success. With a Ph.D in Sports Psychology, Dr. Joseph used examples from his years as a soccer

The Personal Development

coach to engage students

and Wellness track focused

and help them understand

on giving students the ability

the importance of self-

to balance stresses of dental

confidence as a leader and

school and promote overall

as a successful practitioner.

wellness. Sessions within this track included “Identifying

Social events hosted by

and Overcoming Addictive

some of ASDA’s sponsors

Behaviors in Yourself and

gave students opportunities

Others,” “Perfectionism and

to mingle with leaders from

Overcoming Self-

other dental schools. These

Comparison,” “Managing and

relationships are invaluable

Dealing With Dental Guilt,”

as students head back to

and “Ergonomics: Setting

their individual institutions.

Yourself Up for a Lifetime of

ASDA encourages students

Healthy Practice.”

to make connections and realize they are not the only

Chapter Management

ones battling the stresses

featured three sessions led

and struggles of dental

by our own Georgia

school. Idea exchange

Immediate Past President

breakout sessions also

and National Vice President Alex Howell, ’19.

allowed students the chance to talk to student

These included “How to Spread ASDA Fever to

leaders from other schools and learn from other

Your Administration,” “Break the Mold- How to

ASDA chapters’ failures and successes.

Bring Innovation to the Chapter,” and “Town Hall for Chapter Leaders.” Current and budding ASDA

NLC gives students an incredible opportunity for

chapter leaders especially took advantage of this

personal growth and leadership development,

track due to its importance and relevance.

within the confines of their dental schooling and into the future. Students often see dentistry in a

A new Advocacy track was unveiled this year. In

different light and form relationships that last far

the spirit of November being ASDA Advocacy

beyond the scope of the conference. In February,

month, students gained insight into current

chapter and national leaders will gather again for

issues pertinent to dental students and also

ASDA’s Annual Session in Pittsburgh, PA. Students will use knowledge they gained at NLC to vote on

how ASDA takes a stance against such

initiatives, and many will become future chapter

issues. Sessions offered in the Advocacy track

leaders. We wish them all the best!

included “Licensure 101,” “The Opioid Epidemic,”


DCG attendees at the WWII memorial. Author Steph Jaipaul C'22 on far right.

Advocating for Advocacy: ASDA's Mid-Atlantic Advocacy Academy Steph Jaipaul, C'22 People that you don’t know—most who aren’t even in

controversial & flawed. It is not reliable, not ethical,

the dental profession—are currently dictating how

not valid, and not universally accepted.

you will practice as a dentist. Let that sink in. There is no positive correlation between students’ The inaugural Mid-Atlantic Advocacy Academy was

success in dental school and the outcome of their

held this October in Washington D.C. for ASDA

exam—the top 5% of a class is just as likely to fail

Districts 2, 3, and 4. This event aimed to empower

clinical licensure exams as the bottom 5% of a

dental students with the knowledge to advocate for

class. Along with that, there aren’t consistent results

their future profession, enhance student effective-

as it is impossible to standardize live patient exams.

ness at ADA Dentist & Student Lobby Day, and

Ethical issues arise as not all patients receive

educate attendees on specific issues within the

follow-up care, and some patients are left with

profession. The Dental College of Georgia had

irreversible tooth damage resulting from students

seven students in attendance: D1 Stephanie Jaipaul;

“failing.” Additionally, many patients have their care

D2s Maria Caras, Mike Jin, John Kim, Arman Ruhani,

postponed for months so they can be treated during

and Sholeh Nami; D3 Zach Patterson; and D4

the exam since the specific lesions are often hard to

Lincoln Fantaski.


