Module 3 journalfinal

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Foundations of Design : Representation, SEM1, 2017 M3 JOURNAL - PATTERN vs SURFACE Georgia Hodgkinson

914651 Emmanuel Cohen Studio #1


WEEK 6 READING: SURFACES THAT CAN BE BUILT FROM PAPER IN ARCHITECTURAL GEOMETRY Question 1: What are the three elementary types of developable surfaces? Provide a brief description. (Maximum 100 words) The three elementary types of developable surfaces are a cylinder , cone and tangent. Cylinders are formed using a number of parallel lines to create a revolutionary surface. Unfolded, the parrallel lines can create either a smooth cylinder surface or a collection of segmented panels. Cones consit of a profile curve and vertex point, with perpendicular lines between these points. Tangent surfaces of space curves are those where any two consecutive vertices determine the edges of the shape. The shape consists of a polygon that has a sharp turning point and an intersecting surface. All 3 types of developable surfaces are ‘special ruled surfaces because a tangent plane is always tangent to the surface alone an entire ruling and not just a single point.’ These 3 surfaces also have vanishing Guassian curvature. Therefore, the surfaces contain only parabolic surface points or flat points.

Question 2: Why is the understanding of developable surface critical in the understanding of architectural geometry? Choose one precedent from Research/Precedents tab on LMS as an example for your discussion. (Maximum 100 words) Developable surafaces are critical in the development of architectural spaces as they create streamlines surfaces and maximisation of materials. Such as in the Greenhouse by Plasma Studio, the building describes its architectural construction as ‘folding space into space’. The shapes used within the space maximise the ‘structural and systematic parameters of material’ whilst a focus is created around the organisation and resistance of the building’s surfaces. Developable surfaces creates a sense of connectivity within an achitectural space, with contours excentuated and blank spaces limited.



2d Panelling, Pattern: Triangular

2d Panelling, Pattern: Angular Box

2d Panelling, Pattern: Wave



Circular - this pattern is created using circles inside the bounding box in order to make it developable.

Pentagonal - pentagons within the bounding box in order to Hexagonal - hexagons inside the bounding box. This creates

become developable. Triangular areas are created between

an interesting arangement where a new pattern is created be-

each pentagon, therefore the panelised surface would be eas-

tween each panel. This would be difficult to panelise however,

ily folded into shape. Curves are avoided.

as many curves are created.

Final 2d surface used on final model. I liked how the space around the diamond creates a new shape. This will be simple to fold and also allows me to make perferations.


3D PANEL TEST PROTOTYPE & TEMPLATE These 2 shapes created neat and easily developable forms, I resulted in using these 2 prototypes to create my final outcome.

I wasn’t satisfied with the result of this shape - too simple and the open surface does not appear effective

2d templates tests to create 3d shapes. These created a diagonal slanting rectangle and a prism with rectangular and triangular faces. These 2 created prototypes created develop-

This prototype was created by

able surfaces.

combining 2 seperate triangular/rectangular prisms. The result didnt appear neat and was tidious to make.

A slanted rectangular/triangular prism. I liked the result of this prototype which I developed from the ‘angular box’ 2d panel on rhino. However I would prefer my shape to have an opening.



Question 1: What is digital fabrication and how does it change the understanding of two dimensional representation? (Maximum 100 words) Digital fabrication refers to the designing of models using computer programs. While computer technology is used throughout the process of design (such as in engineering and architecture), digital fabrication is often one of the final steps in the process. Rapid-prototyping allows for quick and streamlined models to be produced using computerized data. Models made using computer programs can then be used as a basis for creating full-scaled final products. Digital fabrication enables a design process to eliminate steps in-between the original design and final production. Digital programs such as CAD allow 2 dimensional design drawings to be made efficiently, easily, and they’re also simple to edit. However, as analog methods of architectural drawing became digital, it was found that there wasn’t a fundamental change in 2 dimensional design, there was a similar result under both methods. The greatest change came from the introduction of 3 dimensional computer model-making and digital fabrication. Question 2: Suggest two reasons why folding is used extensively in the formal expression of building design? (Maximum 100 words) In architecture, folding is a both a physical manipulation and a theoretical concept which formally expresses a building’s form. Folding allows for new spaces to be created without eliminating the original characteristics of what is being folded. Theoretically, folding allows for a sense of cohesion to emerge, as well as the continuation of spatial, cutural, social, programmatic and contextual conditions. Essentially, folding creates a simple and direct result which replicates the physical aspects of a building design whilst effectively communicating the conceptual details within the design. Folding is economical, maximises use of materials.



After experimenting with a closed Slanted pyramid - once triangulated this shape resulted in

pyramid, I decided I wanted open

Pentagonal topped pyramid. This experiment resulted in being too

the complexity which I aimed for, however once unrolled,

tops to create more interest.

complex once triangulated - after testing an unroll this shape also

this shape overlapped and was not developable.

did not fold well as it overlapped in some areas.

I simplified my shapes and used cubes, however these didn’t unroll correctly either. I ended up using simplified pyramids to create the surface.

Discontinued panelised surface. When unrolled in Rhino, the individual

Final panelised surface. The final result was successful and the panels were all developable. The surface

panels overlapped and were not developable. I concluded that the

resulted in a curved terrain which dips very low in the center and rises at the left and right sides. I was

issue was the cube shaped panel as well as it being too complex. I resulted,

satisfied with the clear contrast in height upon the surface. I would have liked to have used shapes with

after a few attempts, to simplify the design by using 2 varying shapes, this ended

greater complexity, howvever my attempts weren’t successful so I used simple pyramids and decided to

up in a neat and developable surface.

focus on the rise and dip in the surface to add interest, as well as create an interesting 2d panel.




front1 front3





front4 front5








Selections of unrolled final templates - each template was successfully developable. I added tabs using paneling tools. To make the templates simpler and easier to fold, next time I would remove all triangulated detail which is no longer needed at this stage in the design process. My panels could have been more complex.



Final panelised landscape. The result was succsessful and the terrain resulted in a curved surface. The holes cut into the 2d

The panelised shapes. The varying size of the openings creates

panel allowed for greater flexibility. The contrast in height of

an effecitve surface. The rise and dip in terrain is created once

the shapes is clear, as well as the varying size of the shape’s

the panels were stuck to the 2d surface.




Original terrain surface

The terrain + points was used to construct 2d and 3d panelling. I used the commands custom variBounding box to create

able commands in order to create my own shapes


for panelling.

Contoured surface

I used the UnrollSrf command to unroll each shape. I decided Contouring the surface. Using my terrain file, I used a bounding box, created a mesh

to unroll them individually as I attempted with 3 at once and

then contoured the mesh, which resulted in a series of lines. I then rebuilt the points

discovered they were difficult to fold and construct.

on the contoured surface to simplify it, then from this I build my 2d and 3d panelised surfaces.

I constructed the panels on top of the 2d surface then deleted 50% which I constructed with paper.



Folding the tabs and creating the 3d form. I used double-sided tape as it is strong and neat. Cutting out template using penknife and metal ruler.

Constructing the 2d and 3d surfaces together. I decided to cut into my 2d surface to add a level of complexity. I made this decision also becuse I wasnt able to show the smaller diamond by folding. I found that by cutting into the paper, it gave it more flexibility which helped in shaping the terrain.


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