ASDA has taken a stance on a number of chief

The American Dental Association (ADA), along with

issues and different legislative priorities. The major

the American Dental Education Association (ADEA)

focuses of the conference included Licensure

and Student Professionalism and Ethics Association

Reform, Dental Student Debt, Midlevel Providers,

in Dentistry (SPEA) are committed to reforming the

and the Opioid Epidemic. As future dentists, it is

current licensure system: advocating for a new

crucial to be informed about these issues and be

exam to maintain the integrity of dentistry, as well

active advocates for our great profession. Our

as look out for the welfare of ourselves and our

responsibility is to understand how dentistry may


change and move it in the best direction by voicing

lawmakers…especially now, when the industry is

ASDA’s L-1 Policy: Components of an Ideal Licensure Exam:

undergoing major changes.

• Does not use human subjects in a live clinical

our opinions and supporting officials and

testing scenario.

Licensure Reform: Our current system of clinical

• Is psychometrically valid and reliable in its

licensure exams with the use of a live patient is



• Is reflective of the scope of current dental practice. • Is universally accepted.

Dental Student Debt: The growing student debt crisis is a top priority with the need for financially sustainable, long-term solutions. The ADEA notes the average debt per graduating senior is $287,331 (according a 2017 survey): a quadruple increase since 1990. Every year, the amount of debt with which a student graduates increases dramatically: according to the ADA, dental student debt has increased on average 4% every year after adjusting for inflation. This can prevent dentists from choosing their preferred career paths, whether that be opening a private practice or choosing to work in underserved areas.

ASDA encourages lawmakers to include the following in future state & federal legislation: • Expansion of tax deductibility of interest on education debt, student scholarships, and loan repayments. • Reduction of student loan interest rates. • Improved access to public service loan forgiveness and scholarship programs, including for those practicing in underserved areas after graduation. • Tax deductibility and rebates for dentists

course of post-collegiate education, yet are

practicing in underserved areas.

allowed to perform irreversible dental procedures

• Prohibiting the compounding of interest during

and prescribe medications to patients. Midlevel

loan repayment and capping of interest rates

provider programs started due to barriers to care,

upon graduation.

beginning in Alaska. Today, Alaska, Minnesota,

• Strengthening regulations for the protection

Maine, and Vermont currently allow “dental

of private student loan borrowers.

therapists” to target low-income and dental

shortage areas. However, the field of midlevel

In addition, ASDA also lobbies for the following

providers is growing, with more states looking to

Reauthorization of Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA): concepts to be included in the

allow this.

• Alleviating educational debt.

ASDA does not believe midlevel providers are the

• Allowing students to refinance their loans

solution to addressing barriers to care and, to

more than once.

protect patients, opposes midlevel legislation.

• Alleviating barriers for students who want to

Outlined in

work in underserved areas.

only trained dentists should carry out certain

procedures on the public including:

In 2016, more than 380 dental students lobbied

• Diagnosis & treatment planning.

members of Congress to support two bills (HR

• Prescribing work authorizations.

649 & HR 4223) aimed at easing the dental

• Performing irreversible dental procedures.

student debt burden and since then, 36 members

• Prescribing drugs and/or other medications.

Policy Number C-2, ASDA believes

of Congress have added support to these bills!

ASDA states that though we must combat barriers

Midlevel Providers: Midlevel providers are

to care, especially in areas with dental shortages,

those who have not yet completed a four-year

everyone still deserves the same high quality care




DCG attendees with Dr. Abby Halpern, C'18 (fourth from right).

from healthcare providers with four-year dental

lobbied Congress to create legislation that would:

degrees. Furthermore, underserved patients

• Require continuing education for opioid

served by midlevel providers often have more


difficult and systemic health conditions; less

• Impose prescribing limits of no more than seven

educated providers not only jeopardize dental

days for the initial treatment of acute pain.

care, but also overall health & safety.

• Support the use of prescription drug monitoring


Opioid Epidemic: In 2016, opioids killed more

• Improve the quality and integrity and inter-

than 42,000 people in the United States, and

operability of state prescription drug monitoring

40% of those deaths involved prescription pain


relievers. ASDA wants to ensure students are able to effectively discuss opioids with their patients.

Now that you’re informed, join ASDA in protecting and advancing our rights, interests, and welfare

While dentists make up a smaller percentage of

as future dentists. Learn more about other key

healthcare providers that prescribe opioids, there

issues and the stances ASDA has taken by

is still much that can be done on our part to make

visiting: advocate/issues-and-legislativepriorities.

a big difference in the opioid epidemic.

ASDA’s B-13 policy states: • ASDA encourages all dental schools to provide

Participate in the discussion and processes that

education on evidence-based prescribing as

impact your life as a dental student and future

outlined in the CODA-accreditation Standards.

career as a dentist by using ASDA’s action alert

• ASDA urges dental schools to provide resources

system, Engage:

for dental students to appropriately address

opioids with their patients. • ASDA encourages the American Dental

Support the American Dental Political Action

Education Association to create resources that

Committee (ADPAC), the bipartisan legislative

establish evidence-based prescribing practices

arm of the American Dental Association, to ensure

for dental school clinics.

that dentists and dental students continue to have

political voices heard: In April 2018, more than 500 ASDA members






New Clinics Come to Campus Rocio Jacobo, C'20 programs to collaboratively perform screenings, provide oral hygiene instructions, and connect patients with the DCG. Last fall, they successfully paired various patients with student providers and continue to do so. The clinics also impact more residents from the Central Savannah River Area by participating in the Clinica Latina, Peds Clinic and Women's Clinic Health Fair.

These past six months have inspired Carly and Rocio to continue fostering the partnership between DCG and these clinics. Their vision is to advocate for preventive oral care, reach those most in need, and ensure sustainability of this interdisciplinary collaboration. The most pivotal factor turning this vision into reality is continuous faculty and student involvement. Therefore, keep While dental students share a building with

an eye out for opportunities to get involved! In

medical students and frequently cross paths on

the words of Helen Keller, “Alone we can do so

the way to clinic or the anatomy lab, differences

little; together we can do so much.�

in schedules and curricula can hinder collaboration and interdisciplinary relationships. In

To find out more information about these clinics,

attempt to change this, Clinica Latina and the


Pediatric Clinic invited the Dental college of Georgia (DCG) for the first time this year to join their efforts to provide comprehensive, preventive care to low-income members in the community. These campus, studentrun clinics meet in the Health Science building every first and third Wednesday and are made possible thanks to the partnership between AsociaciĂłn Latina de Servicios del CSRA and the Georgia Volunteer Health Care Program.

DCG faculty and students, led by coordinators Carly Egan (Pediatric Clinic) and Rocio Jacobo (Clinica Latina), work with members from various disciplines including the medical school, pharmacy, dental

Above left: coordinators Rocio Jacobo (L) and Carly Egan (R) with Dr. Marlen Robles.

hygiene, and physician assistant

Bottom right: student and faculty volunteers gather at the clinic.




Saving the Planet on the Way to School Emily Latteri, C'21 The average emissions for a 10 mile roundtrip commute in a midsize car five days a week for a year is 1.3 tons of CO2. As striking as this statistic is alone, it only accounts for one person. Think about Augusta University’s footprint as a whole with over 15,000 students, faculty, and staff. The time has arisen to consider greener transportation options, like cycling. After moving to Augusta from Philadelphia, where biking is commonplace, I decided to bike to and from school everyday. My ride is a quick 2.6 miles, and I can confidently say it is the best part of my day for many reasons beyond the gratification of doing my part to save our planet.

1. Biking provides a great workout. Have you noticed that Washington Road to DCG is almost strictly downhill? This makes for a nice and easy ride to school and a kick-butt workout on the way home. If you often find yourself skipping the gym due to time constraints, a biking commute is an easy way to incorporate exercise into your day. Plus, studies show biking to school or work can be a serious boost to your health. Recently, a biking commute was linked with a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Who wouldn’t want those benefits?

The author on her favorite mode of transportation. 2. Since transitioning to commuting by bike,

become an invaluable method of self-care, which

I’ve noticed a substantial change in my state

we all know is so important during these years.

of mind. I find myself more focused, sleeping better, and more confident when I bike to

3. By the off-chance you aren’t already

school. Skipping the infuriating traffic and

thoroughly convinced biking is awesome, I have

enjoying the fresh air on brisk mornings

another reason: parking. For every parking spot

automatically puts you in a better mood.

this campus is lacking, there is a bike rack in

After a rough day at school, taking out stress

excess. Not to mention these bike racks are in

by getting your heart pumping and feeling

prime locations. It takes me a fraction of the

the wind in your hair is always therapeutic.

time to ride right up to Harrison or CL and lock

Truly, there is truly nothing like airing out after

my bike as it would to struggle to find a distant

an afternoon cadaver lab session. Biking has

parking spot in Lot 69. Your pocket will benefit






from this too! In addition to the money you save

be, and there aren’t true bike lanes in many

on gas, you can also skip the parking pass, as

parts of the city.

the price keeps creeping up on us. Especially once the gravel lot undergoes its latest

Get used to checking the weather everyday, and

metamorphosis, these bike racks will be even

have a back up plan. Regrettably, I know from

more appealing on busy mornings.

experience biking in the rain can really dampen one's mood and DCG gear.

If you are now sold and want to bike to school Roll up your right pant leg. You will totally look

immediately, great! Georgia winters are mild

like a real biker, but more importantly, your bike

enough to bike year-round if you layer up. Want

chain will eat up scrubs in an instant if you don’t

to hold off for warmer spring weather? Though

get them out of the way.

the holidays have come and gone, think how happy your parents would be if you asked for a

Buy a bike lock. There have been several

bike like you’re 8 years old again.

attempts, some successful, of bike theft on our

Here are a few things to keep in mind before you take the cycling plunge:


Do a dry run on the weekend. You can perfect your route and know exactly how much time it will

You don’t have to commit to biking every day at

take you to get to school.

first. Set a goal to bike a few times a week on on your shorter days (do those really exist?) until you

Lastly, get excited to embrace the change and all

feel more comfortable with your commute.

the good that will come with it. Know you are helping the planet while helping yourself,

Invest in a good helmet. Though biking is relatively

something you can feel great about!

safe, we all know how crazy Augusta drivers can

Bikes abound on the Ed Commons patio.

“Environmental Benefits.”

Murane, Kevin. “New Research Indicates Cycling to Work has Extraordinary Health Benefits.”




Shante': Behind the Screen Sarah Dickey, C'21 What do all quizzes and exams have in common, besides a dental student’s lack of sleep and ExamSoft? If you are anything like me, you have probably had issues once or twice while taking an exam, submitting an exam, connecting to Wi-fi…. The list goes on and on. Luckily for us, we have a tech expert, Shante' Perrin, to help us during times that could otherwise be very stressful. Shante’ is a joy to be around, happily and readily available whenever we may need assistance. Since Shante’ is so integrated into our lives, I sat down with her to learn more about the face behind the computer screen.

First off, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself? I’m from Augusta, Georgia, born and raised. I went

What do you like to do with your free time outside of work?

to technical school right after high school and now am a student at Augusta University. I have an associate's degree in Computer Support, and I’m

I’m still a bit of a geek outside of work! I like to

going to school part-time and planning on

read about technology, mostly about mobile

graduating next year with a bachelor's degree in

phones. I do like to casually binge watch a little

Information Technology. After that, I’m planning to

TV. Right now, I’m watching all of the Criminal

get my master’s degree in information security. I got into computers at age five when my parents bought a computer. After that, I stopped going outside as much as I used to because I stayed on the computer playing games! I didn’t really start getting into fixing them until I was around 13. I’ve been at Augusta

Minds episodes. You can never guess what’s going to happen - it’s so unique! Besides that, I also volunteer with Girls Who Code, a nonprofit organization, on the Summerville campus. We teach girls in middle and high school how to get involved in computer science because there’s not as many

University for ten years and at the Dental College for about eight. I primarily work with dental students but assist other colleges if they need help every now and then, like medical or nursing.

women in the technical field.

Congratulations on your recent marriage! Is there anything you would like to share? Yes! We got married here in Augusta, and it was

What is a normal work day for you? It can really vary. On most days, I start off going to a

very simple. Shortly after that, we went on a weeklong honeymoon to the mountains in Helen, Georgia.

quiz or exam at 8:00. After that, I’m taking phone

I don’t know the last time I’ve done this, but for

calls and emails even during those exams. You can

once, I turned off the email notifications on my

see me in an exam, and I’m there if you need me,

phone, and we tried to keep the phones and

but I’m probably also remotely helping someone -

technology away. We brought board games and just

controlling their computer and everything!

relaxed. We both work really hard, so it was nice to spend time with each other and get away.

What do you like the most about your job? I like helping people, especially with technology.

with technology. Technology can do a lot but can

If you could give one piece of tech advice to students what would it be?

cause people to get a little anxious and afraid. I

I know you hate to hear this, but…. If you’re having

work to resolve their problems and show them it’s

a problem, close the application and try to open

okay. We can work it out! Helping people really is

it back up. If that doesn’t work, restart your

the best part.


Part of my goal is to relieve anxiety about working






2018: Year of the Dawg? Boyd Wilson C'20 DCG ASDA Treasurer

D3 students (author second from right) enjoy a Georgia game. Please ignore the Auburn memorabilia.

Let’s face it: Saturdays in the fall in the South just

champs made their way to Mercedes-Benz Stadium,

mean more. Why you ask? Because of football. Good

talk was circulating around Atlanta whether or not

ol'-fashioned, pigskin slinging, hard-hit smashing,

UGA could tackle the seemingly unbeatable University

greasy-foul smelling football. Families, friends, and

of Alabama. After another incredible performance by

mortal enemies meet on common ground twelve (or

both squads, U of A left the field with the victory. In

thirteen) weeks of the year to cheer on their favorite

what could be described as a replay of the 2017

team, wearing their favorite colors, and reminiscing

National Championship game, it was a continuing

on their favorite memories. I’d like to specifically draw

nightmare for Dawg Nation. Alabama faced off

attention to the University of Georgia Bulldog football

against Clemson in this year's National Championship

team. With apologies to all the Clemson, Alabama,

(again! Ugh…) earlier this month, though at least this

and Ohio State fans around, here’s a year in review:

time Clemson came out on top. Sorry Bama! Y'all got

2018. Year of the Dawg.

your trophy already.

UGA started off the 2018 football season highly

Sadly, the Dawgs also lost against the University of

ranked in the Top-25 best college football teams in

Texas in the Sugar Bowl, one of the New Year’s Six

America. With a favorable schedule and a solid group

bowls. However, looking back at what UGA

of players returning to the field, everyone’s minds

accomplished this season, their playing was truly

were yet again filled with thoughts that the Bulldogs

remarkable. They won eleven games in their third

were destined for greatness. The first six games

season with Kirby Smart at the helm, even with a vast

seemed to breeze by: not much of a challenge. Then

majority of the starters being freshmen and

came LSU, and let’s just say our ego was a little too

sophomores. 2019 is just as promising. Exciting games

big for what we could handle. After chalking up a loss

include Notre Dame (with added motivation for them

in Baton Rouge, UGA went on to win the rest of its

getting into the 2018 CFP) and Texas A&M.

remaining regular season games by an average score

of 20.5 points. These wins included games against a

We have a lot to be grateful about as Dawgs fans,

top-10 ranked Florida team, a top-10 ranked Kentucky

and look forward to many more of the Saturdays we

team—who claimed it was their most impactful game

love in Athens. So from one UGA grad to the next, I

at the time—and a top-20 ranked Auburn team. By the

say, Go Dawgs!

time the one-loss defending SEC and Rose Bowl




Thankfulness: A Satire Sarah Öztürk C'21

As holidays wind down and the new semester gears up, it’s an opportune time to reflect on the multitude of reasons we have to be thankful. Bear with me as I step away from a long semester to draft an even longer list of feelings cultivated through my current yearand-a-half journey through dental school.

MOMENTS OF CURIOSITY Why doesn't our white coat ceremony occur until second year? Or, after receiving this pristine token marking our transition from lab classes to clinic-based ones, when are we supposed to actually wear this coveted garment? In class, does attendance count for us or only against us? But perhaps the best moments are when the universe is in our favor and we finish lab early, making us ask the hardest question: what are we supposed to do with ourselves during daylight hours outside of school?

LUCK We all had our definitions of luck before school. Maybe it was winning tickets to a sold-out sporting event or finding a stellar sale on designer heels. Our definitions of luck evolved here: we consider ourselves


lucky if we’ve never had to take a quiz or

We're grateful when our education

exam on paper because we have religiously

transitions to daily life and we actually feel like

updated our devices, connected to the

rising clinicians. Our smart watches mandate

school's Wi-Fi flawlessly, and in return

increased movement, so we take the stairs: our

uploaded our assignment in

pounding hearts and shaky breathing make us recall

one quick click.

the ASA classification table from our clinic manual. Am I ASA V? During pathology and anatomy lectures we internally deliberate diagnosing ourselves with whatever ailment with resonating symptoms is on the


slide. Who needs WebMD anymore? As family

We’ve racked up hours with Bob, and

gatherings unfold over holidays, the real test of our

occasionally mark this improvement by

education will be if we correctly answer

achieving an effortless streak of sign-offs.

our extended family's dental

We feel like our hands are top-notch and

questions concisely.

weekends logged in the practice lab were worth all the skipped brunches we millennials love. But alas, other weeks hit when we know our hand skills are improving not because of how many pity sign offs we've attained, but because our winged eyeliner goes on miraculously in one swooping flick the first try.






The Adventures of Petey the Dental Student Derrick Coleman '20 | DCG ASDA Publications Chair


On practical day, stars align and we tear the

In an ever evolving world we must give

butcher paper perfectly, marking the excellence

thanks for diversity: when the class Spotify

about to go down during our practical. Or, we sit at a

playlist is on shuffle for once and gifts our ears

Bob in the practice lab and the swivel's light actually

with the harmony of a song, unique from the

works, and we cut a prep in half the time allotted. These

same ten that seem to loop on endless repeat.

moments may be few and far between, but when they

Or when our stomachs grasp that weekly Lunch

happen, they warrant a hair flip or two. At the beginning of

and Learns may include food besides pizza. Or

school, we all questioned how we’d fill a multi-shelved

when we feel we got our money's worth with our

locker. Yet semesters deep into lab classes, our

undergraduate Spanish majors and minors

astonishment has changed: why are our instruments

because we can bromear and charlar

vanishing? How to fit casts, a tackle box, a book bag,

with the hispanohablante professors.

loupes, and supplies in such a confined space? Most importantly, how to juggle everything we need in one trip to the sim lab?

COMIC RELIEF How would we stay sane otherwise? Reflecting on our initial thoughts of a day-inthe-life of a dental student, we realize we had no idea how much shaping wax, pouring stone, and cutting plastic would dominate our weekly todo list. In the summer, we endured stab-lab; our partner's textbook-efficient anesthetic dispensing made us skip lunch, bite our tongue, and drool during the afternoon lectures. Or irony: though Finally, let us raise a toast for moments

we're educated on what spikes a caries risk

of tranquility and bliss: the humming of hand

assessment, around the holidays we egg-on

pieces comes to a lull, no 5 AM alarms are set

each other's Streptococcus mutans

and we realize we have reached break!

activity via candy-grams.Â

But until April comes around, remember to always be thankful!













































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